Holy Crap
What to make of it when David Horowitz and Gary Kamiya agree in basic terms on the usefulness of Obama’s diplomatic approach to the Muslim world?
Granted, D-Ho and Kamiya aren’t exactly on the same page when comes to the specific parts of the Cairo speech that they like — in fact, they seem to have interpreted it in opposite ways. Which maybe says as much about Obama’s mad skillz at soothing just about everybody in the room, regardless of their ideological bent, as it does about the double-plus goodness of the speech itself.
Still, Horowitz seems to recognize the basic utility of diplomacy and inclusiveness in America’s dealings with the Middle East, even if he sees a muscularity in Obama’s speech contra Kamiya, who instead focuses on its novel (for an address by an American president) and important concessions to Muslims in general and the Palestinians in particular.
Given the past eight years of reliably retarded hard-right sabre-rattling towards the Muslim world, it’s fairly astonishing to see a character like Horowitz — as rhetorically committed in the past to violently breaking Muslim spirits rather than listening to their concerns — veer so dramatically away from the insane ravings of a Pam Atlas. Which isn’t to say that D-Ho hasn’t always been far more lucid and approachable than Pam, even when, at the height of his post-Radical Son madness, like an ex-smoker on steroids, he built a bizarre and paranoid enemies list that somehow linked George Clooney to Osama bin Laden.
But if Horowitz’s output has never been as incoherent as the intellectual train wrecks produced day after tweaked-out day by Pam — who is essentially a peripatetic delivery mechanism for any random anti-Muslim sentiment or conspiracy theory that springs up on the internets, is sifted through her garble filter to strip it of any shred of internal consistency, and repackaged with a pair of tits on the box — it hasn’t been for lack of trying. D-Ho’s view of the world has long been far closer to Pam’s — in kind if not in expressive form — than to Kamiya’s.
Which is why I think it is fairly important that Horowitz is stepping broadly towards Kamiya’s position and away from Pam’s, on so fundamental a topic as US relations with the Muslim world. If the Cairo speech was a ‘crucial step forward’ in repairing those relations, as Kamiya believes, could Horowitz’s praise of the same speech be such a step forward towards a real marginalization of the Pam Atlases of the world? A step in the direction of a national dialogue on foreign policy that is more wonkish and serious than finger-pointing and loony? Maybe I’m making far too much of this, but it wasn’t very long ago that the Horowitz response to the Cairo speech almost certainly would have been nothing but a more eloquent version of Pam’s coked-up histrionics.
I recall that back in 2004, when it looked as if Kerry might beat Bush, friends and I would talk about how nice it would be if we could get to a place where political arguments focused on disagreements in the policy margins — instead of being front-loaded by the wingnuts who dominated the rules of engagement with garish loyalty tests that derailed any meaningful idea exchange before it got off the ground. Obviously, we know how that turned out. Instead of a return to sanity, the wingers became newly emboldened and it wasn’t until the 2006 elections that the tide really started turning.
How long did the inmates run the asylum of our national dialogue? A long fucking time, and it blew goats so profoundly that it’s no wonder many of us have been unwilling to pronounce that the nightmare is over. If only for fear that, like black mold in your bathroom, the crazy would come back in full bloom if we didn’t keep scrubbing and worrying at it as if it was still a powerful force.
Well, I am going to go out on a limb and pronounce that we have finally returned to a place of political normalcy after our long nightmare. A place where ideas matter and seriousness is not a starving orphan in the corner. I say this not because there are no longer wingnuts amongst us — the wingnuts will always be with us (and thank God for that, since occasional outbursts of earnestness aside, I’m pretty much in it for the lulz). I say it because, if you really take a good look around, you’ll find that kooks like Pam and Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck and Dick Cheney have finally been fully outed as the freakshow monstrosities that they always were, and at long last, all but a handful of people finally get the joke.
Even David-fucking-Horowitz gets that throwing in with the crazies just ain’t good for business anymore. That’s got to be worth something.
I want to believe you, but if the kooks are getting marginalized, why do I still see them all over my TV? To say nothing of the fact that when people are marginalized, they tend to get even crazier, and do crazy shit.
I don’t know. I think you may need a few more points on the plot before declaring D-Ho around the corner and the Dyed in the Wool Idiots being marginalized as a result. I hope you are right. But those people really are to stupid to fall down when they shuffle of the ol’ mortal coil. And, Bro Code.
Oh, and NdP, you are such a loser. Posting comments on a Friday night. What happened, violate the Bro Code? Huh? Huh?
No question Horowitz is better educated & more rational than Geller (most mammals are) but it’s not as if he isn’t a chameleon, even if he’s been rabid red consistently for 35 or whatever yrs.
And D-Ho may be just rational enough to have noted the utter absence of spontaneous democracy blooming in the sands over the oil, or in the mts. of Pakghanistan. If he really, really is pants-pooping feared of further Mohammadan terror & take-over, he may have finally gone pragmatic & decided to see if the reasonable approach works, because the previous eight yrs. of reaction has only made things worse for Western Civilization.
Posting comments on a Friday night.
Night? Not everybody is on Berlin time.
I want to believe you, but if the kooks are getting marginalized, why do I still see them all over my TV?
Because they still have entertainment value as freakshows on the order of the Octomom.
I think you may need a few more points on the plot before declaring D-Ho around the corner …
To clarify, I don’t think D-Ho is ‘around the corner’ in the sense of ‘not-still-being-an-utter-douchebag’. I think that as a pragmatist, he sees the writing on the wall — being reflexively anti-Obama does not bring in much political capital. But at some point, if assorted wingnuts start talking rationally, even if its just a ploy or for show, what you get is a more rational conversation overall.
I think there’s still some use to be made of the crazies in the voting booth. The economy’s the shits. Republicans can have another kick at the can depending on how Obama plays it.
I don’t think they can run on crazy, but they can dog-whistle the loons into the voting booth.
Also I like repeating myself also.
Look at Pam’s reaction to the Cairo speech. That, and not Horowitz’s, was the normative reaction from the Likkudnik American right (of which Horowitz remains a part) to such things only a year ago. That Likkudnik American right would take the phrase ‘Palestinian people’ from such a speech and focus a giant ragegasm on the idea that ‘there’s no such thing as the Palestinian people!!!!!!1!’ … much as Geller still does.
But now Pam’s reaction is the marginalized one and not the norm.
All but a handful of people…
Because they still have entertainment value as freakshows on the order of the Octomom.
Yes, but you must also consider that “entertainment value” = “setting the dialogue” in our “news” culture.
A few may be pragmatists, but it’s Rush Limbaugh that’s calling the shots, and he is 100% dedicated to crazy.
Throw out all the people who don’t watch cable news or watch it on Fox’s competitors, then yes, out-and-out wingnuttery has dwindled down to a relative ‘handful of people’ in the US.
You see the not-as-marginalized-as-they-should-be kooks on TV because the rancid concept of “infotainment” (seems so quaint now, doesn’t it!) has replaced any actual, thoughtful policy analysis just about everywhere in cable-land. But I suggest that freaks like Pam Atlas, et al., ARE marginal. Is anyone outside the blogosphere even aware they exist? We’ve incorporated them into our daily consciousness because we come here and to other liebrofascial (new word?) sites for OUR “infotainment,” so to speak.
Anyway, I too rejoice, DA, that perhaps the Horowitzian among them are beginning to shed their scaly skins and reassume somewhat human form. Eh what do I know, I’ve just had three Cosmos.
Since you mentioned the blowing of goats, this is sort of on topic. I’ve been hearing all over the internet that Tom Blumer blows goats. I can’t believe the MSM is covering this up!
Re: Rush … Rush fans are like Trekkies. They’re really, really devoted to Rush and wear their fandom on the outside. So a) they seem like a bigger phenomenon than they really are, and b) Rush is essentially a narrow-casted product. There are probably five times as many people who despise Rush as love him.
It’s true, he does. I read about it on a blog earlier today.
DA: I hope you are right. And maybe the domino effect begins on all of the gate-keepers of opinion (like editors and publishers) and they begin swinging back to a more rational position of policing the utter and complete bullshit many of these people spout. But I think that could take some time. Mass delusions happen with ever-increasing velocity, mobs form rapidly. Sanity tends to return to the mob one person at a time. It takes more time to unwind this kind of (group) mindset, I am thinking. Again, I hope you are right. Spag knows, I could be wrong.
And, thanks for all the hilarity and hard work.
Hey D.A.,
“There are probably five times as many people who despise Rush as love him.” …as love them. See, I’m trying to make a Rush joke.
MzNicky – yeah, I didn’t mean to imply that Pam Atlas was ever ‘not marginal’ outside of our little snarkiverse. But the seeping up of Pam’s ideas to the right-wing voices that ARE actually heard in the mainstream is not happening as much today as, say, in 2003. Or 2006 or even, like, last month. That’s the trend that I think is happening.
Maybe an encouraging sign, but proof of “a place of political normalcy”? Not on the torture “debate” with the Cheney family running around lying and not fact-checked. Not in the constant coverage of their fellow traveler in bullshit, Newt Gingrich. National “discussions” on health care, the economy and steps towards recovery, closing Gitmo and more are still pretty damn crazy, and the Overton window is still waaaay too far to the right. I agree that complete insanity isn’t ruling the roost anymore, but it’s still frequently a major player.
And I’m sorry to interrupt, but since there seem to be a few people still around this evening, can anyone direct me to the actual text of John Cole’s quote about disagreement with Conservatives? The one about how it’s not “disagreement” when you want Italian and your date wants flaming hubcaps garnished with fiberglass insulation or whatever nutty thing it was?
I can’t remember enough of the salient nouns to google it.
he may have finally gone pragmatic & decided to see if the reasonable approach works
…or he may just be dipping his toe in the clear waters of sanity, just in case the market for that kind of discourse may pay a lot more and a lot more often in the coming years. Like D. says, better for business.
Hey Tommmcatt,
Isn’t that exactly the point though — as soon as “sanity” is the best business case the whole of TV discourse will start sucking less (medium is the message arguments aside). That’s a win-win for everyone.
Sheesh – yeah, that’s what I think. And not to give the guy too much credit, but part of why this is happening, I think, is the ‘Obama effect’. The way he just goes out and talks seriously day after day and doesn’t play the bullshit games.
Having read my last post over several times (and being a Friday night poster/loser who is *not* in Berlin) perhaps I should state all of the thoughts that were not evident in my previous post.
I believe there is a heavy slant to the crazy institutionally in many, if not most, media outlets. Major U.S. dailies offer op-ed real estate to people who are quite disturbed in the head (yes, former U.S. Senators would count). Repeatedly discredited nimrods of Wingnutland continue to dominate the airwaves and entrenched columnists in the nation’s leading papers are reactionary rear-guard activists and know-nothings. All I a’ sayin’ is that there is some work to do. When David Broder moves a bit, or Georgie Will wears a pair of blue jeans, I’ll be much more ready to accept the idea that the herd has finally turned away from the cliff.
“All I am a’ sayin’…”
And yet, Cheney’s approval rating is in a virtual dead heat with Pelosi’s.
So what does that say about Madame Speaker?
the seeping up of Pam’s ideas to the right-wing voices that ARE actually heard in the mainstream is not happening as much today
That may be in part because when the batshit-insane ooze seeps upward these days, there are lotsa sites to immediately check it. For ex. (and it nauseates me to think of anything seeping UPWARD toward Hannity), this idiotic editing of Obama’s 9/11 – Al Qaeda remarks in the Cairo speech.
When I’m inclined to despair for what’s become of my former profession (journalism) I realize that in this respect at least it’s bester than evar and evar before.
The problem is, you’re celebrating because your “progressive” president is not alienating the right wing and not asking why that is.
It must have galled Pammiecakes to no end to type out Paul Krugman’s name in her list of Jewish Nobel winners.
Sheesh, I shared your interpretation of the Rush joke… well, their hardcore fans tend to be loony as well.
It’s nice to have an intelligent adult in the White House, contrary to wingnut protestations.
True, but I’d rather actually have the consciousness change, rather than have it be a product of market forces, because fads, even fads in political discourse, change like the winds. I really don’t want to sit through another 10+ years of shrill hermaphrodites and obese pitchmen driving the national dialogue if the market starts to favor that again.
And lets face the big fact-the consciousness on the Right is not going to change for a long, long time. The rhetoric might change. Hey, we might even be able to get through a few Weekly Standard essays without the feeling the simultaneous need to vomit and scrub our skin raw in the shower. But the truth remains: there is some serious sick worldview going on over there, and all the measured language in the world isn’t going to change that.
Anyone see John Stewart hating on the Brian Williams/Obama smoochfest?
When you’ve lost John Stewart….
Oh, and, uh, do you have to request the disemvowler or does it just kinda happen? The adults are tying to talk…
Or trying, if you prefer. Trying to talk.
Dr Zen – c’mon. Do you not think that the current administration is better than the previous one? That the national conversation is better now than it was when ‘Why do you hate America?’ was the operative term?
And by ‘better’, I don’t mean ‘a progressive wonderland’. I don’t mean that shit like spying on citizens and keeping keeping people in Gitmo indefinitely without trial and not releasing the torture photos and not prosecuting the torturers and cozying up to Wall Street and all that stuff is awesome. I just mean that we have a better government and a more serious conversation now than we had for the past eight years.
The important thing about Obama raising the level of discourse is that it marginalizes all the wingnuts everywhere, including lunatics like Ahmadinejad. I imagine that, should Ahmadinejad lose the Iranian election, it will cause a lot of consternation and confusion in the Wingnutosphere because such a development just doesn’t adhere to their narrative.
Ummm, that was no doubt the most sincere post in today’s pumpkin patch, but it wasn’t in the least bit funny. Do you have to be so fucking earnest? No, I know, no you don’t. It’s an aberration. Shoulda just sent it off to Digby, right, but it’s too late. Now what can you do? Nada, pues.
Fr’example, nowadays you’ve got Brit Hume talking about how Obama’s got to watch out for the political repercussions from the Left with regards to not doing enough on torture. This is a direct concession that the Left has political heft and must be taken seriously. That is a huge change in the conversation.
What it says about Mme. Speaker is that she’s a 65-yr. old(?) Democratic woman politician, who was elected Speaker by the members of the House. She’s not the embodiment of “the left,” or of much besides her Congressional district. And the fact that she’s a woman in a powerful position probably gives her an automatic (conscious or not) 10 pts. or so off in any poll. (All polls are lies, anyway, right?)
Cheney? He gets his sneering face on the tube for the first time in mos., so people remember him, more than actually approve of him. Ask most of those people if they really know what he stands for. They won’t, & if you took the time to explain it to them, they’d change their approval quickly.
True, but I’d rather actually have the consciousness change, rather than have it be a product of market forces, because fads, even fads in political discourse, change like the winds. I really don’t want to sit through another 10+ years of shrill hermaphrodites and obese pitchmen driving the national dialogue if the market starts to favor that again.
See, I have a problem with this, ‘cos it’s like saying, ‘things are okay now, but they could get worse. So therefore right now actually sucks!’
I know that’s kind of unfairly mangling what you said, Tommcatt, but there’s a hint of that in your comment.
This is a direct concession that the Left has political heft and must be taken seriously.
Or it’s just another warning that the Prez is in thrall to ACORN & is the most liberal liberal ever.
Since when is it the President’s job to alienate anyone? The right wing is in fact alienated right now like they haven’t been in decades but it’s not because Obama set out to piss them off. He just doesn’t care as much if they do get pissed off as previous Democrats seemed to but that’s their problem. Maybe that’s not enough though, should he pull some liberal version of defiantly running his car in the driveway all day long on Earth Day?
True, but if we’re going to play the unfairly mangling game there’s a hint of “Let’s paint this pig up, call it a racehorse, and we’ll win the Kentucky Derby!” in your post. Not at all what you said, but only a difference in degree, right?
I agree that there is a refreshing change in the winds of late, and I’ll even state that this Administration is exponentially better than the last four, even- so far. I’m just a little cynical about the Horowitzi and the George Willusus, is all.
I want my job in the camps! THE CAMPS!
“I am going to go out on a limb and pronounce that we have finally returned to a place of political normalcy after our long nightmare. ”
Sounds like peak wingnut theory to me. The President is still a black guy. Glenn Beck is still on TV. An abortion provider was shot and killed last week. “People” are still demanding the birth certificate. It might be too soon to say we’re back to normal.
” Spag knows,”
I have never seen this usage before, but I recognized it immediately. What a warm and familar name for the creator. If only Yahweh had a friendly nickname.
“And yet, Cheney’s approval rating is in a virtual dead heat with Pelosi’s. So what does that say about Madame Speaker?”
If you can’t get the easy questions, you might as well not take the test, kid.
“you’re celebrating because your “progressive” president is not alienating the right wing and not asking why that is.”
When he’s doing the right thing (sane foreign policy) I don’t care if it alienates the right wing, or not.
The right wing is in fact alienated right now like they haven’t been in decades but it’s not because Obama set out to piss them off.
Of course Obama set out to piss the righties off… I mean, look at the skin color he chose!
dont forget the National Review tommmmmmcatttt.
cant wait to read the “jonah goldberg on his critics” piece.
Best. Cover. EVER!
I bet this pisses of you libs so fucking bad! Suck it!
Haha I even posted that before I looked at Ron’s post. Just proves my point. I’m for anything that pisses off libs.
“There are probably five times as many people who despise Rush as love him.” …as love them. See, I’m trying to make a Rush joke.
I thought it was a fat joke, you know, like Rush is so fat he’s plural? He does look like he ate Michael Moore AND Al Gore.
Unwise Troofy may be for anything that pisses off libs, but his party still keeps getting its fool honkey ass kicked over and over.
Sonia Sotomayor makes Danzig wanna speak Spanish.
I’d post the link, but I think I’ve posted it a half-dozen times.
doesnt piss us off, just another example of teatard self immolation to laugh at.
burn baby burn.
I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to read anything from The National Review without experiencing an urge to vomit. Never-ever-ever.
As a lib, you know what really pisses me off?
A guy putting on two wetsuits after inserting a cylindrical object up his anus, and not having a “spotter” present in his motel room.
Keeping fingers crossed here…
Oh, for those of you requesting the disemvoweler up-thread, here is a script that allows you to turn trolls (or anyone else who posts on S,N!) into dancing badgers, if you’re using FireFox:
My bad, this one is the one with the badgers:
Well, if by “pisses off” you mean “gets the Sadlynauts to ram their dicks into my spasming shitbox access hole,” sure you do.
Sorry, I, a liberal, am not pissed at all over the NR cover. I think it is pathetic and sad, and generally very pleased with it.
The NR cover of the wise Buddha-Latina Sotomayor just shows that the old fashioned mouthwash is not working anymore and the wingnuts cannot stay on any message.
People didn’t buy the angry Latina racist smear, so now are they going to the hippy dippy liberal route. I like complete confusion among my opponents.
I’m not going to register to read the article, but the NRO Sotomayor blog is a similar mess. She is a Puerto Rican nationalist -or no! she wants statehood with conditions that are unfair.
Some of her opinions have similarities to conservative judges who liberals have opposed in the past, so she should be opposed because…. because…. her liberal defenders are hypocrites (?).
NR efforts are sad, and it makes me happy.
I thought it was a fat joke, you know, like Rush is so fat he’s plural?
We’d like to do a number by our favorite American group, Sophie Tucker.
The NR cover of the wise Buddha-Latina Sotomayor just shows that the old fashioned mouthwash is not working anymore
A poll today–I forget where I saw it–found that only 8% (yes, that’s eight percent) considered Sotomayor a racist. And that after nonstop rightwing babbling on the TV for the past week.
I’m still not sure about D. Aristophanes larger point, but the American people do seem to have more acute bullshit detectors recently. Or maybe it’s just a temporary aberration. I’ve been through this crap too many times to say definitively one way or the other.
I know you focus on small fry, SN, but perhaps you need reminding–Pammy is already marginal.
Piss off? Not really. It’s like my puppy. He has to take his regular shits and I have the responsibility of cleaning up after him. I don’t get pissed. I just clean up the shit. Following along?
And self-immolation. Yes. With lots of thick, black smoke that can be seen for miles. Miles.
I use this as a joke nym because I find the concept of intelligent brown people ridiculous and sneer-worthy.
I AM movement conservatism.
It amuses me that wingnutters think their desperate gestures of pure failure “piss libs off.” Indeed, it is central to my point.
Tommmcatt – touche.
Hey movement conservative, go out and do your stuff. Have at it. Be my guest. Best wishes and good luck.
But don’t waste your time here, broadcast your movementism to the general populace.
Polls say Stotmayor is winning with the public now, and after viewing her clips I think she will be be big hit with the folks at the hearings. So set yourselves up, it’s fine with me. I want a big audience for the hearings, the bigger the better. Thanks for the marketing, you’re doing Obama a favor. Let the good times roll! We can all get along.
I hope Obama’s next nominee is more liberal than Sotomayor, who will be shown as a sensible centrist in her rullings. I think we need some one who shows more signs of countering the originalist fallacies that have too much influence on the current Supreme Court.
it’s fairly astonishing to see a character like Horowitz …veer so dramatically away from the insane ravings of…
oh wait, that was another ‘witz
Well, yeah – probably more than five times.
That’s bad news for the future of wingnuttitude. But in the here and now, public policy isn’t determined by what citizens think, it’s determined by what the people who actually have political power think. And there are still forty senators who are members of the party that Limbaugh controls. The courts, the media, federal agencies, and plenty of state and local govs are still packed with ultra-conservatives.
The extreme right isn’t marginalized yet. Things are starting to trend that way, but there’s a long way to go. It’ll be years.
I would like to be turned into dancing badgers and rabid pelicans, AND LIVE FOREVUH!11!
I want my job in the camps! THE CAMPS!
Sorry, as in all great prison camps, the work will be supervised by other inmates. Video footage will be broadcast each morning of Obama imploring them not to work. Then most of the prisoners will spend the next fourteen hours working furiously while the rest whip them to make them go faster. Finally they will choke down dirty water and thin gruel to show Obama that they reject his socialist buffet, and drift into a fitful sleep on boards underneath the Obama feather beds.
There will be jobs for us in the machine gun turrets. The coolest part will be picking off the ones who stop to smirk that Obama is preparing to take all of our guns away.
You’re in favor of stepping in dogshit?
Neurons – they’re not just a hat-rack anymore!
Interesting – & non-trivial – that a more sane setting on the Culturetron does wonders for the quality of dialogue. Just as wingnuts can turn thinking folks into Freeper Zombies by getting them to sing enough snappy jingles from their hymnal of batshit-insanity, the pro-sentience lobby can up the overall IQ by making it profitable for pundits to pretend they can think clearly.
“Hey, now it’s not cool to sound like I forgot to take my Haldol! (later) Gosh, this ‘sanity’ thing is kind of neat … people don’t cross the street when they see me coming anymore, & I’ve even stoped getting daily death-threats … maybe I should stick with it.”
Baby steps.
We get so pissed off when you swallow Drano. Really. Nothing irritates us more.
We get so pissed off when you swallow Drano. Really. Nothing irritates us more.
Yeah, plus it’s really bad for the environment. And it offends brown people. So sexist, also.
Personally, I get quite miffed when conservatives shove avocados up their asses and then repeatedly hit themselves on their heads with ball-peen hammers.
It would totally piss me off if a troll were funny. Hasn’t happened yet.
troll, conservative, whatevs. Is there a difference? It is a mystery.
Personally, I get quite miffed when conservatives shove avocados up their asses and then repeatedly hit themselves on their heads with ball-peen hammers.
Or if you’re feeling conciliatory and only want to get us mildly ticked off, you can reverse the objects.
Obama’s speech in Cairo was un-American. I don’t know whose side he’s on.
And David Horowitz is a commie kike.
Nothing’s gonna change my world, nothing’s gonna change my world.
Wingnut babes with guacamole hair gels are major turn-ons for Tommy Christopher.
I’m still not sure about D. Aristophanes larger point, but the American people do seem to have more acute bullshit detectors recently.
Funny how having one’s 401k tank does wonder’s to one’s cognitive faculties. Suddenly, the rage inspired by two boys kissing takes a backseat to justified anger.
The extreme right isn’t marginalized yet. Things are starting to trend that way, but there’s a long way to go. It’ll be years.
Single-Payer Healthcare would go a long way toward fast-tracking the death and heart-staking of the conservative movement. Hopefully Senator Franken will get on this in time for the midterm elections.
Hey Snorg,
Google [“Tommy Christopher” guacamole hair gels] — why is the MSM covering up Tommy’s green, saucy fetish?!. It’s some kind of conspiracy to hide the truth.
I’m for anything that pisses off libs.
We really, really don’t like it when you fuck rhinos.
Fixed your typo … & made a note to get pissed off right after I’m finished laughing like a hyena. That thing’s about as threatening as “THE HALF-HOUR NEWS-HOUR” was … needs more laff-track.
Congratulations on pissing off some Buddhists & Latinos, & earning the mocking giggles of everyone else. The cover is so lacking in anything resembling clarity or a point that it’s actually much funnier than that “controversial” New Yorker Obama cover from last year, without even trying to be funny. Which is the funniest part of all.
Just because you have thinner skin than a paramecium, don’t assume we do too. You poor sad little thing.
You don’t need a Horowitz to know which way the wind blows (that’s “blows” with a small c).
Here’s the great quote from John Cole you asked about:
“I really don’t understand how bipartisanship is ever going to work when one of the parties is insane. Imagine trying to negotiate an agreement on dinner plans with your date, and you suggest Italian and she states her preference would be a meal of tire rims and anthrax. If you can figure out a way to split the difference there and find a meal you will both enjoy, you can probably figure out how bipartisanship is going to work the next few years.”
“tire rims and anthrax”
I kinda liked flaming hubcaps and fiberglass insulation more.
Hey Sadly, No! Staff,
I have found evidence of a Photoshop workflow that closely mirrors your own: At this shop they seemed to have removed a sammich pictured for some other nefarious purpose!
As a liberal (and I’m glad he doesn’t use “progressive”, because that annoys me), there’s nothing that pisses me off more than large sacks full of formerly-Republican cash being delivered to my door by Russian dominatrices.
Just so you know.
My bad, this one is the one with the badgers:
you are the man
“produced day after tweaked-out day by Pam”
Atlas’ drugs?
Horowitz has all the loyalty and scruples of a rabid weasel in a burning meth lab. He’ll ride the zeitgeist wherever it takes him, and right now Obama is in ascendancy. He’s realized it’s time to take his pawnshop show on the road, goddamnit, and this time next year he’ll be knocking useless college girls, bong monkeys and the Mighty Mighty Anderson Cooper out of the way to get his turn putting his lips on Obama’s throbbing, radiant, penis.
I believe you’re right. I date the beginning of the end for them to the Teri Schiavo episode. The whack jobs bringing a glass of water to her received very sympathetic treatment from the media, yet the country was appalled.
I also believe that some of the credit for the marginalization goes to S/N!, plus TBogg, Digby, and many others.