Something About Andy ‘Becoming A Pillar Of Galt’

Some kind of breezy introduction, possibly involving the doorbell.

Andrew Crispin McCarthy, NRO:
Saying No to Justice

I did something today that I’ve never done before. The Department of Justice, which I proudly served for a quarter century as an assistant U.S. attorney and a deputy U.S. marshal, asked me for help, and I declined. Actually, what I declined to do was attend a meeting. My hope is that the dissent I am registering — to the administration’s disastrous policies of releasing trained terrorists and threatening prosecution against government lawyers — will help the department and the Obama administration, even if they don’t want to hear it.

Something to the effect of:


Comments: 30

Wyatt Watts III

Actually, what I declined to do was attend a meeting.

Okay, well, actually, I did attend the meeting, but I didn’t bring the crumb cake I’d signed up to bring.

Okay, I did being the crumb cake, but it was store bought.

Doctor Missus Marita

Wow, he just can’t shut up about not going to the meeting, can he?

It’s almost like if he didn’t bring it up repeatedly, they wouldn’t even notice he wasn’t there.

Doctor Missus Marita

Okay, I did being the crumb cake, but it was store bought.

Store bought, and half-price since it was a day old.

And I ate most of it myself.


Love, I don’t like to see so much pain
So much wasted. and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival

Wyatt Watts III

…I regularly make myself available to liberal and conservative groups, to Democrats and Republicans, if they think tapping my national-security or law-enforcement experience would be beneficial.

Andrew, honey, no one wants to tap your tired old experience.


WTF? Duellling posts on a Friday night and I aint got nobody… I got some money ‘cuz I just got paid….

Yeah, Ho got paid but he owes me, y’know?


On the other hand, it is the sport of the future.

Casper the Incontinent Ghost

Andrew C. McCarthy: …And the president is being a bully about it. He obviously doesn’t want to incur the wrath of leaking spooks…

Hey! Let’s not make this personal!

Pretty much the strategy all along, wasn't it?

Saying No to Justice


My hope is that the dissent I am registering — to the administration’s disastrous policies of releasing trained terrorists and threatening prosecution against government lawyers — will help the department and the Obama administration, even if they don’t want to hear it. will be noticed.


Was there an unhinged troll over in the other thread, there?


I’ve not gone to plenty of meetings. I tell you, it takes a lot out of you to not attend a meeting. Huge sacrifice, that.


Meeting minutes

Roll call:

[a list of names]

Troll call:
Andy McCarthy regrets he could not attend


Well, sorry I missed the festivities. I was doing something way more culturally important, like watching “The Three Amigos.”

Going to bed now, with a glass of wine and a biography of an effete elitist artist from the 1930s. Mmm-kay?


It’s almost like if he didn’t bring it up repeatedly, they wouldn’t even notice he wasn’t there.

I wouldn’t be caught dead at your precious little party, do you hear? Not in a million years.

I said…hello? Is this thing on?


“Saying No to Justice” sums it up nicely. And “no” to responsibility & accountability.

Also no to reading before typing.

I’m so sure he was/will be missed at the big do. Like they needed one more Pants-Pisser to whine about “getting tough on gooks,” or whatever.

Department of Justice

My wife made me send you the invitation. Said it’s the nice thing to do since you have no friends.Nobody wants you there anyway asshole.


I didn’t want to be part of your breezy invitation anyway.

Department of Justice's wife

Oh sure, drag me into it. I said, he’d just sit in the corner and eat all the cheetos and you said ‘Look, it’ll be OK, he’ll loosen up a little and it’ll be good for him”.
Well that worked really well.
We are not going to your crazy relatives for Thanksgiving either,ugh.

Wyatt Watts III

McCarthy declined to go to the meeting, but, oddly enough, he sent Sasha Littlefeather in his place.


PENIS by Isabella Rosselini


Andrew Crispin McCarthy is a complete knobhead. John Cusack is a dude.

And Isabella Rosselini is amazing, with or without penis (a sentence I would never have imagined myself writing until Lesley’s comment).


Quite literally, Eric Holder shrugged.


Does he flog his book in this totally not self-serving column about his own self’s awesomeness, too?

Andy McCarthy's "book"

Indeed, I have been flogged mercilessly lo these many nights

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

Hey, is this where I sign up to get Hannity waterboarded?


I only hope that the DOJ can pick its self up and move on from this.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

I’ve not gone to plenty of meetings.

And I’ve frequently not been on boats.


Best S,N! post in a long time.

Incidentally, it’s also the shortest. Correlation? Causation? Who knows!


Wow – attention-whoring at its lamest … two posts about this is two posts too many – at least a camwhore has tits to offer … he’s literally got nothing.

Is this valiant refusal going to be the subject of his next “book” – & will it be made into a movie, too?

We can only wait & hope.


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