Another Really Smart Idea To Save The GOP


ABOVE: William Jacobson, perfesser, blogger and American Thinker

William Jacobson, who’s some kind of professor at Cornell Law and who first achieved wingnut-o-sphere notoriety by breathlessly peddling PouponGate, is sick and tired of seeing only white people get their stuff nationalized and thinks it’s high time some Negroes get nationalized as well. And who better than the descendants of Martin Luther King? Instead of just abandoning King’s work into the public domain and moving into some dilapidated crack house in Newark to live on welfare, the King family has had the temerity and the uppity-ness to charge for licenses to use King’s intellectual property.

I am against this trampling of individual property rights, which are the foundation of our democracy. But if it is going to happen because of the large Democrat majorities in Congress and Obama’s personal popularity,1 then there is one aspect of the economy Democrats should nationalize before anything else: The history of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Actually, since Jacobson doesn’t propose that the United States pay anything for the King rights, he should know, as a law professor, even an “assistant clinical law professor,” that the correct word is not nationalization but expropriation. But the Kings don’t deserve compensation because of their devious plan to force children to spend months studying Martin Luther King and then to pay royalties to the King Estate for the privilege.

We created a national MLK holiday in 1986, thereby elevating MLK to a position in the nation’s history almost unparalleled in over 200 years. Virtually every school in the country devotes more time to discussing MLK’s legacy than the history of any president or war.

I’d like to see some support for the last assertion there, but I suspect that the support involved Jacobson putting one hand behind his back, delving deeply into a particular cavity, and then pulling the support out of said cavity with a grand flourish, a spray of dingleberries and a self-satisfied smile.

Few people realize that reprinting the “I Have a Dream” speech without permission of MLK’s family, and in many cases the payment of royalties, will result at a minimum in a nasty lawyer letter, and even a lawsuit. These efforts to maintain copyright control over MLK’s speeches are international in scope.

The latest example is an attempt by two MLK family members to stop a film about MLK’s life because some copyrighted material was used without permission or payment of royalties:

DreamWorks plans the first big-screen portrayal of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life, the studio announced Tuesday, but two of King’s children immediately threatened legal action because the film deal was brokered without their blessing.

My, oh, my, for an assistant clinical law perfessor, Jacobson shur don’t reed zo gud. The linked article noted that the King Estate had indeed licensed the movie and received royalties. Two of the three King children are complaining not because DreamWorks didn’t have permission or didn’t pay royalties. They are complaining about how the Estate is run and have sued the Estate.

For MLK’s family members, the economic structure they have created could not be better. They have nationalized2 their father’s persona, but profit by controlling the written and spoken words which memorialize his history. While the foundation may be not-for-profit, the salaries and other perks the family garners are hardly not-for-nothing.

Gee, that’s just outrageous. I can’t think of any other instance of a family of a famous man profiting from his legacy, can you? Do we get to expropriate that estate too?

The time has come to end this madness. If Democrats are going to nationalize much of the economy over the protests of Republicans and independents, then Democrats should first nationalize Martin Luther King, Jr.’s history, including the “I Have a Dream” speech.

The dean of the University of Tennessee Law School has reportedly sent a letter to his counterpart at the Cornell Law School thanking Cornell for snatching from Tennessee the distinction of being the law school with the most embarrassing right wing blogger.

1The professor never explains how the “large Democrat majorities” got not only into Congress but also into Obama’s personal popularity.

2The perfesser don’t right zo gud neether. The family can’t “nationalize” anything, only the Democrat Socialist Islamic Red Maoist Gay Marriage party and its leader Obama can “nationalize” things. Perhaps he means that they have made King a national hero, although one has to imagine that King had much more to do with that than did his children.


Comments: 84


Not too bad but it’s much better with spicy mustard.


Interestingly, when I read Mr. Jacobson’s work, the phrase “fucking idiot” comes to mind. As opposed to, say, “Law Professor”.


The time has come to end this madness.

“Clinical” indeed!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Didn’t J. Edgar Hoover try to “nationalize” King’s legacy?

Also, the King family did not sell gajillions of dollars worth of “Dream Derivatives” to the detriment of the world economy.


That’s a pretty excellent troll I must say.


I had a dream in which I could become a law professor without taking in any information on ethics or logic and… whoops he got there before me!


These efforts to maintain copyright control over MLK’s speeches are international in scope.

…perhaps his legacy should be “internationalized”


Speaking of trolls, Have the proprietors been spraying the place with Troll-B-Gon (I would insert the little “R” thingie here if I had any idea how to do so or inclination to learn)? I haven’t caught so much as a whiff of “Troofie” or “Whitie Nightie” or even the hit n’ run antics of the wacky Coach for days now. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. It’s quite refreshing.


Shorter Doucherson:
It’s not fair that we’re losing our businesses just because we broke the world and are resisting any and all attempts to refix it, but we’d feel better about it if you’d break some negroid heads to remind us that we’re still better than the darkies. Yeehaw, the 60s didn’t die and I’m still convinced he was a Communist spy.

Jonathan St.Lawrence

You all may think I’m gullible for believing whole-heartedly in Bigfoot and such, but I’m not going to fall for this one. This William Jacobson is clearly either a hoax or a figment of the author’s fevered imagination. No one with even a rudimentary education could spout such wildly nonsensical drivel.

But you really crossed the line by making him a professor at a law school! If this person was real his career would be forever tarnished by these idiotic and widely distributed remarks.

Respectfully, pull the other one, sirs, its got bells on.


So by Professor you mean “Head Gallooop” and by “Cornell Law” you mean “Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College”, right?

Ummmm, right?

No, seriously.

Shorter Tintin

Shorter Tintin:

I will continue to be an apologist/cheerleader for the Total State, sucking Hopey’s cock until I gag.

The Truth Will Set You Free

I notice Tintin would address this rather then how the Democrat Party has decided to reject Barrys plan for the closure of Gitmo. Hmmmm…

Spengler Dampniche

You joke, but you know how hard it is to be a clown? I spend an hour a day getting the bloodstains out of my clown suit.


Did the Bush family receive compensation when the office of presidency was taken from them?
Expropriation! Eminent domain!


Wasn’t your name previously Josh St. Lawrence? Just curious.

Also, apparently this flaming whacktard is for real. When he arrived on the scene, as though smeared like grainy brown mustard yellow fæces on a moldy bun, I had to read a fair bit of his oeuvre to determine he is indeed batshit non compos.

But that’s a good thing because:
1. He serves some funnay whingnutteries.
2. He lives in Ithaca which is possibly the most liberallestest town in the whole YOU ESS AY!!!! So I can imagine the daily anguish he feels. And I like it.


I’m guessing the Disney corp. isn’t going to be putting this guy on retainer any time soon.


While the foundation may be not-for-profit, the salaries and other perks the family garners are hardly not-for-nothing.

(I think he means the perks are “hardly not-for-profit”, but then he’s already used “not-for-profit”…OH, NO – quick!, needs a witty twist. I know!…”nothing”… making it…”not-for-nothing”. “the perks are hardly not-for-nothing”!!!!)

I’m in the “not-a-professor” camp.


Odd he thinks it’s the Democratic Party’s job to properly reign in the rambunctious King offspring. Ain’t it.


Oh, he blogs his trade at American Stump-Sitter? That explains a lot right there, as that’s a very special site. Very special.


Heaven fucking forbid Republicans get to use and twist the words and messages of Martin Luther King for their campaign ads or other wingnut material; though I’m sure this has not crossed the superduperintelligent highly cred professor’s mind.


So why does the Prof hate freedom so much that he’s willing to object to a private individual’s soverignty over their intellectual property? He’s a dirty Communist, he is.

He tried to go Galt, they’ll kick his collectivist altruist ass out of the Gulch.

The Tragically Flip

A law professor who uses the idiotism “Democrat party” – oh, but he did it a little on the sly with his “Democrat majorities in congress” phrasing, but it was there, like all good wingnuts they just can’t help themselves.

The Tragically Flip

It’s funny you never hear Republicans talking about “the America people”

But come to think of it, they do have trouble getting the distinction between Muslim/Islam, when they refer to “the Muslim religion (or more usually, “the mooslim religion…”

Maybe it isn’t on purpose, maybe they just are idiots who can’t speak the language they so desperately want made the official language.


Sure, everyone talks about King and the failure of the Justice Deferrment Swaps, but they’re missing an even bigger threat. While they talk about bailing out or nationalizing Big Dream, the Ghandi bubble is about to burst. If the artificially inflated Nonviolent Resistance market collapses, it might deal the world ethics market a fatal blow.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Interestingly, when I read Mr. Jacobson’s work, the phrase “fucking idiot” comes to mind. As opposed to, say, “Law Professor”.

They’re sometimes synonymous.

I think it’s a conspiracy to make Obama look bad because he was once a law prof.

Sir Windblown Dentist

Ayn Rand wrote a book about this. As soon as the letters and works of King are nationalized, all the producers in the hemisphere begin to “Go X.” They eventually hijack the radio waves and read the entirety of The Autobiography of Malcolm X to the nation. Royalties paid? Based on Arbitron, of course.


Meanwhile, in bizarroland, the WSJ bloggers have started a group for, and I quote, A group of readers who wish not to log on and see portraits of Obama all over the WSJ screen.

I swear I am not making this up.

Topic: Why do I have to wake up ready to read the news and see Obama’s face all over my WSJ?

Sure makes me want to sign up over there if only to suggest he not bother waking up. Ever. The comments there are very special, if you know what I mean and I’m sure M. Bouffant does.


I love the banner at the top:

“Click to Request free Government Funds”


a spray of dingleberries

Worst OceanSpray flavor. Evar.


Odd he thinks it’s the Democratic Party’s job to properly reign in the rambunctious King offspring. Ain’t it.

Don’t even get him started on the Democrat Party’s shameful abuse of all-American tobacco barons while eagerly kowtowing to Big Black.

A law professor who uses the idiotism “Democrat party” – oh, but he did it a little on the sly with his “Democrat majorities in congress” phrasing, but it was there, like all good wingnuts they just can’t help themselves.

I’ve always felt this way about people who adopt other people’s pet coinages and use them at the exclusion of any other. It’s less ‘witty’ and more ‘coke-addled traffic commenter’.

My favorite part is them saying it like it’s witty every fucking time. I had to listen to some motherfucker say ‘Spag Bowl’ like he was fucking Oscar Wilde every morning for five years, and this is the intellectual level our Loyal Opposition runs on.

And no matter how clever you think it sounds, ‘nationalization’ explicitly involves the government purchase at tax-liable values of the assets of a functioning company – and if you want that to be socialist instead of a normal feature of state behavior, the management and voting board are to be replaced with the workers themselves.

Buying up a company on the verge of bankruptcy and keeping it afloat with federal money before either selling it off or putting it under a mild, profit-oriented quasi-public constitution has as much to do with socialism as taking Aspirin has to do with running a pharmacy.


Shorter Jacobson: Well, how about we nationalize, like, like, MLK!1! Huh? How about that, libs!


Meanwhile, in bizarroland, the WSJ bloggers have started a group for, and I quote, A group of readers who wish not to log on and see portraits of Obama all over the WSJ screen.

Reminds me of the lady Sadly did over a while back who treated turning over Obama’s face on Newsweek as a sort of modern Samizdat. Speaking truth to power, you know?


As long as we’re nationalizing black culture, could we please nationalize the new Eminem album? I’m looking to git jiggy wit it.


[Note: thank you for the photo of the esteemed assistant professor. He strikes me as less a wingnut than a frustrated academic who is so certain of his superiority to those above him (especially the head of his department, who he is sure has none of his own insight and eloquence) and he’s going to prove just how superior he is by being a dick.

Look for him to submit a manuscript to Regnery and get rejected which will turn him into an instant progressive. He will live out his days being a dick on Daily Kos with a user ID like “toplawgun” or “legalace31” which will also be his vanity license plate.


alec, you shouldn’t bother wasting your tiime on such esoterica. Facts, I mean. The whingers are liberally *ahem* coated with the crowning achievement of GØP science, Negafact!™ Instantly repels all facts. Try the new improved version, now with extra Reality-B-Gon™!


How touching: MBNA/Affinity VISA/Master Card is an official licensee of the Ronald Reagan Estate. As is Masterpieces Jigsaw Puzzles, which, sadly, chose not to make championship-level puzzles out of Reagan’s brain scan results.


Since it’s the WSJ, can’t they just add some devil horns and maybe a silly French mustache to every photo of Obama that they print? Rupert Murdoch could do each copy himself with a magic marker. That would make everybody happy.


So he’s totally against “this trampling of individual property rights” but thinks it’d be way kewl to trample those of the King family. Innnnnnnnteresting. I take it he didn’t major in Logic.

Getting nationalization wrong? Yeah, who cares? It’s only the main concept of the post, after all. In a lot of places that level of concentrated Duh would have him flunking a high-school Civics exam … but in Wacky Wingnut World a basic screwup like that’s an ASSET.

We created a national MLK holiday in 1986, thereby elevating MLK to a position in the nation’s history almost unparalleled in over 200 years.

Tell it to someone who gives a shit. Canada celebrates Louis Riel Days in Saskatchewan every summer, & he tried to set up his own seperate fiefdom … & don’t even get me started of Guy Fawkes’ Day in the UK. Rabble-rouser though he was, MLK was Ned Flanders compared to either of those guys.


Till – oh, please, they can go much more hi-tech on the internons.

Like with say, an animation of Obama with fire or lasers shooting out of his eyes. And make him really, really big, and photoshop his head onto a Shoney’s Big Boy statue..and make the statue 30 or 40 feet tall, walking through white suburbia and zapping Hummers and McMansion dwellers with his laser/fire eyes, while laughing demonically.

I’m sure I could add to this, but you get the point…no need for them to be limited in their art.


So wait, he’s in favor of a multi-billion dollar bailout of the King family?


Getting nationalization wrong? Yeah, who cares? It’s only the main concept of the post, after all. In a lot of places that level of concentrated Duh would have him flunking a high-school Civics exam …

I know, I know, it’s just that he’s yet another fucking Republican pretending the public is hungry for hard-nosed right-wing mythology about the communistical Nazi terrorsymp Martin Negro King. The secondary issues tend to be funnier and more grating.

It’s only really worth noticing how wrong they get MLK as a phenomenon when they’re doing it to say that Obama being a faggy socialist will cost him the election because of real America’s terror of Martin Luther King, or perhaps that like King he has no place in our living rooms our Applebee’s salad bars.


a spray of dingleberries

Worst OceanSpray flavor. Evar.

You should try their “Cran-Dingleberry” flavor. It really works. Or possibly their “Dingle-Apple” blend.


From what I can tell, not only do American public schools not spend very much time on King, but the version of King they teach about seems to resemble The Legend of Bagger Vance where King is the kindly old magickal negro with the patient smile and the down home platitudes. There’s this “King moderate/Malcolm X radical” dichotomy in the public imagination that I find sort of irksome. King preached love and non-violence, yes, but there’s a reason everybody from RFK to LBJ to JEH considered him more/less the most dangerous figure in American politics. The guy was a genuine radical who would not have been welcome anywhere near Hope Tour ’08.


While we’re on the subject of simpering nancy-boys and their fancy Frenchified mustard . . .

President and Laura Bush’s Deviled Eggs Recipe

12 large eggs, boiled hard and peeled1 Tbsp (plus) soft butter1 Tbsp (plus) mayonnaise1 Tbsp Dijon mustard1/2 tsp Yucatan Sunshine Habanero sauceSalt to taste


I can’t think of any other instance of a family of a famous man profiting from his legacy, can you?



You should try their “Cran-Dingleberry” flavor.

Made with 100% post-consumer resources, if you know what I mean. Oh, and just a hint of Cheeto dust.


Hey all. I thought I’d come by and NOT blogwhore for a change. However, I do love my friend Jim’s idea that the Dems “should pass a resolution recognizing the GOPs march towards asshatism.”

Anyway, being a resident of Tennessee I was going to nationalize some pickaninnies but I’m told the fuckers already have a union.


Step 1: Point out DemoncRATs put a n!gger in the White House.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

Hey you know what else is a non-profit organization?


Nationalize that sucker!

Shecky McTeabagg

I would call this guy The Shame Of Cornell, but that’s Yale.

Shecky McTeabagg

I think we should nationalize Jimmy “JayJay” Walker. That guy is a national treasure.


White Republicans want so badly to claim MLK as one of their own, but they just can’t resist being douchebags about anything to do with race.

Shecky McTeabagg

“Dy-no-might!” is a product whose patent has expired decades ago, and is necessary the world over for construction and oil exploration. It should have passed into public domain long ago.

spelling police

it’s “peddling.”



For my money, the world’s stupidest professor is Donald Douglas of the American Power blog. He can’t open his mouth without saying something fucking retarded. Like the New York flyover made Obama “Worst. President. Ever.” Ooo-kay, Donnie boy.


Hey Elvis, me niether.


Man, when I was at Cornell, even I thought this guy was a total douchebag. When I attended college. At Cornell. Cornell.


Virtually every school in the country devotes more time to discussing MLK’s legacy than the history of any president or war.

Apart from lots of schools in the South, where the Civil War, those evil Yankees, and the horrors of Reconstruction dominate the syllabus. Fucktard.

The Phoenix Bros. & The Baldwin Bros.

Yeah, us neither.


I teach at a school in Downtown Los Angeles. For MLK Day, I read a freaking book. That’s all the time we have allowed for observances of that kind. The rest of the day is: an hour of math, plus 15 minutes of math study groups (yes, even for first graders); 30 minutes for English Language Development (yes, even English Only students need it); 110 minutes for Language Arts, 30 minutes for Writing. We have 20 min. for morning recess and 40 min for Lunch. That leaves 20 min. for PE/Health, Social Studies, Science, Art, and Music. I do MLK on the one day I do Social Studies. I do one day on Presidents. I don’t do any days on war.

So, this guy’s beef is what?


He is indeed real.

Read that breathless Mustard Diary at the time — and the comments. Key idea: “WHY ARE DEMS SO OUTRAGED BY THIS STORY? WE REALLY GOT TO THEM THIS TIME DIDN’T WE?!”

Clueless doesn’t even being to cover it…


Steele got the RNC to drop the resolution that would have demanded that the Democratic Party change it’s name to the Democrat Socialist Party.

But to pacify the hard right I hear they’re working on a resolution to demand that Osama bin Laden change his name to “Obama bin Laden” and to demand that we require all Americans to bow to a picture of Ronald Reagan before being allowed to vote.

Dick by Squick


Orechiette with tuna and fennel. Saute the onions, add some sliced pimento and green papper, manodline thin fennel. Garlic, Anchovies, parm regg., and so on.

With homemade garlic bread.

And a Portugese white wine – citrusy, bitter almond, tropical fruit. Cheap. Most of all, cheap.

And to all a good night.


White Republicans want so badly to claim MLK as one of their own, but they just can’t resist being douchebags about anything to do with race.

Martin Luther King Junior was against affirmative action, the filthy pederast. Like the many horrible leaders of the awful black community who identify squarely with our conservative ideology despite their racially inferior brains, his vision for America was a country in which whites and blacks were already equal in every way and nothing should be done about it, a vision redolent with Marxist fervor. If alive today, he would lecherously scold the terrible radical Chris Rock for wanting black people to have the nice things they’re constantly stealing and completely unworthy of through government action; his genetically deficient view would have been that every man, regardless of race or the approval of white God, work hard to plagiarize his own white luxury goods.

“Sho-nuff,” he would say if the liberal media didn’t cover up his complete inability to write in the English language which he would want taught exclusively in our schools, “the free market is the only way we negro folks -” after all, he said it, why can’t we? – “can keep in our God-given place. Lord-a-gumption, I do wants me some watermelon, massa.”

That massa: the Republican Party.

Why won’t you vote for us? I mean, we’re not asking you to come to our meetings or run for office or anything, just see if you can illiterately, fraudulently punch our side of the ballot. It’s what the historically unsignificant “Doctor” King would want.


Little Debbie’s little friends say :

We were successful at removing BET and MTV from our cable line up in our HOA because the residents did not want to support the crap on those networks.

The last time I was able to see BET they had gangster rap on and MTV was the same sewer spewing doggy do 24/7.

They gave us the Golf Channel and SciFi instead for free and will do not have to block the TV for when the grand kids visit.

I vote for Alan Stang to play MLK 😉

Grampa may really mean
Alan Stang. I assumed he was having a senior moment & meant Arnold “Top Cat” Stang.

Thanks for nothing, Preview.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

The DemonRat Socialist Partei (but pronounced “par-TAY”). You heard it here first.

I doubt they spend a lot of time studying MLK Jr. at any of the many Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee High Schools (Home of the Runnin’ Rebs football team) way across Jesusland.

commie atheist

I’m sure one of the Sadlynauts has already covered this, but it appears that Britain has their own shit moat problem, and Amy Alkon is nowhere in sight:

Just as Mr. Martin was announcing his decision to quit Tuesday, the man who seems likely to become the unhappy icon of the scandal, Douglas Hogg, announced he would quit Parliament, and politics, at the end of its current term. Mr. Hogg, 64, a former Conservative cabinet minister and an aristocratic grandee, was the man who included a $3,400 claim for the clearing of his country house moat on a list of his expenses.

When The Telegraph first made the moat claim public, Mr. Hogg provided one of the more farcical moments of the scandal, leading a BBC television crew on a fast-paced march from his London home to the House of Commons. Wearing a flat cap of a kind favored at country steeplechases, and trying breathlessly to explain the bureaucratic intricacies of the expenses system, he avoided, for several minutes, responding directly to the BBC reporter’s insistent questions about the moat. A few days later, under pressure from Mr. Cameron, he announced that he would repay the money claimed for the moat.


That limey feller on the Daily Show had a go-round w/ Stewart on the moat thing.


We were successful at removing BET and MTV from our cable line up in our HOA
Research has revealed that the number of three-letter-acronyms in your comments is directly proportional to the number of Tom Clancy novels you read.


Since it’s the WSJ, can’t they just add some devil horns and maybe a silly French mustache to every photo of Obama that they print?

The New Republic made Saddam look more Hitler-y by trimming his moustache.


In this case, “nationalization” is sorta like the word “smurf” — it apparently means anything you fucking want it to, and can shift definitions in the very next sentence.

Nice how he spends so much time on the King estate, acting like it’s so strange that an estate is, you know, protecting its property. Sure, dude, let’s “nationalize” MLK — and after that, let’s go for Elvis.

Ted the Slacker

If Democrats are going to nationalize much of the economy…”

No, I have a much better idea. Can we nationalize the word “if”?

I mean the strawman industry will be pissed beyond recognition, the wingnut manufactured rage ponzi scheme will have another excuse to pretend to go galt, but basically, I’m just thinking this could be the ultimate Gaycorn Hussein X funding-raising tool evah.


Martin Luther King Junior was against affirmative action, the filthy pederast.

You pretty much nailed it. Except you forgot to mention that the Dr. before his name didn’t stand for doctor, it stood for Dark Rioter.

I don’t get it, we’ve been around just as long as they have. (Longer in some cases.) You’d think they would have gotten used to it by now. But every day these dipshits look around, see people who are different, have a Force 5 Freak Out and then sulk because everyone else is like “Uh dude, WtF?”

Yeah, I know what drives it and it isn’t just the scary dark people, but at a certain point you have to wonder if they’re all brain damaged.


OK this dickslap needs to get fired. Doesn’t Cornell worry about their school’s reputation at all?

As someone who has tried to get rights from the King Estate, I can say that they are VERY good at protecting their copyright. They also are considerably pricier than most institutions. Not that I begrudge them (much, I have my own interests to look after), they do very good work not to mention they have a high demand product.

Rusty Shackleford

Interesting fact about law professors:

Liberal ones have typically left successful (and lucrative) careers in private practice, taking a pay cut in exchange for the lifestyle benefits of working in academia. They tend to be excellent professors.

Conservative ones have typically failed in private practice, and teaching is the only job they can get. They wouldn’t voluntarily take a pay cut just to spend more time with their families. They tend to be poor professors.


So dis here perfesser wont mind if I copy his essays and picture on to rolls of toilet paper for the black folks to use as they see fit…


They have nationalized2 their father’s persona, but profit by controlling the written and spoken words which memorialize his history.

So it’s behaving basically like any for-proft entity: privatizing profits.


The dean of the University of Tennessee Law School has reportedly sent a letter to his counterpart at the Cornell Law School thanking Cornell for snatching from Tennessee the distinction of being the law school with the most embarrassing right wing blogger.

Ann Althouse no longer teaches law?


The Kenosha Kid beat me to it. U. Wisconsin managed to fob AA off on Brooklyn for a year, but sad to say the faculty and students back in Madison must bear up again under the strain of all those hushed whispers, pointing fingers, and giggles whenever lawyers meet as one of the fortunate ones says to another “there goes one of Althouse’s ….”


But if it is going to happen because of the large Democrat majorities …

No wonder he’s a law professor. He’s illiterate.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ugh! I clicked through. From the comments:

Martin Luther King’s Dream has come true in the form of the Obama administration. It’s a real nightmare and I hope the King family buries all King’s writings deep in the ground never to be seen again.

I also pray the the Obama administration is buried deep in the ground after the next election.


In case you didn’t know, clinical professor = non-tenure track teaching professor. He is just a lecturer with a souped up title.


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