It’s a feud, it isn’t a feud…
So in my gently satirical post about how to gain traffic by starting a faux feud, anti-Pajamas Media site ‘Sadly No’ excerpted the opening part of my post, and utterly failed to read the rest of it to realize I was poking fun of using controversy to gain traffic, thus proving the adage that those who choose not read have no advantage over those who can’t.
To add even more class to the post, they photoshopped a piece of fruit over my face.*
I guess its always easier to tear things down to create them. Or just to even stop and read them.
Posted by tobias at December 9, 2005 02:26 PM | TrackBack
Well, maybe it looks easy.
After our gently satiric post on gaining traffic by starting a faux blog feud, enemy of humanity Tobias Buckell once again attacks his blood-smeared keyboard with pounding fist, howling vile and deadly insults across the Internet.
It is almost too much, Buckell. Our patience is long, but the suffering of many may soon call us to action.
*Dep’t of Yes, It Happens: Coffee literally sprayed the monitor with this sentence. It’s a fruitface blogjam!
Is that even more meta then, because he’s continuing the feud? And who’s to say you weren’t playing along? I mean how insulting is it really to have a piece of fruit on your head? Was it a lime? I mean, that’s just funny. Hey lime head! F*** that so insulting.
Maybe if you add some tonic. I think he’s providing the gin.
Yea, I think the “meta” levels are reaching critical mass.
Which is worse if he doesn’t get the joke or if the joke isn’t dead yet?
on the other hand, when are the Bulls going to rise up against their masters…that’s a war I’m looking forward to (after the blogjam, of course)
Could somebody gently explain to these guys how things work. They might accidently make a baby.
That’s really smart of them. Wait, I better not be sarcastic, as functional literacy seems to have deserted them.
Or maybe they’re doing exactly what you were making fun of.
Posted by: Tony at December 9, 2005 03:01 PM
Reading iz hard.
Posted by: Liz at December 9, 2005 03:01 PM
Q: How do you know when you’ve really made it as a blogger?
A: They photoshop your picture so you’re wearing a piece of giant fruit on your head.
Posted by: JeremyT at December 9, 2005 03:21 PM
What would be amazing is that guys head on the dancing banana, and have the banana still dance. Is it possible? Dare I dream?
What he should really be upset about is that I’ve seen that fruit before on a cat’s head.
Also, the fruit isn’t really over his face. And if it was, I think we can all agree it would be a blessing.
Oh snap!
I’m doing my best to fan the flames there PP but it’s hard to find the right line between erudite and pointless that will hopefully get my comment approved. Approved, damnit!
Sorry, Yo — I get a little carried away sometimes when somebody attacks S.N!
anti-Pajamas Media?
So that means Sadly, No! isn’t a joke about to collapse under the weight of too much dumb?
So that means Sadly, No! isn’t a joke about to collapse under the weight of too much dumb?
Indeed. It’s something I’ll proudly tell my grandkids.
Yeah, I wasn’t quite sure why “anti-Pajamas Media” was used as a pejorative. It’s like having sneering that you’re ‘anti-Enron’.
And someone tell Johnathan Swift over there that being ‘gently satirical’ over something intrinsically meaningless (and which doesn’t change the context at all), isn’t generally effective satire.
And I thought the fruit was actually some kind of nerf helmet.
the adage that those who choose not read have no advantage over those who can’t
Me choose not read? Uh oh!
[See updated link]
Choose read. Always choose read. Except sometimes choose look at pictures, especially pictures naked ladies. (But really only read articles, honest.)
Lost. What saying?
“anti-Pajamas Media.”
That’s it: You’re objectively pro-Kos. Nothing else you say matters.
It’s a pomelo helmet!
How can you be an avid blog reader that chooses not to read? Isn’t that like being a Cheney supporter that doesen’t want to electrocute peoples testicles?
Oh, c’mon. You’re more than just anti-pajamas media to me.
There’s also… Well, the creepy cats, for one. And that dancing banana.
Do they think the whole of the internets sprang into being when they did?
Wow! Someone’s jammies are twisted into a tight knot. Maybe he’s not a fruit lover.
Really, Gavin, you went after him too hard. He likes it gentle. Be sensitive to his needs.
anti-Pajamas Media site ‘Sadly No’
I love how they write that as if foiling the valiant warriors of Pajama Party was the raison d’etre of this site.
I guess in their world, you’re either with them or against them.
I guess in their world, you’re either with them or against them
I believe the ‘on the other side’ is what the kids are saying these days.
I’m surprised he didn’t complain about you in his kos diary.
doesn’t he know who he is messing with? The soon to be top 251-500 Blog? Show some respect!
Who does he think he is, Michael Berube?
Hey, Sadly, No!..The Canadian Prime Minister called Bush a fucktard today, and the Canadian Ambassador to the US is being threatened with a caning, and you’re more interested in taunting the albino lab mice running the maze known as Pajamas Media?
Evil. You’re all evil.
Mal de mer, I also heard that Bill Clinton has been trying to influence the Canadian election? Have you heard anything about that?
You guys are so much more than ‘anti-Pajamas Media’. I mean, nobody’s more anti-Limp Bizkit than Sadly, No!I say unleash the kittens of doom! Toby is just BEGGING for a counterstrike!
When someone puts a lime on my head, I make lemonade out of it. What? I can’t make lemonade out of a lime? Hey, if Jesus can turn water into wine, and Jesus is a friend of mine, why can’t I turn a lime into a lemon and then proceed to take the next logical step? Have you ever tried that mmmLemonheads?
Mal de mer, I also heard that Bill Clinton has been trying to influence the Canadian election? Have you heard anything about that?
Martin and Clinton appeared at an event together. Some media (and half-witted Conservatives) spun this as some kind of “influencing” but it’s really Martin knowing he can appear with Clinton and it won’t hurt. Not like Bush, who’s the kiss of death right now.
American presidents don’t influence elections here; they just present situations to illustrate how the relationship between the leaders of the two countries will be. Traditionally, Liberal prime ministers don’t get along with Republican presidents (which should surprise no one).
The NRA and the Religious Right (through Focus on the Family Canada) are trying to influence the elections, though…and they may find themselves in a lot of trouble soon.
Why is Dr. BLT posting under several new screen-names?
BLT, I’ve got one two three four five senses working overtime, trying to tell the difference between a lemon and a lime and your obnoxious posts.
Thanks for clarifying that for me, Mal de mer. I always knew deep in my heart that Bill’s intentions were pure, and that he would never even think of meddling in other peoples’ elections.
“Why is Dr. BLT posting under several new screen-names?”
Sidhe told me I should get help, so I sent myself to a psychologist, (namely, myself, the only psychologist I trust), and he (me) told me I should explore different sides of myself. My new screen-names reflect the different sides of myself. If you’re not happy with them, I can once again repress them and become more seriously disturbed than I already am.
“BLT, I’ve got one two three four five senses working overtime, trying to tell the difference between a lemon and a lime and your obnoxious posts.”
Sorry for the stimulus overload, Andy. Let me clarify things for you. If your post were a Pontiac, it would be a lemon. I’m kidding, Andy. Actually “obnoxious” is the nicest compliment I’ve received here in the past month, so my self-esteem got a much-needed boost when I came across your blog entry. Thank you very much!
i always knew it!
le docteur > n’existe pas!!!
When someone puts a lime on my head, I make lemonade out of it. What? I can’t make lemonade out of a lime?
Reminds me of my favorite movie line ever from Drowning Mona:
When life gives you potatoes, you make potato salad.
Well, life give me shit, what do I make out of that?
Shit salad?
What sort of dressing do you recommend on such a salad, Yosef?