Meghan Tiffney Britney Amber Dawn Heather McCain was on Bill Maher’s Real Time last night once again demonstrating the utter lunacy of giving tube time and blogging space to the semi-retarded offspring of politicians or political celebrities (cf. Jonah “DoughBlob LoadPants” Goldberg). Painted up like Tammy Faye and stuffed into black ensemble of some sort, Meghan was all, like, totally disgusted, you know, by, like, David Letterman’s joke and that he was like all gross and oatmealy smelling and stuff, for example. Apparently Meghan has never heard about her daddy’s infamous joke about Chelsea Clinton.
The best moment, however, was this* one:
Paul Begala: Ronald Reagan blamed Jimmy Carter everyday for eight years.
Meghan McCain: You know, I wasn’t born yet, so I don’t know about that.**
Paul Begala: You know, I wasn’t born during the French Revolution, but I know about that.
Meghan McCain: Well, apparently you know everything.
Ooooh, snap, Meghan. Now if you had only called Begala “Mr. Braniac” it would have been a total win.
**Meghan was born in 1984. Reagan’s first term commenced in 1981. So Meghan either isn’t sure when she was born or when Reagan was President or both. She does probably know, however, that she wasn’t born during the French Revolution.
UPDATE:The video of the interchange is so much better than the transcript:
Kids? Yoo hoo!
For some reason this reminds me of Monday’s NPR Talk of the Nation discussion, “Is Right-Wing Extremism on the Rise?” Those public radio liberal commies at least had the decency to present both sides of the issue: conservative (Kathleen Parker) and neo-conservative (Jamie Kirchick.) There were no other guests.
Oh my God, that show was painful. What’s even worse is they probably considered Jamie Kirchick as a liberal.
So, the conclusion was that it wasn’t but that it ought to be?
Video link.
Bill Maher
Painted up like Tammy Faye
Are you saying the fucking c*** plasters on her makeup like a trollop?
The future belongs to people like Baby McCain. They’re a kind of titled nobility: “daddy was famous, or rich, or notorious, so I’m a special guest star.” It helps to be blond, prettier than the least pretty talk show host other than Larry King, and to have strongly stated opinions, regardless of merit. Not an amusing observation, I admit, but heartfelt. This is amusing:
At the end of the year, the IRS sent an inspector to audit the books of a synagogue. While he was checking the books, he said to the Rabbi, “I notice you buy a lot of candles. What do you do with the candle drippings?”
“Good question,” noted the Rabbi. “We save them and then send them back tot he candle maker, and every now and again they send us a box of complete candles.”
“Oh,” replied the auditor, somewhat disappointed that his unusual question had a practical answer. On he went in his obnoxious way, “What about all these matzo (bread) purchases? What do you do with all the crumbs?”
“Ah, yes,” replied the Rabbi, realizing that the inspector was trying to trap him with an unanswerable question. “We collect them and send them back tot he manufactures, and every now and again they send us a box of complete matzo.”
“I see,” replied the frustrated auditor, now thinking harder about how he can fluster the know-it-all Rabbi. “Well Rabbi, what do you do with all the leftover foreskins from the circumcisions that you perform?”
“Here too we do not waste,” answered the Rabbi. “We save up all the foreskins and send them to the Internal Revenue Service, and every now and again they send us a back a complete dick.”
OT, but..
I went to the Real Time page which eventually led me to this.
Don’t mess with Texas. At least not if your a 72 year old lady and Texas has a taser.
I saw this too. It’s unfortunate for the GOP that one of the saner spokespeople they have at the moment has such a total Valley Girl vibe.
Did I say unfortunate? I meant to say hilarious.
The best part is that of course she was born during the Reagan administration. I’m sure she has little memory of it, but, um, yeah. Wow.
Being born on third base and claiming a home run is SOP for Republicans. Meeg endeared herself to me with her “Does he even know who the fuck I am?” remark on being found one ticket short for admission to the White House Correspondants’ Dinner. I know who the fuck you are, Meghan, you’re one of the members of the Lucky Sperm Donor Club and you’d be hard pressed to find and hold a job flipping burgers if not for your antecedents.
As awful and ill-informed an interviewer as he can be when TOTN focuses on the utterly trivial, Neil Conan is actually even worse when he’s abusing substance.
Love the diversity of the guests.
t’s unfortunate for the GOP that one of the saner spokespeople they have at the moment has such a total Valley Girl vibe.
If you aren’t batshit the-South-will-rise-again tax-cuts Socialism! can you reduce that to a Tweet? insane the GOP would rather not hear from you.
Hey, she’s got her daddy’s anger issues and apparently her mom’s makeup kit, but at least she’s vocally pro-same-sex marriage, which– annoyingly– puts her in company with Dick Cheney as being more progressive on that subject than Obama.
I know who the fuck you are, Meghan, you’re one of the members of the Lucky Sperm Donor Club and you’d be hard pressed to find and hold a job flipping burgers if not for your antecedents.
Bill Kristol, people!
Our country’s tough guys and their moms and dads
Prompted by my post from yesterday about Bill Kristol and Fred Kagan, I want to raise an issue which I think receives far less attention than its significance warrants. Among the country’s most influential neoconservatives, one finds extremely pervasive nepotism. Beyond that, a conspicuously high percentage of them have had their careers created, shaped and fueled by their parents. They have been dependent upon the accomplishments of their parents, especially their fathers, whose political views they end up reciting almost without deviation.
– Glennzilla
As awful and ill-informed an interviewer as he can be when TOTN focuses on the utterly trivial, Neil Conan is actually even worse when he’s abusing substance.
Wish I still had the podcast where he offered Michael Savage a free forum to defend himself against “hate speech” charges. WIthin minutes, Savage went batshit on a caller and hung up on Conant. Instead of offering even a diplomatic “Well, there you have it,” Neil spent the rest of the segment placidly eating shit and cooing anodyne inanities.
Meghan McCain: Well, apparently you know everything.
Did she move her neck back and forth while she said it? Oooh, girlfriend, you so smart!
‘Why you got to pick on me just ’cause I don’t know somethin’?’
I’m sure that if they had asked her she would have blamed Carter as well. Despite the fact that she wasn’t born yet and doesn’t know. Certainly not knowing anything has not stopped these people from having strong opinions in the past.
It’s here. Conan is bad enough, but it’s the other guest (Michael Harrison?) who’s really fellating Michael “Teh Savage” Weiner.
What NPR has become is nothing short of reprehensible. I can’t imagine even someone like David Broder giving such a polite, genuflecting, whitewashed treatment of, frankly, evil.
What’s really a galling shame about NPR is that when NPR demonstrated a rather minor but still notable independence from the pro-war hypergasm of 2002 – 2003, Joan Kroc (of the McDonalds fortune) gave NPR $200 million dollars in order to encourage independent news reporting.
Funny how that worked out.
Our country’s tough guys and their moms and dads
Thriving under daddy’s cap.
Ok, so Meghan doesn’t know squat about Reagan era politics because she was all of 4 years old when St. Ronnie left office. What excuses do conservative pundits 20 or more years her senior have?
I find the implied logic that, “if it happened before I was personally on this Earth, it doesn’t matter,” completely conceited and ignorant.
But I guess that does make her the ideal spokesperson for the Republican party.
True, however the institutional memory of the Republican party was longer back when Strom Thurmond was still alive. Well at least as far back as Strom’s age minus 20 or so years.
What excuses do conservative pundits 20 or more years her senior have?
The knowing is inconvenient. That’s what the memory hole is for.
Speaking of which, I believe the neocons have adopted 1984 as their blueprint.
We’ve always been at war with
RussiaIraqIran.And nothing is more important to the program than an ignorant, terrified, angry populace.
Now appearing on FAUX: Your regularly scheduled Two Minutes Hate.
It’s worse. It’s “If it happened before I was personally on this Earth, it’s totally unfair of you to bring it up. Because it is totally unfair to ever in any way reference the fact that you know things I don’t.”
She raises a good question or two: Is it okay to know things that other people don’t? And if so, should you be allowed to mention them? Or is it all just so unfair?
She’s just using another infamous Rovian debate tactic, attack from your own weakness, in this case, ignorance.
I think Ms McCain’s implied point that it is unfair to know things she doesn’t is a good one. Such unfairness will soon be actionable in a Palin/Bachmann administration.
I think “ha ha you’re old” is exactly the message that conservatives want to hear.
McCain only has the one daughter, right.
Saw her on the Daily Show a few weeks back. Far from the worst wingnut out there, but she would be day-shift manager at Target if her daddy wasn’t John McCain.
You know, Megan’s position of “unfair not to know stuff other people do” is not really any different than everyone else who treated her Dad’s role in destroying the Savings & Loan industry as not worth knowing.
Oh come on….cut Megs some slack…..I mean some U.S. Americans don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as, uh, South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as,…..
McCain only has the one daughter, right.
Wrong. He has Bridget, the adopted daughter.
Hey, she’s got her daddy’s anger issues and apparently her mom’s makeup kit, but at least she’s vocally pro-same-sex marriage, which– annoyingly– puts her in company with Dick Cheney as being more progressive on that subject than Obama.
Notice, however, that neither of them holds the reins of power.
In fact, when he DID have the opportunity to direct substantive change in the realm of civil rights, Dick was quite silent on the issue, merely snarling “private matter. Private Matter! Fuck You!!”
Not saying Obama’s actions are laudable, or that I see them as correct. Just saying that these two republicans are talking shit, as is their wont.
I don’t recall.
OK, fine.
Fer shure, fer shure.
She’s a valley girl and there is no cure.
She does probably know, however, that she wasn’t born during the French Revolution.
Yeah, well, only because Captain Nerdypants Begala tipped her off is totally the only reason.
Of course it’s unfair to know things Meghan McCain doesn’t. She’s rich and from a powerful family, and that’s all that REALLY counts. If you know something she doesn’t it’s because you did something sneaky. Like read. Or listen.
Like read. Or listen.
Or think. Out of all the sneaksie things we liberals do that are unfair to conservatives, that one tops the list.
Meghan was all, like, totally disgusted, you know, by, like, David Letterman’s joke
but her dad calling her mom the C word in front of reporters even, and not joking one little bit, was A-OK.
Ah, the academic elite. Those people who work hard all their lives to LEARN things obviously can’t be trusted to KNOW things. No, no, no! It is the economically elite we should turn to. Those people who have an ancestor that did something either very shrewd or very illegal to make obscene amounts of money, those are the ones we should trust to actually know something.
And the sad thing is she seems like one of the saner GOPasaurs.
Saner, not bright. Saner.
He said “French”. To a whole world of wingnuts he lost the argument right there.
Why you people gotta know all this shit, and use all these damn words?
Stephen Colbert (the character, anyway) was quite taken with her, especially when she called herself a “Pro-sex Republican,” with a Valley-Grilish accent on the word “Purrroh.” Colbert said, “I think every time you say ‘Pro Sex Republican,’ their numbers go up.” She seems pleasant enough, but doesn’t seem to have actually thought anything through.
You know, in most of the world people use squatter-type “toilets” (really just slots in the floor) for doing their duty.
Just a suggestion for whoever does the next installment of “Wingnuts On Their Rightful Thrones”
Hey, why should I know anything about Operation Ajax? I wasn’t even born then. 1953 is like, when Mohammed (pbuh) was like around and stuff? Also.
Or think. Out of all the sneaksie things we liberals do that are unfair to conservatives, that one tops the list.
Or follow Jesus’ dictum to actually care about somebody other than ourselves.
It’s nasty to talk about Jesus’ private parts like that.
Yeah, but Jesus was technically three people, (I think?!) so he could care about two other people without caring about anyone but himself at the same time?! (shut up Augustine at the back)
So, you could expand it to caring about yourself, ma and pa at a stretch, unless some loony lib captures you and injects you with EMPATHY(tm).
Or even flouride come to think of it.
if jesus REALLY cared about people other the then the GOP he would’nt have made them poor or brown in the first place. QED.
Watching newly provided clip, it’s clear that her comment wasn’t meant as a dodge or excuse, but a dig at Paul for having the absolute gaul of not being under the age of 30.
Also, she was on Colbert Report, not Daily Show. Whoops.
The thing with her is that she has nothing to SAY, and certainly no real ideas; she just waltzes on TV, looks pretty, and tells us what she believes is true. That’s nice, sweetie, but the grown ups are talking. Go away.
I have a like/dislike feeling for the Maher show (not even strong enough feelings to call it love/hate) in general. When they brought young McCain out, I thought, “this will probably be painful.” Sure enough, it was. I didn’t stick around to hear the above-mentioned repartee.
Meghan writes: Yes, there are people as fanatical about guns as others are about fashion, entertainment, music, or any other obsession. And sometimes they are portrayed unfavorably in the pop-culture world. Now, I know a small portion of them probably deserve some ridicule. But no more than any other “out-of-control” celebrity with another exploitative story.
Well, except that we have no need to call the meat wagon when out-of-control celebrity Meghan McCain posts another “exploitative story.”
So she’s pretty much like every other pundit on the teevee, except pretty. No wonder she’s popular.
Shorter Meghan:
Why you bringing up old shit?
Member of the Lucky Sperm Club? Check
Sense of entitlement? Check
Untroubled by knowledge of history? Check
Frequently appears on talk shows because of who she is rather what she’s accomplished? Check
Girlfriend is going to go far.
If knowing more than a conservative makes one a loser, then who wants to win?
There are known knowns and there are known unknowns. There are also unknown unknowns, and apparently Meghan’s historical knowledge falls into that category.
Ugh, and she enacts the “I’m just a blonde” defense.
Did you notice how quick Maher was to seize the opportunity to paw at her?
Maher’s infatuation with Ann Coulter was one of the reasons that I stopped watching his show.
Maher’s infatuation with Ann Coulter was one of the reasons that I stopped watching his show.
He might have just been doing research on strange new lifeforms.
However, more realistically, it is probably because she can suck a bowling ball through a .5 mm pipette.
I heard that she could suck a pinball through fifty feet of garden hose.
you’d be hard pressed to find and hold a job flipping burgers if not for your antecedents
And they’re doing everything possible to perpetuate the breed by doing away with the estate a.k.a. “death” tax. Just the thing to motivate a kid – let him or her know right from birth that they’ll never want for anything.
Some of the most useless excuses for human beings I’ve ever met were the children of well-off people. I’ll never forget watching my former next-door neighbor (who was in his late twenties) call his rich CEO daddy and literally cry because he’d spent all his money on drugs and couldn’t buy any groceries. (and of course Daddy prompty showed up with half the local Safeway) He sounded like a fucking four-year-old throwing a tantrum, and it made me want to throw up. In some ways, having too much money is worse than not having enough, particularly during your formative years. And I say that as the kid from the trailer park who grew up dirt poor.
In some ways, having too much money is worse than not having enough, particularly during your formative years. And I say that as the kid from the trailer park who grew up dirt poor.
As a kid from Sprawling Mansionville who grew up filthy rich, I concur. Fortunately, my parents anticipated the problem and knew how to raise me properly (specifically, by *not* providing me with everything I could ever want), so I didn’t turn out a helpless and spoiled brat.
As for my classmates (and their families)…well, that’s a different story. Let’s just say that I’m careful not to be anywhere NEAR my hometown when reunions are going on.
You know, I just watched the whole bit, and Meghan came off as naive and uninformed, a bit young girl snotty, but she was contrite enough that she is indeed a million times saner than the screaming Dixie Uprising brigades.
What’s really pathetic is that their side is watching this and when she says: [sarcasm] “Well, apparently you know everything.” [/sarcasm], they’re slapping their knees and guffawing, and saying: “Blar-har-har! I guess you told him!!111!! That’s gunna leave a mark!”
Paul Begala vs Megan McCain
Boxer Ken Clean-Air System vs Miss Petula Wilcox
Let’s not forget that after fucking up for 8 years (and blaming Clinton for most of those), the Bush-Cheney junta blamed their housing bubble on poor people and liberals.
After watching the clip, I’d say her “you know everything” comment was less egregiously dumb than the transcript makes it seem. However, the emptiness of her comment (about how Obama should stop blaming the previous admin.), and the inanity of her “I wasn’t born yet” comment, remain undiminished.
What’s funny is, that being ignorant, and from a wealthy and powerful family has – for a giant chunk of human history – been a pretty solid guarantee that your opinions and desires are more important than everyone else’s.
In a truly awful sense, Meghan McCain is fundamentally conservative.
>Let’s not forget that after fucking up for 8 years (and blaming Clinton for most of those), the Bush-Cheney junta blamed their housing bubble on poor people and liberals.
They’ve also concluded that unions cause unemployment. This last wraps it all up for them because they now have someone to blame (Other than themselves) for everything that went wrong as a result of applying every last on of their big ideas.
So you think Meghan is a twit?
Finally, something both left and right can agree on.
Hey Arky, that ship arrived too late to save the drowning witch. If you know what I mean, and I think you do.
So you think Meghan is a twit? Finally, something both left and right can agree on.
The consensus here in leftie-land seems to be that she is a twit, but less of one than any actual Republican elected official, so I’m not sure how much we all really agree. I appreciate the attempt to reach around – err, across – the aisle, tho.
Best part was the end of the clip, where she fell back on the ‘I’m just a dumb blonde’ trope. Guess what, dearie — Begala was actually engaging you like an adult. The fact that he even retorted to your non-sequitur, rather than dismissing it as the undeveloped thoughtlet that it truly was, proves it.
Also, love it when a female rightard makes such an implication. If it came from some vapid liberal actress, for example, the wingers would have at her for great justice.
She has the vibe of a younger, prettier, not-quite-as-insane Debbie Schlussel… or a chunky Reese Witherspoon. Her, “I’m just a blonde” defense was a poor sympathy ploy, seeing that she has been given several public fora for her opinions, and she has chosen to use them.
Rats, beaten to the punch!
I liked her better when she was telling the right-wing pundit establishment to kiss her fat ass.Now it seems she’s trying to secure a position in the idiocracy.
I don’t blame her. I blame the established media who think her opinions are worth broadcasting on the tube. Hey, if nepotism was acceptable on both sides of the aisle, we’d be seeing Senator Caroline Kennedy on C-SPAN right now.
Look, a lefty will from time to time blindside conservatives and even RINOs like Meghan McCain with actual knowledge and facts. That’s dirty pool in my book, but I keep telling Meghan that I refuse to defend plus size women like her. Partly out of contempt, but mostly because there’s only room for so many bleach blonde shills in the GOP. Work some other corner, sweetie!
The only exception to my “no fat chicks” rule is that I will defend K-Lo. However that’s due to my sense of self-preservation, not solidarity.
I really take offense at that “I’m just a blonde” shit. It’s such a shallow copout. My wife is blonde and she’s nobody’s fool, and neither are millions of other blonde women. If you’re that ignorant, own it, don’t hide behind your hair color.
ABOVE: Meghan in her office
Worst Davros impersonation EVAH.
Worst Davros impersonation EVAH.
Even worse than David Gooderson’s performance?
I really take offense at that “I’m just a blonde” shit. It’s such a shallow copout.
I know. People keep calling me an idiot because of the color of my hair, not the content of my actual idiotic words!
Did I mention lately that I have Ph.D?
I fuckin’ cackled at this, lemme tell ya
[i] I blame the established media who think her opinions are worth broadcasting on the tube.[/i]
I blame John Kenneth Galbraith. If he’d have just bitch slapped Buckley on macro isues ala Krugman on Will/Sullivan, the world would be a much better place.
or whatever wacky markup language this place uses. I was using “script” tags and IBM carriage controls before most of you were born anyway! GML was for ‘tards so I don’t know what that makes out of you XHTML users.
The fact is, I am back and more popular than ever, thanks to Twitter and the Conservative TCOT network of facts and logic.
Obsama is not very popular, now, is he libs?
Buyers remorse yet, class warriors?
Maybe you shoult shut up and work harder like we do in the Heartland.
“The fact is, I am back and more popular than ever”
Yay! Gary finally made it in gay porn, guys! Aw, that’s swell, Gary! The fact is, I look forward to renting “Fuckbandits in the Heartland XII: Open Up and Work Harder”.
Maybe you shoult shut up and work harder like we do in the Heartland.
Taking all those tax dollars from the Blue States is hard work.
You know, in most of the world people use squatter-type “toilets” (really just slots in the floor) for doing their duty.
Just a suggestion for whoever does the next installment of “Wingnuts On Their Rightful Thrones”
The fact is, I misspelled my URL.
Maybe you shoult shut up and work harder like we do in the Heartland.
There’s a reason we call it the Heart-land. It’s because the brain isn’t here.
Neither is da noive.
Just a suggestion for whoever does the next installment of “Wingnuts On Their Rightful Thrones”
Stick to the classics, sez I.
Has anyone said this yet? I blame Maher (for inviting her, obviously). And God help her when that “I’m young and you’re not” card is no longer playable.
What’s funny is, that being ignorant, and from a wealthy and powerful family has – for a giant chunk of human history – been a pretty solid guarantee that your opinions and desires are more important than everyone else’s.
We really are many, many years tardy already in establishing our own national championship Upper Class Twit of the Year competition.
She comes from wealthy stock. It isn’t her role to “Know” it is her role to “Lead”.
If Ms. McCain needs to know anything about the French Revolution she now ‘knows’ 😉 whom to hire.
The French Revolution?
Interesting history choice there, Paul.
Verry interesting…
One step away from advocating the guillotine! Hate speech! Ban him!!
For those who are calling Meghan a “righty” and a “Republican”:
She was previously registered as an Independent.
And, blonde or not, SHE’S STILL A TWIT. Great P-Shop, btw.
It’s not that Megan was previously unwilling to register as a Republican, it’s that up until that time she was unable to spell her own name.
She was previously registered as an Independent.
And now?
Yeah, but Jesus was technically three people
Was Shakespeare three women?
One step away from advocating the guillotine! Hate speech! Ban him!!
That’s what Atrios would do.
Was Shakespeare three women?
Three women, one cup.
All of
absolute gaulJesus is divided into three parts.WITH A GUILLOTINE.
That’s what Atrios would do.
I honestly believed that ‘tumbrils’ were musical instruments when I was urging their deployment.
And now she’s a Republican, but it doesn’t mean she changed her original center-left views. My point is that the change was superficial and shallow, like everything else with
TwitGurlMeghan.“Well, apparently you know everything.”
I recall using that same sort of debating technique when I was 13 years old. Another version is: “Okay, fine! you’re right! I’m wrong! you win!”
Thanks for the clip. My God, I’d bet Angelyne could outwit this woman.
Uh, shouldn’t someone in their mid-twenties raised in Phoenix and educated at Columbia sound a lot less like a valley girl? Unless of course her elocutory role models reside solely in the vapid television-clogging lala-land celebrity chatter she claims to abhor…
It’s not that Megan was previously unwilling to register as a Republican…
I understand troofie’s point, though – just because someone is now a Republican doesn’t mean you can go around calling them a Republican.
Just like how just because somebody died, and they were reluctant to, they were alive before so it’s not fair to say they’re “dead” now.
Gaqry Ruppert writes: Maybe you shoult shut up and work harder like we do in the Heartland.
O God if only. Needless to say, Gary, if you would actually shut up and work harder in the Heartland, there’d be no need for states like mine to carry your state’s sorry red ass.
Your”heartland” states are measurably less productive, less educated, and contribute less to the economy. They take more from the Federal Government in subsidy, and contribute less in revenues.
Work harder, please.
Oh, and shut up!
Let’s get some shoes!
Troofie, in the state where I live, and I’m willing to bet in yours too, “Independent” means: “Republican, but I want t fuck up the Democratic primary by voting for whoever I think the weakest candidate is.”
That’s what Atrios would do.
If Atrios jumped in front of a SUPERTRAIN, would you do it too?
End mom/teacher/childhood authority figure snark.
I thought it was kind of Begala to not respond, “Oh, that’s right, you were conceived AFTER your father’s divorce from his first wife. It’s so hard for me to keep those dates straight…”
Just like how just because somebody died, and they were reluctant to, they were alive before so it’s not fair to say they’re “dead” now.
That would be a good analogy if it weren’t for the fact that it’s a really bad analogy, lol. But your snark is well-taken.
I understand troofie’s point, though
I’m sure you do, the point being that Twitgrrrl didn’t make her choice based on ideology, but rather convenience. Remember, DINOs are just as irritating to you as RINOs are to us.
“Independent” means: “
RepublicanDemocrat, but I want t fuck up theDemocraticRepublican primary by voting for whoever I think the weakest candidate is.”Actually, I think it cuts both ways.
my name is troofie, don’t wear it out
I keep hearing that in Ozzy Osborne’s voice, to the tune of N.I.B., with a thumping great bass solo beforehand. I promise to seek professional help.
Well, I smell a bit funky anyway.
Way down here where no one will read it…
I thought the best part was the audience reaction. Belaga was winning that contest hands down. It was almost like Maher was protecting her from the crowd as much as Belaga.
But. Why is she on the show? Why?
Well, I smell a bit funky anyway.
LOL @ trollist formerly known as troof!
She’s her father’s daughter.
You libs can have that dumb bitch. Take that hairy cunt. We Won’t miss her. And take her senile loser father, too!
I am so sure, she was just like, totally wanting to call him like a “grody old Bufu” but then remembered her handler telling her to keep her cool, like, back in the green-room while she was checking her hair – so like, she just freaked right out totally from cognitive conflict, I am like SO SURE.
Just like how just because somebody died, and they were reluctant to, they were alive before so it’s not fair to say they’re “dead” now.
That would be a good analogy if it weren’t for the fact that it’s a really bad analogy, lol. But your snark is well-taken.
Troofie doesn’t have time to point out the flaw in your logic, but I do and will:
If he were a True Scotsman, death could not have taken him; if he were not a TS, he never truly lived.
SomeGuy – don’t you mean Meghie would be day-shift manager at Target if her mommy didn’t have a fortune from flogging beer? (In the English meaning of flogging, that is.)
Please stop refereeing to MiniMcCain as pretty. She may have blonde hair, expensive clothes, a trust fund and a staff to do her makeup, but she is -not- pretty. At best she is average.
She’s also a complete moron.
Abbreviating True Scotsman as “TS” is just confusing. I mean, one is a guy in a skirt and no underpants, and the other is a logical fallacy.
Four years ago, I watched the movie “Idiocracy” and thought that it was funny. Haha, the entire world’s IQ gradually decreases until the people in charge of our world’s future all have the intelligence and tact of a bunch of Jerry Springer guests; until the act of explaining something to someone who’s not as informed as you are is dismissed as “fag talk;” and the major decisions of our society are left to the results of a demolition derby.
I’m now beginning to believe I am far too optimistic. Meghan McCain is our nation’s future. I now understand why some people think UFO’s or God will come to our rescue. It’s an act of desperation. But what else do we have when the world is ruled by nitwits?
Wonkette covers Megan.
“O God if only. Needless to say, Gary, if you would actually shut up and work harder in the Heartland, there’d be no need for states like mine to carry your state’s sorry red ass.
Your”heartland” states are measurably less productive, less educated, and contribute less to the economy. They take more from the Federal Government in subsidy, and contribute less in revenues.
Work harder, please.”
Hi, it’s the ‘blue’ heartland calling (hint: find Illinois on a map and go directly north). Fuck you.
Of course, I typed this at work, so perhaps you’re right.
Blue heartland doesn’t count as “real heartland” because people who have educations, jobs, and vote Democratic aren’t really American or something. Now, I’ve never quite figured out the details of how they work that out, but apparently the logic runs something like “because shut up, that’s why.”
59 Les Paul Copy writes: Hi, it’s the ‘blue’ heartland calling (hint: find Illinois on a map and go directly north). Fuck you.
Yeah, that’s fair, Les, and my apologies. I went to college at Beloit, incidentally, but– well.
Look, there’s no use defending the “heartland” moniker. It’s one of a number of slightly creepy and chauvinistic semantic nulls colonized by conservatives to refer to their hillbilly base in Appalachia, and like, say,”Fatherland,” to give one example, really does no one proud.
Not them, not me, and certainly not you.
Norman Rockwell no longer roams the Earth, and now is a time to put aside childish things and set about the business of returning a planet from the brink of the real and serious danger of destroying itself in a maelstrom of meaningless euphemizing and a bullshitstorm of newspeak.
So, explodin’ wingnuts, Les, that’s my meat. Catch ’em in a whopper and they blows up real good. Try it yourself. It’s not just good for the planet– hot damn, it’s big fun! Sheeit, lookit that one go up like a house afire!
Of course, I typed this at work, so perhaps you’re right.
Ayyyy, atsa kay, you gooda kid.
Slippy Toad writes: Four years ago, I watched the movie “Idiocracy” and thought that it was funny. Haha, the entire world’s IQ gradually decreases
I think I can promise that this will not happen. The entire world’s IQ (the average) will remain constant at 100.
Cyril M Kornbluth felt the same way, though, which is why he wrote a short story called “The Marching Morons” back in ’51, which covers the same ground.
He without a doubt would have considered Mike Judge to be an example of what he prophecied in his own tale, which had to with a suspended-animate from his own era suddenly being re-animated in the far future, only to discover that he is easily the smartest man– well, you’ve seen Judge’s movie, so you already know the story, I guess.
Mike Judge had best steer clear of Harlan Ellison’s work, is all I can say, who is alive and well and heavily armed with a staff of intellectual property attorneys you wouldn’t believe.
Please to be considering epithet suggesting procreation redacted.
The Truth of the Matter writes: You libs can have that dumb bitch.
No, thanks!
A last add for 59 Les Paul Copy:
I miss Wisconsin. As I say, I was a student at Beloit College there, in the early to mid seventies, and never met a more sensible person than the average wiscan. I pray that Point Beer is still available. I remember the margarine riots, hee hee.
And I remember the completely batshit crazy American Socialist Party, neonazis with uniforms and everything, setting up their card tables outside the local Piggly Wiggly with a lectern for Frank Collin who huffed and puffed about the threat of whatever the hell it was he was so threatened by.
The stolid citizenry of Beloit Wisconsin came and listened patiently and then began laughing, and didn’t stop until Frank and his sheep sheepishly folded up the card tables and went away (to Skokie, as you may know).
Good town. Good state. Good people. Good times.
Oh, and I was at the time the proud owner and player of a 62 SG. 🙂
Are you saying the fucking c*** plasters on her makeup like a trollop?
No. Like her mom.