Committed To Being The Shittiest, Now and Forever
Posted on June 13th, 2009 by Tintin
ABOVE: Heather Mac Donald (the Sadly, No! tour de toilettes continues)
Heather Mac Donald, America’s Shittiest Website™
Hispanic 101
- Hispanics aren’t really a separate race the way Negroes and Whites are separate races. Oddly, though, almost all Hispanic girls are sluts, but that’s just a statistical observation, not a racial slur. In fact, “Hispanic” is just an artificial construct by liberals for a particularly worthless group of white people.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
In fact, “Hispanic” is just an artificial construct by liberals for a particularly worthless group of white people.
The sickest thing about that is that, among that crowd of dickbrains, that attitude shows they’ve made progress.
Such social facts do not help California’s budget situation.
Heather shows great restraint. I wonder if the term “spics” was deleted from her draft.
Someone call Sarah Palin, this woman just called 13 million teen agers whores.
I’m sure Dame Palin will jump to their collective defense.
an artificial construct by liberals
Odd that the category was first formally adopted by Richard Nixon
“Odd that the category was first formally adopted by Richard Nixon”
Now, I don’t deny that Nixon is in the bowels of Hell wherein Paul Castellano and Jeffrey Dahmer have made him their shared bitch, but that’s just more evidence of the sad fact that he was, in all probability, the most liberal Republican president of the past sixty years. He’s still a massive wankbeast, don’t get me wrong, but if he tried to run today he’d be slapped with the RINO label like the “PAID” sticker on Andrew Breitbart’s cases of Pabst.
It’s funny how your misinterpretation is misdirected. You should be quoting Zimmerman, not Mac Donald.
See? Mindless snarking IS easy, contrary to what Rusty Shackleblart may say.
I’m just happy to see that the GOP has decided to ditch the code, and focus on more racism.
I wish this would continue to get a lot more direct until the GOP’s voter outreach policy is to flip both middle fingers and scream “FUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOUUUUU” at any potential voter or voting bloc who are anyone other than batshit crazy Southern right wingers.
Kid from Kounty Meath
Nixon is only liberal when judged by the legislation he signed from , by todays standard, a very liberal Democratic congress. To listen to the famous tapes he was as much of a shitstack as anyone currently in the GOP vanguard. Most of the scum that were bushco and Reagans handlers learned all they knew from Dick.
the GOP’s voter outreach policy is to flip both middle fingers and scream “FUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOUUUUU”
Shorter GOP: We do not look down upon niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless.
This was the first time I’ve clicked through to actually read an article on The Corner. Unbelievable. The only clear purpose of her post was to slur Hispanics. I will never get my innocence back.
I especially like the way she used data(?) applying to a high school in east los angeles to smear all hispanics in america. I guess she’s trying to make repubs feel good about themselves, not having a chance to snare hispanics’ votes, now there is no reason to feel bad about it, seeing as though they are such sluts. Funny how the dessicated old whate woman’s metric of choice is the perceived sexual liberty.
“Most of the scum that were bushco and Reagans handlers learned all they knew from Dick.”
Well, yeah, that’s why it’s so insignificant. I recognize the vast, VAST difference between occasional liberalism on the part of a Republican and actually being a liberal. The main difference being, apparently the first one involves really hating Jews. Also, because, uh, because, you know the fuckin’ [inaudible] have so many of the shitfuck piss titties and [static.] Also.
Although few people know the tapes were also prewritten speeches. They’re mostly credited to Pastor Swank.
white, not whate. (sigh)
Andrew Klavan dislikes bumper stickers:
Whoopsies, that last post should have been crazy babbling.
Yet, reality has certainly set in with our Valentine’s day celebration.
As she silently read the love sentence tucked in the offing. The fellow responded by stating that I recalled our group having considered another restaurant in the store, every time being most pleasant. He proved to be right there in center stage was Baptist pastor Mike Huckabee. Why was not that endorsement way back when it really counted? There were scores of evangelicals who follow Dobson daily who were wondering why he had verbalized as a child.
On his first visit to the human to die and after that the Republic stands at a most crucial time frame is another fete. However, if elected, Dems will sideline sanctuary pulpits will follow through with theological and political relativists nationwide cheering the Dem win. The country will turn out okay. Oh sure. Check out Prophet Samuel’s lifestyle – perfect in the store.
I thought him a man. But he did add that he was a homosexual who had no idea what he meant by that, finally. I told him. He did not get along with all other hypocrites, will not be fooled. You, along with all other hypocrites, will not broker a chance of survival when confronted at the same day. So they both cut through families, not to go on. But when it counted. He, too, must have felt quite alone.
All the while, he had strangled a young couple praying about purchasing a new home, the loss of a macabre fact.
My surrender-monkey-speak is not strong, but “tour” in “tour de toilettes” surely means tower (per “Tour Eiffel”) and you should not tease us with the image of a tower of winger toilets unless the photoshop is at hand.
It was over-rated anyway.
i prefer “HipSpanic”, personally.
“cosmic mongrel” “mudblood” and “gene dumpster” work as well.
but seriously, when did we become White people™? Do we give up are ability to dance and spicy food privileges? Do i need to buy a tub of mayonnaise or something?
“but seriously, when did we become White people™? Do we give up are ability to dance and spicy food privileges? Do i need to buy a tub of mayonnaise or something?”
(Boo-hoo-hoo, sob, sob) I’m white and my feelings were hurt, so therefore this is the most egregious example of racism ever in America, which was never racist before toward any other group and even if it was, they should shut up and stop complaining (and probably leave the country). But this comment about mayonnaise is unacceptable! Why are we white Americans so oppressed?! WHY MUST WE SUFFER SO MUCH INDIGNITY?
Do i need to buy a tub of mayonnaise or something?
Miracle Whip™ will satisfy the requirements.
“I can think of at least one Corner contributor who would take exception to his insistence that racial categories are artificial.”
Lopez? Goldberg? D’Souza? Krauthammer? O’Sullivan?
To: JanusSwank
From: 59 Les Paul Copy
re: Whoopsies
Please bear my children. Also.
but seriously, when did we become White people™?
It has already happened to the Italians, Greeks, Celts, Hebrews, and Slavs.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
You should only do this if you’re planning on dumping it through the sunroof of some asshole’s car. Seriously, that shit is toxic.
But this comment about mayonnaise is unacceptable! Why are we white Americans so oppressed?! WHY MUST WE SUFFER SO MUCH INDIGNITY?
Laurence Welk died for your sins!
Is it just me, or is that the absolute whitest show ever — I mean, not in the sense of being the best of ‘white’ culture, but of having zip to do with anything not utterly and completely stereotypically white?
Yes, you do give up the ability to dance. Rythym in White people™ is restricted to the polka. However, you do gain the ability to wear a necktie unironically. (I know, it scarcely seems worth it.)
One prefers the old bigotry. At least it was honest, and not, as Abraham Lincoln observed, adulterated “with the base alloy of hypocrisy.”
Heather only makes these observations because she has seen K-lo engulf 30 taquitos in a sitting.
I would consider giving up the ability to dance in exchange for the inability to wear a necktie. I mean really, how did this silly idea ever become fashionable? Oh wait, I’m asking that on the wrong blog. I shall go confer with the “Babe” the fashion maven.
TPM has a new right-wing crazy arrest.
However, you do
gainlose the ability to wear a necktieunironically.without looking like a total douchebag (I know, it scarcely seems worth it.)That Nixon phenomenon happens to a lesser degree with Clinton. The old joke about him being the “best Republican President” is a dig that he’s actually a conservative because of his many cave-ins and triangulations to the right. But he started out trying to create UHC and let gays in the military. The man is a liberal, one who compromised, probably too much, in order to stay in office during a period of conservative ascendancy and extreme media stupidity.
I can’t think of anything Bush and Cheney did that Nixon would not have approved of. The man wanted journalists killed and the Brookings institute firebombed. He would have loved torture and unlimited wiretapping.
An outspoken anti-immigration activist from Everett has been arrested in Arizona in connection to a deadly home invasion robbery.
Shawna Forde, the executive director of the Minutemen American Defense, is one of three accused in the shooting deaths of 29-year-old Raul Flores and his daughter, 9-year-old Brisenia Flores, at their home in Arivaca, Ariz., a town 10 miles north of the Mexican border.
Shorter right wing:
“Not terrorism…not terrorism… not terrorism… not terrorism… not terrorism… not terrorism… not terrorism… not terrorism… not terrorism… “
Alternate shorter wingnuts:
“If those damn brown people’d stop sneaking into our country and messing things up we wouldn’t have to invade their homes and murder them!”
Not from my perspective: he helped restrict welfare entitlements and was proud to do it. The joke is about his budgetary restraint: really he was the only Republican president if you subscribe to “cutting the deficit” as a Republican ideal.
Only republican president in the last 30 years that is. Can’t be arsed to et cetera.
TPM has a new right-wing crazy arrest.
Always with the dress-up, these people. They’re either pretending to be soldiers or cops or ancient warriors. They should try pretending to be human beings for a change.
Here’s my take:
One prefers the old bigotry. At least it was honest, and not, as Abraham Lincoln observed, adulterated “with the base alloy of hypocrisy.”
Fifty-three percent of all Latinas under the age of 20 have been pregnant at least once, virtually always outside of wedlock. An official with the Pew Hispanic Center recently recounted to me the gang violence and ubiquitous teen pregnancy in his former high school on the east side of Los Angeles.
Isn’t Catholicism insidious Hee McDee?
The worst are all of the pregnant hispanic lesbian gangs. Pistolas Rosas, I believe they call themselves.
They acronym says it all.
No, really, I mean that.
Jeebity fuck, hello?!??!!? tap tap This thing on??????
Pat Buchanan comes clean:
One prefers the old bigotry. At least it was honest, and not, as Abraham Lincoln observed, adulterated “with the base alloy of hypocrisy.”
Don’t make me come over there and hack your widgets WP.
I will now be referred to as Englebert McWaspington.
I pledge to watch the nascars and to enjoy the most holiest of condiments: ranch.
will they stop following me around neiman marcus now? are cops my friends? this is confusing.
They acronym says it all.
Better acronym: Fatherland America Protectors.
Zimmerman amusingly calls Sonia Sotomayor “one of the most qualified nominees in the history of the Supreme Court,”
I like how she drops this little turd out of her shorts, totally unrelated to anything in the rest of her little screed, and without an iota of explanation.
She’s basically saying, “Yeah, Sonia’s no different that those little East LA Mexican sluts.”
Heaven knows we wouldn’t want any inhumane trafficking. Also.
I do understand the NRO’s no comments policy now at least.
‘Warning: This site will not tolerate racist slurs from commenters. The bloggers can handle that just fine on their own, thank you”
Raul Flores, 29, and his daughter, Brisenia, 9, were killed when a group of armed people, including a woman, forced their way into the home. ,/I.
Hey, but at least they didn’t make nasty jokes about the kid.
Shit, what ya need to do is encourage intra-militia training exercises. That’d thin the herd right there.
My favorite part of the article:
I can think of at least one Corner contributor who would take exception to his insistence that racial categories are artificial.
That’s a snappy acronym!
That’s a better acronym than their friends at Stop Hispanic Immigration Today have.
Is that the same California that was #1 at reducing teen birth rates among Latinos (-40%), African-Americans (-64%), and Native Americans (-62%) and #2 at reducing teen birth rates among Asian-Americans (-53%) between 1990 and 2005? Such factual facts do not help MacDonald’s agitprop situation.
I think inevitably the Bill the Butcher-esque nutjobs that join groups like the Minutemen will eventually decide to beat their critics and start being like those evil ’80s cartoon organizations that used words no real person would ever use in that context (like “Vile” or “Destructive”) to fill out an acronym .
Or, alternately, “I think inevitably the Bill the Butcher-esque nutjobs that join groups like the Minutemen will eventually decide to beat their critics”.
In fact, “Hispanic” is just an artificial construct by liberals for a particularly worthless group of white people.
Totally unlike her group, “Cracker-Ass Peckerwoods.”
…he’d be slapped with the RINO label like the “COMPED” sticker on Andrew Breitbart’s cases of Pabst.
Also. such as, I can’t look at that picture up top without hearing Louise Lasser as “Mary Hartman” whining, “Hea-therrrrrr…”
By the way, it’s worth pointing out the hip, popular term these days is Latino or Latina. If they do a companion piece on Asians, will they use the technically-okay but bizarrely outdated term “Oriental?”
And why do I imagine Heather pronounces it “High-Spanic” like Jessie Helms?
This is further proof that every girl I’ve ever met with the name “Heather” has the exact same personality. (EVIDENCE: “Heathers” [1988] with Wynona Ryder).
I rememember back at the 2000 Republican convention there was one guy that scared me even more than Dick Cheney did: they invited on stage a Mexican Tijuana folk-singer, who came on doing a traditional number with a giant sobrero.
(I forget the guy’s name, since despite the ignorance of asshole GOPers, not all latinos share an identical culture and I just had no clue who he was, despite the fact I later heard he was a big-shot in the Tijuana world. Mexican Tijuana doesn’t speak my language, for the same reason I don’t “get” Country. While my Dad and I were driving through Arizona, we thought it’d be cool to listen to a Tijuana station for a while and soak up some local culture. After three minutes we had to change the channel because we both had GIGANTIC MIGRAINES.)
The reason this guy spooked me was because it showed a pretty scary-sounding Republican strategy: getting Latinos to vote Republican, and with them creating a permanent majority.
Wow, whatever happened to THAT strategy, eh? I guess you can either have racist southern nativists, or the single largest minority group in America. Was there ever any doubt who they chose to go with?
In proof that sometimes even a blind monkey can sometimes find a banana, she cites statistics about the high Latina pregnancy rate. This is in fact, an actual problem!
But what strikes me is the lack of compassion. Whereas someone that actually cares about their fellow human beings, with any social conscience at all, would look at a statistic like that and say “wow, that’s a real problem, what can Latinas do to eliminate this,” or “what kind of solutions exist,” she views it as an opportunity to self-righteously castigate an entire ethnic group without proposing solutions.
This is sort of like watching your neighbor’s house on fire and instead of getting a hose to help, wagging your finger and tut-tutting how they should have gotten electrical stoves. This goes into a type of negligence that is actually kind of evil.
It is true that macho bullshit is endemic to latino culture. You wouldn’t believe the crap I got when I tried to come out of the closet. But asshole right wingers have no right to criticise unless they want to be a part of the solution.
In fact, no one anywhere has the right to criticise anything unless they’re a part of the solution. My friend that left for the Peace Corps has the right to be angered by third world poverty, because he devoted time and effort to fixing it. I, an overpriveledged first worlder, don’t have the right to whine about it because the existence of poverty makes me feel vaguely uncomfortable.
Applying that same stance to racist whites: you don’t have the right to complain about how other ethnic groups assume whites are racist, unless you actually do something to combat racism. Saying and doing racist things and then whining when others call you on it is pretty hilariously hypocritical.
But hey, GOP, you don’t have to listen to me and change your behavior. If you don’t like winning elections, just keep on doing what you’re doing.
But you know, the NYC article is right: the term “hispanic” and even “Latino” are flawed because they lack precision and it involves lumping a big group of very, very different peoples together. What I’ve found fascinating about every history of “Latinos” in the U.S. is this: it’s like a Tarantino movie or thriller novel with three or four totally different stories that run simulataneously. Mexican-Americans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, and Central Americans alll have vastly divergent histories and regions. Except instead of the end of JACKIE BROWN where all the divergent stories come together, they have their own parallel endings.
I guess it’s easier to lump a big group of somewhat-alike people together than to get education and see complexity. That’s what Heather MacDonald does with that super-lazy anecdote about her buddy at a high school. I challenge her to visit the crazy high-achieving, ballbusting “Type A” Cuban American Princesses at high schools like Lourdes, La Salle, and St. Brendan here in Miami.
Finally, I love the idea of the title being “Hispanic 101.” This presumes the reading audience are white Americans that don’t know snap all about Latino culture, which is probably pretty true. This entire attitude reminds me of that Onion article where they write a travelogue style article about Canada:
“When waking up in the morning, the average Canadian kisses his ‘wife’ (a domestic partner), has a cup of ‘coffee’ (a local beverage brewed from dried beans) and goes to his ‘job!’ (a place of employment)”
Lawrence Welk, eh?
An official with the Pew Hispanic Center recently recounted to me the gang violence and ubiquitous teen pregnancy in his former high school on the east side of Los Angeles.
Anecdotal evidence from a single source (especialy an authoritative-sounding one) is always convincing. Also.
What’s Mexican Tijuana music? Is it norteno?
Applying that same stance to racist whites: you don’t have the right to complain about how other ethnic groups assume whites are racist, unless you actually do something to combat racism.
Actually, the Pat Buchanan method is to call everyone else racist instead.
Projection – it’s not just at your movie theater any more.
Miracle Whip™ will satisfy the requirements.
Miracle Whip would be a good name for this movie.
Taco-flavored PENIS!!!
No “holes” barred? It’s a Gay Jesus pr0n flick. Is that how they say it over there? More likely, either a hilarious lexical mistake or the double entendre of the day winner.
Actually, the Pat Buchanan method is to call everyone else racist instead.
I was trying to post this earlier but WP kept fucking me over.
Pat Buchanan comes clean:
One prefers the old bigotry. At least it was honest, and not, as Abraham Lincoln observed, adulterated “with the base alloy of hypocrisy.”
Ayn Rand Institute’s Binswanger: Von Brunn is “a Phenomenon of the Left”
I talked about this wanker the other day. Here’s a better video of him climaxing all over Glen Back. Still love the porn name though.
It is beginning to look like the whole thing was rigged in advance, with heavy protest barricades ready to go, communications cut off, and Khamenei declaring a winner before being given the certified results, as required by law
Also see: for video and updates
whoops, wrong thread 🙁
I am sure K-LO agrees……… hehe
Are there any cases yet of the corollary argument? Allow me to predict:
“Once again the liberals are resorting to their Big Lie tactic of making false statements that are so bizarre and extreme that some people will think they couldn’t be invented… in this case, they’re continuing to claim that Von Brunn’s ideology is right-wing.”
the Sadly, No! tour de toilettes continues
It is a labour of love and foul language
A toil de Tourettes, as it were.
I said horchata, kid, and I meant it.
If you find ties Ironic, check out these “cravats”, the knots of which actaully had NAMES (Mathematician, Mailcoach, Napoleon, etc.)
Wow, kid from blah blah blah whatever your name is supposed to be, way to make a statement about Nixon, qualify it until it was all but meaningless, then back down as hard and as fast as possible when questioned. Why can’t center left college kids ever just grow a pair?
What you should have said in the first place is that Nixon was one of the best political strategists ever to also be a face for his party. NIxon wasn’t a racist or a sexist, he just knew that blacks and uppity women weren’t going to vote Republican so he wrote them off. Once he’d written them off, it became clear that supporting racists fighting to keep uppity niggers in their place in the south was a winning strategy. Rock ‘n roll.
He thought Mexicans were “natural Republicans”. Why? Because he thought they coveted the same things he coveted, he had observed that they were socially reactionary, and he’d observed that Mexicans who “made it” in America couldn’t wait to turn around and spit on the spics who hadn’t “made it.” This was the same kind of instinct for assimilation and stratification he both respected and feared in WASPs and Mick Catholics.
There’s no reason to believe Nixon had any personal faith in God, but he understood religious nuts vote. Billy Graham? C’mon over. Reverend Moon? You got that bag of cash handy?
Nixon was “better” than other Republicans this century because he didn’t actually believe in a goddamn thing other than social climbing and acquiring power. That made him easier to deal with than Cheney and Rummy and Bush the Younger because, even though he was a dangerous and utterly amoral man, he was a dangerous and utterly amoral man who paid attention to which way the wind was blowing and adjusted accordingly.
I would say the left’s hatred for Nixon is most similar to the right’s hatred for Clinton. They were probably, in many ways, the 20th century’s two most similar American Presidents.
I will now be referred to as Englebert McWaspington.
Don’t you go changing on us!
We have you to thank for the phrase “tonguejack my shitbox”, IIRC.
“let’s review the myth of the redemptive Hispanic today.”
Yes, let’s. Then we get a brief chronicle of half-assed “stats” that were once applied with similarly zestful glee to the Nigras.
Not to mention, “redemptive“? Excuse me, Ms. Jeezus H. Christ?
What a twatbag. Someone quick, shave her head.
Testing, testing — hey, is this thing on?
Weird. I thought WordPress only hated PeeJ.
Rythym in White people™ is restricted to the polka.
So stick with Acordeon Conjunto Norteño ensembles, then?
Matt, yes, and it does suck. Puerto Ricans, Cubans and Dominican music is much better. Years of Florida residency has shown this to be true for me, now that I am in Colorado. The whole “Hispanics are all the same” concept allows the racists to fit their lunacy to their logic easier. It all looks good to the unaware, and coming off like some expert on brown folk gives it sheen of legitimacy.
Dick Nixon would’ve got the whole fascist state gig up and running if his crew hadn’t fucked up and got caught. Amateur criminal simpletons, pure and simple
Also, Dick Nixon would’ve got the whole fascist state gig up and running if his crew hadn’t fucked up and got caught. Amateur criminal simpletons, pure and simple
You forgot the part about how Sonia Sotomayor is not qualified for the Supreme Court on account of being a member of said worthless subgroup of white people.
Amazing the Sotomayor didn’t get knocked up or pulled into a gang like McDonald tells us most other Hispanics do. But this is not a good reason to praise Sotomayor but simply refuse her entry to the White Man’s Club.
hello, and FYWP
Stirred New Guinea Singing Dog with Poignant Grilled Rice Milks
I’m not 100% sure of this recipe. I will check with the person who taught me how to make it and get back to you. This is what I remember:
1 portion New Guinea singing dog
1 rice milk
1 liver of blaspheming Jew
5 pints fleet wolf-herring eye, glazed
3 pints rosemary
1 ounce dill
The first thing you are going to want to do is let the New Guinea singing dog soften. I recommend cutting it into large squares to let it soften quicker. Then you are going to roll the liver of blaspheming Jew with the rice milk out onto a 15 X 9 (roughly) cookie sheet. Bake the dough at 375 F for 10 minutes. YOU MUST LET THIS COOL BEFORE PUTTING ANYTHING ON TOP OF IT. Let it cool for at least 1/2 hour. You can chop up whatever frustrates you while waiting for it to cool and make the New Guinea singing dog center. For the center, mix the wolf-herring and the New Guinea singing dog. You can use Mister Anthony-Douglas Spraying-Rinsed’s raccoon butterfly fish toe but wolf-herring is better for this recipe as you want more of a taste. Mix it with a blender until it is very creamy and there are no lumps. Then add in the rosemary to the New Guinea singing dog mix. Spread the New Guinea singing dog mix over the cooled liver of blaspheming Jew bottom. I recommend putting it in dollups over the dough, so you can spread it around easier. Try not to touch the liver of blaspheming Jew bottom as you are spreading it. The reason why the liver of blaspheming Jew bottom has to be very cool is because otherwise it will start to lift up as you are spreading the liver of blaspheming Jew. Make sure to get all spots where the liver of blaspheming Jew shows. After this is done, sprinkle the rosemary on top. Don’t try cutting it until you have let it cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Before putting it in the refrigerator though, run a knife over the outside of the whole thing, so it is easier to get out later. If you try cutting it into slices before it is cool, the liver of blaspheming Jew and the New Guinea singing dog will run along the knife with you.
What you should have said in the first place is that Nixon was one of the best political strategists ever to also be a face for his party. NIxon wasn’t a racist or a sexist, he just knew that blacks and uppity women weren’t going to vote Republican so he wrote them off. Once he’d written them off, it became clear that supporting racists fighting to keep uppity niggers in their place in the south was a winning strategy. Rock ‘n roll.
Nixon not a racist? You’re a dumbfuck.
Rythym in White people™ is restricted to the polka.
Case in point: Mr Edward Hyde.
Rythym in White people™ is restricted to the polka.
So stick with Acordeon Conjunto Norteño ensembles, then?
The Czechs introduced accordions to the Mexicans, but the Mexicans didn’t get the joke.
In defense of the polka, it is the ultimate thrash music- danced by leather pantsed guys wearing kooky hats, with lyrics glorifying substance abuse- these guys figured that out decades ago.
“The Czechs introduced accordions to the Mexicans, but the Mexicans didn’t get the joke.”
Actually, it was German immigrants to Central Texas in the 1830s who introduced polka music to the Mexicans – who embraced it enthusiastically. It’s no damn coincidence that Tejano music sounds as if it came from Bavaria – it did!
He thought Mexicans were “natural Republicans”. Why?
It didn’t hurt that his best (and richest) friend, Bebe Rebozo, was Latino (specifically, Cuban).
Tell me again why anyone pays attention to this Buchanan dickhead?
I mean seriously, what has he ever done? He wrote speeches for the most crooked President and Vice-President ever to disgrace Washington. He ran a few increasingly hopeless campaigns for President, in the process hijacking poor old Ross Perot’s Reform Party so he could get his hands on the federal matching funds. And he has spent the in-between times fulminating against minorities of every conceivable kind. I can’t recall him ever saying anything that wasn’t predictably, and tiresomely, full of racist bitterness. He isn’t even a very compelling speaker, with that absurd high-pitched voice reminiscent of Joe McCarthy (his beau ideal of a great statesman). Why does he keep getting published and on TV?
It didn’t hurt that his best (and richest) friend, Bebe Rebozo, was Latino (specifically, Cuban).
It’s weird: the Cuban connections keep on popping up whenever Nixon is talked about. The actual Watergate burglars were Cuban-Americans, for instance.
I’ve always found it intriguing that there’s always a South Florida and/or Cuban angle to every major American disaster, from the Kennedy Assassination to 9/11 (the hijackers were trained at a Florida school).
Oh, that “Lawrence Welk Show” clip that Shell Goddamnit linked to was priceless. It’s so obvious NOBODY involved had a clue what the song’s actually about. I’d have loved to be in the room when somebody explained it-
“But…but…it mentions JESUS! How can anyone object to that?”
I’ve always found it intriguing that there’s always a South Florida and/or Cuban angle to every major American disaster, from the Kennedy Assassination to 9/11 (the hijackers were trained at a Florida school).
What was the Cuban angle to the Kennedy assassination, other than the Bay of Pigs?
Cubans and Cuban exiles play a big role in not one but two conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination.
One of the better-developed conspiracy theories is that Oswald was hired by Castro (on the advice of the KGB) to murder JFK in retaliation for then-attorney general Robert Kennedy’s many attempts on Castro’s life.
Supposedy, the “proof” for this is that Oswald, prior to the assassination, met in Mexico City with known members of Cuban Intelligence.
According to some people that knew him, Lyndon Johnson went to his dying day believing it was Castro, so LBJ is one of the biggest supporters of the “Castro did it” theory.
The other theory is that Cuban exiles, Anti-Castro fighters from Operation: Mongoose were involved with the CIA and the assassination. I know less about this one, but Joan Didion goes on about it in her book “Miami.”
Even the conspiracy theories that don’t have Castro or Cuban exiles as the Kennedy killers somehow always have a Cuban angle.
One of my personal favorite theories was that Kennedy was whacked by organized crime. Even then, there were two Cuba angles: first was how many mobsters involved like Carlos Marcello and Sam Giacana have testified that Jimmy Hoffa worked with the CIA on Castro assassination plots. The second angle is how supposedly CIA-trained anti-Castro commandos were the agents of the Mafia.
There was a great short story by Harry Harrison where a time traveller goes back to witness a historical event, only to find that everybody else there was also a time traveller. I figured the Kennedy assassination was something like that – everybody there were killers tripping over themselves.
And Florida started out as a Spanish colony. Oh noes!
Supposedy, the “proof” for this is that Oswald, prior to the assassination, met in Mexico City with known members of Cuban Intelligence.
More than that. He applied for an immigration visa which is on record. He was rejected, however.
I remember reading a column this trollop wrote trying to justify that full on assault on the Bill of Rights know as the USA Traitor Act. Dispicable!