Does every blog have its Bizarro-world doppelganger?

And Rightly So!

Me, Brad and Seb do this all the time too, with the towels.

Lives in southern New Hampshire, married to a Marine/turned commercial fisherman; mother to 4 kids, works in nursing? Swears more than Raven but her temper isn?t as bad. Libertarian. Hates child molestors.
Likes fishing, hiking, shooting, Marines, BIG dogs and cooking. DH ?s boat is named after her: The Kimberly Lynn.

Lives in same area as Kim. Married, met her DH (Army Ranger/turned truck driver, long haul) online 10 years ago?works with Kim and Raven at same facility and in same line of work; has two sons. Republican. Hates abortion. And liberals. Likes painting, 4 wheeling, swimming, hunting, and reading.

Lives a little further east of Kim and Heather. Has 3 kids. Conservative. Hates liberal policy and hates phoney people even more. Works in nursing. Loves Marines. Likes Pink Floyd, dancing, hiking, parties and snowmobiles.

This blog focuses on US politics, Regional issues (New England), Foreign affairs, the War on Terror, Illegal Immigration, Abortion/Euthanisia issues, Sex offenders, Nursing/Medical issues, Elections, the ACLU, the UN and the military (mostly Marine stuff since Kim and Raven think so highly of them LOL)

Drat, they’re married. It would never have worked, though. ‘Sex’ is such a raw word — we prefer to call them ‘offenders of love.’

Dep’t of, But it’s all about helping one another:

“Several years ago, Holland became the first country to legalize the mercy killings of adults. Now, this European nation, known for its liberal ways, has announced that in ‘certain circumstances’ it will also allow babies to be euthanized.”

They?ve crossed over the slippery slope. Like the Netherlands. [link]

The Netherlands and Holland are considered different countries? And Rightly So! Sadly, No!

[Quizzical Sunday doesn’t-deserve-its-own-post addendum: How in tarnation are we getting referrals from here?]


Comments: 105


She needs to use that tagline on stories about gay bashing and election fraud, then it would truly be bizarro Sadly,No!


“To take the life of a child, this young, is wrong.”

Unless that child is brown and you’re doing it with incendiary weapons.

Oh, and Gavin: fix your damn italics tags, bizzatch!


Also, what kind of open tags do they use on their blog?


Ohmigosh, y’all. What a super-fab blog!! I wish I could write for them. I’m 29, 36-24-36, boderline Libertarian/Stalinist and I have 4 e’s at the end of my name!


Slash-i, slash-em — aright? Jeez.


They?ve crossed over the slippery slope. Like the Netherlands.

I hope to fucking God that’s a joke…

Europe, since babies born with Down?s Syndrome can be euthanized in the Netherlands, I have no reason to trust this in Holland

Nope… apparently not (and as a side note… I’m not too comfortable with that policy either, but still: learn your geography before you try to make a serious fucking point).


There are so many pro-child molester blogs out there, I’m glad someone is brave enough to take a stand against them.


Oh man, aren’t they just the hawtness? Hates child molesters indeed. Who really doesn’t? Is that really something that needs to be said?


since babies born with Down?s Syndrome can be euthanized in the Netherlands, I have no reason to trust this in Holland

You oughta see what the Dutch are doing.


Hates child molesters indeed. Who really doesn’t? Is that really something that needs to be said?

Well, notice that Heather and Raven don’t say they hate child molestors — just liberals, abortion and phonies. So — they must like child molesters, right? Just like the rest of us liberals.


DH = dead husband? :confused:


Someone who loooooves right wingers and hates liberals (and loves MARINES) and also loves Pink Floyd? Methinks this person doesn’t necessarily value lyrics, or just doesn’t get irony.


Meh… I know evangelical Christian types who like AC/DC (because it’s not hypocritical for Christians to like such stuff if they do it).
If it’s good music, it’s good music. I like some of Merle Haggard’s stuff. Doesn’t mean I agree with a damn thing he says.


Hey GG, can you send an email addy?


The Dutch, the Hollanders and the Netherlandish should just bunch themselves together in one pot-loving country. They probably aren’t that close together on the map, so it might never work. The Danes and the Denmarkians have had a go.


The Low Countries could get involved in that too, although Belgium might beg out.


I thought DH meant Designated Hitter…


If you could ever get the Flemish and Walloons to agree on anything, it’s how much they both hate the Belgians.


Certainly- Consider yourself emailed.


Don’t the Flemish speak a dialect of Nether? Or is it Hollish?


I thought DH meant Designated Hitter…

Like the Designated Hitler rule in baseball?


All right, fess up, boys. You made that entire site up!
There’s no way they could be so perfectly…
Or clueless, for that matter.

And let’s go back to Tom Lehrer:
“We all hate poverty, war and injustice/unlike the rest of you squares…”

(Whether you did or did not fake that site, it’s the second coolest Christmas, uh, holiday present I’ve gotten all day. Thank you for my stocking. I hope you don’t mind if I post it on my Darkwing Duck slash page. Not that I have one or anything.)


They also seem to attract our polar opposites in commenters. Instead of reasonably intelligent libs of various ideological “strengths” and the odd semi-intelligent-but usually retarded troll, we have this classic exchange when I point out the author’s fuckup:

You do realize that Holland and the Netherlands are the same country, right? It?s not apparent in your text whether or not you do.

Comment by GuinnessGuy ? 12/11/2005 @ 3:33 pm

Holland is a province of the Netherlands, like California is a state in the United States. Are all your opinions this factually challenged?

Comment by Buttermyself ? 12/11/2005 @ 4:47 pm

Indeed- but in English-speaking countries, ?Holland? is the old form, still in a fair amount of use, for referring to the whole country.
It is clear that this is the context used by our dear author, as we can surmise when we read this:

?Several years ago, Holland became the first country to legalize the mercy killings of adults.?

So, may I then ask in return, as you were so terribly kind to pose a question regarding the academic quality of my ?opinions? (a misnomer, really, considering I offered no opinion in my initial response): Are you so smugly certain of yourself that you fail to thoroughly read the actual post in all of your responses?

Comment by GuinnessGuy ? 12/11/2005 @ 5:05 pm


…Which I just learn is actually a second response to our dear author’s fuckup.


Forget those gals, I’m all over the salmon.

Those rubs seem amazing, but they try to molest you on the cedar planks. 15 bucks for two? Try 3 for 6 bucks anywhere else, what a bunch of cobags. Maybe they are Netherish.

I hope someone is ordering you guys a bunch of yummy salmon for Ex-mas.


Someone toss a copy of The Groningen Reportover the wall to those hermits.


They’ve got some good-looking cold-smoked halibut too. Is that a new use for halibut?

Man, if someone sent planksty No?l samon,* the happiness would just drive all the snark away, and it would just be ruinous, man. Especially that cold-smoked kind that makes your mouth water…

*No ‘l’


I usually consider halibut a waste of stomach and colon space, but I’m wondering if they have a magic way with it?


I’m just agog over the idea that a person’s bio should include, in addition to one’s favorite band, a category of which people you hate.


DH=Dear Husband, they have obviously been spending a lot of time on mommy-type forums.


Why am I not surprised they are from NH, the sole outpost of redneck thought north of the Mason-Dixon…


Drat, they’re married.

I notice that 2 of the 3 have “husbands” who spend a lot of time “away” from the “home”, either “fishing” or “long haul trucking.” And the 3rd doesn’t mention any “husband” at all.

Kinda makes you think, eh?

On a totally different subject, you know what the difference is between a New Hampshire lesbian and a New Hampshire Black Bear?

A red flannel shirt.


“This blog focuses on US politics, Regional issues (New England), Foreign affairs, the War on Terror, Illegal Immigration, Abortion/Euthanisia issues, Sex offenders, Nursing/Medical issues, Elections, the ACLU, the UN and the military (mostly Marine stuff since Kim and Raven think so highly of them LOL)”

So…their blog ‘focuses’ on damn near everything.

“They?ve crossed over the slippery slope.”

No, they are going down a slippery slope. Perhaps you were trying to say that they had crossed a line?


Those evil European bastards! Here’s another example of them killing helpless kids:

Oh, wait…that was Texas.

Never mind.


Karl: what color flannel shirt does the lesbian have?


Is anyone else bothered by the fact that they’re all nurses and they all seem to hate liberals? Though I’m sure that NEVER affects their bedside manner…


How’d this thread get Sadly, No’d again

Is that better?


Oh God…that’s hilarious. Great post guys.


DH – Designated Hitter?

I loves my David ortiz’


Much like the actual keepers of that website, the women in the picture you posted are All Right!


That’s really them (see the about-us).


WOW… read one piece on there (the one where Raven endorces Austrailians beating the shit out of people they think are Arab immigrants because two reportedly attacked a couple lifeguards) and there’s not really much else that needs to be said. Good thing their readership apparently consists of themselves… and themselves (once the SN! crew gets bored).

Remember: attacking Arabs is NOT racist because ALL ARABS ARE BAD!


OK, I thought I’d be cool with this and I could play it off but this damned conscience of mine…

The site in question is a viral for an album coming out. We’re still in the writing stage but it never hurts to start up that ironic meta-troll blog buzz early. The site’s totally written in code. For example, every time we mention Marines we’re actually putting over an inside joke about our guitar tech Tiny (because he looks like a manatee and where do they live? See, it’s subtle and cryptic like that.)

Do me a favor and don’t tell anybody though. We just hired a new marketing guy (he’s a doctor hyping music so you know he’s doing it for the love) and Dr. BLT is totally stoked on the Trolling Bloggers For Hype strategy. Between that and his street team that poses as Protest Warriors to hassle Drinking Liberally events I predict huge release date numbers.

Think Chicago ’68 meets ilovebees. It’s cutting edge ironic marketing. They buy it because we associate the brand with something they hate! I take it as a good sign that somebody as sharp as Michael B. got taken in by it. But really, forget I told you. Seriously, I got a second mortgage to pay this guy so don’t wreck it.


Holy shit KOC, I was just going to mention that, that post is seriously fucked up!
She literally looks at a story about riotous racism and says “Good for those Ozzies! Next time burn the Mosques!”


She literally looks at a story about riotous racism and says “Good for those Ozzies! Next time burn the Mosques!”

Well, that’s what they’re saying at LGM.
And at least these three are better looking…
Maybe they could get together and start a dating service.

Wow. I need a shower now. I feel so… unclean.


Whoops. LGF. Okay, never mind. It wasn’t much of a joke to start, and I just killed it dead right there.


There allready is one, *shudder*


The site in question is a viral for an album coming out. We’re still in the writing stage but it never hurts to start up that ironic meta-troll blog buzz early. The site’s totally written in code. For example, every time we mention Marines we’re actually putting over an inside joke about our guitar tech Tiny (because he looks like a manatee and where do they live? See, it’s subtle and cryptic like that.)

That’s so messed up. You realize that you’re playing weird, self-referential blog-games with innocent readers, right? That’s not what the Internets were invented for, GoatBoy.

I’ll never trust you again.


Wow, I just got into a thing over at the Towel Girls’ website. My simple post about socialism and the responsibilities of government elicited ridiculous attacks about how liberals are infants who want mommy and daddy (the government) to give them jobs. These people have no idea how to think about the big picture. All they see is ideology, and that in the broadest possible terms. I swear that if they could fight with guns over the Internet instead of words, we’d all be dead a hundred times over. On second thought, it might have been my first post, which asserted that Bush is a whacked-out, beady-eyed extremist, that made them mad, though in fact no one has yet denied it. But in my defense, I said it because Towel Girl #3 made fun of John Edwards’ looks as a means to attack his opinions.


yeah, I read that lucy. His ‘intellectual’ response seems to be to make up mildly amusing nicknames and/or ‘insightful’ critiques of your internet handles. That’s around the red-baiting, Islam-hating talking points, of course.


It’s crazy and frustrating. It’s getting impossible to talk to right-wingers (and I know a few myself) because all they know is extreme hatred of the left and a bunch of stereotypical insults to throw at us. A really closed bunch of minds. I know we’re biased, too, sometimes very biased, but what I see with them is a desire to annihilate those who disagree with them, not to make things better in the world. And I guess just saying that makes me a wimpy loser, huh? With them, it’s always all-out war. Someone says something you don’t like, push the button and let ’em have it with the nuclear weapons.


The website’s stories are so poorly written and reasoned that you have to wonder whether it is serious or merely parody. I hope for the latter but fear it’s the former.


Lady Raven has just called me a “slimetwat.” 😀 😀 😀 You’re missing some good vitriol, people.


Lucy, you are right about that. I have been reading some Free Republic threads about the Ann Coulter fiasco at Uconn, and they are full of rhetoric like that. They think that they are right, that everyone who dares to disagree with them is in bad faith, in league with terrorists or foreign subversives, and deserves to be eliminated. Not only that but their enemies are stupid, irrational commie-Nazis who hate free speech and America. (like ‘Raven’ telling you to grow up)

Nothing says rational like ‘slimetwat!’ Take that, liberal scum!


Tecnically, Holland is a province in The Netherlands. In practice Americans usually consider them one and the same.


Not that anyone but Ianua Ditis is paying attention ;), but I just tried to comment over there again and got a notice that my comment was rejected as “spam.” I guess that’s their solution to people who manage to post coherent dissenting views and rebut their filthy language without resorting to the use of “fucking slimetwat”. Dan Someone, if you’re reading this, what I wanted to say in public to those people was that you should lay off Raven (ha) because I like her and want to be just like her when I grow up, so pretty and nice and civil. Just like a lady. I’m going to be like Raven as soon as I learn to swear like an angry Finnish sailor.



I’m still here, and commenting over at that aussie thread. I guess it’s a matter of time before I get banned, too.

It’s facinating on how those folks won’t call you “democrap” or “leftie” or some other “clever” rightie slur, but a full-on commie (Marx included)! I mean, shouldn’t they build up to that kind of attack? I didn’t even get into means of production yet!

What’s “slimetwat” mean in Finnish? Does it have something to do with halibut?


Lucy, there you are!

And don’t forget that people like Raven are all that stand between us and…something.


Hi, verplanck. I was enjoying it. I’m glad you’re still there. I dragged in the idea of Finnish swearing because there was quite a vogue for it ’round these parts (SadNo) a few months ago. I haven’t been back much since then, so it’s still fresh in my mind. It would have been a kind of tip o’ the hat to any Sadly, No! readers over at the Towel Blog.
You’re so right about their uncalibrated name-calling. They could have worked their way up to calling me a doctrinaire Marxist, huh? 😉 I wanted to say to that one guy who quote Lenin at me that I’ve never actually read Lenin, and that being for some minimal amount of economic sharing doesn’t make me a party-line Marxist-Leninist. I love the way they think that if you want to (I’m sorry to use this term) redistribute the wealth a little bit, that means you’re a big baby who wants the government to bail you out. They just can’t believe that someone who wants to help others–and not help business in some half-assed pursuit of trickle-down theory–isn’t a smelly, potsmoking, abortion-having, whiny, tree-hugging hippie. (OK, I’m a tree- and bunny-hugger, but no to all the others.) On the contrary, I am a responsible homeowner and full-time worker being slowly squeezed out of the middle class (stagnant wages for years now, rising cost of everything) who STILL would rather have her money go toward establishing some baseline of fairness for her fellow citizens than toward their vision of an anarchic-libertarian free-for-all. I love it when they say, “If you don’t make enough money, then get an education and find a better-paying job.” Uh, I have a degree from a Seven Sisters college, and I’m barely making it. What if decades of rampant corporate greed and deregulation have put all the cards in the hands of the business owners, not the workers? What jobs are we supposed to get? Some few will always be lucky, I guess, and that’s what those people keep their eyes on.


Hi, shingles! I’m enjoying your comments as well. Man, them bitches cold, huh?


Cold, clueless, and angry.
They didn’t like you one bit.
I suppose you set them off by trying to actually make a point. I avoid that through my adamant and resolute (if not steely) pointlessness. Inanity is my middle name (located between the n and the g – just rub lemon).


Um. That didn’t quite sound wholesome, did it.


Ice Box Randroid Nurses with Anger Issues?

That’s hot!

I only have volumes 1 through 75. I have to buy this newest one just to see how the work in the fucking slimetwat action. Conservo-stalinism is so so kinky nad dirty. Thank Baby Christmas Jesus my fetish is finally being served by the blessed free market!


adamant and steely pointlessness . . . just rub lemonI see what you mean. Delightful, my good man/woman. (that’s a presumed either/or, not both.) I don’t have a middle name, but “Inanity” and “Slimetwat” are both in the running as of today. I don’t know, which do you think will look better on my engraved writing paper? I think I’ll hold off on that decision. Don’t worry about it not being wholesome, but seriously, rubbing lemon between your N and your G could really sting! Please be careful.


P.S. Okay, who posted the indignant message from one Fucking Slimetwat? That had me laughing out loud.


Guilty, Lucy.

Jes doin’ mah jerb.


from new hampshire?

no kidding.


Why am I not surprised they are from NH, the sole outpost of redneck thought north of the Mason-Dixon…

Heh. It’s so cute that you think that.


Anyone who thinks rednecks in NE are concentrated in New Hampshire hasn’t traveled into northern Vermont or Maine. Come up to my neck of the woods and I’ll show you folks that make these ladies seem downright civilized…


For that matter, rednecks are quite concentrated just to the north of Mason-Dixon line.

A question: why enter verbal spats with supporters of skinheads?


What’s with all the left-of-lefty bashing, anyway? I notice a lot of folks respond to the “Commie” bash by saying, “No socialist here! I’ve never even read Marx. Don’t like Lenin. I won’t even watch the Marx brothers!”

I guess the positive sign is that this is where we were 10 years ago in regards to the term “Liberal”. Another 10 years of Republican government, and we’ll have a real Social Democrat movement going. I know many of us know better here, but just to remind you; liberal does not equal traitor, and socialism does not equal Soviet communism.


Though, I would point out, I think it is important to make the distinction between “left of [conservative writer in question]” and “commie”.
I’ve read some of Marx, and some of Lenin- both have interesting (if terribly boring in many parts, and often far-too-idealistic-to-be-salvageable in many cases, like Adam Smith or even Rand, I suppose) ideas, but mostly, they consist of crap, in my opinion.
I think it is important to appriciate that most Democratic voters have never agreed to any worthwhile extent with the socialist philosophy, and are instead more concerned with adding a modicrum more of governmental regulation in our already mixed economy, or are in it for other issues entirely (abortion, for example).
Me? I’m a moderate left kind of guy (almost conservative in a classical sense, as far as the speed and amount of study involved as to the implementation of so-called “progressive” programs and movements). There are many things I agree with the Dems on, some (one or two) with Moderate Republicans and Conservative Democrats, and many with neither.
More specifically, I severely dislike the parties’ and their most fierce partisans’ bipolar jingoizing of the issues- “pro-life”/”pro-choice”, “pro-gun”/”anti-gun”, “fascist”/”communist”, etc. etc.
Where’s the nuance? With such complex issues, such black and white outlooks inevitably lead to loopholes, where undeserving people get screwed, on both extreme.
Since we cavort with the craziest of the misguided, the “true believers” who have no doubt (a sign of insanity, or at the very least, an overabundance of vanity), there is no room on their parts for any nuance or middle-ground. Their “middle-ground” is still on their ground, just near the edge of it, where the earth immidietely drops off into a bottomless, black chasm where nothing exists, but where lies “everything else” (which is, of course, “evil”).
Let ’em red-bait. We aren’t communists, and thusly their insults are tragically misplaced- so much so that one should instead have a laugh at their expense for being so foolish.


And the joy continues. Raven keeps responding to me in comments to that one post. It’s just so… meta.


Surprised you are still allowed to post there – I’m (sadly) now considered spam.


Major Woody, sorry to say it, but I think you were being oversensitive to my clarification about Lenin if you saw “bashing” in it. When I said I hadn’t read Lenin, that didn’t necessarily mean that I didn’t think he was worth reading. My point was that the commenter was wrong, and that I was not a party-line Marxist spouting something I’d read because I thought it was cool. Whatever I was saying that set him off was something I personally felt and had arrived at because of my personal experience and values. I was trying to point out how exaggerated is his sense of what is “communist.” Marxism is a dirty word to him. But what I object to is being put in that tiny little Marxist-Leninist box because I happened to say something that he thought was extremist. It’s kind of like what Guinness Guy was saying. Just saying that you don’t adhere to a certain political philosophy doesn’t mean you are pooh-poohing it. I don’t read philosophy of any kind, because I don’t find it readable. This is an intellectual flaw of mine, but I don’t find philosophy compelling enough to work at overcoming it. Dan Someone, you are fighting a good fight! It’s fun to read.


Lucy, I just like to keep throwing the words “fucking slimetwat” back in her face. I’m going to see how long I can continue to reply with that phrase before she bans me or bursts into flame or something.


How come you can still post?!

I’m now considered spam.

Then again, some people have always considered me to be spam.


Is anyone else here having trouble posting?

Here, not at the house of angry white nurses.


I don’t know. She keeps letting me post, though. (Maybe she has a crush on me.)


Perhaps you’re the strong, assertive man she’s been looking for (and she’s the hardcore bitch you’ve always dreamed of…)…


Hey, I got through…not expecting to get through I typed ?fucking slimetwat? as a test…and up it pops…and then look like an ass in the process…typical.


You know, that’s the first time I’ve ever been banned from a website. I guess I wanted my first time to be more special. I should have tried Free Republic first, not some podunk fascist backwater. 😉


Hey, I just looked at the Aussie thread over there, and Raven is talking about how she used to be a liberal. I think she has a split personality, because now she’s softened her talk and made it much less hateful. Is she really an F-ing ST, or what is going on with her? :-/


Hey, I just looked at the Aussie thread over there, and Raven is talking about how she used to be a liberal. I think she has a split personality, because now she’s softened her talk and made it much less hateful. Is she really an F-ing ST, or what is going on with her? :-/

Ooops, sorry, I mean it was the slimetwat thread, not the Australia one.


Lucy, what is your secret? I’ve tried every trick in the book to get myself banned over here, if nothing else, to gain persecutory credibility, but to no freakin’ avail.


My secret is talking sense, I guess–I didn’t do it intentionally. I wasn’t in it for any self-referential reason. I am disappointed that people on the other side of the spectrum just want to hear themselves talk and score cheap, easy points and then ban you. Lord knows I’d welcome any evidence that they actually listened to what one says.


Do you know who was responsible for getting you, Lucy? I have obvious major clout with right-wingers. And I’m a huge believer in free speech. I’d like to try to get you
unbanned. I consider it part of my mission from God.


The above entry should read “Do you know who was responsible for getting you “banned”, Lucy?” Sorry: Freudian slip.


Thanks, Dr BLT. I assume it was Raven, since she was the blogger of that particular item. But no thanks, I’m done with that site now. I learned what kind of people they are, and if I’m going to talk to my political opposites, I’d rather it be with someone who wants to.In an ecumenical quid pro quo, though, I’d be happy to have a word with Brad or Gavin and ask that you be banned from Sadly, No!, though. 😉


Now you’ve called my bluff, Lucy. What can I say? I guess we’ll have to go on with this overwhelming sense of being indebted to one another.


Now you’ve got me all neurotic and paranoid, Lucy. Getting banned from “Sadly, no!” would be like Adam and Eve, when they were banished from the Garden of Eden, only without Eve.


Getting banned from “Sadly, no!” would be like Adam and Eve, when they were banished from the Garden of Eden, only without Eve.

Don’t worry, BLT, I’m sure we could set you up with Fred! And, yes, I know–theoretically, he’s a registered Democrat. Every family has its black sheep.


Thanks for the referral, Marq, but though I may remind you of the most condemning of hell, fire and brimestone preachers, there is one phrase that I offer than you will never find on Fred’s site:



Heh…. They’ve closed that thread to further comments.


So she closed with the old “I was a liberal until 2001” crap…so sad. D’ya think they ever notice that OBL not only killed 3000 of us,he managed to mindfuck thousands more? And speaking of crap, they honest-to-god don’t even admit that toilet seats are swarming with germs. I see future Golden Wankers for the lot.



Help, help–I’m being harassed! Actually, Christ himself mostly leaves me alone, so I’m cool with that. Being dead for almost 2000 years helps in that department. It’s his annoying acolytes that tend to rub me the wrong way. Would that great Cthulhu would awaken and fuck their shit up. It’d be apocalyptic enough that they might actually enjoy the first couple o’ seconds of it. But, after that, the screaming. Good times.


Actually, Marq, Jesus is not dead. I should know, I just talked to Him this morning.


I don’t think so.
I talked to him last night and he was pretty damn loaded, so I figure he’s still in bed sleeping it off.

And Rightly So seems to have let their guard down and comments are now permitted again.


That must have been a poser, shingles. The only thing the Jesus I talked to was loaded on was love.


Oh, BLT–how could you? It’s a grand Sadly, No! tradition that if you get a hundredth comment to post something along the lines of “100… bitchez!” OK, I get it–it’s vulgar, and you probably think of it as “liberal group-think.” Well, bah, humbug.







Oh, and BTW…













101, bitchez!!!


Dirty Sanchez.


103…gotta pee.


What can I say? 100 means nothing to me. I’m just waiting for the one after 109.
If you’re a Beatles fan, you’ll understand the significance of that one.


You know, Marq, I’m actually beginning to like you, but only in a “manly, heterosexual way,” of course.

Only 5 more posts to go before the one after 109.


(comments are closed)