Is There Nothing Teh Gays Won’t Stop At?
Left to right: Seth Leibson, Kathryn Lopez, Carrie Prejean, and Miss Gay Rhode Island
Describing the horrors perpetrated on poor Miss Prejean by the vicious gay cabal was too big a job for one woman, so K-Lo enlisted the help of wingnut-welfare recipient Seth Leibsohn to do the subject justice. And justice they did in a tour-de-force titled “Nekkid in the Nekkid Public Square”
We both worried when Miss California showed up at a press conference for our friends at the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). It was hard to believe the gay-marriage proponents would let this brave young woman get away with her free exercise of free speech without some serious retribution. Already, as a NOM commercial on the Prejean incident was released, a story about her implants was leaked. And, of course, that was only the beginning of the character assassination to come.
In rapid succession the gays leaked stories about her orthodontic treatments, several tooth-whitening sessions, a couple of trips to the beauty salon which added some highlights to her hair, a Brazilian she got before the pageant, and — horror of horrors — a manicure and pedicure which added artificial gloss to her nails. When that didn’t work, the gays went nuclear:
The latest on Carrie Prejean is that she evidently posed semi-topless for a lingerie commercial when she was 17 (a little over four years ago); those photos have been anonymously released to embarrass her and attempt to remove her title of Miss California-USA.
Although this horrifying, semi-nude, no-nipple titty pic was anonymously released, K-Lo and that dreamboat Seth (whom K-Lo wishes she could see semi-nude) are positive that the gays were behind it, mostly because there has never been an incident in the history of beauty pageants where one contestant released dirt on another contestant.
[N]ote what the movement of tolerance does when you simply exercise your rights to free speech, taking a position they disagree with. They go personal. They go for the jugular. They try to embarrass and humiliate you. They will stop at nothing not only to discredit but absolutely destroy you.
If the gay mafia stops at nothing, it’s a bit odd, n’est-ce pas, that the only things revealed were, um, actually true. I mean, where are the photoshopped images of Miss Prejean in a three-way with a randy goat and a meth-crazed lesbian hooker? Where are the drag queens with eye-witness testimony that Miss Prejean started out as a female impersonator in a gay bar in Sacramento before doing hormone treatments and getting her willie snipped off? Lopez and Leibsohn obviously have had no experience with a gay man who will stop at nothing.
Those who advocate gay marriage and responsible dialogue and debate ought to take a stand against this kind of scorched-earth politics. The strategy of demonizing individuals only serves to underscore the encroachments on religious liberties that have been integral to the gay-marriage movement’s policy successes in state after state.
I’m sort of confused here, but if there is a church where breast implants and semi-nude photos are an integral part of its faith, I really want to join. I’ve had some fun as a Gaypiscopalian but the wildest we ever get is an extra glass of sherry after the Eucharist and, if we’re lucky, a campy joke or two about a well-hung vicar.
But back to Carrie Prejean … . One wonders where her adult supervision is. Twenty-one-year-olds will make mistakes, as will 17-year-olds. But that lingerie photo was especially unnecessary, inappropriate, and revealing in a much larger sense. Some adult should have helped her stand up to that job
Bet you didn’t see that coming, didya? Carrie didn’t have a mother and a father to save her from the lingerie photo because of . . . . . GAY MARRIAGE! She deserved to have had a mother and a father but, thanks to Dan Savage marrying his partner, she had neither. She was, instead, raised by wolves. The problem with being raised by wolves instead of by a real mother and father is that Carrie’s wolf-parents were too busy raiding chicken houses to prevent her from having someone take pictures of the sides of her tits. Worse, these two wolves were busy gnawing on a deer carcass when they should have been telling Carrie not to lie about those partial boobie pics.
O fucking great. A promising new thread when I have to toddle off to bed.
Can I catch up with it in the antimatter? Plz.
Still Googling…
Is it just me, or does Miss Opposite Marriage up there look like she’s about to spit a second row of fangs out from behind her teeth and rip everyone’s face off?
I mean, as a cranky misanthrope of slightly radfemesque leanings, I happen to think beauty pageant entrants are evil aliens anyway, but that seems overt…
It is unfair when wingnuts are held to the same standards they hold everyone else to.
It was hard to believe the gay-marriage proponents would let this brave young woman get away with her free exercise of free speech without some serious retribution.
Oh, you mean like by exercising their free speech to criticize her? Horrors!
Only teh gays would post a picture of a partially nude famous person. It’s an internet tradition.
I’m having trouble with the picture being part of a demonising campaign.WHy do these shit-gargling pundits think this picture demonises her while the bikini she wore is celebrating her?
The latest on Carrie Prejean is that she evidently posed semi-topless for a lingerie commercial
What the fuck is semi-topless? One tit in, one tit out?
I mean, I’m pretty sure that for all of the important arbiters (which is to say, pageant officials and pre-teen boys), a young woman is either exposing things, or she is not, and no “semi-” is gonna saver her.
K-Lo & her new pod-nuh seem to be drifting into Pastor Swank territory here.
Love that pageant look. Carrie looks like a well-preserved cougar. 21, you say? Maybe there is a lie to catch her in.
But what did they expect when they got all over a grown-up JonBenet who talks about same-sex & “opposite” marriage for their best (only?) spokes-model?
The sub-head’s funny too.
Because Sex And The City was all about liberal “character assassination.”
I’d be willing to bet that boob jobs have destroyed more “opposite” marriages than gay marriages have.
As a Randy here & elsewhere, I vociferously deny any accusations of having been involved with such a person. It was just me and the meth-crazed lesbian hooker, the way God intended sex to be.
Well, I suppose that the closest thing to that would be Pastafarianism, where you’ve got your stripper factory and beer volcano in the afterlife. Bon appetit!
What the fuck is semi-topless? One tit in, one tit out?
drunk as i am, you made me laugh.
Please. Kill me now.
Mercifully, she seems to have faith, but when you’re dating Michael Phelps on again and off again, you probably don’t have the best support system walking into a vicious national debate.
Ms. Prejean, I’d take that as a threat if I were you. Dating a guy — even an Olympic record smasher — who studies foreign languages and occasionally gets stoned — will not be tolerated by these people. The youthful indiscretion of an undies ad or two can be forgiven, but much beyond that and you’re in the danger zone.
There were three young ladies of Birmingham,
And this is the scandal concerning ’em.
They lifted the frock
And tickled the cock
Of the Bishop engaged in confirming ’em.
Now, the Bishop was nobody’s fool,
He’d been to a good public school,
So he took down their britches
And buggered those bitches
With his ten-inch episcopal tool.
Then up spoke a lady from Kew,
And said, as the Bishop withdrew,
“The vicar is quicker
And thicker and slicker,
And longer and stronger than you.”
Ok, I’ve put off bringing this up, but the whole pageant-boob jobs thing is just too close of a fit. I put this off because…I have to work with this person who I’m having a really hard time respecting, and you know how that is – the more you talk to others about them, the less you respect them. But here goes anyway.
Have you ever known one of those people who was just convinced that they were the most attractive thing ever, when objectively you thought, ok, you’re attractive, but you’re no supermodel or movie star? But anyway, they’re convinced of it and even being completely narcissistic, they know better than to come right out and say it, so instead on a daily basis they’ll repeat to you things that other people say to them about how great they look, or how someone is always hitting on them, or etc.
How bad is it, you ask? Well, first there’s the obviously fake boobs, which are more out-of-proportion than any I’ve ever seen that weren’t on a porn star or stripper. Then there’s the bleached hair, the fake nails, the tight clothes and the spike heels. There’s the constant obsessing on what she’s wearing (twice now she’s left work to go shopping because she didn’t like what she was wearing), on needing to get the nails done, on wanting Botox (she’s 38 and has a tanning bed at home), and so on. But wait, it gets better.
When we were doing our training and all went out to dinner one night, she circulated photos of herself, that she just happened to be carrying around with her, posing in a bathing suit in a bodybuilding competition she was in 5 years ago. Our trainer did a little memory exercise for herself and asked everyone to pick an adjective that starts with the same letter as their first name – she picked “Perfect”. The entire week of training she constantly fretted about needing to get her nails done. In the partial week of training that followed, she woke up sick and throwing up the last day of the training, but came in anyway, exposing all of us to whatever it was, then kind of maintained a martyrdom for several hours till I finally just spoke up for everyone and said, “go home and go to bed. Throwing up is where I draw the line for calling in sick – if I’m puking, there’s no way I’m going to work.” So she sits there for a few more minutes whining about how bad she feels and all, then breaks down crying and saying, “I don’t look good.”
Are ya feelin’ me here?
So, after we started working together, I started finding out more, such as that miss Perfect doesn’t know how to clean up after herself, or perhaps thinks someone else should do it for her. One day she told me she thinks she could write a really great book. “Oh really, what kind of book?” I ask, because I’ve seen her writing and…not good, let’s say. She says her autobiography, because she’s had such an interesting life.
This is too exhausting to go on, though there’s more I could tell you. I kinda swing back and forth between being completely irritated and just pitying her. I just pray one of us gets moved elsewhere before much longer.
Let’s just say that Barbie Syndrome is NOT a good thing – even for Barbie herself.
Justme impressively caught my reference about the “well-hung vicar” but the version of the limerick that I learned (from another Whiskeypalian, of course) was somewhat shorter:
There was a young lady named Lou
who said as the rector withdrew–
“The Vicar is quicker,
And thicker, and slicker,
And two inches longer than you!”
No, seriously. Just kill me. I can’t go on.
I’m curious as to why her (allegedly lupine) parents were so careful to impress upon her that marriage is between “opposites.” Did she get caught making out with her girlfriends in second grade? They needn’t have worried, I kissed lots of girls at that age and I still turned out gayer than Christmas.
Or were there many adults of various genders around the house and they thought she needed help remembering which ones were here parents?
I’m convinced Carrie Prejean‘s toplessness was self-inflicted to win a Purple Heart to fuel her Presidential ambitions thirty years from now. The Swift Boob Veterans never lie.
Mercifully, she seems to have faith, but when you’re dating Michael Phelps on again and off again, you probably don’t have the best support system walking into a vicious national debate.
Oh, that’s it, this bitch is going down. He is MINE!
So K-Lo is telling us that Carrie’s implants leaked? That’s very dangerous! I hope she seeks prompt medical attention from a reputable faith healer.
And where were her presumably good Christian heterosexual parents when she was posing almost-nude and having her “dirty pillows” unnaturally altered? The only acceptable excuse I can think of is that they were Raptured away, or they were out of commission rolling on the floor and speaking in tongues throughout her formative years.
Of course, being a vicious satanic gay guy, I’ve always suspected that K-Lo’s unique, distinctive beauty wasn’t entirely natural. Eventually it will come out that she was “enhanced” head to toe by a certain Dr. Moreau — but you didn’t hear it from me!
Our trainer did a little memory exercise for herself and asked everyone to pick an adjective that starts with the same letter as their first name – she picked “Perfect”
Maybe your feelings about this woman are just misplaced aggression about being in the Dilbert zone.
This woman sounds mentally ill and extrememly annoying. I usually find a very small place in my heart for people like that by imagining what their lives must be like, and how, if they had any ability to, they would change. But they don’t, and so they continue to suffer, and make the people around them suffer. It’s a sad situation all around.
Or you could just say she is an ugly dried up whore and the only reason men would sleep with her is that she could carry them two kegs of beer to drink before the act. That might shut her up .
I like the shorter one, Tintin. The three-verser is the one I grew up with, though, so it immediately came to mind.
I do mean grew up with, too. We had a huge book of bawdy limericks lying around the house when I was a wee laddie. Explains a few things, I suppose.
Oh, and speaking of beauty…
The references to Glenn Close on the previous thread reminded me that the best portrait of her appears on the one-dollar bill. Pull one out of your wallet and see; it’s uncanny.
inkadu – well, I wouldn’t say the latter. She is an attractive woman – just not so extraordinairily attractive as she apparently believes. Perhaps she fears that maybe she isn’t and this is why she does what she does. Who knows? But yes, it is extremely annoying, and it’s not so much about the Dilbert zone as it is that I tend to be irritated by shallowness and falsity. I’d rather be around someone who swears like a sailor and just lets it all hang out and goes around being themself. Though I suppose she is being herself – it’s just that who she is is an extreme narcissist.
Like I said, I swing back and forth between pity and irritation.
[N]ote what the movement of tolerance does when you simply exercise your rights to free speech, taking a position they disagree with. They go personal. They go for the jugular. They try to embarrass and humiliate you. They will stop at nothing not only to discredit but absolutely destroy you.
I’d love to respond to this, but right now I’m in the middle of being stalked by Bill O’Reilly’s producer for exercising my right to free speech to say something he disagrees with.
“Those who advocate gay marriage and responsible dialogue and debate ought to take a stand against this kind of scorched-earth politics. The strategy of demonizing individuals only serves to underscore the encroachments on religious liberties that have been integral to the gay-marriage movement’s policy successes in state after state.”
Someone from the party of Rove complaining about scortched-politics? In case he hasn’t noticed, they already took a stand against this kind of politics. They voted Democrat.
oh man, jennifer, i’m sorry to hear about your co-worker. i don’t have much advice, but i think that your inclination toward trying to keep your irritation under control is a pretty good one. hang in there!
Actually, I read there is a “semi” clause – she wasn’t supposed to have appeared in any “nude or semi-nude” photographs, and apparently signed a contract to that effect. That picture certainly qualifies as “semi-nude”. And supposedly there are other more… um… nude pics in the series.
I’m sure these pageant officials have been picky about this issue every since the Vanessa Williams incident.
What is it about the Pageant Zone that turns women into these plastic-looking mannequins? I mean, she’s not unattractive in that side-boob pic, but in the one with the tiara? Yikes!
Now, I don’t follow beauty pageants much, so I probably wouldn’t recognize any Miss Whatever who didn’t parlay her win into an acting career or something, but Vanessa Williams was hot (maybe that’s why she had to be destroyed.) How far back before her do you have to go? I’m drawing a blank until I get to Lee Meriwether, and she wasn’t that good looking until like ten years later. (What was with the 50s, anyway?)
I’ll be off now to have my little Time Tunnel flashback.
G’d help me, I always thought J’lo had been a man.
jennifer I’ve worked with both a male and female barbie. Both were obsessed with how many men were looking at them and both would make faux expressions of concern eg ” did you see how that dirty perv was checking me out?” It becomes REALLY tiring fast.
Jennifer — I know you said she was OK attractive, but I think if people draw a lot of attention to it, they are insecure about it.
I once worked at a day care center. I had very liberal progressive views of how girls should be raised — independent and on equal footing with boys. There was one girl, however, who insisted on being a docile, emotionally needy, dependent and passive princess in the worst possible way. She’d play sleeping beauty and want her favorite boy to kiss her to wake her up. She’d fawn over him and ask him if she wanted anything, yet she seemed completely incapable of doing anything for herself. I tried, I honestly tried, to “improve her.” But, at three years old, she already had her personality, and, for all her passivity, she was clinging to it so fiercely that finally I had to respect her for who she was.
I guess that’s a roundabout way of saying we don’t get to choose who we are. Which you said already.
And, back to work… I find a lot of work environments dedicated to shallowness and falsity… where you don’t feel comfortable being yourself because you need to fit in, because people are constantly competing against you, because people are gossipy monsters who came to work directly from sophomore year of highschool… The best place I ever worked at, in that regard, was in a facilities department for a big corporation… surrounded by people wearing jeans and work boots, comfortable with what they did, and under no competitive stress to get that next promotion. There was no promotion. You were the electrician, or the plumber, or the HVAC guy and that was it. They didn’t feel they had to define themselves or write personal missions statements or any of that other crap that corporate drones have to do to differentiate themselves in a highly competitive market without good metrics. Anyway, this is turning out to be more about me. I should get to bed.
Heros of the religious right:
The proud parents of a lesbian, who reserve their offense for being reminded publicly of the fact by a Democrat.
The mother of an unwed pregnant teenage daughter.
A nudie pinup girl who hates the gays.
Don’t forget to mention her bikini wax.
Dear god, this is horrible.
Because these pictures would never have come out without the gay marriage issue to prompt it. Releasing embarrassing photos of a highly public figure for a reason other than punishing them for their conservative ideals is totally without precedent.
Nobody could have anticipated the gay backlash.
Keep demonizing teh homos conservatives.
It’s a winning plan, demographically and socially — for us Democrats.
Someday soon enough you’ll be left with Utah and the bible belt as your voting base; what’s that, 20 votes in the Senate?
Keep demonizing teh homos conservatives…. Someday soon enough you’ll be left with Utah and the bible belt as your voting base; what’s that, 20 votes in the Senate?
They’re more concerned about holding the majority in truck stop restrooms.
If being gay is acceptable, their source for the d/l dries up.
Okay, they’re using the words “leaked” and “implants” in the same sentence.
I mean, I can appreciate handing us the gift of easy comedy, but, my God, these days it’s like they’re not even bothering to take the training wheels off.
There was a young lady named Carrie
Who said that the gays should not marry
But some old nudie pics
Put her in quite a fix
And in bed with K-Lo, which was scary.
Wyatt’s limerick wins!
Okay, they’re using the words “leaked” and “implants” in the same sentence.
This part always cracks me up:
Kathryn Jean Lopez is the editor of National Review Online.
Comedy gold, Jerry!
Shorter “everything and all that the Entire Right is saying only”:
making funny of people is the “Real Torture”
This is no laughing matter I tell you.
Jennifer, I’ve worked with one just like that, but unlike you, I’m incapable of holding my tongue. So all those coy comments (just like the one yoyo mentioned) would be met with a suggestion that she go and slap his face (or give him a big kiss, depending on how I felt that day), in a very direct and pointed voice.
Sure, people like this might be all sensitive and lacking in confidence, but if they choose to manifest that in such a whiny, attention-demanding way, they have to take the chance that they’ll get a response like mine. Said responses are never an attack, I should point out: I simply refuse to do the polite acceptance of fantasy thing.
I’d rather be around someone who swears like a sailor and just lets it all hang out and goes around being themself.
You’d have loved my old workplace (I certainly did). Casual dress was the rule, since it was a university environment. Every Thursday lunch was ‘bonding lunch’ (not bondage, you sillies, bonding), and we’d sit around and talk about sex a lot. And the office that I shared with a like-minded co-worker (who had some amazing tattoos) had air blue with swearing – one poor PhD student came in just as I let loose a particularly profane burst (the result of a particularly tenacious bug in the software we were writing), and he actually quailed, poor lamb.
Sigh. The good old days. Now I’m trying to work in an office which places far more emphasis on surface than substance, and am now apparently responsible for every single fardling thing that goes wrong. That may be why I am no longer funny at all (sob, choke).
I don’t see what the hell the fuss is about over that picture. It doesn’t even qualify as semi-nude. We all know that implies tits. Nipples even. If it is tame enough to be in an underwear catalogue, then it ain’t nudity is it?
I have no idea what definition of nudity the pageant contract gave, but it would be common sense for them to use the legal definition of pornography. After all, the point of the rule is to exclude porn stars. Why would they want to exclude models who pose for the slightly suggestive photographs that appear all the time in magazines and advertising? Doesn’t virtually every model do that kind of work?
And it must be said.. Carrie isn’t all that attractive. I wouldn’t kick her out of bed (though I would if she opened her mouth) but could they REALLY not find a prettier woman in the whole of California?
The standard of “beauty” in these contests is completely contrived. Just like Carrie’s morality it seems.
Oh well. The rightwingers are just looking for a heroine more fap-worthy than Sarah Palin. Leave them to their frenzied masturbation in peace.
I work at a Uni too. Despite the drawbacks (smart people can be fucking idiots) it beats the real world hands down just for the conversations that one can get into.
Twenty-one-year-olds will make mistakes
I read that as “Twenty-one-year-olds will make mistresses”, and in the world of the overmoneyed and underscrupled classes, why yes, I believe they do.
SomeNYGuy stole my other gag.
Uni […] beats the real world hands down just for the conversations that one can get into.
Fortunately the Interducts are not part of the real world.
This thread is hereby annexed as part of the Antipodes. You visitors from the Podes had better have your passports up to date.
“They go for the jugular.”
I think she meant titular.
Hey, now that K-Lo and Jonah are a gelatinous item, does that make her the doughy skirt load?
a story about her implants was leaked.
I’m really concerned about her breast implants.
Apparently, they’re leaking, or something.
prejean = implanted
k-lo = upholstered?
What is it about the Pageant Zone that turns women into these plastic-looking mannequins? I mean, she’s not unattractive in that side-boob pic, but in the one with the tiara? Yikes!
In the intervening four years, she learned the completely insincere smile, used several thousand pounds of chemicals to give her hair a care-free appearance, worked out two or three hours every day to remove any appearance of softness from her flesh, and stewed in her self-righteousness.
It must be asked: Who is responsible for the pagent having this puritanical set of rules about what photos the contestants might ever have appeared in?
Is it likely this sort of rule comes from us hedonists, abortionists, sodomites and feminazis? Or could it be the sort of thing to placate those who are uptight about sex to the point of freaking out because a breast happened to be exposed on TV for 1/700th of a second? People who oppose sex education, and make girls wear silly silver rings in creepy ceremonies with their fathers?
Shorter K-Lo: How dare the left destroy this person by revealing that she does not conform to our imposed standards of purity and virginity in a sexist contest that the left doesn’t even approve of in general?
I know what Jennifer is going through. I had a co-worker who had quite large breasts (natural, as she kept saying) that were particularly exaggerated since the rest of her was thin.
She had to wear high heels at all times because her Achilles tendon was so short she could not stand barefooted.
She was having an affair with a guy who was married and had a kid.
I finally quit biting my tongue when she complained to me that all people ever looked at were her boobs. I suggested that if she might moderate that response if she didn’t drape them in gauzy shirts with the neckline down to her waist.
She didn’t ask for helpful suggestions so much after that.
Another Kiwi: If working at a uni is so broadening, I’m wondering why Dr. and Mrs OP are such butt clenching twits?
A Doughpez nugget for me – “Can’t they realize that all people deserve respect in the marketplace of ideas?”
Seems to be a rhetorical retread of Amity Shlaes’ plea not to be mean to stupid wingnuts, to stop mocking the dumb things they say.
And you know, there’s still seems to be a pretty good market for this, too.
If memory serves Ms. Prejean is about the bazillionth beauty contestant to promise that she has never, never, never, never been photographed in anything other than a nun’s habit, only to have photos released that prove otherwise.
All the work of teh Rainbow Mafia! [Bows, curtsies]
Oh no wait. When someone releases naughty pics of a non-fundie beauty queen, that’s fair and aboveboard. What did they expect, the nasty sluts? When someone releases naughty pics of a fundy-queen, it’s practically an act of rape if the dirty fucking f^gs were men enough, maybe it was lesbos armed with dildos. Anyway, we know the fashion industry is full of kw33rs. Waah!
Seriously, what’s NOM’s take on this? Have they dumped her yet?
In other news, psa wins the internons.
And I have just enough medical knowledge to NOT ask what PSA stands for. I’m going to assume it’s the other one.
Hmmm…If only people would have been more reasonable. You know, like insist that she is actually a secret muslim manchurian candidate, release her certificate of life birth, or claim she is really the daughter of Malcom X.
But, what I really want to know is does Carrie ever eat DIJON mustard?!?!
Where is the secure platinum (platiNOM?) sarcophagus copy of her birth certificate I ask you?
OMFG… contrived “beauty”… no nipples… California… SHE’S AN ANDROID! (well, “gynoid” technically but still…)
This thread could use some patriarchy-blaming. Annoying as I find people like Jennifer’s coworker, I’ve come to recognize this as a survival strategy for women who have been convinced that their looks are the only thing of value–their fuckability is their only asset, or so they’ve learned. So, yeah, that kind of anxiety and narcissism can be tiresome in the extreme, but it exists at all only because, in at least some venues, it actually pays off.
So, yeah, that kind of anxiety and narcissism can be tiresome in the extreme, but it exists at all only because, in at least some venues, it actually pays off.
Only among the idiot class. Non-barbies have a pretty good chance of getting ahead using competence and social skill. Patriarchal nutballs are widely regarded as creeps these days and will get packed off to a sensitivity workshop if not fired.
(Supporting data entirely anecdotal)
Well, as I’ve said now a couple of times, I do have pity for this woman. She’s 38, and being 38 and totally obsessed with your looks is a good recipe for unhappiness in the very near future. She actually told me she had scheduled the boob job for her 30th birthday, because she was so depressed about turning 30 that she wanted to be knocked out that day and not remember it (no explanation, however, for why she chose to become so ill-proportioned). I’ve told her that turning 40 is all about getting over yourself, so imagine how hard that one is going to hit her.
Day off and I get to shop for beef short ribs! I’m going to make Kalbi!!!@!!@!@
So what did Michael Phelps do to piss off the Gay Mafia so badly that they publicized those pictures of him with the bong?
Or did they know through their inscrutable Gay Nostradamical Powers that he was going to be linked to a beauty contestant who would be asked about gay marriage in the Miss U.S.A. pageant and would give a garbled answer that appeared to reject it and Phelps would fail to condemn her answer?
Wow, the Gays really will stop at nothing!
What was that 12-year-old kid’s name? The one who spoke about Congress voting on SCHIP, only to have Michelle Malkin and the like sic the rightwingosphere on his family – digging out all their personal financial information, etc.?
Oh, yeah. Pot … Kettle. STFU!
So what did Michael Phelps do to piss off the Gay Mafia so badly that they publicized those pictures of him with the bong?
You mean, aside from his choice of surname?
I’m sorry you don’t like carrots. So don’t worry! You only get a few.
Not only does Michael Phelps set a horrible example
winning gold medalssmoking pot, he’s COMPLICIT IN THE MURDERS OF THOUSANDS OF MEXICANS!!!mmmmm, kalbi! I’m coming over.
Jennifer, your co-worker is quite a character. It would be a fun creative writing exercise to write a character sketch of her from her POV.
I used to work in an environment of physical labor – you worked when there was work to do, and when there wasn’t any work to do it was OK to hang out, read a book, do nothing – you were standing by waiting for the next task.
Now I work in an office, and when there’s nothing to do, you’re supposed to look busy doing something – or go consult the “goals” that were set for you in your annual performance review and work on some bullshit task there, like re-organizing the files or something.
I also work with a co-worker who dresses in sweat-suit ensembles decorated with appliques of Winnie-the-Pooh.
Give me the big-boobed narcissist! At least it would be interesting!
Seth Liebsohn
S Teh Lesbiohn
I’m shocked…SHOCKED, I SEZ!…that the “nude picture” gambit never made it into the hilarious movie “Drop Dead Gorgeous”…
I’m a dork, so I follow Diablo Cody on Twitter occasionally, and the other day her update read “Relieved that those “racy Prejean photos” teased on CNN do not involve Sister Helen Prejean”.
[N]ote what the movement of tolerance does when you simply exercise your rights to free speech, taking a position they disagree with. They go personal. They go for the jugular. They try to embarrass and humiliate you. They will stop at nothing not only to discredit but absolutely destroy you.
Paging Graeme Frost! Graeme Frost to the Green Room! Your second act is about to start!
So what did Michael Phelps do to piss off the Gay Mafia so badly that they publicized those pictures of him with the bong?
He turned them down when the tried to bottom him.
and Cindy Sheehan
and Iraqi Police Captain Bilal Hussein
and Scott Beauchamp
I once worked with a guy whose everyday clothing was to dress like a glam band front man. That’s spandex, scarves, makeup, fancy blonde tresses — in the bush during winter in northern Canada. Only on the coldest days would he throw some insulated coveralls over his get-up.
One day we found a frozen coyote on a seismic line. Our rock star took possession of it and brought it back to camp with the plan to skin it and wear it somehow. He had it stored under his trailer but of course it was taken and used as a prop in several practical jokes.
and Scott Ritter, Trag.
and Thomas Wilson
and Juan Cole
and 9/11 widows
used as a prop in several practical jokes
Ah, the old “frozen coyote in the outhouse” joke. I remember it well.
We did that a couple of times in California. Only it wasn’t frozen. Or dead. And we didn’t put it there.
and Hans Blix.
actor, there’s a whole other subcategory there, good call:
and Hans Blix too
and Valerie Plame
and Col Wilkerson
and Gen Shinseki
and Judge Sonia Sotomayor
and Richard Clarke
and the French.
And Valarie Plame
And Joe Wilson
And Colin Powell
and the entire Reality-Based Community
There’s going to be a lot of animosity in this society as millenials get older. There are too many of us to ignore, and the idea that baby-boomers will be holding shit like this against us is disgusting.
We hate you all enough as it is. Please remember that we’re the ones who decide if you ever actually see any SS benefits. That will be all. K, thx. bai!
We both worried when Miss California showed up at a press conference for our friends at the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). It was hard to believe the gay-marriage proponents would let this brave young woman get away with her free exercise of free speec
Uh, Miss Bigot California signed a contract saying that she wouldn’t do press conferences w/out checking w/ the pageant.
I would much rather work with a glam rocker. This poor woman has two children, ages 7 and 9, and she dresses at their age level, only casual. I’m surprised she doesn’t wear her pajamas to work. The sad thing? she is so desperate to get promoted out of our department, which is a dead end, that she applies for any transfer opportunity that comes up. Each time if she gets on the short list, she goes for the interview wearing her usual Pooh-themed sweatsuits and sneakers, and she never gets called back. I am not sure how to approach her to suggest she dress differently.
and Max Cleland
and black citizens of New Orleans
and Michael Shiavo
and Ann Richardson
and Ronnie Earle
scorched-earth politics
“Don’t you know what the queers are doing to the soil?!!”
“Don’t you know what the queers are doing to the soil?!!”
“Don’t put your lips on that dirt! You don’t know whose hands have been in it!”
and The Dixie Chicks.
her usual Pooh-themed sweatsuits
Could be worse. I had a colleague not long ago who wore poo-themed clothing.
Basically, the right is so mad that Prejean’s character is coming into question because that has been their modus operandi in responding to all substantive criticism for as long as there has been a conservative movement. That’s the only way they know to respond to critics.
And it’s projection. They assume gays have released the photos because that is exactly what they would do in the reverse. If a Miss America winner had advocated gay marriage in 2002, the right would have destroyed her in a second if they could find a racy photo of her somewhere.
And Rachel Corrie
But–but — she’s against gay marriage because of how she was RAISED. And now K-Lo says she was raised badly?
I live in a rural shithole where numerous women wear pajamas out in public everyday. It’s quite embarrassing.
I once foolishly entered into a friendship with an insecure narcissist. They never change, and the only thing you can do is stay strong and don’t let them suck the life out of you.
Say, anyone have any advice on working with a co-worker who is very bigoted against atheists, gays, and other assorted minorities?
All these kerfuffles about racy pictures of beauty pageant contestants perfectly illustrate the ridiculous hypocrisy in this country about sex. It’s OK for these girls to dress like human Barbie dolls in evening gowns and bikinis for middle-aged men to drool over, but God forbid they should express their sexuality spontaneously.
And another thing – how dare Obama put his faggy faggy Eurofag mustard on such a fine American foodstuff as a HAMBURGer? I bet he’d even put it on a FRANKFURTer! Next he’ll be putting some gay Italian condiment on those other red-white-‘n’-blue classics, pizza and spaghetti!
Oh, and liberals are mean and focus on trivial issues.
If Ayn Rand had written the rules for the Miss USA contest…
…oh, wait, wrong thread.
Red white and blue pizza? What, you like Roquefort on yours?
Obama ever orders roquefort it’ll be a wingnut apocalypse. Or should I say the next wingnut apocalypse.
Roquefort goes well with Buffalo Chicken Wingnuts.
Say, anyone have any advice on working with a co-worker who is very bigoted against atheists, gays, and other assorted minorities?
Treat (I’m assuming) him to dinner at a place where they hate his kind?
Well getting excited about arugula and orange juice worked so well for the right, seeing as no one but them cared and Obama was elected anyway, so I can totally see going back to the well over the crucial mustard preference issue.
So, why the fuck did the pageant hire Perez Hilton anyway? Surely they didn’t bring in a bitchy gossip queen who became famous photoshopping jizz onto ceebrity faces in the hopes of there being controversy. I can’t imagine they would expect anything not in the Bert Parks canon.
Treat (I’m assuming) him to dinner at a place where they hate his kind?
A gay bar with satanic imagery that plays only hiphop, salsa and polkas.
No pizza. It’s sloppy joes Friday.
So, why the fuck did the pageant hire Perez Hilton anyway?
Two words: Donald Trump.
I’d be willing to bet good money that Trump tipped Hilton off and ordered him to embarass himself and ask that question.
There’s going to be a lot of animosity in this society as millenials get older. There are too many of us to ignore, and the idea that baby-boomers will be holding shit like this against us is disgusting.
To paraphrase the comments in numerous posts about acceptance of gay marriage, racial tolerance, growing atheism etc. at Will you old fucks just die already so we can get on with our lives?
Wait, did the wingnuts really flip over Obama eating dijon? I haven’t seen that one.
A gay bar with satanic imagery that plays only hiphop, salsa and polkas.
I smell a business plan!
I haven’t seen that one.
Google law professor cornell.
Will you old fucks just die already so we can get on with our lives?
I say that to my mom all the time.
I don’t really care about the pix or even really the fact that she’s nothing more than a beauty queen…but do think it’s worth noting that wingnuts have taken to this woman’s cause because of her laughably dimwitted answer to Hilton’s question. Opposite marriage? Whooza-whatsit?
If they think this woman is the future of their movement, well, no wonder the domino effect is under way w/r/t gay marriage.
Then they’re silly and wrong. Enough. Kick the patriarchy in the grapefruits, for crying out loud.
If working at a uni is so broadening, I’m wondering why Dr. and Mrs OP are such butt clenching twits?
Totally depends on your department. I work in one of those nice liberally departments full of clever fun people (not sure how I made it in among this crowd). I have a friend on campus who works for the business department and her surroundings are nowhere near so cool.
If Ayn Rand had written the rules for the Miss USA contest…oh, wait, wrong thread.
Wrong thread or not, it’s a great idea. I bet the contestants would all stand around making long-winded uptight speeches about how they were objectively the hottest.
Why do pageants feature so many women in their early 20’s trying to look like they’re in their late 30’s and had lots of work done?
Thank God for roller derby girls. Maybe it’s just me but there’s nothing hotter than a well-executed hip check.
I bet the contestants would all stand around making long-winded uptight speeches about how they were objectively the hottest.
No, they’d be gazingly lovingly at the man who raped them while HE makes long winded bullshit speeches.
Maybe it’s just me but there’s nothing hotter than a well-executed hip check.
Holly McPeak is hanging up her bikini. Now THAT’S sexy time!
To be fair, Dan Savage isn’t married to his partner. He’s married to his co-editor (a woman).
Also, the only vicar limerick I know:
From the depths of the crypt at St Giles,
Came a scream that resounded for miles,
The vicar said ‘Gracious!
Has Father Ignatius
Forgotten the bishop has piles?’
To be fair, Dan Savage isn’t married to his partner. He’s married to his co-editor (a woman).
Umm, don’t think so. They got a license (she’s a lesbian, btw) but didn’t get married. He married his partner in Canada.
Ah, I didn’t get the update on the Savage-Jeniges marriage. Good for them!
(And yes, I know she is also gay)
They got a license (she’s a lesbian, btw) but didn’t get married. He married his partner in Canada.
You kids and your crazy domestic partnerings…
the encroachments on religious liberties that have been integral to the gay-marriage movement’s policy successes in state after state
Not burning gays at the stake is an encroachment of their precious religious liberties.
This whole MIss California/USA/Universe/Whatever pageant culture is a nice synthesis of the virgin/whore dialectic these fuckers are so fond of.
Why the hell was that gold-plated turd Perez Hilton in the jury?
Are you asking us to believe you’re nine years old? Does your mommy know you’re on the Interwebs?
If Ayn Rand had written the rules for the Miss USA contest…
…Donald Trump would be entitled to rape them.
Oh, really? During the commercial breaks?
anyone have any advice on working with a co-worker who is very bigoted against atheists, gays, and other assorted minorities?
Depends upon how the bigotry is expressed. For example: Does it take the form of muttered complaints, or perhaps unbearably ignorant “joke”-telling? Muttered complaints you can pretend you didn’t hear. Idiot jokes I usually deal with by either staring uncomprehendingly at the bigot, or by looking confused and saying “I don’t get it” and demanding detailed explanations.
Bigotry against atheists is pretty easy to manage, assuming the bigot is of the Bible-belted snake-handler variety (indigenous to my retarded state). There are infinite rational arguments to counter their blather. It’s fun to mess with them, like with the jokesters, but you run the risk of getting sucked in and then having to extricate yourself.
I hope this will be of assistance in some way.
Say, anyone have any advice on working with a co-worker who is very bigoted against atheists, gays, and other assorted minorities?
I’ve found that a reasoned argument along the lines of “That’s offensive to anyone with a brain, you fucking bigot. Say it again and I’ll rip your head off and piss down your neck” works well.
But I am of the large persuasion and can get away with that more easily than some.
If Ayn Rand had written the rules for the Miss USA contest…
The contestants would be allowed to “go Galt” and walk off the stage if pageant officials tried to prevent them from doing things like posing for cheesecake pics, attending political rallies or blowing livestock.
Say, anyone have any advice on working with a co-worker who is very bigoted against atheists, gays, and other assorted minorities?
Or you could avail yourself of the bounty of harassment laws on the books and file a complaint with HR, which will be duty-bound to investigate and stop them, and it will all be done anonymously to youe benefit.
Say, anyone have any advice on working with a co-worker who is very bigoted against atheists, gays, and other assorted minorities?
Remind them that they’re dying off, and wish them a nice irrelevance.
Or you could just mock their insecurities. Never treat their bigotry as a menace or strength, only as weakness and ignorance. Ridicule, not outrage, is most effective.
Varies by jurisdiction though, so step carefully, and the competence of your HR department is important to anonymity.
Are you asking us to believe you’re nine years old? Does your mommy know you’re on the Interwebs?
I think the millennials are the people who reached adulthood around the turn of the century, not the ones who were born then.
But from the post, I’d have guessed they were trying to seem 14 years old or so.
Wingnuts have such, er, INTERESTING taste in hero-material, eh?
When I first heard this story, what with her civilized-sounding answer & Perez Hilton emitting weapons-grade bitch-vibes, I gotta say I almost felt sorry for this young lady … that sympathy started to fade real fast when I heard about the sponsored robo-hooters. But YEE GADS – doing a presser for NOM? Srsly?
I hope she feels The Gathering Scorn when that big fat skunk-stripe up her photogenic spine becomes ever-plainer as she milks her newfound status as “The New & Improved Lemony-Fresh Real Amurrikan Martyr Babe” for every last dollar & second of face-time she can.
To paraphrase Gertrude Stein, a cunt is a cunt is a cunt.
I’m a mite too jaded to get very frisky (let alone shocked) from some measly side-boobage either. Doesn’t help that she’s a hyper-fembot with all the libidinous content of a tube of Prep H. Yeah, how dare Teh Ghey Mafiosi expose some stupid gonch ad she did – because ads are such intimate private matters between a girl & her agent, after all … trying to care, trying, trying … nope, still registers at the level of diddly-shit.
I think the millennials are the people who reached adulthood around the turn of the century, not the ones who were born then.
After looking into it a pinch, I see we’re both right – the term is much broader than I’d thought, and the Millennial generation is as poorly defined as Gen X.
I stopped thinking generation-based arguments were a good idea when I realized that, by any measure, Sarah Palin belongs to my generation and I therefore lose any fight that uses generation to mean anything.
I actually haven’t seen the exchange that was the origins of the Miss CA tiff, and am keeping it that way.
But good point from whoever asked WTF the pageant thought it would get, hiring Perez F. Hilton.
Remind them that they’re dying off, and wish them a nice irrelevance.
JM: If only. In some areas (like mine) the DFH’s and liebruls are the irrelevant ones. And telling them they’re dying off would only set them babbling in tongues and such.
Mocking and ridicule are good though, especially when done in ways they don’t comprehend.
But good point from whoever asked WTF the pageant thought it would get, hiring Perez F. Hilton.
Thanks. They had to have planned on something controversial.
Also, I don’t know if you saw it last night – thanks again for revealing that Cornell dijongate guy is serious. That’s some serious lunacy, that is.
I stopped for lunch in Ithaca some years ago during a motorcycle trip. There was something in the local rag about a conservative moving to Ithaca wondering how to prepare for life the most liberal town in America. Their advice: grow very thick skin.
(cont’d. from 16:52)
and Mike German
and Sibel Edmonds
and Pat Tillman
and Janeane Garofalano
and Chelsea Clinton
( …….. & the beat goes on …….. )
Okay … I rock like a fuckin’ hurricane: yeah, yeah, it’s GAROFALO … hate the cultural retardation, love the cultural retard, people.
Props on spelling it “Janeane” though. She’s the only person I know who spells it that way. I always spring to her defense because she’s #1 on my freebie list, but not against spelling mistakes.
I bet the contestants would all stand around making long-winded uptight speeches about how they were objectively the hottest.
Meh. It’s been done.
Speaking strictly for myself, I’ve never seen K-Lo look so happy.
Nobody expects the Gay Inquisition! Chief amongst our weaponry are comfortable shoes and an almost fanatical devotion to Harvey Fierstein.
Tomás de Torqueermada said,
May 8, 2009 at 19:58
Nobody expects the Gay Inquisition!
Fixed yer nym
Mocking and ridicule are good though, especially when done in ways they don’t comprehend.
Happily, that gives you a wide array of choices for how to go about it.
I live in Utah, so I know what you mean.
My bigoted co-worker is the kind, grandmotherly type, which makes it difficult. Sweet as pie, but ocassionally tosses off some repulsive comment about deporting all people not born in the United States or torturing them nasty Arabs before they torture us.
Even though I live in a state that has legalized gay marriage (suck it, K-Lo), my little slice of it could be transported back to the Confederacy and much of the townfolk would be fucking delighted.
My bigoted co-worker is the kind, grandmotherly type, which makes it difficult…
My mother in law is the same way. The last remark I heard from her that was just completely beyond the pale was “That Sarah Palin is just as smart as a whip!” And this offered completely seriously, woe.
I’d love to read an environmental impact statement on one of Tesla’s power stations that was supposed to pound so much power into the ground that you could draw it off anywhere in the world. Even his prototype had earthworms boiling up out of the ground for hundreds of feet around.
“That Sarah Palin is just as smart as a whip!”
I agree. In fact, she’s probably as smart as most inanimate objects. At least ones that don’t involve electronics.
Another Kiwi: If working at a uni is so broadening, I’m wondering why Dr. and Mrs OP are such butt clenching twits?
Nowhere is safe from such folks. Note I also said Despite the drawbacks (smart people can be fucking idiots)
We even have Intelligent Design disciples in our department. I don’t understand how they can work in a science based place, as they do, without head explodations but I guess one has have something up there to esplode.
The Anonymous was me, AND on the wrong thread. Do I get a prize for a double screwup like that?
A bronze sammich. We call it the Sadly, Duh.
I agree. In fact, she’s probably as smart as most inanimate objects. At least ones that don’t involve electronics.
That’s how I treated that statement in the privacy of my own skull so I was able to smile and keep things amicable. Family, huh?
I thought maybe it like an Emmy: The Dimmy. Or is that Dhimmi?
My cow-orker advice was going to be my general policy of “don’t talk politics, sex, or religion” at the office, until I read this:
Event Horizon: My bigoted co-worker is the kind, grandmotherly type, which makes it difficult. Sweet as pie, but ocassionally tosses off some repulsive comment about deporting all people not born in the United States or torturing them nasty Arabs before they torture us.
Clearly, avoiding certain topics isn’t a viable strategy.
Just wait until she tosses off (heh) something, anything, that you could plausibly take to HR and use as a claim that she’s creating a “hostile work environment.” Remind them that she has a history of these kinds of comments that makes Archie Bunker look like an icon of tolerance, and now she’s starting on your .
Possible Outcomes?
Worst case: You’ll lose your job, in which case you have a real “hostile working environment” suit.
Nominal case: It becomes a he said, she said stalemate. BUT, she’s been put on warning to avoid the subjects, making the avoidance strategy possible. And, if she spews another xenophobic turd, you have her dead to rights.
Best Case: She’s formally disciplined, and the HR department institutes sensitivity training for everyone, and (here’s the best part) from which you can conveniently be truant.
now she’s starting on your .
Whoops, s’posed to use < and >, I guess.
That was s’posed to read:
now she’s starting on your < insert protected class here > .
damn preview
So she actually wanted to have bigger ones? What is this illness that has befallen the world?
“[N]ote what the movement of tolerance does when you simply exercise your rights to free speech, taking a position they disagree with. They go personal. They go for the jugular. They try to embarrass and humiliate you. They will stop at nothing not only to discredit but absolutely destroy you.”
First: anytime some chick who gets famous for being pretty and pretending to be pure and innocent, and they have a history of not being pure and innocent, IT. COMES. OUT. I have porn of Ms. Sweden being banged by two guys, because after she won the title? IT CAME OUT.
Second: When you enter a competition such as this, based on pretending to be pure and innocent for the enjoyment of others, and you’re not? Who’s fault is that?
Clinton getting a blow job almost destroyed the nation, but posing for lingerie shoot proves that gays are evil. Right then.
I’ve always suspected that K-Lo’s unique, distinctive beauty wasn’t entirely natural. Eventually it will come out that she was “enhanced” head to toe by a certain Dr. Moreau — but you didn’t hear it from me!
An editor known as K-Lo
Was worked on from head down to toe
She was given the mug
of a scrofulous pug.
By a surgeon named Dr Moreau.
Where is the discussion about the fact that those are rater large boobs that we are seeing the sides of, and judging from her swimsuit pics, she was not well endowed until she got the falsies?
And can I mangle more grammar rules in one sentence?
It might come as rather a shock
That all wingers we so love to mock
Excepting Ms. K-lo
Who much prefers Jell-o
Are crazy to get them some cock.
There once was a woman named Malkin
Who made a fine living by talkin’;
To an amorous fan
Said she, I need no man:
It is only my bathtub needs caulkin’.
Republican bloggers are upright
Patriotic, intelligent, and true
Their love of the nation
If not of taxation
Is infinite, determined, and ill-considered.
Every man’s home is his castle
As teh gays will learn hard, if they hassle
With some manly straight
Who queers doth he hate
Dare not you puncture his asshole.
Okay, time to make a beer run.
it’s that one’s stand is an abomination to thousands. demonising is not the option. accept the truth and you will be free. by truth i mean gay marriage is inhuman. if wild animals cannot practice it why human beings. style up