Oh Whew, ‘Greed’ — We Thought He Meant The Band
Ding-dong. Hello? There’s nobody here, but what’s this thumbtacked to the tree?
John Hinderaker, Powerline:
Decade of GreedThe Congressional Republicans have produced some good charts that show what has happened to the country’s fiscal health since the Democrats took control of Congress and, worse yet, what they themselves project over the coming years. This one charges the Democrats with irresponsibility:
Fair enough. But why is it that the public sector is never charged with greed? What we see in this chart is, in fact, the insatiable hunger for money and power that characterizes Washington Democrats.1 Now that they are in control of both the legislative and executive branches, the Democrats’ greed is unchecked. You can see the result.
Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. How is it that we never before realized the rapacity of these liberal plundocrats? See if we trust them again, because there is one word for this, and that is ‘tax and spend.’ Good day.
Ding-dong. Hello? What’s this thumbtacked to the tree?
We, you know, await with ongoing good cheer the correction that Hinderaker will never make. For if done in good faith, one such correction would force another, thus forcing another, causing in short order a mea-culpalanche, a rending of garments and a growing and subsequent tearing of beards that could only end with Powerline erased in its totality from the Internet and its server dropped into one of those lakes they have ten thousand of, apparently, out there in Minnesota.
It could be replaced, as we often imagine, with a large, primary-colored message in MS Comic Sans saying ME GO BAFWOOM, over a stick-figure drawing of Hindy with his hair standing up in penciled spicules, making the sine-mouthed expression of the physically confounded. Or else the following:
Notice there is no “P” in it!
Please keep it that way!
-The M’g’m’t’t
Or we’ll think of something else; you know how it OMG ARLEN SPECTER TEH WHAT, NOW?
[picks up remote and turns on the Internet]
Tintin adds: There’s some additional tomfoolery with this graph. The data points have been moved to fit on the line, rather than the line being drawn to fit the data points. If you graph the line with equal units for each axis, well, surprise, surprise, the slope when the nice Republicans were in charge gets steeper. And the slope for when the evil Democrats will be wrecking the economy decreases rather than increases over time.
The departure of Arlen Specter from the Republican Party only shows the importance of the Republican Party working to become more pure and ideologically disciplined for their true base outside a Mississippi trailer park, from which they will someday field their 3 Congressional Representatives and their 1 “Shadow” Senator.
More hyphenated portmanteaus please.
Hey, but that’s pretty cool he’s prediciting a Democratic majority in Congress until well after 2012.
Using his scale, it looks like there will be a Democractic majority up till about 2075. Kewl.
I’m kind of wondering why the $6T increase from 1990 to 2007 shows up as being smaller than the $4T increase from 2007 to 2009. Actually, I’m not wondering – it is because they made the graph’s slope lie for them.
Yeh. Being all scienterrificy, myself, I’d add to the chart a second curve showing the projected deficits @ those earlier junctures. Y’know, the where it would show declining deficits until the first day of the last R empire.
Is that indeed Nancy “Most Evillest Woman in Washington Next To Hitlery Itself” Pelosi in the background?
Using his scale, it looks like there will be a Democractic majority up till about 2075. Kewl.
At which point, that white line will have fallen over backwards, creating a record surplus and wiping out the need for any taxes whatsoever.
Judging by the size of that curve, I’d say Hinderaker is exaggerating again.
subsequent tearing of beards
How would you ever get enough of a grip on one of those wuss-ass face mullets to tear it in the first place?
Note that the numbers on the Y axis are completely unscaled. Someone never learned how a number line works in 3rd or 4th grade.
Graphing FAIL.
Republicans, please note: You are no longer in charge of the empire and thus you do not create reality anymore (outside your own twisted heads.) Thus, mathematical operations such as basic graphing follow known rules with regard to scale, slope and generally not being pulled out your ass-ness. (see here for an example.)
PS Your photoshopping would be funnier if you had made the line look like it was Pelosi’s tongue. I am available for future consulting work at a rate of a kagillion dollars an hour.
More hyphenated portmanteaus please.
As the foot fetishist who loved word games said, “More Natalie-Portmanteaus, please”.
Yeah liberals, because everyone on the right just loved Specter and is so sad to see him join the Democrats. Meanwhile, Obama and Geithner loot the treasury to bail out wall street. Yeah, that is helping out the little guy isn’t it? But you won and that is all that matters right? Who cares if Obama is a Peronist who is stealing trillions from you and your grandchildren to pay off fat cat cronies, he has a D after his name and that is all that matters.
Whatever douchebag.
I hate to break it to ya Gavin, but your relief is unjustified: Creed is getting back together.
Note that the numbers on the Y axis are completely unscaled. Someone never learned how a number line works in 3rd or 4th grade.
You just don’t understand wingnut graphing rules. They, like all mathematical formulas in nutcase-land, are derived from this base equation:
The Arlen Specter thing sounds good. Obviously a big part of his motivation is keeping his seat. Whilst he was looking at a tough primary as a republican, he is still going to face a tough primary as a democrat too.
If he wants to establish himself as a Democrat now, he has to start voting to the left. Further to the left than most of the blue dogs. If he wants to be a “moderate” now, we all know what that means.. Licking the President’s balls.
The only tactic the Republicans have at the moment is trying to hold everything up, and generally getting in the way of progress. Without Specter, they are FUCKED unless they can pick something up in 2010. Even then, if Obama gets his senate super-majority for only a few months, he will jump at the chance to get as much stuff passed as the blue dogs will stand for.
Hey I can do fun things with graphs too!
Well what do you know, the line actually curves the other way! And with the very same data! IT’S MAGIC!
Well, Hindrocket has to fudge the graph scaling, because mathematics has a well-known liberal bias.
BTW in a way I WANT total Democrat Party rule. Then the country will finally see failed liberal policies in action, and the Democrats and their derranged supporters can’t blame anybody.
Good luck,
Jimmy CarterBarack Obama.I’m really looking forward to the total destruction of the Obama brand.
It’s no wonder both parties are tied in approval ratings now.
Who cares if Obama is a Peronist who is stealing trillions from you and your grandchildren to pay off fat cat cronies
*snif* You mean he ISN’T the great Communist liberator we were told he was?
DAMN! *sob* Just shoot down all my great hopes, will you.
Licking the President’s balls.
I never dreamed I’d give money to an Arlen Specter campaign, but a public photo of Kenyan Socialist Teabagging will make me cross that line.
[Added the figure for Bill Clinton’s first day in office]
That graph looks an awful lot like a hockey stick.
I lived in PA for about 35 of my 50 years. Specter has always been seen as a moderate R. Also as an opportunistic whore, yes, but over the years his voting record has been pretty much what one would expect from a Rockefeller Republican.
But that’s not what I meant to talk about. The real impact, Sockpuppie, is that the blue dog dems – specifically Nelson – will lose some of their outsize influence.
Actually, if there was alinear scale on the y axis, then the 12T point should be nearly evenly spaced in y from the 8T and 16T point (each being a 4T jump in y). Also it is interesting to see that there are no data points between 1990 and 2007. Was everyone on vacation at the treasury then? And why is that 6T jump so much smaller than the 4T jump from the 12T point to the made-up 16T point?
Not to be too harsh, but my freshman physics lab instructor from college would have laughed in my face if I turned in a plot like this. I can hear her accent now, as she tells me “you waste your parents money!” and cackles. She didn’t pull punches, but at least I learned how to draw a graph. This from the liberal “too much self-esteem building” arts college. I’m sure at the red-meat R1 schools, they use physical violence to beat these problems out of students.
an opportunistic whore
In other words, a Republican.
Now, i could mention how the sudden uptick in deficit spending was a publicly-announced, widely-agreed-upon emergency response first proposed during the waning months of the Bush presidency to deal with an extraordinary financial crisis kickstarted by neo-conservative regulatory laxness, but my readers tell me they want more tantrums and lies (with charts if possible).
It’s not just deceptive with the scale, but badly done. They’ve got marked points for 8T and 16T of debt, yet the 16T is so obviously more than twice as high on the graph. If it was to scale, it would be at nancy’s eyes, not at her forehead.
This graph from the Congressional Republicans demonstrates one thing – they depend on their followers being dumber than a basket of wet socks.
Balloon Juice has more, and they’re equally dishonest/stupid.
Also, note that the Congressional Republicans insist on calling it the “Democrat Majority” instead of “Democratic.” This is them being “post-partisan.”
I like the fact that the jump from $8.45 to $12.86 is half the size as the jump from $12.86 to $16.17, even though numberically it’s smaller. Does Hindy think trillions get bigger geometrically as they increase?
Obama’s a Peronist now?
Anyway, I am sure the situation with Specter is going to provoke a lot of amusing reactions in the wingnut population. I look forward to the next couple of S!N posts.
But the BEST bit.. That sack of shit lieberman is loosing what tiny shred of relevancy he ever had.
Whatever douchebag.
Absent a comma, said douchebag would be John.
Like I said, good fucking riddance to Specter. I hope Collins and Snowe follow. It’s called “taking out the garbage”.
Obama’s a Peronist now?
It made sense to John when Rush said it.
Hinderaker, the ultimate profiteer. And I mean that in a Mickey Mouse Club kinda way.
Obama’s a Peronist now?
I thought he drank only Poland Spring.
Plus: the sheer whininess of Assrocket.
Guess what. You have been. You and yours, loud and clear, since about 1975.
Maybe Republicans believe in a political version of homoeopathy, in which the fewer the number of Republicans in the sample, the more powerful the effect, such that when you dilute their numbers past the point of even having one existing Republican, their power may be nearly infinite.
At least I hope so. If there are any people with that view, I’d like to support them in that.
“Obama’s a Peronist now?”
Shit dude, you heard he got a sex change operation, right?
Obama is EVA PERON!!!!
“It made sense to John when Rush said it.”
Fuck you, I haven’t listened to Limbaugh since the mid-90s.
Like I said, good fucking riddance to Specter. I hope Collins and Snowe follow. It’s called “taking out the garbage”.
John, I give you credit. It’s important to stand by your principles as your party becomes a mere blip about the size of the Libertarians. When you hold your next convention, there will be room enough for the homeless guy near Track 18 in the phone booth.
It’s no wonder both parties are tied in approval ratings now.
Sure they are.
I haven’t listened to Limbaugh since the mid-90s.
Looks like the damage has been done, since you don’t know how to count.
Shorter John: Goodbye, cruel world.
Maybe Republicans believe in a political version of homoeopathy, in which the fewer the number of Republicans in the sample, the more powerful the effect, such that when you dilute their numbers past the point of even having one existing Republican, their power may be nearly infinite.
Ah, the Obi Wan Kenobi fantasy.
BTW in a way I WANT total Democrat Party rule.
See? We agree! Who said conservatives are mindless fucking morons?
It’s no wonder both parties are tied in approval ratings now.
They are, in the sense that each party has exactly one approval rating.
I haven’t listened to Limbaugh since the mid-90s
I’m figuring Johnny-boy decided the Pigman was too liberal for his tastes.
Including leans, Republicans are outnumbered in this country 53 – 37.
That’s how bad the GOP has screwed up. “Conservatives” outnumber “Liberals” by 35 – 23, but they can’t get any partisan advantage out of it. Looks like a lot of that 39% moderate group is going left.
Can you blame them?
Yes, they’re tied in approval ratings the same way that six trillion dollars between 1990 and 2007 is 1/5 the size of four trillion dollars between 2009 and 2012.
This is the way it’s going to go down, libs. Bookmark it.
So, Democrat hacks, who are you going to blame now when things turn to shit?
You have 60 seats, control of Congress, control of the White House. Better not fuck it up, huh?
It’s going to be a pleasure to watch the whole Obama brand and the Democrat Party go down in flames.
People who think that Obama is “too liberal” are outnumbered two-to-one in this country.
So, Democrat hacks, who are you going to blame now when things turn to shit?
You. of course.
But why is it that the public sector is never charged with greed?
Because people other than you know what “greed” means, and spending money, even profligately, to benefit the commonweal ain’t it.
It could happen. Or we could have an FDR situation with 2 generations of Democratic dominance. But, yeah, the more that the Democrats cannot use Republicans as their excuse of why they can’t do something, the better.
“It could happen. Or we could have an FDR situation with 2 generations of Democratic dominance. ”
Oh great, so Obama can prolong the depression until 2025?
So, Democrat [sic] hacks, who are you going to blame now when things turn to shit?
Too stupid to spell, too.
Since Obama became inevitable last October, the number of Americans who say we’re on the right track has gone from 7% to 41%.
Let me know when things take a turn for the Bush, m’kay?
“Since Obama became inevitable last October, the number of Americans who say we’re on the right track has gone from 7% to 41%. ”
Jimmy Carter had good numbers in 1977. That didn’t work out so well for your side, did it?
You have 60 seats, control of Congress, control of the White House. Better not fuck it up, huh?
Luckily, we have a recent example of a party that had all this and fucked it up mightily, so we can learn from its really fucking stupid mistakes.
Oh great, so Obama can prolong the depression until 2025?
Only in states that don’t give him their electoral votes. The rest of us will have ponies in our yards, government provided.
Oh great, so Obama can prolong the depression until 2025?
I think I see the problem, here. Dumbass can’t read a GDP chart and doesn’t know what happened in 1936 – 37, so his politics are a function of his ignorance.
For those interested (Satan only knows why), Longer John
Oh great, so Obama can prolong the depression until 2025?
And he says he doesn’t listen to Rush. Can’t even lie competently!
Exactly, just like FDR prolonged the Great Depression, which is true inside all the heads of Republicans everywhere, until the Communists began poisoning the water with fluoride in their mind control experiments.
I see Jon has transformed himself from disgruntled on-topic oppo-commenter to nonsensical boilerplate troll in fairly short order.
Maybe someone should take his silent ‘k’s and ‘gh’s away, just as a warning.
Gaa. Jon should be John, of course.
Exactly, just like FDR prolonged the Great Depression,…until the Communists began poisoning the water with fluoride in their mind control experiments.
Which coincidentally (pun intended) created the booming post-war economy, with the fewer toofaches and the money that was shunted to dental care now available to pay for cars and houses.
“And he says he doesn’t listen to Rush. Can’t even lie competently!”
Actually I learned it from this book:
Anyone who thinks fiscal stimulus got us out of the depression should read it.
Jimmy Carter had good numbers in 1977. That didn’t work out so well for your side, did it?
And this is analogous … why? We’re you planning on being right about anything today?
The American people have had a decade to see that voodoo economics is voodoo economics, just like Bush I said before he joined the ticket in 1980. The further we get from Bushonomics, the higher the numbers go, higher now than Carter’s in 1977.
What you seem to miss is that we’re headed in the opposite direction, now. The outrage that powered the parasites to power a generation ago only marks you as obsolete and irrelevant, which is why you’re outnumbered and getting smaller all the time.
Well it certainly wasn’t a pleasure to watch the Bush brand and the Rethuglican party go down in flames for the last two elections…
oh fuck, who am I kidding, it was a blast, thanks for the memories John.
How’re the “acclaimed solo CDs” selling, John?
Actually I learned it from this book:
I thought so. That’s the idiot who pretends unemployment was higher by ignoring those who were … employed. It’s like Enron bookkeeping applied to history.
The definitive takedown of that ignorant bullshit is here.
Oh, you gotta be sh*tting me: a troll who thinks Amity Shlaes knows anything about anything, much less the Great Depression.
“Oh yeah, libtards, if you think you’re curious about your so-called ‘space program’ I have an important book by the scholar Erich Von Daniken you should read.”
Anyone who thinks fiscal stimulus got us out of the depression should read it.
Funny thing about that book.
It forgets that the programs of the New Deal paved the way for the factories and armaments that won the war that ended the Depression.
For example, without the Coulee Dam, Boeing wouldn’t exist and we wouldn’t have had a plane with sufficient carrying capacity to drop the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
John, before you start spewing half-assed answers you might want to check to make sure you aren’t talking to people who paid attention in history class.
Dunno about y’all, but when I get home from work, I’m popping some corn and turning on some Fox News to watch the tantrums and exploding heads.
I think our friend Johnny has been abusive enough to lose about 5 or six letters from his alphabet. Just sayin’
“John, before you start spewing half-assed answers you might want to check to make sure you aren’t talking to people who paid attention in history class.”
Yeah, says a person who probably gets their “history” from Howard Zinn and Ward Churchill.
John is speaking from experience. Republicans quickly discovered after 2002 that, gee governing well is hard and so they completely screwed it up.
Being the concerned fellow that he is, he naturally thinks the same fate must befall any party that gains power. Not so, John, see liberalism doesn’t suck ass the way conservativism does. The ideas have this penchant for working. Also, there’s the whole “rewarding competence” and “use empirical data” things liberals are so fond of. That tends to help.
Once again: if our conservative friend wasn’t an idiot, he wouldn’t be a conservative. Position after position shot down by the facts.
No wonder they can’t win an election.
This one must have been on the blast fax. I just saw this same talking point in a comment to a Nation blog about Specter.
“Being the concerned fellow that he is, he naturally thinks the same fate must befall any party that gains power. Not so, John, see liberalism doesn’t suck ass the way conservativism does. ”
Yeah, liberalism worked so well in the 60s and 70s it gave us skyrocketing crime rates, out-of-wedlock births, cultural degeneration, riots, a culture of dependency, and the rotting out of the American city. Not to mention hyper-stagnation.
Yeah, says a person who probably gets their “history” from Howard Zinn and Ward Churchill.
Dude, you just cited Amy Schlaes. John is like The Back Knight of stupid.
Shorter John: why, yes, I get my history from the Flying Saucer people, but at least they’re not liberals!
Cooks, cranks, and losers. That’s all you’ve got, John.
Ooooh… Ward Churchill. ZING!
Digby says that it looks like they’re all sucking on lemons. Awesome.
Actually I learned it from this book:
And here I was figuring it was Glenn Blecch’s blockbuster feel-good book “I AM A HUGE DOUCHEBAG AND TOTALLY IGNORANT OF HISTORY, AMONG SO MANY OTHER THINGS”.
I’m pretty sure they predicted Clinton would be another Jimmy Carter, as well. How’d that work out for ya, Johnny?
There is nothing I hate more than a rinos. Hey specter, don’t let the door hit you on your wrinkly old ass on the way out. Good riddance fuck face.
I agree with John, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins need to be booted out next. Take out the trash, then we can talk about winning elections again.
I agree with John, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins need to be booted out next.
Uh, “booted out”? Specter left of his own accord because the party of Reagan has turned into a party of fringe right-wing nutjobs.
“I’m pretty sure they predicted Clinton would be another Jimmy Carter, as well. How’d that work out for ya, Johnny?”
He damn near did become one, until he moderated beginning in 1995. Had 1993/94 Clinton (HillaryCare, gays in the military, etc) continued he would have lost in 1996 to Dole. Instead, he basically co-opted half of the Republican agenda and lived to see another day (though he never did win a majority of the national popular vote).
liberalism worked so well in the 60s and 70s it gave us skyrocketing crime rates
– Criminal demographics FAIL
out-of-wedlock births
– Nosological FAIL
cultural degeneration
– Coherency FAIL, super-crunchy ethnocentrism double-points
– History mega-FAIL (cf. Gilded Age)
a culture of dependency
– dependent on Amy Schlaes titty-baby FAIL
and the rotting out of the American city
– urban blight in the 1980’s vs. urban renewal in the 1990’s FAIL
Not to mention hyper-stagnation.
– vocabulary FAIL, “stagflation” was a product of the Nixon administration’s tinkering with the Fed, and continued well into the 1980’s.
Looks like John’s never been to America. He just saw a movie or something.
Take out the trash, then we can talk about winning elections again.
Alternate GWA:
“Let’s get rid of the few sane people left in the GOP so we can be all DeLay/Palin/Limbaugh/Beck/Lott/Gingrich all the time!”
Wheeee, I’m sure you’ll explain how this isn’t MASSIVE FAIL.
John seems awfully full of woulda-coulda-shoulda
It’s getting crowded in here with all the trolls with ‘splodey heads.
Yeah, says a person who probably gets their “history” from Howard Zinn and Ward Churchill.
He damn near did become one, until he moderated …
Triangulation. The GOP got school uniforms, the Democrats got the White House.
The 1990s were just a continuation of the 1980s. Conservatives were still in power.
Clinton was no more of a “liberal” President than Eisenhower was a “conservative”.
Yeah, isn’t it wonderful some Washington bureacrat isn’t deciding which doctor you can see and which meds you can take?
Of course it’s a PRIVATE bureaucrat now, but at least it’s PRIVATE and free-market and all that. Whee.
He damn near did become one, until he moderated beginning in 1995.
Right, nevermind that the economic recovery he created in 1993 by raising taxes on the rich and lowering them on the middle class created the world’s greatest economic expansion ever…
Given the increasing public dissatisfaction with the Obama regime (which is guaranteed to continue as his true socialist agenda becomes manifest) Pat Toomey is going to wipe the floor with Snarlin Arlen in 2010.
It’s about time that backstabbing rino piece of garbage left the Republican Party. Word is conservative Arizona congressman JD Hayworth may be challenging John McAmnesty in the Republican primary.
Another wrinkly old rino piece of garbage that needs to be booted out ot the Party. Lindsey Grahamnesty won’t be far behind either.
Clinton was no more of a “liberal” President than Eisenhower was a “conservative”.
*snicker* Meanwhile back in the Real World, John spent ’92-’99 predicting the imposition of the KKKlinton Police State & Lenin Memorial Christian Death Camp regime every other week.
Given the increasing public dissatisfaction with the Obama regime …
Gotta be a parody.
Clinton cut capital gains taxes which caused the economy to take off.
Word is conservative Arizona congressman JD Hayworth may be challenging John McAmnesty in the Republican primary.
Lord, I don’t ask for much, but please, PLEASE, let this come to pass so we can shut the fucking conservatives the hell up about their idiotic neanderthalic ideas…
Word is conservative Arizona congressman JD Hayworth may be challenging John McAmnesty in the Republican primary.
Chris Simcox is too. He’d be more your speed.
Clinton cut capital gains taxes which caused the economy to take off.
No, Clinton cut taxes on the middle class. By the time the Republicans took over Congress, the economy was humming along nicely.
And Reagan’s tax cuts in the 80s made it possible for start-ups like Microsoft and Apple to grow, which caused the ’90s boom.
The 1990s were just a continuation of the 1980s. Conservatives were still in power.
You know, I remember conservatives saying so, all through the 1990’s.
So John, you never answered: how’s sales of the CDs going? Must not be too good.
And Reagan’s tax cuts in the 80s made it possible for
start-ups like Microsoft and Apple to growan economic catastrophe created in the junk bond market, which caused the’90s boomnear meltdown of the global economyFixed your post.
Some of us worked in the industry back then, son.
“Chris Simcox is too. He’d be more your speed.”
Never heard of him. Is he in favor of securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws?
Conservatives are always in power, even when they’re not, except when liberals are in power, but then all the good things that happened are because of the conservatives that used to be in power.
Top marginal income tax rate through most of Reagan’s administration was 50%.
Did he “defeat Communism” by out-Communisting the Commies?
You liberals really think Bill Clinton was a lefty? REALLY?
Never heard of him.
Do they not get the Google out where you live?
Given the increasing public dissatisfaction with the Obama regime
FAIL. Right from the git-go.
It’s tough when your entire comment rests on an falsehood.
You liberals really think Bill Clinton was a lefty? REALLY?
No, but you assholes did which is funny enough for us to poke fun at!
And Reagan’s tax cuts in the 80s …
You’re too stupid to breathe, John.
I just googled Chris Simcox and I like what I see. He’s one of the founders of the Minute Man Project. He will be getting a very generous check in the mail for his campaign.
Thanks for the info brother.
What John is so upset at here, is that liberalism fought to give blacks the vote, the right to eat at the same lunch counters, and women the right to fuck for fun without being forced to have a baby. How terrible!
We’re sooo sorry John.
Yes, the 1950s was so much better, where everyone knew their place: beneath the white man.
Reagan was a net tax cutter, even if he raised taxes later OVER ALL he cut taxes.
Generous check?
Sure you can find that many deposit bottles?
Great White Avenger is definitely a parody troll.
John, on the other hand, is a perfect example of why the Congressional Republicans think they can get away with those graphs.
Thanks for the info brother.
My pleasure. Glad to help McCain get ratfucked.
Bill Clinton was indeed a Reaganite conservative; however, he combined an overall Republican-friendly outlook with actual competence, which drove right wingers mad. However, he and his bloc didn’t comprehend that they undermined their own brand, so their work in 1993, particularly in pushing NAFTA against all possible domestic constituencies outside Big Business and Republicans, helped Newt and the maniacs win Congress and keep it for a dozen years.
Thankfully Obama’s an actual liberal Democrat, so we’ll get a fair test. So far not much time has passed, so Obama’s continuing, enormous popularity may be a temporary phenomenon.
Yes it is clear to me that Microsoft and Apple’s rise was purely about tax cuts, and nothing to do with crossing a technological inflection point whereby the graphical user interface was computationally feasible at a cost attainable to consumers.
And I heard too that the English won at Agincourt because Charles VI of France had refused to cut the capital gains tax so all his knights went galt.
Given that Arizona is a very rightwing state that has to deal with disease ridden illegal alien filth crossing the border on a daily basis. I predict that Chris Simcox will crush McAmnesty in the Republican primary.
And of course Arizona being a rightwing state, Simcox will win easily in the general election. McAmnesty has been a thorn in the side of conservatives since he’s been in the Senate. His defeat will be a welcome sigh of relief, and will send a message to Republican congresscritters everywhere to not defy the Republican base.
Reagan was a net tax cutter, even if he raised taxes later OVER ALL he cut taxes.
Keep saying it. Eventually, even you may believe it.
Reagan was a great example of the borrow-and-spend Republicanism, in which (like Bush Jr.) they embark on gigantic, and typically military-dominated, spending programs, but refuse to pay for them, leaving their mess for later Democrats to clean up.
Given that Arizona is a very rightwing state that has to deal with disease ridden illegal alien filth crossing the border on a daily basis. I predict that Chris Simcox will crush McAmnesty in the Republican primary.
And of course Arizona being a rightwing state, Simcox will win easily in the general election. McAmnesty has been a thorn in the side of conservatives since he’s been in the Senate. His defeat will be a welcome sigh of relief, and will send a message to Republican congresscritters everywhere to not defy the Republican base.
I’m bookmarking it!
And of course Arizona being a rightwing state
You keep saying that, but I do not think it means what you think it means.
And you shall be very surprised indeed when my prediction comes to fulfillment.
This is the way it will go down.
Hmm, *sniff*
Would someone flush the John? There’s a stinky turd in it.
You libs just don’t get it. The Republicans are much smarter than we are. Why, just the other day, an average typical Republican Congressman completely stumped, outwitted and befuddled Dr. Prof. Nobel Laureate Chu. They’s got smarts we can’t even imagine.
Arizona hasn’t voted for a Democrat Presidential candidate since the 1950’s. The state also has one of the toughest immigration enforcement policies in the nation.
That makes Arizona a rightwing state in my book brother.
Liberalism doesn’t, and won’t, work.
Bush wasn’t successful because he didn’t govern like a conservative. And Obama will be even less sucessful because he is going to govern like a lib. A big spending, high taxing, high-regulating, socially libertine left-wing liberal. And it will run the country into the ground.
That’s not the “change” America voted for in November.
The state also has one of the toughest immigration enforcement policies in the nation
How’s that workin’ out for ya?
Using his scale, it looks like there will be a Democractic majority up till about 2075. Kewl.
Yes, but he also apparently has Republicans in control from 1990-95.
Hey Johnny Bravo, previewed your ersatz Lou Reed songs on Amazon.com.
I literally fart better music than that.
And Obama will be even less sucessful because he is going to govern like a lib. A big spending, high taxing, high-regulating, socially libertine left-wing liberal.
Weren’t you just telling us back upthread that he was Ross Perot v2.0? Will you make up your tiny little mind?
Sadly, arguing with trolls.
That makes Arizona a rightwing state in my book brother.
First of all, you’re a Republican, which means you have maybe a four inch penis on a good day, which really makes you my sister.
Second, you are obviously ignoring the radical change in demographics that has come over Arizona.
Can you say Gov. Napolitano? I knew you could…
Elections have consequences, libs! The majority has spoken! Haw haw haw — wait, I just received a message on my magical time-traveling fax machine that a black Democrat will be elected president in 3 years. Hmma-hmma-hmm…
Elections are meaningless! They don’t reflect the real will of the American people!!
That’s not the “change” America voted for in November.
Um, actually…it is.
“How’s that workin’ out for ya?”
It won’t work too good until the federal government does its fucking job and enforces our nation’s immigration laws which is one of it’s primary responsibilities.
Even though Eisenhower wasn’t exactly an ideal conservative, at least he enforced federal immigration law, rounding up and deporting 80,000 aliens in one year. JFK and his drunken crook brother Teddy ruined our nation’s immigration policy in the 1960s by allowing immigration from third world countries, when before this our immigration policy was geared towards European immigrants who actually benefited our nation as opposed to these balkanized third world savages who contibute to our moral decline.
Clinton won Arizona in 1996.
He said Peronist, which means eventually Madonna will play him in a biographical musical.
I know this is gonna sound politically incorrect to your liberal sensibilities, but have you liberals ever seen that bumper sticker more guns = less crime?
I agree with that statement, however I would also add, more white people = less crime.
If you liberals don’t want to hear the cold hard facts than continue to keep your heads in the sand.
…before this our immigration policy was geared towards European immigrants who actually benefited our nation …
That Werner von Braun was very helpful indeed.
It won’t work too good until the federal government does its fucking job and enforces our nation’s immigration laws which is one of it’s primary responsibilities.
No it’s not.
Specter is a complete idiot followed by the O spokesman who can only say um, um, um. Put them together with tax cheats and, infanticiders and complete liars (Pelosi – I didn’t know?) and you have the braintrust of the US – what a complete embarrassment. I certainly will continue to be the nut job who fihgts for individual liberty, smaller gov. and the protection of the Constitution. You can go ahead and love your Kenyan leader who misspoke last night when his teleprompter wasn’t going fast enough. Time for you to wake up folks, your freedom will be usurped by the teleprompter soon enough.
more white people = less crime
But we already HAVE more white people and crime is still a problem!
I, for one, welcome our new teleprompter overlords.
I get all my facts from bumper stickers.
Baby on board! Save the whales! Love it or leave it! My kid is an honor student! Z100, New York’s hit music station!! If you can read this, the bitch fell off!! What now, libs???
Take McCain and his fat assed daughter with you while you’re at it. We’ve had it with him, too.
Uh huh.
The federal government needs to be small enough to drown in the bathtub, until your pet project needs some help.
Also, Katrina was entirely the fault of the Democrats in that state. The immigation issues in Arizona, however, are the fault of the feds not taking over.
Your parody is actually pretty good – Republitards usually display this level of cognitive dissonance.
National defense and international relations are the only constitutionally mandated responsibilities of the federal government. Immigration enforcement would fall under the former.
Why’s the GWA all fired up NOW about sticking to the Constitution? The Decider pretty much proved following the Constitution was optional.
Immigration enforcement would fall under the former.
I would have thought it fell under interstate commerce, myself. Which, if you bothered to read the Constitution, is an enumerated power of Congress.
So you feel anyone walking into this country is armed to the teeth and prepared to take down this great nation?
nevermind that 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the people who have entered this country, legally or illegally, have made America the richest nation in the world?
And yet, you complain about a tax hike. Go fig.
actor, in the nineteen fifties non-hispanic white people made up 90% of our nation’s population. Crime was very low.
Now in 2009, non-hispanic white people make up only 70% of the population, meanwhile violent crime has skyrocketed.
Let me ask you this, lets say we have two U.S. cities, one city is 90% non-hispanic white, the other is 90% black or hispanic (take your pick).
Which city do you think would have a lower crime rate? The answer isn’t hard to figure out, the question is are you honest enough to say it?
The commerce clause! Don’t forget the commerce clause!
Now in 2009, non-hispanic white people make up only 70% of the population, meanwhile violent crime has skyrocketed.
Like I said…But we already HAVE more white people and crime is still a problem!
Unless somehow magically 70% is lower than 50%…
Standing athwart history, yelling “STOP!”
Good thing Republicans aren’t in charge anymore.
The answer isn’t hard to figure out, the question is are you honest enough to say it?
OK. I will. I’m an honest man.
You’re a racist cracker who ought to be sentenced to the electric chair.
See? Not hard at all!
Yes but what a difference 20% makes! How do you then explain the fact that violent crime was lower when white people had an overwhelming majority as opposed to an increasingly lower majority?
I like the dormant commerce clause. Sounds so restful, like that bear wearing a nightshirt on the motel sign.
This is literally all you need to see to know it’s time to close the laptop and go enjoy the spring. I think someone here coined this phrase, and I love it and use it all the time, but…”Quelle fucking surprise.”
I demand that my government be able to spy on, surveil, jail and torture me without charges and without warrant, but, by god, don’t you make me pay more income tax! That’s tyrannical!
Which city do you think would have a lower crime rate? The answer isn’t hard to figure out, the question is are you honest enough to say it?
The one with the lower poverty rate.
Canada, Japan, Europe, Australia: Less guns, less crime.
How do you then explain the fact that violent crime was lower when white people had an overwhelming majority as opposed to an increasingly lower majority?
I don’t.
Because it hasn’t.
See ya, sucker! You walked right into that one.
Let me ask you this question then actor.
Why do you suppose that South Africa was the most powerful nation on the African continent with a very low crime rate when it was controled by it’s Anglo-Dutch population, and then almost over night became a third world nation with the world’s highest murder rate once Nelson Mandella and his band of black terrorists took control of the country?
This is literally all you need to see to know it’s time to close the laptop and go enjoy the spring. I think someone here coined this phrase, and I love it and use it all the time, but…”Quelle fucking surprise.”
That spanking I gave you last week still stings, huh?
Oof. Time for the actor212 show, I guess.
Earth’s moon: zero crime despite near infinite reduction in the percentage of non-hispanic white people since the early ’70s.
I’m American. I can’t speak to the problems of another nation.
And frankly, don’t care, Troofy.
Why do you suppose that South Africa was the most powerful nation on the African continent with a very low crime rate when it was controled by it’s Anglo-Dutch population, and then almost over night became a third world nation with the world’s highest murder rate once Nelson Mandella and his band of black terrorists took control of the country?
Mostly because it was a police state where cops could beat or kill whoever the hell they wanted with no consequences.
If that’s your utopia, you are welcome to it, Klanny McNazi.
I hafta let my peevish pet pedant jump in here. I wish people would stop using cognitive dissonance incorrectly. Republitards do not display cognitive dissonance. That’s precisely the problem. There is no dissonance where there should be.
Thank you for allowing me this little rant. We now return you to our regularly scheduled trollery.
Ok actor, let me ask you this. What race makes up the majority of our nation’s prison population percentage wise, and which makes up the least?
What race makes up the majority of our nation’s prison population percentage wise,
Blacks, because they are convicted at a higher rate than white for the same crimes.
This is why we need affirmative action. Thanks for illustrating that.
GWQ, I hope your mother dies having my abortion. Also.
which makes up the least?
So much for your immigration policy.
How about because they commit a larger percentage of crime than white people. Btw, thanks for answering my question.
My clever reasoning will convince you that whites need to keep their special privileges to compensate for their smaller penii. Only by preferential treatment will our white equality be assured!
How about because they commit a larger percentage of crime than white people.
yes, dumbass, because they are CONVICTED for crimes that white people are not convicted for. Like if a law was passed saying morons with megalomanical acronyms are illegal, you would be a criminal.
yes, dumbass, because they are CONVICTED for crimes that white people are not convicted for.
Hell, they’re *arrested* for crimes white folks aren’t arrested for.
South Africa is still the most powerful nation on the continent of Africa, and nobody much cared about the crimes suffered by the black majority before apartheid fell.
El Cid, South Africa now has the world’s highest murder rate thanks to Nelson Mandella and co. Under apartied the violent crime rate was comparable to Western Nations.
There must be some causal link between melanin and the willful disregard of statutes and ordinances.
If only our researchers could find it…
Rusty, it’s all about the domiance of ghetto culture amongst the black and spanic communities. If minorities adopted the respectable culture of White America you would see the crime rate lowered to pre-1960s levels.
I love USA more than you liberals, which is why I hope the economy goes to shit, infrastructure and public health fall to third-world levels, and we experience a terror attack that makes 9/11 look like a prank call. Because, y’all see, I am a patriotic American who loves USA, and you are a bunch of communist sympathizer pinkos. You want this crazy socialist economy plan to work, whereas I, a true USA patriot, want to see Weimar-style wheelbarrows of near-worthless cash. Heck, maybe we’ll even get a new authoritarian daddy out if it! Whatever happens, you can be assured I will be holed up in my compound eating beans out of cans, while everyone else, um, has things worse than living in the middle of nowhere eating canned food and pooping in a chemical toilet. SUCKERS!
Sometimes I hold the goat down while Mickey blows it, then we switch places. He doesn’t even notice it’s my penis.
Rusty, you see, when a cop beats up on an innocent civilian, especially a black one, that doesn’t count…
While the prison rate stands at about 341 per 100,000 in 2007, under apartheid (in 1981-2) it stood at 585, and the rate for blacks was 1066 per 100,000. But that is just the beginning.
What was really a good turning point on the African continent was when the Mozambique and Angola colonies kicked the asses of the Portuguese colonizers in the late 1960s-early-1970s, and then when the U.S. began backing the fascist forces of apartheid South Africa, the Cubans sent troops to kick the idiot white asses of the South African forces at Cuito Cuanavale.
Like most white fascists, when they begin losing militarily, their aura of martial leadership collapses, so the best part of the Angolans and Mozambicans and Cubans kicking the asses of the Portuguese and South African racist forces was that the Portuguese fascist tyranny (‘Estado Novo’) collapsed.
Sure, a lot of Special Forces geeks and gun nuts like to jack off and imagine that they were back in Angola or Mozambique working with one or another South Africa- or U.S.-allied force who were getting their asses kicked, but thankfully the black African Angolans and Mozambicans fought for the right of the Portuguese to have a democracy.
If minorities adopted the respectable culture of White America you would see them lynching crackers at
crime rate lowered topre-1960s levels.Edited for accuracy.
HAs this become the parody white supremacist thread?
Sadly, yes.
You know, I’d be willing to bet a dollar that whatever crime statistics were kept in South Africa before 1994 mostly reflected crimes against Whites. Because, you see, Black South Africans were not, generally speaking, citizens of South Africa — they were citizens of one of ten “bantustans”. So there’s a certain element of how statistics show nobody dies when the coroner’s office is closed.
Since apartheid itself is a crime against humanity, though, this is not even central to the point.
(That jackass Mbeki, though, sheesh. His AIDS policy makes the Vatican look like amFAR).
The ANC has been led by jackasses ever since Mandela.
I often get lulled into a sense of complacency, and then something like this happens.
Sorry to have offended your delicate sensibilities with my idocy.
Rusty, it’s all about the domiance of ghetto culture amongst the black and spanic communities.
I’m glad to see you admit that the reasons for the disproportionately high rate of incarceration of blacks are cultural rather than racial. That’s a start. Follow that thought and see where it leads you.
The question now is, are the blacks and spanics smart enough to give up that ghetto culture?
The question now is, are the blacks and spanics smart enough to give up that ghetto culture?
Somehow I’m not surprised that’s the question now.
Clearly, Irishmen have stopped celebrating St Patrick’s Day and it’s no longer a part of American culture. The darkies should follow suit.
St. Patrick’s Day isn’t a socially destructive promoter of gang violence, therefore it cannot be compared to ghetto culture. Sorry Fail.
St. Patrick’s Day isn’t a socially destructive promoter of gang violence
Clearly, you’ve never been to Belfast.
Or Boston for that matter.
St. Patrick’s Day isn’t a socially destructive promoter of gang violence
So, Democrat hacks, who are you going to blame now when things turn to shit?
This worked better when sung by Bob Marley.
Democrats, Democrats, who’re ya gonna blame?
Who’re ya gonna blame when it turns to shame?
When you hold your next convention, there will be room enough for the
homeless guy near Track 18rent boys in thephone boothbathroom stall.Fizzixed. Now see, some of you were so bisy (sic) feeding the bonnacons that you missed that “fish in a barrel” joke.
St. Patrick’s Day isn’t a socially destructive promoter of gang violence
Yeah I was thinking of Snake Whacking Day.
O Whacking Day, O Whacking Day
Our hallowed snake-skull cracking day
We’ll break their backs, gouge out their eyes
Their evil hearts we’ll pulverize
O Whacking Day, O Whacking Day
May God bestow his grace on Thee.
Yea, I mean things got so bad in New York with The Westies that the Genovese family told them to knock it off and killed off half the leadership.
From an older post, but it’s funny how VDH gets it all wrong:
“The Romans called this practice damnatio memoriae, “damnation of memory,” in which the new emperor, to prove that he had “reset” the government, … simply erased the memory of the prior ruler”
It’s folks like Assrocket who are attempting to erase the memory of the B00sh years.
it’s funny how VDH gets it all wrong
If by “funny” you mean “absolutely predictable”, then yes, funny it is.
“Now that they are in control of both the legislative and executive branches, the Democrats’ greed is unchecked. You can see the result.”
I’m not sure Assrocket understands who this works. See, Congress doesn’t KEEP them money that is brought in with taxes and stuff; it’s collected, then disbursed out to various programs that are supposed to benefit us all. It’s not like they sit there every night in their offices, counting out every 43’d dollar to spend on their Friday Pizza Party.
That graph is very, er, artistic, isn’t it? Wow, looks like they’re only about two trillion off for the Jan.20 & current-day US Debt figures, too – & for wingnuts, that’s exactly the same as being dead-on! A trillion here, a trillion there, soon you’re talking REAL money, amirite?
From the folks who brought you the numberless budget – & glow-in-the-dark TruckNutz.
Fortunately the graph doesn’t show the massive Clinton surplus … just imagine how handy all that moolah would be for America in a global recession, if only BushCo hadn’t pissed it away on tax-cuts for folks with more money then they’ll ever need, No Child Left Intact, Three-Card-Monte Economics & Operation Enduring Snafu.
Sorry for the rerail – feel free to continue making trolls with room-temperature IQs feel validated.
These ones make my tiny black heart glow – at a time when the GOP is imploding by the day, I find the “we must purge our tribe of infidels” trope particularly delicious.
Yes, trolls, the liberals are only laughing to hide their dread of your power – only a fanatical crusade for purity will save you now … trust me … you must drive out EVERYONE who won’t agree with ALL of your ideas – show the heretics no mercy … keep Operation Leper alive … it’s your only hope … would I lie to you?
That chart also hides Reagan’s massive increase to the debt.
Dear Sadlynauts, I have done an extensive analysis of this image. You may find it interesting:
There’s a lot wrong with this chart. First off, it describes 4 ordered pairs. Secondly, there’s no context to the numbers. Thirdly, an increase from 2.68T to 8.46T (5.77T) is represented by a distance of about 24 pixels, or about 4.2 pixels per trillion dollars.
Then an increase of 4.41T is represented by about 27 pixels, or 6.1 pixels per trillion dollars.
Finally an increase of 3.31T (the smallest increase depicted in reality) is represented by a distance of 107 pixels. This is a factor of 32.3 pixels per trillion dollars.
This gives the Y-dimension a lie factor of 7.8.
In the X-dimension, 334 pixels represent 17 years (20px per year), 60 pixels represent 2 years (30 px per year) and 62 pixels represent 3 years (21 px per year). The lie factor here is only 1.5.
Fourthly, the line from 2009 to 2012 is curved, making it appear longer than it actually is, enhancing the deception. Fifthly, the use of a very well-known optical illusion to make the distorted line appear even longer is rather childish. Sixthly, the use of the noun “Democrat” as an adjective (a well-documented attempt to turn the term into a slur) is also very childish.
Seventhly, the 2.68 number is grayed out and the 16.17 number is enlarged. Eighthly, the large lines and dots obscure the fake data. I think I’m forgetting some other things. Perhaps it was that the OMB projection data from the Statistical Abstract disagrees with the GOP’s data, which they claim comes from the OMB. At any rate, the budget data may not agree with the Statistical Abstract data due to policy changes, but I haven’t bothered to look into that.
Dear Sadlynauts, I have done an extensive analysis of this image. You may find it interesting
Is this the vault copy? Did you check the kerning?
“Reagan was a net tax cutter, even if he raised taxes later OVER ALL he cut taxes.”
Not even close, John, when you count the doubling of the self-employment tax.
Great Whitey: “I know this is gonna sound politically incorrect to your liberal sensibilities, but have you liberals ever seen that bumper sticker more guns = less crime?
I agree with that statement, however I would also add, more white people = less crime.
If you liberals don’t want to hear the cold hard facts than continue to keep your heads in the sand.”
I get all my cold hard facts from bumper stickers I agree with.
Is this the vault copy? Did you check the kerning?
I did indeed verify that this is the copy from gop.gov, rather than Gav’s (or owerline’s) imagination.
Alas, I’m using Inkscape, so the kerning was left unchecked.