Game Set, Match
Michelle Malkin lays down the law:
Unfortunately, some are not content to leave it at that for now. They fail to respect that there is a proper time and place to indulge in political battle.
You can go here, here, and here for all that. Another round-up here.
Tiller’s family is grieving. Those who have jumped to score political points before Tiller is even buried are no better than the Phelps family thugs of the “Westboro Baptist Church” who respect no bounds of civility.
Unfortunately, it’s too much to ask the cable news networks and hyper-partisan snipers on the Internet to have the decency to restrain themselves.
Prepare for a wall-to-wall onslaught of gleeful finger-pointing on the Left and heated responses on the Right.
Prepare for whitewashed hagiographies of Tiller’s career as an abortionist.
Prepare for DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s defenders to gloat about vindication.
Prepare for collective demonization of pro-lifers and Christians — and more gratuitous attempts to tar talk radio, Fox News, and the Tea Party movement as responsible for the heinous crime.
Prepare for the continuing redefinition of any and all sharp political disagreement as “hate” — a ruinous trend that inevitably comes back to haunt the hysterical accusers decrying “hate” the loudest.
How unhinged has the discourse gotten already? Here’s the left-wing Daily Kos going after the left-wing John Aravosis for going after Barack Obama because he didn’t go after “right-wing extremism” hard enough.
We concur. This is not the time for partisan sniping and name-calling. Also, Michelle Malkin is a manipulative sack of shit.
She did hit the space key between paragraph one and paragraph two, didn’t she? What do you guys want, anyway?
The left-wing Daily Kos and the left-wing John Aravosis.
Left-wing John Aravosis.
No, no, don’t mind me.
This is not the time for partisan sniping and name-calling.
That’s right. It’s time for full-volume demonization, followed by carpet-bombing.
Isn’t that what GWB said to do with terrorists?
Now is not the time for partisan politics! But if you see us doing it, it was totally the left wing that started it, those fucking baby killers.
They look like prophets, now. And Malkin still looks like an idiot.
Shorter Michele Malkin: I can’t believe what I just manufactured that I’m about to hear.
the continuing redefinition of any and all sharp political disagreement as “hate”
Never mind the continuing redefinition of “terrorism” as “sharp political disagreement.”
Brilliant reprieve of the “Let’s stop arguing after I’ve had the final word” gambit.
Along the same lines, bonus shorter K-Lo from yesterday:
No politics now, okay, just don’t forget ever abortion is evil and CAIR suck. That’s all I’m saying. Evil stuff like abortion is contagious.
Malkin’s proof of the left being “unhinged” is that some of us disagree about stuff. UNHINGED!!!! That our hive mind is not a monolith is proof positive of our instability and general incoherent lack of principles!
Some fail to respect that there is a time and a place for political battle. Here are some examples of that sort of thing from across the spectrum of the entirety of the full landscape of the broad swaths of political talk found in a random sampling of the wide-ranging opinions of political bloggers on this one Daily Kos post.
When wingnuts say “prepare for…” they mean “we were wrong as usual about X and those damn liberals are such bastards they will point it out instead of doing the decent thing and letting our many mistakes fall into the memory hole”
Yes well, “let’s hold up random leftist commenter as representative of the whole” is a well worn wingnut tactic, so common we barely notice it anymore, but of course it is deeply dishonest and we shouldn’t let it slide.
I just checked at that diary Malkin cites wasn’t even on the recommended list. 13 recommends and suddenly it is “DailyKos” going after Aravosis.
This is not the time to search the archives of for past mentions of George Tiller.
I just checked at that diary Malkin cites wasn’t even on the recommended list. 13 recommends and suddenly it is “DailyKos” going after Aravosis.
No, that was one of her “here, here, and here”s. The Aravosis diary is up to 119 comments.
I eagerly await Malkin’s condemnation of those who snort about the Religion of Peace every time someone gets blown up in Iraq. After all, we shouldn’t let our political disagreements with terrorists get in the way of mourning the victim, or something.
Prepare for Malkin to ingest a day’s worth of blog postings across the internet, spin them into a swirl of perpetual victimhood and pretend she’s a seer.
Also, prepare a sandwich because one has to eat.
The whole “X is too awesome/horrible/insignificant to be politicized” thing needs to die in a fire. The whole point of politics is that it’s the way you approach life. It isn’t cheap political point scoring, it’s arguing that the current moral approach of the other side is wrong. Anytime anyone argues against attacking at an appropriately advantageous moment they’re ducking an issue.
My, that’s a lot of one-sentence paragraphs.
Also, the DHS didn’t really cave to wingnut pressure and withdraw the report on right-wing extremism, did it?
The Aravosis diary is up to 119 comments.
That doesn’t indicate anything about whether one can claim the DailyKos community supports what is written in the diary. If you write “Obama sucks!” you’ll get 119 comments too.
That it only got 13 recs but so many comments is even more proof that whatever DailyKos “thinks”, is not reflected by that diary. Lots of people read it, few agreed.
(But the other diary she cited in the “here here and here” bit is similarly dishonest)
more gratuitous attempts to tar talk radio, Fox News, and the Tea Party movement
Um, “gratuitous” probably meaning “any attempt to point out that Bill “Sack O’ Shit” O’Reilly has been calling, bascially, for this guy’s assassination for ages”.
‘Cause “who will rid us of this meddlesome doctor” is an air-tight defense, donchaknow.
I had suspected he was connected to OR, but I hadn’t had it confirmed.
I can’t decide if Operation Rescue’s quick statement on the issue was legalistic or part of a more general strategy on their part to mainstream themselves. Both make quite a bit of sense, but OR is a terrorist organization which has repeatedly engaged in bombings, harassment, and hate murder. The media taking them seriously or treating them as anything but terrorists is literally disgusting.
I wouldn’t bet against at least some actual, organizational OR involvement in the assassination either. This wasn’t a crime of opportunity; the assassin didn’t just know who Tiller was but knew where he went to church and when, and he’s been under heavy, illegal surveillance by several anti-choice militants for some time. At best, Operation Rescue behaved with criminal negligence in allowing information about Tiller to fall into the wrong hands; a middle-ground scenario is incitement, and it’s plausible that they’re accomplices in the act.
The cornerstone of the Republican ideology is that it’s always worth political points. The McCain campaign pushed Ashley Todd, for instance, and the Frost family and their teenaged health-pimp terrorsymp can tell you all about Malkin’s commitment to political balance.
Obviously, a small-government conservative would conclude that Operation Rescue and the Freemen need therapy, counseling, and understanding, that it’s just Tiller’s chickens coming home to roost, and also Tiller is a little Eichmann, & cetera.
Prepare for conservatives to demand that Scott Roeder be tortured to find out what he knows about future terrorist attacks.
A little bit of clarity: IIRC Operation Rescue had (inappropriately, probably illegally) posted extensive personal information about Dr. Tiller online, a la Stalkin Malkin. The $100,000 question is whether three key data – his church, his daily schedule, and the make and model of his car – were among the information so posted.
If not, either they were acquired through internal circulation and it’s case of incitement or it was acquired directly and the assassination represents a conspiracy between the gunman and OR. The possibility does exist that he came by Tiller’s church and routine otherwise, but while the other groups he was connected to would have at least tacitly approved his death, they were not actively tailing and data-dumping him and have not previously, unsuccessfully attempted to murder him using a lone gun(wo)man.
Dr. Tiller is dead and his family is grieving so I’ll just scream WE’RE THE REAL VICTIMS!! a million times instead two million.
Unfortunately, it’s too much to ask the cable news networks and hyper-partisan snipers on the Internet to have the decency to restrain themselves.
This, from Malkin. Wonder how long it will take for her to praise someone for rooting through Tiller’s trash, or taking pictures of his kids? My bet is 48 hours.
Worth remembering: Operation Rescue stalked and data-dumped Dr. Tiller, and at this point the main question in the assasination itself is whether he got his information about Tiller’s church and routine from their illegal stalker-dump (negligence), a currently-anonymous OR member (incitement), or through cooperation with OR as an organization (conspiracy).
Manipulating personal tragedy for political gain is only acceptable in the case of long-vegetative women in Florida and only when it benefits conservatives.
Or am I behind the times here.
I can’t decide if Operation Rescue’s quick statement on the issue was legalistic or part of a more general strategy on their part to mainstream themselves.
It must have been vetted by their lawyers. How long did it take, on a Sunday, for them to get that statement out?
Someone convince me that statement was not pre-prepared.
For the life of me, I can’t understand why Malkin and other right-wingers think they have the standing to speak for the grieving Tiller family. This follows very closely one of the traditional definitions of chutzpah: murdering your parents and then throwing yourself on the mercy of the court because you’re an orphan.
Funny, if either the victim or the shooter had been Muslim, Malkinlangadingdong would have been beside herself, not having nearly enough fingers to point with.
Manipulating personal tragedy for political gain is only acceptable in the case of long-vegetative women in Florida and only when it benefits conservatives.
Well, there was the whole “knocked up teen daughter” thing…
Bill Kristol said:
Prepare for little coverage of this incident by both right and left wing bloggers. Also, the prime trouble spot in the world will be southeast Asia. Any day now. Why didn’t anyone listen to me and build up our navy?
No waiting, the self-contradiction is right there in the post.
Which translates to “we all know Tiller was an evil baby killer, so he kinda deserved it.”
By the by, I suspect those who genuinely believe abortion = murder are a relatively small subset of those who say abortion = murder. As alec suggests, Operation Rescue is definitely among the true believers. If nothing else, vigilante action is a natural extension of that belief.
The real person at risk here, and which must be safe-guarded, is Michelle Malkin, because in these dangerous times, she might be momentarily forced to say something nice about some dead guy and his stupid family and refrain from lunatic war shrieking for a moment. This is so unfair.
What’s especially amusing is that her link to Kos is just someone’s diary – it’s nothing that would have appeared on Kos’s main pages.
Cid, true.
I hear Tiller’s bodyguards are currently unemployed and that brand spankin’ new bulletproof vest remains unpierced. Perhaps we could arrange to have them donated to her?
By the by, I suspect those who genuinely believe abortion = murder are a relatively small subset of those who say abortion = murder.
I agree. I read an article in which one abortion doctor said that a woman once came into his office, whom he recognized as being one of the protesters who were always outside the building, to have her daughter’s pregnancy terminated. It’s hilarious to me that this woman was more than willing to let expediency trump morality in her own life, but completely unwilling to allow others the same liberty in their own personal lives.
But it pretty much sums up your average fundamentalist conservative. The above isn’t an isolated case. Many (or most) of them are happy to self-righteously condemn others for violating a moral code that they themselves often ignore. (How many people who shout loudly about how wrong premarital sex is have had or will have premarital sex? My guess is most.)
I hear Tiller’s bodyguards are currently unemployed and that brand spankin’ new bulletproof vest remains unpierced. Perhaps we could arrange to have them donated to her?
The granite countertops must be ripped from Graeme Frost’s greedy family’s hands and used as armor blinding for Michelle’s house from which she works.
Oops. Forgot quote.
The granite countertops must be ripped from Graeme Frost’s greedy family’s hands and used as armor blinding for Michelle’s house from which she works.
Yeah, Michelle, thanks for reminding us who the true victims in this case are. One little assassination, and people like you get all demonized and stuff. Some days it’s not so easy to make your living slinging around vicious, slanderous rhetoric, is it?
(Thanks to WordPress, this post will probably be up far later than I write it, so it’ll probably be new to you when you first see it in spite of its position in the thread.)
I think the critical distinction isn’t so much what you think about abortion personally but whether you feel you’re qualified to tell other people how to live their lives. The right-wing entitlement complex manifests itself in the fundamentalist fringe in outrage at the idea of people having beliefs out of step with your own – so they don’t just oppose abortion and contraception, but everyone else needs to too.
That and the fundies have this hyper-volitive view of the world – The Secret translated to Jebusese, partially motivated by an extreme overreaction to the idea of people getting out of Hell without believing what they do, and partially inherited from the culture’s obsession with individual agency and desire. So whether or not you have sex before marriage is irrelevant – what matters is that you think it’s filthy, pretend as hard as you can that it never happened, and call your daughter a whore and accuse her of taking the Presidency away from you until she thinks of sex as a horrific burden which has ruined her life forever.
It’s kind of the moral inverse of people who would never have an abortion themselves but accept the idea that other people have other beliefs – a solid majority of mainline evangelicals, a plurality of American Catholics, most non-Christians. If you thought you were so infallible you couldn’t possibly misunderstand a word of a book that’s gone through two translations, you couldn’t possibly give fanatical loyalty to the wrong pastor-fuhrer, and also that accepting even briefly that you aren’t that infallible will result in being tortured forever by God, you’d have fucked-up beliefs about other people’s moral independence from you too.
I’m certain that the feelings Dr. Tiller’s loved ones are all they care about. (Suddenly.)
Even better than that.
Malkin thinks The Left is unhinged, so everything they do must by definition be unhinged. How does she know that The Left is unhinged? Why, look at all the unhinged things they do!
and more gratuitous attempts to tar talk radio
I know, I mean, just because that one guy who shot up a Unitarian church had a bunch of talk show host books in his home and was actually going after liberals, you all make a big deal about it.
a ruinous trend that inevitably comes back to haunt the hysterical accusers decrying “hate” the loudest.
Er. Citation, please.
Here’s the left-wing Daily Kos going after the left-wing John Aravosis for going after Barack Obama because he didn’t go after “right-wing extremism” hard enough.
You would think Malkin would like this: some random DailyKos entry going after another left-winger for being too extremist vis-a-vis right-wingers.
“Going after” for teh liberals means outraged criticism; for the right it means trolling the violence prone paranoids to go shoot somebody. Many people see a difference.
Wow. That post is ghastly.
“Michelle Malkin is a manipulative sack of shit.”
Slight disagreement: While the Malkkkin creature is definitely a sack of shit, she’s more like a would-be maipulator, seeing as she’s about as transparent as glass.
Le Gasp! Next you’ll suggest 99.9% of those creeps stop giving a FF about the poor little womb babies .0005 seconds after they draw their first breath.
Man, I haven’t seen this much evidence of the utter emptiness of modern conservative political thought since…I gotta go back to Terri Schiavo, here. Is there anyone on the right who isn’t, at the very, very best, straining to keep from saying “He got what he deserved, really” and isn’t rolling around in Tiller’s blood like a hound dog with a freshly rotted-out cow at the worst? Just the bleeding pig-ignorance about what Tiller’s medical practice was all about is almost enough to make me hork up my morning OJ.
I can’t believe Obambi is responding by doing namby pamby things like sending out the DOJ to protect doctors. He should go to the scene of the shooting stand in Dr. Tiller’s chalk outline, cut a defiant figure and issue a bunch of tough guy rhetoric. Through a bullhorn.
It’s easy (and necessary) to criticize Malkin and Lopez, but I’m just as disturbed by coverage that I’ve seen on CNN and NBC. Tiller is always identified as a provider of late-term abortions, but no one takes the time to point out the real nature of the work he was doing.
Elective post-viability abortions are essentially illegal; the antiabortion movement has been able to attract support by convincing people that the law allows for them. The late-term abortions Tiller provided were for women who, in his view and in the view of a second physician, were carrying fetuses that were demonstrably not viable or whose defects posed a threat to the health of the mother. Often, these defects don’t reveal themselves until the pregnancy is fairly advanced. A little context might just show the public what a monstrous act the murder of Tiller was. He was saving lives.
This isn’t about “choice.” It’s about fundamentalist terrorist movement that believes your wife should be permanently maimed or die in order to deliver a fetus that has no chance of living outside the womb. When the position of the “pro-life” movement is stated this way, as it should be, often, I wonder how many Americans will agree with them.
Tiller’s family is grieving. Those who have jumped to score political points before Tiller is even buried are no better than the Phelps family thugs of the “Westboro Baptist Church” who respect no bounds of civility.
Followed by a list of preemptive political points she jumps to score.
Followed by a list of preemptive political points she jumps to score.
Maybe she’s owning up to it subconciously. She didn’t say “Except for me, of course”.
Tiller is always identified as a provider of late-term abortions, but no one takes the time to point out the real nature of the work he was doing.
That’s not necessarily true. The Today Show this morning, in a profile of Tiller, took pains to point out that he was one of three doctors who provided abortions for late terms situations where the mother’s life was in danger.
Sadly, we’re down to two, now.
You’re right, actor212, there are some exceptions. Like this CNN story, which is actually somewhat decent at providing context:
But they’re uncharacteristic, based on what I’ve seen and read. And all I’m saying is that people who care about medicine and science need to *foreground* the work he was doing in their defense of Tiller, so that the public can have some chance to understand just how fucking moronic it is to equate abortion with murder.
So, just so we’re clear:
Little boy with a brain injury = fair game.
Homicidal maniac who slaughters a fellow human being in cold blood = Hey, let’s show a little respect for the survivors.
Homicidal maniac who slaughters a fellow human being in cold blood
In a church. Don’t forget, in a church.
Does this mean the right’s going to write a bunch of essays on how if only all abortion providers and clinic employees and volunteers and fellow church-goers carried firearms that maybe they could have shot the right wing extremist before he killed the doctor?
In a church. Don’t forget, in a church.
They do seem to enjoy doing that. S’weird.
So help me, I almost* sort of respect the way rightwingers stubbornly defend themselves at times like this. If the left were responsible for even one-tenth of the violence we’ve seen in the past few months, I’d be laying low out of shame. But proudly they stand, defiantly waving their colors to the last.
*I said almost.
Does this mean the right’s going to write a bunch of essays on how if only all abortion providers and clinic employees and volunteers and fellow church-goers carried firearms that maybe they could have shot the right wing extremist before he killed the doctor?
In all seriousness, it wouldn’t surprise me if the killer chose the church because he knew there was less likely to be armed security nearby. Also, according to one report, he shot Tiller in the back. Nice. I guess he was just being considerate by not giving Tiller a chance to duck, maybe causing injury to an innocent bystander. Or he didn’t have the guts to look into the eyes of the helpless, unarmed person he was about to murder. What a pile of scum.
Hey, I’ve got a good idea. How about we all make donations to Planned Parenthood in honor of Michelle Malkin and put her e-mail address as a contact on the online form (if it allows for that) so she can see each and every donation being made that is associated with her name. Maybe her head will explode, like that poor guy in the movie Scanners.
Well, she must be thinking of the victim. I’m sure Tiller would not have wanted anybody to say anything not-nice about the ignorant maniacs who terrorized him for the last few years and finally murdered him, would he?
Drink your milk, kiddo. The Lunch Lady needs a little quiet time.
the ignorant maniacs who terrorized him for the last few years
He wasn’t terrorized, after all – nobody poured water on his face HURR HURR HURR
Does this mean the right’s going to write a bunch of essays on how if only all abortion providers and clinic employees and volunteers and fellow church-goers carried firearms that maybe they could have shot the right wing extremist before he killed the doctor?
As I said in another thread someplace else, I wonder at the reaction from the right if an Islamic radical were to kill an abortion doctor. The conflicting emotions it created would be interesting to behold, to say the very least.
“ZOMG it’s a Muslim terrorist! Incontinence, activated! Everybody duck!….Oh, btw, I can totally understand how this happened. It was inevitable…HOLY FUCKING SHIT, a Muslim extremist1! Commence Operation Tremble!1!“
I suspect a connection between the shooter Scott Roeder and Randall Terry’s group ‘Operation Recuse’.
Can we put their asses in GITMO and use EIT on them (just so I don’t risk soiling my SundayGoToMeetin’ clothes next sabbath)?
I mean that’s what GITMO & EIT is for right?
So does a “late term abortion doctor” get their degree from the University of Cider House Rules?
Apropos of nothing but –
over on the front page of – Is it me, or does that “outside office” look a hell of a lot like the Unabomber’s cabin?
If they do they’ll quickly conclude that the cowardly LIEburuls wouldn’t have been able to stop him because they only like to kill itty bitty defenseless fetii, blur hur hur!
Hey, give these right-wing domestic terrorists some credit…at least they are not doing suicide bombings like their kindred brothers and sisters in the radical Muslim world, Our wacko extremist terrorists at least have the decency to stay alive so we can prosecute them as the low-down, dirty criminals that they are.
hey. i resent that!
Gloating about vindication?
I’d guess more like “sad to be proven correct.” This bipedal detritus may spend her days wishing that she could have her glorious “neener neener neener, I toldja so” moment, no matter who has to be maimed or slain to score her those precious Ego-Points & the head-rush of righteousness that comes along with them, but people with actual souls just hang their heads & feel like shit – a reaction she can ape (albeit unconvincingly) but most likely secretly despises as weakness.
Gleeful finger-pointing on the Left?
Try “when you keep spawning lethal idiots like this, only our pacifist tendencies keep us from hunting you down one by one like rabid fucking dogs.” As for the Right, “heated” is the only response-setting they appear to run on. Is there a “Laid-Back Mellow Right” somewhere that I’ve missed all these years? What’s Little Miss Internment going to say for herself if some pin-dick fanboy of hers frags a Muslim inner-city mosque & directly credits HER with the inspiration for his actions? I suppose it won’t be the “proper time & place to indulge in political battle” then, either.
Whitewashed hagiographies?
Nah, bad idea all around … America just tried one of those – I believe the name was “The Bush Legacy Project” – & it went over like a lead balloon. This was a guy saving women’s lives who got murdered, not a saint … although if his death could get three of these Unitary-Executive-loving, torture-whitewashing, media-whoring fuckwits to admit in public that, just this one time, they were wrong, I’d say never mind Secular Humanism, folks, just get the Vatican on Line One pronto.
How unhinged has the discourse gotten?
So much so that a child-stalking cretin like Malkin can think herself enough of a moral bulwark to flap her cybernetic gob while clad in the ill-fitting mask of a reasonable person – & even feign concern for the family of a murder victim she helped to terrorize – & believe that anyone with a clue will buy it.
They pulled that “time and place” shit after 9/11. Of course, the “time and place” to criticize Bush for taking his “eye off the ball” on al-Qaeda (choosing instead to indulge in missile defense wankery) never came.
I do know what did come, though, the time and place to blame 9/11 on Clinton and liberals, along with the time and place to say that if you vote for a Democrat your entire family is going to be killed and it is your fault.
I suspect a connection between the shooter Scott Roeder and Randall Terry’s group ‘Operation Recuse’.
That’s already been shown, so much so that OpRes had to issue a statement distancing themselves from Roeder.
OpRes had to issue a statement distancing themselves from Roeder
“Hey, where’s the horses? Should we close these barn doors?”
“Why of course!”
And this shit ain’t funny. Barry might be wagging his finger at ‘both sides,’ but the FBI and the US Marshalls have just dispatched to every clinic and practicing hospital in the country. That didn’t happen when Slepian was killed in 1998. Doctors in the USA are on highest alert…..and they are being protected by US Marshalls carrying Glock .40’s.
It’s not a full-blown Culture War. But the side being shot at for 20 years has just armed itself.
“So, just so we’re clear:
Little boy with a brain injury = fair game.
Homicidal maniac who slaughters a fellow human being in cold blood = Hey, let’s show a little respect for the survivors.”
Yeah. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in an alternate universe where famous people actually were able to reconsider their positions and back away from them? Unfortunately, pride and commercial realities (yakker Brand Identity uber alles) will keep that from happening 99.99% of the time. It’s just that these positions lead to torture, death and murder.
Nobody could have anticipated…
Again (as last time I posted this it got screened): Operation Rescue posts the information of prominent abortion providers online, and Tiller was one of their prime targets: not just for assassination and physical harassment, but for aggressive stalking, data-dumping, and patently abusive litigative behavior.
While their usefulness to the GOP made them useful enough that Fox & friends pretended they were a normal pressure group when they bussed in members to harass the President at Notre Dame, they were and remain a militant organization with ties to various murderers, Nazis, and the other savory types you find in that mythical right-wing extremist fringe.
They didn’t just call for Tiller’s death in a way that as mainstream a figure as Bill O’Reilly hinted at, they repeatedly attempted to goad readers and sympathizers into destroying him.
And twenty minutes after he was killed in his church by a member of their organization, Terry was all frowns about the death of a man who his people had physically attempted to murder.
The big, big question is whether enough information – I would guess Tiller’s church ties, his schedule, and the make and model of his car – was in the high-profile infodumps OR conducted to carry out this assassination. If there isn’t (and because the assassin has little evident connection to any other group which has specifically harassed Tiller), the question then becomes whether that information came through internal memoranda or was personally given to the killer.
If it’s available to the public, it’s stalking and negligence. If it’s available internally, it’s incitement – and if it’s personal it’s conspiracy.
There have been comparisons to the Unitarian church shooter, but that was the work of a lonely, unstable man whose connection to the world was mainly through the eliminationist media. The Tiller assassin has connections and had information.
This isn’t a fucking lone nut, it’s a political murder by a hardline militant group which has previously engaged in bombings, sabotage, and (yes) political murder.
Of course, it’d be wrong to point the finger at poor, innocent Randall Terry for having opinions. Poor widdle baby is gonna get his feelings hurt by us nasty libruls blaming him for putting a hit out on a medical professional.
The real issue here is Janet Napolitano’s jack-booted thugs may threaten to issue a report based on this incidence which will be humbly retracted after much right wing screeching.
This isn’t a fucking lone nut, it’s a political murder by a hardline militant group which has previously engaged in bombings, sabotage, and (yes) political murder.
Usually when you get paramilitary groups such as this in other countries, the tendency is to be honest and call them “death squads”.
However we’re immune to that kind of thing here in god’s own country. Lone nut, lone nut, lone nut. Nope, no systematic use of violence and terror in a political context here, nosirree. That kind of thing is for the Barbarian Territories.
Usually when you get paramilitary groups such as this in other countries
You furriner-lovin’ leftie lune…
I assume we will be using Enhanced Interrogation Techniques on Randall Terry and other presumed members of this terrorist organization, to find out which other members may be contemplating further acts against American Citizens.
I myself will volunteer to introduce Mr. Terry to the WWW (Wonderful World of Waterboarding). I mean, this is necessary to save lives, and it has been proven to work, right? And it’s not like it would be actual torture or anything, right?
I myself will volunteer to introduce Mr. Terry to the WWW (Wonderful World of Waterboarding).
“Think of it as intense baptism, Mr Terry.”
Oh, this is just too rich. The day after the Tiller murder, the investment guy over at is looking at the recession and the Sotomayor appointment and advising people to buy – wait for it – GUN STOCKS! Wheee!
You wouldn’t think a recession as deep as the one we’ve been experiencing would be a boon to gun sales, but many citizens are arming themselves expressly because of the recession. You see, the recession has brought massive budget cuts to many municipalities. That means less fire and police protection. In response, gun sales are on the rise.
My response to this undercurrent is to recommend stocks that take advantage of the increase in gun sales.
“Yes, folks, vigilante justice is on its way to YOUR community, and why not honor our country this Flag Day than by buying stock in Smith & Wesson? Guns and right-wing paranoia are what made this country what it is today, and when you combine it with shootin’ Commies and Messicans you’ve got a winning combination! There’s no better way to say ‘Jesus Fucking Christ I Love The Captialist System’ than to cut yourself a big honkin’ slice of rich off that pie!”
“Think of it as intense baptism, Mr Terry.”
Just a little bit of Jesus, forced up his nose.
The day after the Tiller murder, the investment guy over at is looking at the recession and the Sotomayor appointment and advising people to buy – wait for it – GUN STOCKS! Wheee!
Pfft. Virtually useless without the barrel, trigger, and other pieces.
Not “intense”…”enhanced”. Makes it sound like we’ve made it , y’know, better somehow. Now with more molecules!
What right-thinking Christian wouldn’t want to experience an “enhanced baptism”?
Way OT, and a week old to boot, but this was too funny:
People in a riot over $1 flip-flops. It’s your normal “America going batshit insane as it circles the drain” story, but these two line stood out:
Some shoppers pushed carts brimming with sandals, like Angie Garza of Millersburg, Ind. She had 23 pairs in her cart for her two teenage daughters. “This will last them until next year at this time,” said Garza, who sported a pink flip-flop tattoo on her back and sandals on her feet.
Who tattoos themselves with a flip-flop? Most likely a repig voter too, as probably 99%+ of Indiana small towns vote ‘pig.
Some shoppers pushed carts brimming with sandals, like Angie Garza of Millersburg, Ind. She had 23 pairs in her cart for her two teenage daughters. “This will last them until next year at this time,” said Garza, who sported a pink flip-flop tattoo on her back and sandals on her feet.
23 flipflops/2 teenagers = 11.5 flipflops per teen (maybe they share 1 pair)
That’s like a pair a month. Who the hell goes thru a pair of sandals in one month? I have sandals that were around when Reagan was president and they’re perfectly fine to walk in!
Do Stalkin’ commentators realize that they need to waterboard Kleenex manufacturers for their contribution to killing Potential Babies*?
* One of the many names the insane nutjobs call blastocysts. If that name is good enough for fetuses, it’s good enough for jism.
That’s like a pair a month. Who the hell goes thru a pair of sandals in one month?
The only job left in America due to repig “help the starving billionaire” economic policies is Streetwalking.
Jism = “ball babies.”
“You moonbats just never get it, do you. It’s so simple, but I’ll explain it again. Bad things are always bad when other people do them, but always good when we do them. Do you understand now? It’s so simple. Like, duh?”
I wish there was some way around the doctor/patient privilege in this nation, so that doctors could post lists of right winger anti-choicers who have had their daughters or mistresses come in for “appendix removal”
I have sandals that were around when Reagan was president and they’re perfectly fine to walk in!
Seriously. I’m still wearing the homburg I bought after I saw Coolidge wearing one. What is it with kids these days?
I’m still wearing the homburg I bought after I saw Coolidge wearing one. What is it with kids these days?
Bah Hombug?
Seriously. I’m still wearing the homburg I bought after I saw Coolidge wearing one.
Too trendy for my tastes
*adjust tri-corner, whistling Yankee Doodle*
Jism = “ball babies.”
I like the phrase “baby batter”.
Not “intense”…”enhanced”. Makes it sound like we’ve made it , y’know, better somehow. Now with more molecules!
What right-thinking Christian wouldn’t want to experience an “enhanced baptism”?
Oh great, now they’ll start infighting about the amount of water required(how much Jesus has to go up your nose: sprinkling vs. full immersion?), infant enhanced baptism, largely symbolic or efficacious for salvation(“does torture work… TO SAVE YOUR SOUL?”), etc.
Concern troll is suddenly concerned! Shocked, shocked &c.
Steerpike: I assume we will be using Enhanced Interrogation Techniques on Randall Terry and other presumed members of this terrorist organization, to find out which other members may be contemplating further acts against American Citizens.
Just a little while ago, I called for the waterboarding of Operation Rescue.
Sorry I’m not bringing my mastery of Philosophy 101 to bear on the killing of Dr. Tiller. Real situations make me uncomfortable.
Megan McArdle managed to deliver herself of this bit of wisdom at The Atlantic:
…if you actually think late-term abortion is murder, then the murder of Dr. Tiller makes total sense.
Yes, and if you think America is the Great Satan, the murder of 3,000+ people in New York and Washington “makes total sense.” If you think Jews are responsible for oppressing the world, the Holocaust “makes total sense.” There is nothing so depraved and monstrous that some violent, batshit insane asshole can’t think of a reason to justify it.
Has McArdle always been this concern trollish?
Hey, then, let’s all be honest.
From now on, let’s refer to the stalkers and their supporters as “Operation Rescue’s Death Squads.”
Has McArdle always been this concern trollish?
When she’s not advocating beating people she disagrees with over the head with 2x4s or whining that having to stand in line for an iPhone is, like, slavery or something, pretty much. About all she does, in fact.
“From now on, let’s refer to the stalkers and their supporters as “Operation Rescue’s Death Squads.”
Operation Rescue’s _Pro-Life_ Death Squads. Reflects the inner tensions of the thing.
Operation Rescue’s _Pro-Life_ Death Squads. Reflects the inner tensions of the thing.
“Operation Rescue’s We Hate America Death Squads” is much more accurate with respect to reality.
Who tattoos themselves with a flip-flop?
Mitt Romney?
…if you actually think late-term abortion is murder, then the murder of Dr. Tiller makes total sense.
I said much the same above. Actually, most of that post is quite good, but then she suddenly jumps to some very bizarre conclusions about the need to be nice to the abortion = murder morons, even after correctly identifying the majority of them as liars.
Fuck no. Those who assert, in spite of all scientific information, in spite of legal and popular consensus throughout the civilized world, that abortion = murder, they cannot possibly morally distance themselves from the actual murder of doctors. That is the appropriate conclusion to draw. Those who profess that abortion = murder without actually believing it need to shut the fuck up and stop encouraging such crimes.
Pro-life Death Squads have killed more people than the Weather Underground, engaged in more vandalism than ELF, and sent more fake anthrax letters than any other terrorist group. Perhaps we should invade Iraq again.
“Perhaps we should invade Iraq again.”
That’s so 2003. The “new” Neocon target is and has been Iran.
Please update your programs.
If your mind has been filled with biblical ideas about blood sacrifice, atonement by death, sacrifice of one for the many (and that’s pretty much all the education you ever had), well, it might not be mysterious why these are the outcomes. The polls about torture seem to indicate this too, judging by the demographic that supports it most. And this isn’t meant to be gleeful finger-pointing. It’s depressing as hell.
I apologize for my millionth Big Faily OT, but I had to share this excerpt from a comment:
It’s in response to a post in which Angie Harmon is referred to as an “A-list actress.”
Sadly, much as I’d like to see the killers called what they are, here in Urmerika you can’t be honest like that. Who beyond our group here is going to actually risk pissing off the great oppressed Christian minority by calling its extreme right wing murderers, even that’s what they are?
And this isn’t meant to be gleeful finger-pointing. It’s depressing as hell.
They always seem to forget the “Vengeance is mine, sayeth The Lord” bit.
Michelle. Go a whole day without using the word “unhinged”. I fucking DARE you.
Honestly, I’m so sick to damn death of how expected these responses are, that I really don’t know what more to say. It’s like they’re acting as if they were bizarre caricatures of my own creation, saying the most vile and ridiculous things possible. I should have some room to stereotype, sure, but they’ve already got the knobs turned up to six thousand that I can’t really do anything more.
They’ve taken teh funnay away from me. And I’m not implying that I should be getting my laffs on about this tragedy, but just that their hideous response to it has forever tainted my brain to where even when they aren’t being wingnutty blowhards about a given topic, I know that they’re sorta OK with fracking cold-blooded murder, and that’s that. Which isn’t funny anymore.
Thankfully, there’s still nutrageous clowns on our side of the aisle who can still elicit a chuckle.
Andrew [Breitblart] will soon be elevated to the wrankles of Rush & Cheyney.
Andrew [Breitblart] will soon be elevated to the wrankles of Rush & Cheyney.
All I learn from Google is that an amazing number of people cannot spell ‘rankle’.
Or “Cheney.”
All I learn from Google is that an amazing number of people cannot spell ‘rankle’.
Or, for that matter, “wrinkle.”
Correctly spelled, the comment would have read “Andrew [Breitblart] will soon be elevated to the wrinkles of Rush & Cheney.”
“They always seem to forget the “Vengeance is mine, sayeth The Lord” bit.”
Yes, but you see, “Onward Christian Soldiers,” etc. They’re doing the Lord’s work, and are to be honored, as they see it. The “terrible certainty” bit.
I grew up in a fundie church. More moderate than this, but I can visualize the thought processes, such as they are.
The pain is just Jesus getting all the sin out of your body.
If you really want a reaction, you should VDARE her.
I grew up in a fundie church. More moderate than this, but I can visualize the thought processes, such as they are.
So did I. We sent missionaries out to help the “poor dark African” learn about Christ, in keeping with His message to spread His word.
I must have missed the catechism class that said “Love thy neighbor…unless the scumbag disagrees with you”
I must have missed the catechism class that said “Love thy neighbor…unless the scumbag disagrees with you”
That looks a lot like the entire Old Testament to me but I haven’t been to Catechism in 35 years or so.
Andrew [Breitblart] will soon be elevated to the wrankles of Rush & Cheyney.
You may poke fun at that but it is, in point of fact, a brilliant neologism perfectly expressing the image of the decrepit, gangrenous, rotten flesh draping their tarsals. The cleverness of the statement is further enhanced by the notion of elevating someone to such an exalted level.
They constantly amaze me over there.
WP amazes me as well. That first sentence is, in fact, italicized. STFU, that’s why.
Palin makes a statement
I figure someone wrote it for her, it actually somewhat makes sense.
But I think it’s a little curious – she only speaks up about social issues. This, Miss California, gay marriage, etc.
We had a whole news cycle about SCOTUS and a national security issue with North Korea, and the whole Chrysler thing. Not a peep out of her.
So on Constitutional issues, national security, and the economy, Caribou Barbie has no wisdom to impart.
But on arbortion, teen pregnancy and gay rights, she’s ready to run her mouth.
That’s very odd for someone who wants to be taken seriously as a possible candidate.
You’d think her advisers would tell her to at least pretend she’s interested, even if she’s not.
But on arbortion, teen pregnancy and gay rights, she’s ready to run her mouth.
That’s very odd for someone who wants to be taken seriously as a possible candidate.
She’s focused – she’s talking about the properly femmy subjects a properly femmy Repug woman should.
I don’t see how Randall Terry could refuse to be waterboarded as long as we use Holy Water. How can you drown in that? But if you do, wouldn’t you go straight to heaven? I mean, God’s will and all that, plus we get the information we need to keep us all safe.
So Tancredo has a problem with a judge speculating that maybe a Latina woman’s life experience would allow her to make a better decision than a white guy, but he has no problem with a prospective lawyer physically asaulting a stranger on the street and calling her the N-word.
Anytime anyone argues against attacking at an appropriately advantageous moment they’re ducking an issue.
Nice assosance man, and I say that respectfully as a fellow homo.
Sorry that’s assonance–after I typed ‘ass’ I lost interest.
You’d think her advisers would tell her to at least pretend she’s interested, even if she’s not.
I have a feeling that the chasseresse d’Alaska doesn’t get told a whole lot; My money is on her doing most of the telling…
“So on Constitutional issues, national security, and the economy, Caribou Barbie has no wisdom to impart. “
Pick yer answer:
1) She’s too busy reading all the papers to have time to respond.
2) In what sense, Charlie?
Would you all consider me to be a “murderer”, “outlaw”, “criminal”, “terrorist”, etc.?
Try to respond in a logically consistent manner (if you can!)
Troofie has a limp needle dick that only gets hard when he pops about six Viagra and looks at child pornography.
I killed a lot of slave owners?
Was I wrong?
What was wrong was that you didn’t travel into the future and cut off The Truth’s tiny penis.
Failed revolutionary?
Much as the waving around of John Brown is supposed to be some kind of unique and difficult situation for those who condemn the murder of doctors, slave rebellions are hardly an obscure subject. And no, outside your addled brain, they really don’t have anything to do with abortion.
Here—I’ll go ahead and do it for ya, Troofie, hun:
From Dhalgren above, “It’s not a full-blown Culture War. But the side being shot at for 20 years has just armed itself.” I think the wingers need to put that in their pipe and smoke it for a minute or two.
Man, what’s with all the dancing badgers today? Somebody musta got ’em riled up.
I like how Malkin inserts her particular point of view about abortion – and judgement of the murdered doctor – while wagging her finger saying don’t do this.
Prepare for whitewashed hagiographies of Tiller’s career as an abortionist.
I won’t need to prepare now that she’s already launched this doozy.
John Brown was captured by Union troops and hung. What’s YOUR point, trooftard?
I’ve known several women who’ve had abortions, and thing I just don’t get, the thing that is clearly outside my personal paradigm, is how anyone could believe these decisions are made lightly. I simply don’t get it.
Sure, there are no doubt anecdotal examples of women using abortion bogusly and flagrantly cavalierly. I’ve just never met one, and I live in a very multi-racial environment.
I guess the thing I don’t get is this: Who is to tell me that “God,” whatever you perceive him/her/it to be, isn’t more worried about overpopulation than he/she/it is abortion?
As best I can tell via the evidence of my own fucking eyes, “God” is not a very good or interested micromanager. Horrible things happen to wonderful people all the time; only a complete moron would dispute this.
So, if there is a God, and I completely believe in the possibility if not the likelihood, it’s pretty hard to conclude that he/she/it isn’t capable of providing all these lost aborted souls a viable place in what we call life. He/she/it is omnipotent, after all.
Here’s the only thing I do know: I have no business in other people’s personal, non-societal effecting decisions. We’re not going to run out of fucking people as a result of abortion.
They know better than I do; they have more facts, more personal history, more personal knowledge of the details with which considered decisions are made.
Where did I go wrong? I love all of God’s children and critters. (Except insects.)
Judge not, lest thee be judged. Don’t throw fucking stones from glass houses. Walk a mile in another’s shoes. Do not onto others as you would have them do unto you.
What is this, fucking rocket science?
I’m sickened by our decay. But I’m consoled that in inflation-adjusted Empire terms, we made it about as long at the Romans. Not a bad run.
I have a small penis.
This is always my point.
oh and many of John Brown’s followers at Harper’s Ferry were shot. What does this have to do with you and your friends, trooftard? do you think any of them would put their butt on the line for anything? how about you?
By the way, if Righteous Bubba is around, is there any way you can get me a copy of the Mac version of JanusNode? The original author’s page has disappeared and the Internet Archive only has a copy of the Windows version at Tucows.
Was it morally right for me to be HANGED* and my followers shot? Was that the right thing for the federal government** to do to us?
*Grammar is not your strong point, I see.
**Federal troops, not “Union”. The Civil War hadn’t started yet. History isn’t your strong point, either!
You know what’s pretty fucking rich? Troofy talking about strong points as if he has any.
Try another line of attack, bitch.
PLEASE don’t feed the trolls.
Not that I give a shit, but John Brown, are you trying to draw some parallel to “your” time and today? In any way?
In the sense of legal execution, hung is also quite common and is standard in all types of speech and writing except in legal documents.
Durr hurr, etc. Next, do tell us how we’re not really a democracy.
Sorry, Simba. You’re right, of course.
There’s a family of children and grandchildren suffering right now, so I’m feeling a bit frisky with the trolls, and just for the record, I’ve been called one in forums I’ve not been trying to be one, so am a bit sensitive to the term.
And I’m pretty much a free-speech absolutist, so I consider their (the trolls) humiliation part of my job. Wish I was good at it.
Abortion opponents love to compare themselves to slavery opponents. Funny how a lot of them also tend to be the-South-will-rise-again, it’s-my-turn-to-be-Stonewall-Jackson-in-the-reenactment rah-rah Confederacy types.
Of course, spotting contradictions isn’t the strong suit for “pro-lifers” who cheer assassinations.
If Troofy had been aborted before he came to term, would the world have lost any positive thing? I think not.
We were killed by Dr. Tiller. 🙁
Thanks, Lesley. Agreed.
Almost. Life is complicated, and Troofy may have some redeeming qualities. Not that I can see any, but I adamantly refuse to believe that a person can be completely judged by their ravings on the net.
Still, Troofy is probably a fucktard.
OT–is there any way to keep Firefox from jumping to the beginning of the comments section when I hit Refresh? I hate having to scroll down every time.
And the world is a worse place for the fact that The Truth was not one of them.
They told me you was dead, John Brown;
They told me you was hung;
With bloodshot bulging eyeballs;
And black protruding tongue.
And they were still Union troops, even before the war;
Because they won the whole shebang and get to keep the score.
(and Simba B., I promise that’s the last word from me to the troll.)
We were killed by The Truth.
“60,000 Babies said,
June 2, 2009 at 2:02
We were killed by Dr. Tiller. :(”
Uh huh, and they’re the kind of babies that cry out for murderous revenge. People have to understand the difference between their fantasies and reality. That’s kind of the crux of the matter so to speak.
Faux John Brown needs to be hanged a little longer: his brain’s dead, but he’s still twitching.
What is the difference between a fetus aborted 6 weeks before birth and a baby born premature?
Question: should a mother have the “right to choose” to unplug the machine keeping a premie alive?
Troofie, redeeming qualities? Nah. I bet he’s one of those guys who shits in portajohns and renders them unusable for everyone else.
Sounds to me like someone just finished reading Pynchon’s V.
What is the difference between us and that stuff oozing from the radiator in Troofy’s basement hideout?
There’s still some life left in that old radiator.
The difference is, a fetus aborted 6 weeks before delivery is only aborted if it has such profound defects that it cannot survive or if the woman carrying it will die or face serious medical issues without the procedure.
Pretty big fucking difference, if you ask me.
Do you know what it looks like when we get killed?
Meanwhile, back at the recruiter shooting, a name:
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad aka Carlos Beldsoe
Pretty big fucking difference, if you ask
meanybody other than those whose greatest desire in life is to suck the cock of old rich white millionaires.Fixxxxled.
Well, the devils must be wearing their woolies because not only do I agree with Michelle Malkin for the first time ever but I also wrote a post about the Tiller murder eerily similar to hers.
That has me a little bit concerned, as you can imagine.
We were bored to death by tedious Repug talking points.
Ever since women became conscious of their fertility (probably around the time our species started resembling what we are today), they have attempted to control it. This predates all extant religions. It’s part of the human experience, especially profound to the female experience.
[To the point: Humans do not naturally enslave one another. They do not naturally commit genocide.]
Abortion is a tool that women will have toward controlling their reproductive lives–whether any individual likes it or not.
OT–is there any way to keep Firefox from jumping to the beginning of the comments section when I hit Refresh? I hate having to scroll down every time.
Yes, click on the time stamp of the most recent comment before you refresh.
Fish-like temporary parasite = fully independent, sentient beings, eh?
Save the lampreys!
Troofie is right: It’s a well known fact that all babies are only aborted as late as possible in the third trimester. In fact, most of them are then put back into the uterus so that they can be aborted again.
What is this, fucking rocket science?
No, it certainly isn’t.
I guess a lot of people on this site would think it funny to make jokes about me.
Lots of jokes about me too, I guess.
“**Federal troops, not “Union”. The Civil War hadn’t started yet. History isn’t your strong point, either!”
History is indeed not the strong point of some.
“Our Union: It must be preserved.”
-President Andrew Jackson, Jefferson Day dinner, April 13, 1830
What was that about strong points again? Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to troll humor blog comments.
Are we “Union troops”, GoatBoy? How many news organizations refer to us as such?
I guess a lot of people on this site would think it funny to make jokes about me.
Link, or it didn’t happen. (I don’t have time to read the whole thread. There’s a lot more Internet to explore.)
Oh, and that toast President Jackson offered? It pissed off a lot of people with whom Troofus shares a worldview, among them one John C. Calhoun. Made him near mad enough to walk into a church and shoot a motherfucker it did.
Andrew Jackson was the original Democrat Party Fascist.
We love it when hypocritical conservatives suddenly discover political correctness again – and again – and again every time it suits them.
“Are we “Union troops”, GoatBoy?”
You’re fucking right you are.
“How many news organizations refer to us as such?”
Is that the standard now? What the vast left wing media conspiracy calls you? Because we all know that would be “hippie spit receptacles,” n’est-ce pas?
Ugh! Stop feeding this especially loathsome troll.
Who are all the crazy shitbags coming on here to pretend abortion is just like the Holocaust or slavery?
El Cid, what would you call someone who personally murdered 60,000 premies?
Union = Federal.
See, if you feel so inclined, you can strip down the Civil War between Federal and Anti-Federal (or ‘Confederate’) ideologies. Southern armies were called Confederate or rebel, etc.
Further, “Union” troops would differentiate between any State or local militia troops.
How often do you hear reference to “America” or “American Troops”? America encompasses most of the western hemisphere. It’s so big they had to cut it into North and South, plus Central if that’s how you roll. “United States troops” would be the more accurate term. But often, language goes with what sounds the best.
But by all means, continue to argue petty semantics. Nothing says ‘well thought out argument’ like, ‘Haha you spell pfeffernussen wrong!”
I’m practically seeing a Holocaust of dancing badgers! Trolls are being slaughtered in astounding, unheralded proportions!
Roe is good law. =D
Let’s see if I’m getting the hang of this parody-troll business:
(1) In a symptom of the eliminationist thought and murderous desperation that has become part of your country’s culture, a christianist terrorist murders a doctor…
(2) For troll-boy, the important thing is that this is an opportunity to rark up some po-faced liberals.
I imagine there have always been people like him, but in the Good Old Days before the Interducts, I never encountered them. Just one of the many ways in which transformative technology is improving our lives!
Well now you’ve done it, el cid.
I assume troofie is also furious at doctors who perform appendectomies, or amputations.
I’ll ask it straight up: would any lib on here have a problem with a man who killed slave owners?
Who are all the crazy shitbags coming on here to pretend abortion is just like the Holocaust or slavery?
Well, so far we know he’s a 40 year old man who hates women, black people, and liberals… who spends sometimes an entire 24 hour day trolling liberal blogs with multiple nyms from a home that he never leaves, is long term unemployed, has no real life friends, and declared November 5th “The worst day of my life”. And he came out with this classic as an example of his political wisdom;
…transformative technology is improving our lives…
By bringing us all closer together! Feel the love!
Would you have a problem with a man putting a bomb on the road because his parents were killing in an air strike? HMMMM?!!
Alternately,my personal favorite version
That’s the best copypasta around. Classic S,N!
Pol Pot’s Killing Fields; The Rape of Nanking; Rwandan Genocide; Stalin’s Gulags; Irish Potato Famine; The Black Death; The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918; The Black Hole of Calcutta; The Spanish Inquisition (ok, we do joke about that one).
“Prepare for DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s defenders to gloat about vindication. Prepare for collective demonization of pro-lifers and Christians — and more gratuitous attempts to tar talk radio, Fox News, and the Tea Party movement as responsible for the heinous crime. Prepare for the continuing redefinition of [hate] as “hate” . . .”
Funny, but now that she mentions it . . .
Some Guy: That badgers video was surreal.
OT–is there any way to keep Firefox from jumping to the beginning of the comments section when I hit Refresh? I hate having to scroll down every time.
How odd – my Firefox goes to my last post … perhaps because I feed it plump juicy field-mice?
“I’ll ask it straight up: would any lib on here have a problem with me releasing a bioengineered airborne spore that makes trolls’ genitals flash like police-lights & play John Phillip Souza @ 85Db, 24/7?
I thought not … fly, fly, my children, the world is your oyster now – may your freedom bring weeping & gnashing of teeth to these dickheads forevermore!”
Pointless troll has no point.
Also the Chicxulub impact.
Over at Balloon Juice, a familiar-sounding troll calls himself ‘Punk David’.
I should have asked him if his hot ex-stripper wife and CIA pals share his views on abortion.
“Enhanced baptism”
Easily the phrase of the day. Maybe the phrase of the year.
Thanks, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever won the internets.
Also! Christians who ♥ Atlas Shrugged are my new favorite people ever.
I don’t know why the Colonel doesn’t just sell a bucket of these things dredged in original spices and fried. It would save him a boatload of money, and it’s apparently exactly the same thing as chicken to some folks.
Why did Roeder run? If GOD is on his side, why did Roeder threaten to kill others to make his escape?
If it was a Righteous act blessed by his god, WHY is Roeder fleeing the scene?
Jesus Shrugged
Atlas wept.
OT: Michelle Malkin has a history of rubbing salt into TeH Left’s wounds; begging for calm minds if Sa-an should possess the otherwise pure mind of a conservative, causing him/her to do G-d’s unwill. She wrote a whole book about it! It sold so few copies that her publisher even ask for another proposal. Unhinged, indeed.
I encourage anyone reading this who seriously believes there’s something morally debatable about what Tiller did to look up “anencephaly”, preferably with Google Image Search’s safe-mode turned off.
I’m pretty fervent about my atheism, but I can’t even imagine how much you’d have to despise God to imagine him putting a fully conscious and living soul in that.
It is an absolutely unshakeable belief among the forced birthers that the ONLY reason that any woman gets an abortion is because she’s selfish and vain.
There is, in this mindset, no such thing as a fetus with a debilitating deformity or abnormality.
They are all sure beyond question that women get late-term abortions because they look in the mirror sometime around the 6th month and say “Ew. Like, I didn’t know I was gonna get all FAT and stuff! Ickky!” and then they run out and get an abortion that afternoon so they can fit back into their designer jeans for the way super cool party they want to go to that evening.
I am absolutely not kidding. Look at any of the comments that these pro-life death squadders make about the situation. None show the slightest hint of a realization that these abortions are already regulated, or that severe fetal abnormality is a prime reason for the procedure. Absolutely none.
It’s pretty much the one time trolling with harlequin fetus is perfectly germane.
The important thing is that Malkin and Schussel et al can now turn their righteous attentions to the apparently Muslim nut who shot and killed an Arkansas Army recruiter.
Two murders by two different religious nuts in two days.
Correction: Not a recruiter, but soldiers at a recruiting center. One survived.
from El Cid’s link:
maineac2 (201 friends, send message) wrote: 6m ago
Where are all the pansy liberals who called the man who shot Tiller the baby killer a TERRORIST!
Rocket scientist, gooper division.
For the record, it does appear that the Arkansas nut claims to have been motivated by religio-political reason and thus his act of murder was terrorism.
I do so love that little “G dash d” construction.
“I know that it is a blasphemy to spell out G-O-D but I have a special rule that if a use a “-” instead of an ‘o’ it isn’t blasphemy anymore!”
Who exactly is supposed to be deceived?
That’s not exactly the reason for the G-d.
In orthodox Judaism, it is blasphemy to defile (including throwing away) anything with God’s name on it. To make it easier for everybody, avoid putting God’s name on a piece of paper which may have to be thrown away or be dropped on the floor, whatever.
I remember one time a debate over whether it was ok to have currency on one’s person when going to the toilet/urinal because currency has “In God we trust” on it. I think the upshot was that it was OK as long as it was safely in one’s pocket and no part of it was exposed.
Acts of violence against military personnel, by definition, are not terrorism.
This is not the time for blame and finger-pointing. The time for blame and finger-pointing is when we are not so obviously responsible.
Steerpike said,
June 2, 2009 at 3:23
Thanks, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever won the internets.
But not the last time, I am sure.
After a politically-motivated murder is no time to talk about politics!
I agree. I read an article in which one abortion doctor said that a woman once came into his office, whom he recognized as being one of the protesters who were always outside the building, to have her daughter’s pregnancy terminated.
Was it this one? Hypocrisy is always the new black.
Been away for a while, so perhaps I missed the meeting, but what happened to Toofeee’s de- vowel-ing? Is a major pain in the arse to see him fucking up threads again….
I remember one time a debate over whether it was ok to have currency on one’s person when going to the toilet/urinal because currency has “In God we trust” on it. I think the upshot was that it was OK as long as it was safely in one’s pocket and no part of it was exposed.
In Thailand, because the King’s head is on the currency, you have to be a bit careful where you store it or how you use it. Inside shoes is well out, as is throwing your currency on the ground following a bill dispute. The aftermath of the latter included a French tourist getting the royal shit kicked right out him.
haha the one who is posting the comments. Thank you for posting this, Its just what I was browsing on bing. Id very much rather hear opinions from an individual, rather than a corporate web page, thats why I like blogs so much. Thanks! more please pleasing fantastic.