Are Y’all Ready for More Eliminationist Rhetoric?

I’m sure you are! Our latest murder fantasy comes from Dale Franks at QandO (emphasis mine):

I’ll make a deal with the Left: You wanna impeach President Bush? Go ahead. Knock yourself out. In fact, let’s just go to the polls and turn the whole government over to the Democrats. You wanna run the whole show? Fine. Elect Howard Dean President. End all surveillance against possible enemy combatants, unless you can get a warrant based on probable cause. Withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. Permanently kill the PATRIOT Act. Do whatever you want to do. I’m perfectly willing, at this point, to do it your way.

I mean, really, what’s the worst that can happen? An American city goes up in nuclear fire? Well, it?ll probably be New York, Chicago, or LA. You know, a major city. I don’t live there, nor do most Americans. So we’ll be fine.

But here’s the other half of the deal: If that happens, we get to march on Washington, drag you naked and screaming from your offices, and hang you from the ornate lampposts that line The Mall. Then, free from roadblocks thrown up by infantile political fools, maybe we’ll get serious about defending the United States, her people, her freedoms, and her values, in an increasingly hostile world.

Good God.

OK, guys, let’s make a deal. I can be as partisan and nasty as the next guy, but can we all agree that posting murder fantasies about your political enemies is wrong and really, really creepy?


Comments: 42


OK, guys, let’s make a deal. I can be as partisan and nasty as the next guy, but can we all agree that posting murder fantasies about your political enemies is wrong and really, really creepy?

Unless we’re creepily doing it back at them, of course. I see a real niche opening up here.



OK, so that thing you did with Deaner was amusing, and so obviously ridiculous that it couldn’t have been taken seriously. This… man, I don’t see any indication that this is satire.


…maybe we’ll get serious about defending the United States, her people, her freedoms, and her values…

“That is, when we’re not actively undermining them by abrogating the Constitution, destroying peoples civil liberties, and generally making a mockery of representative democracy.”

Ooh, he’s a smooth one.


And really, there’s nothing as Constitutional as a lynch mob. It’s what the Founding Fathers would have wanted.


The PATRIOT act and unchecked wiretapping were the only things preventing Iran and North Korea from developing nuclear weapons. May God have mercy upon America’s souls.

-The Rev. Schmitt.


Well, technically, they wouldn’t be doing any of that stuff, since after the Second Glorious Revolution (TM), there won’t be any of those things left to rape- they’ll be starting from scratch, as it were.


hmmm, no mention of what would happen if an American city were to drown in a toxic soup…


Again with the overpowering, paranoid fear?
Increasingly hostile world? Is he fucking serious? Well except for world war 1, world war 2, korea, the cold war, viet nam ect.
I read a study just yesterday that contrary to public opinion and news exposure, peace is actually much more prolific than in past decades overall. Guess what they attributed that proliferation to? Those bastard criminal scam artist UN peacekeepers.


Tim- the wanking has gotten more and more intense lately, not to mention more violent. Whereas it used to be “MSM SUX LOL!!1!” it’s not “MSM SUX THEY MUST DIE!!1!”


My fave! Let’s make a deal with an unpredictable outcome whose causality can never be known! Hmm, in these guy’s world Dean could be prez for one second and LA glassing over would be his fault, but see 9/11 what wasn’t Bush’s fault although he was prez, because it’s always the Dems fault no matter what.


I don’t get it — how come they always have something about people being “naked” in these little murder fantasies? I mean, sure, your Mom would throw a fit if you were able to slip some girl (or guy) cat tranquilizers and drag them back to her basement for a rousing session of Naked World of Warcraft, or whatever, but really…..


Okay, here’s *my* deal.
You guys got your patriot act and your wiretapping and your no-fly list and your Dubya re-election and your war in Iraq and your war in Afghanistan and your War On Tactical Concepts.

So. We should all be safe, huh? Completely and absolutely safe.
Does that mean we can hang the GOP and its supporters naked (that *is* weird, isn’t it?) from lampposts the next time we’re attacked by terrorists? And, to clarify, does that include all American citizens, because if so, there’s gonna be a lot of occupied lampposts the next time the “Jihadis” or whatever we’re calling them now manage to kill some of the troops in Iraq.

Honest to God. These idiots have gotten *everything* they wanted for the last five years. Every time I turn around, they’re telling us we’re still not safe.

And that’s the fault of the Democrats’ policies that we’re *not* going to try?
You get the feeling they’re convinced that the whole problem is they’re just not killing enough/the right people?

OBFuturamaQuote: “Something’s wrong. Murder isn’t working and that’s all we’re good at!”


Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t the Republicans in charge when a major American city was attacked? How come I didn’t see Dale doing any marching or hanging people from lampposts back then?


*checks watch* Yep, right on schedule. I figured it wouldn’t be much longer until there were calls for lynch mobs from the winger fascists.

Pitchfork, anyone? Torch?


What a fine example of American “values”! “We had to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.”


An American city goes up in nuclear fire? Well, it?ll probably be New York, Chicago, or LA. You know, a major city. I don’t live there, nor do most Americans. So we’ll be fine.

So why all the hooraw over the first time NYC was attacked? Since you don’t live there, and neither do most Americans, it was really a non-event, right? I mean, really it was just some of us liberal elitist types, you know.


I have family relatives who came over on the Mayflower who are probably more “American” then Dale (I could be wrong here, perhaps way back his family drove the boat or something)will be happy to know that as NYers and NJites, they don’t count. How can you make a blanket statement like that without any facts?


AG: Gotcha beat — not only do I have ancestors who came over on the Mayflower, I have Cherokee and Pomo ancestors as well. Ha! Who’s more American than me?!?

But seriously, re: the naked thing: what is the deal with that? “…[D]rag you naked and screaming from your offices…”??? Does he expect to find people in that condition, or will he strip them prior to dragging them out???


They’re Democrats, teh, of course they’ll be naked in their offices, having sex with interns or sumpin. Oh, and Dale? “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.” Get your rope, home skillet!


Does that mean if we leave the Republicans in charge and there is an attack on an American city, we get to drag them out and hang them, too? Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al have already said that another attack is inevitable.


I think we should have done it (the dragging) after 9/11 (as Davis points out, look who was in charge). Everything but the naked part — even the visual is gag-inducing.


I can be as partisan and nasty as the next guy, but can we all agree that posting murder fantasies about your political enemies is wrong and really, really creepy?

So what do you expect them to jerk off to, then? Pictures of naked women?


Republicans: I’m so scared, all I can do is sit at my computer and quake in fear. Oh, please, government, take away my liberties, throw thousands of people in jail, torture anybody you want, just please, PLEASE don’t let those nasty evil muslims kill meeeeeeee!!!!

Democrats: Hmmm, we got attacked. Probably a LOT of it had to do with our actions in the world and the way we are perceived. Let’s take a careful look at how we are protecting ourselves from extremist elements both inside and outside America’s borders, and consider revising our foreign policy so that we act as a more fair broker in the world instead of flaunting the unquestioned military might we developed as a result of ignoring our infrastructure, health care, education and social needs.

That’s it guys. NO MORE FEAR. We have GOT to stop letting this administration drive the discussion with raw terror. Let’s force them to get rational by telling them sadly, no, we are NOT afraid…



Apparently Dean-O needs to be reminded that we were attacked when a Republican was in office, one who ignored a PDB warning of OSL’s intent and who started a war against a country that didn’t attack us. Yes, Saddam was a despot, but he is also a sworn enemy of OBL. He would have taken great delight in wiping out the fundamentalist cells who are attacking our troops. He was already inflitrating those cells using his own secret police, who conveniently speak Arabic and kinda understand the culture, since, um, they live there.

But you can’t be rational with these panic-stricken crybabies.


The whole point of these wingers is to find a justification for their hatred of liberals and progressive philosophy, which they are too stupid to understand. So they fear and attack it, and endow it with the “evil” that is actually inside themselves but that they refuse to see. These are the lowest of cowards. They are precisely the opposite of everything they wish they were – not patriotic, not strong, not even sane. They are whining losers. Above all else, they deserve to be the subjects of potent and frequent mockery as they blow their toxic noses on the Constitution and the most basic American values even as they laughingly call themselves “patriots.”

So long wingers. Yours is the short ride to oblivion. Dont let the door hit you on the way down and out.


Hmmm… creepy murder fantisies… kinda like when you threatened Dean Esmay’s life? Or kinda like when you threatened his family?


Hmmm… creepy murder fantisies… kinda like when you threatened Dean Esmay’s life? Or kinda like when you threatened his family?

(Looks both ways conspiritorially)
Psst… that wasn’t serious- the picture of the cat with the machine gun is a dead giveaway.
Deano and Dale, on the other hand- made no comment to indicate that they aren’t serious.
Don’t listen to Dean- Dean is a shrill and flighty sod.
READ- and comprehend the context… then you may comment and not sound like a dumbass.


Guinessguy – You allways sound like a wizened kung fu master, hearing of your knowledge of flight recently however, I may not be far off.


I am completely serious about the following comment.

S”adly, no” people: I like your blog.

Do you have guns with which to defend yourself? These people are psychotic. They are losing it as I write this. They may try to kill you. Alan Berg, a popular liberal talk show host who didn’t back down, was shot to death by white supremacists. Arm yourselves.


Jeez – that guy is one sick shit. Dean-o needs psychotherapy rather than guns. Dangerous man. A fascist wannabee.

I like how he thinks real Americans are the armed pussies hiding behind trees taking aim at animals and liberals. They’re afraid of the world, and ready to sell out our Constitution to make their security blanket feel warmer.


Dale Franks and the boys over at QandO just lost their single female visitor with this little debate gem:
“Cindy, you brainless twat.”



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In the comments to this thread, a reader asks: Ok, I seriously don’t understand the hate for Instapundit. Like many blogs out there, I don’t agree with everything said on it, but by and large it is one of the…


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In the comments to this thread, a reader asks: Ok, I seriously don’t understand the hate for Instapundit. Like many blogs out there, I don’t agree with everything said on it, but by and large it is one of the…


What is Wrong With Instapundit

In the comments to this thread, a reader asks: Ok, I seriously don’t understand the hate for Instapundit. Like many blogs out there, I don’t agree with everything said on it, but by and large it is one of the…


What is Wrong With Instapundit

In the comments to this thread, a reader asks: Ok, I seriously don’t understand the hate for Instapundit. Like many blogs out there, I don’t agree with everything said on it, but by and large it is one of the…


What is Wrong With Instapundit

In the comments to this thread, a reader asks: Ok, I seriously don’t understand the hate for Instapundit. Like many blogs out there, I don’t agree with everything said on it, but by and large it is one of the…


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