Friday Night At Teh Movies

Pinko Punko and DMC return in the second installation of ‘Going Galt: The Galtgoing’ …


Comments: 130


But are ticking time bombs a finite good, or are there enough of them to go around everyone?


Would love to see the guy on the right lay the guy on the left the fuck out.


Sadly, No! University brings you Objectivist Epistemology 101?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

How cute! The Fisher-Price Little People Run-DMC Man!


Well, I had to know: it can reasonably be said that there is a latest tune by Right Said Fred.


Apologies, stolen from FARK:

“Conservative Radio Host says Waterboarding isnt Torture, Gets Waterboarded for Six seconds, says “Yep, It’s Torture Allright”.


Apologies to FARK:

“Conservative Radio Host says Waterboarding Isn’t Torture, Endures Waterboarding for all of Six Seconds, now says Waterboarding is Definitely Torture.”

The Truth Will Set You Free

How does it feel that even after four months out of power that Cheney is STILL dominating the conversation?

And that he has even got Obama to endorse his position on the prisoner photos and military tribunals? Hmmm?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

it can reasonably be said that there is a latest tune by Right Said Fred.

Does that mean there’s more than one tune by Right Said Fred? I had no idea.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Welp, time to head down to the ol’ Wal-Mart and score Paul Blart on Blu-Ray.


latest tune by Right Said Fred

The video has zombies.


I like the view through the grand piano. It raises questions.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The 3/4 size guitar is nice, J-, but my favorite thing about that vid is the Comic Sans title cards. Nothing says professional design like Comic Sans.


Oscar worthy, for sure.


I think P. Punko should say “Hmmm?” more often in his next videos.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Dick Cheney is dominating the conversation and bringing Obama around to his point of view. How does that feel?

You thought you defeated the Cheney Doctrine in November, but you’re slowly realizing that you did no such thing. Morons.


I hope people understand how much time this movie-making system takes for this degree of complexity. Well done.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I would go Galt tonight, but I haven’t got a stitch to wear.
Ayn Rand said, “It’s gruesome that such a bold titan should care.”


Whistling is theft!


I thought Right Said Fred already went GALT, like about 10 years ago. I heard they were in a kind of commune, with limitless energy, protected by bad science fiction gadgets – with Chumbawumba.

Time To Legalize Counterfitting

Many Americans today believe certain illegal vices in our society should be decriminalized, taxed, and regulated. The most popular of these vices include marijuana smoking, prostitution, and all forms of gambling. The proponents for decriminalization believe that the new tax revenues produced would help support schools, healthcare, and the impoverished, ease the pain of taxpayers, and reduce the deficit. They also believe that transgressions such as these will take place no matter, but, if properly regulated, would be safer for society in general. It would be a win, win situation.Unfortunately, when it comes to lowering taxes and helping the downtrodden, the best-laid government plans seem to fall short of expectations. However, there is one vice, one small illegal indiscretion, that, if decriminalized would solve all our problems.  The United States needs to legalize the victimless crime known as counterfeiting.Once legalized, counterfeiting would be for everyone. This could be accomplished by making Federal Reserve Note paper (complete with silk threads, watermarks, etc.) available to the public. With the correct paper, most computers with the right software would have no trouble replicating U.S. currency. If a household did not have a computer, special over- the-counter counterfeit kits could be made available, with instructions in both English and Spanish. Once in place, universal counterfeiting would prove to be the ultimate stimulus package for the economy. Employees would always have enough money and never have to go on strike. Citizens would have no trouble paying their mortgages and never face foreclosure.  Everyone would gladly pay his or her taxes and there would be no need to have an IRS.Free market consumerism would return with a flourish. People would purchase whatever they wanted and stores would only have to worry about having enough merchandise on hand. Stores could charge the consumer whatever they wanted and the consumer could still afford. Every shopping day would be like the day after Thanksgiving and the day before Christmas.Once legalized, counterfeiting would still have to be regulated.  Parity and fairness would dictate that families earning over $250,000 would only be allowed to print $1, $2, $5 and $10 denominations. Families with combined incomes of less than $250,000 could print $20 and $50 bills. The unemployed could print $100 bills, and ACORN workers and UAW members would be entitled to counterfeit a new denomination, something even larger than the $100 bill (with President Obama on the front).Universal counterfeiting could be the entitlement program that ends all other entitlement programs and sets us free. It is time to stand up and tell our legislators we want universal counterfeiting.  If they protest, “You cannot just print money,” then promptly respond in kind, “Why not? It works for you.”

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Time To Legalize Counterfitting

It is legal – I had granite counters fitted at my house, but then Michelle Malkin kept staring in my windows.


I encountered 3 crazy right wing mentions of ACORN today, which is my threshhold for making another donation to ACORN. Thanks righties!

The Truth Will Set You Free

Pray tell, libs, what is the difference between legalized counterfeiting and what Obama is doing (printing trillions in paper)?


I demand that we be disabused of our democratic abilities to elect our own governments which can then authorize public spending programs, because a losing minority of citizens insist that it is akin to theft and counterfeiting.

The Truth Will Set You Free

We are a Republic, not a democracy.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

because a losing minority of citizens insist that it is akin to theft and counterfeiting.

I think you mean a loser minority.

Troofie – here’s the thing. It’s only counterfeiting if it isn’t the government printing the money. If you don’t see the difference, think about this – does it matter whether it’s you or me signing the slips for purchases made with your credit card?


I heard they were in a kind of commune, with limitless energy, protected by bad science fiction gadgets – with Chumbawumba.

Don’t be dissing on Chumbawamba. They rock.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Hey Gilcunt, do you think anyone is hurt when the Fed prints trillions and trillions of paper dollars?

If not, why not let anyone do it for “stimulus”?




St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Did Troofie just get uncivil with me?

Then I win.


“Conservative Radio Host says Waterboarding isnt Torture, Gets Waterboarded for Six seconds, says “Yep, It’s Torture Allright”.

And one of my favorite Fawlty Tower’s quotes springs to mind:

Next up on Masterminds, Sybil Fawlty. Category, The Bleedin’ Obvious.


Only tightass nitwits who cannot read what I actually wrote — i.e., “democratically elect governments” — think they’re introducing something new by reciting “OMG WE IZ A REPLIK NOT DEMCRAZY LOL!!!1”.

The entire point of modern democratic republics is the democratic election of governments, i.e., representative government. If you jes gits all twitchee at teh hearing of the word “democracy”, well, as proven earlier, you is a nitwit.


Yeah, when the government prints money, it makes money worth less, so prices go up. But wages go up behind prices. So in the short term, there’s a pinch, but since like half of the people in this country have no money in terms of investments or savings, they don’t have any assets that become worth less as a result of the lower value of the dollar. And most of that half of the people not only don’t have assets, they are in debt, and a falling dollar value followed by a rise in wages helps to erode that debt – since they have more dollars to pay it back and each of those dollars is worth less than the dollars they initially borrowed.

Which, of course, is why you’re upset about it.

The Truth Will Set You Free

So El Cid, if we.”Democratically elected” (Hitler, Castro, and Chavez were “elected”, btw, much like Obama) government voted to confiscate all your property without compensation, that would be legal and ok with you?

The Truth Will Set You Free

Jennifer, that punishes the winners who saved for a rainy dfay and played by the rules while rewarding the losers who spent their paycheck on things they couldn’t afford.

Do you think its a good idea to discourage saving money like that, and rewarding the losers?


Anonymous said,

“Conservative Radio Host says Waterboarding isnt Torture, Gets Waterboarded for Six seconds, says “Yep, It’s Torture Allright”.

I love how the radio host playing detainee adjusts the hand of the torturer and gives the waterboarder instruction on squeezing his nose before he’s ‘tortured.’ That’s exactly what happens in GITMO with the prisoners.


No!! Bad! You’re supposed to call him “El Cunt”!!


If you jes gits all twitchee at teh hearing of the word “democracy”, well, as proven earlier, you is a nitwit.

“We’re a republic, not a democracy” has been my favorite (ie, most hated) pseudointellectualism for years. If I hadn’t heard it said earnestly in Real Life, I’d call it a troll in and of itself. It’s like saying “that’s an apple, not a fruit.”


“if we.”Democratically elected” … government voted to confiscate”

English isn’t your first language is it?


Mancow? Is he related to ManBearPig?


We are a Republic, not a democracy.

Remember when we were busy “Bringing Democracy to Teh Iraq”? How unpatriotic was the Bush administration giving Iraq Democracy, but leaving America the Beautiful with just a stinky “republic”?


How many people are completely debt-free, anyway? I imagine even an average middle class family that spent prudently and had no credit card debt would still have a mortgage and maybe student loans.


Jennifer, that punishes the winners who saved for a rainy dfay and played by the rules while rewarding the losers who spent their paycheck on things they couldn’t afford.

I think you meant to say that it punishes the owners. Who own not only most of the material goods and money, but most of the people who live in this country as well.

Heaven forbid, we would never want to see in a democratic republic where all are supposed to have equal rights and access to opportunity, that the small group of people we allow through various legalities and gamings of the system to own everyone else might come up holding the short end of the stick every 50 years or so.

Cry me a fucking river.


I think it’s funny when the trolls try to say something “looks like” a crime, so it is a crime. This appears to be a tactic that comes in on the blast fax pretty often. But, I mean, really, how actually stupid does one actually have to be to not understand that, if there isn’t a law somewhere which makes something a crime, it’s not a crime? This counterfeiting nonsense is a quite egregious example. The government printing money is, in fact, the exact opposite of counterfeiting.

I mean, I think Troofie’s level and type of stupid should be illegal, but it’s not. So, until I get Congress to pass that law, he gets to walk around making sure everyone has to suffer, listening to him prattle on like the unhinged tard he is.

The Truth Will Set You Free

If a woman has say, thirty thousand dollars carefully saved over many years sitting in the bank and the government comes along, prints trillions in new paper, and turns what was once worth thirty thousand dollars into three thousand dollars of worth, isn’t that unfair?


So El Cid, if we.”Democratically elected” (Hitler, Castro, and Chavez were “elected”, btw, much like Obama) government voted to confiscate all your property without compensation, that would be legal and ok with you?

Well, firstly, under Chavez, the companies which have been “nationalized” have been bought out. I may not agree with everything Chavez has done, but clearly a lot of Venezuelans keep electing their governments precisely for their nationalization plans. Whether or not they’ll think that way forever or if things will stop getting better for the vast majority of the Venezuelan poor and working classes, who can say? Thanks to the absolute and utter callow idiocy of the anti-Chavez opposition, they may end up chasing their tails in circles for a long time, just like the Republican Party of the Dixie Confederacy is doing now.

Chavez is no Hitler; he may be continually f***ing with the opposition media which is continually clamoring for coups d’etat and uprisings, but you can read them and watch them each and every day.

Here you can read the English-language section of one of the largest Venezuelan newspapers, the daily El Universal. Not very Hitlerish to still have that going.

Secondly, Hitler wasn’t elected as the head of the government. He used tricks and threats to have himself installed there, including a rumored Hitler-backing military coup against Hindenburg, who finally gave up and gave Hitler the Chancellorship. The Nazis were actually tending to lose at that point, but they always had goon squads to go beat up the opposition and threaten to kill. Go read your history.

But anyone can play the idiot game of “Well if Government of Form X did Z, would you like it?” It doesn’t matter what the form of government is or how it got there, if I oppose Z, if Z is contradictory to the basic principles of lawful democracy, then Z is still wrong.

Just like all the idiots whining about how if the rate of income and other taxes on higher income earners (god forbid the actually rich) ever increases it’s just like Hitler-Stalin-Mao-Mugabe-Genghis Khan coming together in a giant Totali-Robot and blowing up the Moon are the very same people telling us that the government (when in the hands of rightists) simply must be able to spy on anyone without warrants and to capture and detain people without charges as long as they like.


Mancow? Is he related to ManBearPig?

He’s a distant relative of the terrifying Ro-Man, aka ManApeRobotSpaceAlienSpongediver

And BTW, I’m pretty sure that our current troll is not the real Twoofie. Real or not, he’s a threadjacker. Fuck ’em.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Don’t call me “twoofie”, AIDS-stick.


Careful, twoofie. Keep the ‘AIDS-stick’ shit up and you will find yourself filling in for Michael Savage. And you know what that means — you’d have to visit San Francisco.


Since we’re playing by 7th grade cafeteria rules here, protesting your nickname only makes us want to use it that much more now that we know it upsets you.


I think our current troll might be goober, given the spittle-flecked insults.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Hey D.A., tell your mom I had a good time with her last nigth!

Being John Twoofavich

Twoofy twoofy twoofy, twoofy twoofy. Twoofy? Twoofy twoofy, twoofy twoofy twoofy.



Michael the Savage Weiner used to go skinny-dipping with Allen Ginsberg, no?


Okay, I’ll shout your message up to her from the basement.


He also published a bunch of books about natural herbal supplements and nutrition and such. He has a Ph.D. from UC Berkley in “Nutritional Ethnomedicine”.


Thanks Snorghagen.

BTW, does Minnesota being where MST3K was made make up for Michele Bachmann?


MST3K almost makes up for Bachmann and Garrison Keillor puts you over the top.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Tw00fie identified

In Ohio, “concerned” father Andrew Mizsak called 911 after his son threw a plate of food and “made a fist” at him after Mr. Mizsak told him to clean his room. (For the record, Andrew Jr. is 28 years old and lives in the basement). Andrew Sr. declined to press charges because he didn’t want to “ruin his son’s political career,” reports AP. Something tells us that his son’s “career” may be hampered by more than just “dirty room” charges.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Hey D.A., that’s be funny if it weren’t true.

You propbably flip burgers by day and live in your mamas basement at night, driving some shitty used Geo Metro like the kid from the Free Credit Report commercials. Fucking parasite loser, no wonder you want to “spread the wealth around.”


Well, surely Bachmann gets entertainment points, but Coleman is just a dick.

St. jim, Patron Saint of Bitchslapping

Said it before & I’ll say it again – this fucking tripe is actually MORE lucid with the vowels removed.

It’s patently obvious that “The Troll Shall Suck Your Goatse” is only here to pull peoples’ chains, since brainless shit like “hurr durr, Obambi luvs Cheney” or “a big pile of money = theft!!!1! Libz are phail & I WINZ0rZ!!1!” has no real content even worth wasting time debating.

I’d rather deworm a cat with lice than try to parse its garbage – & I shudder to think what kind of neurological deficit it requires to buy into it.

Get a real life already, you sad little bitch.


It’s patently obvious that “The Troll Shall Suck Your Goatse” is only here to pull peoples’ chains, since brainless shit like “hurr durr, Obambi luvs Cheney” or “a big pile of money = theft!!!1! Libz are phail & I WINZ0rZ!!1!” has no real content even worth wasting time debating.

I’m sure you’re right, but it’s not exactly far-fetched. Just look at all the pure weapons-grade refined stewpit that gets mocked here every day. For fuck’s sake, the entire Republican party is currently arguing that putting terrorists in maximum security prisons is equivalent to setting them free so they’ll be lurking under your bed any day now.

And for the most part, they really seem to believe it. Coulter is a wildly successful troll, and Kristol is self-aware to some extent. And I imagine a few of their politicians and strategists are smart enough to realize that they’re selling preset talking points as an alternative to reality. But most of ’em? It’s frightening just to think about.


Where the fuck is Tintin with the disemvowler??? Since I ain’t want to step on his patent will disemconsonate the bitch!

e u i e ou ee ai, disemfuckingconsonanted troll said

a 23, 2009 a 2:40

i ee i o i a i e oe aio a i i a a a ou o i oi of ie. o oe a ee?

ou ou ou eea e ee oie in oee, ou’e o eaii a ou i o u i. oo.

Kind of sounds like an ape doesn’t he?


Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.

Where does this shit come from? Some central wingnut talking-points depository in Nebraska or whatever? I swear this is the THIRD TIME TODAY I’ve seen this retarded fucking sentence.

Either they gotta get more writers or I’ve got to get a life, and I seriously do not want to have to do that.





Nah, I think I’ll go with “Pwafda”. Childish yet intellectual in the best S,N! tradition.


Where does this shit come from?

It comes from the Glibertarian Prfundity and Sig File department, along with other deep thoughts such as Churchill’s comment about liberal after thirty and “an armed society is a polite society” (which should make Iraq one of the MOST FUCKING POLITE PLACES on god’s grey earth).

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Kind of sounds like an ape doesn’t he?

I was thinking “Ting, tang, walla-walla bing bang” belonged in there somewhere.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

To me, the most pathetic thing about the troll is his complete lack of culture, for lack of a better word. He always spouts the same stale, disproved talking points, while the rest of us toss out references to books, movies, games, what-have-you. We laugh, we sometimes argue…

He’s got nothing.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I was thinking “Ting, tang, walla-walla bing bang” belonged in there somewhere.

Would that not be “i a aa-aa i a”?

Please note intentional placement of question mark.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Would that not be “i a aa-aa i a”?

For consistency, yes. But I think we can just insert our own words here and there (in the “fized” spirit) and leave the consonants in those.


Ting, tang, walla-walla bing bang

What do Palin’s kids have to do with this?

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

What do Palin’s kids have to do with this?

They sort of fit with Troofie’s theme – there are trillions of them being emitted by the Alaska government.



Sir Windblown Dentist

It is obvious to the casual observer that whistling is a finite good. Dentistry, also.


Huge deficits are EVIL under Obambi, but huge deficits “don’t matter” as my dark lord Cheney said if they’re done by Republicans.

How do I deal with the hypocrisy and lies?

You crazy libs! Lies and hypocrisy are like Mothers’ Milk to Republicans!

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The Truth said,

May 23, 2009 at 5:38 (kill)

I like pie!

Pie is a finite good.

The Twooful Problem With Women

You propbably flip burgers by day and live in your mamas basement at night, driving some shitty used Geo Metro like the kid from the Free Credit Report commercials. Fucking parasite loser, no wonder you want to “spread the wealth around.”

As opposed to a 40 year old, unemployed and unemployable loser who never leaves his home, spending every day shut in there trolling liberal blogs, copying their actions, tracing their users to insult them, and then constantly finding new IP addresses to get around their bans… As opposed to an obsessive-compulsive with temper control issues… as opposed to a misogynistic sociopath who alternates between claiming to be a “white knight” and trying to virtually bully anyone who admits to having a vagina… as opposed to a man so lacking in self respect or basic honesty that he has to run up to 4 sock puppets a day because his own identity is so alienating and offensive and unlovable and just down right disliked by all he comes into contact with that the existance of his numerous false nymns is the ONLY attention he gets.

As opposed to people like D.A. who at least fit in and are liked somewhere, even if it is only online, and only at SN! And no matter how hard you try and disrupt the conversation here, that’s always going to be the case. It’s only your own pants that you are soiling again and again, and much as it burns you up inside Twoofus, D.A. will always be the better man than you in that one, small but oh so obvious way.

Now get out of your fucking house and beg for even a burger joint to ignore your empty CV, your brushes with the law, and your mental illnesses and get your fat fucking ass off the parasite parade paranoia that you project onto others.

Sir Windblown Dentist

Has The Fool ever professed a love/hatred for Zappa?

Big Bad Bald Bastard


Hail to the king, baby!


Has The Fool ever professed a love/hatred for Zappa?

I think he considers Zappa of minor interest. Recent thread I won’t bother tracking down.


What’s the ugliest part of yer Twoofie…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Recent thread I won’t bother tracking down.

So you- how you say- couldn’t be arsed to track it down?


I’m sorry, but I love how I wave my shaving bag around. I don’t care if the haters think it is a forced tic. That is method, assholes.

Sir Windblown Dentist

I’ll give you that: Objectivism does have a way of spiriting men towards flinging their shaving kits around.


As opposed to people like D.A. who at least fit in and are liked somewhere, even if it is only online, and only at SN!

Um, thanks? I’m going to climb down from the 30th floor of my building and just take the plunge from the fifth story now …


BTW — PP? Was a linky in our original contract? B/c ‘sorry’. Also, your points are on the net side, in case you forgot.


P. Punko is using bad words.



Michael the Savage Weiner used to go skinny-dipping with Allen Ginsberg, no?

What was it about Ginsberg that turned every male friend into a spittle spraying homophobe in later years?


So you- how you say- couldn’t be arsed to track it down?

No, no, the syntax of the construction involves a participle rather than an infinitive, thus:
“I couldn’t be arsed tracking it down.”
There’s probably some lengthy linguistic explanation for this, but I can’t be arsed doing the research.


Apropos of nothing – a funny incident on the set of this particular shoot. Pinko comes out of his trailer and he makes a big show of telling DMC that he, Pinko Punko, spent two weeks at the Ayn Rand Institute to ‘get’ his character. DMC replies that he, DMC, didn’t do squat … he just showed up on the set. PP is truly baffled and he asks how DMC can possibly play his role. DMC replies, ‘It’s called acting my good fellow … you should try it some time.’


Your toons are too long.

Pithiness…learn it, love it, live it.

The Truth Will Set You Free

Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla . . .


What was it about Ginsberg that turned every male friend into a spittle spraying homophobe in later years?

The assfucking?

My guess is that “Savage” was/is a bottom.


What’s the ugliest part of yer? Twoofie!



Hrrmm. That first one doesn’t quite read right.

Copping to said assfucking, and allowing themselves the self-knowledge that they liked it instead of just saying “fag”, was sort of more the intent.

A preemptive fywp to preview if linky is brokey.


Pie is a finite good.



I actually registered at xtranormal so I could make hilarious videos, but after messing about with it for 2 minutes or so, I realized…what’s the vernacular of the peasantry again?…that I couldn’t be arsed.

Yes, that’s it, arsed.


My rebuttal to the above video…


The very fact that so many people are voluntarily willing to undergo water boarding is proof it isn’t torture. – John Hawkins,

A conservative Christian, professional blogger, Townhall columnist, political consultant, psychology major, net junky, southerner, rogue, and raconteur, and all around brainless individual who can type.


OKay; hats off. Fucking genius. Well done.

Time to Waterboard Poor Spelling

Time To Legalize Counterfitting

Damn straight! I’m tired of trying to perch on those little bar-stools. I want table-service, now, beatches! You can sit at that so-called “counter” all you want, libs, I’m taking the comfy chair in The Corner. PFTHBLTH!


By the way, I had a Geo Metro and it was a great car. You still see them running around, getting terrific milage; they’re going to be the VW Beetle of the new century. And people who think they can identify a loser by the car he drives are mistook, unless of course they think that driving an H-2 makes you a loser, at which case they are absolutely right.


Counter-“fitting”? Kindergarten games.

Here’s how ya do speculative anticorporatism, kids. You’ll know you’ve got it right by the way it liquefies Twoofie’s brainstem like Tony Chachere’s on a garden snail:

In fact, while transactional credit provision is a perfectly good business, it might be reasonable for the state to offer basic transactional credit as a public good. This would be very simple to do. Every adult would be offered a Treasury Express card, which would have, say, a $1000 limit. Balances would be payable in full monthly. The only penalty for nonpayment would be denial of access of further credit, both by the government and by private creditors. … Unpaid balances would be forgiven automatically after a period of five years. No interest would ever be charged.

Also: Dancing badgers!


The very fact that so many people are voluntarily willing to undergo water boarding is proof it isn’t torture. – John Hawkins,

Ohhh no, nice try but this is a shamelessly transparent ploy by Mr. Hawkins to get us to hold him down and give him a free Prince Albert, and I’m too clever to fall for it.


Pie may be a finite good.

but blueberry pie is infinitely good.

The Twooful Problem With Women

As opposed to people like D.A. who at least fit in and are liked somewhere, even if it is only online, and only at SN!

Um, thanks? I’m going to climb down from the 30th floor of my building and just take the plunge from the fifth story now …

Couldn’t give him any wiggle room old chap… I didn’t bother to check but I was expecting the “Ha, you couldn’t be so wrong about me! I’m great!” bluff; so as he almost always does that too (combined with the “I don’t post as much as you think! squirm) there’s no escaping the fact that he spends all day actively trying to hate and be hated online, where as you are liked online. So even if you call it pathetic, worth nothing, blah blah blah… it’s still more acceptance than anyone who ever sees his behaviour will ever ascribe to The Troof. He’s still got less.

The Geography of Carbon Emissions

No American city is among the top 50 cities in the world for air pollution according to the World Bank. (1) Another list, ‘The Top Ten of the Dirty Thirty,’ compiled by the Blacksmith Institute of New York compared the toxicity of contamination, the likelihood of it getting into humans and the number of people affected. Places were bumped up in rank if children were impacted. No US or European sites made the list. Sites in China, India and Russia occupied six of the top ten spots. Some examples: at Linfen in Shanxi province-the heart of China’s coal industry-industrial and automobile emissions put the health of 3 million people at risk. At Sukinda in the state of Orissa in India, 2.6 million people face the hazards of one of the world’s opencast chromite mines. And in Dzerzhinsk, Russia, 300,000 people are exposed to toxic by-products from chemical weapons. (2) Have you heard about this? Probably not. But there’s more. Another report states that seven of the world’s ten most polluted cities are in China. Of the ten cities in the world with the highest levels of air pollution, three are in India. (3). There are more reports but by now you probably get the point. Note that no US city has been mentioned. Steven Hayward in discussing the Blacksmith report makes an observation that could well apply to all of these documents: “Not surprisingly the media and green campaigners in the United States completely overlooked this report.” (4)China has some of the worst pollution problems in the world. Nearly two-thirds of China’s 343 major cities currently fail to meet the nation’s air quality standards. Pollution levels in China’s major cities are 10 to 50 times higher than the worst smoggy day in Los Angeles (5). The twenty fastest growing cities in the world are all in China.China is adding 100 gigawatts of coal-fired electrical capacity a year. That’s another whole United States’ worth of coal consumption added every three years, with no stopping point in sight. Much of the rest of the developing world is on a similar path. (6)As Fareed Zakaria notes, “The combined carbon dioxide emissions from the 850 new coal-fired power plants that China and India are building between now and 2012 are five times the total savings of the Kyoto accords. So you can put in all those curly light bulbs and drive all the Priuses you want: India just ate that for breakfast and China will eat the next round of conservation for lunch.” (7)Jane Orient adds this on the futility of reducing emissions; “In a symbolic gesture, the Forces of Darkness, which are trying to end an age of enlightenment and reason, urged people to turn off their lights for an hour between 8:30 and 9:30 PM local time. Bjorn Lomborg calculated that if 1 billion turned off their lights for 1 hour, it would have been the equivalent of shutting of China’s emissions for a full 6 seconds. (8)Although China receives the most attention, it is not the only Asian nation where this concern is present. India is also growing rapidly, and its major cities experience particulate levels often eight to ten times higher than the worst American cities.  India is the fourth-most coal dependent country in the world and has enough reserves to last for the next 100 years. Carbon emissions in India are rising faster than nearly every other country on the planet. Between 1980 and 2006, India’s carbon output increased by 341%, compared to 321% for China, 103% for Brazil 238% for Indonesia and 272% for Pakistan. (9) Peter Huber sums this up quite well: “Cut to the chase. We rich people can’t stop the world’s 5 billion poor people from burning the couple of trillion tons of cheap carbon that they have within easy reach. We can’t even make any durable dent in global emissions-because emissions from the developing world are growing too fast, because the other 80 percent of humanity desperately needs cheap energy, and because we and they are now part of the same global economy. What we can do, if we’re foolish enough, is let carbon worries send our jobs and industries to their shores, making them grow even faster, and their carbon emissions faster still.” (6


Nice to see wingnuts pretending to worry about sending jobs and industries from our shores, after all these years.


How come the Chinese and the Indians get to live in smog-cloaked shitholes and we Americans don’t? The Left, that’s how come!

Sir Windblown Dentist

A favorite Interweb activity of mine when I visit a wingnut blog is to go back in the archives to the first few days of November 2008. Sure, no one knew “fer shurr” who was going to take it, and us Obamabots were on edge up until PA was called, but it’s important to remember that the other guys had big crushes on McCain and Hot Tub Palin.


Objectivism does have a way of spiriting men towards flinging their shaving kits around.

Ah, is that what people are calling them these days? No wonder the GOP didn’t make the connection about “teabags”!


Then he reached in the pocket of his Mystery Robe and whipped out a shaving kit. (*vreeeeep*)

It was all right there, all along.

Sir Windblown Dentist

It will cure your asthma, too.


I kind of liked Twoofie, Jr’s remix, even if it was only a paycheck job.

DA- you know you are loved. Walk down from the 5th floor and just stumble off the front stoop dramatically, that would be acceptable symbolism. Like Easy E hitting post instead of doing or accomplishing anything at Red State.


Lets see now. Which pinko marxist librul president lifted the gold standard and made Grandma’s curency lose all that value…, Nixon.


The very fact that so many people are voluntarily willing to undergo water boarding is proof it isn’t torture. – John Hawkins

Does the fact that many people are willing to have sex voluntarily* mean there’s no such thing as rape?

*Well, not with him, but you know what I mean.


Abu Ghraib: just kinky sex games!

Sir Windblown Dentist

I kind of liked Twoofie, Jr’s remix, even if it was only a paycheck job.

I liked it, too. True to the original, yet snarkily differential. But it’s missing the critical line, “Sadly, No! droolz. Ace of Spades rules.”


Look here Twoofie, who you jiving with that cosmic debris?

BIg Bad Bald Bastard

No, no, the syntax of the construction involves a participle rather than an infinitive, thus:
“I couldn’t be arsed tracking it down.”

Someday I hope to learn the language of your homeland- your songs of the desert, your laments for extinct flightless birds.


We are more proud of our songs of the dessert. Which the Aussies KEEP STEALING.
(viz. ‘Pavlova’; ‘Lamington’).


The very fact that so many people are voluntarily willing to undergo water boarding is proof it isn’t torture.

Their unanimous description of it as torture is central to Hawkins’ point.

That very point is the reason Hawkins never goes out in public without a hat.


Please keep making these. They make me so happy.


MzNicky said,

May 23, 2009 at 4:53

“Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.”

Where does this shit come from? Some central wingnut talking-points depository in Nebraska or whatever? I swear this is the THIRD TIME TODAY I’ve seen this retarded fucking sentence.

Either they gotta get more writers or I’ve got to get a life, and I seriously do not want to have to do that.

Console yourself with the thought that the original “Republic” was named for the twin sons of an overglorified pimp sucking on a wolf’s tits.


“No American city is among the top 50 cities in the world for air pollution according to the World Bank. (1) Another list, ‘The Top Ten of the Dirty Thirty,’ compiled by the Blacksmith Institute of New York compared the toxicity of contamination, the likelihood of it getting into humans and the number of people affected. Places were bumped up in rank if children were impacted. No US or European sites made the list. Sites in China, India and Russia occupied six of the top ten spots.”

Newsflash: Water and air really ARE finite goods. Five to ten years from now you will be drinking the water polluted with melamine and pharmaceutical wastes from China. You will be breathing coal dust and NO2 emissions from China and auto emissions from most of Asia. You will be scarfing down tuna and salmon with high levels of heavy metals in their fat courtesy of smelting and manufacturing in various parts of Asia–because they dump the crap into the oceans. And if you live in California, you will be drinking sewage from Mexico–which has grossly inadequate water treatment facilities. Just think–if we let Mexicans come to the US to use the rest rooms at the local McDonald’s we’ll all have cleaner water!

I Cried My Heart Out For Want Of My Love

I have those eyebrows! OH GOD I AM A TERRIST


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