A Perfectly Frumulent Nerd

Above: Keymaster ISO Gatekeeper, must like Parcheesi.

David Frum’s recent trail of droppings:

“The cap-and-trade racket”

  • This conjunction of a corrupt political establishment and a large carbon-trading scheme is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the virtuous Red States whose wealth wicked Blue States hope to plunder. We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the pseudoenvironmentalist-Democrat complex.

“David Frum on Obama’s diplomacy: Working toward aspirations to promote a consensus on dialogue towards progress”

  • I totally wanted President Obama to join me in singing the old Bircher spiritual “U.S. out of the UN, UN out of the U.S.” but I guess liebruhls just don’t dig the classics.

“Netanyahu is not the barrier to peace”

  • Israel has given its rightwing a solid mandate. Israel now more than ever officially hates peace, bless its tribally righteous heart; therefore, anyone hoping to leverage the Israelis into making peace is a de facto enemy of Israel and potentially reveals himself as the inveterate Jew-hater he actually is, know what I mean, President Obama?

“Debating torture with David Frum on CNN”

  • Ok, right, so you have these insane civil libertarians on the one hand, who categorically disapprove of torture. While on the other hand, you have some misguided personality cultists (cough) who say, “If the President believes that we need to waterboard these ragheads, then his will must be done.” Then you have sensible, reasonable people like me, who think torture’s awesome if it works, which it does.

“Netanyahu: The Right Leader for the Right Time”

  • Silly Barack Obama, assuming American Jews will side with you against Benjamin Netanyahu! I mean, LOLOLOL!


  • What a bunch of brown nosers! You make me sick!

“The real Jane Harman scandal”

  • Jane Harman is just the latest victim in the anti-Semitic witch hunt of Israeli “spies” (who are actually American patriots) in Washington’s long Kristallnacht. Meanwhile, the real menace to American security, the New York Times, continues to get a free pass.



‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 208


David Frum has a face designed for (a) being punched and (b) being photoshopped onto pictures of crying babies.


Is that a harpoon sticking out of his ass in that photo? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


Washington’s Kristallnacht.

Isn’t that supposed to be Kristolnacht?


Please replace all pictures of David Frum with Buddy Cole.


Then you have sensible, reasonable people like me, who think torture’s awesome if it works, which it does.

The proof? War on Iraq!



Eeeeew. Get a room, you two!


Keymaster ISO Gatekeeper

Oh, look, it’s Rick Moronis!


Obama’s “Cap and Trade” (aka, TAX) scheme breaks a promise he made on the campaign trail–not to raise taxes on anyone that makes under $250,000 year.


This post is drastically unfair to Parcheesi.


Shorter Frum – “Obama’s been in office what, three months and still hasn’t achieved world peace? Pfftt!”

No to Cap and Tax

The “global warming” issue isn’t about science or the environment, and never was.

It’s about the government finding yet another excuse to control our lives. The Feds are just basically telling us “your wallets, gentlemen! hand them over!”


Lawrence Wilkerson gets so close:
And meanwhile fewer Americans identify as Republicans than at any time since WWII. We’re at 21% and falling–right in line with the number of cranks, reprobates, and loonies in the country.

Heh. And such as.

commie atheist

You know, slightly changing your fake name doesn’t make what you have to say any less stupid.


And meanwhile fewer Americans identify as Republicans than at any time since WWII. We’re at 21% and falling–right in line with the number of cranks, reprobates, and loonies in the country.

I resemble that remark!


The Feds are just basically telling us “your wallets, gentlemen! hand them over!”

Then your belts, gentemen. And your suspenders. Shoelaces, please.

You can keep your hat on.


You can keep your hat on.

They can keep their boxers on, too. Ewwww.


corporations count as people now?

I say that as an ex-person.

But being dead is a great tax advantage!! Anyone worried about making more than $250k should try it!!!

No to Cap and Tax

Whats next? Are we going to have government monitoring of how high or low we keep our thermostats? Gasoline rationing? A limit on the number of cars you can own? Where does it end?


So even “free market” solutions to environmental problems aren’t good enough for the Dumbshit Falange Party, eh?

And yes, the GUMMINT is controlling our lives! Why, just this very morning I had the Federal Department of Hosiery call me up and demand that I wear white socks today. That was after the Secretary of Bodily Coverings decided what shirt I would wear. WHERE WILL IT STOP!?levety


corporations count as people now?

Yes. Have been for well over 100 years. Precisely the problem.

No to Cap and Tax

It’s not a “free market” solution. It’s a government mandated tax on energy, everything from heating your home to charging your cell phone to using your computer. It will raise ALL our energy bills!


My Israeli friend refers to Netanyahu as “Bibi the Bitch.” Jus’ sayin’.

Also, I suppose in Frumworld, it makes perfect sense to describe ole Bibi the Bitch as having a “mandate,” since “mandate” has been helpfully redefined as “using sleazy backroom deals and electoral jiggery-pokery to grab the leadership away from your opponent who was leading by a hair.”


David Frum has a face designed for (a) being punched and (b) being photoshopped onto pictures of crying babies.

I say that crying babies have faces designed to be punched, but this upsets people, when I say it.


It will raise ALL our energy bills!

*crash of thunder* DA-DUN_DUNNNNNNNN!

No to Cap and Tax

Maybe you’re ok with thousands of dollars more in energy bills, Pere, but what about the “working man” the Democrat Party supposedly represents?


OMG the government can levy taxes! This is an entirely new, radical lefty libby loony Nazi-Commie notion!


No to Cap and Tax

“OMG the government can levy taxes! This is an entirely new, radical lefty libby loony Nazi-Commie notion!”

The Obamamessiah said he wouldn’t raise taxes on people making less than $250,000/year. Cap and Tax would do just that.


Y’know, I pay about €0.19/kWh for hydro power. For a small apartment with two people and several computers, it tops out at €60/month. Oh noes, I’m going broke.

In the US, the average electricity price is about half that. So what the fuck are you whining about?


Dear fool/troofie/thang,

Get help. Really, you have a serious problem which often leads to personal harm for one’s self and others. Medications and/or counseling is usually effective in treating your illness. You’ll feel much better. Please do it for yourself, not for us.

No to Cap and Tax

“In the US, the average electricity price is about half that. So what the fuck are you whining about?”

I don’t want us going down the shitter like your Euro-socialist nanny state, Brit.

Ted the Slacker

To be serious for a moment, Conrad Black’s rentboy is trying to reinvent the GOP. How’s he doing:

1. Al Gore suckz. Check
2. John Bolton rulz. Check
3. Likud rocks. Check
4. Torture fetishist. Check
6. Fucking Chavez. Check

That’s one revolutionary muthafucka.


You know, I could extract a little bit less profit from my captive consumers but I’d rather spend hundreds of millions on a media campaign to convince them that creating a carbon commodity market is a BIG GUBBMIT TAX that has nothing to with my greed or sense of entitlement.


This conjunction of a corrupt political establishment and a large carbon-trading scheme is new in the American experience.

Apparently, David Frum has never heard of the Teapot Dome Scandal.

Yes. It was Republican….

o/~ David Frum could out consum William Freidrich Buckley…o/~


Maybe you’re ok with thousands of dollars more in energy bills, Pere

Why not? After all, the U.N. Socialist World Controllers and Illuminati stopped by this morning to confiscate my guns, pictures of guns, books about pictures of guns, books on how to draw pictures of guns, Bibles, toothpicks, sharpened pencils, nailclippers, and copies of anything by Ayn Rand.What more do I have to lose?


Whats next? Are we going to have government monitoring of how high or low we keep our thermostats? Gasoline rationing? A limit on the number of cars you can own? Where does it end?

I suppose it will end when asshats like you start living IN this world, rather than OFF OF it.

No to Cap and Tax

BTW, this won’t even really reduce carbon emissions.

Hear that sound? It’s the sound of a new coal fired power plant going online in China. One goes on line every day to provide cheap electricity. How is the cap-and-tax scheme going to stop that? It won’t.


FAIL. England is not on the euro.

No to Cap and Tax

Well wherever the hell he’s from. France and Germany and Belgium are even worse.


Conrad Black’s rentboy

Now, now. You know the rules, Ted.

It’s “Conrad Man of Color‘s rentboy”.

I’m afraid this is going to mean another six weeks of re-Neducation for you.


How is the cap-and-tax scheme going to stop that?

When Preznit Palin is ‘lected in 2012 we can invade China and make them all clean it up themselves with wire brushes and lots of soap.

There. That make it better?


BTW, this won’t even really reduce carbon emissions.

Sure it will. It already has in Europe.

See, the incentive for smaller companies is to reduce carbon emissions to as close to zero as possible, thus maximizing profit on the credits they can sell.

I’m surprised you don’t get that. It’s all perfectly Randian.

Oh wait. You only mouth platitudes. You’ve never actually studied the shit.


France and Germany and Belgium are even worse

Yea. God knows a country that promises a college education to anyone who can qualify for one must be horrible to live in…

China, India, the entire fucking Third World

“Sure it will. It already has in Europe.”

And we made up for it.


Cap’n Trade is the least of the Obamasatan’s injustices. By not leasing the US Navy for use as a pirate fleet on the Indian Ocean, he is depriving us of untold booty. How are billionaires supposed to leave a generous tip without pirate booty?

It is an unbearable tax on single mother waitresses, which breaks every campaign promise that fiendishly clever incompetant buffoon has made.


actor, I think he means the terrible dark mooslins running rampant in those countries.


France and Germany and Belgium are even worse

Mr. Troll thinks the only worthy things to come out of Europe are the lolipr0n magazines he hides in his closet when his mom comes over to clean.


When my California energy bills rose because of Enron manipulating the market it was perfectly fine, but Cap and Trade, OH NOES!!!


Will Cap’n Trade get me high tonight, and take me to my special island?


I presume foolie/troofie/neurosisboy would be fine with paying more for his electricity based on his distance from the generating station. The further from the station you are, the more it costs to get the juice to you. There’s the direct infrastructure cost, sure but there’s also the I²R losses which have an indirect impact (actually greater than the direct) impact on infrastructure costs.

Teh evil gubmint says everybody pays the same rate. That’s socialfasciscommunohomoism! See also the Rural Electrification Administration.

troofie/fool/dickhaid is not only neurotic, he’s st00pit™


And we made up for it.

You mean the US?

Yes. We have. We have to stop. We’re adults, remember?


Will Cap’n Trade get me high tonight, and take me to my special island?

They found his father in the swimming pool…

Ted the Slacker

It’s the sound of a new coal fired power plant going online in China. One goes on line every day to provide cheap electricity. How is the cap-and-tax scheme going to stop that? It won’t.

I understand brainwashed fucksticks have trouble with this concept, but Kyoto was negotiated mainly on the basis of per capita emissions (not gross emissions). The sooner we put a cap on our per capita emissions, the lower the limit for when China has to apply the brakes. So there, it will reduce overall global emissions.

Mainland China

*Puts another coal-fired power plant online*


Where does it end?

Right after the tax on traveling from Super 8 to Motel 6 to try to evade ye olde disemvoweling.

Mainland China

What makes you think we’ll follow anything? We want to be wealthy, and to do it we need COAL!

No to Cap and Tax

Bookmark this, libs: Apple-bottom jeans, boots with da fur.

No to Cap and Tax

“The sooner we put a cap on our per capita emissions, the lower the limit for when China has to apply the brakes. ”

China isn’t going to lower it’s standard of living just to please a bunch of western greenies.


It’s ironic, isn’t it, that ol’ Cap’n Trade here suddenly gets a world view when it comes to carbon emissions, but “It’s COLD out! What happened to global warming!?!?!?” flies right past his radar…


Smtms lk t ply wth m pns whl thnkng bt Mchll bm. rlly nd hlp.


China isn’t going to lower it’s standard of living just to please a bunch of western greenies.

And a hundred and fifty years ago, the same argument was made about slavery worldwide.

Sorry man, you’re wrong. They will

Answer This, Libs!

I DEMAND you answer my endless and off-topic questions!

As usual, I will ignore your answers and continue to ask the same questions.

Carry on, then.


Shorter troll:

“Brown people are only fun when we’re bombing them”


Answer This, Libs!:
Or even ask new questions. Wasn’t his objections originally about a “tax on all of us?” Whatever happened to that?

No to Cap and Tax

Limiting the amount of carbon the Third World can produce means endless poverty and suffering. Though that’s probably what liberals want–since they like “primitive” cultures and think they are “pure” while they hate wealth and industrialization.

No to Cap and Tax

You want to keep “brown” (and yellow, and black) people in crushing poverty for the sake of “mother earth”.


And the goalposts moved again.


wnt t tch Hgh Hwtt’s mssv mnbbs.

No to Cap and Tax

It is a tax. The point remains, it will make our energy costs rise and be a tax on all people (including those making less than $250,000/year) which BO promised he wouldn’t do.


Yea. I once played a game of football like that.

The only way we solved the problem was to shoot the guy moving the goalposts.

I'm About To Declare Victory, Libs!

If you evil libs don’t answer my questions in the next 60 seconds, I’m going to declare victory and leave!

Wait a minute, who am I fooling? I’m not leaving any time soon. My empty life is too pathetic to contemplate.

Well, anyway, I’ll declare victory! The clock is ticking, libs!


since they like “primitive” cultures and think they are “pure” while they hate wealth and industrialization

Well, christ, if we don’t have wealth and industrialization how are we ever going to implant those computer chips in people’s heads to keep them from reading the Bible and watching Sylvester Stallone movies?


Okay. So now the conservative viewpoint is that our public policy should be decided based on what China wants? Well, then.


Any price-rise is a tax, because shut up. And taxes are bad!


Limiting the amount of carbon the Third World can produce means endless poverty and suffering.

No, that’s what the “trade” is for. Africans can buy the right to have modern cities, which we will then dismantle and ship to them. Where skyscrapers once blocked out the morning sun, we will brew palm wine and celebrate the sweet potato harvest.


Actually, it won’t cost you a dime in taxes, Troofie.

National Dentistry Board

May we step in right now to remind people that dentistry is NOT a tax?

Thank you for your time.

Fred E. Ceancis

Shorter No to Cap and Tax:

I believe in global warming to the extent that it allows me to accuse liberals of racism, but not to the extent that I would ever propose an alternate solution for doing something about it.

Caliph Garrett

According to teh wingnutz, the only real tax is the income tax, so Cap’n Trade is out to sea and leaking below the water line.


Dumbass conservative, c. 1980: “Those damn Red Chinese! Why can’t they be more like US?”

Dumbass conservative, c. 2009: “Those damn Chinese are acting like US! Cut it out, you slobs!”

Dumbass Conservative

Dumbass conservative, c. 1980: “Those damn Red Chinese! Why can’t they be more like US?”

You stupid libs don’t have a clue. Here is the real story:

Dumbass conservative, c. 10000BC -> present : “I would like to swallow more rich man jism”


What’s even funnier about Troofy’s China trope is…China is a socialist totalitarian regime so if the government wanted to stop using coal, they’d stop using coal.

For energy. They’d still put it in kid’s toys, of course.

Dumbass Conservative

You can take that as “rich ‘man jism'”, especially for us anti-gay homophobes, but we prefer you take it as “‘rich man’ jism”.


May we step in right now to remind people that dentistry is NOT a tax?

Didn’t Proudhon prove that dentistry is theft?


If irritable bowl syndrome were personified and embodied, that personified embodiment would be David Frum.


Guys, China doesn’t play along right now, therefore we don’t have to. It’s the “he started it” school of ethical thinking, which doesn’t hold up in 2nd Grade but is apparently just fine for world policy.

(As for China not ever wanting to appease “greenies” — it’s not like the rest of the world is powerless to exert financial pressure on them. To sustain wealth you have to trade.)


it’s not like the rest of the world is powerless to exert financial pressure on them. To sustain wealth you have to trade

Just look at how we had to free der kefirs.


It’s not a tax. It’s a user fee.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Isn’t that supposed to be Kristolnacht?

The Frum-ious Kristolnacht. Not to mention the Dumb Dub Bird.


Uninformed troll is uninformed about cap and trade. And such as.


Well, now, that was embarassing coding…


Also, “Cap and Tax” is the new “Obami.”


corporations count as people now?

Yes. Have been for well over 100 years. Precisely the problem.

They’re treated like people who pay incredibly low income tax and get all sorts of special treatment regarding liability etc. So yes, they’re treated like people, specifically like very very rich people.


So yes, they’re treated like people, specifically like very very rich people.

As I said, precisely the problem.


So yes, they’re treated like people, specifically like very very rich people

I don’t think this was nearly as egregious a problem as it became after the SCOTUS ruling in 1979 which allowed corporations to legally buy political parties.


At last! Troofie caught on camera! Don’t be fooled, that’s not an image loop – I think it’s real time.


I wonder if there’s some neurolinguistics programming error from the GOP High Command whereby these “free marketeers” hear “cap and trade” as “cap and BRAID” and think it’s about gay marriage…


That’s insulting to manatees, PeeJ


Maybe we can distract the troll with a bit of misdirection. Remember how people like Sean Hannity, who now defends the use of torture as necessary to protect America, used to defend our invasion of Iraq by talking about “Saddam’s rape rooms and torture chambers?” Address that, troll!

But the most damning use of Hannity’s patented phrase wasn’t by Sean Hannity himself, but by the Heritage Foundation’s Evan Sayet in a 2007 lecture titled, “Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals ‘Think’.” In that speech, Sayet proclaimed that the left was all for Saddam Hussein, because both we and Saddam shared a hatred of America.

“[T]o the Modern Liberal, to the mindless, to those who cannot discriminate between these behaviors, the only possible explanation for us going to war is some nefarious cause: because we’re evil and Saddam Hussein, therefore, is a victim.” Sayet said. “So they will rush there, as we’ve seen, and act as human shields to protect his rape rooms and his torture chambers because they won’t judge rape rooms and torture chambers, for that requires critical and moral judgment.”

Good times. Good times.

commie atheist

That’s insulting to manatees, PeeJ

Oh, the Hugh Manatee….


I apologize to any Manatee Americans I may have offended.

No to Cap and Tax

I don’t believe in global warming, no.

It’s bullshit and its the perfect Trojan Horse for the “Green” movement (which is just the old Communist movement re-branded). The Communists were never able to destroy capitalism because capitalism always offered more wealth creation and a higher standard of living. So now the far-left remnants of that movement have found another way to destroy capitalism–limit wealth creation in the name of the environment by banning the cheapest forms of energy generation (Coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear) and limit the creation of energy to expensive and inefficent methods (solar, wind). The price of industrialization goes up, and wealth is limited and more “Equal”.


Cap’n Trade,

So you believe we should burn whatever fuel is the cheapest?

So you don’t mind watching your skies fill with soot and pollution?

So you don’t mind dying a decade or two earlier, just to line someone else’s pockets with money?

cuz, you know, I do.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Funny thing about the AGW denier is that he doesn’t realize that a green economy has the potential for revitalizing the manufacturing base of the U.S. economy. He thinks his telemarketing job is productive, but the photovoltaic cell manufacturing plant down the road is a pinko plot.

Tedious troll is tedious.

No to Cap and Tax

“Funny thing about the AGW denier is that he doesn’t realize that a green economy has the potential for revitalizing the manufacturing base of the U.S. economy.”

For ever “green” job created, two jobs are destroyed.



B^4, I figured such a concept as possible even better economic growth was beyond him, that he would only understand visceral neanderthalic concepts like live, die, breathe.

No to Cap and Tax

For ever “green” job created, two normal jobs get destroyed.

Sir Windblown Dentist

What about all the Generation Yers who are environmentalists and accept the evidence for anthropomorphic climate change? They certainly know little of Communism, and would probably be repulsed by it if described in totality. Are they all the victims of a vast Red Conspiracy? Or merely the philosophical progeny of the pinkos?

(Changin’ my handle here. I’ll likely hate this one after a couple days.)


The frummy thing is, David actually has bosoms. They’re part of his soft doughy genetic makeup.


For ever “green” job created, two normal jobs get destroyed.


What study is that from? Care to link to that little tidbit?


Troofy’s tantrum of the day.

No to Cap and Tax

Google it. I tried to link, but my link was eaten in moderation.

Sir Windblown Dentist

Torture is totally great because it stopped the anthrax attacks. Also.


Cuz, it says here that the move to even 25% green energy consumption creates a *net* 200,000 new jobs, meaning that while 200,000 might be lost (unlikely), 400,000 new ones would be created (definitively).

That “Western Union” or whatever lame-o conservative oil-lobby study group you’re about to link to is fulla booshwash.


So I think you owe us a link to the study so we can laugh at it.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Frumulonimbus cloud rains st00pidity.

Hey, anybody in the NY metro area, please click on the link. I hate doing this, but the window of opportunity is 60 days.


For every “auto-mobile” job created, two buggy-whip tanners go hungry!


Every “printing-press” you liberals seek to install in your “printing shoppes” is equivalent to stealing the food from two scribes. Google it, fags.


For every “auto-mobile” job created, two buggy-whip tanners go hungry!

And what about those “steam ships”? Why, I remember a day when it took four seamen, strong and true, to stitch up a canvas sail!


Guttenberg = theft!


Yeah, let’s see how excited about free enterprise he’ll be when Cap’n Trade’s job gets outsourced to me next week.

BTW, hint to the Cap’n – you can always burn feces for fuel; it’s really cheap and plentiful and that’s all that matters, isn’t it?

No to Repetitious, Brainless Lies

For every comment responded to, two more comments spring up in their place.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

BTW, hint to the Cap’n – you can always burn feces for fuel; it’s really cheap and plentiful and that’s all that matters, isn’t it?




Two men enter, one man pee

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon


Oh man, I can look at this all day and still laugh, I think.


For every new advance in antibiotics, trillions of bacteria lose their jobs!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Is Troofulus actually trying to find a link to substantiate his infantile claim, or did the manager of the No Tell Motel kick him out of the lobby on suspicion of being a “bedroom dick”?


Two men enter, one man pee

Aw, man! Can’t we just get beyond Thunderdome?


Oh man, I can look at this all day and still laugh, I think.
There’s nothing to stop you editing the Dancing-Badger script so that troll effusions are replaced by the perseverating manatee.*

*Name of my favourite pub in London.


The expropriation will go effectively uncompensated. The law that enabled the seizures also authorized the state oil company

to pay debts with bonds rather than cash, and compensate assets at book value.

The market for Venezuelan bonds is obviously not a healthy one.

Not that I’d claim this would be ideal for the oil companies’ books, but Frum says “the market for Venezuelan bonds is obviously not a healthy one.”

So, I was curious, given such an absolute statement, and so, I used teh awsum pwr of teh Google.

“We believe the nonpayment of suppliers by PDVSA is likely to be short term in nature, and it is extremely unlikely that this would trigger a default event,” Barclays analysts Alejandro Grisanti and Juan Cruz wrote in a report late yesterday.

PDVSA’s debt to suppliers represents less than 0.2 percent of its annual income, according to Barclays…

…“It is clear that even though in 2009 PDVSA will likely have an important decline in oil income and expenditures will keep increasing, it will still have the capacity to pay its obligations,” Grisanti and Cruz wrote. “We are not saying that PDVSA is in good financial condition and/or that it is taking the right measures during the current crisis, but the company will likely not allow a default but use other measures that can improve substantially its balance sheet.”

But then, everyone knows that Barclays Bank are run by Communists.

Back in my day, leftist tinpot dictators didn’t expropriate foreign owned corporations by giving them their book value in valued assets. They just took them.


Aw, man! Can’t we just get beyond Thunderdome?

We don’t need another gyro.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

What gets me is, that when global warming has melted enough ice in the Arctic that the surface water in the North Atlantic isn’t dense enough to sink to enter the Deep Circulation and doesn’t need to be replaced with warm tropical water, shutting down the Gulf Stream, as we’re all freezing to death these dimwits will be cackling: “I told you global warming was a scam! Eat it, libs!”

By the way, The Gulf Stream shut down for 10 days in 2004.


the “Green” movement (which is just the old Communist movement re-branded).

That must be why much of the former Soviet Union is an environmental disaster, because the Communists were so “Green”.


It’s bullshit and its the perfect Trojan Horse for the “Green” movement (which is just the old Communist movement re-branded).

My … god … could you please go back to the street corner with your Xeroxed handouts? Think of the fresh air and sunshine you could get! Go … shoo.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The market for Venezuelan bonds is obviously not a healthy one.

Ah, yes, these bonds are- how you say-worthless ious.


Limiting the amount of carbon the Third World can produce means endless poverty and suffering.

As opposed to the endless poverty and suffering they have had up to now.


Aw, man! Can’t we just get beyond Thunderdome?

We don’t need another gyro.

This is why I love it here.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

My … god … could you please go back to the street corner with your Xeroxed handouts? Think of the fresh air and sunshine you could get! Go … shoo.

But, but, fresh air and sunshine are just Trojan Horses for decreasing the standard of living, and depopulating the planet.


It’s bullshit and its the perfect Trojan Horse for the “Green” movement (which is just the old Communist movement re-branded).

Which is an amazing level of both bullshit and irony, given that, here in the Real World, the Green movement in the former Soviet Union was considered insignificant by Moscow, which meant it was a hotbed of rebellion and samizdat that couldn’t have been gotten away with anywhere else and arguably was one of the primary reasons I had to write “former Soviet Union” in the first place.


I’m sure Troofie’s going to love his standard of living under Feudalism. Welcome to serfdom, troll!


Don’t be stupid, be a smarty
Come and join the Democrat Socialist Party

No to Cap and Tax

The automobile/printing press succeeded in a free market where they clearly demonstrated their superiority over horses and buggies and hand copying, respectively.

“Green” energy is not as cheap, efficient, or as widely available as coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear so people chose the latter. So Greenies want to make the latter just as expensive as the former, using government force to distort the free market. This raises our electric bills in the process (a stealth tax increase on people who make less than $250,000/year).


The automobile/printing press succeeded in a free market where they clearly demonstrated their superiority over horses and buggies and hand copying, respectively.

As will green technology, simply because no one’s accounting for the costs of cleaning up pollution from burning it or drawing it out of the ground or for the long term costs of acid rain or for the infrastructure damage from carting that shit around.

Do you the Aleuts still haven’t received the court settlement from Exxon from the Valdez incident? Meanwhile, Exxon has been allowed to put the money in escrow earning tens of millions of dollars off dead Eskimos.


Cap’n Trade, your economic arguments rise to the level of a fifth grader’s lemonade stand. Try a different approach.

Better yet…just go away.


American labor is not as cheap, efficient, or as widely available as immigrant labor so corporations chose the latter. So nativist wingnuts want to make the latter just as expensive as the former, using government force to distort the free market.



Quantities of scale, young Paduan.

St Big Nice Fuzzy Bunny

As will green technology, simply because no one’s accounting for the costs of cleaning up pollution from burning it or drawing it out of the ground or for the long term costs of acid rain or for the infrastructure damage from carting that shit around

But, but it’s only socialism when the little people benefit, when big business is subsidized by government policy, it’s THE SACRED FREE MARKET.

Just because we (including Tr00fulus) aren’t getting a reacharound from the Invisible Hand, does not mean that it is not benevolent.

No to Cap and Tax

The government already takes half my income when you put together federal, state, and local taxes. Why should they get even more?


I keep reading that as “OUR FEARLESS ENEMA”.


The government already takes half my income when you put together federal, state, and local taxes. Why should they get even more?

It costs money to take care of the retarded. And if half your income goes to taxes, you must be.


The government already takes half my income when you put together federal, state, and local taxes. Why should they get even more?

OK, then you’ll please stop driving on the highways, provide your own fire department and police and army, pick up your own garbage, send your own parents to the hospital where you’ll pay for their medical care and oh, let them live with you, drill for your own oil, research your own drugs for your flu and other illnesses, you’ll stop watching TV and listening to the radio, and oh by the way, could you get off the government provided Internet please?


For ever “green” job created, two normal jobs get destroyed.

FAIL. there is no causal link.

you might as well say – “For every exotic dancer job created, two clothing manufacturing jobs get destroyed.”


And if half your income goes to taxes, you must be.

Remember, also, that he pays that 50% on a gross income of $65,000.



Ooooooh, government force! Government force! GOVERNMENT FORCE!!!

which of course isn’t all that bad to a wingnut when it’s keeping beaners out of Arizona, or bombing the shit out of Iraqis, or executing black people, or giving corporations tax breaks for outsourcing, or…


You Sadlynauts are so insensitive. Aren’t you aware that the troll lives in one of those rare municipalities that collects a “Lying Idiot Tax”? It’s killing him, I tells ya.


Don’t forget – jailing protestors – as long as they’re not teabaggers.


Working toward aspirations to promote a consensus

That Obama guy’s fixin’ to be about to commence to begin to get started.

No to Cap and Tax

I make $273,000 a year.

And half is confiscated by government.


a “Lying Idiot Tax”
There’s your deficit problem fixed right there.


The automobile/printing press succeeded in a free market where they clearly demonstrated their superiority over horses and buggies and hand copying, respectively.

FAIL. Yet again. The printing press – or more accurately, the moveable type type of printing press which is what really mattered – was fighting an uphill battle only at first. Gutenberg wanted to make a killing on indulgences and got a lot of heat from the church, facing charges of sacrilege. Then they became partners when he would print the indulgences with blank space at the top which could then be filled in to make each “personalized.”

Had the nearly all-powerful not seen the profit potential, Gutenberg would have been squashed like a bug. He did become fabulously wealthy, btw. And it was from printing indulgences, not bibles.


By the way, apropos of nothing: the CIA has never lied to anyone, about anything, ever.

That is all. Please return to your regularly scheduled troll-addressing.


I make $273,000 a year.

And half is confiscated by government.

Uh huh. There’s a different S,N! troll who claims to make $65,000 and have half of it taxed.


St Big Nice Fuzzy Bunny

Uh huh. There’s a different S,N! troll who claims to make $65,000 and have half of it taxed.

Karl Rove pays him by the post.


And half is confiscated by government.

Be glad you didn’t live back in the 40’s when it would have been 90%.

Oddly enough, the country didn’t collapse then, and there were a lot of wealthy people running around loose. Gosh, I wonder how that worked?


“Green” energy is not as cheap, efficient, or as widely available as coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear so people chose the latter.

FAIL, FAIL and FAIL. Also, conclusion FAIL. That’s four FAILS in a single sentence. That might be a record. Then too, since there are three FAIL predicates applied to three separate subjects, one could say it’s nine FAILs plus one for the conclusion FAIL for 10 FAILs in one sentence. A sentence of 23 (or so, I may have miscounted) words. That’s nearly 50% total FAIL!

Hey troofie! More fail per word than any troll on the interducks! Sadly,No! should get some kind of award.


Oh, damn that extra zero. $23,700.


Yeah, html fail as well. Big fukken dele.


That’s nearly 50% total FAIL!

To go along with his 50% taxes. This guy is made of fail.


Ooooooh, government force! Government force! GOVERNMENT FORCE!!!


As is WP.

No to Cap and Tax

I got beat up for being a prissy fag again today. High school is so hard!


The CIA denied it so it must be true.


Had the nearly all-powerful not seen the profit potential, Gutenberg would have been squashed like a bug. He did become fabulously wealthy, btw. And it was from printing indulgences, not bibles.

If memory serves, Gutenburg ran up big debts on his projects, lost an acrimonious court case with his venture-capitalist backer, and went bankrupt.
[Checks Google].
This is cool — he was a scam artist right from the start. Before his movable-type IPO,

Around 1439, Gutenberg was involved in a financial misadventure making polished metal mirrors (which were believed to capture holy light from religious relics) for sale to pilgrims.


Around 1439, Gutenberg was involved in a financial misadventure making polished metal mirrors (which were believed to capture holy light from religious relics) for sale to pilgrims.

Ah, cool, a typical Libertarian sleazebag with a make-money-fast scam.

Now all we need to find out is that he stole the idea from someone else and the Libertarianism of Gutenberg is complete.


Yeah, the allure of the moveable-type press was basically so he could scam…well, everyone.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Gutenberg… or Galtenberg?


Now all we need to find out is that he stole the idea from someone else and the Libertarianism of Gutenberg is complete.

Here you go.


He did become fabulously wealthy, btw. And it was from printing indulgences, not bibles.

I’m surprised he didn’t go Galt when the church muscled in on his randian innovation.


We’re talking about Steve Gutenberg, right?


pedestrian, please. I mean, really.


several assistants including Johann Fust, and it was Fust who, when Laurens was nearing death, stole his presses and type and took them to Mainz where he entered partnership with Johann Gutenberg.

Ah, and Fust was evidently a sleaze himself and the child of a wealthy family. Wow.

I’m really surprised Atlas Shrugged wasn’t the first book published with moveable type, with a crowd like this involved.


“He [Laurens Coster] is said to have printed several books including Speculum Humanae Salvationis.”

So the first printing press WAS for porn. I knew it.



Oh, no. No, no, noooooo. That’s just so wrong. One wonders if the kid has just seen it for the first time.


Oh, no. No, no, noooooo. That’s just so wrong. One wonders if the kid has just seen it for the first time.

“Please click my crotch to continue!”

oy vey.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I bet they have a candy called “Two Swirls, One (Peanut Butter) Cup”.



Goetze’s caramel products (Caramel Cream® and Cow Tales®) do NOT contain Peanuts or other tree nuts. These products are manufactured in a facility that is Nut Free.


Further arsing-around-on-the-ducts-when-I-should-be-working reveals that movable metal type was first invented in Korea around 1230, with the Jikji printed in 1377.

The oldest surviving printed book found its way from Korea to France under dubious circumstances, and now:

The National Library of France says that as an important historical artifact of all of humankind, the Jikji should remain in France as it represents a common, worldwide heritage, and does not belong to any one country. In addition, they claim the Jikji would be better preserved and displayed in France because of the prestige and resources the Library has.

I love the argument that once something has entered the realm of common, worldwide heritage, it should be housed in an appropriate supra-national no-one-country place, i.e. Paris.


The Cow Tales are excellent.

(no, really)

Big Bad Bald Bastard

These products are manufactured in a facility that is Nut Free.

So, none of the employees forewards winger e-mails?


These products are manufactured in a facility that is Nut Free.

If only the same could be said of NRO, Clownhall, American Thinker, Big Hollywood Butthurt, et al.


Is that site mirrored at Goetze.cx?


More evidence that insta-mansion douchebags pulling in under $500K think they’re among the rich. You’re not, douchebags. The real rich of this country buy & sell you professional dopes by the truckload. Get real.


So you believe we should burn whatever fuel is the cheapest?

I have it on good authority that trolls are an endless source of methane…


Perhaps it means Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake:



not troll is lolcow

People who make $250 k/year

“More evidence that insta-mansion douchebags pulling in under $500K think they’re among the rich. You’re not, douchebags. The real rich of this country buy & sell you professional dopes by the truckload. Get real.”

Barack Obama disagrees.

Mo's Bike Shop

Around 1439, Gutenberg was involved in a financial misadventure making polished metal mirrors (which were believed to capture holy light from religious relics) for sale to pilgrims.

Thirty years later and I’m still figuring out what James Bloody Burke was talking about.

I liked the urban myth about Fust inspiring Faust.


the “Green” movement (which is just the old Communist movement re-branded

Ah yes, I am familiar with the sterling environmental records of the USSR and Eastern Europe during the Cold War.


Red Greens! War on Jebusmas my ASS!

After Frum's bowel surgery, Evelyn Waugh

A typical triumph of modern science — to find the only part of David that was not irritable, and remove it.


Please replace all pictures of David Frum with Buddy Cole.

I wish now I’d had a TV in the 80s. That’s hilarious.


My Gosh, Frummie, all Larry Franklin did was leak some information out of the goodness of his heart because he was a righteous patriot American, right?

But Frummie, you left out the Franklin meetings with Israeli spies Naor Gilon, Mossad station chief and the one with Mossad senior spook Uzi Arad in the Pentagon cafeteria ferchrissakes! Frummie, tell me, does American patriotism extend as far as Israel’s Mossad as well? Is there no difference between Israel & America, which would explain why Franklin’s “leak” to Israelis might be considered a righteous & patriotic act on behalf of America??


No to Cap and Tax said,

May 14, 2009 at 23:36

I make $273,000 a year.


Doing what? Hanging out on liberal blogs???



David Frum has a face designed for (a) being punched and (b) being photoshopped onto pictures of crying babies.

He has a face that shouts “Even though I just finished blowing everybody in a major gay porn production, I would like to suck you off, right here, right now”


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