
Lugar to support IU law professor’s nomination

Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said Tuesday he will support the nomination of an Indiana University law professor to head the Obama administration’s internal law office.

He is the first Republican to publicly declare his backing for Dawn Johnsen, whose selection to head the Office of Legal Counsel has grown into a fight about abortion rights and counterterrorism practices.

Some Republicans have promised to try to block Johnsen’s confirmation either because of her support for abortion rights or because she criticized the legal justification used by the Bush administration for the torture of detainees.

I smell a primary challenge and another party defection comin’ down the pike! Don’t lemme down, GOP — it’s time to purge another senator!!!


Comments: 81


Can we therefore urge the GOP to “hock up a Lugar”?

…I’m sorry, I’ll go back to sleep now.


Another Republican apostate. I’m pretty sure Bybee wrote a memo saying you could set them on fire for like 5 minutes before its considered not playing well with others.


Why can’t Rush keep them in line?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I love it, they’re in a circular firing squad, and they’re all armed with MOABs.



“A lot of people said, well Specter, take McCain with you, and his daughter [and your little dog Toto]. Take McCain and his daughter with you,” talk show host Rush Limbaugh declared during the early hour of his Tuesday program.


Some Republicans have promised to try to block Johnsen’s confirmation either because of her support for abortion rights

“No litmus tests” only holds for pro-life Republican presidential picks.


Place the entire GOP in a barbed-wire thunderdome and wait for the last one standing. Then shoot him in the head.


If they purge Lugar, the senior Republican will be Orrin Hatch.

That will be awesome.


HOORAY! Wonderful news! Soon the rethuglicans will implode and then we’ll have only ONE party! YAY!!!1!!one!!!




Pwoggie: well, maybe if the Republicans implode there can finally be a good argument for a left opposition to the Democrats.


Pwoggie: well, maybe if the Republicans implode there can finally be a good argument for a left opposition to the Democrats.

Yeah, no shit. If we’re really, really lucky (I’m not making any bets), the death of the GOP would be the start, not the end of a two-party system.

Big Bad Bald Bastard



It’s always weird when one of them turns out to be half way reasonable. I’m sure the’ll purge him soon.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I wonder if McCain had any inkling of the coming Sturm during those Palin appearances.


What? Dawn Johnson “criticized the legal justification used by the Bush administration for the torture of detainees”??? Who does she think she is? A human person with a hint of a moral compass? A lawyer with some understanding of the law? THIS WILL NOT STAND.


I expect JMC3 was counting on the Drang as well.


The Republicans have a certain knack for detecting the party unfaithful.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The Republicans have a certain knack for detecting the party unfaithful.

I imagine it involves a test of spelling and grammar.


Place the entire GOP in a barbed-wire thunderdome and wait for the last one standing. Then shoot him in the head.

How about a half-flooded super dome. Just put them in there and don’t come back.

Wait, wait, I can hear it now: “Barak Obama doesn’t care about GOP People.”


The purges will continue until the party grows again!


How about just putting the GOP out in the rain and let them drown as they look up to see who’s sprinkling water on them?


My goodness. These ARE some strange times we’re living in.

I’m kinda soft on the poor ol’ GOP, being somewhat conservative about things like invading countries without justification, fiscal responsibility (at least in the long run), personal liberty, and so on. I even like the idea of smaller government in the sense of ending the WOD, leaving people be when they decide to die, marrying whom they want, reducing the military budget, and so on some more.

I guess I’m sort of with Brad.

It would be fun to run for my local Congressional office as a Republican, but I have Mark Kirk, another fake moderate Republican with all his institutional support to lose against. Tempting, still, since my professional gadfly-ness would serve me poorly in anything but an election.

I can’t wait for the GOP base to split off into the Jesus Party. A man can dream, no?


Christ, I think a person should be able to use the words “shit” and “fuck!”

Possibly even n**ger!

That’s another problem I would have, electorally. I’m really fond of the Bill of Rights.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Wait, wait, I can hear it now: “Barak Obama doesn’t care about GOP People.”

If only this were the case… if only.


Lugar is an old fart with a room temperature IQ who will be retiring soon, then we’ll run a Mike Pence (a real Reaganite Conservative) to take his place.

The Tragically Flip

This is kind of looking like the end of WWII, with high ranking Germans offing themselves and putting on disguises to escape until it was left for the deputy assistant under-secretary of schnitzel to surrender to the Allies.

Reid and Pelosi better start checking IDs at caucus meetings, make sure Eric Cantor doesn’t try to slip by in a wig.


Wait, wait, I can hear it now: “Barak Obama doesn’t care about GOP People.”

Who does?


Soon the Republican Party will be small enough to fit into a bathtub.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Soon the Republican Party will be small enough to fit into a bathtub Rush’s navel.


Dick Lugar? That guy’s been an Obamaniac for years. Out, out you go!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

OT, but Dick Luger (sic) would be a great pr0n name.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said,

April 29, 2009 at 1:18

OT, but Dick Luger (sic) would be a great pr0n name.



Will the last republican to be purged please turn out the lights


“This is kind of looking like the end of WWII, with high ranking Germans offing themselves and putting on disguises to escape until it was left for the deputy assistant under-secretary of schnitzel to surrender to the Allies.”

Heil Doenitz!

The Tragically Flip

Heil Doenitz!



Wasn’t too psyched about Specter, but if he comes with Lugar, it’s a good trade.


Not-shorter Bill Kristol, actual verbatim quote as shown on Kos, when asked on Fox News about the effect of the Specter switcheroo: “It’s good for the Republicans!” Yup, and so was Jim Jeffords, and so will Olympia Snowe, and Dick Lugar, and Arnold Schwartzenegger, and so will…

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Meanwhile, back at the slightly less sapping-will-to-live-than-up-one-thread segments of the corner, they’re already picking out the next to go. And since Brownback is self-purging, that leaves Kansas’ other senator, the super-liberal ultra-lefty Pat Roberts.


Much more of this, please.

DeMint continued: “I would rather have 30 Republicans in the Senate who really believe in principles of limited government, free markets, free people, than to have 60 that don’t have a set of beliefs.”

Purity is of the essence!


A truly, truly pure Republican Party would indeed be a thing of beauty. Tiny, delicate, like a butterfly pinned to a board. A butterfly whose design mimics an ass.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

“I would rather have 30 Republicans in the Senate who really believe in principles of limited government, free markets, free people, than to have 60 that don’t have a set of beliefs.”

Well, it’s worth a try.

“Our votes count as the votes of ten because our hearts are pure!”


“I would rather have 30 Republicans in the Senate who really believe in principles of limited government, free markets, free people”

He’d rather have 100 who believe IOKIYAR, and I’d rather they have none, but I’d be willing to compromise at 30.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Andrew Stuttaford reads DeMint and unintentionally finds a nut:

As for the idea that reducing the GOP to a rump of true believers (whatever that might actually mean: there are plenty on the right who interpret the terms “limited government” and “free people” in very different ways) is the essential first step in a Republican restoration, it is, I am afraid, a bad mistake. Wildernesses are, almost always, for losers.

Well, he spelt l00se-zors wrnog, and he’s standing athwart the the lemming-purge trail yelling “stop” – but he’s ID’ed the future of the GOP quite well. Lulzors in the wilderness.


Oh, my bad — I wanted the Republicans to actually be lost in the wilderness, not metaphorically lost.


They’re all furiously digging through the giant pile of shit, absolutely convinced there must be a pony in there somewhere


I wanted the Republicans to actually be lost in the wilderness, not metaphorically lost.

If they try to orient themselves via their moral compasses, they will be soon enough.

The Tragically Flip

A few more rounds of auditing and the GOP will have purged enough thetans to reach clear.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I would settle for lost in the supermarket.



If you liked that:

Hans… Are we the baddies?


A truly, truly pure Republican Party would indeed be a thing of beauty.
Tiny, fragile, ethereal, like a Giacometti sculpture in a matchbox, but whittled from a raccoon’s penis-bone rather than from plaster.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I am sad that I missed Lady Grey and her defense of teabagging. It is brave grassroots soldiers like her that convince the right-wing policy guys that moving to the right is the only way to save the GOP.

Seriously Republicans – the Tax Day Tea Party Protest was MASSIVELY successful. That’s your target audience – and if you can get all hundred million tax protesters out on election day – well “Permanent Republican Majority” won’t just be a punchline anymore.


DeMint continued: “I would rather have 30 Republicans in the Senate who really believe in principles of limited government, free markets, free people, than to have 60 that don’t have a set of beliefs.”

Hey, kids! Collect the whole set!


Bill Kristol, now in text form:

Good News for Republicans!

On May 24, 2001, I wrote an op-ed for The Post in the wake of Vermont Sen. James Jeffords’s party switch. I argued that the switch, which cost Republicans control of the Senate, could well turn out to be good for President Bush.

Not entirely for the reasons I speculated on in the op-ed, I turned out to be right. Bush was still able to get enough cooperation to govern over the next year and a half, and he was also able to run successfully against the Democratic Senate in the fall of 2002. The GOP regained control that November.

Similarly and contrarianly, I wonder if today’s Arlen Specter party switch, this time to the president’s party, won’t end up being bad for President Obama and the Democrats. With the likely seating of Al Franken from Minnesota, Democrats will have 60 seats in the Senate, giving Obama unambiguous governing majorities in both bodies. He’ll be responsible for everything. GOP obstructionism will go away as an issue, and Democratic defections will become the constant worry and story line. This will make it easier for GOP candidates in 2010 to ask to be elected to help restore some checks and balance in Washington — and, meanwhile, Specter’s party change won’t likely have made much difference in getting key legislation passed or not. So, losing Specter may help produce greater GOP gains in November 2010, and a brighter Republican future.

Plus, now the Democrats have to put up with him.

By William Kristol | April 28, 2009; 4:56 PM ET

This is how it will go down, liberals.


A few more rounds of auditing and the GOP will have purged enough thetans to reach clear.
Just because I wanted to read it again.
Here we see the problems in enshrining the eliminationist mentality as a central precept of a political movement.

Another racoons penis bone

Not getting mine buddy, no way

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Here we see the problems in enshrining the eliminationist mentality as a central precept of a political movement.

That, and anti-intellectualism. You end up with a dwindling pool of stupid people trying to kill one another off, somehow.


Meh, Kristol needs more punctuation. Excellent News!! For Republicans!!!


So the Republicans are going to try to primary out Lugar, who is so popular in Indiana that the Democrats didn’t even run anyone against him? That’s going to go well!


I heartily approve of the hawt new trend in the GOP – because after all, they were so lax & decadent under that bleeding-heart liberal crypto-socialist Bush. Pop the lid on that crucible & start cookin’! Precious bodily fluids must not be allowed to be sapped & impurified, you know. It’s logically obvious that the most pure GOP of all would be one with zero elected members.

Binge-time is over – Teh Purge Is Working!


So Kristol thinks that if the Dems have a filibuster-proof majority in Congress, then everything bad that happens will be blamed on Obama, boosting GOP chances in the next cycle. Maybe so, if you assume that all 40 (or fewer) Republicans always vote lockstep against Obama/Democratic action… in which case (a) everything good that happens must be credited to Obama, boosting Democratic chances in the next cycle and (b) people will see that the GOP never offers anything but WE’RE AGIN IT!

I’ll take a piece of that action.


Who would believe that it all turned out exactly as I predicted, though admittedly in ways that I never would have guessed. Republicans didn’t win any seats in Congress this year, making the Democrats 100% culpable the next time something bad happens. Not a party to take a defeat lying down, the remnants of the GOP have taken to low grade guerilla warfare – mostly in the form of occasional forays into town, during which they whoop and fire guns in the air and grope each other.

You never know what this bold and intrepid reporter’s take will be, but you can bet it will be a far cry from the CV – unless conventional wisdom favors the Republicans, which it has not for many many years now. Prediction: Having her underwear stolen, soiled, and discarded back on her stoop again by bands of roving Republicans will remind America of a kinder, simpler time. The Democrats will rue the day when they swept Alabama.


Pretty soon they’ll all be able to fit around the Legion of Doom’s conference table over at Lex Luthor’s place.


I’d actually have preferred Lugar to Phil Arlen Spector.

Actually, I would have preferred Phil Spector to Arlen Spector.


Please Purge Lugar- I mean the GOP really needs to ostracize the most eloquent voice of foriegn policy they’ve had in recent memory- heck, the guy likes Obama (remember the de-proliferation trips Obama took- that’s one of Lugar’s pet issues) and thinks about the world outside our borders with something other than complete contempt (I don’t always agree with him but he’s better than most Dem’s as well)- him and Biden are probably old poker buddiees what with them being the two longest serving Foriegn Relations hand’s, the right needs to be concetrated into Bachman, Palin, Santorum types- and even Santorum might be a bit too undoctrinare what with being a Papist and all.


Well, the general reaction has been to push the Maine Senators and McCain out as well- that would rock- whoa the Southwest and the Northeast are free of the GOP by 2010 (Judd Gregg retires).


Zandar1 said,

April 29, 2009 at 15:06

Pretty soon they’ll all be able to fit around the Legion of Doom’s conference table over at Lex Luthor’s place.
I figure Rush is Lex, and Sarah Palin is Mercy… so is Michelle Bachmann going to be Harley Quinn, fresh from Arkham?


I figure Rush is Lex, and Sarah Palin is Mercy… so is Michelle Bachmann going to be Harley Quinn, fresh from Arkham?

Bachmann can only dream of having Harley’s level-headedness and fashion sense.


Maximilien Robespierre

Robespierre expanded the traditional list of the Revolution’s enemies to include moderates and “false revolutionaries”. In Robespierre’s understanding, these were not only ignorant of the dangers facing the republic, but also in many cases disguised themselves as active contributors to the Revolution, who simply repeated the work of others, or even impeded the progress of the patriots. Anyone not in step with the decrees of Robespierre’s committee is said to have been eventually purged from the Convention, and thoroughly hunted in the general population. While it is debated whether Robespierre targeted moderates to accelerate his own agenda, or out of legitimate concern for France, it is known that his policy led to the execution of many of the Revolution’s original and staunchest advocates.

Yes indeedy. That guy had the right idea. Purity above all. I wonder what happened to him?

Robespierre appeared at the Convention on 26 July (8th Thermidor, year II, according to the Revolutionary calendar), and delivered a two-hour-long speech. He defended himself against charges of dictatorship and tyranny, and then proceeded to warn of a conspiracy against the Republic. Robespierre implied that members of the Convention were a part of this conspiracy, though when pressed he refused to provide any names. . . . While the accusations began to pile up, Saint-Just remained uncharacteristically silent. Robespierre then attempted to secure the tribune to speak but his voice was shouted down. . . . .The Convention ordered the arrest of Robespierre, Couthon, Saint-Just, Le Bas, and François Hanriot. . . . Later, Robespierre was held in the same containment chamber where Marie Antoinette, the wife of King Louis XVI, had been held.

The next day, 28 July 1794, Robespierre was guillotined without trial in the Place de la Révolution (and, according to legend, the only man to be guillotined face-up, so he could see his death approaching).



The Legion of Dumb Supervillains, Well, the Dumb Part, Okay, But Maybe Not the Super Part, But Definitely Villains.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The next day, 28 July 1794, Robespierre was guillotined without trial in the Place de la Révolution

The Republican purists don’t need to worry about being guillotined.

Their chins will never fit in that little neck slot.


The Republican purists don’t need to worry about being guillotined.

Their chins will never fit in that little neck slot.

Chins? I was thinking that they’d drop trou and then get in line for M. Guillootine.


So if the Democratic majority goes to 61, 62 without Franken, will Coleman finally give up?


I figure Rush is Lex, and Sarah Palin is Mercy… so is Michelle Bachmann going to be Harley Quinn, fresh from Arkham?

Please. Rush is clearly Grod.


I figure Rush is Lex, and Sarah Palin is Mercy… so is Michelle Bachmann going to be Harley Quinn, fresh from Arkham?

Please. Rush is clearly Grod.
My bad.

So who’s Luthor? Cheney or Ann Coulter?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Pretty soon they’ll all be able to fit around the Legion of Doom’s conference table nail keg over at Lex Luthor’s place Zeke’s Dry Goods.

All this talk of purging the GOP of nonbelievers makes that whole “Liberal Hivemind” meme even more hilarious.


Its all part of the master plan


Comparisons with Robespierre and the Terror are too facile.
For all my historical analogies I go to the Anabaptist attempt to turn Muenster into a New Jerusalem (1534-1535). The self-appointed Anabaptist rulers’ response to the fact that the city was under siege was basically to execute doubters until morale improved (while instituting polygamy, communal ownership of property, and a life of austerity for everyone but them).

[Brandishes copy of “Pursuit of the Millenium”].


For all my historical analogies I go to the Anabaptist attempt to turn Muenster into a New Jerusalem

They likely would have had more luck turning Muenster into Swiss, don’t you think?


I said “New Jerusalem”, not “Cheeses of Nazareth”.


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