Hot Damn

Is anyone else watching the Orange Bowl right now? It’s one hell of a game…

UPDATE: Now we’re in triple overtime. I don’t think this game will ever end.

UPDATE II: I think it’s safe to say that neither of the kickers in tonight’s game are headed to the NFL anytime soon…

UPDATE III: Finally it’s over. Thank God Kelly made that kick. Not because I’m a Penn State fan. Just because I felt sorry for him.


Comments: 8


Sadly, yes…I cannot abide B. Bowden or any of his kin.

C’mon JoPa/PSU…score TDs.


My dad knows one of the sons, Terry- smarmy fellow, salesman type, though mostly harmless as I understand him.
Damn Penn State- ruined the Big Ten by being team #11… now I owe one of my younger brothers 5 bucks… damn!


I hate Penn St. but I hate FSU more. I am consumed by my hatred. Where’s BLT?


Heh — yes indeedy it was a swell football game and I was happy to have seen it. I have no attachment to either school so I don’t mine either way who won or lost. The chance to see excellent football played was the thing.



My only regret in that game was that they couldn’t both lose. It was a good game, though.

P.S. Hook ’em horns*

*Applies to tonight’s game only.


People, please! College Football ended a few weeks ago when my namesake school, Appalachian State, won the National Championship.

Go Mountaineers!!!!


Eh, Yosef, that wouldn’t be this Appalacian State U, would it?


Oh my god. I’m so embarrassed. The worst thing is that this was made within the past 4 years, as you can tell from the fact that my beard is gray and my face looks weird, I don’t have my rifle or my pipe.

Thank God I didn’t recognize anyone in that video.

I think we’ll have to win 10 more consecutive championships to get over the shame of that video.


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