This is the best:

Donald E. Wildmon, founder and chairman of the American Family Association (AFA), used the occasion of the December 5 broadcast of AFA Report, his daily program on AFA-operated American Family Radio (AFR), to suggest that some members of the religious right would withdraw support for Israel if a prominent activist against anti-Semitism did not cease his criticism of it.

Y’know, this is why it’s really dangerous to advance your cause by enlisting the aid of lunatics- you never know when they’re gonna turn on you (see also: America’s arming of Afghani freedom fighters against the Soviets).

During the broadcast, Wildmon stated that Anti-Defamation League (ADL) President Abraham H. Foxman “got himself kind of in a bind” by criticizing the religious right. “[T]he strongest supporters Israel has are members of the religious right — the people he’s fighting,” Wildmon said. “[T]he more he says that ‘you people are destroying this country,’ you know, some people are going to begin to get fed up with this and say, ‘Well, all right then. If that’s the way you feel, then we just won’t support Israel anymore.’ “

Y’hear that, Foxman? Donny’s willing to forsake the Rapture just to spite you. Tsk, tsk, tsk.


Comments: 20


Huh, that is weird. Cause, it’s not like Christians have ever taken a disliking to the Jews before or anything like that.


You hear that, Jews? No Armageddon for you!


They’ll get around to dropping support for Isreal right after they finish their boycott of WalMart for the whole happy holidays thing.


No jews, (as in modern jews), no Christianity. They are the ones who keep gentiles interested in this anti-European faith.

Foxman should attack the Christmas tree, and Santa as pagan, and therefore anti-semitic, rituals. That will get the rightwing back to servitude.

To you fools who think paganism, ain’t “anti-semitic”, any religion by default is anti-semitic untill it accepts ur-Abrahamism, a small rite, a blessing by a Rabbi, and a placement in the hierarchy of Abrahamic faiths. Today’s popular paganism such as wicca, or religions such as Buddhism having a kosher seals of approval, are not pagan at all.


Uh, Cops, what exactly are you smoking over there?


And I was so sure those crazy kids would make it work…


Uh, OK. anyway, I love the barely hidden anti-semitism of Wildmon- basically “we only support the friggin Jews in Israel because of some douchebag reason, and if the Jews here get uppity, we’ll pull our support for the Jews there, because you know, all Jews are the same.”

Why doesn’t Wildmon come right out and say “If I see the Uncanny Canadian on the street, I’m gonna slap his face. I won’t even say what I’d do if I came across any of those sodomites.”

Well to you, Senor Wildman, if that is you real name, I say EAT IT.


Kaye Grogan has a “War On Christmas” rap! It’s super craptacular, too.


“Today’s popular paganism such as wicca, or religions such as Buddhism having a kosher seals of approval, are not pagan at all.” WTF???????? So, now I’m kosher just because you say so? What about my Native American friends? Dude, put down the crack pipe. The pagans I know don’t spend a whole lot of time worring about what other people believe. They’re funny that way. Much more focused on their own stuff, don’t pay much mind to the rest. No conversion agendas, etc. Wicca, truly a modernized form, is based on much older pagan beliefs. What about all the others? Unless you’re some kind of uber pagan scholar, I’m guessing you don’t know WTF you’re even talking about. Are you saying that beliefs don’t evolve over time and change? That new sects don’t emerge? Because I’m pretty sure both of those things happened with Christianity AND Judiasm….and no, I don’t practice Wicca, I belong to one of the other pagan belief systems. You’ll just have to guess which one.


…and as far as Wildmon goes, they’ve always used the relationship with Isreal to their own ends. They must believe the Rapture is a comin’ or they wouldn’t be making such stupid statements.No room in the agenda to criticize the Christian Right. There, be a good boy and shut up Mr. Foxman.


Damnit! They’re using the we’re-gonna-take-our-ball-and-go-home defense!


What I’ve often wondered about is the NeoTheo attempt to make the conditions “right” for the Rapture. Sort of artificially setting up what they think are the conditions in the world, such as the “full emergence” of the state of Israel (and full possession of Jerusalem, I think).

But isn’t this sort of scary? I mean, isn’t this trying to “tip” God’s hand? Isn’t this PUTTING GOD ‘TO THE TEST?’ The Bible specifically warns against, prohibits, bans, “thou shalt nots,” doing any such thing. “Thou shalt not put the Lord, thy God, to the test,” it says in Deuteronomy.

These fools is playin’ wid fire, man! Saying, “Hey, God! We got your Rapture Moment cued up! Come on! Do it! Do it!”

Thou shalt not piss off God! I just hope I’m not standing near one of them when his answer arrives.



Let em fight it out, means more power for the sane among us anyway.


…and no, I don’t practice Wicca, I belong to one of the other pagan belief systems. You’ll just have to guess which one.

Posted by: celticgirl | December 9, 2005 09:56 AM

Based on purely superficial reasons, my guess is druidism. 🙂


screw you guys, I’m going home


Why doesn’t Wildmon come right out and say “If I see the Uncanny Canadian on the street, I’m gonna slap his face. I won’t even say what I’d do if I came across any of those sodomites.”

Touch us in our special places? OK, I’ll say it for you all: “Fucking EEEWWW!!”


Anon: *BUZZER* Sorry, wrong answer. But, thanks for playing! My point is, while I follow a much older path than the Wiccans, I’ll defend their right to practice their beliefs. There is a lot of controversy in the pagan community about the ‘fluffy bunny’ pagans vs. the ‘real’ pagans. Mostly it’s the same trap other faith groups fall into with the finger pointing and “I’m better than you are” mentality. The whole “all pagans are anti-semitic” line just got my goat*. People who don’t know what they’re talking about should really just shut up. *No, not a goat worshipper either…


…I follow a much older path than the Wiccans…

I give up. Babylonian? Egyptian? Mayan?

Interestingly, in looking around for ancient religions to list here, I learned that one of the Hittite /Hurrian gods was named Anus, who was king in heaven for nine years before he had his phallus bitten off by his successor. I think we’ve found the perfect deity for the wingnuts.


The wingnuts bow down to the great god Anus! Well, that DOES make sense…Not that it matters which path I follow, but let’s just say our major holiday involves sex in the woods *wink*. Happy Holidays indeed!


My inaugural address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead, after I have raptured out billions!

At: http://www.angelfire.com/crazy/spaceman/

Your jaw will drop!

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End of Days,Day of the Lord,Endtime,Judgment Day


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