I’d welcome the day that these hateful fuckwits drink their cyanide-laced Kool-Aid –– and I’m betting it’s soon –– except that you know that they’ll take their kids with them in one final obscene hategasm.
It’s good, in a way, to see our religious fundies getting back to their Old Testament roots: God as a savage, sadistic bully who’ll kill you for not doing what some “prophet” (often a crazy old guy who’d been wandering in the desert sun) said that God wants. The Book of Jeremiah has the titular hero spending most of his time hoping that a foreign invasion of his country will bring ruin to it, because the people and rulers of Judah haven’t been doing what Jeremiah says God wants. The more we can get this 3,000 year-old mindset out (pun intended) as the public face of the right wing, the better we hasten their demise.
Also… why are they waving an upside-down Canadian flag at the end?
Probably because these fucktards once tried to enter Canada to protest at the funeral of a gay man. Hundreds of Canadians showed up with grit in their teeth at the funeral and scared them off. Seriously, we were prepared to beat the living shit out of them.
Canada’s border guards and police were on patrol that day as well. Section 319 of Canada’s criminal code says it’s a crime to make statements in a public place that incite hatred against an identifiable group such as gays and lesbians.
Ouch, lasted for 53 seconds. I hate the world too, but for entirely different reasons than those regressive mytholotards can imagine. More importantly, I also love the world and the universe in far greater measure– and none of us will get more than a laughably brief glimpse of it in any case.
Section 319 of Canada’s criminal code says it’s a crime to make statements in a public place that incite hatred against an identifiable group such as gays and lesbians….
Good gosh… What do you people do for entertainment then?
ummm… I lasted about a minute watching it… I know they tried to have a catchy little tune like “We Are the World” but it only came across as totally goofy… I like Vic’s comment, tho, ‘cuz that means they’ve had another TOTAL FAIL… again… and again…
I was particularly amused by the couple of women in front who were really groovin’ to the beat. The one in the blue with the braid was rockin’, for her at least. That can’t be a good sign. She was enjoying the music (and I’m sure the lyrics) too much. She must have a touch of teh gay. Better stone her now rather than allow her to move any further towards enjoying life.
Seriously. That was a whole lot of major disfunction and psychopathic disconnection from reality. How insulated they have to be to successfully make it through their lives. They may walk among us, but their minds are locked away in some massive level of disassociation from the world. It’s fascinating in the same pitiful and sad way a severely schizophrenic person might be. You have compassion for their serious disability and yet can be clinically fascinated by the workings of the human mind that can take us to such extremes of mental disfunction. If they weren’t out in society and affecting others with their sickness, it would be interesting. But since they are, it’s just sad.
I frankly think they’ve done more for atheism than just about any other religious group. And for that, I thank them.
Me, I think it’s time we rentroduced good old-fashioned sports entertainment, and brought back the arena. I think there’s a huge market for nutcases like this to get into their protective clothing and start swinging their morningstars about. Bit of sandy floor, open-air seating – it’d beat the football cold.
Plus seeing these knobheads in their leather loincloths and pallid flabby bits going head-to-head with some oiled-up crazy atheists would be a laugh a minute. I’d almost want to do it myself, except the sight of me in leather battle-gear would probably blind the entire audience.
M. Bouffant: yah, that’s a whoopee cushion mentality for sure.
Although it begins to make sense – the whole world is a colossal version of one of those candid camera-type shows, where a canned audience laughs riotously as unsuspecting folks get injured in slapstick fashion.
Me, I think it’s time we rentroduced good old-fashioned sports entertainment, and brought back the arena. I think there’s a huge market for nutcases like this to get into their protective clothing and start swinging their morningstars about. Bit of sandy floor, open-air seating – it’d beat the football cold.
Plus seeing these knobheads in their leather loincloths and pallid flabby bits going head-to-head with some oiled-up crazy atheists would be a laugh a minute. I’d almost want to do it myself, except the sight of me in leather battle-gear would probably blind the entire audience.
Djur and I have long planned to do a show called CITADEL OF DEATH (always spelled in capitals, and when pronounced aloud in a loud, angry heavy-metal voice) which can best be described as a mixture of Hardball and American Gladiators.
1. Phelps & gang are protesting teh Canuckistanis.
2. The current governing party of Canada is the Conservative Party.
3. Phelps is a leftist!
Until all Muslims (Teh Left-apo!) and all crazy lone-wolf style gun nuts (Leftsies – no touchbacks!) and Jeremiah Wright denounce the despicable actions of hte Westboro moonbats, teh whole Lie-beral movement is exactly the same as these hymn-singing atheists.
Just wondering if any of the religiously insane idiots at Westboro Baptist have yet realized that:
(1) if God hates the world; and
(2) they are resident on this planet (based on their religiously insane ravings, this could be somewhat in doubt as far as I’m concerned); then
(3) God hates them.
So, hey – keep on singing about how much God hates you, inbred Phelps clan! It’s music to my ears (even though I could only watch this abomination with the sound off)…
These people came to my neighborhood in Seattle last weekend to protest synagogues and I couldn’t believe how much they were enjoying themselves. I was expecting angry hatred and instead I saw a group of people who were happily singing and bantering with us and would probably be a blast to hang out with… until you listened to their lyrics and heard they were about how all Jews were going to be tortured for all eternity and that’s a good thing…
Plus seeing these knobheads in their leather loincloths and pallid flabby bits going head-to-head with some oiled-up crazy atheists would be a laugh a minute
Me, I think it’d be fitting to have them confronted by a Lunberg-type from Child Protective Services:
‘Yeahhhh. Mmm-hmmm. I’m going to have to go ahead and ask you to hand your children over to us, mmm-kay? Yeah. And I’m going to have to ask you not to resist arrest, mmm-kay? Mmm-kay.’
This is old, over a year or more. Are they in the news again?
I don’t know, the Phelps family is kind of useful, sort of like Michele Bachmann. You just point to them as a negative example. Here’s what happens to you if you go too far into wingnuttery or extreme religiosity.
I don’t know, the Phelps family is kind of useful, sort of like Michele Bachmann. You just point to them as a negative example. Here’s what happens to you if you go too far into wingnuttery or extreme religiosity.
And as Fred ‘Slacktivist’ Clark points out, it makes for a fine rebuttal to the line of whining presented in the OM NOM NOM commercial about clergy being persecuted for their beliefs:
“Fred Phelps believes obviously horrifying things and he’s a free man. So what you’re getting at is that you want the freedom to be more hateful than a man who pickets the funerals of soldiers because America has gays in it.”
Phelps is at least direct. He just says “[My] God Hates Fags” outright, the rest of the world’s religions* say it in a more honeyed and polite way. I respect the Phelps approach and I’ll be sorry when that dude dies, because he is singlehandedly advancing the cause of gay rights by his existence.
That said I’d like nothing more than to see tens of thousands of people picketing HIS funeral.
[* – not counting the 0.001% of UUs or whoever that are cool with the fags ]
I also liked how nobody outside the gay activist community gave a shit about Fred Phelps when he was picketing the funeral of, say, matthew shepard, but when he started picketing soldiers’ funerals, that’s when biker gangs started surrounding him with snarling engines and flags, etc. The same biker gangs who’d be dragging fags behind their harleys on another day.
The Phelps’ family’s beliefs are not that unusual for the 18th century. The big dude is in charge and he’s fuckin’ pissed at us. We’re all gonna get it but I know someone on the inside. He’s got the secret password to let us in.
On a more serious note, does Michael Jackson know about this? Can you say blatant copyright infringement? M.J. should sue. It’s been a long time since he has had any good publicity.
This is pretty old now, and since this is the Internet it therefore has no worth whatsoever and Aristophanes should be crucified atop a hillock for linking to it. In the real world, there are clearly people who haven’t seen and heard this shit before so well done.
For whatever reason, it seems to be the women who come closest to being able to sing.
What’s sad to me is that they’ll never know how hilariously wrong they are as their corpses moulder in the ground and their consciousness disappears, *pff*
Sometimes I think these folks are wrapped up in some kind of ultimate insider joke conspiracy. No small feat to consider that WBC has brought both the Left and Right together in agreement that these folks are looney tunes.
Anyways, imagine if you can, that they are correct…and everyone is going to Hell except these folks. I will at least have a small consolation whilst burning in the eternal pits of agonizing fire that God will certainly deserve spending an eternity with these nutters.
Of course, their little ditty and belief system completely contradicts the Old and New Testaments, but that’s never stopped the crazed lunatics before.
1. A return to the final question of the schizophrenia lecture
2. Genes and the advantages of intermediate penetrance: sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis….and schizophrenia?
3. The Kety schizophrenia adoption studies: their second discovery, and the continuum of traits.
4. Schizotypal personality disorder: social withdrawal, odd perceptual experiences, a tendency towards concreteness, metamagical belief.
5. Who are the traditional schizotypals?
a. Paul Radin, Erwin Ackerknecht and Paul Devereux: hearing voices at the right time
b. Alfred Kroeber’s elaboration: Psychosis or Social Sanction. The common roots of sanction and sanctuary.
c. Western cultures and schizotypalism
The jist of his lecture is he begins asking why schizophrenia is so prevalent and noting that it is biologically linked to schizotypal personalities. OK, so why is schizotypalism (loose associations) adaptive? He notes that trad. Shaman were schizotypal (hearing voices at the right time) accepted in the tribe but that schizophrenics (hearing voices at the wrong time) were shunned.
He then discusses religion and ritualistic practices and makes observations about them with regard to obsessive compulsive disorder. He cites Freud: obsessional neurosis as individual religiosity and religion as a universal obsessional neurosis. He explains highly ritualistic sects as adaptive for OCD’s They are “Making a living as an obsessive compulsive.” He ends with:
“What am I not saying
1. You gotta be crazy to be religious
2. That most people’s religiousness is biologically suspect
3. That faith is any more biologically accessible or interesting than is loss of faith”
Like I said, very good lecture. He talks about a difficult issue without denigrating all religious people.
So these regrettable specimens got them a patriarch with a knack for the fancy book larnin, whereby he associated a 3000-year old tribal taboo against the buttsecks with a 2000-year old hallucination about the end of the world, and was thus able to conclude from the fact that there is buttsecks in the world that we’ll all be going up in flames any day now. Wouldn’t you be proud, too? They just had to express their insight in song.
Imagine the sense of personal fulfillment known to the special son who operates the camera here… notice the humble artistry with which he zooms in, in the final frame, on the toothless maw of the blind guy swaying metronomically in the back row.
Why should they be expected to write their own tune, after they spent so much energy working their special insights into verse? Does it count as ironic that they’re damning the human race for its failure to stone the gays by plagiarizing a song about humanist salvation via the transcendence of boundaries, written by the most famous little boy molester ever?
I’m pretty sure Michael Jackson could sue these people into homelessness if he chose to. Wouldn’t that be awesome?
BREAKING NEWS: Years of rigorous religious training leads group to conclude that god hates (or loves) the very same things they do.
I think True Blood captured the moral cowardice in one stroke, last week:
Maryann: (looking into the eyes of Tara’s mother) Just as I thought: empty. Nothing inside. It’s always something “out there” that gets all the blame or all the credit, whether its Jesus or gin.
I am fully aware that these people are hate-filled bigots, but I still hope that we Sadlynaughts seriously promote this video and post it everywhere. I have never seen a better propaganda video against religion than this one! “God hates the world” indeed! Com’on, let’s make this fucking thing a god-damned internet meme already – Xtianity (or hey, I come from a Jooo background, Judaism too) is all about sucking the cock of a god that hates you. Do we need some 4chan help or is Sadly, No! up to the challenge? LOL. Too fucking funny.
[Sitting in Brno, Czech Republic, drinking my sixth beer, in a laundry-mat cum underground jazz bar; washing my clothes and drinking with a bunch of cool Czechs listening to the “Boards of Canada” playing “Everything is Balloon” (the dead monkey song).]
What is the point of Christianity if there is no chance for salvation?
So god hates us and we are all going to burn in hell? What is to stop me from sodomizing the 2 reasonably attractive people in the video? Or from robbing their church? Or from doing anything else amoral?
God hates Swedes because they locked up this pastor once for saying Teh Gaze Is Rong. He also hates the Irish because they’re Catholic, Canada for telling WBC to fuck off, and the UK for having civil unions.
I stored up God’s wrath for a while, but that shit is useless! Can’t heat the house with it, can’t cook with it. I couldn’t even trade it in for a Tlaloc-sent rainstorm.
Shorter painfully untalented Christofacist Singers: God hates everyone in the world, which must include us, and we’re going to bitch at you about it even though it’s too late to do anything to change His mind, which in itself is a theological quandary insofar as God in His omnipotence should be able to change his mind, yet in His omniscience He should never have to change it. So this has all been a big wankfest for no good reason, and we thank you for listening.
Our community has to deal with “pastor” Phred on a too regular basis. I found this VERY unauthorized biography “Addicted to Hate” that explains a great deal about how that monster was created.
Rishy, I read that a long time ago, and to those of you who haven’t yet, it’s incredibly disturbing. Fred Phelps isn’t just an obnoxious cretin, he’s a truly loathesome, despicibly, horrible human being.
For the Pastor Phelps, except for a handful of ‘elect’, the human race is composed of depraved beasts. God hates these creatures and so do His favored few. The world is divided sharply and irreversibly between the multitude of the already-damned (called the reprobate or the Adamic Race) and those chosen by God to attend Him in heaven. Those selected to be elect were tapped, not for the rectitude of their lives, but by what could best be described as the Supreme Whim of the Deity.
If I believed any of this, I would advocate starting a sect devoted to killing this tyrannical god and freeing us all. Death to the evil demiurge!
John 3:16.1
For God so hated the world that he gave it the Westboro Baptist Church, for he who singeth with it shall not sing in tune, but shall have eternal suckitude.
I can’t help but notice that people who subscribe to the bullshit beliefs that Phelps has chosen to brainwash his family into buying, all too conveniently count themselves as part of the “elect”.
Which kinda undermines the credibility of the whole just a skosh, doesn’t it?
Okay, what I don’t get about these guys is the same thing I don’t get about Calvinists — you’re either saved or not, basically arbitrarily, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So … it’s really important to yell at me for not winning the Eternal Lottery? You should convince people to, um, do what now? Have been selected? H-wha?
Now the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they’ve got an even better one: only 144,000 souls, I guess all of them Jehovah’s Witnesses, will go to Heaven at the end of the world. There are like nine million Jehovah’s Witnesses. So of course the thing to do is to go recruiting more people so your odds get even worse! Brilliant! But I guess when your religion says the World Will End! in 1914 1915 1918 1920 1925 1941 1975 1994 and you stick with them, you know, hey.
You know the really curious thing about the Phelps clan? When you get right down to it, they’re so maltheistic in their theology that they’re more like Cthulhu cultists than Christians.
Wow, what a bad PR stunt.
Also… why are they waving an upside-down Canadian flag at the end?
I’d welcome the day that these hateful fuckwits drink their cyanide-laced Kool-Aid –– and I’m betting it’s soon –– except that you know that they’ll take their kids with them in one final obscene hategasm.
I dun’t understund vhy sume-a peuple-a vunt tu hefe-a a hetegesm su bedly. Thet is joost foocked up beyund beleeeff.
Bork Bork Bork!
Dudes singing hymns is totally gay.
It’s good, in a way, to see our religious fundies getting back to their Old Testament roots: God as a savage, sadistic bully who’ll kill you for not doing what some “prophet” (often a crazy old guy who’d been wandering in the desert sun) said that God wants. The Book of Jeremiah has the titular hero spending most of his time hoping that a foreign invasion of his country will bring ruin to it, because the people and rulers of Judah haven’t been doing what Jeremiah says God wants. The more we can get this 3,000 year-old mindset out (pun intended) as the public face of the right wing, the better we hasten their demise.
I am not going to watch.
Also… why are they waving an upside-down Canadian flag at the end?
Probably because these fucktards once tried to enter Canada to protest at the funeral of a gay man. Hundreds of Canadians showed up with grit in their teeth at the funeral and scared them off. Seriously, we were prepared to beat the living shit out of them.
Canada’s border guards and police were on patrol that day as well. Section 319 of Canada’s criminal code says it’s a crime to make statements in a public place that incite hatred against an identifiable group such as gays and lesbians.
The cowards are still pissed.
Here’s a link about it
“so just stop it”
why are they waving an upside-down Canadian flag at the end?
It’s the international distress signal for “We’re out of maple syrup.”
Ouch, lasted for 53 seconds. I hate the world too, but for entirely different reasons than those regressive mytholotards can imagine. More importantly, I also love the world and the universe in far greater measure– and none of us will get more than a laughably brief glimpse of it in any case.
Too late huh? Doesn’t that make all their efforts/protest pointless?
What! No tambourine?
Oh my God… it’s full of fail!
“God hates the world”
Really, seriously? I’m flabbergasted. I don’t even have a joke. That sumabitch hates the world???? Fuck him!
I watched the video at Youtube, where there is a “HQ” (high-quality) option, but it didn’t help.
Section 319 of Canada’s criminal code says it’s a crime to make statements in a public place that incite hatred against an identifiable group such as gays and lesbians….
Good gosh… What do you people do for entertainment then?
So, wait. That makes God some kind of fucked up masochist. All powerful dude whips up a world just so he can hate it.
Damn, that’s some deep fucking problems, there.
ummm… I lasted about a minute watching it… I know they tried to have a catchy little tune like “We Are the World” but it only came across as totally goofy… I like Vic’s comment, tho, ‘cuz that means they’ve had another TOTAL FAIL… again… and again…
What the fuck was I thinking?
Had my head up my ass that day.
Coming along nicely ain’t he?
jesus shitballs. made it 54 seconds. free road maps to to jonestown, anyone?.
Jones was a decent man. Phelps is just a megalomaniac with an abused family.
I was particularly amused by the couple of women in front who were really groovin’ to the beat. The one in the blue with the braid was rockin’, for her at least. That can’t be a good sign. She was enjoying the music (and I’m sure the lyrics) too much. She must have a touch of teh gay. Better stone her now rather than allow her to move any further towards enjoying life.
Seriously. That was a whole lot of major disfunction and psychopathic disconnection from reality. How insulated they have to be to successfully make it through their lives. They may walk among us, but their minds are locked away in some massive level of disassociation from the world. It’s fascinating in the same pitiful and sad way a severely schizophrenic person might be. You have compassion for their serious disability and yet can be clinically fascinated by the workings of the human mind that can take us to such extremes of mental disfunction. If they weren’t out in society and affecting others with their sickness, it would be interesting. But since they are, it’s just sad.
I frankly think they’ve done more for atheism than just about any other religious group. And for that, I thank them.
Plane Crazy
And I know Crazy
justme said,
June 16, 2009 at 10:06
So, wait. That makes God some kind of fucked up masochist. All powerful dude whips up a world just so he can hate it.
Damn, that’s some deep fucking problems, there.
This not only wins the thread, it wins the god wars too. Thanks, justme.
Not unlike the big con of the garden of Eden: “Here’s a nice place, but DON’T TOUCH THAT TREE!!”
Entrapment, at best.
Me, I think it’s time we rentroduced good old-fashioned sports entertainment, and brought back the arena. I think there’s a huge market for nutcases like this to get into their protective clothing and start swinging their morningstars about. Bit of sandy floor, open-air seating – it’d beat the football cold.
Plus seeing these knobheads in their leather loincloths and pallid flabby bits going head-to-head with some oiled-up crazy atheists would be a laugh a minute. I’d almost want to do it myself, except the sight of me in leather battle-gear would probably blind the entire audience.
M. Bouffant: yah, that’s a whoopee cushion mentality for sure.
Although it begins to make sense – the whole world is a colossal version of one of those candid camera-type shows, where a canned audience laughs riotously as unsuspecting folks get injured in slapstick fashion.
Djur and I have long planned to do a show called CITADEL OF DEATH (always spelled in capitals, and when pronounced aloud in a loud, angry heavy-metal voice) which can best be described as a mixture of Hardball and American Gladiators.
Not unlike the big con of the garden of Eden: “Here’s a nice place, but DON’T TOUCH THAT TREE!!”
I just flashed back to the 70s and George of the Jungle.
Frown! Jesus Hates You!
I cursed god to his face?
How the hell was I supposed to NOT do it to his face? Dude’s everywhere! How can I avoid cursing in his face if he insists on being omnipresent?
Youd think that people would have had enough of silly hate songs
But I look around me and I see it isn’t so …
That line where the menfolk scream ‘The SIEGE is coming’ is pretty ominous.
As it says in the bible, judge not lest ye be—oh fuck it.
(but in my next story, I am totally gonna have a character that’s in a metal band with a record called “Fag Beasts and Bloody Flags”)
Shorter Phred Felch: We were paying to much attention to teh ghey and decided to branch out.
And WTF happened to your blöggenröllen?
My life now has a soundtrack. That’s comically beautiful.
Dear Truthlimpy,
These are your people, grow up and join the big leagues. Anyone can troll online, these sick fuckers do it irl.
1. Phelps & gang are protesting teh Canuckistanis.
2. The current governing party of Canada is the Conservative Party.
3. Phelps is a leftist!
Until all Muslims (Teh Left-apo!) and all crazy lone-wolf style gun nuts (Leftsies – no touchbacks!) and Jeremiah Wright denounce the despicable actions of hte Westboro moonbats, teh whole Lie-beral movement is exactly the same as these hymn-singing atheists.
More cow bell!
The Phelps family is like a pack of less self-aware /b/tards. Not sure about the blog roll … I’ll ask Gavin.
If “it’s too late to change His mind”, why change? May as well have fun while we still can, since we’re all damned anyway, according their philosophy.
I mean, it’s hard to imagine that “You’re damned no matter what you do, come be miserable with us” will be a successful recruiting slogan.
I mean, it’s hard to imagine that “You’re damned no matter what you do, come be miserable with us” will be a successful recruiting slogan.
And yet the state of Michigan continues running those ads during primetime TV.
On another note, it’s hard to believe that song is not a parody. It reminds one strongly of NatLamp’s Deteriorata:
Unsurprisingly, the Westboro Church’s song is even meaner and more vicious than the NatLamp parody. They continue to lap our satire.
Sing out, Louise! Smile, Baby!
Love the UnderArmor sweatshirt. Guess it’s true – there’s no such thing as bad PR.
…and the world hates you all right back.
I thought to myself, it would be really funny if they sang this to the tune of “We Are The World”. Then I watched it and, OMFG, they ARE!
In “Californication” Season 1, wasn’t Hank’s first book titled “God Hates Us All”? It got made into a movie with Tom and Katie.
I still think it is a fake.
Just wondering if any of the religiously insane idiots at Westboro Baptist have yet realized that:
(1) if God hates the world; and
(2) they are resident on this planet (based on their religiously insane ravings, this could be somewhat in doubt as far as I’m concerned); then
(3) God hates them.
So, hey – keep on singing about how much God hates you, inbred Phelps clan! It’s music to my ears (even though I could only watch this abomination with the sound off)…
These people came to my neighborhood in Seattle last weekend to protest synagogues and I couldn’t believe how much they were enjoying themselves. I was expecting angry hatred and instead I saw a group of people who were happily singing and bantering with us and would probably be a blast to hang out with… until you listened to their lyrics and heard they were about how all Jews were going to be tortured for all eternity and that’s a good thing…
So presumably only the fine folks at Westboro Baptist Church have the key to salvation?
Certainly not those heretics over at Eastboro Baptist Church. And don’t even get us started on those pagan Methodists.
Plus seeing these knobheads in their leather loincloths and pallid flabby bits going head-to-head with some oiled-up crazy atheists would be a laugh a minute
Nah, just use the lions like the Romans did.
Now Here’s the kind of Christians they’d get along with just fine.
Nah, just use the lions like the Romans did.
I think using a pack of crazed wiener-dogs would be more entertaining.
Nah, just use the lions like the Romans did.
Me, I think it’d be fitting to have them confronted by a Lunberg-type from Child Protective Services:
‘Yeahhhh. Mmm-hmmm. I’m going to have to go ahead and ask you to hand your children over to us, mmm-kay? Yeah. And I’m going to have to ask you not to resist arrest, mmm-kay? Mmm-kay.’
I’m thinking if they changed their keyboard to “electric oboe” it would have more pa-zing!
I’d highly recommend downloading and watching Louis Theroux’s documentary where he lived with the Phelps family for a week or so…
“The Most Hated Family in America”
It is a quick and easy .torrent download and well worth seeing.
The family is just as strange and fucked as you’d imagine – yet Theroux is able to uncover a strangely compelling human side to them as well.
Superior film making!
This is old, over a year or more. Are they in the news again?
I don’t know, the Phelps family is kind of useful, sort of like Michele Bachmann. You just point to them as a negative example. Here’s what happens to you if you go too far into wingnuttery or extreme religiosity.
And as Fred ‘Slacktivist’ Clark points out, it makes for a fine rebuttal to the line of whining presented in the OM NOM NOM commercial about clergy being persecuted for their beliefs:
“Fred Phelps believes obviously horrifying things and he’s a free man. So what you’re getting at is that you want the freedom to be more hateful than a man who pickets the funerals of soldiers because America has gays in it.”
Phelps is at least direct. He just says “[My] God Hates Fags” outright, the rest of the world’s religions* say it in a more honeyed and polite way. I respect the Phelps approach and I’ll be sorry when that dude dies, because he is singlehandedly advancing the cause of gay rights by his existence.
That said I’d like nothing more than to see tens of thousands of people picketing HIS funeral.
[* – not counting the 0.001% of UUs or whoever that are cool with the fags ]
I also liked how nobody outside the gay activist community gave a shit about Fred Phelps when he was picketing the funeral of, say, matthew shepard, but when he started picketing soldiers’ funerals, that’s when biker gangs started surrounding him with snarling engines and flags, etc. The same biker gangs who’d be dragging fags behind their harleys on another day.
The Phelps’ family’s beliefs are not that unusual for the 18th century. The big dude is in charge and he’s fuckin’ pissed at us. We’re all gonna get it but I know someone on the inside. He’s got the secret password to let us in.
So their concern is genuine.
This is pretty old. I saw it a year ago. I prefer the cutting edge hip-hop stylings of the New Cons.
This is my parents’ hate music.
On a more serious note, does Michael Jackson know about this? Can you say blatant copyright infringement? M.J. should sue. It’s been a long time since he has had any good publicity.
This is pretty old now, and since this is the Internet it therefore has no worth whatsoever and Aristophanes should be crucified atop a hillock for linking to it. In the real world, there are clearly people who haven’t seen and heard this shit before so well done.
For whatever reason, it seems to be the women who come closest to being able to sing.
What Marco said–we were dropping windowpane and grooving on this last year.
All of you who bailed out early missed the best line of the song, i.e., “YOU’LL EAT YOUR CHILDREN.”
True story.
What’s sad to me is that they’ll never know how hilariously wrong they are as their corpses moulder in the ground and their consciousness disappears, *pff*
Sometimes I think these folks are wrapped up in some kind of ultimate insider joke conspiracy. No small feat to consider that WBC has brought both the Left and Right together in agreement that these folks are looney tunes.
Anyways, imagine if you can, that they are correct…and everyone is going to Hell except these folks. I will at least have a small consolation whilst burning in the eternal pits of agonizing fire that God will certainly deserve spending an eternity with these nutters.
Of course, their little ditty and belief system completely contradicts the Old and New Testaments, but that’s never stopped the crazed lunatics before.
That said I’d like nothing more than to see tens of thousands of people picketing HIS funeral.
Doubtful it would happen. Giving the people what they want, etc.
Still, I gotta say that “God hates the world” has more explanatory power than “God loves the world.”
What the fuck do these people talk about at their potlucks???
it’s the “two girls, one cup” for 09.
rich metaphorical turn, there –
“god hates the world/and all her children.”
This lecture by Prof. Robert Sapolsky on Religion is great.
II. Religion and belief
1. A return to the final question of the schizophrenia lecture
2. Genes and the advantages of intermediate penetrance: sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis….and schizophrenia?
3. The Kety schizophrenia adoption studies: their second discovery, and the continuum of traits.
4. Schizotypal personality disorder: social withdrawal, odd perceptual experiences, a tendency towards concreteness, metamagical belief.
5. Who are the traditional schizotypals?
a. Paul Radin, Erwin Ackerknecht and Paul Devereux: hearing voices at the right time
b. Alfred Kroeber’s elaboration: Psychosis or Social Sanction. The common roots of sanction and sanctuary.
c. Western cultures and schizotypalism
The jist of his lecture is he begins asking why schizophrenia is so prevalent and noting that it is biologically linked to schizotypal personalities. OK, so why is schizotypalism (loose associations) adaptive? He notes that trad. Shaman were schizotypal (hearing voices at the right time) accepted in the tribe but that schizophrenics (hearing voices at the wrong time) were shunned.
He then discusses religion and ritualistic practices and makes observations about them with regard to obsessive compulsive disorder. He cites Freud: obsessional neurosis as individual religiosity and religion as a universal obsessional neurosis. He explains highly ritualistic sects as adaptive for OCD’s They are “Making a living as an obsessive compulsive.” He ends with:
“What am I not saying
1. You gotta be crazy to be religious
2. That most people’s religiousness is biologically suspect
3. That faith is any more biologically accessible or interesting than is loss of faith”
Like I said, very good lecture. He talks about a difficult issue without denigrating all religious people.
What the fuck do these people talk about at their potlucks???
“This stew sucks ass, but at least there’s no baby in it.”
Just goes to show that I should do nothing, NOTHING, until my first cup of coffee. 2 minutes and 33 seconds of my life that I will never get back.
I at first thought that it was the best snark I had ever seen.
Will God ever forgive me? I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m cute.
So these regrettable specimens got them a patriarch with a knack for the fancy book larnin, whereby he associated a 3000-year old tribal taboo against the buttsecks with a 2000-year old hallucination about the end of the world, and was thus able to conclude from the fact that there is buttsecks in the world that we’ll all be going up in flames any day now. Wouldn’t you be proud, too? They just had to express their insight in song.
Imagine the sense of personal fulfillment known to the special son who operates the camera here… notice the humble artistry with which he zooms in, in the final frame, on the toothless maw of the blind guy swaying metronomically in the back row.
Why should they be expected to write their own tune, after they spent so much energy working their special insights into verse? Does it count as ironic that they’re damning the human race for its failure to stone the gays by plagiarizing a song about humanist salvation via the transcendence of boundaries, written by the most famous little boy molester ever?
I’m pretty sure Michael Jackson could sue these people into homelessness if he chose to. Wouldn’t that be awesome?
BREAKING NEWS: Years of rigorous religious training leads group to conclude that god hates (or loves) the very same things they do.
I think True Blood captured the moral cowardice in one stroke, last week:
God hates the world and all its people – including them.
Those women sure look like dykes to me.
Unless they say that was a parody, I would think it was a copyright violation to take a registered melody and put different words to it.
I am so proud of my hometown.
You everyone are all sinners. I everyone am a perfect angel. They everyone can really sing!
Needs more cowbell…
I am fully aware that these people are hate-filled bigots, but I still hope that we Sadlynaughts seriously promote this video and post it everywhere. I have never seen a better propaganda video against religion than this one! “God hates the world” indeed! Com’on, let’s make this fucking thing a god-damned internet meme already – Xtianity (or hey, I come from a Jooo background, Judaism too) is all about sucking the cock of a god that hates you. Do we need some 4chan help or is Sadly, No! up to the challenge? LOL. Too fucking funny.
[Sitting in Brno, Czech Republic, drinking my sixth beer, in a laundry-mat cum underground jazz bar; washing my clothes and drinking with a bunch of cool Czechs listening to the “Boards of Canada” playing “Everything is Balloon” (the dead monkey song).]
Love the video though. LOL.
Shalom – Peace – Salaam
You everyone are all sinners. I everyone am a perfect angel. They everyone can really sing!
Too funny. I’m a language consultant / English teacher. I love it. 🙂
What is the point of Christianity if there is no chance for salvation?
So god hates us and we are all going to burn in hell? What is to stop me from sodomizing the 2 reasonably attractive people in the video? Or from robbing their church? Or from doing anything else amoral?
Its like they want chaos and evil to reign.
“Its like they want chaos and evil to reign.”
Of course, then they can say: “see, I told you so, we were right!”
Why does this all remind me of my 4 year old when she is hungry and needs a nap?
If you click through to YouTube and watch the video there, you can see the following under Related Videos:
God Hates Swedes?
“God Hates Swedes?”
Of course He does. That’s why he made them all eat lutefisk while sitting at an Ikea table.
Didn’t this make the rounds in 2007, or was that another Phelps video with the same name?
God hates Swedes because they locked up this pastor once for saying Teh Gaze Is Rong. He also hates the Irish because they’re Catholic, Canada for telling WBC to fuck off, and the UK for having civil unions.
Gotta have more cowbell…
I stored up God’s wrath for a while, but that shit is useless! Can’t heat the house with it, can’t cook with it. I couldn’t even trade it in for a Tlaloc-sent rainstorm.
Shorter painfully untalented Christofacist Singers: God hates everyone in the world, which must include us, and we’re going to bitch at you about it even though it’s too late to do anything to change His mind, which in itself is a theological quandary insofar as God in His omnipotence should be able to change his mind, yet in His omniscience He should never have to change it. So this has all been a big wankfest for no good reason, and we thank you for listening.
What the fuck do these people talk about at their potlucks???
“God hates haggis.”
Is it me or is the tume completely ripped off from “We Are the World?”
I’d like to see the Hammer Pants dancers swarm the Fred Phelps singers.
I see the joy in their faces and wonder if this isn’t just a giant IRL trolling.
Our community has to deal with “pastor” Phred on a too regular basis. I found this VERY unauthorized biography “Addicted to Hate” that explains a great deal about how that monster was created.
What a cheerful bunch of inbreds.
Rishy, I read that a long time ago, and to those of you who haven’t yet, it’s incredibly disturbing. Fred Phelps isn’t just an obnoxious cretin, he’s a truly loathesome, despicibly, horrible human being.
From the article:
For the Pastor Phelps, except for a handful of ‘elect’, the human race is composed of depraved beasts. God hates these creatures and so do His favored few. The world is divided sharply and irreversibly between the multitude of the already-damned (called the reprobate or the Adamic Race) and those chosen by God to attend Him in heaven. Those selected to be elect were tapped, not for the rectitude of their lives, but by what could best be described as the Supreme Whim of the Deity.
If I believed any of this, I would advocate starting a sect devoted to killing this tyrannical god and freeing us all. Death to the evil demiurge!
John 3:16.1
For God so hated the world that he gave it the Westboro Baptist Church, for he who singeth with it shall not sing in tune, but shall have eternal suckitude.
I can’t help but notice that people who subscribe to the bullshit beliefs that Phelps has chosen to brainwash his family into buying, all too conveniently count themselves as part of the “elect”.
Which kinda undermines the credibility of the whole just a skosh, doesn’t it?
I’m often amazed at the ferocity with which a certain kind of personality insists on living in its own crap.
They can’t even smell it anymore. Everyone else can, though.
Okay, what I don’t get about these guys is the same thing I don’t get about Calvinists — you’re either saved or not, basically arbitrarily, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So … it’s really important to yell at me for not winning the Eternal Lottery? You should convince people to, um, do what now? Have been selected? H-wha?
Now the Jehovah’s Witnesses, they’ve got an even better one: only 144,000 souls, I guess all of them Jehovah’s Witnesses, will go to Heaven at the end of the world. There are like nine million Jehovah’s Witnesses. So of course the thing to do is to go recruiting more people so your odds get even worse! Brilliant! But I guess when your religion says the World Will End! in
1914 1915 1918 1920 1925 1941 19751994 and you stick with them, you know, hey.You know the really curious thing about the Phelps clan? When you get right down to it, they’re so maltheistic in their theology that they’re more like Cthulhu cultists than Christians.
blessed are those that can’t carry a tune in a bucket