And They Wonder Why No One Takes Internet Diplomas Seriously…

I just got a piece of spam offering on-line college diplomas. The subject heading reads, “Is your skills about to expired?”


Comments: 18


My skillz be hella expiridicadated.


Please tell me you aren’t serious…please?


But…but…. but where will all the fine, moral, upstanding, young conservatives go?? (Obviously not to Iraq.) Every time they try to go to a regular ‘liberal’ university they just get pelted with rocks and garbage…


Please tell me you aren’t serious…please?

I’m totally serious. Hey, no one ever accused spammers of being sophisticated…


Aw, c’mon Brad…you’ll be a shoo-in at Hamburger University.


Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning?


I got that one too.


You think that’s bad? Check out the piece of spam His Rottiness received:

“Inundate your neighbors with the amount of your sperm with Spermamax.”



Oh ye of little faith! Check this out:


Well, you get what you pay for. Check out this fine IT league school


When I grow up, I wanna go to Bovine University!


You mean, no one takes them seriously?!? Ah man…. ten years down the drain.


Brad, I think you have to take a good long look in the mirror and try to figure out if indeed your skills is about to expired. Because if it are, then the time would be now to did something about it.


My favorite spam of all time: Break down walls with your massive dick!
I expect a comic book about someone with just this power to be forthcoming shortly.


Admiral: I once dated a guy who could probably do that.

He wasn’t all that, tho’. Big dicks don’t include in the package: bearable personality, nonassholism, relatability.


My favorite spam of all time: Break down walls with your massive dick!
I expect a comic book about someone with just this power to be forthcoming shortly.

are they Evil walls? because there is a comic book coming out about The Sledgehammer of Justice!!!


Fave spam line for me: Imagine lots of 48pt type and bright yellow and hot pink.



Combining this and the above post… “Is your grill skillz about to expired?” Yo!


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