Ladies: All Carey does, the whole night through…

…is dream of you. You’re every thought, you’re everything. You’re every song he ever sings. And were there more than 24 hours a day, he’d spent them in Carey Roberts sweet content dreaming away:

In China, only 832 girls are born for every 1,000 boys, according to UNICEF. […] All this is driven by the relentless march of radical feminism[.]

Yes, radical feminism is without a doubt what is driving those numbers. Oh, one might wonder, what’s in it for the feminists to abort girl babies which results in a much higher number of boys being born every year? Is it perhaps part of a long-term plan to ensure that women have greater choices when it comes to selecting a husband? Ah – but Carey would surely point out that feminists hate marriage. So what’s in it for them? Je ne sais pas. So don’t ask us to explain the logic underlying that conclusion.*

I suppose that when one has identified two things (feminism and abortion) one doesn’t like, putting them together comes all too naturally. And when that same person’s best skill isn’t causal (no words on casual) relationships, one can draw all sorts of crazy conclusions. We’d imagine that if someone told Carey that feminists don’t like cheese and that the Democrats’ mascot is a donkey, he’d conclude that the New Deal worsened the Depression. As much as it pains us to point this out, Carey never got over being dumped by Marie Antoinette. So sad that it should come this. [Fixed link.]


Comments: 113


In 2000, my Aryan whang stood regularly at full staff in response to supple women of suitable heritage and beliefs and fat titties. But for the last three years, the iron will of my Johannes Thomas has been prisoner to the chemical adulteration of Jew doctors.

All this is driven by the relentless march of radical feminism.


I clicked through.

The badness happened.

That’s like saying if you want to stop car accidents, we’ll first need to get rid of cars.

Sounds like a good idea! What’s next?

Abortion represents more than a moral holocaust. Just last month a woman from Eskilstuna, Sweden who already had two girls learned that her infant in utero was female. She demanded — and received — a state-financed abortion on the grounds that this time she wanted to have a boy.

When similar decisions are made by millions of women, a nation’s sex balance begins to careen out of control. In China, only 832 girls are born for every 1,000 boys, according to UNICEF. A similar problem in China. This has the makings of a demographic disaster.

All this is driven by the relentless march of radical feminism, which views abortion as a central sacrament to its destructive ideology.

So radical feminists want to breed less of themselves? Curious. Seems like a march of the lemmings.

Children are eventually seen as disposable.

Just like brown people!


Sounds like somebody sees his dream of wedding a mail order bride scampering away into the long grass.


Just last month in Talinn, Estonia, a pregnant woman said she wished she’d have a girl instead of a boy. This means something, people!


How about that – Carey didn’t just pull the Sweden thing out of his ass.

Of course, his comment about “a state-financed abortion” is meaningless, since I’m sure the majority of operations in Sweden are “state-funded”, but I suppose it’s his idea of warning us about the horrors that await if Obama imposes socialized medicine on the U.S.

How he gets from Sweden to China I’m not going to speculate, though. That’s just wingnut magic.

Ted the Slacker

Lost amid the Iranian election category 5 opinion-hurricane this weekend, Doughy published a Liberal Fascism quiz. Really.

I think my favorite question is #4, the sort of unifying argument as to why Doughy’s book is complete horseshit. Why is Murkin fascism different from Yurpean fascism? Uh, because Murkin fascism isn’t actually fascism – unless you follow the Stalin prescription of labelling everything icky as “fascist” (q #6), and ignore George Orwell’s warning that “fascism” has been so liberally used to have lost all meaning (q #2).

Still, credit Doughy for one achievement. When your own quiz about your own book knocks lumps out of the central thesis of your book, you have carved yourself a unique niche in unintentional performance art.


Alec –

Look to the purity of your bodily fluids.



Wait, so, not all Americans are subscribing to his fanatical religious proscriptions ……and neither are a lot of people in other countries??

My god that’s shocking.

Not honoring every US religious extremist’s God-given right to impose his version of Sharia law on any country he wants, honestly what’s this world coming to?


Actually, the main reason behind female infanticide in most countries — and China, with its strict population controls, in particular — is that boys have more earning power. Therefore, if you’re poor and you only have one kid, you’re going to want it to be a boy. So the real factor behind Carey’s numbers is good ol’ market capitalism.

I would say “surely he knows this”, but I learned long ago that it was a fool’s game trying to figure out whether these blowhards are lying or just ignorant.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

“When similar decisions are made by millions of women, a nation’s sex balance begins to careen out of control.”

Umm, don’t quite know how to break it to this guy, other than to say that in NE Asia (China, Japan, Korea), women don’t make important decisions. The best way I’ve heard it put is that here, men do things; women are things.

You could say the lack of feminism is precisely what has led to the gender imbalance that promises to have such dramatic consequences in this part of the world. It is certainly not the women of China and Korea who pushed the desire for sons and grandsons to such an extreme during the last thirty years. Young women here are powerless.


Stupid, crazy people sure write stupid, crazy things for their stupid, crazy audience!


You could say the lack of feminism is precisely what has led to the gender imbalance that promises to have such dramatic consequences in this part of the world.

You could, but that would be making “sense” whereas he speaks only fluent Wingnut.

Of course he’s got this utterly backwards, there’s a long history of selecting for male offspring in some Asian countries and it has everything to do with the male-dominated society that devalues females and nothing to do with the opposite, i.e. feminism.

Historically it was carried out most often by abandonment after birth, horribly enough, which of course ruins his thesis that it was all caused by liberal attitudes about abortion.

But the word “thesis” and anything coming from that Web site should never be allowed near each other.


General Jack D. Ripper: You know when fluoridation first began?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: I… no, no. I don’t, Jack.
General Jack D. Ripper: Nineteen hundred and forty-six. Nineteen forty-six, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It’s incredibly obvious, isn’t it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That’s the way your hard-core Commie works.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Uh, Jack, Jack, listen, tell me, tell me, Jack. When did you first… become… well, develop this theory?
General Jack D. Ripper: Well, I, uh… I… I… first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Hmm.
General Jack D. Ripper: Yes, a uh, a profound sense of fatigue… a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I… I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Hmm.
General Jack D. Ripper: I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women uh… women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh… I do not avoid women, Mandrake.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No.
General Jack D. Ripper: But I… I do deny them my essence.


The iconic scene of General Ripper going to town on his cigar, lovingly filmed from below, was my avatar in a number of places. God, what a wonderful film. Pity about that inconsiderate mick prick fucking up the ending, though.


Right about that “things (feminism and abortion) one doesn’t like.”

Just as all their arguments are really about them and their all-encompassing knowledge, “do not like” comes down to what is icky. A bunch of 10-year olds.


Let’s see, abortion has been legal in Sweden since 1938, and for any reason whatsoever since 1974.
So by now Sweden must have a pretty screwed up gender ratio:

Demographics of Sweden: Sex ratio
at birth: 1.06 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.06 male(s)/female
15–64 years: 1.03 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.79 male(s)/female
total population: 0.98 male(s)/female (As of 2009 est.)

Fucking facts.


What to another man might appear to be an incipient market for two-guys-on-one-girl porno flicks appears to Carey as a feminist conspiracy.


What to another man might appear to be an incipient market for two-guys-on-one-girl porno flicks appears to Carey as a feminist conspiracy.

My favorite exegesis on the right is that the gender discrepancy will result in an Asiatic horde invading our shores, their savage lusts burning for the virginal womenfolk their backwards countries cannot provide.

Hundreds of crude American idiots have suddenly begun adopting the social and historical outlook of decadent Teuto-Russian aristocrats. (The British right, partially because of strong and creepy German and White expat influence, have always had this going on.) It’s pretty hilarious.


In China, only 832 girls are born for every 1,000 boys, according to UNICEF. A similar problem in China. This has the makings of a demographic disaster.

All this is driven by the relentless march of radical feminism, which views abortion as a central sacrament to its destructive ideology.

I was so hoping….no, really!…so hoping that somehow the ellipses shortcutted a nuance that could be open to interpretation that would show Carey Roberts, the elder Carey Roberts, he of prime Alzheimer’s aging, had acknowledged that Chinese formal policy encouraged the mass production of baby boys, rather than assume that aborting girls = feminism.

His conclusion sort of speaks to the whole “Feminazi” trope of Rush Limbaugh, that feminists must be either lesbian or so ugly that they can’t get laid and the whole movement is based on sour grapes.

Implicit in Carey’s drooling here is the latter conclusion. Given that Roberts himself is no spring chicken nor particularly handsome as an old cock, you’d think he’d welcome “chicks” who couldn’t get laid into his nursing home since the male populations in such institutions tend to be thinned out and the remaining men can get their fill.

Ugly women would serve to bid up the demand for his services, and give him the illusion of potency and attraction that the attractive women would mistakenly believe they had missed.

Indeed, this is the basis of every Seth Rogen movie ever made.

Still, one wonders how someone so stupid that he needs Velcro closures on his loafers would be able to type a column out.


My favorite exegesis on the right is that the gender discrepancy will result in an Asiatic horde invading our shores, their savage lusts burning for the virginal womenfolk their backwards countries cannot provide.

Which would mean they’d be stocking up on liberal teenagers, if the Palins are any indication.

Go ahead, Sarah, I said it! Go ahead and squawk about your fourteen year old now, beeyotch!


How he gets from Sweden to China I’m not going to speculate, though. That’s just wingnut magic.

Moles burrown deep.


To show a comparison to pedestrian’s figures above, here are the numbers for Brazil where abortion is illegal:

Sex ratio: at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.04 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 0.97 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.68 male(s)/female total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2001 est.)

Hmm… They look almost identical to me.


I suppose that when one has identified two things (feminism and abortion) one doesn’t like, putting them together comes all too naturally.

Hey, you got feminism in my abortion!


Spagsdammit Nom you got abortion in my feminism


The “driving those numbers” link has a break tag stuck on the end of it.


Just last month a woman from Eskilstuna, Sweden who already had two girls learned that her infant in utero was female. She demanded — and received — a state-financed abortion on the grounds that this time she wanted to have a boy.

Just last week in multiple American cities, numerous young men shot each other. Should we try to control gun ownership more strictly? Naaaahhh.


Just last week in multiple American cities, numerous young men shot each other. Should we try to control gun ownership more strictly? Naaaahhh.

That’s completely different. Murdering each other with powerful, socially-sanctioned weapons is one of various things men are meant to do. By contrast, second thoughts of any kind about being a human brood sow are a monstrous perversion of God’s plan for those horrible things that keep vaginas alive.


So China’s centuries-old entrenched cultural tendency to undervalue girl children is proof that 20th century Western feminism has gone too far? Who knew?


Demographics of Sweden: Sex ratio
at birth: 1.06 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.06 male(s)/female
15–64 years: 1.03 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.79 male(s)/female

total population: 0.98 male(s)/female (As of 2009 est.)

To show a comparison to pedestrian’s figures above, here are the numbers for Brazil where abortion is illegal:

Sex ratio: at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.04 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 0.97 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.68 male(s)/female total population: 0.97 male(s)/female (2001 est.)

Clearly, men work far more dangerous jobs that require more risk of death and stresses that debilitate their health.

As an avowed feminist, I see this as a good thing. I’m surprised Roberts hasn’t demanded state-sanctioned sabbaticals for working males.


So China’s centuries-old entrenched cultural tendency to undervalue girl children is proof that 20th century Western feminism has gone too far? Who knew?

But that’s central to his point, that China anticipated abortion by millenia!


the main reason behind female infanticide in most countries … is that boys have more earning power. Therefore, if you’re poor and you only have one kid, you’re going to want it to be a boy.

So the real factor behind Carey’s numbers is good ol’ market capitalism.

Actually, the real factor would be good ol’-fashioned sexism. Which is what the evil feminists are all up to in the first place and stuff.


Clearly, men work far more dangerous jobs that require more risk of death and stresses that debilitate their health.

No, they are just biologically inferior and break down quickly.


Clearly, men work far more dangerous jobs that require more risk of death and stresses that debilitate their health.

Of course, Roberts will tell you that the difference is because the 65+ age group were born before femminists were aborting all of their unborn Sistas.


Here we have a clear case of a Swedish feminist retro-engineering thousands of years of Chinese cultural history with her dictatorial demands on a socialist nanny-state, and all you people can do is mock?!?


Also, if this keeps up it could mean the end of the historic dominance of the Swedish bikini team.


I’d ask to see Carey’s birth certificate but I’m afraid the original papyrus crumbled to dust long ago.


I’d ask to see Carey’s birth certificate but I’m afraid the original papyrus crumbled to dust long ago.

Make sure it’s a royal tomb copy.


Whoa..Cary Roberts may be on to something. Since we all know, thanks to Ann Coulter, that feminists are “corn fed, no makeup, natural fiber, no bra-needing, sandal wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons”, they are simply trying to reduce the number of girls growing up to be women who will compete with them, not for men, of course, since they’re all lesbians, but for jobs that, thanks to affirmative action, they will take away from men who need them to support families that will break up under the resultant financial strain, resulting in the collapse of society. Thanks for clearing that up for us, Cary. I think I’ll go lie down now.


Satch, I wish you’d pointed that out to me before the election. It is now obvious that the Femi-nazi plan to destroy Murica is much better than the Obama socialoshariafacist plan. I should have voted for Hillary!


driving those numbers link needs fixin’

should be “”


I’d ask to see Carey’s birth certificate but I’m afraid the original papyrus crumbled to dust long ago.

Not to worry, his long-form COLB is in Akkadian cuneiform on a kiln-fired tablet.


Incidentally, …

Fewer males being born in U.S., Japan: study
Last Updated: Monday, April 9, 2007 | 5:23 PM ET
CBC News

Environmental factors may be the cause of declining proportion of males born in Japan and the United States, a U.S. statistical study suggests.

The report published Monday in the online edition of Environmental Health Perspectives also says males account for a higher proportion of the fetuses that die.

The researchers from the universities of Pittsburgh and Texas concluded that “sex ratio declines are equivalent to a shift from male to female births of 135,000 white males in the U.S. and 127,000 males in Japan” over 30 years.

The ratio of African-American male babies is increasing, but is still below whites in America, they said.

The trend is consistent with reports from other industrial countries, but remains unexplained.

The report said known and suspected risk factors include avoidable environmental contaminants — such as widespread exposure to materials that can disrupt prenatal development — changes in the parents’ ages, obesity, assisted reproduction and nutrition.

However, prenatal exposure to chemicals such as mercury merits further study, the authors said.

They also said that fathers’ exposures to some chemicals before conception may be a factor. “We know that men who work with some solvents, metals and pesticides father fewer baby boys,” Devra Lee Davis, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute’s centre for environmental oncology, said in a release.

Fetal deaths

Davis and Lovell Jones, director of the centre for research on minority health at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, reported that worldwide, males account for 51.5 out of every 100 births.

In the U.S., the proportion fell to 51.17 males in 2002 from 51.34 in 1970. In Japan, the proportion fell to 51.35 males in 1999 from 51.72 in 1970.

Fetal deaths are much higher in Japan than in the U.S., and are much higher for African-Americans than whites. Nevertheless, the numbers of fetal deaths have been falling in both countries since 1970.

But within those changes, male fetal deaths in Japan rose to nearly two-thirds of the total by 1999 from just over half in 1970. In the U.S., African-Americans reported the biggest increase, while the trend for whites was only “slightly upward.”

The authors noted that a recent study of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, a native band in Ontario, reported that sex ratios have dropped from an expected 54 males per 100 births to 45 in the late 1990s and 35 for the 1999-2003 period.

“To our knowledge this is a more significantly reduced sex ratio and greater rate of change than has been reported previously anywhere, and strongly suggests that the sex ratio may prove to be an environmentally sensitive indicator,” the authors said.

The Aamjiwnaang residents, who live near a cluster of chemical plants in Sarnia, Ont., are worried that the plants contributed to the drop in the number of male children.

Someone may want to share with Care.


I’d ask to see Carey’s birth certificate but I’m afraid the original papyrus crumbled to dust long ago.

You give him way too much credit for youth.

The original COLB is on a wall in Lascaux.


The report published Monday in the online edition of Environmental Health Perspectives also says males account for a higher proportion of the fetuses that die.

Will those feminists stop at nothing? Not content with having babies aborted, in order to fulfill their true mission, they send out teams of sharks to seek out and destroy male embryos! Probably with frikkin’ laser beams attached to their frikkin’ heads!


Actually, the main reason behind female infanticide in most countries — and China, with its strict population controls, in particular — is that boys have more earning power.

It’s more basic than that, I think. In primitive societies, girls are seen as a burden—you have to keep them “pure” so that you can get the maximum number of mules when you marry them off. How this guy gets from there to blaming feminism is a mystery.

Acutally, no, it isn’t.


How about that – Carey didn’t just pull the Sweden thing out of his ass.

Yeah, I googled it, too, and can’t find any evidence the suit was to force the government to pay for it; it looks like the case was whether or not she could be refused a gender-based abortion, and the regional Health Board ruled it the doctors couldn’t refuse based on current law as long as it was before the 18th week. Either way it’s hard to see how feminism is to blame, unless you’re Crazy Grampa Carey.

Just last week in multiple American cities, numerous young men shot each other. Should we try to control gun ownership more strictly? Naaaahhh.

Well, see, if it were FEMINISTS doing the shooting, he’d be all over it.


What’s really curious about that Swedish story is I can’t find an originating source for it. The only links Google shows are to right-wing websites and websites quoting, um, well, right-wing websites. Not even a link to the Sveriges television network piece that the “articles” cite….


The real reason less male fetuses are being conceived here is the rise in the amount of hot doggy style fucking in place of missionary position fucking. The latter leads to more males being conceived. I am not sure if this doggy style fucking trend is due to the preferences of Feminazis but I’ll get back to you in 30 years or so.


Ah, OK, the original article in The Local on the Sweden thing.

Here’s an analysis from Findlaw. Interestingly, the author is pointing out that gender-based abortions happen all the time here and that the reason no one has made an issue of them is that it would open the door to basically ruling on every abortion individually.


horrible things that keep vaginas alive.

ahem, preferred terminology is ‘filthy vessels of sin”. Such vessels can be somewhat cleansed by the application of properly sanctified sperm – doesn’t entirely take away the filth but lessens it a little. those vessels that ungratefully refuse this sanctification, are, of course, past redemption and …

can’t do anymore of that. i am exaggerating, but not by much.


In primitive societies, girls are seen as a burden—you have to keep them “pure” so that you can get the maximum number of mules when you marry them off.

There is no such thing as a primitive society, and as much as we can comment on China as a society at all it is as the result of an acroculture ruling over a polyethnic sprachbund, as if a weird mixture of byzantine and republican Rome ruled over every populated area of Europe.

Using ‘primitive’ as a synonym for ‘fucked-up’ gets you in a whole heap of trouble when you’re dealing with groups whose history isn’t intimately connected with that of Whitey, especially because in many cases the societies we would most unreservedly identify as ‘primitive’ tend to be far less fucked-up than their developing neighbors, and the process of raising them from ‘primitivity’ usually involves fucking them up pretty goddamn good.

I think if you really wanted to look to any cultural cause in the case of China, it would be the idea of filiality encouraging a familial focus on literal patriarchy and thus men. The more realistic broad view would ascribe it to mainly economic factors and a narrow view would be primarily concerned with the way in which machine politics, unpredictable American pressures, and corporate meddling have shaped implementation of China’s population control policy. But really, “primitive”? Bullshit.


How he gets from Sweden to China I’m not going to speculate, though. That’s just wingnut magic.

You take a right at Mongolia.


Oh for the love of Mike! That’s applesauce!


How he gets from Sweden to China I’m not going to speculate, though. That’s just wingnut magic.

Apropos of nothing, let it be said that Sweden at various points in history owned various parts of Ghana and Benin, Biggie “Trinidad And” Tobago, Guadeloupe, St. Bartholemeu, and Delaware. Yes, that Delaware.

With the exception of the final, which was evidently limited to planting picturesque Finns and log cabins in the Joisey wilderness, they mainly existed to profit from the slave trade, which is admittedly not as funny except as much as it suggests a version of Roots in which the overseers are all Garrison Keillor.


primitive culture

What alec said. Although what I think the OP might have meant was “traditional” and was refering to practices in the past that continue to shape modern cultures today.

If that’s not the case, well, that’s central to my point.


Carey leaves out the TRUE holocaust of spontaneous miscarriages, an apocolypse of mind-shattering embryonic slaughter that makes all the abortion clinics put together look like a mere statistical error by comparison – & as every good wingnut knows, spontaneous miscarriages were invented by Germaine Greer in her secret laboratory in the Swiss Alps in 1966 … proving beyond a doubt that Teh Grrlz Are Eeeeeeviiiiiiil (& they smell funny to boot)!

How he gets from Sweden to China I’m not going to speculate, though.

I’m guessing “by riding through the Hollow Earth Kingdom on the back of a magic Pegasus made of candy-canes, where he met the wise old gnomes who taught him everything he knows about politics & gave him a bag of enchanted Doritos” – but I could be wrong.

PS – I’m right.


How he gets from Sweden to China I’m not going to speculate, though. That’s just wingnut magic.

I knew I should’ve taken that left turn at Albuquerque!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Carey fails to launch this one into the wingnut stratosphere by not mentioning TEH GAY AGENDER!!!11!!! in his screed. How could he not drag in an image of a dramatically under-lit Perez Hilton rubbing his hands together in a lascivious fashion and crowing triumphantly as he contemplates a surfeit of sloe-eyed, willowy youths falling into his clutches?


Carey leaves out the TRUE holocaust of spontaneous miscarriages, an apocolypse of mind-shattering embryonic slaughter that makes all the abortion clinics put together look like a mere statistical error by comparison


Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m guessing “by riding through the Hollow Earth Kingdom on the back of a magic Pegasus made of candy-canes, where he met the wise old gnomes who taught him everything he knows about politics & gave him a bag of enchanted Doritos” – but I could be wrong.

Of course, we all know the real identity of those wise old gnomes. Of course, by legalizing abortion 15,000 years ago, the Titans of Lemuria sealed their fate.

Garrison Keillor

Hey! I’m Norwegian, not Swedish. Big difference there, buddy


Hey! I’m Norwegian, not Swedish. Big difference there, buddy

They’re both pronounced the same, so who cares?


Hey! I’m Norwegian, not Swedish. Big difference there, buddy

Not until Haakon Schleswig-HUSSEIN-Sonderburg-Glucksburg VII releases the long-form vault copy there isn’t.


With the exception of the final, which was evidently limited to planting picturesque Finns and log cabins in the Joisey wilderness

We prefer to think of ourselves as statuesque, not picturesque.

Rusty Shackleford

Figured Little Debbie Nazi Cake Rolls would have something funny to say about the Iranian situation, but surprisingly not so much.

Yet she does offer this, in which we learn that a professional poker player has more social utility than a woman who works for a playground equipment company because the woman has a sort-of-funny job title.

And the cherry on the top – or bottom, as it were, this being Bizarroworld:

Until and unless we produce things, instead of just consuming them, and produce real concrete jobs–instead of BS “play workers”–we will continue to sink.

Real concrete jobs. Like professional poker player.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

With the exception of the final, which was evidently limited to planting picturesque Finns and log cabins in the Joisey wilderness
We prefer to think of ourselves as statuesque, not picturesque.

I, myself, think of you as agglutinative.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I, myself, think of you as agglutinative.

Of course, this has nothing to do with TEH BUTTOCKS.

I swear.


From Schlussel:

It’s among the few shows on TV I watch anymore, since there’s so much crap. (Shows I like include “Mad Men” and “Damages,” but I’m cable-free, so I catch up with DVDs.)

WTF? Who in their right mind in America in the 21st Century is cable…

Oh. Schlussel. “Right mind”.



I, myself, think of you as agglutinative.

Does this language make me look fat?


WTF? Who in their right mind in America in the 21st Century is cable…

The “right mind” bit is admittedly arguable, but I am without cable myself. I really don’t watch enough tube to make it worth the dough. If the world blows up, I’m pretty sure the networks will cover it.

I do miss a couple of the nerdy channels, but I survive.

Rusty Shackleford

Debbie doesn’t need cable. She gets her entertainment on by going to movies and bitching about the other patrons.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The “right mind” bit is admittedly arguable, but I am without cable myself. I really don’t watch enough tube to make it worth the dough.

To paraphrase Leon:

“No cable, no tube.”

I even watch DVDs on teh computational machine.


The COLB was released but no one can verify the kerning of Linear A.


The “right mind” bit is admittedly arguable, but I am without cable myself. I really don’t watch enough tube to make it worth the dough.

Fair enough, but re-read the context she places this in:

Shows I like include “Mad Men” and “Damages,”

Both of which are currently cable-only (or perhaps Hulu, that I do not know).

a concerned citizen

In China, only 832 girls are born for every 1,000 boys, according to UNICEF. […] All this is driven by the relentless march of those damn kids across my lawn.



I even watch DVDs on teh computational machine.

Has it ever used it’s vast mechanical intelligence to comment? “I’m sorry, Dave, but that movie is crap and Pauly Shore a cretin.” That kind of thing?


FMIB. “its”


The real reason […] is the rise in the amount of hot doggy style anal fucking in place of missionary position fucking. The latter leads to more males conservatives being conceived.


Xecky Gilchrist

Real concrete jobs. Like professional poker player.

And like middle-manager-in-charge-of-outsourcing-jobs-to-China.


Abortion represents more than a moral holocaust.

There are moral holocausts!? Dammit, if I had known that I could kill millions without being immoral I would have done it long ago. Now I’m too busy.


Fair enough, but re-read the context she places this in:

Actually, it’s

so I catch up with DVDs

that strikes me. If you’re going to go to the bother of buying DVDs, why the hell not just have cable and a DVR? Or just cop to pirating everything off the interbutts.



I do miss a couple of the nerdy channels, but I survive.

While sitting a house and a massive clan of lonely dogs, I found that the only thing that came close to making me miss TV was the Discovery Channel. If they found a way to broadcast QI, I’d actually want to pay for cable.

Carey fails to launch this one into the wingnut stratosphere by not mentioning TEH GAY AGENDER!!!11!!! in his screed.

In retrospect, I was surprised by this too. The sino-orientalist stereotypography obsessively dwells over imagined effeminacy, so you think he’d be all over the Yellow Anal Peril. Maybe he just has to adjust to the primitive culture of the mongol-monitors, I dunno.


a woman who works for a playground equipment company because the woman has a sort-of-funny job title.

Heaven forfend that a company should improve its product to better appeal to both its customers (eg, schools) and its users (ie, kids). That’s what I took from her brief description of the job, anyway.

If you think a company is being inefficient and hiring useless workers, form your own company and compete. That’s how your beloved fucking free market works.

Sorry, but with America closing plants by the tens of hundreds and producing almost no products on our own soil, and yet having jobs where people are “education associates” for playground companies and “play workers,” it’s no wonder, our economy is down the tubes.

Until and unless we produce things, instead of just consuming them, and produce real concrete jobs–instead of BS “play workers”–we will continue to sink.

Debs = Grampa Simpson. Or Andy Rooney, if he were a complete idiot. Also an asshole.


Or just cop to pirating everything off the interbutts.

I initially liked the idea of Schlussel keeping a massive Bittorrent habit from her corporatist pals, but then I realized that any such piracy would probably be smothered under a trackless sea of pro-amateur pornography in which innocent middle-aged white women are mercilessly sodomized by hairy Arabs.

I no longer like the idea of Schlussel keeping a massive Bittorrent habit from her corporatist pals.


BREAKING…BREAKING…K-Lo canned as editor at NRO…Rich Lowery to take over position.

Ok, she didn’t admit to being canned, but you know it wasn’t her idea to give up the gig.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Has it ever used it’s vast mechanical intelligence to comment? “I’m sorry, Dave, but that movie is crap and Pauly Shore a cretin.” That kind of thing?

With my movie snobiness, heavens no! I would rather have the crap beaten out of me than to watch a Pauly Shore movie.

Debs = Grampa Simpson.

Deb is America’s obatarian.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

BREAKING…BREAKING…K-Lo canned as editor at NRO…Rich Lowery to take over position.

She showed too much- how you say- empathy.


There are moral holocausts!?

Well, if you’re a right winger, Hiroshima and Nagasaki count.


Via balloon juice, it is noted that KLo is stepping down as “editor” of NRO

I assume u will interrupt your iran blogging to cover this serious world news.


From K-Lo’s announcement:

Call me with your six-figure book proposals and speaking fees

*cut to scene of phone gathering dust and cobwebs, and crickets chirping*


Not just old, but ancient they are and have earned the nickname “obatarian” from the more daring young folks. The word is derived from “obaba”, or granny, and “batarian”, zombie. And they are. They float around town in their own little bubble, not caring a jot for others. They cut queues, push you around the supermarket if you happen to stand in their way and take over tables in coffeeshops previously reserved by others by use of a coat or bag.

It’s Hell’s Grannies!

With added PENIS!


Re K-Lo: I wanted to make a “standing athwart… yelling stop” joke, but I’ve been up since 4:30 and couldn’t muster one.


Murder of physicians is caused by liberals and performed by leftists.
Shooting of policemen is due to liberals.
Aborting females is because of feminism.
Liberalism = fascism.
Neo-nazis are leftists.
Judicial activism is treasonous. (when they don’t like the ruling)
Not engaging in judicial activism is treasonous. (when they don’t like the ruling)
Gays are trying to end marriage by getting married.
Pedophilia = family values.

Every fucking column at WeBlewAmerica, American Stinker, National Rewriting History Online, et. all al. draws from the same well of crazy. Color me surprised.


Wouldn’t that be obLatarian?


er, oblartarian.



Oblart ti, oblart ta, life goes on, bra.

Knights in White Satin

I’ve read that historically, girl babies outnumber boys 1.5 or often 2–1, giving men the ‘advantage’ of having more choice in finding a mate, and making it easy for men to denigrate women, especially those who don’t meet their “standards” of beauty, conduct etc. etc.

This could be *one* root cause of anti-women world wide. When the ratio switches women gain the power to pick & choose a mate.

I read that in some parts of India this aborting of girls is causing a serious problem for men looking to marry. The women that *are* available are demanding all sorts of outrageous things, like voting rights, equal pay, and so on. Tough Titty.

now babe you're a bird of paradise

This poor deluded fool doesn’t realize the half of it. When you get ratios that unfavorable, a lot of dudes start to dude up with other dudes. This is totally part of the radical feminist ploy to really amplify the gayness.


But I will be moving my primary base of operation in the fall from New York to D.C.,

Gasp! The Doughy Pantload lives in DC. Call the tabloids, K-Load = confirmed!!!


Knights in White Satin – don’t know where you heard that about the “historic” ratio of boy vs girl babies…I’ve read in many places that it’s always been typical for slightly more boy babies to be born…the anthropological explanation being that testosterone makes boys take more risks, males engage in warfare, etc, so nature overcompensates with more births of males, assuming that fewer of them will reach maturity than girls.


Gasp! The Doughy Pantload lives in DC. Call the tabloids, K-Load = confirmed!!!

Sweet christ, that conjures the image of two Brillo pads fighting over a hotdog…but not just fighting…fighting to the death.

That image remains stuck in my brain, creating that feeling like having a hair stuck in the back of my throat.

Knights in White Satin

Though anti-abortion people see abortion as “the ultimate child abuse”, statistics show that in places where there are fewer children, *and* those children are wanted and valued, child abuse, illness, abandonment and such drop drastically.

I had a mild argument once, more of a discussion really, with an anti-abortion man, who told me earnestly how many abortions were done per year (I forget the number, 200,000 or something). He wanted to impress me with the horror of such a large number. I pointed out that if those abortions hadn’t occurred there would be a huge number of unwanted children. I asked who would take care of these children? I don’t claim to have “won” the argument, I don’t think it can be won if the person truly sees abortion as baby murder.

Still, I don’t see all those clinic protesters adopting babies. Tell me the man who shot Dr. Tillman had several adopted children and I might sympathise with his views, if not actions. How many kids has O’Riley adopted? How many foster homes or orphanages does he contribute to with he $30 million salary?

Knights in White Satin

Jennifer: My bad!

The boy-to girl ratio I read about was some time ago, I could be wrong. I will check into it more thoroughly. Perhaps it had something to do with higher mortality rates in boy children? Let me research. I should have done so first, of course.


Until and unless we produce things, instead of just consuming them, and produce real concrete jobs–instead of BS “play workers”–we will continue to sink.

The hilarity of li’l Debbie contrasting the educator with a fucking POKER PLAYER in her “concrete jobs” diatribe has already been mentioned, but Jesus, the woman is in a support position for a company that builds, i.e. produces, playgrounds.


The hilarity of li’l Debbie contrasting the educator with a fucking POKER PLAYER in her “concrete jobs” diatribe has already been mentioned, but Jesus, the woman is in a support position for a company that builds, i.e. produces, playgrounds.

That’s central to her point, tig! The fact that this company constructs “play grounds” for children means there are children out there playing instead of apprenticing at a trade or acting as footman for a horse-drawn carriage or mining coal like she did when she was a child.


radical feminists […] like a march of the lemmings.
Someone explain to Carey that the Disney movie-makers were THROWING those feminists off the cliff.

their savage lusts burning for the virginal womenfolk their backwards countries cannot provide.

I confess that I interpreted ‘backwards culture’ as meaning “preference for reverse-cowgirl and doggy-style”.

HUNG Wei Loh (Rugged in Fuxien)

Abortion of girls in China leads to a surplus of boys. And who likes boys? That’s right. The GAYS and the DEMONCRAPS (but I repeat myself, LOL). Homosexuals are George Soros’ second favorite thing to horde, right after money.

We all know it’s only natural that men turn to homosex when there aren’t enough girls around. Now, thinking people know the difference between what happens in prison and on long camping trips and so on (what scientists call “Manly Spartan Love”, or MSL), and real, antiques-and-original-cast-recordings buttsex, but the self-identified “queers” have successfully blurred that line in many minds. It’s getting so you can’t take a tub of Crisco and Coldplay’s entire back catalog with you on a fishing trip without your wife asking all kinds of annoying questions.

If those Chinese boys have to turn to homosex, that doesn’t really make them gay, just MSL’s, but it does strengthen the gay agenda. I’m sure even you moonbats would agree the national debate on abortion is being dictated by the NAMBLA wing of the Democrat Socialist party.

This is the most sinister thing they’ve done since they tried to build a weather machine to cause it to rain men.

Rusty Shackleford

This is the most sinister thing they’ve done since they tried to build a weather machine to cause it to rain men.



I KNOW, I think I’m in love.


Rugged’s back! And this time he’s Chinese!!


Until and unless we produce things, instead of just consuming them, and produce real concrete jobs–instead of BS “play workers”–we will continue to sink.

Wait a minute. Isn’t producing playground equipment actually producing things? Manufacturing and installing them, after designing them?


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