We Broke It, They Bought It
With apologies to the Editors, it seems that Michael Moore is looking particularly rotund today:
The Bush administration does not intend to seek any new funds for Iraq reconstruction in the budget request going before Congress in February, officials say.
That must mean the country’s been rebuilt! Mission accomplished!
The decision signals the winding down of an $18.4 billion U.S. rebuilding effort in which roughly half of the money was eaten away by the insurgency, a buildup of Iraq’s criminal justice system and the investigation and trial of Saddam Hussein.
Just under 20 percent of the reconstruction package remains unallocated. When the last of the $18.4 billion is spent, U.S. officials in Baghdad have made clear, other foreign donors and the fledgling Iraqi government will have to take up what authorities say is tens of billions of dollars of work yet to be done merely to bring reliable electricity, water and other services to Iraq’s 26 million people.
Hey, I’m sure they can pay for it themselves with all the oil revenue they’ll generate!
“The U.S. never intended to completely rebuild Iraq,” Brig. Gen. William McCoy, the Army Corps of Engineers commander overseeing the work, told reporters at a recent news conference. In an interview this past week, McCoy said: “This was just supposed to be a jump-start.”
To paraphrase the Gavin-maligned Beastie Boys, “I am most ill, and I’m cuttin’ and runnin’!”
Iraqis nationwide receive on average less than 12 hours of power a day. For residents of Baghdad, it was six hours a day last month, according to a U.S. count, though many residents say that figure is high.
The Americans, said Zaid Saleem, 26, who works at a market in Baghdad, “are the best in destroying things but they are the worst in rebuilding.”
I hope no one in New Orleans is reading this.
In a speech on Aug. 8, 2003, President Bush promised more for Iraq.
“In a lot of places, the infrastructure is as good as it was at prewar levels, which is satisfactory, but it’s not the ultimate aim. The ultimate aim is for the infrastructure to be the best in the region,” Bush said.
Is it possible to start a democracy on 6 hours of power a day and no money? I think not.
Aside from the wonderful impression this makes on the average Iraqi, I can only imaging how “other foreign donors” (is that our allies, or is it Iran and China?) will appreciate having the cost of rebuilding thrust into their laps.
Aside from the wonderful impression this makes on the average Iraqi, I can only imaging how “other foreign donors” (is that our allies, or is it Iran and China?) will appreciate having the cost of rebuilding thrust into their laps.
Yeah, no kidding. Paging Bill Gates.
U.S. Has End in Sight on Iraq Rebuilding
BAGHDAD — The Bush administration does not intend to seek any new funds for Iraq reconstruction in
Mudge — considering that America was built on little money and no power whatsoever (outside of man, horse and gunpowder), I’d say that 6 hours of electricity a day puts them ahead of the game.
On a more serious note, this is sickening. I know it’s not the usual (or cool) thing to do, but does ANYONE in that administration ever stop to think about what it’s like on the other side? Think about how your average Bob Iraqi feels about this? Or even, y’know, that it reflects even more poorly on the US to basically break our word? (I’m guessing that the answer is Sadly, No!)
Good morning liberals! I have a dedication for all of you this morning. This song is about my resolve to stick around here as a troll in ’06, shining a light on your liberal groupthink, and talking you out of your determination to drink from the well poisoned with the cyanide of cynicism. Some call it condescending. I call it caring. Some hate me for it, I love them in return, (tough though that love may be, and difficult though the truth of my food for thought may be to swallow).
I’ll start by setting the record straight on Iraq:
Saddam broke it.
We tried to fix it.
We broke some things in the process.
In the end, freedom, liberty and democracy will flourish in the region and spread throughout the far corners of the earth.
You know its true, because I’m the shadow of all of you. Yes, each one of you has a little troll inside of your head, reminding you of what is really true. Catch me if you can. Try to lose me in ’06.
I’m Your Shadow
words and music by Dr. BLT (c) 2006
Ah, yes. Tough love. Just another euphamism for abuse. That’s OK though, I think we’re learning to enjoy the pain.
Doc, the new year just wouldn’t be the same without you.
BruceH: John Mellancamp said it best back in the day when he was known as John “Cougar” Mellancamp:
Happy New Year, BruceH!
I just finished reading 1776. If you think George Bush made mistakes in Iraq, you’d be surprised how many mistakes George Washington made. Yet he persisted, and we prevailed.
It’s too bad no-one reads history these days.
George Washington is equated with George Bush..(our George couldn’t clean that George’s spitoon)..1776 is equated with 2005..all you need is persistence..a delicious nugget of false equivalences.
If I remember, we persisted against a foreign power..so are the Iraqis..whoops , doesn’t fit the theory. Never mind.
miriam, welcome! It’s good to come across someone here who is willing to start the new year off with the truth.
Mudge, miriam is right, history speaks volumes, history is the best source of truth, and history is repeating itself. miriam is a bearer of truth, but I understand your resistence:
The Truth Hurts
words/music by Dr. BLT (c)2005
Miriam. It doesn’t do much good to read history if you don’t understand it.
Gus, to understand it, you must first read it. miriam, your mind is living proof of Intelligent Design.
This History major requests that diagram of apples and oranges, stat!
Dr. BLT, why is it that the right wing clearly values security over freedom (Patriot Act, wiretapping Americans w/o a warrant, etc.) but are so sure that Iraqis value freedom over security? Especially when the insecurity they are suffering is orders of magnitude worse than what we’ve got? I kind of understand the “screw the rest of the world” aspect, but not the “and they’ll like it!” aspect.
Don’t expect this to cost Bush anything politically. Just like tripping off the Segway or diddling while New Orleans drowned, he and his buddies will just hop right up, spread their arms, and say “Ha! We meant to do that.”
It was the plan all along, dontcha know.
And now that 2 or more of us have gathered, I’m announcing a free convention of all intelligent, insightful, respectful, self-respecting, sane trolls.
Date: 1/2/06
Time: NOW (That’s “NOW”, not N.O.W.); ASAP; PRONTO!
Place: “Sadly, no!” under the “We Broke It, They Bought It” Thread
Agenda: We will draw a plan to collectively break up the liberal groupthink here today, and dissuade folks from drinking from this site, the well contaminated with the cyanide of cynacism.
Dress: Wear conservative attire. Wear rubber boots, your gonna need ’em because the BS gets pretty deep around here.
Food: I’ll bring the BLT sandwiches, with a side order of truth. But it’s a pot luck. Bring whatever you can spare. Remember Jesus multiplied a few loaves and the “fishies” to feed the masses. BYOB: If you’ve got only water, well, we all know what Jesus did with that, so, as long as it contains no cyanide of cynicism, we can use it here.
Weather: Expect a few minatory storm clouds to gather from the west, bringing possible torrential rains, with a little acid rain in the mix. Don’t let it scare you. Follow my example. Let it flow like water off a duck’s back.
Come one, come all! Gather trolls! Right here! Right now! ’06 is our year. Let’s strike while the irony is hot!
As the Beatles once said, “Come together, right now, over me.”
Hi trolls? Did I come to the right spot! I brought the cool-aid!
Yes, RPT, you’re question marks and exclamation marks are a little mixed up, but as long as you can put a period at the end of their liberal groupthink, you don’t have to be a grammar superstar.
Here I am, doc. Are mistresses allowed?
Generally, no, Jimmy Jr., but we’ve all sinned, perhaps we can make an exception in your case.
Here I am, sandwich doc. Look, I even brought my Bible.
That’s great, Billy, but that Bible’s a little big. I thought Bible’s were meant to read, not climb.
Here’s some history for you doc:
A life without liberty (privacy) is not worth living. (Hat tip to The Poor Man Institute.)
You’ve inserted some very intelligent quotes to bolster your argument, Bruce, and I can see your side of the story, Bruce, I really can.
Of course those arguments are good ones, only in an ideal world. And the ideal world is not a bad world. I visit there quite often, but you don’t want to live there.
In the real world, there are clear and present dangers that force us to make certain sacrifices and compromises in the interest of safety and security.
Are you honestly saying, Bruce, that you would rather be dead than to live under the Bush administration’s approach to countering terrorism? Everyone has their breaking point, and maybe I will live to regret these words, but so far, I haven’t reached mine as it concerns privacy issues.
I hope no one in New Orleans is reading this.
Sadly, No!
What is it with BLT, these days? A very extroverted, puffed-up sense of his own importance, which I personally find unseemly, has been pervading every one of his comments around here. Along with his usual self-centredness and appalling solipsism, it’s all rather dismaying. I’m on the verge of thinking he’s actually taking himself seriously.
In any event, am I the only one who remains completely, thoroughly, profoundly unamused?
Is it…*stage whisper*…pharmaceutical in nature?
I see the doc is suffering from multiple personality disorder again…
George Bush has the penis I love to fondle and lick! I love to post my lip puckerings on the presidential penis for all to see. I can’t get enough of the President or his penis. It tastes like freedom!
BLT, I do not presume to answer for Bruce, but I can say honestly that I would rather die in a terrorist attack than live under a dictatorship, however genial, of this fake shit-kickin’, brush-clearing-for-photo-ops, banana republican, dry-drunk ex-cokehead whom you think is so frickin’ dreamy.
I got another quote for you: “If this were a dictatorship,
it’d be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator.”
Heh, heh, heh, indeed.
You’re just mad because I have an all access pass to the presidential pole of freedom. I can grease it with my saliva and slide myself up and down it all day long. You’ll never know how liberating it is!
There remains almost $8 billion in undisbursed funds.And there is always the chance for a supplemental which happened last year as well.
The terrorists have been quite effective in hitting the critical areas. Baghdad has sporadic electric service because the towers are hit regularly. At one point this summer,electricity was knocked out for 2 days due to that kind of attack.
Good morning, teh. Good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor! If you’re so against dictatorships (other than your own 🙂 then I presume you had a lot to celebrate about when the U.S. captured Saddam in the Christmas season of ’04. Why don’t you tell me about the grand party you had that day. If you were too drunk to remember (and you weren’t drinking to drown your misery), then I know you are truly against dictatorships.
Freedom isn’t free, BLT. Everybody needs to pay the price, which by the way is not death but an increased risk of it. I’m willing to risk it, and I live where it really IS a risk, do you?
“In the end, freedom, liberty and democracy will flourish in the region and spread throughout the far corners of the earth.”
Right. Step one, underpants! Step 3, profit!
Dr. B – I enjoyed the Merry Christmas animation (My Favorite Things) on your website. Was that Marlo Thomas from “That Girl”?
Apparently wingnuttery is the latest in kitsch. Gee, who knew?
Dr BLT: Do you mean to insinuate that the world inhabited by Patrick Henry and John Adams was somehow not … the real world? That being in the midst of a revolution was ‘ideal’?
“If you’re so against dictatorships (other than your own :)”
Seriously, WTF is that supposed to mean?
“…I presume you had a lot to celebrate about when the U.S. captured Saddam in the Christmas season of ’04. Why don’t you tell me about the grand party you had that day.”
I had a fabulous soiree, attended by only the most elite, ivory-tower liberals (all of whom had been proven wrong about everything ever), where I made a toast to all of Saddam’s victims who magically sprung back to life and health at the instant of his capture, how America’s economic growth and employment rates and standards of living immediately skyrocketed, and how we would never, ever have to worry about terrorism or continued violence in Iraq ever again, because the bad, bad man had been found in his spider hole.
It was an amazing fucking moment, Doc. Really.
cranky, thanks. My wife created the animation on that like flick, and Marol Thomas from “That Girl”? was a good guess, but I think my wife had a self-portrait in mind.
TidyCat: No, I do not mean to insinuate that at all. I admire the idealism and the passion behind those sorts of comments. And I guess it could be argued that those comments express universal principles that are applicable to any culture at any point in history. I just don’t happen to think that I live under a dictatorship, that’s all. Is it a perfect democracy? No, but it is far from a dictatorship.
teh, now that most recent post of yours was the paragon of the cyanide of cynicism that I’ve been preaching against since I began my trollship here at “Sadly, No!” I must admit, that was classic.
You think *that* cynicism smells like bitter almonds, just wait ’til I tell you about the party I plan for when Osama gets nabbed…
Oh, wait, I thought we liberals were hopelessly idealistic, and live in the ideally ideal world of unicorns and magical entitlement programs and Patrick Henry and such? So much so that we need to be grounded in reality by you pragmatic conservatives…Except, of course, when reality is too inconvenient — then suddenly we’re too cynical by half.
*Sigh* I despair of ever earning the approval of America’s wingnuts. Whatever shall I do?
So “Bush==Washington” is a true statement, as is “Bush will ultimately prevail, as long as he stays the course,” but liberals are the ones affected by the iocane powder of idealism? Ooookay.
“If you think George Bush made mistakes in Iraq, you’d be surprised how many mistakes George Washington made. Yet he persisted, and we prevailed.”
Uh, Miriam?
George Washington was one of the “insurgents”.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. BLT – I take great umbrage with that gesticulation sir, how dare you! How dare I? Yes how dare you impugn some kind of compassionate tone to my purely arbitrary, abstract, and utterly pessimistic rhetoric? I put it to you sir; have you ever heard anyone in your life paint such a bleak portrait of the present condition and future outlook for the planet earth than I? I say to you sir; retract what you have carelessly penned to besmirch the dismal nature of the person to whom you attribute good will and glad tidings upon. For purposes of frivolous debauchery we shall never speak of it again. The brewnamic origins of the intoxicating substance of inebriation shall no longer be discussed within the halls of this establishment sir. Furthermore, the subject of this problematic and habitual abuse of the personal dynamic in perpetual and fatuous infighting shall not continue its’ algorithmic increase indefinitely. I sincerely hope that you will consider your jocular repast with tooth grinding wanton truthfulness and lighthearted gumption of sadness until some semblance of past mineral displacement is inferred to the present circumstance. Good day to you sir, and good night as well.
In the end, freedom, liberty and democracy will flourish in the region and spread throughout the far corners of the earth.
Without America having to lift a finger, too. I love this kind of responsibility lacking optimism and demand it is made into government policy. The first step I demand is that America stop looking for Osama Bin Laden, the better to catch him.
In addition to everything sorting itself out just like America did when George Washington invaded Iraq, deposed a leader made more and more irrelevent by the connivance and bravery of his own men and UN sanctions, inspired civil war then left the Iraqis free to rebuild and fight off the insurgents on their own money, I will have a pony.
-The Rev. Schmitt.
Dr. BLT:
It might be more to the point to ask you where, in fact, you draw the line. You’re willing to grant the Executive whatever power he says he needs in this, our Global War On Terror. Does it stop anywhere? Is absolutely anything done by the President acceptable to you, as long as it is done in the name of security?
Two things:
1) *scrubbing brain with bleach* – ok doc, what’s up with you and the oral fantasy with the Dumbya? YIKES-SOMEBODY GET THAT VISUAL OUT OF MY HEAD!
2)Wickersham Bros: Right Fucking On! That is the thing the righties seem to forget…the ‘freedom fighters’ that founded this country were an insurgency, using guerrilla tactics (sound familiar anyone?)
Hey, Rev, what’s up? I may have time to address your comment later, but first:
“*Sigh* I despair of ever earning the approval of America’s wingnuts. Whatever shall I do?”
Teh, I’m one of American’s wingnuts, one of Canada’s wingnuts too, which makes me a double wingnut or, worse, a wingnut without borders, and I approve of you.
Right and left wingers need to learn how to speak to one another without resorting to vile, vitriol or puerile, pusillanimous insults.
Peace has traditionally been a concept applied to the comity of nations, but what about if we start applying it in the political arena and to the political process?
America is a beautiful country where we can juxtapose disparate ideas in a forum like this without one of the government’s minions shooting one of us in the back of the head for disagreeing with the prevailing mantra. It’s also an ugly country, because it’s not a perfect democracy. That just means that we have to work together towards ameliorating the social ills that are present. We start by uniting, as left and right wingers and (fence-sitters too) instead of bickering and bitching about our differences.
PS: mr x, that must be some pretty good left-over eggnog you’re drinking.
PPS: Nothing tastes better than the presidential penis. I like to lick it most tenderly.
PPPS: Caress the shaft, fondle the balls.
That PPPS was not written by me, alas, you may have found the perfect way to get rid of the troll. I see my days at Sadly, No! may be numbered.
My wife has an enormous cock. I like to hold it against my right cheek and sing songs to it. Like this one:
9/11 changed everything
I wanna swallow your load
9/11 changed everything
I’m bending over for you, ram it inside me
9/11 changed everything
I’m not in the closet anymore and I’m ready to dress up in bondage leather for all the gay parades!
It goes on like that for quite a while and then for the climax I squat over it and ram it up my pooper. My wife is great!
Identity theft is a dirty trick, but you win. I’m outa here.
But I’ll be back with sock puppetry and various other forms of gayness. And crappy songs, did I forget crappy songs? I have a lot of crappy songs to inflict on the world.
hurray for the good twin!!!
“If you think George Bush made mistakes in Iraq, you’d be surprised how many mistakes George Washington made. Yet he persisted, and we prevailed.”
I’m going back to my history books to find the part where George Washington invaded and then occupied a sovereign country.
I’m going back to my history books to find the part where George Washington invaded and then occupied a sovereign country.
I belive this would be right after implying a political enemy of his “hast yon black baby” and and right before awarding massive contracts to his shady friends. Right? Anyone got a source on this?
Hijacking someone’s name, or, in my case, my initials and title, and then slandering that person is a new low. It’s cheap, lowdown and mean-spirited. It’s the dirtiest trick I’ve come across yet. in the desperate efforts of some here to discredit me.
I want to thank all of the rest of you who refused to resort to such vile tactics and actually made this a rewarding trolling experience. I’ll will miss you. Until the powers that be at this site find a way to protect conservatives from this form of abuse, I’ll have to find another place to do my songblogging.
And by songblogging I mean babbling incoherently about my crappy music.
No quick and dirty fix that I know of- though I freely admit myself to be only semi-web-literate.
Whoever’s name stealing, stop being a cobag and argue the faults of his actual points (and there are many (of both, actually)) instead of this sophmoric nonsense.
Is this another episode of Dr. BLT sock puppet theater?
It isn’t me, I swear! My trademark is to leave the URL field filled with my actual URL, as I am first and foremost a blogwhore.
My first instinct was THYCWOTI, or perhaps Pinko Punko. But no, they’d still link to 3bulls!…
Like this: “Indeed, it was Colonel Mustard in the Colon with a Falafel!”
Or something to that effect…But notice the redirecting url, yes? I am not the culprit!
Besides, Gavin or Brad could probably track whoever’s ISP it is…
Hijacking someone’s name, or, in my case, my initials and title, and then slandering that person is a new low. It’s cheap, lowdown and mean-spirited. It’s the dirtiest trick I’ve come across yet.
That’s the dirtiest trick you’ve come across yet? Are you kidding me? Here’s a dirty trick. Go back to Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and tell King Friday about that.
These vile tactics enacted by certain mean spirited slanderers of my good name will face certain retribution. I am going to write a crappy ass song that will really show them what’s what!
OK, Fly Meets Burt, but name-stealing for the sake of mudslinging comes in a close second.
Look, whoever you are, I don’t mind you having a little fun at my expense. Have your puppet shows if that’s how you get your jollies. All I ask is that you alter the “Dr. BLT” part of my title as least as much as you’ve altered The Song Blogger part (Bong Flogger), so that folks googling around the internet will know who the real idiot is, and not falsely assume its me.
I’m a big fan of parody, but using the person’s actual name or moniker (technically mine isn’t exactly a moniker since those are my real initials and I am a real doctor) is, at the very least cheezy, and uncool. It’s also cowardly and shows that you have no class whatsover.
It might even be a violation of ethics or law, or at least something that’s widely frowned upon among the blogosphere cognoscente. So don’t do it, or I will leave for good. Now, you may find that prospect to be cause for celebration, so go ahead and celebrate. What you’d be ultimately celebrating is your own depravity, and your Pyrric victory in driving away anyone who disagrees with your point of view so you can go on living in a world where you are never challenged. I would be leaving with my head held up high, but you will be left with an inner sense of shame, if indeed you have the capacity to feel shame.
You will be like the baseball star that reaches his goals by using steroids.
If you’re going to win the debate with me, and if you want that victory to mean something, then have the courage to be the real you, and use intelligence, if you have any, not shameful, churlish little games.
OK, Fly Meets Burt, but name-stealing for the sake of mudslinging comes in a close second.
No, this is a close second.
Nice try, Fly, but it’s a tie! 🙂
GuinessGuy, I appreciate your supportive statement. Sticking up for someone you profoundly differ with on ideological grounds, on the basis of a core sense of ethics and principles, shows a great deal of character and humility.
Now that was not intentional, but a glitch in the system that defaults to the person who most recently posted with you accidentally make a mistake while inputing your name etc. I was the one who made that statement to you, GuinessGuy, not Fly Meets Burt. Sorry about that Fly.
PS: GuinessGuy, I appreciate so much I’ll suck you off for one dollar.
Saddam broke it.
We tried to fix it.
We broke some things in the process.
We killed and maimed a lot of innocent people in the process.
We destroyed U.S. credibility as far as assessing a real WMD threat to the world.
We trashed the U.S. reputation for being a nation of law where everyone (including accused persons) have rights. Instead we treated the world to the spectacle of the Vice President arguing that we HAVE to have the right to torture prisoners who don’t even know the accusationa against them, much less having been convicted of a crime.
***A miracle occurs***
In the end, freedom, liberty and democracy will flourish in the region and spread throughout the far corners of the earth.
Those darn, head-in-the-clouds, liberals. How can they continue to deny the pure logic of miracles?
Dr. BLT you are the greatest sock puppeteer of all time!
Are any of the rest of you principled enough to put our political differences aside and stand up against the sort of blog abuse that has been directed against me today? If it can happen to me, it can happen to anybody.
I need to know what my options are, legal or otherwise. Nobody should be able to get away with these sorts of personal and ethical violations. Nobody should be forced off of a particular blog site in this manner. If all of you sit back and watch it happen without saying a word, you are every bit as guilty. If you happen to be a liberal, and if you happened to appear on one of my favorite conservative sights, and someone were to engage in these sorts of tactics, I would be the first person to come to your defense.
Pish and tish, Dr. BLT, I don’t think many of here think nic hijacking is copacetic. You’d probably put it down to our nasty ol’ case of “liberal groupthink,” ‘cos we always, always agree on everything! Of course, anybody who’s read more than two-or-three of your posts can easily tell you apart from the impostor. It’s newbies that might be confused. BTW, while the fakes are quite vulgar, why, exactly, is it slander to imply that you’re gay? I, for the record, didn’t do it–Gavin or Brad can back me up on that. It just seems… judgmental. I suppose that it’s better if you’re honest with your feelings, but I must say I find it rather insulting.
I’m afraid, faux Doc guy, I’m quite straight and therefore not prone to taking up offers of oral sex from strange men (or strange women, for that matter- good Catholic boy I am), though I appriciate the offer, really.
Real-Doc: No problem, I assure you. I find the “namestealing” bit terribly annoying and childish. I find your brand of trolling entertaining, and appriciate both your innate right to hold your beliefs and my (our) right to dispute them.
Good day to you, sir(s).
Are any of the rest of you principled enough to put our political differences aside and stand up against the sort of blog abuse that has been directed against me today? If it can happen to me, it can happen to anybody.
I need to know what my options are, legal or otherwise. Nobody should be able to get away with these sorts of personal and ethical violations. Nobody should be forced off of a particular blog site in this manner.
Wait a minute. If you’re still here to post this appeal, how were you forced off this particular blog? I was forced off of Redstate blog by having my posting privileges revoked. If your posting privileges were revoked, how did you manage to post this self-pitying plea for protection from sarcasm and parody?
Darn right it can happen to anybody, and it has, to me, on conservative sites where they make fun of you briefly and then immediately revoke your posting privileges. Poof. You never existed and never made any comments, a la 1984.
But perhaps you are not really Dr. BLT. But why then do you show up as http://www.drblt.com, the site that will not allow me to back button to Sadlyno.com?
All of these cowardly puke wingnuts will change their minds if a Dem can overcome deibold in 08. Suddenly warrantless wiretapping will be a crime again, just like magic.
If blt and his ilk were around in 1776 we’d still be a British colony. Oh, I forgot, they were around. As Tories.
It helps to keep these things in perspective, gsalln.
The Right sided with King George (of Hanover, that is) in 1776. They opposed the Bill of Rights. They sided with Jefferson Davis in 1861. They opposed women’s suffrage. They sided with Hitler until December 8th, 1941. They opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
We will preserve America. We will preserve democracy and human rights. We will do it, carrying them on our backs kicking and screaming, the way we always have.
Oh, and pseudo-BLT: You are disrupting a potentially productive discussion with your attention-getting antics. That is the very definition of a troll.
I greatly appreciate the support that many of you more principled bloggers have offered. I know that I can be annoying and obnoxious to some, but I do not think that this warrants somebody resorting to name-stealing, and falsely representing me in such a reprehensible manner that is tantamount to slander.
If this had been done to some of you before on a conservative site (and, apparently, it has), I would be every bit as morally indignant and would be every bit as quick to confront such a conservative coward in your defense.
Perhaps some of you would not be bothered by such a violation, but this happens to be something I can not abide.
Marq, it has nothing to do with any insuation that I am gay. I am not that insecure in my sense of who I am sexually. I’ve had gay men, thinking I am gay, coming on to me in gym locker room showers before and I, being fully heterosexual and involved in a happy, fully committed heterosexual relationship, politely, but assertively turned them down, as I would a woman who came on to me (though that might admittedly bring about a Jimmy Carter moment or two).
There are good people and bad people on the right and on the left of the political spectrum. Much to my chagrin, many of the people I initially put in the category of bad or hateful liberals at this site actually turned out to be very good people. It only takes one sick, demented, unprincipled, hateful coward to drive someone like me away, someone who enjoys the company of most of you and only wants to stir up a little productive debate.
The tactic they used will eventually work if they keep it up. Though my name, my words and my reputation aren’t perfect, I want to salvage what little bit of a reputation i still have left. If I am criticized, let me be criticized on the basis of my own idiotic words, not the idiotic words some coward put in my mouth. Parody me if you want, have fun at my expense, put down my songs, all I am asking is that you it honestly. Don’t falsely represent yourself as me. If this person persists in such actions, I hope that they will be made to feel every bit as uncomfortable in persisting in such actions as I would try to make some conservative coward feel if they tried the same BS on any of you at a right-wing site.
OT LOL: I had to post this. Dr. Mike made snopes.com
It wasn’t me. I can say that the real BLT has a period before the first comma, while the alternately deranged BLT does not have a period. If it were me it would go like this:
Hey cats!
Get hip to my sandwich trip!
To the original BLT,
In the past you have used many tactics which I feel were intended to annoy or unfairly debate others at this site. I won’t list them here but you know this is true. That said, identity theft is bad etiquette, dirty pool, hitting below the belt, and otherwise despicable, especially since you are not cloaked in anonymity. You seem to have more personalities than Sybil but I don’t think this alter-ego is one of them. Whoever it is, please desist for the sake of fair play.
To Whoever is impersonating Doc Sammich: Cut it out. You’re not fooling anyone, you’re not impressing anyone, but you are annoying the hell out of me and probably others. Moreover — perhaps the worst crime you could be committing here — you are not being funny.
I am fairly certain that Brad R. or Gavin can track the IP address and figure out, if you are a regular, who you are. Whether they do so or not is up to them, but if you keep fucking around like that, I will ask them to out you.
It sure as hell wasn’t me, I actually fell for the first one thinking maybe the doc had slipped off his meds and had an extra special personality on display.
Whoever is impersonating him, just stop now. It’s not funny, it’s bad form, and it makes the rest of us look bad. Cease and desist.
Dr. BLT annoys the hell out of me. I don’t know what the attraction of having a pet troll is, but get one that isn’t a really freaking annoying blogwhore.
Blogwhore or not isn’t necessarily the point. Sadly, No! can dish it out, but can they take it as well? The fact that BLT haunts this site was his choice to make. He is a testy bugger of the question of whether an open forum can exist anywhere. However, he does not deserve to be assassinated with underhanded tactics.
Well, there’s one thing I can say about your comment, Ed Marshall. It is honest. If I annoy you, I apologize. That is honestly not my intention. There’s got to be a song somewhere in my free mp3 jukebox that will allow you to experience relief from the trauma I have caused you. I’ll have to give that a little more thought.
As for the rest of you: You folks are making me feel more love for liberals than I thought even I was capable of feeling. I even got a little teary-eyed reviewing some of your comments, and acknowledging your willingness to come out in defense of an often admittedly over-the-top troll. I may be a little gun shy for awhile, but if the violator doesn’t get the message by now he/she will never get it, so I hope in time it will feel a little more safe to return. You who have been willing to put aside our political differences and have been so swift in coming to my defense have certainly earned my trust and my loyalty. I will offer you this gift in return: I will not post a link to one of my songs today :).
Seriously, I hope you will all be richly rewarded with a happy and prosperous new year!
George Washington wanted a Powerful executive to bring the states down to their proper place, longed to maintain an hereditary aristocracy in America and acted above it all and disinterested in politics while campaigning not to mention repeatedly referring to the fledgling nation over which he was to preside as an Empire.
Well holy shit! Apparently Dubya really IS George Washington.
BLT- you are not honest. How many times do you reference your GODDAMNED free mp3 jukebox? A lot more times than I reference my particular webpage, which people can easily find by clicking on my name. You are a cobag, and what’s worse, you know it. I’M CALLING YOU OUT, LOAFNUGGET!
See you got me riled up.
“See you got me riled up.”
It’s called arousing passion in you, Pinko, and I “honestly” admire your passion.
You’ve just referenced my free mp3 jukebox again, but you’ve made it a little more exciting and enticing for folks by calling it a “GODDAMNED” free mp3 jukebox.
People in modern society have become so cynical that they find it almost impossible to believe that somebody could offer something for free unless there was some sort of a catch to it, unless they are trying to sell or, as some of you put it “whore” something.
Well, here’s more honesty for you, Pinko: I honestly don’t care if any of you ever buy anything of mine. My songs are an extension of my thoughts, and, they are an extension of my self. I think, eat, sleep and breath songs.
You’re giving away your words for free, and I don’t accuse you of trying to sell me your words when you post something, do I?
Now some of you may say you pay for my songs because they sound so awful, but actually, even if you experience them as unpleasant, you are getting something out of them, because they cause you to think—even if the thought happens to be, “What was he thinking?!!!” Every question represents the beginning of an intellectual and, in some cases, a spiritual quest.
The following song, “My Last Gig” talks about how we need to live our lives as if every gig were our last, or, in your case, if every blog post were your last. Now I don’t obviously don’t write every song as if it were my last, and (judging by your most recent post above), it appears that you don’t “pen” every post as if it were your last,. But I believe this is something we should all strive for. Now I’m not trying to sell or “whore” anything here, Pinko, so don’t go getting all “riled up. ” But in the unlikely event that you are interested, you can link directly to “My Last Gig” via cutting and pasting the following link:
My Last Gig
words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2005
i thought this site was about mocking wingnuts… a little extra for blt is fine by me.
ps. i’m not a liberal.
“Mudge — considering that America was built on little money and no power whatsoever (outside of man, horse and gunpowder), I’d say that 6 hours of electricity a day puts them ahead of the game.”
Just think in only another 250 years they’ll get to pay forward their headstart.
Oh, we’re all about mocking wingnuts.
But, as libs (or moderate libs, in my case), we are all about giving a comparatively sane conservative the same respect (the honest discussion of the other’s ideas) that we would anyone else who has something to say that isn’t insane.
We :heart: equal rights, after all.
Anon, have you been reading Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of Positive Thinking” again?
I will try to be more succinct. Because libs (or moderate libs in GuinnessGuy’s case) were so swift to come to my defense when somebody was hijacking my name for less than noble purposes (knock on wood), I felt an exhilirating sense of freedom of speech, defended by the most unlikely of allies, so I probably exercised that freedom just a bit too much on that last post.
Well, I didn’t do the nic stealing, but Lord Almighty I’ve been tempted. I’m not as thrilled (nor fooled) by the good Doc as others might be, nor do I find him entertaining in the least.
The first few times was funny, but after reading Doc defend Hitler-lite for the 1000th time, I’ve run out of nice.
Doc, it’s also an issue of freedom of speech for others to tell you to put a plug in it sometimes. Whether you do or not is up to you.
My goal has never been to entertain you, Mal de mer, and I would venture to say that at least some of those who came to my defense don’t find me entertaining, even by the greatest stretch of the imagination. They are simply people of principle. Today, I’m grateful, even to those of you who clearly don’t like me. If you exercised the restraint to refrain from the “nic stealing” then I have nothing but gratitude towards you today.
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Carry on.
What’s Tha’ Time? It’s TimeTa Get Shrill!
This story literally made me froth with rage when I read it. Seriously, the people at the laundrymat were staring at me: The US government will complete just a fraction of the planned massive reconstruction projects in Iraq before $18.4…