Shorter Gary Bauer
Posted on May 25th, 2009 by Tintin
Gary Bauer, Human Wingnuts Online:
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ for Christians
- Liberals say “Crusade” as if it were a bad thing.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
The tenacity of the christers to justify imposition of their lunacy on everyone else never ceases to astound me. At least the mooslims have some transparency and definition to their agenda, even if it can be as bizarre as the christers. And don’t even start on about the jewz, in re: Israel vs. Palestine- who will win? Yeah, I’m ready to believe in gawd, totally.
You say crusade and I say jihad;
You say torture and I say enhanced interrogation techniques;
Enhanced interrogation techniques…
Let’s call the whole thing off!
If you say what Republicans do, it’s a hit piece. Maybe it wouldn’t be that way if they weren’t a bunch of torturing, Christianist nutjobs of little brain.
But then they wouldn’t be Republicans.
And he wants our troops to be able to hand out Bibles in Afghan tribal languages? Does this guy have any sense of the word “military”? I think that if Bauer wants Afghans to get Bibles he should hand them out himself. I’d even donate money toward air fare and shipping to be rid of that asshole once and for all, as long as no US troops protect him. Let the Lord take care of that.
He states this but doesn’t answer it. He thinks the bibles should have been handed out anyway. Why does Gary Bauer hate our troops?
I doubt you could GET much shorter than Gary Bauer, and still get on the rides…
The United States’ sometimes over-the-top accommodation of minority religions stands in stark contrast to authentic violations of religious liberty that are a fact of life throughout the Muslim world.
I thought that was the point of creating the U.S. That tolerance makes the U.S. a better place. So why do people like Gary Bauer want to drag the U.S. down to the level of a place like Afghanistan?
For the most part, I agree with Gary Bauer, and it’s not just because he’s a friend, and a fan of my music.
Stop spamming your shitty music.
It’s curious how the Left interprets Bible quotes written on a few Pentagon memos as evidence that the Bush administration’s war in Iraq was a faith-based initiative but simultaneously is at a loss to explain what would motivate radical Muslims to attack America, even as our enemies invariably claim to be acting in the name of Allah.
No, it’s really not that hard to figure out what motivates radical Muslims. Their religion is itself a powerful motivator, but the poverty and the history of exploitation and adventurism by the US and other Western powers is what seals the bargain and motivates them to kill and die for their cause.
There’s really no excuse, whether or not religion is brought into it, for the Bush administration. They were just being bullies by invading Iraq. Using religion as an excuse to do so, in what’s supposed to be a secular nation, just makes it that much more disgusting.
I thought that was the point of creating the U.S. That tolerance makes the U.S. a better place. So why do people like Gary Bauer want to drag the U.S. down to the level of a place like Afghanistan?
Shorter GOP pundits: These things the Muslims do are evil and vile and freedom-hating, so what’s wrong with us doing it, too?
O/T but about time. Via Paul Krugman in the New York Times:
America’s Neo-Confederate Talibangelicals have a plan for exiting their vicious cycle: go around and around more quickly until centrifugal force flings them apart.
As a Christian, I take offence to the DoD’s abuse of my scriptures to perpetrate their policies of imperial conquest and exploitation.
“Stop spamming your shitty music.”
Most intelligent people are not stupid enough to fall for spam. They ignore it, and move on. If you really believe it’s spam, and you went hit the link anyway, and went ahead listened to the music of Dr. BLT long enough to determine that it was “shitty,” then I guess that makes you a certified fool.
Some of these books have “intolerant” and “shocking” material, including anti-Semitic material…
Muslim schools are using the New Testament?
That, of course, is the question that hangs over the events of the past eight years.
In the wingnut mind, we’re better than everyone else in the world for reasons A, B and C, but, should actual adherence to beliefs A, B and C mean that we would not stand astride human existence with our foot firmly on the windpipe of everyone else who walks the planet, then fuck it all–anything goes.
Every single time since September 11 that I have seen a progressive bring up the argument of “…but aren’t we supposed to be better than the people you’re saying are the dregs of humanity?” he or she has been shouted down. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen this go down at sites like Flopping Aces.
The crazy thing is this: even if we adhere to beliefs A, B and C, we will still be be at the top of the heap. Holding ourselves to a higher standard of behavior than our opponents has, whenever it has been done during this war, not put us in danger of losing. (Or “losing.” What would “losing” the war on terror look like, anyway? Would al Qaeda be rolling into Washington, D.C. in tracked vehicles? Would members of Congress be lined up and executed by bin Laden?)
In the wingnut mind, the United States exists in a curious netherworld in which we are, a) supremely powerful–essentially invulnerable–and, b) always on the very brink of being destroyed as a nation by the very idea of not waterboarding a particular terrorist.
Living in a small town in the South, I guess I’m just used to religious types plastering scripture verses and inspirational messages all over everything, even at work. That whole story really didn’t add an extra layer of sinister to the whole enterprise for me, as if one was needed. It’s just what they do.
In the wingnut mind, the United States exists in a curious netherworld in which we are, a) supremely powerful–essentially invulnerable–and, b) always on the very brink of being destroyed as a nation by the very idea of not waterboarding a particular terrorist.
It’s the old stab in the back myth that goes hand-in-hand with nationalism. The nation is invulnerable from outside, so it can only be defeated from the inside, in this case by freedom-hating liberals.
Is he suggesting that the left wish to fire any self-identified Christians in the forces?
This reads like envy at the Muslims because Christians are no longer allowed to wage religious war.
Terrorists are the new welfare queens.
Fortunately, that’s evened up by all the anti-semitic and anti-Muslim material the right has been peddling in recent years.
Yes, how dare they accommodate the Catholics. Everyone knows that America is a Protestant country!
We’ve been around here a while. We’ve seen this guy seed his bullshit here before. Yes, in the past I and others charitably went to listen to this self-promoter’s shit. We’ve seen and heard this shit before. Stop playing your idiot game of ‘ha yu mus’ have went thur so i win debate’.
The only reason you or he are posting here is to try to spam around this guy’s music.
“Shorter Gary Bauer”
Is that possible?
Shorter GOP pundits: These things the Muslims do are evil and vile and freedom-hating, which is why we’re sending our military to kill them. so what’s wrong with us doing it, too?
To defeat them we must become them. Duh
Yah! I was gonna say “Shorter Gary Bauer? Man, if that dude were any shorter he’d be Gary Coleman! hahahahahahaha!!” but I see g already beat me to the height-ridiculing remark, so nevermind.
Actually I think not-tall men are pretty sexy, if they’re not of that “short man” asshole-syndrome variety. Or insufferable penis-faced wastes of space like Gary “Coleman” Bauer.
Sure, Jesus would have waterboarded people to protect his family. He actually weighed in pretty clearly on the putative second amendment right to self-defense when he wouldn’t let the apostle who founded his church use a weapon to defend him, and said that those who use weapons are putting themselves in danger (Put away your sword; those who live by the sword will die by the sword) John 18:11, Matthew 26:52
Of course, I’m sure the Red Staters would point out that Jesus didn’t have something as cool as a handgun. Although they did torture him to get him to confess to being the son of God so they could kill him. And under fundie wingnut theology, by submitting to that behavior, he obviously approved of it.
He was also pretty clear about paying your taxes; you should do it. That admonition is recorded unequivocally by three of four evangelists: Luke 20:25, Mark 12:17 Matthew 22:21
And just to be complete, I disagree that Jesus backhandedly sanctified marriage by performing his first miracle by making wine at a wedding. He was more straight forward than that, so he could have sanctified marriage by saying so, or performing one, or by getting married himself, which there is no record of him doing any of these things or otherwise directly indicating his approval of marriage. I think he was showing his approval of drinking wine at a celebration. He may have read Proverbs 31:6, which says “Give wine to him that is heavy of heart so that he may drink and forget his misery and remember his poverty no more.”
Here endeth the lesson
This idea of the super-duperest superpower that ever was, the US, being threatened with eminent collapse if a service member happens to touch a Koran or something reminds me of one of the main problems I have understanding wing-nut Christianity:
They are always talking about the absolute perfection and power of their God while acting like they’re paranoid that Satan could TOTALLY kick his butt.
<i<The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence holds that our rights come from our “Creator.” Perhaps we should burn that document too.
First of all you gnomish dick they didn’t define “Creator” in any sense. That’s a deist term, which don’t necessarily mean they were talking about a Christian God. Oh but since you are a narcissistic, self-righteous boob, I guess that point just sailed over your head. Oh and second din’t you all already light that document on fire? Damn you bitches damn you all to that Hell you all belive in!!! (wait that wasn’t snarky an humorous not at all–sorry it’s Memorial Day, I’m never in a good mood on this day)
El Cid said,
May 25, 2009 at 16:07
Stop spamming your shitty music.
Wait did I miss an eminem post?
It was more like an enema post.
That’s no spammer – that’s Dr. BLT himself, foolishly attempting to make people believe that anyone would want to pirate his crap. I think you’re safe there, Doc – you don’t even need to bother with copyright until you come up with something a thief would consider worth stealing..
Once, just once, I’d like to see someone with a bully pulpit point out to these fearmondering pants-pissers that the primary goal of terrorism is to terrify people— and that, by making al Qaeda (or GITMO prisoners) seem extra-scary, they are doing bin Laden’s job for him.
Once, I downloaded a BLT song.
I was drunk. It was Christmas. There seemed to be a modestly amusing bit of lyricism. In my defense, I did not pay for it.
But then I sobered up and deleted that piece of crap. What was I thinking?
A word to the wise, compatriots: LOOK at what alcohol can make you do.
Zombies do love their pure brain alcohol.
Careful, tig, or Dr. BLT will steal that as a title and write a shitty song around it.
Every bottle of zombie tequila contains a cerebellar vermis.
As a frustrated musician who would like to reach more listeners, I can feel a tiny bit of empathy for Dr. BLT. But I can also see the results of his ridiculous posts and conclude, “No, making oneself an irritant and an internet laughingstock is not an effective promotional tactic.” So, thanks for the fine example of how not to do it, Doc.
“Once, I downloaded a BLT song.
I was drunk. It was Christmas. There seemed to be a modestly amusing bit of lyricism. In my defense, I did not pay for it.
But then I sobered up and deleted that piece of crap. What was I thinking?
A word to the wise, compatriots: LOOK at what alcohol can make you do.”
This is what I’ve been waiting for, a little bit of honesty around here, instead of folks that haven’t even bothered to listen to one song claiming it’s shitty music.
“As a frustrated musician who would like to reach more listeners, I can feel a tiny bit of empathy for Dr. BLT. But I can also see the results of his ridiculous posts and conclude, “No, making oneself an irritant and an internet laughingstock is not an effective promotional tactic.” So, thanks for the fine example of how not to do it, Doc.”
And, I’ve been waiting for a little empathy, and J Neo Marvin has just provided that. Thank you.
I’ve listened to a bunch of your songs and said they were shitty!
You’re not drinking enough, Bubba—pure and simple. To get the full benefit of Dr BLTunes, you need to drink at least as much as the main character in this song:
Tipsy Toes
words and music by Dr BLT © 2009
No, RB is always way out ahead of the curve.
He’s right, BLT; your songs are shitty. We’ve tried em and know.
Frankly, I’d rather listen to Creed….
Frankly, Dr. BLT, you’re lucky that this thread is now buried 6-7 posts down, otherwise I would get out the disemvoweller. But the next time you hijack a thread and make it about yourself and your “music,” well, the disemvoweller will be ready and waiting. Undrstnd?
I’m not your ally, dude. If you’re so obtuse that you construed my comment as an endorsement of the way you operate, there’s no help for you.
“He’s right, BLT; your songs are shitty. We’ve tried em and know.”
I don’t think you’ve tried all of them. There are thousands, some posted here:
some at my myspace page:
and some at my blog sites:
Bakersfield sound Underground
Psychology Comes Alive
Then there are those hundreds on Dr BLTunes hidden in comments sections all over the blogosphere. They are not spam. That’s how I communicate. That’s why I call it blog n roll. My wife makes me sell my songs. If I did things my way, I’d give them all away, not because I think they’re worthless, but because I’m not business-minded.
Anyway, for all who have come to the conclusion that my songs are shitty based on the few, or few hundred that you’ve heard, remember this: Every dog has his day. Even somebody who writes and records hundreds of losing songs can stumble across that one masterpiece.
Nevertheless, the fact that you said “all of them,” zombie, suggests that you were at least intrigued enough or compelled enough not to stop after hearing just one song.” For that, I am exceedingly grateful.
J new Marvin, I think you meant to say “obstruce” and,in that case, I thank you for the compliment.
Now let’s get back on topic, okay, I don’t want my songs to become a source of distraction around here.
Nevertheless, the fact that you said “all of them,” zombie, suggests that you were at least intrigued enough or compelled enough not to stop after hearing just one song.”
I never said all of ’em, chumpwad. Try again for reading comprehension. It may -not guaranteed, mind you – even improve your lyric writing. Can’t hurt.
But I have no need to listen to more of your songs. You can’t complain that nobody is eligible to dis your songs because nobody here has listened to them; then when a couple of embarrassed regulars admit to doing so (then regretting it) change the metric to someone who has listened to ALL of your songs. Put the goal posts down, sir, they won’t take much more of that movement.
For that, I am exceedingly grateful.
Don’t be.
Sorry for the troll chow, Tintin. I always though BLT was one of the more friendly adopted, not-quite house-trained troll variety; but I see where the constant, one note moronic flogging of a dead horse is tiresome.
Mea culpa. I’ll stop now. I’m gonna go listen to J Neo’s band…
ddn’t sy y sd y trd ll f thm. smply sd y hvn’t trd ll f thm, mplyng tht f y hd kpt tryng, y my hv fnd smthng y lkd. ‘m srry y’v xprncd my npt s “n nt mrnc flggng f dd hrs.”
‘ll try t mx t p bt mr, nd prvd mr vrty n th ftr. Thnks fr pnng p yr mnd ngh t frm tht ntl mprssn f m, vn f tht ntl mprssn ws ltr chllngd.
knw ‘m hvng t trtr yr lgc bt t s yr cmmnts s pstv, n ny wy twrds m, bt y’r th clsst thng t fn nd n lly tht hv hr rght nw, s dn’t wnt t bt th hnd tht fds th trll.
Gd hvns, dd jst cll myslf trll? t’s s sy t prmtrly, nd thghtlssly bgn ncrprtng th msgdd prcptns f thrs nt n’s slf-cncpt.
I am a firm believer that even the shittiest artist who just keeps plugging away can one day write a good song.
So keep plugging away.
vn th shttst mtr crtc cn smdy fnd sng n th rbbl h flshly dscrdd s rbbsh tht, t hs chgrn, h hs cm t rlz, ws rl gm.
I will always remember this. And so will you.
wll rmmbr t, nd wll lwys rmmbr t fndly. Ths ws prf tht, nlk mny rnd hr, jst chmpng t th bt t sy smthng dsprgng bt m wtht vn hvng cl s t wht thy’r tlkng bt, y ctlly tk th tm t lstn t my msc bfr knckng t.
wrt fr t mny sngs, nd frgt tht ‘v vn wrttn mny f thm, s, ys, mny f thm sm nfnshd, r wrs, nplshd n trms f th rcrdngs nd dgr f ttntn t dtl. ‘m nt lwys th bst jdg f whch r my bst, bt ‘m tryng t rtt my vry bst sngs t my myspc pg.
wld rcmmnd chckng bck thr prdclly, nd thn ffrng sm cnstrctv fdbck, crtcsm r thrws. Thgh y sm lttl t gr t s nythng gd n n mprfct pc f wrk, wld rspct sch fdbck, cmng frm y—smn wh ctlly lstns t my msc.
Dr BLT, Recovering Troll said,
March 19, 2008 at 1:33
I was probably blowing my nose. I had a bad cold the day I recorded this.
yeah, not cleaning that up in the mix is totally punk. Which you will have to take up with the Fool.
If anything, though, the disemvoweler has made BLT MORE coherent….
I was probably blowing my nose. I had a bad cold the day I recorded this.
One Green Day is quite enough, thanks.
The outhouses, flaming and rocketing, were hysterical…and appropriate for the ‘folks’ featured in/next to them! thanks…