She blew out her flip-flop/ Stepped on a pop-top…


Improved body armor is bad for troops good for troops, and Hillary Clinton is despicable for calling for a body-armor study not showing up at a hastily-called Republican body-armor meeting.

See today’s Malkin post here. (“The pen became a funny little honky-horn…” –H.W.L.)

Relevant link here.


Comments: 59


*tips hat to The tECHNIDA* Now that we have a definition for “merkin”, can I suggest that we officially refer to her as “Michelle Merkin” from now on? PLEEEZE?!


You are fucking kidding me. What a bitchy cunt.

MM, not HC.


Mary, mother of God, save me from spin…

Where do you see anyone saying flat-out that those of us disagreeing with Senator Klinoon’s conclusions about our military’s body armor are “anti-armor”? Fer gossakes, we are not against THAT, especially since those of us who actually wear the armor for a living are quite keen to have the best available.

Criticize Malkin all you want (is that graphic for real, btw) but at least she pretends to listen to the professional military before opening her pie hole.
“There are more things in heaven and earth, Gavin, Than are dreamt of in your

Can it be possible that the opponents of Shillary’s idiotic bloviations for purely political profit also agree with her sentiment that our troops should have the best gear available?

Nah, coservative bad Clinton gud.

Sorry, forgot.


That’s seriously Ultimate Wingnut material. That woman is beyond shameless.


Can it be possible that the opponents of Shillary’s idiotic bloviations for purely political profit also agree with her sentiment that our troops should have the best gear available?

While Malkin only has the troops’ best interest at heart.

Mother of Christ. I don’t give a shit what Hillary’s motivations are in this case. These questions need to be asked. If they happen to make the Bush administration look like idiots, then oh well. This stuff has been going on for years now. I first heard stories of military parents buying their sons and daughters armor back in 2003. Just last year, a soldier cornered Rummy at a press conference and grilled him about lack of properly armored vehicles (“RUMMY WAS SET UP!!!1!” the pathetic toadies in the wingnutosphere howled).

This is a serious problem, fucktards. A study by the Army said it was a serious problem. Now that there’s some public pressure, something is being done about it:

Military officials Wednesday told members of the Senate Armed Services Committee during a closed-door hearing that improvements to the body armor worn by troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are under way and manufacture of the beefed-up personal protection will begin soon.

I am simply amazed that after two years of long and bloody occupation, the absurd and ridiculous hacks of the wingnutosphere like Malkin and Powerline continue to unabashedly shill for this administration.


Peter, just a couple days ago you were saying that troops didn’t want added (= actually upgraded) body armor…

And now the GOP and Malkin do a whizzy 180, and it’s suddenly exactly the opposite.

I just want to know how you guys do that.


I just want to know how you guys do that.

It’s easy when you have no core principles.

Someone really needs to FOIA Malkin’s ass. I’m almost positive she’s on the White House payroll. Check it, Fumento got busted today:


OMFG! Fumento was taking payoffs!


Wow that makes Peter the first winger I’ve seen who comprehends that the “pretending to listen” part is the second-biggest problem with lying fluffers like Merkin. That, of course, comes in a distant second to the “opening her pie-hole” part.

Someone give him a head pat!


Thanks CelticGirl, but credit should really go to tigrismus for the Freudian typo. I just provided the UrbanDictionary definition…and it’s the perfect diss for Malkin.

BTW, it’s E-C-H-I-D-N-A, as in this guy.
It’s OK, it’s easy to mistype, and as many errors as I can do, I’m no spelling nazi.


Malkin’s use of the milibloggers as the be-all, end-all of opinions within the military is similarly laughable. The Pentagon strictly filters what members of the armed forces can and cannot blog about. They allow the pro-Bush ones to say whatever they want while silencing the ones critical of the administration. See here for an example.

(And incidentally, I don’t begrudge the military for doing this- it’s exactly what I expect them to do.)


I never make tyops. OK, I do, but beieve or don’t that one was on purpose, a foil(or riposte, even)for the less than impressive “Klintoon” some seem to think so kewl. I hope you checked the etymology as well as the meaning!




I said that troops do not want to be “safe” if it leads to an inability to function in a combat environment. Read the post again, and the comments. My point here is that we do not want civilians to be running the details of this war, or any war regardless of political affiliation.

NIce spin though.

Tell me how you “lefties” manage to sell the idea of “supporting” the troops but hating the war, or all war? Interesting notion, that. If swaddling us in even more gear is your idea of “support”, then your support is not welcome.

And give your police a pat on the head for escorting the Muslim “youths”onto the rollerriot train there melior.

At any rate, I need to say again that you need to hate the message, not the messenger. Thanks for the head pat, though. Your staggering depth of knowleget just shatters my notions of military necessity.


That tactic works for right wingers, so we’re coopting it, e.g. “you disagree with the president, you’re pro-terrorist, treasonous, anti-troops, etc.”


Peter, just a couple days ago you were saying that troops didn’t want added (= actually upgraded) body armor…
And now the GOP and Malkin do a whizzy 180, and it’s suddenly exactly the opposite.
I just want to know how you guys do that.

Before I get buried in strawmen from Peter (starting above from “Tell me”), Michael Jackson from The Wiz has the answer for you, Gavin:

You can’t win
You can’t break even
And you can’t get out of the game
People kee sayin’
Things are gonna change
But they look us like
You’re stayin’ the same

You can’t win
Get over your head
And you only have yourself to blame
You can’t win Child
(You can’t win Child)
You ain’t break even
And you can’t get out of the game

And I’m just ribbing ya, tigrismus… o_-


What’s knowleget?


Malkin’s use of the milibloggers as the be-all, end-all of opinions within the military is similarly laughable. The Pentagon strictly filters what members of the armed forces can and cannot blog about. They allow the pro-Bush ones to say whatever they want while silencing the ones critical of the administration. See here for an example.

And a lot of lefties enshire anything Hillary says as holy writ.

The military is not in the business of censoring anything unless it reveals secret information. I am glad that Michelle Malkin reads milblogs. I only wish that more people would before expressing opinions about things they are terminally ignorant about.

Here is the Army’s policy on weblogging:

You want to believe that the marjority of milbloggers believe as you do, but a quick tecnorati search reveals that this is just not so.

(And incidentally, I don’t begrudge the military for doing this- it’s exactly what I expect them to do.)

What you want is for the milbloggers who criticize Shillary’s bloviations to be silenced. not gonna happen.


That tactic works for right wingers, so we’re coopting it, e.g. “you disagree with the president, you’re pro-terrorist, treasonous, anti-troops, etc.”

Where did I say anything like that? Can you cite a quote? I am not suggesting that people who disagree with me are un-American. I may suggest that some who disagree are ignorant, insane or needlessly hateful.

It is a stupid thing to say, unless someone actually gives material aid or comforts the enemy (such as Jose Padilla, or Code Pinko). Speech is harmless, unless it reveals operational doctrine, troop movement or other secret information.


Who are these lefties who are so in thrall to Hillary? I personally think both she and her husband are cynical political hacks who will gladly sacrifice principal for a shot at further power. Her efforts to “moderate” show she may not be as politically savvy as I thought. She’s pretty naive if she thinks she’ll get anything like a fair shake from anyone on the right as your posts illustrate.


My original post was actually meant to be in answer to your first post on the thread, specifically. “Where do you see anyone saying flat-out that those of us disagreeing with Senator Klinoon’s conclusions about our military’s body armor are “anti-armor”?”


And I wasn’t referring to you specifically. Don’t be so defensive.


Hey Brad, who was the Milblog guy who Andrew (Poor Man) wrote about, who got forced off the Net and had to issue a loyalty statement to the Prez?

A bunch of us wrote to him to say we were sorry to see him go.


The tECHIDNA: Soooooo sorry for the typo – I swear I looked at it three times and still got it wrong! It’s like everyone wants to capitalize my handle or make it two words. No, it’s all one word, all small case, all the time.

But, whoever gets the credit, Merkin rules!


Well it’s been a few days now and maybe I’ll see what’s up at Sadly No!. Maybe some cute kittens or some awful kittens or somebody got their head stuck in a jar…

*sigh* time to quit the interenets again.


My point here is that we do not want civilians to be running the details of this war, or any war regardless of political affiliation.

The Defense Department is, believe it or not, run by civilians. The fucktardity you display is quite simply off the charts.


You want to believe that the marjority of milbloggers believe as you do, but a quick tecnorati search reveals that this is just not so.

No, I don’t- people in the military are generally rather conservative. But nor do I believe that they all think everything Rumsfeld and Co. do is peachy keen.

And yes, the military does censor blogs that don’t toe the line. Again, that’s perfectly fine- the Army isn’t a democracy, after all. But recognize it for what it is.

What you want is for the milbloggers who criticize Shillary’s bloviations to be silenced. not gonna happen.

It’d be nice if you, you know, cited any evidence that I wanted these bloggers “silenced.”


Hey Brad, who was the Milblog guy who Andrew (Poor Man) wrote about, who got forced off the Net and had to issue a loyalty statement to the Prez?

Gav- I provided the link earlier in the thread.

Like I said, I’m not surprised the military does stuff like that. But people should recognize this stuff for what it is.


No prob, celticgirl.

Most days, people care about Billary as they did for Bennifer when they were an item…in that they’re pretty frickin’ apathetic.

It’s been nearly 5 years to the day since Bill Clinton left office, and Hillary has an uphill battle to win the hearts of anyone to the left of the DLC, including this echidna, to say the least.



‘Tell me how you “lefties” manage to sell the idea of “supporting” the troops but hating the war, or all war?’

I’m not sure how to explain this concept to somebody who somehow sees a self-evident contradiction. I’ll try, though, typing slowly and sticking to small words.

We lefties (no need for scare quotes – that’s what many of us proudly are) oppose the war because it was launched in the name of the “war on terror” against a nation that, though ruled by a despicable despot, had not been involved in the attack against our country on 9/11 and did not come close to being either the gravest and most immediate threat to our country’s security or the worst current despot around. There are many other reason to hate this war, but that’s a good starting point.

We support the troops by trying to keep them from being sent to fight wars that do not enhance our nation’s security, under conditions in which they are being used as pawns by the political leaders of this country to advance their own narrow interests. You have been sent into battle with insufficient body armor and underarmored vehicles not because the armor was not available or too expensive, but because those who sent you there, those we oppose, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, et al., just don’t give a damn whether you have what you need to do the job, just don’t give a damn whether you live or die. And they sure as hell don’t give a damn whether you have adequate medical care when you come home wounded. We support you by trying through whatever means we can come up with, persuasion, shame, etc., to get those who put you in Iraq to treat you as valuable people, to try to ensure that as many of you as possible first of all don’t get sent to Iraq, but also that among those of you who do get sent there that you can come home quickly and intact.


I hate to break up a good old fashioned lynching with an announcement about how my fans and I have been celebrating Black History month, but here are my latest free mp3s:

It Only Hurts When I Cry
(A Tribute To Martin Luther King Jr.)
words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2005

Black Santa (as featured on’s top 50 downloads, peaking at #21 in December of 2005)
words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2005 ft. Michael C.

and finally, for all you Ray Charles fans out there,
Mr. Charles
words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2005

Happy Black History month! There, now I’ll let you liberals get back to your lynching ceremony. Might as well go after her, after all, you couldn’t stop Alito.

I better quit while I’m behind.

Don’t worry, the ‘wich is not back. This is just a random hit and run blog entry from a beleagured and admittedly defeated song blogger from “yore” past.


Black History Month is February.


We’re celebrating it a little early this year. Have you got a problem with that tigrismus? As far as I’m concerned Black History month should be celebrated every month. King’s model of liberation from the hands of oppressing forces has profound implications for virtually every discriminated, undervalued, oppressed group, including the unborn in the USA.


You start saying “Merry Christmas” in September, don’t you?


That’s right, tigrimus, but out of respect, I wait until you’ve had a chance to celebrate 9/11.

Just kidding. You know I love you tigrimus:) agape style that is, strictly of the manly, heterosexual variety.


Unlike those who throw 9/11 hoedowns, I don’t “celebrate” it. And I still reserve the right to give you the hairy eyeball for wishing a happy long-time-from-today holiday. And furthermore, quit pinching my heinie, you masher!


It is not often you get a chance to see that much stupid caught on film. An excellent shot. Stupidus Rightwingus Malkinus in full puff.


It takes a special kind of something to make a lynching joke as a lead-in to a comment on Black History month.


I think that Peter B.’s computer exploded when he actually typed “At any rate, I need to say again that you need to hate the message, not the messenger.”

When that sentence met his Shrillary Klintoon statments, it was almost like matter and anti-matter.

I don’t think he will make it back.


Doc! We’ve missed you! You’re so much nicer than our other trolls, who threaten legal action and stuff πŸ™‚


‘Tell me how you “lefties” manage to sell the idea of “supporting” the troops but hating the war, or all war?’

Wow, is Wal-Mart having a sale on straw men this month?


Thanks, Brad. Threatening legal action is often overrated. As the good old Canadian band, Trooper says in a song:
We’re here for a good time, not a long time, so have a good time, the sun don’t shine every day. Nothwithstanding the left-wing lynching of M&M, today appeared to be a sunny day at Sadly, No!, so I said to myself, why not pay your good friends a visit, and hope that your worst enemies are taking a long winter’s nap. I’m not here for a long time this time around, Brad, but I appreciate the warm words. Also, Pat Boone says hello!


Pat Boone. Heheheh
“In a Metal Mood” was the single most entertaining album I’ve ever experianced.


The year Pat released that ablum was the year all the critics were bitching about all the bands sounding the same. So what does Pat do? He experiments with genre integration in a way nobody had before, and what happens? Well, the critics tore him apart limb by limb. In my recent interview with him, I made sure I praised him for the album. He took a creative risk. Was it a classic work of extraordinary art? Well, I wouldn’t go that far, but it was pretty entertaining, and it was creative, no doubt about it.


I got a massive kick out of that when my brother got that for me one Christmas. He’s much more of a Metal fan than I, but darn if didn’t I still found it hilarious.


Youch- that’s a bad English think I.

“[D]arn if I still didn’t find it hilarious”


BTW, in case you guys missed it, check out Malkin the plagiarist.

Am I the one that figured this out? Sadly, No!


I’m gonna go watch some interracial gay porn for black history month.

Hey, it’s history: it’s 70s porn.


gus, it was a blog called all the king’s horses.


Brad R., if I’ve ever dropped the “L” word here, (other than “Love” of course), it was not intended as a threat of legal action. I would not have a problem if exploring my options outloud, however, would have led a certain churlish troglodyte to that premature conclusion, however. He (or she) was isolated and thankfully marginalized (by several honorable folks at this site) in his/her efforts to lower the bar at “Sadly, No!” to new lows in terms of blogging etiquette.

He or she may or may not be prepared to give up, and therefore, I would make a legal-action-threat-free suggestion that you implement some sort of technical screening device at “Sadly, No!” that would make it more difficult, perhaps even nearly impossible, for visitors here to hijack the identity of others in their cowardly attempts to discredit and ruthlessly and disrespectfully ridicule their perceived enemies. This activity borders on slander, and, as such, renders legal avenues of protection more of a viable option for victims.


Tell me how you “lefties” manage to sell the idea of “supporting” the troops but hating the war, or all war? Interesting notion, that.

As a Briton, I’d like to point out that such has always been the stance of the majority of people in my country – yes, even from those of us who have lost loved ones over there (good evening) or know people who are currently fighting over there (good evening.)

It is also the stance of the majority of your country (hat tip Mr Wolcott.) The left is guilty of such spin, entrapping even my own, young, throbbingly conservative mind.

And yet, traditionally – that most sacred of justifications – you can call the guys starting and conducting a war a bunch of incompetent warmongering tosspots who intentionally misled the nation about the legitimacy of the information they based the case for war on (and were caught at it more than once,) who didn’t even bother planning for post war humanitarian concerns (that’s America too chuckles!) until after the war, yet now try to claim that liberation was one of the primary aims of the bloody thing, and it doesn’t magically become a denouncement of the bravery or dutifulness of the guys in the field.

We sell it on the predication that it’s rather blatantly true. Incidentally, since us Britons – legendary in our lack of patriotism – don’t often get called traitors or cowardly for pointing out any of this reality, I’d like to point out that your comment is a typically excessively pathetic and desperate rejoinder borne from a lack of the balls necessary to face plain facts and admit that yes – people from your country are dying because of bullshit artists and a grand mistake. This is understandable – doing so might, God forbid, also mean that you could have to admit that you were wrong – and that’s the real enemy worth fighting against.

-The Rev. Schmitt.


Tell me how you “lefties” manage to sell the idea of “supporting” the troops but hating the war, or all war? Interesting notion, that.

As a Briton, I’d like to point out that this has always been the stance of the majority of people in my country – and is shared even by some of us who have lost loved ones over there (good evening) or know people who are currently fighting over there (good evening.)

It is also the stance of the majority of your country (hat tip Mr Wolcott.) The left is guilty of such spin, entrapping even my own, young, throbbingly conservative mind.

And yet, traditionally – that most sacred of justifications – you can call the guys starting and conducting a war a bunch of incompetent warmongering tosspots who intentionally misled the nation about the legitimacy of the information they based the case for war on (and were caught at it more than once,) who didn’t even bother planning for post war humanitarian concerns (that’s America too chuckles!) until after the war, yet now try to claim that liberation was one of the primary aims of the bloody thing, and it doesn’t magically become a denouncement of the bravery or dutifulness of the guys in the field.

We sell it on the predication that it’s rather blatantly true. Incidentally, since us Britons – legendary in our lack of patriotism – don’t often get called traitors or cowardly for pointing out any of this reality, I’d like to suggest that your comment is a typically and excessively pathetic, desperate rejoinder borne from a lack of the balls necessary to face plain facts and admit that yes – people from your country are dying because of bullshit artists and a grand mistake. This is understandable – doing so might, God forbid, also mean that you could have to admit that you were wrong – and that’s the real enemy worth fighting against.

-The Rev. Schmitt.


Tell me how you “lefties” manage to sell the idea of “supporting” the troops but hating the war, or all war? Interesting notion, that.

As a Briton, I’d like to point out that such has always been the stance of the majority of people in my country – yes, even from those of us who have lost loved ones over there (good evening) or know people who are currently fighting over there (good evening.)

It is also the stance of the majority of your country (hat tip Mr Wolcott.) The left is guilty of such spin, entrapping even my own, young, throbbingly conservative mind.

And yet, traditionally – that most sacred of justifications – you can call the guys starting and conducting a war a bunch of incompetent warmongering tosspots who intentionally misled the nation about the legitimacy of the information they based the case for war on (and were caught at it more than once,) who didn’t even bother planning for post war humanitarian concerns (that’s America too chuckles!) until after the war, yet now try to claim that liberation was one of the primary aims of the bloody thing, and it doesn’t magically become a denouncement of the bravery or dutifulness of the guys in the field.

We sell it on the predication that it’s rather blatantly true. Incidentally, since us Britons – legendary in our lack of patriotism – don’t often get called traitors or cowardly for pointing out any of this reality, I’d like to point out that your comment is a typically excessively pathetic and desperate rejoinder borne from a lack of the balls necessary to face plain facts and admit that yes – people from your country are dying because of bullshit artists and a grand mistake. This is understandable – doing so might, God forbid, also mean that you could have to admit that you were wrong – and that’s the real enemy worth fighting against.

-The Rev. Schmitt.


Ooh, bad, bad idea, Doc. I hate blogs that require some sort of sign-in to comment. TBogg, for instance. It isn’t worth the rigamarole, so I never post there. That said, and in case anyone thinks I have anything to hide, I certainly wouldn’t have any problem with the powers-that-be at S,N! exposing the true identity of the false BLT if he or she had the temerity to engage in his or her mean-spirited masquerade again. Or, any similar fakes, go ahead and expose ’em.


not that I actually hate TBogg. He’s funny. I just don’t post there.


Yeah, posting as a “fake” BLT isn’t nice. I’ll mention it if I see it happening again. Even so, I like keeping the comments open and gleefully chaotic πŸ™‚


Yeah… me no likey “pass… words”.


Marq, there’s no need to log in to post at TBogg, just tick the “other” or the “anonymous” radio button before you submit.


I was of the same opinion as you, Marq, until the day this happened. Now I see the benefit of a more closed system, but I also can see your side of the issue. I do appreciate your comments, Marq, and I appreciate all of you who have stuck up for me. That’s a pretty nice thing to do for somebody who holds views so radically different than most of your own.


(comments are closed)