Makin’ Movies

My first effort. Haven’t figured out how to embed these things yet … Gavin? Help me? Tintin? Guys?

Gavin adds: You need to push the second and sixth levers while turning the brass turny-thing.



Comments: 58


A sign up! Aw, jeez!



See the embed code on the display page of the video?

Copy and paste that into the edit of this post.


I like the dance she does.


Yeah, on account of because I doan wanna sine up for no more shits. Embed the motherfucking video already!

Poop. Also.


actor – yeah, can’t do that in our CMS for some reason … can’t do it with youtube vids either, although obviously some of the editors can.


Come on, a signup? Not a chance.


Big Bad Bald Bastard

A sign up! Aw, jeez!

I actually broke down and registered at Crooks and Liars. Yeah, I swore I’d never post on a site that requires registration, but there was a thread about Delia Derbyshire, I tells ya.


You can always find the source of the video, download it, and reup it to YouTube…


I’m F***ing Greta

Intriguing. Is that word with the stars part of the verb or does it modify the proper noun?


Is it porn? More to the point, is it all-male, all-Filipino porn? ‘Cuz I just don’t see the point in signing up otherwise.


Makin’ movies, but he don’t know what it means…


Did you see the documentary about the punks whose music didn’t totally suck ass?

Yeah, neither did anyone else….


Makin’ movies, on location, which is not here but over there.


I thought this was going to be like Spartacus.

No I’m f***king Greta!


Is it porn? More to the point, is it all-male, all-Filipino porn?

Newsletter, ideas…..


There is a way to publish your xtranormal movies to YouTube. You just authenticate your YouTube account and then hit the publish button.


Yeah, but I’m having trouble embedding youtube vids, too … something’s weird with Word Press … if I try to embed a vid in a post, the code disappears for some reason.


Here’s mine, a tribute to the Ole Perfesser:

Big Bad Bald Bastard

something’s weird with Word Press


j price vincenz

I caught this site on alicublog a couple of weeks ago. An interesting idea but notice that any content you put into this software becomes the property of the website. So, for instance, I was thinking about putting my newest novel into it–the non-free version has much more bells and whistles than the freebie–but my novel, i.e., the real content, would become the property of, which is like adobe asserting that they own a text simply because I post the text in their format.


D. Aristophanes: HTML Mencken had trouble embedding videos some time ago. Maybe he might be able to point you to the specific problem.



It looks like you need to add some “PARAM” tags ahead of the video:

(substitute angled brackets for parens, of course)

{object width=”300″ height=”300″}{param name=”movie” value=”″}{/param}{param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”}{/param}{param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”}{/param}{embed src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”300″ height=”300″}{/embed}{/object}


something’s weird with Word Press

Score another one for the mighty, mighty Blogspot!


Maybe this will help.


I’ll see what Mencken says … could be I have restrictions on what I can do as an admin. The problem isn’t the code — I can and do embed video all the time on other sites — it’s WP not allowing embed code in my posts for some reason.


Yeah, I swore I’d never post on a site that requires registration, but there was a thread about Delia Derbyshire, I tells ya.

Damn, John Derbyshire was pretty hot before his sex change.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Damn, John Derbyshire was pretty hot before his sex change.

Such kr00l-T!

Do you think she was hot in spite of her alarming dentition, or because of it?


NVM – that is pretty helpful. Maybe there’s a plug-in problem … might have to re-jig my whole WP profile … gah.


I’d like to see this film produced with live actors, as well as some flashback scenes showing some actual Fox “news” personality fucking.

I also hear Jack White’s interested in doing a sound track.

Let’s do lunch.


Do you think she was hot in spite of her alarming dentition, or because of it?

Alarming, perhaps, but surely not a deal-breaker.

This, on the other hand:

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This, on the other hand:

I dunno, I think I may have to check this-how you say- “Malkin’s” website out…


Who’s Greta Van Susterine?

Seriously, though…

“Up against Geraldo’s ‘stache” is fucking brilliant.


I caught this site on alicublog a couple of weeks ago. An interesting idea but notice that any content you put into this software becomes the property of the website. So, for instance, I was thinking about putting my newest novel into it–the non-free version has much more bells and whistles than the freebie–but my novel, i.e., the real content, would become the property of, which is like adobe asserting that they own a text simply because I post the text in their format.

That’s not what it says. It says you remain the owner of your content, but that you give them a broad license to reuse it, and a somewhat less broad license to other users to view it, download it, etc., to the same degree you have those rights with respect to other users’ content. It’s not significantly more onerous than agreements used on other sites that get and post user-generated content, as far as I can tell. You wouldn’t want to put confidential stuff in there, or make something available that you expected to make you a zillion dollars once you sell the movie rights; but for most casual purposes it’s not so bad.


Turn off the WYSIWYG editor, then it will be golden showers for everyone.


It seems we are taking a blue turn at the Sadly.


Turn off the WYSIWYG editor, then it will be golden showers for everyone.

Coins, ingots, molten…? Cuz I’m thinking I might take a pass. Oh, unless it’s casting grain, then I am IN.


I once knew someone who lived on Golden Rain Road. Seriously.


I couldn’t help myself. Here is Wanda Sykes at the White House Correspondents Association dinner discussing ‘Ol Rushbo

Wanda Sykes and Rushbo: The Animated Adventures


Bah. Damn you, google maps. Jut type in “Golden Rain Road, Walnut Creek, CA.”


So if I were to shoot a film or music video, and i used part of a movie I made with their stuff, but with my own sound and dialog and etc. I added later – would they be able to sue me and make me stop?

Or would their lawsuit fail due to copyright and/or other reasons?

Just curious. Would love to use and even pay for their service, if I could just be assured my actual use of it wouldn’t screw me.

~j : )


You must be 18 or older to view this movie.

In actual age or biological age (according to the maturity level of your brain)?


I want to make one of K-Lo and Jonah meeting in LA with groovy1 soundtrack and water drip background but can’t find a character that looks like K-Lo.


can’t find a character that looks like K-Lo.

That’s a feature, not a bug.


I love the hip swivel the lady characters do. It’s like flipping the bird using dance. Ladies, gents, am I right on this?


As D. Aristophanes as learned, this can be a source of infinite good or infinite evil.

Sort of like the typewriter in 8th grade typing class.


So if I were to shoot a film or music video, and i used part of a movie I made with their stuff, but with my own sound and dialog and etc. I added later – would they be able to sue me and make me stop?

If you were actually going to do a film or music video, these details would not stop you.

You sound like the dood who won’t play his original song in public because other people might steal it.


Had you done been seen what the wind been had done to my barbecue?

Well played. Confederate Wankee in the heezee! I ROFLed.


Show biz kids making movies of themselves
You know they don’t give a fuck about anybody else

While the poor people sleepin’
With the shade on the light
While the poor people sleepin’
All the stars come out at night

Just what came to mind from the title.


So if I were to shoot a film or music video, and i used part of a movie I made with their stuff, but with my own sound and dialog and etc. I added later – would they be able to sue me and make me stop?

Or would their lawsuit fail due to copyright and/or other reasons?

The actual answer is, as you might expect, “it depends.” Presumably, they own the graphics and other stuff that they provide for user movies. If you were to snag a bunch of that and then use it for your own purposes, you might run into trouble. Then again, you might not.

I read the ownership section of the terms of service, but I don’t recall specifically what rights they grant users in their intellectual property. However, they do appear to have a commercial version that presumably costs money and grants commercial rights, so if you tried to make money from something incorporating a “free” movie you made on the site, they might be upset.

DISCLAIMER: Not legal advice. If you get in trouble, blame the homoislamofascistomexicans. It’s all their fault.


Dig this guy’s “hate AmeriKKKa, love the DPRK” collection of vids.


this guy appears to be the North Korean government.


All I’m going to say is: watch your ass, Spielberg – all your medium are belong to D.A.


the grill incident never gonna get old


“I’m Fucking Greta van Susteren”
“No, I’m Fucking Greta van Susteren”
“No, I’m Fucking Greta van Susteren”

It’s like Spartacus for the cable age.


If you were actually going to do a film or music video, these details would not stop you.

You’re right! No one in media ever gets in trouble with copyrights. Just ask Negativland.

You sound like the dood who won’t play his original song in public because other people might steal it.

Already happened to me with “Escalator to Limbo”.


Grill video = 100% awesome.


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