Nut Neutrality

Pejman Yousefzadeh, RedState:
The Obama Way: Nationalizing The Internet

  • The government must not provide public access to the Internet that it created, for government stifles innovation.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 106


The government should not provide public access to the “defense” highways it created.


Also, Al Gore hah hah hah!



Libs just want handouts!


I paid for the goddamn intertubes, I want my porn and fileshare dammit!


Ok, thanks for the government start-up. Now go away and leave us rugged individualists alone.


Wilson, North Carolina—killing the American dream one high-speed connection at a time.


Of course, the use of the term “public utility” denotes nationalization

It would be terrible not to let Enron get its hands on the internet.


Jesus, Muir gave her Grievous’ torso.


He did paint her toenails though.


the use of the term “public utility” denotes nationalization

Right, like the creation of public television nationalized the networks.


It would be terrible not to let Enron get its hands on the internet.

Private sector, free markets, competition!

Let’s just give it to Halliburton. Along with some no-bid contracts.


Also Chris Muir alert.

Holy christ that woman gets less and less attractive every time a wingnut draws her.


Muuir’s women need chiropractors and abuse lawyers.


Muuir’s women need chiropractors and abuse lawyers.

At least she has sensible shoes.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks to me like the handlebars are not symmetrical. I imagine the bikers here will find more.


At least she has sensible shoes.

None of my women wear gloves closed shoes!


Muir’s depiction of Palin’s face reflects her soul, I’ll give him that.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Holy christ that woman gets less and less attractive every time a wingnut draws her.

Indeed. But that strip has to be the funniest Muir joint I’ve ever seen, since it contains a predictable but serviceable pun on the word “positions” that actually applies to the material at (lotioned) hand.

Gary Butthurt

The fact is, I love pr0n more than I love my mom.


DARPA may have created the Internet, but let’s remember that the Internet was able to thrive, grow and prosper thanks to more innovations in the private sector than one can shake a stick at.

Exactly. No one but TruConservativs recognize that although generations of massive subsidy from the federal gubmit made the intertoobz possible a lot of private enterprises are able to profit from it. Just like no one ever recognizes that the government bringing electricity and water and sewer to the American South in areas no private source would pay for it allows businesses to open with electricity and sewage and drinkable water.

Clearly, America’s liberals need to finally, one day, be able to put aside their hatred for FDR and the New Deal and recognize the clear, valuable, albeit secondary role that private enterprise plays in technological development.

Like it or not, libs, you’re just gonna have to appreciate conservative, free market values like the New Deal.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Like it or not, libs, you’re just gonna have to appreciate conservative, free market values like the New Deal.

All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

Plus they were just about to do it themselves when that meddlesome FDR stepped in, and you can’t prove otherwise.


*sigh* Any bets on how long it’s going to take Mr. Libertarian Troll to come around and explain to us in his own charming way that the Internet is just like that mountainside in West Virginia and we have an obligation to get the Obarryama Dictatorship out of the way and let greedheads blow chunks off it and dump sludge in our backyards ’cause it’s *gasp* SOCIALISM if we don’t?


One wonders whether the Obama Administration’s penchant for nationalizing anything and everything under the sun will ever be abated.

Yes, this is exactly what one wonders given an economy collapsing around us and the nationalization of nearly nothing.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Yes, this is exactly what one wonders given an economy collapsing around us and the nationalization of nearly nothing.

Waitaminute – I thought it was exactly nothing. Did I miss some encroaching Russki-Redly Communizzle?


I believe the feds have bought stock here and there, but I’m happy to be corrected.

R. Porrofatto

If this keeps up, soon they’ll be nationalizing the outsourcing.

I see that one of the “sexy positions” Muir’s given Palin is called “Marriage Act.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I believe the feds have bought stock here and there, but I’m happy to be corrected.

I’m no expert, but I thought all the stock they’ve bought has been specially crafted not to allow its holders to vote or anything that would imply that the ownership of it is, you know, meaningful or anything.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I see that one of the “sexy positions” Muir’s given Palin is called “Marriage Act.”

Ha! Truly a black-belt master of the marital arts.


Pere Ubu, the so-called libertarian troll you refer to is no more earnest/libertarian than Annie Angel-Shoelimpy ever was (or is, and is probably the she/he/it/entity in question anyways).

If/when/after *us/we/you* respond in a fashion suitable to (he/she/it/entity), you *may/will/of course* get your knickers/thong/boy-shorts/tighty-whities in a bunch and counter indignantly.


get your knickers/thong/boy-shorts/tighty-whities in a bunch

Anyone who can a thong in anything more bunched than a tangle is a contortionist of the highest caliber.


I’m no expert, but I thought all the stock they’ve bought has been specially crafted not to allow its holders to vote or anything that would imply that the ownership of it is, you know, meaningful or anything.

To be honest I’m pretty sure I was thinking of the Chrysler deal that failed.


You know of course that they’ve mathematically proved that any string-like entity will inevitable become tangled. Thongs count as strings, don’t they?


Thongs count as strings, don’t they?

I’m going to have to ponder this, and get back to you. My answer is a definite maybe, for now.


You know of course that they’ve mathematically proved that any string-like entity will inevitable become tangled. Thongs count as strings, don’t they?

Yup. Science has proven that thongs will get tangled. But bunched? That requires more material.


That Palin pic is disturbing to anyone with even a nodding acquaintance with anatomy. Is something about to burst out of her sternum, perhaps an alien family prop destined to be named Trace or Trail, or Cardiff or Aeronca? And just how do those shoes stay on, glue?


And just how do those shoes stay on, glue?

If you look just under the toes you’ll see a little more red.

The shoe is nailed on.


The shoe is nailed on.

Stigmata? You betcha.


And just how do those shoes stay on, glue?

If you look just under the toes you’ll see a little more red.

The shoe is nailed on.

You mean it’s not just stigmata?




It’s the same time on both comments, N__B, so jinx!


DARPA may have created the Internet, but let’s remember that the Internet was able to thrive, grow and prosper thanks to more innovations in the private sector than one can shake a stick at.

Yes, the fact that Kohler and American Standard make innovative toilets is clear proof that we should privatize the sewer systems.


This is off topic, but ZOMG I just had to share this line of Swankian deliciousity with those who haven’t visited World O’Crap today:

But now in present-tense it, seems as if, even apart from the discernment gift, one with half a brain tied behind his carbuncles, The Boy is ripe for filling the shoes of the One World Governor—pig flu oinking loudly.

Isn’t that amazing?


, The Boy is ripe for filling the shoes of the One World Governor—pig flu oinking loudly.


And I assume “The Boy” is Obama? Wow. Of course, some of the pastor’s best freinds are Negros….


Yes, Swank adopted “The Boy” expression in a recent column. Really.


I can see a day when all the information presently sent through the mail is sent digitally. The savings would be substantial. Less man hours, fuel, vehicles, mailboxes, stamps,envelopes and the list goes on. I think this would do much for us all. A big break from the past and alot like direct deposit of your paycheck. U.S. Postal Service goes digital, change I can believe in.

a different mikey

RB, if you’re still here, I’ve got to tell you how much I liked your work at Crooked TImber re: torture on 4/29. Good on you mate.

a different mikey

And, that swankitude Candy references was so awesome even Scott couldn’t do much with it. Wow.


Anyone who can a thong in anything more bunched than a tangle is a contortionist of the highest caliber.

Kinda looks like that must be under Palin’s….er…leggings?… in that Muir drawing.


Re: Muir’s Palin: long chimp arms, apparently wearing one of those “S” corsets from the late 19th century (or has a broken back), HUGE feets, and really, very quite unattractive.


Re: Muir’s Palin: long chimp arms, apparently wearing one of those “S” corsets from the late 19th century (or has a broken back), HUGE feets, and really, very quite unattractive.

IOW, he’s captured her.


DARPA may have created the Internet, but let’s remember that the Internet was able to thrive, grow and prosper thanks to more innovations in the private sector than one I can shake a stick my dick at.



…and really, very quite unattractive.

Wait wait wait, Jennifer. You forgot about her positions?!1one!


Does that poor woman (Sarah Palin) have something wrong with her rib cage?


But now in present-tense it, seems as if, even apart from the discernment gift, one with half a brain tied behind his carbuncles, The Boy is ripe for filling the shoes of the One World Governor—pig flu oinking loudly.

WOw. Swank has finally descended into the abyss of madness. Either that or he’s vacationing in Hawaii and the Janus Node is generating his columns while he’s relaxing on the beach.


half a brain tied behind his carbuncles

Enough of the complementary medicine and the folk remedies.


Palin was really, very quite unattractive before the cartootionist got a hold of her.


Palin was really, very quite unattractive before the cartootionist got a hold of her.

You only say that because you’re not a sex-starved Republican who doesn’t understand why his patented pick-up technique of quoting “300,” discussing the merits of “touch of class” mudflaps versus trucknuts, and generally saying “Hey bay-be, hey bay-be” keeps failing.


A Janus Node column would be more coherent than Swank could ever hope to be, even with both lobes tied behind its carbuncle.


Joe Max said,
Yes, the fact that Kohler and American Standard make innovative toilets is clear proof that we should privatize the sewer systems.

That pretty much nails it.


That carbuncle thing is deliriously incoherent, but this is my favorite from the Swank piece:

the Iranian thug head threatens to return his messiah via global smoke streams.

This is true classic Swank. Recognizable as English, yet inhabiting an entirely different plane. I’m not entirely convinced that the man isn’t a genius.


I don’t get it. If it’s a Palin poster, why is Elvira in it?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

Wasn’t the Bush administration banging on about locking down on the Internet through some cockamamie security protocol that was going to turn us into mainland China redux or some shit?

Y’know, something that really would have nationalized all this bullshit, that is, making it impossible for us to access anything outside this nation?

I assume RedState was all over that idea as common sense.


Enough of the complementary medicine and the folk remedies.

I thought you antipodeans were FOR free health care?


Carbuncles and Iranian heads. I know what Swank’s been reading.


This morning my local paper had a story on the police busting three grow houses in a nearby community. Damn socialists bringing down free enterprise like that.


Shouldn’t she be flashing her you-know-whats sitting on the back of that Harley?


Posing with a motorcycle beats riding a bicycle. Always.

I was going to comment on how stupid the post at that link was, and then I noticed the date on it, and now I’m just laughing.


Posing with a motorcycle beats riding a bicycle. Always.

Hell, Palin hauls Trigg (Tripp? Trick?) around on the back of the hawg.


I thought you antipodeans were FOR free health care?
Our public health system does allow me to obtain free sheep brains from the local butcher, but not as a poultice for skin infections. To obtain the prescription, I have to convince the doctor that they’re for my brain-eating alien parasite.


Oh my God, someone else read that? Awesome! That story ranks with Warren Zevon, Christopher Moore, Dennis Lehane and “Deadwood” in my “OMG u lieks dat too?!” file.


FYWP. That was in reference to the Lukundoo link.


I wonder what the wingnut bikers would say if Trudeau drew Palin riding a chopper essentially barefoot.
I’m old enough to remember that the socialistic nationalized space program resulted in some business innovation back in the 1960s. Of course now that space exploration is privatized it has really taken off (excuse the pun)


“Courtesy of Ace, two pictures worth the proverbial 2,000 words”

No shit. One is of a guy actually doing something, and the other is of a phony posing next to a motorcycle she’s never going to ride in that miniskirt to enhance a false persona.

Rusty Shackleford

“Compare and contrast.”

Okay. One of them is the leader of the free world. The other isn’t.


Didn’t that Bush feller like to ride mountain bikes? Just sayin’


BTW, I’m offering $1,000.00 for vault copy proof that anyone at the Weekly Standard or NRO has ever changed the oil in a motorcycle over 250cc


Shouldn’t she be flashing her you-know-whats sitting on the back of that Harley?

Her unworkable simplistic policy positions on energy?

Rusty Shackleford

Didn’t that Bush feller like to ride mountain bikes?

If you call that “riding.”


BTW, I’m offering $1,000.00 for vault copy proof that anyone at the Weekly Standard or NRO has ever changed the oil in a motorcycle over 250cc

I understand Jonah has a “rilly kewl” Big Wheel that he can do spin-outs on.

Austrian Economics

Net neutrality would destroy market signals that would self-regulate bandwith (a limited resource) through supply and demand. This will lead to a shortage of bandwith in the coming years, I.e. A tragedy of the commons.

You cannot prevent this anymore than the government can end a depression by printing boatloads of paper money.


I found the Ace of Spades post with the two bike pictures. Those days immediately after McCain announced his running mate seem so distant now.


“Hell, Palin hauls Trigg (Tripp? Trick?) around on the back of the hawg.”

I just noticed in the Obama picture, there’s a trailer hitched to the bicycle. They’ve cropped it so you can’t see but I expect he was towing the girls. Meanwhile, Palin is leaning against the harley until she gets into her Tahoe and drives to the spa.


Ace: “Over on either CNN or MSNBC, one clueless douchebag reporter claimed there would be a conflict between McCain’s reformer image and the “Bridge to Nowhere,” which he assumed without checking that Palin supported. Um, aren’t you assholes supposed to check shit like that before spouting off?”

Um, yeah, you are, Ace. That worked out well for you, believing Palin and all.


From Teh Ace of awesomeA good thing about the husband is that he’s obviously a Guy’s Guy so there won’t be that sniping about “carrying his wife’s handbag” and such emasculating rot.

From the mists of time, we have the Conswervative party hacks of America.
The 1950’s, they weren’t so bad, eh sport?


The government monopoly on tax collection stiffles the market for private tax collection.


(…read that as
government monopoly on tax collection stiffies)


The government monopoly on violence is violently stifling the market for private violence.


The private monopoly on illegal recreational drugs is stifling the market for a safe public producer of legal recreational drugs.


Hurray! Tax farming finally gets its long-deserved barker here at Sadly, No!


I’m tired of all these private monopolies and oligopolies and monopsonies and oligopsonies getting in the way of my public services.


I just noticed in the Obama picture, there’s a trailer hitched to the bicycle.

Oh, that’s what that is. I thought it was the world’s ugliest fender.

I see Sarah Palin does have two legs. Somebody needs to tell Chris Muir.


They’ve cropped it so you can’t see but I expect he was towing the girls.

In right wing world, see, you’d only be manly if you took your children bike riding while setting the example NOT to wear a helmet.


Yep, it’d sure be worse than the Holocaust & a “Waterworld” sequel combined if the government were to step in & take over broadband – because I’ve heard so many online users RAVE about how wonderful their private service-provider is … such generous terms of service, so cheap, so convenient, so reliable!

Making Teh Interwebz as common & robust as public utilities = sinister plot to enforce Crypto-Leninist Nationalization!

One wonders whether the Obama Administration’s penchant for nationalizing anything and everything under the sun will ever be abated.

Huh? Guy hasn’t nationalized jack-shit yet, even with the golden opportunity of a global economic meltdown to do it in. Even Greenspan has been a stronger advocate of nationalization than Obama.

Yousefzadeh to the Blue Room for medication, please.


Yep, it’d sure be worse than the Holocaust & a “Waterworld” sequel combined

But would we be spared The Postman?


And the living shall envy the dead letters.

Chuck U. Farley

Government-sponsored Internet access comes with filters that block the chans, and may eventually block too.

You know this, and yet you aren’t permitted to mention it, because it doesn’t score points for the Democratic wing of the Capitalist party, at the expense of the Republican wing of the Capitalist party.

This would make sense if you were rewarded for the endless hours you spend writing this partisan pap. It doesn’t make any sense at all as volunteer work!


Hey that’s not fair. In politics you support the lesser of two evils. They present two really bad evils, and you gotta be practical, so you pick evil #2. And you can’t criticize anything it does, because then you’re a negative nelly. You gotta stay on message, or you don’t get to move up in the business, until you’re a real player and you make the big dollars.

Johnny Saline

That’s what punk rock is all about: unconditional, unpaid defense of the Democratic party of the United States of America.

The Carter Doctrine – that any curtailment of USA oil supply is a de facto act of war – is my favorite moment in punk rock history.

When Madeleine Albright said on 60 Minutes that 500,000 dead Iraqi children from sanctions were “worth it,” I knew that punk rock had finally hit it big.

Chuck U. Farley

First they came for the chans, and I said nothing; I was not a chan.

(I was just some ranting asshole on the internet)


About the Obama biking image:×6357474

As Barack Obama relaxed last weekend following his 15-month fight for the Democratic nomination, he struggled with an internal debate before going on a bike ride with his family – should he wear a helmet?

“I knew that the (Associated Press) was going to take a picture, and they were trying to portray it like Dukakis wearing that tank helmet,” Obama told donors at a $2,300-a-plate fundraiser in Chicago hosted by F.K Day, the president of World Bicycle Relief. “But I wanted to make sure that the children who saw that picture knew that even the Democratic nominee for president wears a helmet when he goes biking,” he said to hearty applause.

1988 Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis infamously donned a helmet for a photo-op in an M1 Abrams tank. It backfired and the picture was used by opponent George H.W. Bush in ads mocking Dukakis.
NOTE: See this post by DUer krkaufman, who uncovered the cropping of the AP photos, eliminating the image of a helmeted Sasha Obama riding in tandem behind her father:×132577
After viewing video of the bike ride with the tandem, and then seeing the cropped photos, krkaufman suspected a deliberate attempt to make Obama look “dorky.” krkaufman called AP, and was told the cropping was for security reasons.
Here is another image on that page which shows Sasha riding in tandem with Obama


If Obama’s campaigning for the dork vote, then consider the Palin picture again, and Major Kong at 22:53. and tell me what vote she’s going for.
Also, what does Ace’s caption “mother of two at least” mean?


Has this idiot ever heard of Open Source ? The net is practically built on it!


Also, what does Ace’s caption “mother of two at least” mean?

At a guess? Something both stupid and racist.


(comments are closed)