One Slice Of Humble Pie, Sir, Topped With P-Whip?
Posted on June 5th, 2009 by Gavin M.
Above: Liberal reporter thought they were really his friends.
Stephen Gutkowski, NewsBusters:
Liberal Writer Fired By AOL News For Reporting Vile Playboy List:
Editor’s Note/Update below: AOL editor’s email revealed.
- Outrage: AOL News fired a liberal political reporter for his objective followup reporting on the collusion between AOL News and the criminal Playboy hate empire of demented anti-conservative viciousness, after higher-ups suppressed his breaking news report on why AOL News readers should join the spontaneous grassroots upsurge against Playboy now rocking the planet via a special tag on Twitter.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
1- There’s nothing wrong with being ecumenical, certainly, but it’s also possible to have too big of a tent, e.g. in your pants. Also, in your pants. Another time is pants. Plus, pants. P.S.: OMG, pants.
Gavin, someone ought to get in touch with these fucks and let them know that this is simply not true…
…when DA took great pains to bring this to light here AND we mocked the fuck out of the piece!
By the way, when in the fuck did AOHell become a journalistic outpost??? And since when did the political views of their authors become a matter of discussion? This is a lot like the article we’ve been beating the crap out of all day today.
If we simply have to have a NewsBusters Friday, I say we put up another clip to the hilarious NewsBusted.
Christopher actually does say that he’s a liberal in [2], so I’m not sure what the “pantsing” thing is all about.
Christopher actually does say that he’s a liberal in [2], so I’m not sure what the “pantsing” thing is all about.
I call bullshit.
The dude appeared on Cap’n Ed’s show…that’s not a liberal, anymore than Alan COLMES is a liberal. He’s a conservative clown dressed up in a faux-liberal suit, mouthing things that will get little clown treats thrown his way.
By the way, when in the fuck did AOHell become a journalistic outpost???
Round about the time Pajamas Media came into being.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate…
The dude appeared on Cap’n Ed’s show…that’s not a liberal, anymore than Alan COLMES is a liberal. He’s a conservative clown dressed up in a faux-liberal suit, mouthing things that will get little clown treats thrown his way.
So he’s an opportunist? Liking mAnn Coulter’s body just makes him a bit retarded. I just don’t think he’s one that can be tarred as a conservative, just an idiot.
I just don’t think he’s one that can be tarred as a conservative, just an idiot.
Well, he works for AOL, so it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
why am i not shocked to learn the great gavin is an mst3k fan? although the pants skit was possibly not their finest work.
Um, they don’t exist, kind of like Skanky Ann’s ethics?
Tommy haz issuez let him show you them!
Those pants links are just… ewww…
Seriously. The analysis of the Prejean photos and the opinion that they were done “pre-augmentation”? EEEEW!
There is a lot of anecdotal evidence on teh web that NewsBusters employs goat blowers. Interesting that I can find no record of Gutkowski ever denying being goat blower.
Let’s take a closer look at one of Mr. Xtopher’s Top 10 Conservative Women I Love to Love,” Mary K. Ham. (Safe for work, wage-slave losers, but icky.)
About whom he types:
(He was at CPAC?)
By the way, isn’t Tommy X’s list just as much of a hate-fuck list? “Lookit these babes, they’s crazy right-wingers,but they’s all good-lookin’ enuff to hump.”
By the way, isn’t Tommy X’s list just as much of a hate-fuck list? “Lookit these babes, they’s crazy right-wingers,but they’s all good-lookin’ enuff to hump.”
Oh, no, see… it’s ok because he’d do it with love. And probably a fair amount of stalking.
And does anyone in on “the bro code” know what “the cool chick” requirements are?
That’s strange. He wrote ‘engaging’ instead of ‘sucking up to in a manner appropriate to someone with a distinctly creepy wingnut fetish’. It must have been a typing error.
And does anyone in on “the bro code”
Without even clicking those links, I can, with a great deal of confidence, say that he is not a brother to me.
I don’t know about the “bro code”, but I think the ideal Republican woman comes with a 3-button remote control, labeled “housework”, “sex” and “off”.
Re: last link: Conservative women dress to breed? What, all crotchless all the time? Strap-ons to attract Conservative males? Jesu Christi.
Well, obviously, “the bro code” was broken when he had some kind of contact with “Skye.”
Pssst: Can someone, anyone tell me what the Bro Code is? I missed that day in school. I was sick. Cough, cough.
Stalking is love. It shows how much I care … uh, um.
Let’s take a closer look at one of Mr. Xtopher’s Top 10 Conservative Women I Love to Love,” Mary K. Ham. (Safe for work, wage-slave losers, but icky.)
Hey, in that photo, she looks like Vivien Leigh’s younger sister, Desperatefora
I don’t know about the “bro code”, but I think the ideal Republican woman comes with a 3-button remote control, labeled “housework”, “sex” and “off”.
Except that the first two buttons are broken.
Dude, there were so many babes at CPAC, they ran out of #3’s to put on back of their shirts.
I’ll probably be sorry I asked (& if anyone knows, they may embarrass themselves) but what the hell does the above mean? You stupid kids w/ your sex & hooking up & yada. Take my word for it, it’s not worth the bother.
Conservative women dress to breed?
I took that to mean they wear camoflague Daisy Dukes and carry shotguns.
why am i not shocked to learn the great gavin is an mst3k fan?
I thought it was a Harvey Birdman; Attorney At Law reference.
“So Mr. Vulcan…”
“That’s Supervolt!”
“… what would it be like if you lost your superpowers”
“Well, you know what it’s like when the power goes out at your house? It’d be like that. In your pants.”
although the pants skit was possibly not their finest work.
Which one? “Hike, Hike, Hike Up Your Pants” or “Sing The Glories of Pants!”? Plus there was the time the Mads invented beanbag pants.
Dude, there were so many babes at CPAC, they ran out of #3’s to put on back of their shirts.
I’ll probably be sorry I asked (& if anyone knows, they may embarrass themselves) but what the hell does the above mean?
They’re lower than shit?
The reporter smiles, he thinks that Teh Liberal Media is his friend.
The reporter smiles, he thinks that Teh Liberal Media is his friend.
Now that’s entertainment. Really. Really.
Hm. Why is the owner listed as “Chief Korir”?
Oh, look. I’ve found the Bro Code.
I’m going to add that I don’t see anything wrong w/ the “hate-fuck” concept. It’s time honored. Two people raging at each other, suddenly “Is this getting you as hot as I am?” the clinch, cut to the train going somewhere.
Hate can turn to lust, & vice versa, pretty (too?) damn easily.
See, dudes are governed by a bro code that knows no political ideology, nor any other -ology, unless it deals with facilitating the four noble dude pursuits: Eating, Drinking, Gaming, and Sex.
It’s a NEANDERTHAL thang! No wonder I didn’t get it!
All of this is too confusing for me, since it’s after noon here on the west coast and the drinking lamp has already been lit. Litten. Litted.
PS when I lived in SFrancisco, hate fucking was all the rage, especially after noon on the west coast.
Eating, Drinking, Gaming, and Sex.
Fat, drunk, broke and horny. Yup. Describes Republicans to a tee.
Creepy guy is creepy. And whiny. And a pathetic wannabe in too many ways to enumerate.
“Gaming?” Might as well get a big fat “L” tattooed on your forehead.
“Gaming?” Might as well get a big fat “L” tattooed on your forehead.
He probably meant Stratego.
Nominations are now open:
“Conservapundettes For Whom I Would Suggest a Hitachi Magic Wand Massager.”
Fat, drunk, broke and horny
…is no way to go through life, son.
Oh, look. I’ve found the Bro Code.
Joder, this guy thinks he’s a player. Purposeful parody couldn’t match this.
It suddenly occurs to my wretched old person’s mind that T. Xtopher means video-gaming. I was assuming he’d swallowed the Vegas CofC euphemization of gambling w/ “gaming.”
Not that video-gaming can’t indicate loserhood, mind you.
Mah lonn. Git offit!
What, all crotchless all the time? Strap-ons to attract Conservative males? Jesu Christi.
I don’t think that would attract Jesu; wasn’t he gay?
“Gaming?” Might as well get a big fat “L” tattooed on your forehead.
“Gaming” = playing Halo3 on-line trash-talking and pretending the aliens are all Mooslims. Pretty much the kind of thing that makes me embarrassed to be into role-playing/wargames/video games.
OT but too outrageously sad and funny not to mention, from TPM
Bay Buchanan: After Assaulting Black Woman, Calling Her ‘Nigger,’ Epstein Was ‘Lynched’
PeeJ, I’d say that “Jesu” was just an ejaculation, but you lot would be sure to take it the wrong way.
Also, whether or not Jesus was gay, wouldn’t a Jesus strap-on be the perfect Conservative male turn-on? Closetedly homoerotic AND religious! Any Conservative woman worth her breeding clothes sure as shooting better have one in her CPAC manhuntin’ bag.
Bay Buchanan: “He never violated the Bro Code!”
I wore #3. I guess he’s saying there were a lot of women who looked like me at the convention.
“wage-slave losers”
“Any Conservative
womancloset-case worthher breeding clotheshis wetsuits sure as shooting better have one inher CPAC manhuntin’ baghis carry-on luggage.”Fizzled.
PeeJ, I’d say that “Jesu” was just an ejaculation, but you lot would be sure to take it the wrong way.
Then it’s a good thing you didn’t say it!
Christopher is (at least until his firing) a self-described “liberal”. See, the only reason he hangs out at those wingnut parties, gives interviews to wingnut blogs, gushes and slobbers about hawt wingnuts, and regularly scolds “fellow liberals” about our unfairness and incivility to wingnuts is because he is wingnut-curious. Not because it gives him a funny feeling in his pants.
Now that he’s been shitcanned, it’s only a matter of time of course before he surfaces inside the safety of a wingnut welfare program opining, “I used to be a liberal but ever since 9/11 I’m outraged by Chappaquiddick.”
Also, “Oh no, I wasn’t using cocaine, officer, I was simply trying to smell it to see if it was real.”
“Jesu” was just an ejaculation
Well, technically he was back around March 23rd.
Also, whether or not Jesus was gay, wouldn’t a Jesus strap-on be the perfect Conservative male turn-on?
Why do I have Steely Dan’s Peg running through my head just now?
Steely Dan’s Peg
Is that today’s two-for-one special on double entendres?
islmfaoscist (is that new or have I just never noticed?) makes the queer constructionist in me a bit worried about continued allusions like the one above but whingnut-curious is teh funnay!
And since it’s already started, let’s continue: X-toph will go through some “treatment” and join the Ex-Liberal movement. I suspect the group will be named after an early chapter in one of Anne Coulter’s books or some equally ridiculous conservocanon.
Gad , I love this site. Ive been looking for this kind of site . Found it. Love the way you dismember fools with humor. Thats just awesome.
Love the way you dismember fools with humor.
We tried it the other way but the cleanup afterwards was a pain in the ass.
Has Dennis “Shut it and spread ’em, wifey” Prager commented on this horror inflicted upon conservative women yet?
Stalking is love. It shows how much I care … uh, um.
Stalking is love if you have no body heat and sparkle in the sun.
Stalking used to be called dedication till the libruls got all scared.
Anyone w/ access to NatRevDig should look at this
in the current “print” edition, & report back immediately.
The description at NR sez:
Jonah Goldberg On His Critics
Down, boy down! Someone get the hose!
Go Jonah!
mouthing things that will get little clown treats thrown his way
I should have known better than to ask Teh Great Gazoogle about “Clown treats”.
And how does Jonah respond to critics who point out that he is an evil fuck who knowingly spews noxious lies to further the cause of his failed ideology?
I met Bullshit on the way –
He had a mask like Goldberg, J. –
Very smooth he looked, yet grim;
Seven mad clowns followed him.
The reporter smiles, he thinks that Teh Liberal Media is his friend.
Now that’s entertainment.
This is why I love this place!
the Vegas CofC euphemization
Vegas Call of Cthulhu?
Would “encephalopodization” be their euphemism for “ingestion by a subaqueaous horror”?
Bro, I am fucking furious with the hatefuck list for cockblocking me so I’ll never get to hatefuck Michelle Malkin!
I need a cold shower and my meds now.
so, why did he get fired??
Vegas CofC: Chamber of Commerce, although the difference between them & that other CofC is minuscule.
2- Pants, pantsity PANTS-pants-pants, with a steaming pair of hot, buttered pants and a side-order of puh-puh-puh-PANTS-uh.
Anybody that uses the words “Ann Coulter” “hot babes” and “CPAC” in the same breath, has some really serious mommy issues.
Assuming mommy had an adams apple the size of a softball.
From Tommy’s entry about a Kos twitter feud with Meghan McCain:
I understand the egotistical impulse. I’m a bigger attention-whore than the spawn of a peacock and a firefly riding bareback on a blowfish, but there are issues that are bigger than my ego.
Does his ego look fat in those pants?
Also: pants.
after reading the original Playboy piece on one of those wingnut blogs, my reaction is only… that shit was hilarious.
of course wingnuts confuse hate-fucking and rape… why is that not surprising?