Kerners Are Go!!!

Doug Ross, DirectorBlue:
RED ALERT: Did anti-Obama campaign contributions dictate which Chrysler dealers were shuttered?

Critical Updates Below: Red State, American Thinker, Joey Smith and Reliapundit provide anecdotal and quantitative evidence that would appear to confirm a decided bias against dealers who donated to GOP causes or to anti-Obama Democrats.

Special note for moonbats: no one here is saying that the sole criterion for closing a dealership was partisanship. What we ask is: does it seem odd that the list of closed dealerships appears to have contributed a grand total of $200 to Barack Obama and millions to GOP candidates/causes?

Quote from an attorney who Deposed Chrysler’s president last week: “It became clear to us that Chrysler does not see the wisdom of terminating 25 percent of its dealers… It really wasn’t Chrysler’s decision. They are under enormous pressure from the President’s automotive task force.”

Stay tuned. Data crunching is underway.

Insert eight entire screens packed with fevered abba-dabba.

Hat tip: Bob. Linked by: Ace o’ Spades, Gateway Pundit, The Anchoress, Conservative Grapevine, Be John Galt, Bookworm Room, Memeorandum, Protein Wisdom, Say Anything, American Digest, TigerHawk, Atlas, Pat Dollard, Prairie Pundit, The Real Revo, TCOT Report and Nice Deb. Thanks!

Meanwhile, Malkin is advising caution.

This is going to be good.


Comments: 126


“Malkin is advising caution”

Man, you know you’re over the edge if you’ve shot past Malkin in Teh Crazy.


What we ask is: does it seem odd that the list of closed dealerships appears to have contributed a grand total of $200 to Barack Obama and millions to GOP candidates/causes?

So, assuming this is true…the dumb ones go under?


Self-destructiveness leads to destruction?


I would like to suggest that there is a far more reasonable explanation for this phenomenon.

It doesn’t seem at all peculiar to me that the people who bet their life savings on selling Chryslers to rational human beings would be the same people that continued to finance the Republican party as it progressed with the systematic destruction of the American economy.


Meanwhile, Malkin is advising caution.

I feel like I have just surfed into a brick wall.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Correlation totally = causation, punk bitchiz!

Maybe *all* car dealers gave heavily to Redoublechins? Or all of them in depressed red states?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Or all of them in depressed red states?

Ding ding ding… we have a winner!


Stay tuned. Data crunching is underway.

I eagerly anticipate reading about the approaches taken to avoid drawing conclusions unsupportable by the data.

And shouldn’t that be “Kerners Am Go”?


Stay tuned. Data crunching fevered solicitation of more completely unsubstantiated claims and wild speculation is underway.

Edited for accuracy.


Data crunching is underway.

is that the sound of data crunching? Nah just the cheetos again.


Maybe it’s because the people in Red States are not the biggest market for Chrysler autos. Plus their trucks suck.

Caliph Garrett

Data crunching is underway.


Oh, and KERNING.



“Fact is: Some of the GOP dealers on the list don’t deserve a whole hell of a lot of sympathy. Or my tax dollars.”

Ah, as opposed to ALL of the Democratic donors who don’t “deserve” anything. Fact is the only way this list would be sufficiently non-partisan to Malkin and her retarded followers is if the only people on the list were Democrats.


Debbie Schlussel is advising caution, too. There’s not yet any Muslim angle to the story, so there needs to be further investigation.


George Orwell is even cooler since KernInSpace.


…provide anecdotal and quantitative evidence that would appear to confirm…



Mark Levin could carry all of the Chrysler dealerships on his back, if’n he wanted to, and throw them over the horizon, and he still might could.


Red State, American Thinker, Joey Smith and Reliapundit provide anecdotal and quantitative evidence that would appear to confirm a decided bias against dealers who donated to GOP causes or to anti-Obama Democrats.

OMG! We has discovered everdince that apeers to miraclously confrm whut we want to beleeve.

Gordon, The Big Express Engine

Owners of red state Chrysler dealerships are the Jews of liberal fascism.


fevered abba-dabba

What, no flibberty-floo?

Got to have the flibberty-floo.


fevered abba-dabba

What, no flibberty-floo?

Got to have the flibberty-floo.

The hummina-hummina is important too!


The hummina-hummina is important too!

I pity the fool who forgets about the jibber jabber.


Special note for moonbats: no one here is saying that the sole criterion for closing a dealership was partisanship. What we ask is: does it seem odd that the list of closed dealerships appears to have contributed a grand total of $200 to Barack Obama and millions to GOP candidates/causes?

So we couldn’t investigate the politically motivated firings of judges for interfering with THE BUSHES GRAND WROLD SAVING PLAN but we should probably waste millions of (taxpayer!) dollars investigating this. Why the hell not, worked for them last time.

Only question is – is kerning a finite good?


OT: Once again, I was very bored.


The hummina-hummina is important too!

You have to buy the shyneum from the Hummina-Hummina to sell to the Gzurteks, right?


I bet that the fucking com-symps aren’t going to close down a single anarcho-Maoist Chrysler dealership.

James K Polk, Esq.

Best. Election. EVAR.


OT: Once again, I was very bored.

Why am I convinced Jonah goes around in real life quoting science-fictiony pop songs, exactly as we see here?

“In 2525… if Man is still alive…”



In addition, various sources have hypothesized ACORN was possibly seen in or near the vicinity of the alleged GOP supporting dealerships in or around the time frame in question!!


Big Bad Bald Bastard

I am envisioning Pantload, K-Lo, VDH, et al. with marionette strings, and a caption reading Blunderturds Are Go.


Come on, wise up here. Car dealers (usually a family owned biz, need we say more?) are generally the most reactionary, crypto-fascist businesses you can find.

Whichever dick runs the place (ret’d. jock, for just one unpalatable group) is of course convinced that his mad salesmanship skillz make him a Galtian super-man, & the defender of free markets, the American way, & all the Little League teams he sponsors.

We just need one stat: Total contributions from car dealers to presidential candidates. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if more of them donated to Ron Paul than to Obama, & that McCain took significantly more more money from dealerships than all others combined.


I am envisioning Pantload, K-Lo, VDH, et al. with marionette strings, and a caption reading Blunderturds Are Go.

Much as a fan of Gerry Anderson’s works as I am, I would so watch that.


first they came for the Chrysler bondholders and I said nothing…
then they came for the Chrysler dealers and I said nothing…


That’s “Bibbity Bobbity” there. I don’t care how the copyright violator poster spelled it.

D. N., where is Wingnut News 1?



Debbie “Cakes” continues foaming at the mouth.

This could turn into a wing-nut cat-fight, if I dare get all sexist.


Took my checkbook to the dealerships this past weekend looking for the alleged 25%to 40% discounts on cars. Bullshit. Long story short, dealerships are being consolidated rather than eliminated. 10% discounts over MSRP offered, namely business as usual.


From Debbie Cakes:

Barack Obama, today, nominated an anti-male, anti-White woman who will be the voice of illegal aliens, to the Supreme Court. Yup, let’s hear it for the reconquista Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor.

I’m sure she’s going to destroy Ford Motor Co. too.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

first they came for the Chrysler bondholders and I said nothing…
then they came for the Chrysler dealers and I said nothing…

but they never came for the Chryslers, which was the cause of the problem.


Oh sh*t! You mean Sotomayor’s in favor of illegal immigration from, um, Puerto Rico, or the Bronx?


Okay, I have to admit the first time I saw the KERNERS ARE GO poster, lo these many months ago, I searched imdb etc thinking it was an actual movie.

REALLY want to hang that on my wall…


This is kickass. They never disappoint, do they?



D. N., where is Wingnut News 1?


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Oh sh*t! You mean Sotomayor’s in favor of illegal immigration from, um, Puerto Rico, or the Bronx?

You beat me to the punch, so I’ll just post this.


‘scuse me, “10% discounts UNDER msrp” is correct,… and worthless.
The whole experience reminds me of Aqua Teen Hunger Force when the fratboy alien arrives (its dad owns a dealership!) and in “Different World” when Dwayne Wayne (his dad owns a dealership!) would show up. Without the financing payout and the ‘repairs not under warranty’ the dealerships would not have survived this long.


If only they hadn’t killed off Plymouth! Everything would have been different!

Plymouth THIS, WP.


#1 didn’t show up the first time. Purty funny.


Why do I continue, time after time, to be surprised by the level of teh crazy from these people? (And why do I continue to burn the roof of my mouth with that first slice of pizza?)


Motherfuckin right those are the cocksuckin dealerships that got the fuckin shaft right in the fuckin sphincter. Any cocksucking motherfuckers got a problem with that? By the way if you own stock in any other shiteating businesses that didn’t fuckin’ pony up for the O-Man in a big way, I suggest you sell post-fucking-hasty because we are micromanaging this motherfucker from here on out, Chicago style.


let’s hear it for the reconquista Supreme Court nominee,

The term Reconquista (in English, “reconquest”) was popularized by Mexican writers Carlos Fuentes and Elena Poniatowska to describe the demographic and cultural presence of Mexicans into the Southwestern United States.

The second new thing I have learned today: Puerto Rico was once part of Mexico.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The whole experience reminds me of Aqua Teen Hunger Force when the fratboy alien arrives (its dad owns a dealership!)

That’s what I think of every time I hear the word “dealership”. Damn those Adult Swim bastards.


let’s hear it for the reconquista Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor.

Yeah, bitchez. We’re moving downtown from East 115th Street to YOUR Upper East Side!


Puerto Rico was once part of Mexico.

It used to be attached but one day snuck away through the trench and hid out on the other side of Dominica where Mexico couldn’t see it.


It bodes poorly for America and the rule of law.

Wait for it,

Wait for it,


I’m okay. Really.


Must. Catch. Breath.

Oh, my.


no one here is saying that the sole criterion for closing a dealership was partisanship. What we ask is: does it seem odd that the list of closed dealerships appears to have contributed a grand total of $200 to Barack Obama and millions to GOP candidates/causes?

Jeebus. The Red-Staters would no more buy a Chrysler than they’d buy a wheel of brie. And they wonder why the dealers in their conservative districts are tanking?


g said,

May 27, 2009 at 5:44

let’s hear it for the reconquista Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor.

Yeah, bitchez. We’re moving downtown from East 115th Street to YOUR Upper East Side!

As long as they don’t get to 22nd and Broadway!

Oh wait, I lives in Ohio nao.

Also, I walked home from Sylvia’s once.

At’s a lotta blox, beaches!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Yeah, bitchez. We’re moving downtown from East 115th Street to YOUR Upper East Side!

This had me laughing my culo off! I may have to go to Luis Munoz Marin Boulevard to get some fried pig ears. I’ll have a morcilla in honor of Smut Clyde.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

At’s a lotta blox, beaches!

Harlem to Ohio? I should say!


It’s even worse than it sounds, B^4

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The important question, though, is:

Did you have any MOTHERFUCKING ICED TEA at Sylvia’s?


Oh, forgot this one, as I had already done something therew/.

Debbie sez:

This woman, Sotomayor, was picked for only two reasons, one of which is that she has female indoor plumbing.

Does Debbie have female outhouse plumbing?


As a slightly bit of asidedness, I haz ta say how much I lurves teh interducks.

After reading the somewhat expected but nonetheless disappointing Prop 8 decision, I was languishing. Oh fuck, I said to myself, is it STILL 1975? Or 1950? Or 1870? Or whatever.

Every time I think that I’m the only one who’s lonely
Someone calls on me
And every now and then I spend my time in rhyme and verse
And curse those faults in me

And then along comeKerners!
And do they want to give me kicks, and be my steady blix
And give me pick of memories
Or maybe rather gather tales of all the fails and tribulations
No one ever sees

So that was pretty good. And then And then… And gentlemen and then*

Lil’ Debbie assplodes with her “Hildegard of Bingen on meth” routine and my day is no longer depressive.

Thanks to all and sundry.

*Sorry, Pippin was the first show I ever seed on B’way and so, y’know…..and besides, it had Irene Ryan AND Ben Vereen!


This had me laughing my culo off! I may have to go to Luis Munoz Marin Boulevard to get some fried pig ears. I’ll have a morcilla in honor of Smut Clyde.

I do confess that my knowledge of NYC’s ethnic population neighborhood distribution dates from 1979…..

It was a shock to check my kid into the dorm at the New School and realize that Alphabet City was, like….hot real estate.

So anyway. What the fuck.

I’m gonna go down to Cesar Chavez and Lorena for some tamales at Lucy’s. Wanna meet me there?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m gonna go down to Cesar Chavez and Lorena for some tamales at Lucy’s. Wanna meet me there?

I’d love to, but adding airfare to the tab’s a killer. Have a big cup of horchata for me.


In fact, neither meself nor me companion had the iced tea, we went for the alcohol.

Just proves we’re poseurs.


Speaking of Alphabet Citay,


5th Street between A and B.

I wonder if it’s still there?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It was a shock to check my kid into the dorm at the New School and realize that Alphabet City was, like….hot real estate.

Even Bushwick’s becoming gentrified. The Bronx, thank FSM, seems to be pretty resistant to gentrification, although there is a small enclave in the far, far south that has some urban pioneers.


Oooooh, USA Today stays classy.


Oh, I had a new idea for what California should officially call same-sex marriages, now that they can’t call them “marriage”.

I figure if we pass a bill calling them “Patriot Unions” the sheer entertainment value of watching every wingnut in the country explode could make up for losing the word to begin with.


In fact, neither meself nor me companion

Someone could be more cryptic. Someone.


I think I will adopt the nom de satire “Le Baron” and make a few phone calls to the cub reporters, confirming their allegations. Why I wouldn’t lead them astray — I’m royalty (la voiture, c’est moi).

The Tragically Flip

They seem to need about one of these rabbit holes to all throw themselves down every month. They’re addicted to outrage, and if a liberal doesn’t actually upset them, then by God they will invent an outrage!

Next month in the Wingnutsphere: Lack of liberal outrages: Proof that Liberals are conspiring to annoy us by not annoying us. ANGERRRR!!



5th Street between A and B.

J’ever hang out at a Ukranian bar called “The Blue and the Gold” on… I think…7th between 1st and A?

$.35 drafts, back in 1977.

The Tragically Flip

That said, this one is pretty promising. I await their comparisons to Watergate and maybe we’ll get lucky and some wingnut will run with a grand unified crazy theory linking Vince Foster, Chrysler dealerships and Bill Ayers.


Also, re; alphabet-land,

Sophie’s was my favorite. Last time I was in NY, it was still there. I seem to remember playing on their softball team once. Good times.

I remember the Tompkins Square riot very well. Never did get that piece of chicken.

Back in the day, the avenues were,

Things have changed a bit.


The Blue and Gold and The International were both pretty fine.

I was more a Blanche’s, or Lucy’s depending on how you like it, sort of guy.


Is Sammy Korir’s African Press International running with this??
Malkin won’t believe it otherwise


From that USA Today linked above by PeeJ:

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.

At every opportunity, the people of California have voted to protect marriage because they recognize the far reaching consequences that redefining marriage will have for children, the family, religious liberties, businesses and every facet of American society. Today’s decision should encourage pro-family activists not only in California but across the country. Marriage redefinition is not inevitable unless advocates of the family stand aside and allow it to happen.”

Businesses? Really? Izzat cuz of all teh gheys standing about in the malls getting married and clogging up the place? Would married gay folks use more stationery? Would they have an insatiable demand for bookkeepers, meaning the straight, honest, god-fearin’ businesses couldn’t get their monthly accounts done? Would they crash the stock market? Oh, wait, the banks’ve already done that one.

And religious liberties? Does gay marriage rip all the crucifixional idolatatrous toys off the walls? Is there some reciprocal law that says that for every gay marriage that occurs, some Papist is prevented from going to confession? Or is it wholesale, so gay marriage comes in [zzzp] and religious freedom goes out [probably with a blart]? Suddenly everyone has to be a baptist because of the gay couple who live in the next street?

Honestly, I’m quite at sea here. Please, Tony Perkins, help out with some detail here. Enquiring minds want to know!


PeeJ said,

May 27, 2009 at 6:20

In fact, neither meself nor me companion

Someone could be more cryptic. Someone.
OK her name was Tracey!

Now stop the waterboarding *sniff* .


I mean Tracy. It was the 90s. Barely.


help out with some detail here

Requiring companies to extend health care benefits to homosexual couples would be an added cost increase. Most any company worth working for already does this, but you know how the redstaters are about these kinds of things.


By the way if you own stock in any other shiteating businesses that didn’t fuckin’ pony up for the O-Man in a big way, I suggest you sell post-fucking-hasty because we are micromanaging this motherfucker from here on out, Chicago style.

Oh Rahm baby, I didn’t know you swung that way…

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

Stay tuned. Data crunching is underway.

Random assembly-line workers and Muslims are being waterboarded even as we speak.


So – justme – I can’t actually remember the street the Blue and the Gold was on. Cuz whenever I went there I was already pretty toasted. But I remember I worked on Second and 12th, and would usually go there at some point after work, and my subway stop was Astor Place, so it wouldn’t have been south of there….. So i think it was probably 7th between 1st & A……


OH, and Veselka’s was great for breakfast….!

Gary's Left Testicle

The dealerships just need to be a bit more aggressive in their advertising, like this.


Aw, there I went and did what the folks on another board call an ATOR regarding Kern In Space.

Still, it’s a fun idea, isn’t it?

Put down that ice cream

We need to get Joe the Plumbers thoughts on this.


This is excellent news for John McCain.


Yeah, back during that election there was a sign outside my local polling location, which was also a Baptist church, to the effect that Prop 8 would protect religious freedom. I kind of wanted to go in and ask wtf that meant, but I had already seen chain letters and emails explaining how Prop 8 would mean that your pastor would be arrested for saying homosexuality was wrong, and also your little boys and little girls would have to use the same bathroom in school (!) and some other equally stupid-sounding shit, so, you know, why bother?

Johnny Coelacanth

O 2 tha T (as the kids used to say) but I was reading Der Schlüssel Blog, and I was ~so~ turned on by the way Debbie hates Hannity and Elizabeth Hasselbeck for not being real true conservatives. The fuckin’ schadenfreude was an actual, physical sensation. Mmmph. Delicious.


This car-dealership ad is maybe more to the point;



7th between 1st and 2nd. I always remember the International as being right next door, but I seem to be mistaken. The b&g was a kick for watching the change of the guard. Around 6:00 the yunguns would start to filter in and the ancient Ukrainian dudes would head on home. It was like they all had time cards, Wile E Coyote and the sheep dog style.

Still there, I gather. A little “hipper” I’m sure, but there will always be a need for a good dive bar.


I always wound up at the Kiev, foodwise. Once upon a time they had great mushroom barley soup and challah bread, even at four in the morning. After they remodeled, bog knows how long ago now, 15, maybe twenty years, they went way downhill.

I’d better stop before I start yelling at clouds.


So i think it was probably 7th between 1st & A……

I think we called that place 7A.

Also, the bar on A between 2nd and 1st was called 2A, aka the Betty Ford Clinic.

This is what I remember, but I could seek help from my fiends.


Pinko Punko and DMC will explain all of this for us.


From der commentz:

“If this pans out, it’s an abuse of power and a clear case for immediate impeachment. If the Democratic Congress refuses to impeach with clear evidence of malfeasance then the US government is no longer lawful. If the government is no longer lawful it must then be removed.”

I like his use of the conditional terms instead of the more-wingnuttery definite terms; you can almost see the last faint grasp of reality slipping away. I suppose his closer is supposed to sound tough & threatening, but this guy likely sat on his teabags through eight years of heavily-armed buffoonery, justified by John “I will Torture” Yoo, so it’s just funny. Sad, yet still funny. (And yes, ha-ha funny.)


7A, iirc, was more a restaurant, kiitycorner from the park. The bar on that corner, across A from that, was known as King Tut’s Wa-Wa Hut when I remember it best. It has gone through a few names since, no doubt. Always loved that name though.

7B, or Vazac’s, is still a classic joint. A movie set favorite for ages, and rightfully so.

And was it called the Pyramid? The biker/drag-queen bar on A where very odd things were known to occur? Maybe 6th-ish, middle of the block?

Yeah, that was a pretty fun hood back in the day.


I never did stumble into your clinic on 2nd and A, but I do have some patchwork memories of a joint called Save The Robots. And I do mean patchwork. Reading this brought back some of them. Dean, who I had virtually forgotten, being one.


It didn’t change its name. In a curious reversal of history a wealthy scottish laird bought the Wah Wah Hut and had it transported brick by brick to Glasgow and rebuilt.

I always found it bizarre that there weren’t more clubs named after Batman villains, but the world’s a pretty messed up place


@ Gary’s Left Testicle & Lancelot Link:

Where’s the love for New Deal Used Cars?


The always politically deranged Second City Cop is on it.


The Wa-Wa Hut? The International? You wanna bring back a few EV memories? Try this:

And, hey, it’s all from the last week or so. Neither More Nor Less is the best EV blog right now, even if it’s just about Tomplkins.


Oh Rahm baby, I didn’t know you swung that way…

“Thusly the pants come off and test scores rise!”


I bet Rahm also keeps his financial records in a loaf of bread for reasons he can no longer remember.


Wow. I mean. Wow. To think that Chrysler would actually shutter dealers based on their political persuasions…and Malkin is the voice o reason????


nice little loophole on the “or an anti-Obama Democrat.” That way any Democratic dealer who closed can be stuffed into their little pre-conceived conclusion…


I just did a quick Opensecrets check of one of the Dealers here in Ohio that got hammered (Lost 7 of 8 dealerships). It was on the front page of the Cleveland Plain Dealer today, and Alan Spitzer (Spitzer Auto Group) was complaining that he thinks it was internal politics that got to him. He never financed through Chrysler, offered 3rd party extended warranties and didn’t up his stock when Chrysler said jump. He’s pissed, but it sounds like he didn’t play the game, and lost out.

Oh yeah, he was also a pretty even donor, but trended more Democratic lately.



Shorter Michelle Malkin:
Republicans may be more inclined to sell used cars than Democrats.


Republicans may be more inclined to sell used cars than Democrats.

That reminds me of that old poster about Nixon…


Why do I continue, time after time, to be surprised by the level of teh crazy from these people?

Beginner’s mind!


So, really, nobody has considered maybe that the rich owners of a majority of all dealerships are major GOP contributors?

I mean the GOP has become basically the used car salesmen of politics.

You have a health problem! I got the cure for ya right here! This tax cut beauty is perfect for you!

Rusty Shackleford

Fucking Barack Obama wasn’t sitting in the Oval Office with a list of Chrysler dealerships in one hand and a list of donors in the other, making this call. CHRYSLER decided which dealerships would get the ax.


Fucking Barack Obama wasn’t sitting in the Oval Office with a list of Chrysler dealerships in one hand and a list of donors in the other, making this call. CHRYSLER decided which dealerships would get the ax.

Indeed. Just because the taxpayers now own GM doesn’t mean that different guys aren’t running GM (although we could argue that there should be different guys, but that’s another story).


“Thusly the pants come off and test scores rise!”

What, no love for pantsless wonder Arne Duncan?


kerning is theft.


Kerning has disappeared for no reason at all!



And another one goes down the rabbit hole:

…The investigation of this matter should continue, and if it turns out that the Obama administration is deliberately ruining private businesses along partisan lines, I will call for his impeachment….


You know, ignoring the lack of any link to the administration for the moment, without comparable data on the dealerships that weren’t closed the data on the ones that were is useless.


Or would it be the data are useless? I forget.


Anyhoo, here’s a link for someone who did a bit more research.


Heck, Megan even included that one. You’re right, they ARE nuts.


Obama thinks he’s Tony Soprano now- strong-arming legitimate, legal rights and claims from hedge funds… mafia-style, including union death-threats… so he could hand 55% of Chrysler over to the UAW, who donated $5M to his campaign.

If that’s not stealing, I don’t know what is… it doesn’t matter how much you dislike hedge funds.

Now he’s destroying the evil capitalists that didn’t support his fraudulent, disingenuous campaign?

The White House says there’s “no evidence”- note that Hitler was careful to only give verbal orders, too… and Obama’s not new to this sort of thing.

Obama’s completely out-of-control. But what did anyone expect with a neutered press, compliant congress, and cabinet full of sycophants?


If that’s not stealing, I don’t know what is… it doesn’t matter how much you dislike hedge funds.

Who of course strong armed the management and owners of the businesses they invested in, so in point of fact, Obama is Elliot Ness not Tony Soprano.



Everybody else has this already — where ya been?

A meme that is currently picking up traction in the conservative blogosphere is that the list of dealerships to be shuttered as a result of Chrysler’s bankruptcy contains a disproportionate number donors to Republican candidates. There have been furious efforts to prove this contention by looking up campaign contributor lists at the Huffington Post, Open Secrets, and other places.

There is just one problem with this theory. Nobody has bothered to look up data for the control group: the list of dealerships which aren’t being closed. It turns out that all car dealers are, in fact, overwhelmingly more likely to donate to Republicans than to Democrats — not just those who are having their doors closed.

It shouldn’t be any surprise, by the way, that car dealers tend to vote — and donate — Republican. They are usually male, they are usually older (you don’t own an auto dealership in your 20s), and they have obvious reasons to be pro-business, pro-tax cut, anti-green energy and anti-labor. Car dealerships need quite a bit of space and will tend to be located in suburban or rural areas. I can’t think of too many other occupations that are more natural fits for the Republican Party.


(comments are closed)