Low-Hanging Fruit Tastes the Sweetest By Far
Is it easy picking on Renew America? Yes. But I’ll be damned if it’s not enjoyable. Fred Hutchinson’s latest column is a good example of what I’m talking about:
The traditional definition of the sociopath is one who is “morally insane.” When a culture becomes morally insane, it descends into barbarism, and the civilization moves towards collapse. The sudden collapse of the Soviet Empire is an example of how a system can eventually fall apart after the culture sinks into depravity.
Is the West becoming morally insane? Well, it is safe to say that it is morally weird. The fear of saying “Merry Christmas” in a society in which 95% of the people celebrate Christmas in some form is an irrational, if not a paranoid fear.
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. OK, Fred, I’ve said “Merry Christmas” four times now, and George Soros’ secret police have yet to haul me away in their black helicopters. I think it’s safe to say that someone’s irrational and paranoid here, and it ain’t me.
Even among the 5% who do not observe the holiday, only hypersensitive souls or politically-correct diehards are offended by the cheerful greeting of “Merry Christmas.” The idea that such individuals ought to be pandered, to no matter how damaging it is to the culture, is about as weird an idea as can enter the human mind.
I agree, especially since such people don’t exist.
Christmas 2005 is now past, but the preposterous war on Christmas is still a useful example of the moral weirdness of the left. I presume that the present weirdness is the halfway mark in the journey towards the moral insanity of the culture. If we are at the halfway mark, there still may be time to turn the tide and restore moral sanity.
OK, I am so sick and tired of being told how liberalism is destroying the moral fabric of America. Just for the record, here are some statistics for my home state of Massachusetts, easily the most liberal in the country:
–We have the second-lowest teen pregnancy rate in the United States.
–We rank 35th in murders per 100,000 people.
–We have the lowest divorce rate in the country.
–Our infant mortality rate is the third-lowest in America.
Look, nutters- I know it’s fun to mock us liberals in the Bay State because we allow dudes to get hitched. But for the most part, we’ve got our shit together (although the cost of living is way too high). So por favor, remove the planks from your own eyes before coming after us.
Only 75% of the country is Christian.
I know, in a column with so much wingnuttery, it’s a small point, but it’s important to call them on their lies, too.
Where does the right get this seemingly unending supply of straw for all its strawmen?
A guy like Fred has an astonishing level of reality-repellant armor that keeps his supply of straw untainted by things like facts.
Careful with these unhinged comments, you moonbats, else Michelle will send Jesse over here to harvest them for the sequel: Unhinged 2: The Untattled Story.
On another note, ya gotta give ol’ Fred credit for coming up with the phrases and concepts of “moral weirdness” and “moral sanity” (ignoring, of course, anything but sheer I-said-so subjectivity in being able to measure such elusive beasts).
More evidence, as if more was needed, of the fanatic obsession with “moralistic correctness.” Fred Hutchinson, foot soldier of the MC Police–ever vigilant, ever moralistic, ever protective of Baby Hay-soos and your right to say “Merry Christmas” in January.
Lord, please save me from your followers.
Well, Steve, it should be noted upon your excellent point that a fair number of American agnostics and others also celebrate the holiday (kind of, any way- present time with some of the trappings, perhaps).
We’re sill talking at least 10% that don’t celebrate, but… yeah…
OK, Fred, I’ve said “Merry Christmas” four times now, and George Soros’ secret police have yet to haul me away in their black helicopters.
Yes, but if you say “Candyass” four times, Bill O’Reilly will force some female Fox staffer low on the totem pole to listen to “Buttplug Vibrator Symphony” while reaching around to his totem pole.
And then I’ll still dare you to say “Candyman” five times…
“…but the preposterous war on Christmas is still a useful example of the moral weirdness of the left.”
Doesn’t he mean-the preposterous lies about a non-existant war on X-mas is still a useful example of the immorality of the wing-nuts on the right?
Only hypersensitive souls or politically-correct diehards are offended by the cheerful greeting of “Happy Holidays.”
The idea that such individuals ought to be pandered, to no matter how damaging it is to the culture, is about as weird an idea as can enter the human mind.
All the instances of “Happy Holidays” that I’ve heard folks like Bill O’Reilly and Jay Leno (sigh) rail against involve corporate retailers. Are those the “leftists” these fruitcakes are talking about?
“Where does the right get this seemingly unending supply of straw for all its strawmen?”
From their heavily funded think tanks.
And I always thought sociopath meant “without conscience”.
Speaking of psychopathy….this so-called war on Christmas reminds me of the joke – just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t following me.
Even among the 5% who do not observe the holiday, only hypersensitive souls or politically-correct diehards are offended by the cheerful greeting of “Merry Christmas.”
So what about the majority of the 95% who are offended by the cheerful greeting of “happy holidays”?
Yep, I love saying “Happy Holidays” just for the pleasure of knowing that every time I do, western civilization moves that much closer to collapse. Say it quietly and listen carefully, and you can hear the sound of civilization crumbling under your feet.
Happy Holidays Happy Holidays Happy Holidays
The problem with the war on xmas is clearly one of uncertainty. If KNEW I was addressing a Christian then I’d say “Merry Christmas”, I just can’t tell these days. So I play it safe with “Happy Holidays”.
I think the best solution would be to have all Christians wear yellow crosses so we could tell who they are and wish them “Merry Christmas”.
LE, just look for the white people that don’t have curly sideburns. They’re obviously the Christians. There may be a few more out there that don’t fit in to this description, but they don’t really count, do they?
I’ve been hearing Happy Holidays for as long as I can remember, and these nuts are acting like it just started. I always took Happy Holidays to mean the period from Thanksgiving through New Years. Since there is more than one holiday in that period – then one would use an all-encompassing term.
Am I the only one who ever thought this?
I’ve opted for a new holiday greeting:
“Go fuck yourself…”
What…aren’t you happy I didn’t offend you?
You gotta love how he equates the use of “Happy Holidays” in place of “Merry Christmas” with the depredations of Soviet Communism.
You gotta love how he equates the use of “Happy Holidays” in place of “Merry Christmas” with the depredations of Soviet Communism.
It is amazing, isn’t it? These people really have zero idea how bad the Soviet Union actually was.
“It is amazing, isn’t it? These people really have zero idea how bad the Soviet Union actually was.”
Maybe that’s why they’re trying so hard to make the US like the USSR.
I presume that the present weirdness is the halfway mark in the journey towards the moral insanity of the culture.
What basis do you have for presuming any such thing? We’re only at most 3-4% of the way there – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Ha-hah-hah-hah-ha-hah-haaaaaaaa-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
…and then, round them all up, and send ’em to the… ummm… “re-education camps!” Yeah, that’s the ticket! Re-education camps. Pay no attention to those smoke stacks, billowing clouds of sooty, black smoke, 24/7. They’re, uhhh, power plants, too! And, everybody likes those!