Star Spangled Asshat
Oh Kagan:
[Obama’s] strategy toward Iran places him objectively on the side of the [Iranian] government’s efforts to return to normalcy as quickly as possible, not in league with the opposition’s efforts to prolong the crisis.
You see?
The neocons’ early blight:
The conservatives believe that the Liberal Establishment has been running the country. Neoconservatives add to this general notion the belief that liberals are either a species of Stalinist fellow traveler or operate “objectively,” whether they know it or not, in the broad interest of the Soviet Union. Conservatives would like to believe this, too. But the neoconservatives, many with the benefit of a Trotskyist background, offer an unmatched authenticity and intensity on the subject.
Curiously, the notion that liberals are “objectively” contributing to the Communist cause parallels one of the most perverse notions ever advanced by the Communists. In the ultra-left Third Period of the Communist International, during the late 1920s and early 1930s, a doctrine known as “social fascism” was declared to be the basis of the movement’s politics. Liberals and Social Democrats were charged with being the “objective” allies of the fascists, but more deceitful because they pretended to be opposed to fascism by talking about democracy. This fantastic ideological dogma had the practical effect of preventing any possible coalition between the German Communists and Social Democrats against the Nazis. “After Hitler, our turn,” was the Communist slogan. In America, the proponents of “social fascism” physically assaulted the socialist followers of Norman Thomas. This was more farce than tragedy.
In an odd historical refraction, the neoconservatives regularly denounce liberals employing a tactic that bears a through-the-looking-glass resemblance to that of “social fascism.” But instead of exposing liberals as dangerously disguised agents of fascists, neoconservatives now unmask them as helpers of Communism. The chief doctrinal device used to prove the point is the notion of “moral equivalence.” Many liberals, the neoconservatives claim, criticize official policy by somehow equating the Soviet Union and America, “objectively” aiding the other side. This is “social fascism” upside down and, therefore, can be called the ideological technique of “social communism.”
Would it have fucking killed me to refresh the page before I hit the submit button on the last post?
But but but, if the reform people win, and Iran becomes good again, then we can’t invade them and slaughter them all! So obviously THAT’S not something to hope for.
Yeah, yeah, and lesbians who wear lipstick are in league with the patriarchy.
I don’t speak douchebag. Has anyone translated that last bit?
Bomb Iran! Fight with Russia over South Ossetia! Stay indefinitely in Iraq! That eye-doctor in Syria is too snotty, he needs an old fashioned beatin’! Who wouldn’t let us fly over their country to bomb somebody else, f_ck them up! Boy, being a wingtard is exhausting. Good thing not even their friends take them seriously.
I don’t get it.
I think this is the kind of stuff that makes whatsisname’s brain sad.
If it carries the name Kagan, you know it MUST be wrong.
And mendacious, also.
And malicious, also also.
The verbal contortion-ism that goes into calling liberals “fascist” and “communist” at the same time is embarrassing. This guy just put his own head up his ass to say “liberals bad”.
But, but, who can argue when someone is called “objectively pro-
ist”?With that word “objectively”, you know it must be all scientifical and above the emotional fray.
These folks are objectively insane. That last bit was written by a fellow who yawns at LeCarre’ novels because the plot is too childishly simple and the conspiracies aren’t multi-layered and intricate enough to be realistic.
Apparently Obama killed a fly. This must mean something.
That last bit is Sidney Blumenthal — no wingnut. He’s describing where and how neocons like Kagan got that “objectively pro-awful” bullshit smear they pull out of their arsenal every few minutes.
Then Sidney needs a vacation.
One of the great innovations in the Obama administration’s approach to Iran, after all, was supposed to be its deliberate embrace of the Tehran rulers’ legitimacy.
No, Mr. Kagan, one of the improvements in the Obama administration’s approach to Iran over that of the Bush administration is its acknowledgement that Tehran’s rulers actually exist.
Everything these clowns say and do is about trying to win gotcha points while real people take risks and shed blood halfway around the world. The real crime is that they keep getting printed.
But I just keep paying attention to my mom. In the last few decades, she has proven to be a reliable gauge of what mainstream center-right America (but with a heart and a sense of basic human decency) is thinking. And she still thinks Obama is where it’s at, which is a sign that while the noise machine continues talking to itself, the public at large is no longer listening.
WTF? All I really want is for the kids in my city to go to a decent public school, the water from my tap to be mercury free, the local artist/temp to have medical coverage… put simply, I want everybody to have a shot at having a peaceful, dignified life.
How does Stalin enter into it?
Apparently Obama killed a fly. This must mean something.
I think it means that wingnuts will get even more pissed off at him, because he did a Pat Morita move (okay, he didn’t do it with chopsticks) effortlessly, which only adds to his reputation as a cool guy who does cool shit.
I’m anticipating a lot of weak snark about cruelty to animals, or some such bullshittery.
But on another note, let me share this with you:
Atlas Wept, the latest song by The Blame.
The lyrics pertain to so many people we scorn regularly here. And I’m pretty proud of the music. The real test will be whether Zombie Rotten McDonald likes it and/or thinks the song’s brains provide some good eatin’.
After all, why should Dr. BLT corner the songwhoring market on Sadly No?
Oh, and I want more of this. Yeah, a whole lot of it would suit me just fine, but I can’t be- how you say- arsed figuring out what it has to do with Stalinism.
Did I copy this out wrong in some way that I don’t see? I mean, I’ve done it before.
Neocons started as socialists. The first generation of them, at least, knew all this history. Blumenthal is explaining — emphatically not endorsing — how they picked up one of the nastiest rhetorical habits of the Communists and kept it even after they moved to the right — and not only how they got the “objective” trick, but in giving the history of it, he shows how simultaneously ridiculous and menacing it is.
IOW, substitute “Iranian” for “Soviet Union” and voila you have Kagan’s assertion exactly.
This is a really interesting point. The German Communists, who could have formed alliances with the Social Democrats, were really blind to the damage that their self-righteousness was doing. This is a very interesting piece of 1920’s German political history which has been largely forgotten, and which holds some powerful lessons for us today.
Thanks for a really insightful post- one of the most pertinent that I have read in a long time.
But but but, if the reform people win, and Iran becomes good again, then we can’t invade them and slaughter them all! So obviously THAT’S not something to hope for.
Silly Cargo. If Tehran isn’t a stop on the Hannity Freedom concert tour within the next two weeks, Iran will never be good.
So bombs away!
One of the great innovations in the Obama administration’s approach to Iran, after all, was supposed to be its deliberate embrace of the Tehran rulers’ legitimacy.
If by that you mean the current president is unwilling to stir shit only for the sake of shit stirring, then I guess you’re right.
The fact is that Ahmadinejad and his Rev Guard allies control the government of Iran. The Ayatollah is a figurehead and dependent on the Rev. Guard and the goonsquads. The Ayatollah cannot do anything to cross Ahmadinejad’s allies. And if the reformers try to remove the Ayatollah, then that leads to a civil war and the Revolutionary Guard seizing power and eliminating elections in Iran all together. There’s no conceivable scenario where the Revolutionary Guard loses control. They are Ahmadinejad’s brownshirts and they support him first.
Obama’s silence on Iran is deafening. The whole world is watching as any shot at Iranian freedom is squandered by Obama’s refusal to back freedom in Iran.
Right now, it looks like the protests will be smashed, and the next generation of Iran will flee overseas, leading to another lost generation in that country and a decline in their future.
Also, it has come to my attention that the user rupperteria on Twitter is impersonating me. The main difference between TheGaryRuppert and rupperteria. I can spell.
But of course if Mousavi had won we’d be told that he’s but a powerless puppet of the Ayatollah.
This has been another edition of Conservatives wanting to have it both ways
dear sadlynaughts:
Gary Ruppert has a twitter feed.
his email is
please help me turn this twitter feed into something worthwhile.
a “best of” troll comment feed?
Gary’s greatest hits?
deranged ranting from the collective id of the worst of teh left?
consider both gmail and twitter address at your disposal. email mr. ruppert for the passwords.
Also, the fact is, in the heartland, wolverines. Also.
With a matchbox.
That fly will never fuck again.
How soon before BHO takes military action against the Axis of Kagan?
Apparently Obama killed a fly. This must mean something.
Apparently PETA’s already cross about his savage treatment of innocent sky puppies.
I got the post, thanks for bringing it up.
On a slightly different note, I am completely disillusioned that anyone in this country cares about the Founding ideals.
See, I get that Ahmadinejad stole the election and is a Holocaust-denying freak, that the ayatollahs are creeps and tyrants and all that, but at least I see women casting votes, and people having the mindset that they are ENTITLED to a fair election. And that’s evil Iran we are talking.
Contrast this to our friends in Saudi Arabia, where 50-year olds marry 8-year olds and women get stoned to death for leaving the house, and I just don’t know anymore… If someone said that by talking to and bowing to the Saudi king, Obama “objectively” is on the side of tyranny and oppression, you know, I wouldn’t protest much. Even though I like the guy. It’s just a f-ed-up world that is all about oil…
Did I copy this out wrong in some way that I don’t see? I mean, I’ve done it before.
It really needs an attribution in the post, more than just a link to Amazon. Its not really clear from the post the context of what Blumenthal is saying, and if you don’t know right off the top of your head who he is, then its doubly confusing.
Oh, Jeez. An actual fly, like.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate whether he wished there were dijon mustard for the fly.
Not only did he kill a fly, he made them film it as it lay twitching on the carpet.
That Obama is one cold motherfucker…
How soon before the some wingnut claims that the fly was actually a sophisticated microdrone cooked up by George Soros’ technicians so Barry Hussein X can show off his Musashi-esque socialist samurai skillz?
Its just another Sorosian plot to make Obambi look tough! At least, if what I’ve read about “Micro-Drone” Technology has an validity.
So BK thinks all that talk of Iran being an “axis of Evil” , all the threats of invasion and bombs was Dubya’s idea of getting ‘folksy’ with Iranians?
Dude is fucked up…
Holy grammar fail in my previous post… pulling an all-nighter, so my brain is pretty frazzled. I hereby surrender my “grammar pedant” badge, and will flog myself with a hardcover “Strunk & White”.
I Objectively!
OK, slightly off topic (entirely off topic maybe), but here’s a question some of you might know the answer to.
I was looking for stuff on the current Iranian situation and I came across a wingnut site that also had a feature on the Holocaust museum murder. It claimed the alleged perpetrator had worked for the far-right publisher of Noam Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, Noontide Press. This was news to me, as I’d always thought that book was published by South End Press in the US and Pluto in the UK.
This claim was repeated in various other sites I looked at, but they were all of a similar ideological colouration, which makes me doubt this claim. I don’t worship at the shrine of St. Noam, I hasten to add, but I do think when he’s right, he’s right. It’s just about possible that he went mad one day in the mid-1980s and allowed his book to be republished by these Neo-nazi Noontide arseholes. It’s just about possible, but it’s also highly implausible. Apart from anything else, if there was any truth in this one, surely we’d have heard this claim before now?
So, that’s question – does anyone out there know of any reason to find credible this claim that Noontide Press, former employer of the alleged perpetrator of the Holocaust museum shooting and publisher of various fascist and anti-semitic tracts, also published Noam Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle?
The wingnut contortionists are making Cirque du Soleil look like a bunch of couch potatoes.
Here’s Rich Lowry.
Obama’s different from Jimmeh Carter because Carter didn’t meddle enough to prop up an Iranian dictatorship, and Obama’s like, erm, doing nothing. But they are the same because they believe in ponies. Always. Now watch me butcher a metaphor.
Bonus lulz. Thinking Richie took this shot at Serious after a <a href="“>botched diversion into satire. Props I guess for channelling, say, Mark Twain’s inbred time-travelling cousin.
and will flog myself with a hardcover “Strunk & White”.
You do realize that Strunk & White has absolutely nothing to do with grammar, let alone good grammar, don’t you?
If you want to chastize yourself, why not do it with this?
Just to show how complete fucking disingenious Kagan’s being this time, consider the words that
objectivelyactually follows hisobjectiveactual mendacious claptwaddle:Indeed. His entire fucking panty-twisted screed (swith sarms swiiiiddddeeee sopen) is about how Obambi wants to talk to the Iranian government. He’s all about the talking!!! And not the good kind of talking that you drop from stealth bombers either!
And yet still manages to be objectively for the hardline anti-American rabble-rouser, you know – the one much less likely to talk with him.
The German Communists, who could have formed alliances with the Social Democrats, were really blind to the damage that their self-righteousness was doing. – Green Eagle
Wouldn’t such an alliance, however, further weakened the credibility of the Social Democrats amongst mainstream Germans? Or is my political-strategic thinking too shaped by the tropes of American politics (many of which tropes, as S. Blumenthal points out c/o HTML Mencken, are ultimately of communist origin — I always suspected the “objectively pro-[X]” was commie speak: it sure sounds like commie speak to me)?
BTW — do I read the Comics Curmudgeon too much that when the MSM (on the ball for a moment there) was reporting that the Iranian (now with added illegitimacy!) government was claiming that we’re meddling all I could think of was “Ahmedinajad and his cronies are claiming that the US is Mary Worth”?
WTF? All I really want is for the kids in my city to go to a decent public school, the water from my tap to be mercury free, the local artist/temp to have medical coverage… put simply, I want everybody to have a shot at having a peaceful, dignified life. – Big Bad Bald Bastard
Note that if you change the last sentance a wee bit, it reads “I want everybody having a peaceful, dignified life to have a shot”. Such forcing of vaccinations (or does he mean literally to shoot people?) “for our own good” is part and parcel of fascism. Indeed this “liberal” do-good agenda is really Hitler’s agenda and this shows how liberals are objectively pro-Fascist.
Oops … the ( / wingnut ) tag showed up in the preview …
Clicking onto the Amazon linky, I note that the influence of Sadly No lives on in the tagging; “editor promised cake”, “wingnut welfare’, ‘written while high on chetto dust” & “social security is like treblinka”……….
@ Dragon-King
Isn’t the issue much less who wins the election but how damaged (or otherwise) the Supreme Council – Iran’s actual gubmint – is at the end of day?
This is where the Neocon fapping is objectively (heh, I too can use this word) dense. Unless they have perfect foresight – Iraq’s reconstruction will pretty much pay for itself!!LOLZ!! – they don’t know how this thing pans out. And they are objectively (zing) dishonest if they pretend the election result, in and of itself, is the pivotal issue. If Obama’s thinking is that by biting his tongue and letting this crisis follow its natural couse, the Supreme Council will end up fatally weakened, is that not, you know, a good outcome (and one that seems increasingly likely)?
Unless you have a permanent war-boner, of course.
The point of the post is pretty clear to me. And you know, the Iranian regime is essentially calling the protesters social imperialists. Why won’t Obama help them out with these accusations?
You do realize that Strunk & White has absolutely nothing to do with grammar, let alone good grammar, don’t you?
Hey, it’s the only book on writing I have here at work.
I think I will just ritually disemvowel myself because I am no longer a grammurai.
Hey, you know, nothing would strengthen the power of dissent within Iran more than for it to appear as 100% the product of U.S. foreign policy.
I think I will just ritually disemvowel myself because I am no longer a grammurai.
The correct term is ‘committing subbuku-obbuku-verbbuku’.
Although ‘prefix-kiri’ works, too. Also.
I think I will just ritually disemvowel myself because I am no longer a grammurai.
The correct term is ‘committing subbuku-obbuku-verbbuku’.
Big Bad Bald Bastard and Darth Revan form like Voltron for the win.
Strunk and White: A “toxic little book of crap.” (See Point 3.)
If you commit suicide in Japan by reason of insanity is it considered sepp-koo-koo?
Wingnut Fight, Please!
Michael Ledeen, calling Danielle Pletka “embarrasingly silly”, and informing the world that the head of Mossad is “phenomenally badly informed”.
Mencken: The Blumenthal excerpt was insightful. I don’t think most people (especially, ironically, relatively new movementarian conservatives) (I use small “c” “conservative” derisively, as Buckley used to, har har) really understand the origins of the neocons. Very few Hannity/O’Reilly/Limbaugh rubes have any understanding of how deeply weird it is that the neocons have found seats at the table. Very few of the people who wept and gnashed their teeth when Buckley died seem to remember just how fucking much he loathed neocons, Papa Kristol in particular. I remember one line about how very few people understood “the pain of having to breathe the same air as Kristol.”
Happy ever after in the after life,
But, Molly’s widowed with children in hand.
Desmond’s leaking his guts at home on the floor,
And Obama should denounce the elections in Iran!
Seppukee Seppuku life (no longer) goes on.
Lalala life (no longer) goes on.
Ledeen: “‘the head of Mossad is “phenomenally badly informed’.”
OMFG, that is rich. So Ledeen is better informed than the chief of the best intel service in the region? Sure he is.
“”The total number of people on the unemployment insurance rolls has dropped for the first time since early January,” the Associated Press reports.”
This is the result of Obama’s failed policies!!!
Back on topic, HTML, I appreciate your providing the history lesson via the Blumenthal excerpt. I find the way ideologies splinter and spin into different ends of the political spectrum quite fascinating.
Oh, Robert…Bobby….Booby….we didn’t oppose freedom for Iraq.
Something, apparently, Obama heard, and is handling Iran differently.
Now, let the adults talk, Kagan.
But the neoconservatives, many with the benefit of a Trotskyist background, offer an unmatched authenticity and intensity on the subject.
Because there’s no one better to describe the joys of the moderate use of alcohol than a recovering drunk…
Obama shot a fly in Reno just to watch it die.
Obama shot a fly in Reno just to watch it die.
Ah thought he shot it fer buzzin’ too loud.
HTML: w/ref to the Blumenthal excerpt – my standards are simple: if it makes my head hurt after three readings and it still makes little or no sense to me, then it is objectively incomprehensible, no matter how insightful it is. Comprehensible communication benefits from an anti-plethora of polysyllabic elucidatory modules of terminology, irrespective of their specificity and erudite applicability. KISS rules. GOP drools. (Sorry, that last just followed naturally.)
KISS rules
Aerosmith, bitch!
…at the end of day?
When this all started I was all – meh, makes no nevermind who’s President of Iran, Khamenei calls the shots. But as events progressed, it really did, and does looke like the whole structure of Islamic theocracy in Iran has been dealt a pretty severe blow. That’s something I hadn’t expected to happen, and I’m allupons about it.
The other thing that was going on was all sorts of people trying to figure out what the implications were for The West. What impacts from the events since the election are going to have on regional stability, or gas prices, or AIPAC, or whatever. Me, I have no idea whatsoever about that, but the other pleasant surprise about what’s happening here regarding what’s happening there is best summed up in this Sullivan post.
Just to clarify, I’m not agreeing with the Sully-reader who thinks that Shi’ites have been violent bloodythistry murderers until this past week-end. That’s fucking stupid. I’m just pro-“anything that reduces unfounded bigoted hate”.
I’m also pro-PENIS.
So, that’s question – does anyone out there know of any reason to find credible this claim that Noontide Press, former employer of the alleged perpetrator of the Holocaust museum shooting and publisher of various fascist and anti-semitic tracts, also published Noam Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle?
It’s not on their publication list, and doesn’t return on a search of their site.
So the first time I scanned the Blumenthal quote I thought it was an excerpt from “Liberal Fascism, from the Cheeto Dust to Your Ear”. Upon second reading, I see that the equating of Commies and Fascists was being done by the Neocons and it makes more sense.
“…permanent war-boner…”
Please contact a doctor if your erection last more than four decades.
And such as.
“So, that’s question – does anyone out there know of any reason to find credible this claim that Noontide Press, former employer of the alleged perpetrator of the Holocaust museum shooting and publisher of various fascist and anti-semitic tracts, also published Noam Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle?”
Yes. Go to the following link and scroll down to “Product Details”:
Note that the publication date given is June 1986, so it’s not surprising it’s not on the Noontide site anymore.
In answer to your question about Chomsky, I believe at some point he could only get published by the anti-imperial right (i.e Propertarians) because no-one on the left would touch him for fear of being labelled Communist enablers, so some of his work has been published by the anti-authoritarian right. I can’t find the exact details at the moment for you but I’ll keep looking.
HTML, I understand what your post is saying, but I don’t think It is well known except in the far left.
For people who don’t understand, let me try and explain what Blumenthal is saying. The authoritarian communists, being authoritarians, didn’t like any threat to their power.
Any one who didn’t agree with them was labelled as ‘fascist enablers’. This of course led to some pretty stupid situations. In the Spanish Civil War, you had the Communists fighting the Fascists. Simple enough it may seem, but the Communists did not all agree. On one hand you had your garden variety authoritarian communist, on the other you had the anti-authoritarian communists (better known as anarchists) and the communists who were Marxist, but not followers of the Communist Party.
The authoritarians naturally wanted control and credit for all the good, while they wanted to blame the problems on the non-authoritarian communists/socialists. This led to the point where the authoritarians tried to take over and confiscate the guns from the non-authoritarians, which led to the street fighting in Barcelona, where the authoritarians where fighting the non-authoritarians, while both sides were at the same time fighting the Fascists. (still with me?)
In order to persuade people that they were right, the authoritarians during and after the war tried to frame the non-authoritarians as a Fascist Fifth Column, (fascist enablers) because they did not follow the authoritarian dogma that they were the Only True Anti-Fascists.
So, if like George Orwell, who fought the fascists with the non-authoritarians, but did not side with the authoritarians, you would be labelled as ‘objectively pro-fascist’ even if you got shot fighting the actual fascists.
This tactic has followed the communists/socialists/former trotskyists around, with the True Believers denouncing anyone who does not follow their dogma as ‘objectively pro x’ hence the neocons tactics.
Hope that explains more, but maybe it doesn’t. As the saying goes, ‘that’s as clear as mud’ 🙂
Also, Eurip I des, which is central to by point.
You know, I find Kagan to be one of the more subtly horrible neocons as he has perfected the art of havings arguments begin by being reasonable and cogent, only to suddenly to take a right turn into crazy town. It makes his brand of–well, published concerned trolling almost effective. You often wind up having to back up a paragraph to figure out just where you left the realm of rational thought.
As a rule it seems to go like this: a) well-done analysis of the situation; b) completely batshit miltantcy offered as a solution; c) assured declaration that people who oppose b) though well intentioned are limp-wristed dreamers who are damaging the cause of freedom and democracy. Dress up as fits the present circumstance.
Apparently Obama killed a fly. This must mean something.
Only if he killed it with a quick dart of his tongue and smack of his lips, then narrowed his vertical eye slits in pleasure.
After all, why should Dr. BLT corner the songwhoring market on Sadly No?
Well, J Neo, there’s one difference. This song is good.
It wouldn’t be out of place on the Mekons last album.
Where do I get it?
At least he didn’t pull its wings off and stack it in a naked pyramid pile.
FAO Euripedes –
While googling in search of an answer to the above question, I came across two things:
1. a ‘libertarian’ or ‘anarcho-capitalist’ website that had some sympathetic things to say about N. Chomsky.
2. An interview with Chomsky where he mentioned in passing that when he was an adolescent in the years immediately up to US entry into World War 2, there were quite a few ‘German-American Bund’ types in his hometown. The sort of people who would (and did) hold beer parties when Paris fell in 1940.
Given the latter information, while it’s quite possible that Chomsky might let his work be published by the ‘anarcho-capitalist’ crowd, who whatever their faults are not brown-shirt fanciers, it is highly implausible that he would let his work be published by those who would deny the murder of the six million, while secretly hoping to get back into power to finish the job.
That’s why I think this is a smear job – but it would be nice to get it nailed down for certain that it is.
I think Obamas speech emboldened the mderates of Iran to take the country back from those who do not serve them well.
Thats what I got from his speech in Egypt.
we will extend a hand if you unclench your fist.
Thats about as obvious as a speech can get. It was aimed at moderates and Liberals in the ME take back their countries from those who are holding them down …and join the world
Moh, I think I have an answer for you!
It seems that noontide as well as publishers, are also booksellers. Fateful Triangle was offered in one of their catalogues for sale, but they were not the publishers, you have the correct US publisher in your first post, with the latest edition being printed in 1999?
This smear seems to originate from frontpage/Horowitz , who being wingnuts and not being able to read, have decided that Chomsky having his book sold by nazi’s, (but definately not published by them) amounts to his supporting them.
Thanks for that. I’ve seen another wingnut site which claims (without citation) that Noontide press brought out a paperback edition of Fateful Triangle in 1986, thus saving the fascist publishers from bankruptcy. Since this would cross the line from defense of free speech for all into outright collusion with Nazis, it is best filed under ‘incredible nonsense’, IMHO.
zombie rotten mcdonald said,
Well, J Neo, there’s one difference. This song is good.
It wouldn’t be out of place on the Mekons last album.
Where do I get it?
We have a half-finished album that’ll we’ll be releasing in the summer on all the usual digital outlets (CDs are too expensive to make these days, and we’ve got loads of Content Providers discs we’re trying to get rid of, so until times get better, it’s gotta be mp3’s for now.) It’s going to be a good one. I’m looking forward to it.
Thanks for the Mekons comparison. I think it may be more like a Journey To The End Of Night song, but either way it’s a huge compliment.