Screw the coffee, just pour me a vodka

Over at Powerline, we find:

No Way To Run A Courtroom

It’s good that Saddam has finally been put on trial, although it may have been better yet if he had simply been shot. The idea that his crimes need to be “proved”–as though there were some doubt about them that could be resolved through a “trial”–is ridiculous.

But since there’s no doubt, then it should be easy to prove them. Or…?

If it makes you want to go back to bed at 9 AM, to dream dreams of a world free of demented neo-Stalinist legal reasoning, then it must be…

Posted by John


Comments: 24


Good grief. I guess this puts the lie to the neocon claim to be standing up for America’s principles.


The idea that his crimes need to be “proved”–as though there were some doubt about them that could be resolved through a “trial”–is ridiculous

Does this guy remember “law school”?


Yeah! Kill him without a trial!! They’re used to that in Iraq anyway. There used to be this dictator over there who would always do that… *snaps fingers* what was his name…?


First they came for Powerline, and I did not speak out because I was not a nitwit…


From later in the same posting: “[The court proceedings] have value in that Saddam’s … long-known crimes are recited in a forum where it is hard for the American media to avoid mentioning them.”

Yeah, because the media went for decades without reporting his crimes. You know, the ones the U.S. not only knew about, but supported. Or should we say (since they are obviously crimes) “aided and abetted”?


Get with the programme, Gavin. All the cool kids are doing extrajudicial executions these days.


dan they are standing up for America’s principles… and by that i mean the nixon/reagan foreign policy years where the CIA or whoever just shot dead the dictator they got tired of.


Can you spell “kangaroo court”? Saddam has zero chance of being acquitted and set free. Should we hold all world leaders who wage illegal wars for trial? Hmm…


You reality-based losers. As one of Sadly No’s resident contrarian philosophers opined recently (and I’m parasphrasing): If you believe it, it’s true. Case closed. Trial over. To the gallows already and save your money. And because a credentialed person, a lawyer believes that, that’s even more compelling evidence; evidence that now provides a line of inquiry to prove once and for all that the PowerTools are Gods.

…whoa. I can’t be having dialectal epiphanies like this every day; I’m sure something this delicious must be fattening.


Damn man, why’d you make me go over there and read that shit. I couldn’t stop until I got to John describing the CIA rendition program and secret torture facilities with the phrase “Having taken these prudent anti-terrorist measures…” Now I’m going to have to go puke.

–TP from UT


What is it with smacktards and overuse of “scare” “quotes”?


Don’t be too hard on Power Line, after all, you guys all seem to have the same taste in music.


First they came for Powerline, and I did not speak out because I was not a nitwit…

If only they’d come for Powerline!


“But since there’s no doubt, then it should be easy to prove them. Or…?”

Err, you might want to take a second look at the article. I don’t think the point was that it’s going to be difficult to prove the charges. For example, his next paragraph (which you did not quote) goes on to say:

“That’s what I find disturbing about the proceedings in Iraq. They have value in that Saddam’s horrific crimes are revealed; or, more accurately, his long-known crimes are recited in a forum where it is hard for the American media to avoid mentioning them. But the near-chaos that is allowed to prevail is inexcusable.”

So he’s not saying the trial should not take place. Rather, he’s saying 1) this trial isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about Saddam and his evil ways; and 2) how about some order in the court?

So those of you arguing that this is evidence that conservatives aren’t standing up for American values are missing the (rather obvious) point.

And then we’ve got Cynthia:

“First they came for Powerline, and I did not speak out because I was not a nitwit…

“If only they’d come for Powerline!”

I eagerly await the post and tide of commenters lambasting Cynthia’s anti-American values.

… Unless it’s ok to advocate the summary execution of conservatives, just not despotic tyrants who’ve killed thousands.


I eagerly await the post and tide of commenters lambasting Cynthia’s anti-American values.

The “nitwit” post was clearly a joke, as was Cynthia’s response. If you want serious debate, I suggest you try a non-satire blog. I’d suggest Jesus’s General or World o’Crap.

… Unless it’s ok to advocate the summary execution of conservatives, just not despotic tyrants who’ve killed thousands.

I don’t the issue was that the Powerline folks are conservatives. I believe the point was that they are nitwits. And I don’t know that “come for” in this sense means summary execution. Personally, I had more of the “men in white coats are coming to take them away” image when I read it.

And, anyway, you might want to lay off the “it’s okay to execute desoptic tyrants who’ve killed thousands” rhetoric. I hear the Secret Service reads this blog.


No I don’t.


… Unless it’s ok to advocate the summary execution of conservatives, just not despotic tyrants who’ve killed thousands.

Well, aside from the question of “who would we have to make fun of?”, there’s the matter of this. So, who’s asking for summary executions here? Hmm. You could, of course, slaughter all the dissidents you please, but it still wouldn’t improve things on the ground in Iraq. We lost this war going in in the first place.


Hey bill, I know I shouldn’t get a hold of you here, but your email is undeliverable. Did you remember to put the PS Tay cover sheets on the adly say, oh nay eport ray?


This is top on powerline right now.
“Who you gonna believe, Israel or the CIA?”
I bet on the CIA, but Sadly, No!, this time he supports Israel’s side because it suits his purpose. Also, It’s wednesday.


Easy there, Comish. No one is supporting the summary execution of conservatives on this web site. First they’d get a nice show trial, then the executions. Due process, after all!


fine by me comish. i’d rather it be both, but since you think it has to be one or the other, i say line powertools against a wall.


So they’re saying that a national leader who invades another nation under false pretenses, and is responsible for the torture and murder of thousands of innocent Iraqis, deserves to be shot, right?


Of course, Powder Lines! All good Americans would agree that a hateful sociopath such as you describe does not deserve the dignity and expense of a trial, but should just be propped up against the nearest wall… and…

Hey, wait a minute, you are talking about Saddam here, right? No, wait, forget what I said.


Powder lines, you got game.


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