“Mr. Pink: I’m very sorry the government taxes their tips, that’s fucked up. That ain’t my fault. It would seem to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government fucks in the ass on a regular basis. Look, if you ask me to sign something that says the government shouldn’t do that, I’ll sign it, put it to a vote, I’ll vote for it, but what I won’t do is play ball. And as for this non-college bullshit I got two words for that: learn to fuckin’ type, ’cause if you’re expecting me to help out with the rent you’re in for a big fuckin’ surprise.”
That is some weird crap there. Are we going to be seeing a shit-pile of these badly acted (Jeez, they can’t even give a good line reading.) digitized things now?
Off topic, from REDSTATE Ewick’s Twit™ feed:
ewericksonRT @RIGHTone: Sen Mitch McConnels office just hung up on me. call and tell him to support a conservative not Crist 202-224-2541 #tcot #tpp
about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
Almost as awesome as New Totally Serious Conservative Leader Cut It Out I’m Not Joking Around Erick Erickson getting hung up on by one of the Republicans who desperately needs his guidance.
Well, it’s brevity makes it better than The Fountainhead.
Although, that shouldn’t keep one from watching The Fountainhed.
Slavoj Zîzêk’s favorite ‘murican movie!
There’s something oddly human about the awkward deliver and stilted timing. I also like the looks straight at the camera.
True conservatives must stand strong against a Republican governor who enjoys high, high approval ratings. His winning the party’s Senate primary would be detrimental to the Movement. Fight the Crist!
Still on the off topic of the Republican Senate primary, it looks like some of Marco Rubio’s fans have had a heavy hand in writing up Wikipedia’s entry on him. On the plus side, he’ll surely garner the Cool Coach’s endorsement because he’s a Fightin’ Gator!
Going “Galt”:
Looking at the chaos and catastrophe around us, it’s hard to not think anybody who actually mattered went Galt in 1980, when Raygun got in.
I’m the next Senator from Florida. What do you think of that?
Well, first I thought “Man, I’m glad I don’t live in Florida anymore”. Then I remembered that grade-A whack-a-doodle Paul Broun spoke for me in the Halls of Congress and decided to keep my mouth shut.
The moment you start letting adults marry other adults, soon you have to expand that to any other combination of possible entities. I mean, what next, liberals, are you going to let people marry abstract concepts like the number 4 or “hope” or a hypothesized extra spatial dimension? Huh? Huh? Well, is ya?
Gotta lurvs dat Michelle. She just cant help making a total steenkeeng pile of herself.
For the past 24 hours, the MSM has set a narrative suggesting that the shooter was under combat stress himself.
How did the MSM do that, one wonders.
Perkins said Russell’s commanders in recent days had asked him to seek counseling. Out of concern for his welfare, they took the rare measure of taking his weapon away, Perkins said. That measure is typically taken when soldiers exhibit violent or suicidal behavior.
ZOMFG! They quoted “Maj. Gen. David Perkins, the top U.S. military spokesman in Iraq.”
Just because the fragging attack guy doesn’t have a Muslin name doesn’t mean the Malkintent won’t use the excuse to repeatedly mention someone who does.
Yeah, but you try making certified, notarized marriage certificates for aleph-one marriages.
El Cid is resorting to the slippery-slope argument continuum hypothesis.
For the past 24 hours, the MSM has set a narrative suggesting that the shooter was under combat stress himself.
Wait, I guess I’m behind the times regarding wingnut principles. Is it somehow a liberal smear story that someone flipped out under stress and committed a horrible act? What would she prefer, a story where he killed five of his colleagues while being perfectly competent?
Or is she going for the whole pound of mixed nuts, and claiming it never happened?
Wait, I guess I’m behind the times regarding wingnut principles. Is it somehow a liberal smear story that someone flipped out under stress and committed a horrible act? What would she prefer, a story where he killed five of his colleagues while being perfectly competent?
Or is she going for the whole pound of mixed nuts, and claiming it never happened?
You’re talking about the sorts of people who wouldn’t take very long to decide that the victims deserved it, especially if they had Obama stickers or opposed torture or something.
sorts of people who wouldn’t take very long to decide that the victims deserved it,
Not gonna follow the MM link, but I see from the title of the post that she describes the killings as a “fragging-attack”, implying that they were justified.
acerbated by all the deleted uranium
Tell me more of this asserbation.
Palin’s memoir, currently untitled, will cover her personal and political life, from her childhood in Alaska and last year’s campaign to her political beliefs and her family life[.]
Due out in the spring of next year.
Palin’s book will address, and complicate, the push-pull between home and public life. With the release date just one year away, the governor will have to work quickly. [Palin’s literary representative Robert] Barnett said that the governor has formed an outline in her mind, but has yet to start writing. Burnham said Palin did not submit any writing samples when she met with HarperCollins executives in Washington, earlier this year. She will work with a collaborator, to be determined.
Oh, a ghost writer. That’s pretty common, no?
“She’s obviously going to be engaged in the whole process of the book,” said Burnham, adding that the role of the collaborator would depend on who was chosen.
“Every word of the book will be her words,” Barnett said.
Watch Bruce Wilson’s video documentary detailing the extreme Religious Right connections to the Wasilla Assembly of God church, “Sarah Palin’s Churches and the Third Wave”:
Well, well, well. Who would have thunk that this would occur.
This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.
Palin, about her book: “”Being a voracious reader, I read a lot today and have read a lot growing up. And having that journalism degree, all of that, will be a great assistance for me in writing this book, talking about the challenges and the joys, balancing the work and parenting, and, in my case, work means running the state,” Palin said.
“I’ve read a variety of books, and that helps shape my opinions and my views.”
“They fear that the development and building of People’s (community) Organizations is the building of a vast power group which may fall prey to a fascistic demagogue who will seize leadership and control and turn an organization into a Frankenstein’s monster against democracy.”
– Saul Alinsky responding to his critics, Reveille for Radicals; p. 199
When Saul Alinsky began building his community-organization movement in 1930s Chicago, observers were watching Alinsky with one eye, while with the other eye observing the building of communist and fascist movements in Europe. It wasn’t hard then to see in Alinsky’s programs at home, elements of the people’s revolution from Russia, as well as some of the same “in your face” tactics being employed by Hitler’s Brownshirts.
What Alinsky’s critics saw was the burgeoning of a national movement, the carefully manipulated construction of people’s organizations, which all had two elements in common: (1) a collectivist creed, which denied the existence of personal responsibility; and (2) an amoral dogma, in which all means were justified by an imaginary utopian end.
While most modern Americans remember well Hitler’s Holocaust and the Cold War waged by a solid U.S.S.R., many of these same Americans have swallowed some false history regarding the movements that spawned such widespread, horrendous results. In what may be regarded as the most triumphant propaganda victory of our time, fascism has been scrubbed of all its Marxist roots, while communism has been scrubbed of its millions of callous murders.
This post-WWII propaganda coup undeniably set the stage for the early Alinsky critics’ most feared eventuality, that the massive organizations could be shrewdly adopted by a fascist demagogue, someone who could “seize leadership and control” and turn them into a “Frankenstein’s monster against democracy.”
But perhaps the most cunning propaganda feat in history has been undertaken for the past 8 years. As Jonah Goldberg expertly expounds in his book, Liberal Fascism, American left-wing ideologues have managed to dissociate themselves from all the horrors of fascism with a “brilliant rhetorical maneuver.” They’ve done it by “claiming that their opponents are the fascists.”
Alinsky himself employed this method, quite deviously. Alinsky biographer, Sanford D. Horwitt provides an anecdote using precisely this diabolical tactic to deceive the people. From Horwitt’s Let Them Call Me Rebel:
“…in the spring of 1972, at Tulane University…students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George H. W. Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations – a speech likely to include a defense of the Nixon administration’s Vietnam War policies. The students told Alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush’s address. That’s the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative – and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘The KKK supports Bush.’ And that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results.”
In what may eventually prove to be a devious rhetorical feat of monstrous proportions, while the left has been indulging and fostering the “Bush Is Hitler” meme, they may have just put a genuine ideological fascist heir in the White House.
There is inherent danger in making scurrilous comparisons (as were perpetrated unceasingly against George W. Bush), but there seem to be some very worrisome signs in the rise of Barack Obama that we Americans would be foolish to ignore.
Obama, the Closer
As I put forth last year in “Obama, the Closer”, Barack Obama, did not start his movement; Alinsky did.
Nor did Obama amass the organizations that propelled him. As detailed by Heidi J. Swarts, in her book, Organizing Urban America, the movement begun by Saul Alinsky in the 1930s has morphed into thousands of secular and faith-based leftist political organizations. ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) has perhaps the highest public profile, is most reputed for radicalism, and is the organization with which Barack Obama was first aligned. But ACORN is the mere tip of a veritable iceberg of Alinsky-styled community organizations that sweep across the entire United States and make up the backbone of faith-based progressive movements as well.
These euphemistically called “community” organizations have next to nothing to do with improving the communities and everything to do with politics, primarily strong-arming government money to advance their political aims. Prior to Reagan’s election, these groups worked independently for the most part, each seeking to effect local change towards leftist ends.
But with Reagan’s victory, ACORN founding member Wade Rathke sent out a memo (published by Swarts; Organizing Urban America; p. 29) that would reverberate all the way to Barack Obama’s moment. ACORN had been behaving as a sort of “Lone Ranger of the Left” for too long, wrote Rathke. Ronald Reagan had formed a coalition among the middle-class that threatened to bring greater prosperity without left-wing Statists calling the shots. Rathke put out the call to the ACORN troops to stop antagonizing those who would be allies, especially unions and church organizations, once shunned by ACORN as too placid for the real fight for power. For the next 25 years, the community organization network built, proliferated and formed a solid, nation-wide base of political strength, purely according to Alinsky’s original vision, and all just waiting for the right candidate to tap into it and lead it.
When folks from all corners of America proclaimed, seemingly with one voice, Barack is the “One we’ve been waiting for,” they were speaking out of the vast Alinsky-originated network.
Neither did Barack Obama invent the political “ideology of change,” nor design its carefully crafted propaganda. While media folks talked of the tingles up their legs and the brilliant rhetoric of Barack Obama, they were heralding the speaker only, not the creator of the movement and its slogans. That would have been Saul Alinsky, the man who took fascism and cunningly made it appear to casual observers every bit as American as apple pie.
Barack Obama is merely the movement’s closer, the quintessential liberal fascist with a teleprompter.Hail Obama
Alinsky’s Ideology of Change: The Third Way
Goldberg fastidiously notes the comparison between Alinsky’s “in your face” rules for radicals, studied and perfected by Barack Obama, and shows them to have profoundly fascist roots:
“…there’s no disputing that vast swaths of his (Alinsky’s) writings are indistinguishable from the fascist rhetoric of the 1920s and 1930s…His worldview is distinctly fascistic. Life is defined by war, contests of power, the imposition of will. Moreover, Alinsky shares with the fascists and pragmatists of yore a bedrock hostility to dogma. All he believes in are the desired ends of the movement, which he regards as the source of life’s meaning…But what comes through most is his unbridled love of power. Power is a good in its own right for Alinsky. Ours ‘is a world not of angels but of angles,’ he proclaims in Rules for Radicals, ‘where men speak of moral principles but act on power principles.”
Saul Alinsky was the man who transformed politics in America into all-out war mode. Alinsky’s tenth rule of the ethics of means: “You do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.” All’s fair in love and war, and politics, to Alinsky, was war.
“A People’s (community) Organization is not a philanthropic plaything or a social service’s ameliorative gesture. It is a deep, hard-driving force, striking and cutting at the very roots of all the evils which beset the people. It thinks and acts in terms of social surgery and not cosmetic cover-ups.
A People’s Organization is dedicated to an eternal war. A war is not an intellectual debate, and in the war against social evils there are no rules of fair play.”
Saul Alinsky; Reveille for Radicals; p. 133
Alinsky includes an entire section in Rules for Radicals on “The Ideology of Change.” The watchword of the Obama campaign was “change.” Just as Hitler mobilized the masses with a calculatingly undefined demand for “change,” so did Alinsky disciple, Barack Obama.
“Everything must be different!” or “Alles muss anders sein!,” Hitler’s own campaign slogan, morphed into “Unite for Change,” and the Obama transition team’s change.gov. Even the idea of a vast “movement” was borrowed from Hitler. As Goldberg states, Hitler used the phrase, “the Movement,” more than 200 times in Mein Kampf.
The word ‘movement’ itself is instructive. Movement, unlike progress, doesn’t imply a fixed destination. Rather, it takes it as a given that any change is better.
(Goldberg; Liberal Fascism; p. 176)
Perhaps the most intoxicating allure to the fascist demagogue and his movement for undefined change is its misleadingly conciliatory flavor. Barack Obama continually, throughout his campaign and even now, portrays himself as the Third Way between the cantankerous factions that have polarized America for the past 80 years, since liberal fascism took root as the Progressive Movement.
Obama claimed that Bush was too much the ideologue, that his policies were driven by the Christian right, involved “false choices” between all-out war on the one hand and diplomacy on the other, between the welfare state and cold-hearted, do-nothing conservatism, between absolute sovereignty and cowardly submission to the global community, between doing all and doing nothing. And if any of this gibberish were a true reflection of our political disagreements, Obama would be somewhat correct. But as any sentient person knows, this radical presentation of Obama’s is absolutely false. That gets lost, though, in the leader’s conciliatory tone.
What must not get lost, however, is the very real fact that this Third Way movement for change is as fascist as anything we have ever seen in the USA. As Alinsky described his own “Ideology of Change,” the lure is in the claim that the leader has no ideology that would confine his outlook to hard choices between what is moral or immoral, that there are no boundaries set by either religion or politics, that everything can change and the only thing that matters is one’s end intention to do something good.
As Hitler, before Alinsky, proclaimed, “Our program is to govern,” not delve into theory and dogma. This is in itself very appealing, especially to an electorate sick of the contentiousness of the past decade. This undefined “ideology of change” for the sake of change, for some action that will break through the roadblocks of polarization, has tremendous allure.
But Goldberg bursts that bubble:
The ‘middle way’ sounds moderate and un-radical. Its appeal is that it sounds unideological and freethinking. But philosophically the Third Way is not mere difference splitting; it is utopian and authoritarian. Its utopian aspect becomes manifest in its antagonism to the idea that politics is about trade-offs. The Third Wayer says that there are no false choices -‘I refuse to accept that X should come at the expense of Y.’ The Third Way holds that we can have capitalism and socialism, individual liberty and absolute unity. Fascist movements are implicitly utopian because they – like communist and heretical Christian movements — assume that with just the right arrangement of policies, all contradictions can be rectified.
(Goldberg; Liberal Fascism; p. 130)
Of course, thinking people — when they are indeed thinking — know this is an utterly false promise. Life will never be made perfect because all human beings are imperfect.
Unity, the Diabolical Lure
What of this longed-for unity then? Barack Obama proclaimed he was leading a movement of people “united for change.” What is the appeal of unity?
The modern liberal fascist seeks that state between mother and child which exists early on before the child seeks his own independence, before mother must set herself at odds with him. It is the perfectly secure state of childhood where all is lovely and peaceful and nurturing, but cannot continue indefinitely if the child is to be prepared to face a world of difficulty and hard choices. Nevertheless, the yearning continues. It is this primordial yearning which sets itself in the crosshairs of the fascist demagogue.
But in adult life, this type of unity is anything but desirable, anything but virtuous. As Goldberg states, however, “elevation of unity as the highest social value is a core tenet of fascism and all leftist ideologies.”
The allure of this mystical unity is so great that its demand to sacrifice reason and thought on the false altar of infantile security is seemingly lost to many. But as Goldberg also reminds us, “unity is, at best, morally neutral and often a source of irrationality and groupthink.”
Rampaging mobs are unified. The Mafia is unified. Marauding barbarians bent on rape and pillage are unified. Meanwhile, civilized people have disagreements, and small-d democrats have arguments. Classical liberalism is based on this fundamental insight, which is why fascism was always anti-liberal.
Liberalism rejected the idea that unity is more valuable than individuality. For fascists and other leftists, meaning and authenticity are found in collective enterprises – of class, nation, or race – and the state is there to enforce that meaning on everyone without the hindrance of debate.
(Goldberg; Liberal Fascism; p. 172)
Just as the healthy relationship between parent and developing child demands friction, so does the healthy relationship between truly liberal citizens. Unity is the siren song of tyranny, not the call to genuine progress.
Fascism: The Two Birds with One Stone Approach
I think of Obama’s liberal fascism as a cancer that attempts to kill the two birds of American exceptionalism with one stone. It is a deviously appealing Third Way that in the end, if allowed to triumph completely, kills both individual liberty and Judeo/Christian religion with its single stone.
And, indeed this was the precise goal of Adolph Hitler. Unlike the outspoken hatred of private property and religion espoused by communists under Lenin and Stalin, Hitler preferred the more moderate-seeming incremental takeover of private enterprise in the interest of the “common good,” and the slow-death of Judeo/Christian religion by chipping away at it and replacing the people’s dependence upon God gradually with reliance on the state (Hitler).
[Note: Hitler’s Holocaust was based on the Progressive Eugenics principles set forth by Social Darwinist scientists and social engineers of the 1920s, widely accepted both in Europe and in the United States. Religion was not at the core of the Holocaust; race was. However, Hitler’s other chief aim was to destroy the Judeo/Christian religions, which he believed had ruined the Germanic race’s world predominance.]
Of course, as the German people were duped into giving Hitler totalitarian powers to work his magic “change,” he took off the kid gloves and accelerated the program.
In the end, however slow the process, however seemingly benign the growth of the state may seem, liberal fascism has the same result of all tyrannies before it: hell on earth for most and a self-indulgent feast for the Statists in power.
As Barack Obama speaks, thinking Americans ought to hear the echoes of past fascist demagogues and remember. Remember.
When Barack Obama promises “collective redemption” through his profligate spending programs and vast overtures to a new world order built on love for our fellow man, we ought to shudder not swoon.
We ought to remember that healthy global relationships are built upon respect, not all-encompassing love, and that redemption for one’s soul is a commodity the state is not empowered to offer.
As Pope Benedict XVI has so presciently warned:
Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes, not divine, but demonic.
Be not fooled, America. The movement, which appears most benign is instead the most malignant growth ever seen on our soil. It’s a cancer that will kill, and however slowly it grows or however nice it may look on the surface, doesn’t change a thing.
Great. More stupid fancy pants big head scientists and their Al Gore fixation trying to make us believe in this human-caused global warming and ignoring the proud tradition of Tobacco Institute quality science:
ScienceDaily (May 12, 2009) — With the U.S. Congress beginning to consider regulations on greenhouse gases, a troubling hypothesis about how the sun may impact global warming is finally laid to rest.
Carnegie Mellon University’s Peter Adams along with Jeff Pierce from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, have developed a model to test a controversial hypothesis that says changes in the sun are causing global warming.
The hypothesis they tested was that increased solar activity reduces cloudiness by changing cosmic rays. So, when clouds decrease, more sunlight is let in, causing the earth to warm. Some climate change skeptics have tried to use this hypothesis to suggest that greenhouse gases may not be the global warming culprits that most scientists agree they are.
In research published in Geophysical Research Letters, and highlighted in the May 1 edition of Science, Adams and Pierce report the first atmospheric simulations of changes in atmospheric ions and particle formation resulting from variations in the sun and cosmic rays. They find that changes in the concentration of particles that affect clouds are 100 times too small to affect the climate.
“Until now, proponents of this hypothesis could assert that the sun may be causing global warming because no one had a computer model to really test the claims,” said Adams, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon.
“The basic problem with the hypothesis is that solar variations probably change new particle formation rates by less than 30 percent in the atmosphere. Also, these particles are extremely small and need to grow before they can affect clouds. Most do not survive to do so,” Adams said.
Despite remaining questions, Adams and Pierce feel confident that this hypothesis should be laid to rest. “No computer simulation of something as complex as the atmosphere will ever be perfect,” Adams said. “Proponents of the cosmic ray hypothesis will probably try to question these results, but the effect is so weak in our model that it is hard for us to see this basic result changing.”
Pffft. If they were at all interested in real science they’d read Human Events and the Bible. That’s a lot more damn science than they’ll get from dancin’ when Al Gore pulls a’damn strings, I’m tellin’ you what.
And now, scientists announce a material possibly rivaling Jonah Goldberg’s cranium in density: ultra dense deuterium.
A material that is a hundred thousand times heavier than water and more dense than the core of the Sun is being produced at the University of Gothenburg. The scientists working with this material are aiming for an energy process that is both more sustainable and less damaging to the environment than the nuclear power used today.
Imagine a material so heavy that a cube with sides of length 10 cm weights 130 tonnes, a material whose density is significantly greater than the material in the core of the Sun. Such a material is being produced and studied by scientists in Atmospheric Science at the Department of Chemistry, the University of Gothenburg.
Eric Cartman, the fat, racist, anti-Semitic sociopath hates hippies. But I guess a party that accepts Joe the Buttplug as a cipher will let pretty much anyone speak for them.
The comments, as well as Stalkin’s post itself, are like universes of Strawmen. It appears the imaginary worlds the nutcases and teabaggers live in are still intact.
I do, since I was there just this last weekend. Funny place. They have a rock-lined dump they call, “South Park Beach.” People go party there.
My boys Matt and Trey hate authority and convention and Power, period, end of story, full stop. Which makes it weird and funny to me when our authority-loving friends of Wingnuttia claim them as their own.
Seriously, I can’t wait for these Cheney blowing fucktards to die off like dinosaurs. It’s a shame I’m going to go with them.
Ahhh, dancing badgers. Is there any trollathon you can’t make better?
That is therapeutic, isn’t it?
Now if I could only figure out how to get it to work in Opera. I RTFM’d, but it said something about Java Userscripts needing to be activated and I couldn’t see how to do that.
Jeebus. I finally went to the Malkin post, and I have to say – I totally don’t understand. What is her point?
OK, it seems to be her point that “MSM jumped to the conclusion that the soldier was stressed.” Of course, there is, in fact, the statement by the military that the guy was, in fact, being treated for stress, that the place he shot people was a place where people were being treated for stress.
But other than that, I don’t her get point. Is it just “MSM bad, whatever they say?”
the commenters on her site are even more confusing. They say “there is no such thing as PTSD” but they think the guy was probably brainwashed into being a MOOOOOOslim. They bring up the fact that the guy had a troubled domestic history, so one commenter comes pretty close to blaming the whole thing on the guy’s ex-wife: “He had at least one broken marriage in his wake. We don’t know what other stress he had working at home.”
Another commenter refutes the argument that the guy might have been a bad apple because we’ve lowered our standards in accepting recruits – sez that the guys who joined the army during the time of the draft were even bigger losers, – nice way to support the troops. BTW!.
Their arguments are twisting round in circles, and some of them are coming close to articulating that they they have a real dilemma, because they aren’t sure whether they have to champion the guy, because he went there under Bush, or whether they should condemn him because now Obama’s the CiC.
That’s their real problem – they can’t figure out how to blame it on Obama yet.
Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes, not divine, but demonic.
Be not fooled, America. The movement, which appears most benign is instead the most malignant growth ever seen on our soil. It’s a cancer that will kill, and however slowly it grows or however nice it may look on the surface, doesn’t change a thing.”
I would love to launch some kind of witty Snark Missile about this post, but it’s too damn depressing.
This stuff, and so much more like it, is just an elaborate warm-up for justifying revolution. They truly believe this crap and truly believe it merits some kind of extraordinary action. Christ, even Camille Paglia says something like this in her piece over at Salon today. Camille friggin’ Paglia. (One piece by her you won’t see hot-linked to on Drudge for a change).
One of your most inspired titles yet.
Am I s’posed to be seein’ something there in that big blank space?
But why is Michael Steele talking to that black man?
Something about cheese and giant PENIS in the same sentence makes me nervous.
DMC will do anything for money.
Dentistry is theft.
That’s some inspired shit. I’m also partial to the Adidas product placement.
I hope I’m not the only one who was a little disappointed that CY didn’t make an appearance? Also.
So great.
I can’t wait to continue to never read Atlas Shrugged.
It’s too late for me to never read Atlas Shrugged, but every day I take advantage of the opportunity to never read it again.
I thought Big Penis Buildings was a Talking Heads album.
The protracted silence near the end makes it sing.
Heh, indeed, tea party pics, etc.
Hey, isn’t that Pinko Punko on the left? I think I recognize that track suit…
Pinko Punko said it was his most challenging role yet. But he likes playing the villain.
I demand a recut of this film where the final two lines are rewritten:
Run: Do you smell something?
Randian: I just shit my pants.
…or whatever.
I interpreted the pregnant pause as a portrait of going galt.
I think Mr Pink explains going Galt the best.
“Mr. Pink: I’m very sorry the government taxes their tips, that’s fucked up. That ain’t my fault. It would seem to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government fucks in the ass on a regular basis. Look, if you ask me to sign something that says the government shouldn’t do that, I’ll sign it, put it to a vote, I’ll vote for it, but what I won’t do is play ball. And as for this non-college bullshit I got two words for that: learn to fuckin’ type, ’cause if you’re expecting me to help out with the rent you’re in for a big fuckin’ surprise.”
Brooklyn’s big penis building: http://s3.amazonaws.com/readers/2009/02/21/255588742537613964ba_1.jpg
I see Pinter was an inspiration….
Pinko has sold out. Sad, it really is.
What with the locker room set, I was thinking Genet. Myself.
That is some weird crap there. Are we going to be seeing a shit-pile of these badly acted (Jeez, they can’t even give a good line reading.) digitized things now?
Off topic, from REDSTATE Ewick’s Twit™ feed:
Get on the ‘phones, Real AmeriKKKans!!
The silences are teh awesum.
Almost as awesome as New Totally Serious Conservative Leader Cut It Out I’m Not Joking Around Erick Erickson getting hung up on by one of the Republicans who desperately needs his guidance.
“Dear Sen. McConnell: Please support a real conservative. We know Crist isn’t a real conservative.” *wink* *exaggerated limp-wristed fopping*
I’m not going to make any movies with that program unless there’s an option for one character to kick another one in the junk.
I like it. I think the inherent jangliness makes the point nicely. And Run with and British accent. Also.
I need a beer.
Senator McConnel, respect my authoritah!!!!
Well, it’s brevity makes it better than The Fountainhead.
Although, that shouldn’t keep one from watching The Fountainhed.
Slavoj Zîzêk’s favorite ‘murican movie!
Seriously, though, it’s awfultacular.
There’s something oddly human about the awkward deliver and stilted timing. I also like the looks straight at the camera.
True conservatives must stand strong against a Republican governor who enjoys high, high approval ratings. His winning the party’s Senate primary would be detrimental to the Movement. Fight the Crist!
I was hoping to see that little dance/shimmy again. That should appear in every video as a kind of director’s trademark.
I am sure Mitch is open to this message.
Still on the off topic of the Republican Senate primary, it looks like some of Marco Rubio’s fans have had a heavy hand in writing up Wikipedia’s entry on him. On the plus side, he’ll surely garner the Cool Coach’s endorsement because he’s a Fightin’ Gator!
Still not sure what people are talking about.
All I see is “Wheee!” and a big blank spot.
no gets stremin media at where I is right moment
Still not sure what people are talking about.
All I see is “Wheee!” and a big blank spot.
I’ve said that myself, on a number of occasions.
Ha ha! After a night of eracy fun Smut sleeps on the blank spot!
Remember the sudden appearance of “triad marriage” yesterday?
Just watching Hardball where they ran a clip of falafel boy O’Reilly referring to “plural” & “triad” marriage on his ninny-fest yesterday.
You don’t think … do you?
Fucking brilliant.
Finally I am called on it.
I don’t see nuthin’ neither. Just a Whee! and a whole lot of white. Is that a metaphor for the Republican party?
Once I read it back, I knew someone would fall for that.
Going “Galt”:
Looking at the chaos and catastrophe around us, it’s hard to not think anybody who actually mattered went Galt in 1980, when Raygun got in.
The synthesized voice makes it sound like the white guy’s “going bald” which I recommend to people with the kind of hair he has.
damn. I wish I was over 13 so I could watch that.
Seriously, though, it’s awfultacular.
That’s AWESOMETACULAR, and don’t you fergit it.
A giant vagina building:
The National Museum for Strong Players
I’m the next Senator from Florida. What do you think of that?
Yes, it’s coming. And monobigots like Bill O won’t be able to stop us!
Ha ha! After a night of eracy fun Smut sleeps on the blank spot!
I prefer to think of it as “The white stain of the void”.
Crucify the Crist
I’m the next Senator from Florida. What do you think of that?
Not if Erick Erickson can help it.
I’m the next Senator from Florida. What do you think of that?
Well, first I thought “Man, I’m glad I don’t live in Florida anymore”. Then I remembered that grade-A whack-a-doodle Paul Broun spoke for me in the Halls of Congress and decided to keep my mouth shut.
He isn’t stopping anybody.
The moment you start letting adults marry other adults, soon you have to expand that to any other combination of possible entities. I mean, what next, liberals, are you going to let people marry abstract concepts like the number 4 or “hope” or a hypothesized extra spatial dimension? Huh? Huh? Well, is ya?
Yep. Took awhile. She’s going there. http://michellemalkin.com/2009/05/12/questions-about-the-fragging-attack/
or a hypothesized extra spatial dimension
Gotta lurvs dat Michelle. She just cant help making a total steenkeeng pile of herself.
For the past 24 hours, the MSM has set a narrative suggesting that the shooter was under combat stress himself.
How did the MSM do that, one wonders.
ZOMFG! They quoted “Maj. Gen. David Perkins, the top U.S. military spokesman in Iraq.”
NY Law Firm has been informed of your appropriation of our image.
I forgot I was in this. I never got paid. My art is worth it.
“let people marry abstract concepts like the number 4 or “hope” or a hypothesized extra spatial dimension?”
Dimension n and I are very happy together, and wish you flatlanders would just leave us alone.
are you going to let people marry abstract concepts like the number 4 or “hope” or a hypothesized extra spatial dimension?
Well, I have a professional license which is numbered 6969.
True Story.
So I am keeping that stamp, thank you very much, whether I can marry it or not.
Yeah, that sounds all good, but the next thing you know there’s n + 1, and we got to put up with that, too, don’t we, libs?
n+1 is just a little procreation.
PP is a flicktoon acting scab.
Just because I feel an erotic attraction towards the abstract geometry of the angle between two walls, doesn’t mean that I want to marry it.
People should give Johnny Coelacanth and Dimension n all the Hilbert space they need.
n+1 is just a little procreation
Yeah, but you try making certified, notarized marriage certificates for aleph-one marriages.
Sure, when my beloved dimension collapses El Cid will be happy to see she has no health care. Sweet of you.
Just because the fragging attack guy doesn’t have a Muslin name doesn’t mean the Malkintent won’t use the excuse to repeatedly mention someone who does.
Yeah, but you try making certified, notarized marriage certificates for aleph-one marriages.
El Cid is resorting to the
slippery-slope argumentcontinuum hypothesis.when my beloved dimension collapses
It must have been a degenerate solution in the first place.
True story: my post-grad physics work was in Degenerate Perturbation Theory. Not just a specialty, but a whole way of life.
Just how many of these “films” have you appeared in, PP?
El Cid has been snorting too much Cantor dust.
Just because I feel an erotic attraction towards the abstract geometry of the angle between two walls, doesn’t mean that I want to marry it.
Next thing you know you’re married with two acute children and a Hound of Tindalos…
And a Sierpinski carpet in every room…
She’s strange, and that’s why you attractor.
Quail before the unspeakable horror that is the Hound of Tindaloo.
For the past 24 hours, the MSM has set a narrative suggesting that the shooter was under combat stress himself.
Wait, I guess I’m behind the times regarding wingnut principles. Is it somehow a liberal smear story that someone flipped out under stress and committed a horrible act? What would she prefer, a story where he killed five of his colleagues while being perfectly competent?
Or is she going for the whole pound of mixed nuts, and claiming it never happened?
You need to install Adobe Flash Player to view these nuggets. Then all will be right.
You need to install Adobe Flash Player to view these nuggets. Then all will be right.
I have all things that I can suppress suppressed in Firefox.
And then there is the wilderness of I.E., which I only open judiciously.
With I.E., I see the xtranormal movie. But not with Firefox.
Also, I see this picture with I.E., but not Firefox (pic courtesy of fIsh)
“Or is she going for the whole pound of mixed nuts”
I think a ten pound bag but also with goobers and gummy bears.
I read the post by “That Cunt Malkin” [trademark pending] and the comments and tried to make sense of it but it gave me a massive headache.
From the comments over at Stalkin’ Malkin’s place:
Try convincing the parents of anybody on that base today. Or Pat Tillman’s family. Or Jessica Lynch’s. Or, for that matter, Lynndie England’s.
Here’s another gem:
That’s a direct cut-n-paste, right there.
You’re talking about the sorts of people who wouldn’t take very long to decide that the victims deserved it, especially if they had Obama stickers or opposed torture or something.
sorts of people who wouldn’t take very long to decide that the victims deserved it,
Not gonna follow the MM link, but I see from the title of the post that she describes the killings as a “fragging-attack”, implying that they were justified.
acerbated by all the deleted uranium
Tell me more of this asserbation.
Is it Friday already?
Ah. Windows Box. Terra incognita for me. You are gonna have to get Gates on the phone. I’m sure he will gladly trouble shoot the issue!
If uranium is deleted, does it become the punctuated periodic table?
Periodic Punctuation? Like in dramatic ellipses?
The only dramatic elliptical table I can think of is the billiard table mentioned in Teh Mikado.
Likelier a NoScript issue. My Firefox is workin’ fine. FINE I TELL YOU.
Also, I see this picture with I.E., but not Firefox (pic courtesy of fIsh)
Good site. Who are these people?
D.A. !!!!!!!!!!
I love it.
The long pauses are killer.
Help Sarah Palin title her book.
Due out in the spring of next year.
Oh, a ghost writer. That’s pretty common, no?
You betcha.
Help! Can’t get my eyes unrolled!
You Betcha. Also.
The Sarah Palin Story™.
An inspired search! Well done!
“Every word of the book will be her words,”
Edward Bulwer Lytton, eat your heart out! Also. Too.
Holy crap, I can’t wait for the audiobook!
Good site. Who are these people?
Go to the home page and search The Wonder Years
You’ll be amazed.
Go to the home page and search The Wonder Years
You’ll be amazed.
Wow. The girl’s socks don’t go well with the outfits.
Every time I read “respond to my post, libs!” on this blog from now on, I’m going to mentally insert a really long awkward silence.
I didn’t notice the socks.
Nice video. Could have used a “precious bodily fluids” but “Dentistry is theft” makes up for that.
Well, well, well. Who would have thunk that this would occur.
I didn’t notice the socks.
I did on the third or fourth double take. So, so wrong on so many levels.
Palin, about her book: “”Being a voracious reader, I read a lot today and have read a lot growing up. And having that journalism degree, all of that, will be a great assistance for me in writing this book, talking about the challenges and the joys, balancing the work and parenting, and, in my case, work means running the state,” Palin said.
“I’ve read a variety of books, and that helps shape my opinions and my views.”
By Kyle-Anne Shiver
“They fear that the development and building of People’s (community) Organizations is the building of a vast power group which may fall prey to a fascistic demagogue who will seize leadership and control and turn an organization into a Frankenstein’s monster against democracy.”
– Saul Alinsky responding to his critics, Reveille for Radicals; p. 199
When Saul Alinsky began building his community-organization movement in 1930s Chicago, observers were watching Alinsky with one eye, while with the other eye observing the building of communist and fascist movements in Europe. It wasn’t hard then to see in Alinsky’s programs at home, elements of the people’s revolution from Russia, as well as some of the same “in your face” tactics being employed by Hitler’s Brownshirts.
What Alinsky’s critics saw was the burgeoning of a national movement, the carefully manipulated construction of people’s organizations, which all had two elements in common: (1) a collectivist creed, which denied the existence of personal responsibility; and (2) an amoral dogma, in which all means were justified by an imaginary utopian end.
While most modern Americans remember well Hitler’s Holocaust and the Cold War waged by a solid U.S.S.R., many of these same Americans have swallowed some false history regarding the movements that spawned such widespread, horrendous results. In what may be regarded as the most triumphant propaganda victory of our time, fascism has been scrubbed of all its Marxist roots, while communism has been scrubbed of its millions of callous murders.
This post-WWII propaganda coup undeniably set the stage for the early Alinsky critics’ most feared eventuality, that the massive organizations could be shrewdly adopted by a fascist demagogue, someone who could “seize leadership and control” and turn them into a “Frankenstein’s monster against democracy.”
But perhaps the most cunning propaganda feat in history has been undertaken for the past 8 years. As Jonah Goldberg expertly expounds in his book, Liberal Fascism, American left-wing ideologues have managed to dissociate themselves from all the horrors of fascism with a “brilliant rhetorical maneuver.” They’ve done it by “claiming that their opponents are the fascists.”
Alinsky himself employed this method, quite deviously. Alinsky biographer, Sanford D. Horwitt provides an anecdote using precisely this diabolical tactic to deceive the people. From Horwitt’s Let Them Call Me Rebel:
“…in the spring of 1972, at Tulane University…students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George H. W. Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations – a speech likely to include a defense of the Nixon administration’s Vietnam War policies. The students told Alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush’s address. That’s the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative – and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘The KKK supports Bush.’ And that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results.”
In what may eventually prove to be a devious rhetorical feat of monstrous proportions, while the left has been indulging and fostering the “Bush Is Hitler” meme, they may have just put a genuine ideological fascist heir in the White House.
There is inherent danger in making scurrilous comparisons (as were perpetrated unceasingly against George W. Bush), but there seem to be some very worrisome signs in the rise of Barack Obama that we Americans would be foolish to ignore.
Obama, the Closer
As I put forth last year in “Obama, the Closer”, Barack Obama, did not start his movement; Alinsky did.
Nor did Obama amass the organizations that propelled him. As detailed by Heidi J. Swarts, in her book, Organizing Urban America, the movement begun by Saul Alinsky in the 1930s has morphed into thousands of secular and faith-based leftist political organizations. ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) has perhaps the highest public profile, is most reputed for radicalism, and is the organization with which Barack Obama was first aligned. But ACORN is the mere tip of a veritable iceberg of Alinsky-styled community organizations that sweep across the entire United States and make up the backbone of faith-based progressive movements as well.
These euphemistically called “community” organizations have next to nothing to do with improving the communities and everything to do with politics, primarily strong-arming government money to advance their political aims. Prior to Reagan’s election, these groups worked independently for the most part, each seeking to effect local change towards leftist ends.
But with Reagan’s victory, ACORN founding member Wade Rathke sent out a memo (published by Swarts; Organizing Urban America; p. 29) that would reverberate all the way to Barack Obama’s moment. ACORN had been behaving as a sort of “Lone Ranger of the Left” for too long, wrote Rathke. Ronald Reagan had formed a coalition among the middle-class that threatened to bring greater prosperity without left-wing Statists calling the shots. Rathke put out the call to the ACORN troops to stop antagonizing those who would be allies, especially unions and church organizations, once shunned by ACORN as too placid for the real fight for power. For the next 25 years, the community organization network built, proliferated and formed a solid, nation-wide base of political strength, purely according to Alinsky’s original vision, and all just waiting for the right candidate to tap into it and lead it.
When folks from all corners of America proclaimed, seemingly with one voice, Barack is the “One we’ve been waiting for,” they were speaking out of the vast Alinsky-originated network.
Neither did Barack Obama invent the political “ideology of change,” nor design its carefully crafted propaganda. While media folks talked of the tingles up their legs and the brilliant rhetoric of Barack Obama, they were heralding the speaker only, not the creator of the movement and its slogans. That would have been Saul Alinsky, the man who took fascism and cunningly made it appear to casual observers every bit as American as apple pie.
Barack Obama is merely the movement’s closer, the quintessential liberal fascist with a teleprompter.Hail Obama
Alinsky’s Ideology of Change: The Third Way
Goldberg fastidiously notes the comparison between Alinsky’s “in your face” rules for radicals, studied and perfected by Barack Obama, and shows them to have profoundly fascist roots:
“…there’s no disputing that vast swaths of his (Alinsky’s) writings are indistinguishable from the fascist rhetoric of the 1920s and 1930s…His worldview is distinctly fascistic. Life is defined by war, contests of power, the imposition of will. Moreover, Alinsky shares with the fascists and pragmatists of yore a bedrock hostility to dogma. All he believes in are the desired ends of the movement, which he regards as the source of life’s meaning…But what comes through most is his unbridled love of power. Power is a good in its own right for Alinsky. Ours ‘is a world not of angels but of angles,’ he proclaims in Rules for Radicals, ‘where men speak of moral principles but act on power principles.”
Saul Alinsky was the man who transformed politics in America into all-out war mode. Alinsky’s tenth rule of the ethics of means: “You do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.” All’s fair in love and war, and politics, to Alinsky, was war.
“A People’s (community) Organization is not a philanthropic plaything or a social service’s ameliorative gesture. It is a deep, hard-driving force, striking and cutting at the very roots of all the evils which beset the people. It thinks and acts in terms of social surgery and not cosmetic cover-ups.
A People’s Organization is dedicated to an eternal war. A war is not an intellectual debate, and in the war against social evils there are no rules of fair play.”
Saul Alinsky; Reveille for Radicals; p. 133
Alinsky includes an entire section in Rules for Radicals on “The Ideology of Change.” The watchword of the Obama campaign was “change.” Just as Hitler mobilized the masses with a calculatingly undefined demand for “change,” so did Alinsky disciple, Barack Obama.
“Everything must be different!” or “Alles muss anders sein!,” Hitler’s own campaign slogan, morphed into “Unite for Change,” and the Obama transition team’s change.gov. Even the idea of a vast “movement” was borrowed from Hitler. As Goldberg states, Hitler used the phrase, “the Movement,” more than 200 times in Mein Kampf.
The word ‘movement’ itself is instructive. Movement, unlike progress, doesn’t imply a fixed destination. Rather, it takes it as a given that any change is better.
(Goldberg; Liberal Fascism; p. 176)
Perhaps the most intoxicating allure to the fascist demagogue and his movement for undefined change is its misleadingly conciliatory flavor. Barack Obama continually, throughout his campaign and even now, portrays himself as the Third Way between the cantankerous factions that have polarized America for the past 80 years, since liberal fascism took root as the Progressive Movement.
Obama claimed that Bush was too much the ideologue, that his policies were driven by the Christian right, involved “false choices” between all-out war on the one hand and diplomacy on the other, between the welfare state and cold-hearted, do-nothing conservatism, between absolute sovereignty and cowardly submission to the global community, between doing all and doing nothing. And if any of this gibberish were a true reflection of our political disagreements, Obama would be somewhat correct. But as any sentient person knows, this radical presentation of Obama’s is absolutely false. That gets lost, though, in the leader’s conciliatory tone.
What must not get lost, however, is the very real fact that this Third Way movement for change is as fascist as anything we have ever seen in the USA. As Alinsky described his own “Ideology of Change,” the lure is in the claim that the leader has no ideology that would confine his outlook to hard choices between what is moral or immoral, that there are no boundaries set by either religion or politics, that everything can change and the only thing that matters is one’s end intention to do something good.
As Hitler, before Alinsky, proclaimed, “Our program is to govern,” not delve into theory and dogma. This is in itself very appealing, especially to an electorate sick of the contentiousness of the past decade. This undefined “ideology of change” for the sake of change, for some action that will break through the roadblocks of polarization, has tremendous allure.
But Goldberg bursts that bubble:
The ‘middle way’ sounds moderate and un-radical. Its appeal is that it sounds unideological and freethinking. But philosophically the Third Way is not mere difference splitting; it is utopian and authoritarian. Its utopian aspect becomes manifest in its antagonism to the idea that politics is about trade-offs. The Third Wayer says that there are no false choices -‘I refuse to accept that X should come at the expense of Y.’ The Third Way holds that we can have capitalism and socialism, individual liberty and absolute unity. Fascist movements are implicitly utopian because they – like communist and heretical Christian movements — assume that with just the right arrangement of policies, all contradictions can be rectified.
(Goldberg; Liberal Fascism; p. 130)
Of course, thinking people — when they are indeed thinking — know this is an utterly false promise. Life will never be made perfect because all human beings are imperfect.
Unity, the Diabolical Lure
What of this longed-for unity then? Barack Obama proclaimed he was leading a movement of people “united for change.” What is the appeal of unity?
The modern liberal fascist seeks that state between mother and child which exists early on before the child seeks his own independence, before mother must set herself at odds with him. It is the perfectly secure state of childhood where all is lovely and peaceful and nurturing, but cannot continue indefinitely if the child is to be prepared to face a world of difficulty and hard choices. Nevertheless, the yearning continues. It is this primordial yearning which sets itself in the crosshairs of the fascist demagogue.
But in adult life, this type of unity is anything but desirable, anything but virtuous. As Goldberg states, however, “elevation of unity as the highest social value is a core tenet of fascism and all leftist ideologies.”
The allure of this mystical unity is so great that its demand to sacrifice reason and thought on the false altar of infantile security is seemingly lost to many. But as Goldberg also reminds us, “unity is, at best, morally neutral and often a source of irrationality and groupthink.”
Rampaging mobs are unified. The Mafia is unified. Marauding barbarians bent on rape and pillage are unified. Meanwhile, civilized people have disagreements, and small-d democrats have arguments. Classical liberalism is based on this fundamental insight, which is why fascism was always anti-liberal.
Liberalism rejected the idea that unity is more valuable than individuality. For fascists and other leftists, meaning and authenticity are found in collective enterprises – of class, nation, or race – and the state is there to enforce that meaning on everyone without the hindrance of debate.
(Goldberg; Liberal Fascism; p. 172)
Just as the healthy relationship between parent and developing child demands friction, so does the healthy relationship between truly liberal citizens. Unity is the siren song of tyranny, not the call to genuine progress.
Fascism: The Two Birds with One Stone Approach
I think of Obama’s liberal fascism as a cancer that attempts to kill the two birds of American exceptionalism with one stone. It is a deviously appealing Third Way that in the end, if allowed to triumph completely, kills both individual liberty and Judeo/Christian religion with its single stone.
And, indeed this was the precise goal of Adolph Hitler. Unlike the outspoken hatred of private property and religion espoused by communists under Lenin and Stalin, Hitler preferred the more moderate-seeming incremental takeover of private enterprise in the interest of the “common good,” and the slow-death of Judeo/Christian religion by chipping away at it and replacing the people’s dependence upon God gradually with reliance on the state (Hitler).
[Note: Hitler’s Holocaust was based on the Progressive Eugenics principles set forth by Social Darwinist scientists and social engineers of the 1920s, widely accepted both in Europe and in the United States. Religion was not at the core of the Holocaust; race was. However, Hitler’s other chief aim was to destroy the Judeo/Christian religions, which he believed had ruined the Germanic race’s world predominance.]
Of course, as the German people were duped into giving Hitler totalitarian powers to work his magic “change,” he took off the kid gloves and accelerated the program.
In the end, however slow the process, however seemingly benign the growth of the state may seem, liberal fascism has the same result of all tyrannies before it: hell on earth for most and a self-indulgent feast for the Statists in power.
As Barack Obama speaks, thinking Americans ought to hear the echoes of past fascist demagogues and remember. Remember.
When Barack Obama promises “collective redemption” through his profligate spending programs and vast overtures to a new world order built on love for our fellow man, we ought to shudder not swoon.
We ought to remember that healthy global relationships are built upon respect, not all-encompassing love, and that redemption for one’s soul is a commodity the state is not empowered to offer.
As Pope Benedict XVI has so presciently warned:
Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes, not divine, but demonic.
Be not fooled, America. The movement, which appears most benign is instead the most malignant growth ever seen on our soil. It’s a cancer that will kill, and however slowly it grows or however nice it may look on the surface, doesn’t change a thing.
Geez, after that copy and paste missive, we should all just fold up the shop and admit defeat. Nice knowing you all! Bye!
Holy crap, I can’t wait for the audiobook!
Man, don’t even joke about that. The very notion of Sarah Palin prattling on for several hours straight is enough to make anyone go Galt.
I am imagining the Hell it would be to be her editor.
…the Fifth of November…
That time in September….
And follow!
If only Dick Cheney were riding over that hill, coming to set us free…
Great. More stupid fancy pants big head scientists and their Al Gore fixation trying to make us believe in this human-caused global warming and ignoring the proud tradition of Tobacco Institute quality science:
Pffft. If they were at all interested in real science they’d read Human Events and the Bible. That’s a lot more damn science than they’ll get from dancin’ when Al Gore pulls a’damn strings, I’m tellin’ you what.
And now, scientists announce a material possibly rivaling Jonah Goldberg’s cranium in density: ultra dense deuterium.
Look, I pasted something else clever from American Thinker!!
Hey Troofie, Don’t forget to bring a towel!
YOU’RE a towel.
You’re the worst troll ever, Troofie.
I know.
I do suck, don’t I?
South Park is REPUBLICAN!
South Park is a TV SHOW, Troofus. I don’t think it could vote if it wanted to.
I am what happens when Republicans try to be funny.
South Park is Libertarian humor! They hate hippies too, libs.
I’ve suddenly lost my interest in helping Obama with his fascist/socialist/Muslim conspiracy.
We’re not Republicans but Republicans think we are. If we were Republicans, we’d be utterly unfunny.
Eric Cartman, the fat, racist, anti-Semitic sociopath hates hippies. But I guess a party that accepts Joe the Buttplug as a cipher will let pretty much anyone speak for them.
@3:20- They never learn.
xtranormal is the Leni Riefenstahl of liberal fascism.
The movie was great, D.
“Dentistry Is Theft” is my new slogan.
I also liked the end, how it was somewhat frightening and/or sad.
I thought Happy Feet was the Leni Riefenstahl of liberal fascism.
South Park is Libertarian humor! They hate hippies too, libs.
It’s 2009. “Hippie” is about as relevant a term as “Flapper” or “Zoot Suiter”.
The Zoot-suit riots were the Krystalnacht of Roosevelt-era liberal fascism.
@MajorKong, if Troofus understood relevance, he wouldn’t be a Republican.
I thought Happy Feet was the Leni Riefenstahl of liberal fascism.
Then xtranormal is the new Happy Feet.
Or something. Then again, if we change it and say we never did, that’s good wingnut style (a la rocket-powered goalpoasts).
I ♥ ACORN, aka teh l337 haXxXo4zzzz!!eleventy-twelvety!!
Got nothing to contribute, just…The Continuum Hypothesis, Cantor Dust, Sierpinski Gaskets, and Happy Feet? Please continue….
The Continuum Hypothesis, Cantor Dust, Sierpinski Gaskets, and Happy Feet? Please continue….
Hmmm…. what is the next item in that sequence?
Art-Deco gooseneck lamps?
Holy crap, I can’t wait for the audiobook!
Rich Lowry agrees with you.
Relevance is the Vril Society of liberal fatcysm.
gooseneck lamps?Klein bottles.FTFY.
Plus, allow me to also fawn in praise over “Dentistry is Theft” as well. Also. As well. PENIS.
The most hilarious thing about all those idiots “going Galt” is that that condition presupposes the person is an expert at something.
But they have eight years of FAIL as their “expertise”.
What a bunch of nutjobs.
Pen-gu-ins is practically chickens!
The Zoot-suit riots were the Krystalnacht of Roosevelt-era liberal fascism.
Smut, I must apologize for America & its world-wide cultural hegemony that has made you aware of such things.
Calvin Klein bottles?
Perfect for storing your four-dimensional loliporn advertising.
Hey, someone’s spoofing me!!
I’d never apologize for AmeriKKKa, even if you tortured me.
But they have eight years of FAIL as their “expertise”.
Including, now, FAILing at going Galt, because they haven’t sacked up and gone off the grid.
What if Ayn Rand writes Palin’s book?
What if Ayn Rand writes Palin’s book?
If they give it to her to write, it will be even farther behind schedule than Liberal Fascism.
“What if Ayn Rand writes Palin’s book?”
Then it will make less use of the phrase “a’sposed to” then I’m anticipating it will if Bible Spice writes it.
Ahhh, dancing badgers. Is there any trollathon you can’t make better?
Perfect for storing your four-dimensional loliporn advertising.
Starring barely-two-dimensional models.
Starring barely-two-dimensional models.
Why not fractal marriage?
Yep. Took awhile. She’s going there. http://michellemalkin.com/2009/05/12/questions-about-the-fragging-attack/
The comments, as well as Stalkin’s post itself, are like universes of Strawmen. It appears the imaginary worlds the nutcases and teabaggers live in are still intact.
Is it something integral to our culture?
God created the integers, all else is the work of man.
Boy, am I going to love this new toy you’ve found in your magic toy-chest.
Kudos once again. Funny shit.
Help Sarah Palin title her book.
“Inspiring Teenage Abstinence Through Moose Hunting”
Why don’t people understand South Park?
I do, since I was there just this last weekend. Funny place. They have a rock-lined dump they call, “South Park Beach.” People go party there.
My boys Matt and Trey hate authority and convention and Power, period, end of story, full stop. Which makes it weird and funny to me when our authority-loving friends of Wingnuttia claim them as their own.
Seriously, I can’t wait for these Cheney blowing fucktards to die off like dinosaurs. It’s a shame I’m going to go with them.
“Knocked Up: The Waterboarding.”
Teh Mooser: “I’ve read a variety of books, and that helps shape my opinions and my views.”
A variety, eh? A VARIETY?!!?! Havent you read ALL OF THEM?
What if Ayn Rand writes Palin’s book?
A is A, Also, Too
Don’t forget the rabid pelicans!
“A=A Is Central To My Point. Also. I Have Not Really Paid Much Attention.”
Missing subtitle: “To, Well, Anything. The Sarah Palin Story.”
God created the t-shirts, all slogans on them are the work of man.
Ahhh, dancing badgers. Is there any trollathon you can’t make better?
That is therapeutic, isn’t it?
Now if I could only figure out how to get it to work in Opera. I RTFM’d, but it said something about Java Userscripts needing to be activated and I couldn’t see how to do that.
Pere: I haven’t looked into it in some time but last I did, we Opera-tors were SOL.
Update – in Opera,
Menu: Tools -> Preferences
Select “advanced” tab
Select “Content”
There’s a place to specify userscripts
Now I’ll go get a monkeyscript and see if it will work
Help Sarah Palin title her book.
“Being There”
What’s that you say? Already taken?
Jeebus. I finally went to the Malkin post, and I have to say – I totally don’t understand. What is her point?
OK, it seems to be her point that “MSM jumped to the conclusion that the soldier was stressed.” Of course, there is, in fact, the statement by the military that the guy was, in fact, being treated for stress, that the place he shot people was a place where people were being treated for stress.
But other than that, I don’t her get point. Is it just “MSM bad, whatever they say?”
the commenters on her site are even more confusing. They say “there is no such thing as PTSD” but they think the guy was probably brainwashed into being a MOOOOOOslim. They bring up the fact that the guy had a troubled domestic history, so one commenter comes pretty close to blaming the whole thing on the guy’s ex-wife: “He had at least one broken marriage in his wake. We don’t know what other stress he had working at home.”
Another commenter refutes the argument that the guy might have been a bad apple because we’ve lowered our standards in accepting recruits – sez that the guys who joined the army during the time of the draft were even bigger losers, – nice way to support the troops. BTW!.
Their arguments are twisting round in circles, and some of them are coming close to articulating that they they have a real dilemma, because they aren’t sure whether they have to champion the guy, because he went there under Bush, or whether they should condemn him because now Obama’s the CiC.
That’s their real problem – they can’t figure out how to blame it on Obama yet.
If Ayn Rand wrote Palin’s book, at least we could read about all the men who had managed to arrive in Palin’s Gulch.
Sure the rape kits aren’t free there, but when the women all actually like being raped, who needs one?
g, they don’t have a point. They’re deranged. Psycho. It would sad if it weren’t so funny. Or versa vice. Or something.
Here’s my first try…oh, the humanity!
1. Pinko would totally say all that.
2. I nearly suffocated with laughter during the pause that was so pregnant it needed an injection of pitocin.
“Nobody likes paying taxes. But nobody likes going to the dentist.”
“Exactly. Dentistry is theft.”
I think Palin should name her book, “In What Respect, Charlie?”
“As Pope Benedict XVI has so presciently warned:
Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes, not divine, but demonic.
Be not fooled, America. The movement, which appears most benign is instead the most malignant growth ever seen on our soil. It’s a cancer that will kill, and however slowly it grows or however nice it may look on the surface, doesn’t change a thing.”
I would love to launch some kind of witty Snark Missile about this post, but it’s too damn depressing.
This stuff, and so much more like it, is just an elaborate warm-up for justifying revolution. They truly believe this crap and truly believe it merits some kind of extraordinary action. Christ, even Camille Paglia says something like this in her piece over at Salon today. Camille friggin’ Paglia. (One piece by her you won’t see hot-linked to on Drudge for a change).
Michael is now the second funniest Palin.
Schwoops, wuz wrong, Drudge did link to Paglia’s piece on Salon!
Ryan said,
I demand a recut of this film where the final two lines are rewritten:
Run: Do you smell something?
Randian: I just shit my pants.
…or whatever.
That’s DMC, not Run.
But I love your idea.
“Dentistry is theft.”
Fucking brilliant. So full of epic win.