Top that, Michael Caine. A is the new A, beeyatch!


Comments: 132


wow, aged actors going galt, cant think of anyone who’d replace them.


Wheww. It was getting lonely in the seastead paradise I built with my own two hands.


“”Privilege is once again becoming the key that unlocks the right doors.” That’s how it will be here, too, it the current crowd gets its way. All in the name of equality!”

I don’t think “privilege” means what Glenn thinks it means (I mean, thinks if means).

Welcome back, btw.


How can I miss them if they won’t go away?


How can I miss them if they won’t go away?

Simple answer: Go GALT!


If only he’d gone Galt through the entire decade of the 70s.

That cynical, money-grubbing son of a fishmonger has been in more dogs than KenLRation.


The 76-year-old film star has revealed in colourful terms that he has had it, and will leave Britain if taxes get any higher.

If he’s really concerned about reducing his tax liability, he could just call up Jagger and the boys and ask the name of the Stones’ financial advisor. What they and others have done is no mystery.


And, really, wasn’t thing whole thing debunked in realtime just a week or so ago with Gov. Helmethead down in Texas:

Sun: “Hey, secession sounds nifty! Fuck the Federal gubbmit!”

Tues: * Mexislamoreconquista Flu hits TX *




A is the new A.

The semantics of that is unclear, generally speaking.


And, really, wasn’t thing whole thing debunked in realtime just a week or so ago with Gov. Helmethead down in Texas:

Reposted from bottom of previous thread:

I suppose if Ayn Rand had written her tedious novels in the early 19th century, the Americans in Texas would have been vowing to “go John Galt” rather than submit to the Mexican government’s taxation and anti-slavery policies.

From Lawyers Guns & Money


A is A, existence exists, and Mustique is lovely during tax season.


Not sure by that post, seeing as how it’s so poorly written I can’t tell what statements are attributed to whom. But with this:

“Privilege is once again becoming the key that unlocks the right doors”

I can fully agree. We need to make lives easier for our millionares and knighted nobility, so that poor charwomen’s children will be able to succeed! After all, who has less access to the “right doors” than a famous movie start who is also rich and a member of the peerage?

To be fair, now that I’ve read the article PJM links to, it’s even more poorly written than the PJM post. So I’m not even really sure what Michael Caine is saying as opposed to what words the author is putting in his mouth.

You Cannot Escape the Truth

As of today, BO has spent more money than George W. Bush in his entire eight year§.

Wait until the U.S. Dollar crashes from all this printing of worthless money.

Welcome to the United States of Zimbabwe.


Actually, you can escape “The Truth/Authentic”.

Goodnight, all.

Wyatt Watts III


Mirrors reflecting mirrors! Wheels within wheels!

What if Ayn Rand had written Finnegans Wake?

Galt, again! Go. Meee, memememeMe! Lps. Lassey fair. The keys to. Mine! Mineminemine. A way a lone a last a long the


As of today, BO has spent more money than George W. Bush in his entire eight year§.

You mean to say it costs more to rebuild a house after it’s burned to the ground than it does to install smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and a sprinkler system at the beginning?

Who could have guessed?


If Ayn Rand had written The Trial K wouldn’t have gotten one at all.

The Blart Amendment

Oh! Looks like we’ve got Troofie back… until it’s closing time at the library anyway.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

If Ayn Rand had written The Call of Cthulhu, Cthulhu would’ve stayed dreaming in his house in R’lyeh to let the world destroy itself.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And, as I predicted, Truthie got out of school, stopped at the malt shop, and then went to the library to use the taxpayer-provided computer to school the libs. He will get kicked out when the library closes in exactly four hours from now. (Pacific time–North Carolina, my ass!)

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Typo–I meant to say: “Galt Shop” of course.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

stopped at the maltGalt shop


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Rev, great minds think alike… and so do ours!

If Ayn Rand had written Charlotte’s Web, that damn pig would’ve gotten what was coming to him.


Instapundit shows the gloriously myopic, shot-my-own-fucking- foot- off, half arsed smothered in creamy bullshit lack of self awareness that is so characteristic of the satumblebums on the right.
“Hooray for Michael Caine. Sticking it to the man! He’s not going to take it no more. He’s going to escape the tyranny of high taxes by… shifting…to……..America.
Oh dear. The tyranny of Hussein Black X Obama is where tax exiles come to live.


Satumblebums+ a Malaysian satay dish using deer that have fallen over.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

B^4 and I: Two men, one brain.

You Cannot Escape the Truth

What do you think will happen to the value of the dollar once we finish printing trillions of it to pay for Dear Leaders spending? Hmmmm?


a Malaysian satay dish using deer that have fallen over.

Mmmmmm… Mango Dahut.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So you admit that the Wall Street pirates we bailed out will never pay back a penny? Because that’s the assumption you need to make to get that “more than George Bush in 8 years” crap.

And what about when they suspend your library card for all those unpaid fines, Truthie?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Two men, one brain.

I think I’ve seen that video.


In other news, right-wingers are still crying their bitter tears.

Poor John Bolton, boo hoo hoo.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Mmmmmm… Mango Dahut.

I thought it was Mango Douthat, traditionally eaten with a chunky Witherspoon.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

“Two men, one brain.

I think I’ve seen that video.”

Well, it beats “Three Women, One Eyeball.” like the erinyes.

You Cannot Escape the Truth

They won’t pay it back fully (especially after you adjust for all the inflation we will ezperience) and neither will the moocher parasites at Government Motors and Chrysisler.


Tedious parody troll remains tedious.


Poor British rich people, how do they cope with the millions they’re left with after taxes? Plus the free health care.

Life’s a bitch.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Poor John Bolton, boo hoo hoo.

I fully expected the headline to read “Obama Institutes ‘Stache Tax”.

Well, it beats “Three Women, One Eyeball.” like the erinyes.

You’re thinking Graeae, baby! The Erinyes needed them eyes, what with all the pursuin’ and lashin’.


I am keen to ezperience the inflation you talk of. Unless there is nozzle involved.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

“You’re thinking Graeae, baby!”

Damn you, Bulfinch! Damn you to Hell!


God save the queen.


especially after you adjust for all the inflation we will ezperience)

I know, I know, you’ll probably scream and cry
That your little world wont let you go (GALT!)



If only he’d gone Galt through the entire decade of the 70s.

Caine did move to the US in the 70s to, um, avoid UK taxes. And make a fortune in lousy movies. Then Maggie cut them and he moved back. Mercenary? Lui? Mais oui.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

If Ayn Rand had written Theogony, the subtitle would have been Prometheus Punted.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

All the wankers were SO worried about deflation, just print enough money to compensate for that and loan it out.

Better yet, take the “King of Spain” approach to the National Debt: repudiate it. And read Voltaire’s Bastards by John Ralston Saul.


What do you think will happen to the value of the dollar once we finish printing trillions of it to pay for Dear Leaders spending? Hmmmm

That might be worrisome if it was, you know, happening.

On a related note, what will happen to our diplomatic realtionship with the Molemen of Ulugar once Obama finishes raiding their underground caverns for precious gems to fule the Omega Device? We deserve answers!


A is the new A

Didn’t we have enough Noam last night?


If Ayn Rand hosted the Oprah Winfrey show, the guests would get smacked around and told what useless parasites they are.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

“A is the new A”

And don’t you mean: “Null-A is the new A?”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

And don’t you mean: “Null-A is the new A?”

This is why I love this place!


What do you think will happen to the value of the dollar once we finish printing trillions of it to pay for Dear Leaders spending? Hmmmm?

I figure with all the wars John McCain would have started it’s a wash. Except less people get killed this way.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“If Ayn Rand hosted the Oprah Winfrey show, the guests would get smacked around and told what useless parasites they are, and it would already exist and be called The O’Reilly Factor.”

Dragon-King Wangchuck

If Ayn Rand only had the decency to Go Galt herself, we wouldn’t have to listen to these immature asswipes piss and moan about how badly treated they are.


Hey, I can’t see my reflection in the mirror. Which of you people stole my soul?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m going Galt, loony libs… for great justice!

Badoodly oodly!


Could there exist such a world that Karl Marx went Galt?


?A is the new A



The Kid from Kounty Meath

I guess it’s only natural from Rush Limbaugh’s own personal party, but I think the John Dolts have the wrong definition of “withdrawal from society”. Unless they mean heroin withdrawal, since they keep twitching, screaming, and insisting people give them things.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Unless they mean heroin withdrawal, since they keep twitching, screaming, and insisting people give them things.

Ha! It must be that, because they can’t be having withdrawal from society. They never partook of it, and they haven’t left.


It seems that people who say shit like, “Wow! It’s uncanny how Ayn Rand saw this coming!” are full of shit and have never read Atlas Shrugged. The plot of the novel hinges on a worldwide Communist revolution, where the U.S.A. is at risk of toppling to a regime of hardcore Marxists. It’s embarrassing that wingnuts take it seriously.

It’s similar to most readers forgetting that the events described in 1984 take place after a nuclear war.


If Ayn Rand had written Lord of the Rings it would’ve been an long-winded fairy tale that certain adolescent readers fixate on and then never outgrow.

Again, a wash.


A number of years back I threw a party and this one guy was manically running around my apartment asking everyone if they had seen Michael Caine.

We were all pretty confused as we were pretty sure Sir Michael wasn’t in attendance. Later, when he started calming down and becoming less manic, we realized he was actually asking people, “Have you seen my cocaine?” which, apparently he had lost and desperately wanted to find.

For years afterward, that narcotic was known as Michael Caine in our circle of friends. Examples of use:

“Have you seen Sarah?”

“Yeah, she’s in the bathroom with Michael Caine.”

Eventually people started referencing movies he’d been in as a code for coke, “I rented Cider House Rules, do you want to watch it with me?” but this proved to be very confusing for whenever someone suggested watching a movie, you had to think long and hard about whether or not Michael Caine was in that movie in order to figure out if they meant actually watching a movie, or doing cocaine. It was especially confusing when someone actually wanted to see a movie that Michael Caine happened to be in (eg. the new Batman movies). This led to many misunderstandings.

The Institute of Cockney Rhyming Slang

By George, he’s got it!
By George, he’s got it!


If Ayn Rand had written Lord of the Flies Piggy would be put forward as the Misunderstood Genius.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

If Ayn Rand had written “Bonfire of the Vanities” the movie would just be shitty instead of shitty and disappointing.

The Tragically Flip

The next Austin Powers movie is really going to suck when Caine spends 25 minutes of screen time reciting the Galt speech.

It will be no worse than the last one though.

You Cannot Escape the Truth

Isn’t it a criminal act when a government can, by fiat, print trillions of dollars, causing hyperinflation and rendering your life savings worthless?

I’d suggest you buy gold now, at least until Dear Leader outlaws it.


how can i miss them if they won’t go away?

that’s actually the name of my blog post which i wrote about the whole phenom…

You Cannot Escape the Truth

Ithink its a good bet non if the libs here have actually read Rand’s works. Just like they panned Liberal Fascism without reading it.


hmmm…the innertubez ate my first comment, which i reconstruct here:

i’m going glatt


Do not mock the Randian A is A!

All the secret evil you dread to face within you and all the pain you have ever endured, came from your own attempt to evade the fact that A is A.

Thus spoke the Rand (through the Galt).

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Troofy, what with the delusions of grandeur evident in five or six of his names, clearly aspires to be the Robin to John Galt’s Batman, and, if he’s an especially good boy, have his lips be the Robin to John Galt’s prick’s Batman. Myself, I hope things get interesting, and he ends up as the Kid Miracleman to John Galt’s Miracleman.

The Tragically Flip

Just like they panned Liberal Fascism without reading it.

And I take it you’ve read Paul Krugman’s books, and attended every Michael Moore film?

And of course you are wrong as usual.


All the secret evil you dread to face within you
all the pain you have ever endured
came from your own attempt
to evade the fact that A is A.

Worst Pink Floyd lyrics EVAH.

Hamsters Cannot Escape My Ass

Why would I read Paul Krugman? His books have long words, often with faggy extra syllables, and he doesn’t even have a manly hero who can hold my erec… attention. Although I enjoy a good beard ride as much as the next teabagger, don’t get me wrong.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

You Cannot Escape the Truth said,


…I wish. That was the best stuff it ever posted, because you could tell it was just flailing at the keyboard and sharting.


Well, I can certainly tell by his comments that Twoofy possesses an expansive and admirable depth of knowledge of Ayn Rand’s books, because look how intelligently he expounds upon them. Why, I think he may have even written the novel’s title at least one.

You Cannot Escape the Truth

Let’s discuss inflation.

Won’t printing trillions of dollars unbacked by gold lead to a Zimbabwe like situation in this country?

Hamsters Cannot Escape My Ass

Let’s discuss something else because I look too stupid to continue waxing poetic about Rand’s genius.
Won’t blah blah blah I hate when coloreds forget their place.

You Cannot Escape the Truth

Still no answer to my question.

Namely, what will be the end result of Obama’s paper money printing/spending spree?


Hamsters Cannot Escape My Ass said,

I was just going over ancient posts and I come back to this.

The Tragically Flip

You’ve convinced me truthy. Obama will need to raise taxes on the rich much much more. Good call. Thanks.

Hamsters Cannot Escape My Ass

I’ve suddenly become obsessed with gold. I got bored with Atlas Whatever so I started reading Silas Marner, apparently. When that becomes all talk-y and fruity I will just go back to my usual habit of reading Michael Savage’s “The Enemy Within” while making explosion noises.


I’ve read both the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

God, what a hack that woman was.

Still, it’s amusing to think that in Galt’s Gulch Troofie would last about five minutes before they kicked his ass out for being nothing more than a simpering moronic puppy-like teabagger with nothing to contribute.


reading Michael Savage’s “The Enemy Within”

The English must not be all that stupid – Michael Wiener’s not allowed in their country anymore. Good on ’em.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

“Still, it’s amusing to think that in Galt’s Gulch Troofie would last about five minutes before they kicked his ass out for being nothing more than a simpering moronic puppy-like teabagger with nothing to contribute.”
I imagine that’s true of most of them. They’re complaining about Teh Gummint Takin’ They Monies for the “undeserving”, but their prissy, entitled attitude makes it clear that they think “undeserving” means “someone other than myself”. I think it was best summed up by Bender Bending Rodriguez: “This is the worst kind of discrimination: the kind against me!”


If certain Mexicans go Galt, so much for ordering that salad.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

“reading Michael Savage’s ‘The Enemy Within’ ”

Nobody would know about the Enemy Within better than a homophobic gay Jewish Nazi. Right, Troofie?

The Kid from Kounty Meath

I’ve already heard the predictable Blarting from Weiner and his inexplicable supporters, about how it’s a violation of his free speech and he’s being lumped with people who support terrorism. And all of them are mysteriously silent on Weiner’s book being on the shelf of that Unitarian Church gunman douchebag.
God, do I love the idea of Weiner being the Britons’ Cat Stevens.


Tragically Flip – thanks for the link to Neiwert’s LibFash review(s); reading them now and enjoying them like a fine vintage well-aged internet posting. Mmmm…


re poor poor Michael Caine: Do today’s celebs not realize they’re the artistic descendants of sycophantic court fools and marketplace troubadours, of itinerant traveling caravans of variously-competent jokesters, jugglers, sword-swallowers and mimes, of jacquard-clad clowns, self-obsessed divas and overblown warblers? And that without the masses’ clamoring need for distraction, moderately talented hacks such as Caine would now be coughing up a black lung from working the mines in Wales, or what the fuck ever? And now that he’s achieved fame and fortune he’s going to oh fucking god WHINE about having to pay something BACK for his undeserved unbelievable fucking FORTUNATE LIFE? Well, FUCK HIM!!! Fork it over already and be goddam happy you’ve GOT IT TO OWE, you insipidly and randomly fucking lucky BASTARD!!!1!!!!11!!! Plus you owe us for just about every crappy movie you ever did, with the possible exceptions of “The Man Who Would Be King” and “Deathtrap.”


LOL. See, this is new for you guys but we have it all the time. We used to have punitive tax rates on the rich until Maggie Thatcher started the process of handing them our nation’s wealth in wheelbarrows. At the least sniff of a tax rise for the insanely wealthy, some entertainment hack will be quoted in a rightwing paper saying that if he has to pay a penny more on his hard-earned, he’ll leave, so he will, and then you’ll regret it, because, erm, erm, not sure, which is usually greeted by a merry “Fuck off then” because most of us don’t consider poncing around in makeup actually to be “hard work”.


And what MzNicky said, obv. These fuckers never quite grasp that privilege and luck are bedfellows.


Bite your tongue, MzNicky. Play Dirty was just fine. Not to mention Get Carter.


Well, MIchael Caine goes on my Permanent Asshole Actor list, with such luminaries as Adolphe Menjou. Which means I won’t be watching any new movies Caine’s in. Adolphe doesn’t have that problem. He’s dead. So he doesn’t make any money when I see a film he’s in. When Mike’s in the ground, I’ll deign to see what I missed.


“The Dark Knight” was seventeen kinds of awesome.

And, if somebody but Caine had been cast, could have been eightteen.

BTW, would anybody know why this very comment box into which I am typing is available to me in IE7, but not in Firefox 3? I mean, in FF, it doesn’t render at all, there’s nothing between the URI label and the Submit Comment button. Very odd, especially because when I view source in FF, the textarea tag is clearly there…. odd that….


Smut Clyde said,

May 7, 2009 at 3:32

All the secret evil you dread to face within you
all the pain you have ever endured
came from your own attempt
to evade the fact that A is A.

Worst Pink Floyd Rush lyrics EVAH.


“Fork it over already and be goddam happy you’ve GOT IT TO OWE…”

That’s one thing I’ll give my dad credit for, reactionary old SOB that he was…he always said “you shouldn’t complain about taxes, you should just be glad you have the income to owe.”

Of course, he hated FDR and all he stood for, thought St. Ronnie defeated the Soviets single-handedly and despised LBJ, Carter and Clinton. Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to live through the Dubya years. It would have killed him.


What with all his important contributions to society, such as playiing the Batman’s butler and amassing a fortune estimated at $80 million, we should embrace Sir Michael around his wobbly old knees and plead for him not move to Dubai.


Breaking News: Old man kvetches about taxes. Film at 11.
As for Atlas Shrugged, if they can retrofit Pride and Prejudice with zombies, they ought to be able to do it for this 10,000 pound gobbler.

Fuck on Toast

Someone genuinely great is listlessly linked to by Glenn Reynolds and suddenly he ALWAYS ALREADY SUCKED AND IS WAS SHIT FOREVER. We really need to be better than them.


Top that, Michael Caine

I love how Putz links to a story about a guy who’s paying 40% top tax rates and is worried that taxes will go even higher (and that’s not including the VAT) and equates that to a 3% marginal increase in his own taxes….when he’s DREAMING!




As for Atlas Shrugged, if they can retrofit Pride and Prejudice with zombies, they ought to be able to do it for this 10,000 pound gobbler.

Speaking for the zombie community, we wholeheartedly support this idea.

As a matter of fact, I call dibsies on the film rights. Milwaukee Law Firm and Brewing House will be contacting soonest.

“Zombies Vs Galt”. It’s a winner. Maybe “The Undead of Galt’s Gulch”



Plus you owe us for just about every crappy movie you ever did, with the possible exceptions of “The Man Who Would Be King” and “Deathtrap.”

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr, your list is rather incomplete. Caine is a fine actor who has made some amazing films:

The Quiet American
Noises Off
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Hannah And Her Sisters
Educating Rita
California Suite
A Bridge Too Far
Funeral In Berlin

I’m probably missing a few, but that’s off the top of my head.


Maybe “The Undead of Galt’s Gulch”

I’d pay good money to see that. Watch Jonah Goldberg be torn apart limb by limb like David in Shaun of the Dead…


I have to say, I’m a bit puzzled by the Right’s recent embrace of Ayn Rand. Yeah, I know, she’s all about the free market, but have you heard what she had to say about religion?


“For centuries, the mystics of spirit had existed by running a protection racket – by making life on earth unbearable, then charging you for consolation and relief, by forbidding all the virtues that make existence possible, then riding on the shoulders of your guilt, by declaring production and joy to be sins, then collecting blackmail from the sinners.” [Ayn Rand, For the New Intellectual] (emphasis mine)

I know conservatives aren’t culturally homogeneous, but I’m surprised that the more religious conservatives haven’t had anything to say about all this praise and love for such a hard-nosed atheist. Strange bedfellows, I guess.


actor 212-
You actually think California Suite is good? I’d rather watch Billion Dollar Brain, the worst of the Harry Palmers.


I have to say, I’m a bit puzzled by the Right’s recent embrace of Ayn Rand.

The Rand came before the Southern Strategy fundamentalism.


Michael Caine is almost always good, shit film or no.



I thought Caine was pretty good in it. Like nearly ever Simon movie, it had its moments followed by long stretches of ennui where you could practically hear ol’ Neil shout, “THAT’S NOT WHAT I WROTE, DAMMIT!”


I have to say, I’m a bit puzzled by the Right’s recent embrace of Ayn Rand.

Ultimately, I suspect this meme alone was enough to topple the conservative movement in the past two years.

After decades of being promised everything: a ban on abortions, no gay marriage, a return to religious values, the religious right realized en masse that they had been hoodwinked, and that about the only politician who paid much attention to their agenda was Bush (and look where it got him).

The sex scandals of 2006, I suspect, were a wake up call.

Rusty Shackleford

As Another kiwi noted way upthread, Instapud neglects to mention that Caine’s low-tax heaven is AMERICA.

And Michael Caine rocks. Hannah and Her Sisters, anybody? And let’s not forget The Swarm.


A 76-year old British actor is retiring from his job in Britain. The “going Galt” bar sure has been lowered, hasn’t it?


I love how Putz links to a story about a guy who’s paying 40% top tax rates and is worried that taxes will go even higher (and that’s not including the VAT) and equates that to a 3% marginal increase in his own taxes….when he’s DREAMING!

Well, let’s include the VAT, then. 17.5% sales tax, plus 40% income tax, plus payroll taxes (which seems to be 1%).

So that’s 41% income tax plus 14.9%[*] of your income over that–he’s paying nearly 56% of income in taxes. And Putz is still a schnorrer.

[*] 17.5% tax means 85.1% of the money you pay is nontax.


Also, the top tax bracket (40%) kicks in at about UKP 37,000 or about $60,000.



So their taxes are somewhat higher than ours, but not by leaps and bounds AND they get a lot more services for the money, like National Health Care.

I’d pay those taxes gladly.


This must have been said alread – but Caine said he’s leaving the UK – and going to America. I mean how fucking funny is that?

And why didn’t Putz mention it?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Objectivist Fonzi:



Damn it, how can I killfile the single-issue posters who respond to EVERY SINGLE TROLL POST if they shift nyms just like their hero? Never mind going Galt, Sadly, No! is going GOS at 88 m.p.h. Next step, IP logging. Then one or two self-selected benevolent dictators. And then, of course, the Cool Kids Table, and after that, there’s no cure except smallpox blankets and mustard gas.

Normally I’d say something about seeing this exact scenario on GEnie and CompuServe back when you lot were in diapers, but most of you are old enough to know better, so I’m stuck for a parting shot. No, wait. Remember the last time you cruised the GOS looking for something intelligent, followed up by totally not-at-all “me too!” commentary? Me neither. Ain’t entropy a bitch?


Okay? Cool?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Never mind going Galt, Sadly, No! is going GOS at 88 m.p.h.

I though S,N! was turning into Americablog. Or was it FDL?


So their taxes are somewhat higher than ours, but not by leaps and bounds AND they get a lot more services for the money, like National Health Care.

I accidentally refreshed this page and lost my message, but suffice it to say that a man living in Tennessee like Putz and who earns $60,000 a year will pay about 45.19% in taxes, after counting state and federal income taxes, payroll taxes and sales taxes.

A man living in the UK making the same amount will pay 56%, which is a 24% increase.

That’s not the end of the world (and you certainly get some cool stuff for it), but it does seem particularly crappy. At Maurice Micklewhite’s salary, I think it’s a little less obnoxious.

(Though I do still like his films)


I think Reynolds actually fucking believes what he’s saying.


Andrew, that guy in Tennessee making 60k is only going to get close to 45% in taxes if doesn’t pay any mortgage interest, tuition, have any dependents etc. With a few deductions his effective federal tax rate is going to be about 15-20% I don’t know what state taxes are in Tennessee but i don’t expect they are over 5% on federal AGI.


Caine whinges, hilarity ensues, blat blat blat.

But am I the only one who noticed that the Telegraph link names Gordon Brown’s “chosen successor” – the esteemed Ed Balls?

UK headlines are about to get funnier than they’ve ever been before. Selah.


“cruised the GOS”
GOS=Gay Operations System?


p.s. I am a 96 y.o. doctor-lawyer veteran and am aware of all internet traditions.


Andrew, that guy in Tennessee making 60k is only going to get close to 45% in taxes if doesn’t pay any mortgage interest, tuition, have any dependents etc. With a few deductions his effective federal tax rate is going to be about 15-20% I don’t know what state taxes are in Tennessee but i don’t expect they are over 5% on federal AGI.

Right. Well, my point was that he pays a significantly higher tax in the UK, meaning that Caine has a somewhat more legitimate beef than people in the States.

Incidentally, Tennessee has a 6% income tax and a 7% sales tax.


GOS=Gay Operations System?

GOS=Great Orange Satan=DailyKos.


(comments are closed)