That reminds me of something…
Posted on May 18th, 2009 by
Reading this entry from Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog…:
First of all, I’m not sure how it compromises the vice president’s security to say that in an emergency he might be where he actually lives, but hey, I’m not Fox News:
Biden Reveals Location of Secret VP Bunker
Vice President Joe Biden, well-known for his verbal gaffes, may have finally outdone himself, divulging potentially classified information meant to save the life of a sitting vice president.
…brings back old memories of this little flash animation from way back…
I’m not saying exactly where the secret VP location is, but I’m betting there’s a stack of Hustler Magazines there dating back to the early 80s.
When Hustler was at its best.
“Joe, we’ve traced the location of the bunker, and it’s inside your house! Get out! Get out now before it’s too late!!!”
Nobody post the address of Leavenworth (the prison, not the town) in the near future, plz.
That way the location can remain secure for future use.
“potentially classified information”
It never ends. Everything is potentially classified information.
Yes, deep dark secrets, unavailable to anyone save the most tech savvy, who must root for days amongst the back corners of the intarwebz.
Joe Biden has also allowed Google Earth to show the Naval Observatory again. It was all pixalated during the Cheney years. The White House you could see just fine. Kind of like on 9/11 when Cheney was rushed to an undisclosed location and Bush just sat there pretty much in the open. Seems to me the security priorities were a bit screwed up in those days. I should think that all the Secret Service agents that were assigned to Bush that day were fired for not moving him out quickly. The spin on that was that they did not want to panic the children. If I had been a parent of one of those kids, I would have gone ballistic that they let them sit in that school which at the time had to be considered a highly likely target.
Fox Nooz’s list of Biden gaffes is vault copy WTF???
You know what’s “amusing yet cringe-worthy”? Biden said brigades when he should have said batallions! LOLZZZZ!!
(8:31 a.m., Somewhere in Pakistan)
Mohammed Al Ishtam: We have secret information sent to us by our spies in America. We know the location of the President of the United States.
Osama bin Laden: Ah, you are geniuses! You will be glorified by Allah in the afterlife! So where does he reside?
Ishtam: Apparently in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington D.C. It’s a large white building with heavy security, but because we know the location, we can automatically blow it up.
You know, given those documents from Rumsfeld that came out recently. Where it’s clear they are meant to pander to Bush’s naive religiosity. I have to wonder that some of this security theater on Cheney’s part wasn’t meant for us, but for Bush.
“Oh my God you’re back! Quick! You duck into the Oval Office while go back to my *wink* undisclosed location. Here’s your boyscout flashlight. You remember the all clear signal right??”
Given how fucking stupid Bush is it wouldn’t surprise me a bit.
Google Earth pixillates the wierdest things. I was trying to get an overhead view of SUNY Stonybook (my old stomping grounds) a while back and while I could get a clear picture of the campus itself, the Health Science Center (which looks for all the world like the robot alien from the movie Kronos I couldn’t get a clear view of that area.
I’ve got a bunch of nuclear missile silos out West bookmarked that you can’t see too clearly either, but it makes a little more sense in that case.
It does not surprise me that Cheney holed up with the Enclave. (Shout out to my Fallout 3 homeys!)
Tunnel Snakes rule!
it’s clear they are meant to pander to Bush’s naive religiosity.
And his stiffy for soldier things.
Can’t decide if the Rummy documents were Jesus porn with bonus War, or War porn with bonus Jesus; but both aspects were central to the chimpification process. And given Boosh always wanted information in 20 word summaries, what’s the bet Codpiece focused on the bible-war eye candy and nothing else?
Jesus has a boner for war pr0n.
It makes me sad that isn’t even satire anymore.
It does not surprise me that Cheney holed up with the Enclave. (Shout out to my Fallout 3 homeys!)
Next thing you know the liberal MSM will be revealing the location of the Black Mesa research complex.
Caught Glennn Beckk on the radio while taking the progeny to school (because I’m a masochist, that’s why!) and much was being made of this totally crucial issue. Though the schizophrenic bouncing between “Biden is gaffe mosheen it is to funny forevar!!!” and “Al Jazeera wants to book an interview he will tell nuke launch codes DOOM and PERIL” made me dizzy.
I pulled over, switched the radio to the news on Nice Polite Republicans and felt much better.
“Next thing you know the liberal MSM will be revealing the location of the Black Mesa research complex.”
Joe Biden told me it’s the highest point in Oklahoma, up in the top corner of the panhandle. So great, now Al Quaeda knows.
I wonder where the outcry is from the Faux Gnus team on the outrageous expense of building yet another secret location for Cheney. Why didn’t he just shop here.
Next up, ground-breaking at Ground Zero reveals the place of the Freedom Tower in NYC.
Sirius Lunacy, I especially like that all of the lairs come with a “convenient, obvious self-destruct mechanism”. And most have tiger pits. A must for supervillains.
And even better, this NEW! product:
But what about when you’re out and about? What if you’re miles from home, and suddenly need to self-destruct?
Presenting the Portable OAASDM, from World Domination LLC Specialty Products Division. It’s the perfect gift for that special villain, mad doctor, criminal mastermind or despot.
the Health Science Center (which looks for all the world like the robot alien from the movie Kronos I couldn’t get a clear view of that area.
Not as surprising as you might think, considering it’s Ground Zero for Brookhaven casualties.
Nice flash animation. Dick is a Dick.
Thanks for making me laugh. The animation is hilarious. (You guys could sell that to The Daily Show.)
If the evil Moozlim hordes want to smoke Cheney they don’t need Biden’s help – they can just find out which TeeVee show he’ll be on next & do it LIVE ON-AIR … seriously, talk about galloping Attention-Whore Syndrome – he’s making Britney Spears look like Greta Garbo. Get him a regular guest-spot on FOX & isolate the ugliness, says I.
That Flash link is tumescent with win for including the theme from ancient Canuck game-show “Definition” (which started each episode with a go-go dancer shimmying in silhouette while that rockin’ tune bopped along) – hosted by the original delivery-system for a ferocious hairpiece, Jim Perry.
Not to mention the use of headcrabs in “enhanced interrogation techniques”, which Nancy Pelosi totally knew about at the time. And the real reason why crowbars are banned in City 17–er, DC.
Well, duh! Now that they know where to aim their orbital ion-cannon, we’re all and truly fu…what? They don’t? Then why the hell have I been hiding under my bed and wearing adult dipers for the past eight years?!
I suppose that if you genuinely believe that Biden is not a real VP, but is merely a caretaker until Cheney returns to office, then it makes sense to broaden the definition of ‘gaffe’ to include “Examining the security arrangements set in place by one’s predecessor and
rejecting them as self-aggrandising hysterianot demanding them for oneself”.Or if you want to foster the idea that Biden is not a real VP.
Otherwise, not.
I used to live on the mountain right across from Raven Rock, which we just called the underground Pentagon. We had a balcony with a teloscope to watch all the helicopters. The location was so secret, everyone driving to Ski Liberty got to see it.
Joe Biden has also allowed Google Earth to show the Naval Observatory again. It was all pixalated during the Cheney years. The White House you could see just fine. Kind of like on 9/11 when Cheney was rushed to an undisclosed location and Bush just sat there pretty much in the open. Seems to me the security priorities were a bit screwed up in those days. I should think that all the Secret Service agents that were assigned to Bush that day were fired for not moving him out quickly. The spin on that was that they did not want to panic the children. If I had been a parent of one of those kids, I would have gone ballistic that they let them sit in that school which at the time had to be considered a highly likely target
Damn I hope 9/ don’t get wind of this!
So let me get this straight: to get the secret location Pelosi ordered waterboarding of Biden? or Cheney? (both?)
So Fox’s complaint is that Joe Biden isn’t as big a pussy as Dick Cheney?
I thought that was self-evident.
The VP “secret location” is at a different site entirely, and was exposed years ago by Bamford.
For what it’s worth, the secret bunker Cheney used after 9/11 was located near Camp David at Raven Rock Mountain in Pennsylvania. How do we know this? The following Knight-Ridder report about James Bamford’s book A Pretext for War: “Known familiarly to government insiders as the “underground Pentagon,” this is where Vice President Dick Cheney set up shop in the aftermath of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, and where he sometimes is when his office is being secretive about Cheney’s whereabouts. The location is a highly secure complex of buildings inside Raven Rock Mountain near Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., close to the Maryland-Pennsylvania state line and about seven miles north of Camp David.”…The year this article was published? 2004.…_gate_par.html
How did we all cope?
If you review the entirety of human history, you would not find a nation, anywhere, ever, as secure from foreign invasion, than the USA in 2009. This would still be true if we cut our armed forces by 95%. I don’t quite know how to break this to the wingers, but all of those terribly vulnerable nations in all that long history, including our own nation for most of its history, somehow managed to survive with everybody knowing where their back-up heads of state lived. They mostly have managed without even taking any unusual or particular means of defense or extra security for the residences of their secondary, back-up, heads of state.
Some countries are ruled by governments of law and not of men, and some by governments of men and not of law. Ours is the only country I know where the political discourse is governed by the lowest common denominator of pure nutcases.
Cheney’s secret underground bunker? A sewer would have been more appropriate.