A Mutual Mass Debate Shun Session

Hindy’s being snarky, reeling off the single-entendres like tomorrow was nobody’s business.

John Hinderaker, Powerline:
How to "Rebuild the Party"

According to the New York Times, we Republicans are having a debate “over how to rebuild the party in the wake of Senator Arlen Specter’s departure.” Just like how the Democrats had to rebuild their party after Ben Nighthorse Campbell switched parties. You remember that, don’t you?

Yes, that was in 1995, just after Bill Clinton lost his historic race against Bob Dole with the global economy going down in flames, plus the lying and the starting a useless war and the torture, yes. Then Democrats were all like, “The American public thinks we’re insane, and, so let’s teach them a lesson by acting double-super crazy, blar-har-snuck-har,” and tried to unseat Ben Nighthorse Campbell in a primary against Amiri Baraka.

Then all of a sudden all Hell broke loose for no reason at all, sparking a big debate, which never happened because Hindy is clearly passing the kouchie on the left-hand side, not to mention the dutchie.

No, what this means is that Republicans are having a debate over how to rebuild the party in the wake of Senator Arlen Specter’s departure, and Hindy wasn’t invited, therefore it must all be part of the Liberal Media Conspiracy, which plants false stories in the press in order to advance a left-wing agenda at home and defeat American troops overseas.

You know what’s ridiculous? These people have been claiming that for years, but it’s only now that they’ve wrecked themselves and the country that the ‘liberal MSM’ has started to challenge that wackadoodle crackpot conspiracy theory as something other than a legitimate opinion demanding of respect, and most ridiculously of all — in fact paradoxically — deserving of equal time.

PAUL remembers: If memory serves, the Dems internalized the lesson implicit in Campbell’s switch, promptly moderated all of their liberal positions, and were swept back into power as the party of moderation.

Here abides reasoning. The Dems didn’t learn this imaginary lesson and ended up eating a decade of Cinnamon Fail Crunch — so we don’t have to learn it either.

Keep at it, boys. You’re doing a great job.


Comments: 102


passing the kouchie on the left-hand side

Why is it on the LEFT-HAND side, anyway, eh? We all know “left-hand” is a reference to not only COmmunisn but SATANISM… Hindrocket consorting with the forces of EVIL? Dare we speculate?


I guess that explains where all the killer weed goes.


Oh, but Gavin, Hindy WAS invited! Just to the wrong party!


Oh, but Gavin, Hindy WAS invited! Just to the wrong party!

Oh God yes, that thing… That’s going to be fail-larious.


I’m having trouble with this one. I mean, Eric is a straight up schizophrenic, as you so eloquently pointed out last post.

But what’s the DSM-III on the latest missive from Butt Propulsion Laboratories? I actually clicked the link, which I rarely do (I don’t want to encourage the bastards) and I still can’t grok it. I mean, I understand the man lives in a Bush knobgobbler’s dream, but still, WTF?


If memory serves, the Dems internalized the lesson implicit in Campbell’s switch, promptly moderated all of their liberal positions, and were swept back into power as the party of moderation.

If memory serves, Campbell jumped ship at the END of the Democratic diaspora (go ahead, Gavin, you can use it) from the Presidency, after fifteen years of very polite infighting between the liberal and moderate wings (culiminating in the Mondale/Dukakis trouncings), and the effect it had on Congress was negligible, since the Republicans already had majorities in the Senate and House, and could not achieve a supermajority with Campbell.

Too, he wasn’t “forced out” by a primary challenge and perhaps Specter can take heart in this:

In 1995, he became a Republican, in part due to disagreement with President Bill Clinton’s fiscal policies and what he saw as a “War on the West” from environmentalists. In 1998, he faced his first re-election test as a Republican, and won by the largest margin (to that point) in state history.



The Democrats starting in 1995 spent a dozen years in the minority of Congress, and most of the same in the Senate. And up until recently, the Party was completely (as opposed to mostly, as it is now) led by the people who helped it lose and keep losing.


up until recently, the Party was completely (as opposed to mostly, as it is now) led by the people who helped it lose and keep losing

Well, that’s just because we weren’t paying enough attention to the DLC, of course!

Just like the guy who’s looking pale and listless needs a couple more leeches on his forehead to draw out enough blood to balance his humors.


And up until recently, the Party was completely (as opposed to mostly, as it is now) led by the people who helped it lose and keep losing.

And now…the call from Rahm! It’s coming from inside the (White) house!!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

So the toolz are saying that the GOP is in great shape – no “rebuilding” necessary. Certainly looks that way to me too, only in reverse.

Looks like Kristol knows his audience – this whole marginalization as a rump party is good news for Republicans. I guess it’s because Republicans love rump parties.

And Hindy has a point. Why would they want to change anything? The whole fabulously-wealthy-few-baiting-the-devout-with-homophobia-and-racism-in-order-to-secure-themselves-more-tax-cuts thing is working great. Look at all the teabagging that just went on! Hundreds of billions showed up in Atlanta alone!

Yup, it’s all part of some really deep strategic meta-game that RNC Chair Steele is running.


I mean, I understand the man lives in a Bush knobgobbler’s dream, but still, WTF?

I’ve been trying to figure that out, but it’s elusive. The best I’ve been able to come up with is that he seems to believe that politics and civic life is part of some notion of ‘personal time,’ in which one is allowed to believe anything they want, and not have to listen to other people say it’s false or wrong.

And also, he’s a lawyer, and like a lot of wingnuts, treats reality as something you can argue with — or argue about, as though to some judge or giant mommy who will make a ruling on what is or isn’t fair, what should or shouldn’t be.


El Cid,

In fairness to the last twelve years of Congressional leaders, the corruption of the Rostenkowskis and the Wrights was not going to make anyone’s job easy.

Time and a moron for a President, plus a really egomaniacal Republican congress, got things back on track, but then, hell, Rostenkowski could have won in 2006!


I guess it’s because Republicans love rump parties.

And Hindy has a point.

I get it. That’s pretty funny!


Lord love ’em. The GØP plan to eliminate the plague that’s ravaging their numbers: kill more cats.

Republican Strategists

Here’s how we’ll rebuild the party: First, we’ll make sure we challenge any “squishy” moderates in blue or puple districts with hard-core right wing ideologues in the primaries, so that the Republican candidates will be completely unelectable in the general contests. Next, we’ll demand that all Republican office holders kow-tow to the most extreme elements in the party, and publicly humiliate them if the refuse to apologize for even the most innocuous, offhend comments about Rush Limbaugh. Then we’ll ridicule anyone who refuses to vote in lock-step and dare them to shitch parties or become independents, then mock them (and by extension, those who voted for them) as “traitors” when they do leave. Finally, we’ll distill our message to the most concentrated, illogical, bigoted, intolerant elements, seeking greater and greater “purity” of conservative thought, so that we will define ourselves strictly by whom we hate, rather than what we favor. Yep, that should be a sure-fire winner!


I guess it’s because Republicans love rump parties.

Big-tent party, indeed.

and please, Senator Craig, wipe that drool away.


actor212: I don’t think 1994-2006 was a period of wilderness for Congressional / Senate Democrats for accidental reasons, or merely the mood of the times.

I think it was a reflection of philosophy — for a generation of Democrats, it wasn’t enough to occasionally act against the base of your party, it was necessary to make sure and push the base’s face down in the mud while jumping around and singing about how awesome Republican ideers were and how we didn’t need any manufacturing jobs gotten rid of through NAFTA or MFN because we were gonna be high tech rich and we was gonna lead the world in financial innovation and we got to talk about seriously offended we are by these allegations of blowjobs against Bill Clinton and on and on.

For major, leading Democrats, the lessons they learned were that the worst horrors of history ever were Jimmy Carter, George McGovern, and LBJ’s Great Society, and the best things ever were Ronald Reagan, his ideers, and Southern conservatives.


21st Century Conservatism: Victory Through Homeopathy*

* This does not imply that we intend to give up sociopathy, we just have a different philosophy of its spread now

Ted the Slacker

PAUL remembers: If memory serves, the Dems internalized the lesson implicit in Campbell’s switch, promptly moderated all of their liberal positions, and were swept back into power as the party of moderation.

That’s it. That must be it. Mischaracterizing the Democratic Party and making crazy stupid assumptions about the electorate, all cloaked in low-brow Fillmore-esque snark is the way to go. It’s totally what the GOP does consistently well.

Because you know, you go into politics with the Party you have, not the party you want or would like to have.


…passing the kouchie on the left-hand side…

Why is it on the LEFT-HAND side, anyway, eh?

Because you ALWAYS pass to the left hand side, mon…


The site wisely opts not to include a comments section. In a climate where their party is going down like the Lusitania, some might not take the delusion-as-history angle as a major source of comfort – they might even get a bit uptight. Only 21% (& falling?) identify as Goopers now – another 10% off & they’ll be in the same league as the Green Party.

The wingnut bloggers were supposed to be a vital component of the Permanent GOP Majority, & they fucked the pooch on that, big-time. The Party is about as forgiving as the Mafia when one vows to get results & then lets them down, so I think some of them are going to spend the rest of their lives on the outside looking in – Michelle “Don’t Panic, It’s Not Rabies – I ALWAYS Foam At The Mouth” Malkin is the obvious example that comes to mind.

OT: seems like every cloud (koff koff) has a silver lining.


El Cid,

Here’s the thing, tho: the Congressional exodus in the 90s was the culmination of a slipping Democratic party since Carter. The lessons learned in the 70s and 80s led to the formation of the DLC (Clinton’s arm). That resurrected the Presidential hopes (indeed, it helped inform Obama’s general election run).

Yes, the Democrats had been routed in 1994, and I chalk that up mostly to having not taken the lead on Clinton’s healthcare proposal, to make that a reality. When people realized they were choosing between essentially the same party, they chose the party that was perceived least likely to be corrupt.

On this much we agree: the Democrats turned from thinking liberals into reflexive yes (or no, as the case may be) men and women. They needed to lose in 1994 for that alone.

Republican Strategists

The party going down like a cheerleader on prom-night is GREAT NEWS!!!! We have the Democrats right where we want them!!!


Michelle “Don’t Panic, It’s Not Rabies – I ALWAYS Foam At The Mouth” Malkin

That’s not foam – one too many snotchos, I think.


The fact is, Obama did not use a Bible for his second swearing in, thus all decisions he has made have been rendered null and void.

Republican Strategists

Gary is our ideal New Republican. Yes, Gary, the party needs you, and more like you! Would you consider running for office for us?


Yes, the Democrats had been routed in 1994, and I chalk that up mostly to having not taken the lead on Clinton’s healthcare proposal, to make that a reality.

No doubt, but even that itself reflected the same fight on impossible grounds: the Hillary Clinton-led health care reform proposal was largely designed by the 5 largest HMO’s and insurers, in retreats in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This “managed care” model would have largely placed the U.S. health system under the managed care of those super-large corporations, thus setting the stage for an obvious revolt of all the medium-to-large insurers & HMO’s (that was the HIAA and the “Harry & Louise” ads, who then funded Newt’s rebellion) without providing any clear and arguable benefits for Democrats to take back to their constituencies.

I still try to decide whether or not we’re better off having not passed what I viewed as a byzantine yet not helpful ‘healthcare reform’ which left all of U.S. health care in the hands of its few largest insurers and HMO’s than we are with the possibility of doing something now which truly may be decent, worthwhile, and long-lasting — which I don’t think the 1993 reform would have been.


Oh shit — another ACORN laser scan has swept by! Do you think they can listen to your head thoughts yet? I try not to let myself think of guns or Bibles so that they can’t catch me with the GPS paint.

Rusty Shackleford

Because you ALWAYS pass to the left hand side, mon…

Is there an actual scientific reason for that, or just tradition?


the Hillary Clinton-led health care reform proposal was largely designed by the 5 largest HMO’s and insurers

Ah. Now it’s clear.

Of course, what’s NOT clear is why this was called “socialism” when it’s the EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE.

I still say – thank god we don’t have single-payer. Imagine if I didn’t have the fun of deciphering health plan cards, billing to dozens of different processors, and telling customers their meds have been denied ’cause some bean-counter in Omaha with no pharmaceutical training whatsoever decided they needed to take something cheaper. What fun would that be?

Knights in White Satin

I just want to let you know I visited REDstate for the very first time, and it was really painful. In fact, that site crashed my iMac twice, and not in a fun way if you know-what-I-mean. I had to -cough- force quit twice! So I gave up and read a book, then went to be.

PS: My 11 year old daughter has the flu. Not very bad, tho. She has a fever & was puking, but is currently leaping & bounding around her room whilst watching Yu Gi Oh! (We live in Northern Nevada)


watching Yu Gi Oh!

Are you sure that isn’t the reason she was puking?

Knights in White Satin

I think it was the junk food. She may not have been sick at all, assuming she figured out a way to raise her temp to 100.2.

She loves Yu Gi Oh! Especially the myriad Dragon Cards. Luckily, she lets me download & print them out.


She loves Yu Gi Oh! Especially the myriad Dragon Cards. Luckily, she lets me download & print them out.

Just jinkin’ ya 🙂 – I saw far too much of Yu-Gi-Blow merchandise when I worked for the Black Iron Prison, aka. Wal-Mart. I was in Toys. Pity me.


20% and sinking, boys.

Keep it up. You’re at the Ross Perot level now, let’s aim for the Whigs.


No, what this means is that Republicans are having a debate over how to rebuild the party in the wake of Senator Arlen Specter’s departure, and Hindy wasn’t invited, therefore it must all be part of the Liberal Media Conspiracy, which plants false stories in the press in order to advance a left-wing agenda at home and defeat American troops overseas.

I know some people who actually think this way. Not necessarily about politics (unless you are counting office politics) … but just think this way in general. I’m sure many of us have experienced this kind of behavior in, e.g., staff meetings at work.

Sometimes I’m amazed at how nucking futs the GOP is. And then when I think about how many people have serious “issues”, I’m actually amazed that only 20-30% of the populace are dead-enders.

Am I too cynical and misanthropic for a tender, callow youth?


I’m actually amazed that only 20-30% of the populace are dead-enders.

It depends on where you are. A lot of people in this group are surrounded by other people who see things the same way (i.e., the conservative white rural South), and it never occurs to them that they are the exceptions, except when they get in a good mood to sound like noble martyrs for staying committed to the values of Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Robert E. Lee.

As you may know, the great majority of the U.S. population lives in cities, and this makes them not real.


Am I too cynical and misanthropic for a tender, callow youth?

Well, express some cynicism and misanthropy and we’ll see. So far all I see is a charming naivete. Amazed? Hell I stop being amazed at Republicans during the Nixon Administration.


the values of [. . .]Robert E. Lee

Treason and unlawful rebellion against a duly elected government?


The Whig Party is making a comeback!



More to your point, more than 30% of people are crazy, but there is crazy, and then there is willing-to-cut-off-your-nose-to-spite-your-face crazy. The latter run about 20%, primarily Old Testament Christians (“Come for the Get-Into-Heaven-Free Card, Stay for the neighbor-hating!”)


Treason and unlawful rebellion against a duly elected government?

The very same!


Come for the Get-Into-Heaven-Free Card

You know, I look at the Red Staters that surround me here, and think about how many of them are Christians, and I really ask myself, “Self, would I want to spend the rest of eternity surrounded by these people?”

Thank God I’m a pagan.


The crazy factor was actually scientifically tested in Illinois in 2004 when a certifiably insane person managed to get 26% of the vote. I speak of course of Alan Keyes.


The only way Republicans have been successful in national politics is having someone who can wink to the nutcases while appearing respectable enough to fool the DC press.

Palin IS one of the nutcases, which is why I hope the GOP runs her in 2012.

Mitt Romney has already told the nutcases to screw off, so he’s DOA.

And the nutcases told Jon Huntsman to screw off, so he’s already dead.


PeeJ: The major was so famed and admired that even after he was long gone from a unit, anyone who achieved something notable was referred to as “a real Dickie Head”. Needless to say, observers were always impressed with his unit, no matter where it was deployed.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I speak of course of Alan Keyes.

Ahhh, the crazification factor. There’s a walk down memory lane.


Utah Republicans are too liberal for today’s G.O.P. !!elevent!!

I think they are about to turn the crazy up to twelve. Free stock tip: Invest in popcorn.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The Whig Party is making a comeback!

I never thought I’d read about the Whigs’ position on funding nanotech.


Utah Republicans are too liberal for today’s G.O.P.

Now THERE’S something terrifying.


Ladies and gentlemen, the editorial page of the Washington Times regarding making sexual orientation a hate crime:

Mr. Boehner’s point is right on the mark. But the motivation isn’t about punishing crime as much as it is about controlling certain thoughts and views. Once homosexuals become a special class protected by hate-crime legislation, the back door is open to prosecuting those who speak out against homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Yesterday’s House vote was really about creating thought crimes to further the liberal agenda.

Because nothing furthers liberal agenda like having open back doors.


And also, he’s a lawyer, and like a lot of wingnuts, treats reality as something you can argue with — or argue about, as though to some judge or giant mommy who will make a ruling on what is or isn’t fair, what should or shouldn’t be.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Utah Republicans are too liberal for today’s G.O.P.

Is it that they’re too liberal or that they have the wrong God?

If it really is the former, that’s scary indeed.


I never thought I’d read about the Whigs’ position on funding nanotech.

“Thee engynes of smallness are a BOON to the manufactories of the Great NATIYON of America”


John Boner’s back door is open?

What a giveaway.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Utah Republicans are too liberal for today’s G.O.P.

…if this is about Huntsman, that is a bit different. For a Redoublechin, he’s amazingly intelligent, coherent, sane, and moderate. Not at all a typical Utah Republican (read here for an example of the standard kind.)

Huntsman would be a real force in the general election if it weren’t for the fact that many pubbies would never vote for a Mormon.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Huntsman would be a real force in the general election…

Er, that is, if he got the nom for President in 2012. Forgot to mention which election.


I think moonies should be exempted from hate crime protection. Can the Rev Moon really be the next Jesus without a bunch of martyrs?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Utah Republicans are too liberal for today’s G.O.P.

Next target for purging – that lefty-sympathizing, liberal-abetting ultra-moderate John Cornyn.


“If this is about Huntsman, that is a bit different. For a Redoublechin, he’s amazingly intelligent, coherent, sane, and moderate.”

Wouldn’t the above disqualify him in the primaries?


Surely his post was snark. Surely.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Wouldn’t the above disqualify him in the primaries?

Well, yes. Lucky for us, I think.


Yeah, the 1994 Gingrich revolution was just the final stage in the transition of the South from a Democratic bastion to a Republican that began in 1968. The last of the Southern Democrats finally succumbed to an unpopular president, a rash of bullshit “scandals”, and the botch of health care reform, being either voted out, retiring, or switching parties. The problem for Republicans is that once you flip all of the house and senate seats in the South, you run out of fertile ground for additional gains. The South can’t get any more Republican, after all. But Gingrich et al decided that America was the South writ large and kept pushing Southern cultural and economic issues even when there were no more Southerners to pick up. And that has cost them California and the entire Northeast and chunks of the Mountain West, and has led them into a hell of a cul-de-sac, with no clear way forward and every demographic and cultural trend against them.

I love how their big comeback plan is to have McCain, Jeb Bush, Lamar Alexander, and Mitch McConnell go on a listening tour across the nation. Why not go all the way and have Henry Hyde, Tom Delay, Phil Gramm, Bill Frist, and Trent Lott join the show. Americans love Trent Lott!


Come to think of it, Huntsman sounds like a good choice for Whig party candidate. Go Whigs!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

“Thee engynes of smallness are a BOON to the manufactories of the Great NATIYON of America”

Hee hee


Moonies aren’t mentioned specifically for exemption in the offered amendment. But I don’t know if Mr. Hastings read the entire list.


You know, try as I might I’m working to come up with something snarky to say about the WashTimes editorial and I just can’t get past the tired old “WE WON’T BE ABLE TO PREACH TEH BIBLE AGAINST TEH FAGS” arguement.

Give it a rest, you wankers. We’re talking about treating people like people, not locking your pudgy asses up for crimethink, no matter how good an idea it would be for you to cool your heels in chokey for a couple weeks every time you open your ignint bigoted pieholes.


JM said,
April 30, 2009 at 19:46
The only way Republicans have been successful in national politics is having someone who can wink to the nutcases while appearing respectable enough to fool the DC press.

I don’t disagree with that but honestly, how hard is to fool the DC press, and what does it say about the current bumper crop of repub candidates that aren’t able to pull it off?


Because you ALWAYS pass to the left hand side, mon…

Is there an actual scientific reason for that, or just tradition?

Which hand do you wipe your ass with, Rusty?


I’m actually amazed that only 20-30% of the populace are dead-enders.

Bell curve.


I’m confused about what Hastings was talking about, but I was referring to violence based on religious belief which has been a hate crime for ten years. Not that Washington Times editors don’t deserve a smack in the head on general principle.


OIC. You were saying the MoonieToonies should not be protected. Gotcha.

As for the Alcee Hastings bit, I believe he was mocking a st00pid amendment offered (surely by a GØPer) in a lame attempt to discredit the hate crimes legislation. Umm, offering the amendment was the lame attempt. Hastings’ mockery was excellent.


Because you ALWAYS pass to the left hand side, mon…

Is there an actual scientific reason for that, or just tradition?

It’s because most people are right-handed, so by passing on the left you’re putting the goods in the next person’s dominant hand, least likely to fumble the increasingly tiny roach despite being stoned. It’s just smart time-and-motion efficiency. Call it ergonomics.


Utah Republicans are too liberal for today’s G.O.P.

Is it that they’re too liberal or that they have the wrong God?

If it really is the former, that’s scary indeed.


It’s just smart time-and-motion efficiency. Call it ergonomics.

Minimal therbligs.


what this means is that Republicans are having a debate over how to rebuild the party in the wake of Senator Arlen Specter’s departure, and Hindy wasn’t invited

This concerns me. I’d much rather have Hindy-Heh-Heh part of all that debate because that would mean his fucking moronic shit would have an even greater influence. Which is most excellent news for the future of the GOP, meaning most excellent news if you hope the GOP continues to remain the party of dumbfuckery, asininity and wankitude.

Unfortunately, if someone really wanted to try to get their bus out of the ditch they drove it into, they’d start by keeping wanking fucktards like Hindy from sitting anywhere near the driver.

Speaking of who’s driving the bus… if they try to dump Limbaugh’s pudgy ass out of the driver’s seat, I’ll really begin to worry. But I think the hair follicles growing out of that cyst on his ass have wrapped themselves firmly around the seat post. In fact, methinks his ass is now one big cyst which has now encapsulated said driver’s seat.


Minimal therbligs.

They’re cheaper by the dozen.


Minimal therbligs

*jotting down*

Great band name. Sure beats “Creed”.


the GOP continues to remain the party of dumbfuckery, asininity and wankitude

Sure looks that way, don’t it?

At the rate they’re going they won’t be able to run Palin in 2012 after all – even she’ll be too liberal for them.


Can I just point out the obvious missing logic here?

– Republican policies are unpopular, because voters think (correctly) they don’t work.

– Democratic polices are popular, because voters think they will work.

– *Therefore*, it’s not about whether or a party’s policies are “moderate” or “extreme”, it’s about whether voters think their policies will *work*.


Can I ask what adult human would think differently, unless they’re paid to be insane? Oh, right, he’s a pundit.


The key fact here is to note that the Republic party has gone from being large and in charge to representing a quarter of Americans — which is less than identify as independents. And independents now lean to the left, like my throbbing erect cock. So what we’re seeing here is basically a legacy: the Republican apparatus is still in place, they have a deeply entrenched position on the Hill if only from the standpoint of real estate, and the entire discourse in this nation is geared to Repube/Dem polarity. They are the Bull Moose party, but nobody is prepared to admit it, because if the media loves themselves anything in this world, it’s the status quo. And status quo= Republicans & Democrats in equal measure. Otherwise the Right would be laughed at already, and marginalized like the Greens.

The real cliffhanger for me is whether the R’s can get their shit together before the media give up on them. They have a huge amount of lag time to work with — like the next three years. But at the catastrophic rate they’re fucking up, I can’t help but hope someday it will be Dems on one side and the Progressive Party on the other.

And on that day, I will tell Ms. Malkin to smell my finger, and by god she will.




At the rate they’re going they won’t be able to run Palin in 2012 after all – even she’ll be too liberal for them.

“You know, her daughter is an unmarried heathen mother.”


And independents now lean to the left, like my throbbing erect cock

views, newsletter, …





The real cliffhanger for me is whether the R’s can get their shit together before the media give up on them.

Aw, come on. Infotainment today is all about conflict, and nobody is as conflicted as Republicans (even without getting into the wide-stance/open-door angle). The modern faux-equivalence media meme will keep GOPpers in equal measure (at least), and if you doubt that catch the Sunday Morning Republican FellatioFests. The Villagers are in the tank for Republicans, being either rich folk or desirous to be same, and goddamn Rupert Murdoch (may Beelzebub have one put aside for him) has a whole network devoted to slobbering Republican knob and keeping the America For Aristocracy dream alive, profits be damned.

The media isn’t going anywhere.


Surely his post was snark. Surely.

Don’t call me Shirley.

A MidBronner Night's Dream

That’s ALL-ONE!: you shall play it in a mask, and you may speak as small as you will.


Pere Ubu sensibly sez:

“You know, I look at the Red Staters that surround me here, and think about how many of them are Christians, and I really ask myself, “Self, would I want to spend the rest of eternity surrounded by these people?””

Ahem. I commend to your exquisite attention, the last page of this:


This is exactly what the, uh, Levys say. The list of whom you’d spend eternity with is enough to make you put in for a transfer to the Lake of Fire.


This is exactly what the, uh, Levys say. The list of whom you’d spend eternity with is enough to make you put in for a transfer to the Lake of Fire.

I’ve got good news & bad news about Teh Rapture.

Good news – all the Christians go away and we get all their stuff.

Bad news – all their stuff is from Wal-Mart.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Bad news – all their stuff is from Wal-Mart.

Except for the $80,000 sofa-sized Thomas Kinkade painting.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…but you don’t really want that either, what with the uriney smell and kitschiness and all.


…but you don’t really want that either, what with the uriney smell and kitschiness and all.

Then again the dump keeps rejecting it, and you can’t burn it ’cause it’d release toxic smoke.

Only thing to do is load it into a giant catapult and fling it to Heaven where the damn fundies can have it back.


Only thing to do is load it into a giant catapult and fling it to Heaven where the damn fundies can have it back.

Send it to Iran as a memento.


I mean, we must be… increasingly on the alert to prevent them from taking over other catapults, in order to launch more kitsch paintings than we do, thus, knocking us out in superior numbers when they land! Mr. President, we must not allow… a trebuchet gap!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Or an onager gap, either.


Unintentionally revealing quote, garnered from NYTimes story about the GOP dissension:

“I’m not hurt by Arlen Specter walking away,” said Michael Reagan, the son of former President Ronald Reagan and a conservative talk show host. “At least now the party doesn’t waste money supporting someone who does not support the party.”

“It’s interesting that people say the right has taken over the Republican Party — but no one can say what we’ve done,” Mr. Reagan said. “We’ve been closeted for the last eight years; it’s time for the right to come out of the closet.”

Larry Craig wholeheartedly supports this notion.

Although I tremble to think what perversions will now be revealed by now-emboldened deviants like Rick Santorum or El Rushbo.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

At the rate they’re going they won’t be able to run Palin in 2012 after all – even she’ll be too liberal for them.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

Whoopseedaisies. Let’s try that again:

“At the rate they’re going they won’t be able to run Palin in 2012 after all – even she’ll be too liberal for them.”

Eventually it’ll just be Fat Limbaugh and Dick Cheney alone together in a motel room outside of Wichita saying to each other, “Uhh, you gonna eat that last donut?”

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

Hundred and First!


Clinton. 1995. Dole was the next one, wasn’t he? Like, 1996. Different election.


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