They Divided The Country By IQ, And We Got The Bigger Half

Above: “Thith liberal here ith up to thomething.”

Action Alert from the Sarah Palin List:
“Rahm Emanuel & Co. seizing an opportunity with the supposed swine flu crisis?”

  • I have been inundated with emails: Are Obama and Rahm Emanuel engineering a swine-flu “crisis” to save the Sebelius nomination? I have to wonder. Call your Senators NOW.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 299



There’s no link. You had to have made that up. Nobody is that stupid.


Speaking of swine flu, I seem to recall reading that Gov. Perry of The Republic of Texas asked for federal assistance re: Tamiflu and the like.


Yes, and well known Democrat partisan Canadian Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper is in on the fix.


Bad news for Tea Partiers:

The swine flu outbreak means that public gatherings are strongly discouraged.


Speaking of swine flu, I seem to recall reading that Gov. Perry of The Republic of Texas asked for federal assistance re: Tamiflu and the like.

They should tell Gov. Good Hair to call the ‘Republic of Texas Center for Disease Control and Prevention.’ And secede already.


Nobody is that stupid.

Have you not been paying attention?


Also, Republicans managed to kill $900M for pandemic preparedness from the stimulus bill. Good job dark age assholes!

They really should nominate Jindal in 2012. They can carp about the sillyness of such things as “levy maintenance” for New Orleans and “nuclear safety” at Three Mile island. It will be a grand old jaunt through pre-medieval thinking. Perhaps for 2016 the GOP will actually be calling for legalizing witch burning.


“Hello, is this the senator’s office? Yes? Ok, I demand that you immediately investigate the indisputable fact that Obama had infected pigs sent to Mexico to cause a crisis that will save the Sebelius nomination. Or maybe he had his fleet of negro black helicopters spray those pigs with germ warfare agents. I don’t know, but I’m SURE it’s a plot by B. HUSSEIN Obamafascist to… hello? Hello…?


I’m sorry, is the table tilted suddenly?

Cuz all the stoopid seems to be running downhill and collecting.


Look, how confusing is this? Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a Muslim born simultaneously in Hawaii, Indonesia, and Kenya, who seeks to impose Shari Belafonte law on the U.S. so the swine flu is about stopping Americans from eating the Other White Meat. Obama will also ban white meat in general.


Made it up? Why, here’s the entire, verbatim email!

The Water Cooler
to [comedy pseudonym]

10:58 AM (1 hour ago)

The Water Cooler has sent you a message on Team Sarah

I have been inundated with emails from people both inside and outside of Team Sarah raising the issue of the swine flu “crisis” in relation to the pending confirmation of Kathleen Sebelius.

As we all know, one of Emanuel’s trademark tactics is to take an opportunistic approach to any situation that may be deemed a “crisis” of some sort, whether real or orchestrated. Is it me, or is this latest rhetoric regarding the swine flu starting to ring the suspicion bell? Is the Obama administration weighed down by the heat on Sebelius and pulling out all the stops to push her confirmation through. I have to wonder…..

Call your Senators NOW.

Your Buddy,
The Water Cooler


Human swine influenza

Goddamn pig fuckers.


Oooh! Oooh! Can we have a contest to guess Gavin’s “comedy pseudonym”?

I go with “Ethan Pagan”.

Rusty Shackleford

Alternatively, are Sara Palin and Michael Steele blocking the seating of a Secretary of Health during a flu outbreak just so they can make some point about abortion, which is a constitutionally-protected right?


Call your Senators NOW.

And what? Ask them to continue to obstruct the appointment of an HHS?


Obama will also ban white meat in general.

*making note: Must get to tanning salon*


What are Water Coolerites supposed to say to their senators when they call? I guess it will be a free form incoherent rant of conservative gibberish?

It’s got to be something else being the intern who takes calls for a Republican senator. A nonstop deluge of youtube-quality comments read aloud in ALL CAPS voices.


annejumps said,

April 27, 2009 at 18:15

Speaking of swine flu, I seem to recall reading that Gov. Perry of The Republic of Texas asked for federal assistance re: Tamiflu and the like.

He needs to stock up before the secession.


A nonstop deluge of youtube-quality comments read aloud in ALL CAPS voices.

Guy Smiley activists.


The Water Cooler
to [comedy pseudonym]

Now if one of ’em sees this they’re going to be going through the list trying to get jokes in email names.

Or wondering where “comedy pseudonym” is.


What are Water Coolerites supposed to say to their senators when they call?

There’s the difference between first rate and second rate GØP operatives. The first raters also get people riled up, fearful and hysterical but they also tell them exactly what to say. It usually makes no sense, what they tell them and what they say but it is spelled out (in words of few syllables, mostly).


RB, I suspect they’re searching the list in a frantic attempt to unsubscribe “comedy pseudonym.”


Or is that maybe what you said? It weren’t clear to me.


It’s got to be something else being the intern who takes calls for a Republican senator.

Yes, but it’s a good springboard for becoming a CSPAN host.


I go with “Ethan Pagan”.

It was going to be “Putamayo Pondicherry.”

That doesn’t sound very appetizing, but I figured they wouldn’t want to alienate the Latin/Franco-Indo-Pak constituency.


The Swine Flu germs, when viewed under a microscope, are all crescent shaped and point towards Mecca.


It was going to be “Putamayo Pondicherry.”

My guess is that it’s something very silly indeed, like Dixie Recht or Dick Gozinia.


Putamayo Pondicherry

He was district governor of Rajpurnal in an E M Forster novel.


Or is that maybe what you said?

I regret the bumfuzzlement.


did obama bring swine flu to america?

Swine Flu Pandemic?

Because clearly it would be worth the lives of eight school children in New York City in Queens to push the HHS secretary’s nomination through…

Rusty Shackleford

Everyone strongly encouraged to click on J—‘s links, and read teh comments.


I propose a new Babelfish (“Babblefish”) which can translate from a language entirely existing of right wing insider crazy code phrases into English and back, so that we may communicate with this fascinating alien race which apparently lives among us but suffers from a dimensional translation error.



Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I propose a new Babelfish (”Babblefish”) which can translate from a language entirely existing of right wing insider crazy code phrases into English and back…

The problem is that there’s a trapdoor – 95% of the phrases have the same meaning, which is that “liberals are bad!”

So, translation from Wingnut Phrase X to “liberals are bad!” is easy, but going the other direction is impossible.


Not just “Duck Amuck,” but the most exquisite image from “Duck Amuck”!

I love you guys. Deeply. Spiritually. Carnally.


From J’s link: I read that this could be a manufactured flu…. by our government. It stated that getting rid of millions and millions of people is one of the steps in the one world order.

Apparently Team Obama scientists engineered a flu virus that hits brown people harder than pale ones and got it into the Mexican population by February at the latest- giving them maybe a month post inauguration. You’d think wingnuts would be cheering both the hands-on approach to the immigrant problem and the extraordinary quickness with which the scientists were able to bring forth the virus.


Putamayo Pondicherry

I think I have that CD…


OT, but from NPR’s twitter feed:

NPR producer wants to interview recently laid-off person, ages 18-25. Helpful if you live within 200 miles of DC. @ @nprnews if interested.

Gee, do you think they’ll somehow manage to interview a bunch of young Republicans fresh out out of the Bush administration and ready to blame Obama’s bailout for their job loss?

Royalist Republican

Greetings, liberals. You should realize by now that USA is on the wrong track, and millions who voted for the Chosen One are now regretting it, as the Democrat Party moves from treasonous appeasement to brutal statism, crushing industry and individuality in the process. Your actions have been noticed by the masses, culminating in the Tea Party Protests, one of the greatest grassroots movements of the past 50 years.

It’s time to realize that you made a mistake with your Community Organizer. The Houses of Reagan and Bush saw fruitful days full of economic development and the creation of global peace. It’s time to return this country to its royal lineages, forcing out your beloved Mess-iah and returning power to the Bush family, under whom this country saw its greatest peacetime economic development and the freeing of 500M living under totalitarian rule. The Tea Party protesters understand this, and so will you when Jeb Bush returns the White House to its proper ruling house.




My guess is that it’s something very silly indeed, like Dixie Recht or Dick Gozinia.

Dixon Cox.


Everyone strongly encouraged to click on J—’s links, and read teh comments

by Pat Rodriguez 19 hours ago

For those believers, I don’t think that it’s that plague time yet. The other signs haven’t been given. Unless, as some have speculated, Obama is indeed the anti-christ (he does fit the bill in the “charismatic world leader who will offer to save the world department). We’re pretty close to the border down here in Texas so I’m sure we’ll see more cases of it here. It never ceases to amaze me how such tiny non-living entities (viruses) can bring down humanity. The “are they lifeforms or not” debate still rages hotter than the global warming one.

Shouldn’t teh anti-christ get caps? Given that he’s supposed to be scary and all.


Royalist Republican, not a very original troll imitation. A little too overt in the endorsement of a return to monarchy. Righties don’t actually like to admit they seek a brutal tyrant to rule them with an iron fist, particularly to themselves.

Rusty Shackleford

…when Jeb Bush returns the White House to its proper ruling house.

You had me going until there. I thought you were a real troll.

Shut up, that's who

Stupid, paranoid wingnuts. This has nothing to do with Sebelius. I went to that high school in NY where all those kids got sick last week and my reunion was on Saturday night. About half of my classmates who had RSVPd yes did not show up out of concern for catching swine flu. One of them is the most beautiful woman in the world and I’ve been flirting with her on Facebook. I am convinced that Rahm Emmanuel has the hots for her too and I can’t believe Obama would let him do this to me. Hillary in ’12.


I was too harsh in the “not very original” bit (sorry), but I stand by the monarchy bit.


Because clearly it would be worth the lives of eight school children in New York City in Queens to push the HHS secretary’s nomination through

Ha! Naive liberal – see here for proof positive that B. Hussein Osabama has no qualms about killing whoever gets in his way.


Connect the dots:

April 15th Tea Parties ——> incubation period —–> April 25th swine flu outbreak

cc: DHS


Obama will also ban white meat in general.

On the contrary, eating white meat will be a test of loyalty. Oh, you meant animal meat.


Connect the dots:

April 15th Tea Parties ——> incubation period —–> April 25th swine flu outbreak

cc: DHS

quoting this hilarity


OK, Mexico just had a 5.6 magnitude earthquake happen in the southwest Pacific state of Guerrero, about 155 mi from Mexico City. If you can’t see that this is a result of Obama going to Latin America to surrender the world to Hugo Ahmedinajad Chavez bin Laden, I don’t know how much more I can say to convince you.


I went to that high school in NY where all those kids got sick last week and my reunion was on Saturday night.

Is it the St. Francis in Bayside?

I actually got accepted there and even tried out for the chorus, but moved that summer and never attended.


Is The Water Cooler my brain on drugs?


Also, let’s not allow this swine flu issue to distract us from Obama’s real agenda which is re-implementing the Fairness Doctrine.


Why are Democrats so opposed to torturing Mexicans to find out where the next swine flu attack may occur?

Rusty Shackleford

I remember when Ford tried this swine flu shit. A one-termer he was!

Bookmark this, libs

Royalist Republican

The swine flu is yet another reason how Obama has no control over this country, that his statism is another relic of appeasement and surrender to the forces of ineffective big government bureaucracy. Obama has no clue how to deal with the swine flu, as he’d rather go golfing or be on Leno to make jokes. We need a strong leader, a Reagan, a Bush, who can properly deal with the problems of USA without capitulating to un-American interests and the UN.

Rusty Shackleford

We need a strong leader, a Reagan…

Well, the old guy’s dead so he’s out. How ’bout the gay one?


I thought royalism was for Australians.


From BJ,

Good Question

by John Cole

Via email:

“What are the odds that one could convince greater wingnuttia that pork barrel spending was the cause of the swine flu outbreak? I’m guessing there’s at least a 20% chance of success.”

I’d say 20% was a bit low.

Ah, the synchronomicity

Tsilayor Nacilbuper

UN the and interests un-American to capitulating without USA of problems the with deal properly can who, Bush a, Reagan a, leader strong a need we. Jokes make to Leno on be or golfing go rather he’d as, flu swine the with deal to how clue no has Obama. Bureaucracy government big ineffective of forces the to surrender and appeasement of relic another is statism his that, country this over control no has Obama how reason another yet is flu swine the.


It is obvious to me this swine flu “outbreak” is just a conspiracy between Obama and the MSM, designed to create so much fear among the populace that he can declare martial law, thus preventing any more tea parties. The tea parties were so successful that he is terrified and wants to silence the voice of the people! All right thinking, patriotic Americans need to gather once again on the courthouse steps in every town to show that you won’t fall for it! And make sure you cough in each others’ faces and sneeze into each others’ hands to show that you don’t believe anything the MSM says!


It was going to be “Putamayo Pondicherry.”

My money was on Hugh Jass.


The poor Republican party is just a vortex of stupidity and paranoia. Individual Republicans are starting to appear in my mind’s eye as the Tasmanian Devil of old cartoon fame. Whirling dervishes of utter goofiness. Maybe DHS should put some sort of meds in the water supply in places where there are concentrated clusters of these nuts. They could give all us Obamafascists some sort of coded warning not to drink the water for a while.

As far as the pseudonym goes, my money’s on Dick N. Seider.


isn’t it strange the zero president didn’t get sick

Yes, it is really suspicious that the president didn’t catch a disease affecting a tiny percentage of a country’s inhabitants during a brief visit. Has he already been inoculated against this man-made nanomachine “virus” by the interdimensional alien jihadis? It would be irresponsible not to etc.


isn’t it strange the zero president didn’t get sick

What’s this “zero president” thing? Is this a new right-wing meme? It’s new to me anyway.

Incontinentia Buttocks


Johnny Coelacanth

“What’s this “zero president” thing”

Since ‘Obama’ starts with the letter O, which is kinda like the number 0 … weak sauce, but it’s all they have.

Rusty Shackleford

As far as the pseudonym goes, my money’s on Dick N. Seider.

For refreshment the smart young woman enjoys a Dickens Cider.

When she’s feeling adventurous she craves a Hard Dickens Cider.


Bizarro-Daffy needs to back away from Mr. Atoz’s viewer. Bad things could happen.


Don Kedik really cracked me up.

But I think Juan Hugh Jorgan always gets less attention than merited.


But I think Juan Hugh Jorgan always gets less attention than merited.

Must re….sist…

Not in my house.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Since ‘Obama’ starts with the letter O, which is kinda like the number 0 … weak sauce, but it’s all they have.

Aha, so kind of like why we all called Bush the Ass President.


Is it the St. Francis in Bayside?

St Francis Prep. It’s in Fresh Meadows, not Bayside, but that would be the one.


I propose a new Babelfish (”Babblefish”) which can translate from a language entirely existing of right wing insider crazy code phrases into English and back, so that we may communicate with this fascinating alien race which apparently lives among us but suffers from a dimensional translation error.

Ah, the Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot!


Royalist Republican said,

April 27, 2009 at 20:14

Hey, look! Tokyo Rose came back from the dead!


It never ceases to amaze me how such tiny non-living entities (viruses) can bring down humanity.

Right, like little ions of uranium and plutonium are so benign..


What’s this “zero president” thing?

After Bush, we hit the “reset” button.


What are Water Coolerites supposed to say to their senators when they call

“Look just stop it with the fucken swine flu OK?
Gavins humourous pseudonym is just that, “Humorous Pseudonym”
Cunning as a bag of monkeys


“What’s this “zero president” thing”

they rolled it out this week, after the “BO” thing bombed last week.

Rusty Shackleford

“Zero president” because he hasn’t accomplished anything in his life.


Except for that election thingee.

TheThe Sad Consequnces of Open Borders

Having previous unheard of Third World disease spread here is just one of them.

I see Obama wants to screen more people at the border for Swine Flue. Pray tell, libs, how do we do that if millions cross illegally? How many of them could be infected? Think about it.


I see Obama wants to screen more people at the border for Swine Flue. Pray tell, libs, how do we do that if millions cross illegally?

Just look for guys carrying a pig under one arm and a chimney under the other.


He hasn’t accomplished anything in his life except staging a coup in the most powerful nation on the planet EVER and enslaving millions of people and repealing the laws of physics!

Rusty Shackleford

Except for that election thingee.

Central &c.


Oh…and he brainwashed the Craigslist killer. Too. Also.


Unlike Dubya, whose accomplishments pre-presidency include nearly running several large corporations into the ground before getting elected as the dumb half of the Dubya/Rick Perry ticket.

Stag Party Palin

I. P. Freely
Ben Dover
O. Wottana Siam
Hugh Jampton

I’m a classicist. So shoot me.

Rusty Shackleford

Having previous unheard of Third World disease spread here is just one of them.


I see Obama wants to screen more people at the border for Swine Flue.

Impressive, considering his busy golfing and murdering schedule. I bet he enslaves a white man to do it.

Pray tell, libs, how do we do that if millions cross illegally? How many of them could be infected? Think about it.

I have, and my answer is “between zero and millions.”


Pray tell, libs, how do we do that if millions cross illegally? How many of them could be infected? Think about it.

I’m always grateful when someone wraps up his or her case by asking me to “think about it” because otherwise I would forget.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Sue D. Nym?
Ann Onymous?

Good thing for Mickey Kaus that it’s not goat flu.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

previous unheard of Third World disease

Stupid troll is stupid.


Swine Flue

It’s attached to the stove made from pig iron.

Shut up, that's who

Is it the St. Francis in Bayside?

It’s in bordering Fresh Meadows to be precise but every other student was from Bayside. And that’s funny because I think we’re about the same age so we were maybe almost classmates. You would have fit in because the Franciscans are the most commiest of the orders. If you don’t mind me asking, did you go to a local Catholic grade school?


I figure whenever somebody closes their argument with “think about it”, they’re just trying to pass the burden of all that troublesome “logic” and “analysis” on to me.


Pray tell, libs, how do we do that if millions cross illegally?

Because the only possible way a person with a high fever and nausea could get into this country is by illegally crossing a river in the dead of a cold April night…

We’re more likely to be infected by some college kid coming back from Spring Break, thinking he just had a really nasty hangover.


Having previous unheard of Third World disease spread here is just one of them.


I remember that outbreak. I caught the swine flu, and it was nasty.

But not as nasty as the Hong Kong flu of 1968.

That one almost made me turn Japanese.


Not just “Duck Amuck,” but the most exquisite image from “Duck Amuck”!

I know, huh? If I ever get a tattoo its going to be from that same sequence, but a few frames before, when Daffy is looking straight at the camera.

The Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

I propose a new Babelfish (”Babblefish”) which can translate from a language entirely existing of right wing insider crazy code phrases into English and back, so that we may communicate with this fascinating alien race which apparently lives among us but suffers from a dimensional translation error.

Ah, the Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot!

You raaaaaaaang? Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd! Heh. Indeed. More Tea Party pics! Read the whole thing. Chris Dodd!


We need a strong leader, a Reagan, a Bush, who can properly deal with the problems of USA without capitulating to un-American interests and the UN.

I’m calling Poe on this guy. Even the parody trolls don’t have much to work with anymore.


Ivan Gottasecret
John Doe Smith
Ima Pseudonym


Oh, and can’t forget Alias Undercover…


I’m shocked none of the old skool nyms have included Hugh Jass, or Iva Hughjass.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m calling Poe on this guy.

JM, doesn’t “Poe” specifically deal with creationists? Is there an equivalent for pan-Wingnuttia? Could it be “Ruppert’s Corollary”?


This just in: Barack Obama Kills Osama Bin Laden

Hey, if he can be blamed for swine flu, then they should give him credit for the kill.


Barack Obama Does Dry Run Terror Attack in NYC

Gee, this is too easy, being a crack pot right wing.


I was 5 years old when I had the Hong Kong flu, and I still remember it. It was Christmas, and my mom stayed home with me while dad took my brother and sister to my grandmother’s for all the Christmas stuff. How bad was it? So bad that I didn’t care that it was Christmas, and again, I was 5. That’s how bad. Mom has some pictures of me from when I was sick and I looked like a kid who was dying.


As we all know, one of Emanuel’s trademark tactics is to take an opportunistic approach to any situation that may be deemed a “crisis” of some sort, whether real or orchestrated.


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I was 5 years old when I had the Hong Kong flu, and I still remember it.

You felt all Hong Kong Fluey?


Speaking of creationists, whingnuttia and the like …

Via PZ, Republican party platforms are always amusingly insane.

4. While the objective study of philosophy and religion can be beneficial, public schools should not be endorsing any specific religion or philosophy. We believe that students and teachers should enjoy the right of free exercise of religion.

5. We support posting the Ten Commandments and our Nation’s motto, “In God We Trust,” in all public schools in recognition of our religious heritage. U.S. citizens. We support teaching the intent of our founding fathers, the original founding documents, and the difference between a democracy and a republic.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…I don’t mean to make light of your sickness, though, just couldn’t resist making a reference to one of my favorite old cartoons. Pardon.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Via PZ, Republican party platforms are always amusingly insane.

Decades of anti-intellectualism coming home to roost.


How bad was it? So bad that I didn’t care that it was Christmas

Yup. That was the one. And around the same time, too, Christmas. I didn’t care, and that was the Christmas I got a football helmet. I could barely breathe, had a 103 fever, and kept a trash can next to the bed so I could roll over to throw up.


Out of curiosity, are these people against Sebelius for any reason other than she’s pro-choice and a Democrat?


Hugh G. Rection got himself listed in the Vancouver phone book one year.

Rusty Shackleford

Out of curiosity, are these people against Sebelius for any reason other than she’s pro-choice and a Democrat?

Are you kidding? That’s 100% of the possible reasons to be against somebody.


I was going to make a joke about Sebelius and “orchestrating a crisis”, but my heart wasn’t in it.


No, go ahead, SC. Finnish your joke.


Out of curiosity, are these people against Sebelius for any reason other than she’s pro-choice and a Democrat?

I think they have her confused with the composer Jean Sibelius, and they just really, really hate his symphonic poem, Finlandia.

[they prefer his earlier, funnier work]


Frippin’ Fjords, Smut Clyde beat me to it!


I think they have her confused with the composer Jean Sibelius, and they just really, really hate his symphonic poem, Finlandia.

[they prefer his earlier, funnier work]

I say this as a Finn:

That WAS his comedic period!


I was going to make a joke about Sebelius and “orchestrating a crisis”, but my heart wasn’t in it.

This is the Latvian spelling anyway.


Or Estonian. Or maybe Lithuanian.

I can never keep them straight.


I would have guessed that the zero comes from Obama preferring Coka-cola Zero, the liberal commie diet version of the real american Coca-Cola.

Of course since I don’t know if Obama prefers Diet Coca-Cola Zero over regular Coca-Cola, this reason has 50-50 chance of being valid.
This trumps most right wing reasonings by about 50%.


Actor212 proves again that once you’ve gone Balt, you never go Galt.


If you don’t mind me asking, did you go to a local Catholic grade school?

OLBS for eighth grade, but just the one year. You?


And when you go malt, you just forget things.


OLBS for eighth grade, but just the one year. You?

Our Lady of Belt and Suspenders? The prep school for accountants?


BigBaldBastard @: JM, doesn’t “Poe” specifically deal with creationists? Is there an equivalent for pan-Wingnuttia? Could it be “Ruppert’s Corollary”?

You’re right, but I’ve always felt that the concept has a wider application than just the Creationists. I like the “Ruppert’s Corrolary” idea.

– from Rationalist Wiki: “Poe’s Law states: Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won’t mistake for the real thing.”

How about (properly): “Ruppert’s Generality: The same Law applies to right-wing political parodies generally.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

OLBS for eighth grade, but just the one year

Our Lady of the Busty Sexxxiness, run by the Dominatrixican nuns.


run by the Dominatrixican nuns

With chrome rulers.


and the difference between a democracy and a republic.

FWIW, this is the favourite line of 6th grade level intellects looking to appear smart while really being infuriatingly pedantic on the internet to justify terrible policy. “oh you say the public doesn’t like the Republican plan to enslave them all and laugh maniacally while eating kittens? Well, too bad it’s a republic and not a democracy!

There is not now, nor has there ever been a “democracy” according to this inane definition. No society could function at all if it had to vote on every single fucking issue. So the distinction is bullshit meaningless.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

World Wingnut Wackiness

Wonder what they’d have called the “porkulus”

Rusty Shackleford

Wonder what they’d have called the “porkulus”

“Mexicanulus,” apparently


Hiro Protagonist?


Uncle Enzo?


From the e-mail list of O-murders at My Right Wing Dad:

DARSANO RAHARDJO – Childhood classmate of Barack Obama when he attended a madrassa in Indonesia. Was found with his head cut off in a Jakarta alley way in 1970. Many children at the school attributed Rahardjo’s murder to the young Barack Obama. It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since Islam demands that a boy spill another’s blood before the age of ten to prove their loyalty to Allah.

And now we know who met w/ Mohammad Atta in Prague:

HASAD AL SHAREEZ – FBI informant. Reported to his handler in January 2001 that he had a tape about of a person named simply “B. Hussein” meeting with 9/11 hijacker Mohatma Atta in Prague. Was found shot in the basement of a mosque in Dearborn, MI in October, 2001.

Or maybe it was “Mohatma Atta,” who is somebody completely different.


It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since Islam demands that a boy spill another’s blood before the age of ten to prove their loyalty to Allah.

Man! And I thought learning the Torah was tough love!

Rusty Shackleford

Presbyterian boys have to fist a wolverine.

Catholic Altar Boy

Presbyterian boys have to fist a wolverine.



Muslim girls only have to demonstrate their ability to pair Christian baby with a starch, such as rice.


We Episcopalians have to dress down a servant. Severely.


Buddhism demands that a boy meet the Buddha on the road and kill him!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since Islam Onanism demands that a boy spill another’s his blood seed before the age of ten to prove their loyalty to Allah Teh PENIS.


Evangelicals have to rescuse a fetus from a clinic and nurse it back to health.


that can read as “rescue” or “recuse”, your choice


Pagan boys have to have sex with an oak tree.


I will refrain from mentioning the rites for Catholic boys as we all know what it is and none of us wants to picture it.


Wants to picture what?

Knights in White Satin

If you’re interested in manufactured/enhanced illnesses, check into “San Fernando Valley Fever”, an flu-like illness with unpleasant side effects, which only affects dark skinned persons.


Our Lady of the Busty Sexxxiness, run by the Dominatrixican nuns.

I miss the singing of “Thank You Sister May I Have Another?” at Vespers.


Pagan boys have to have sex with an oak tree.

Giving “woody” a whole new meaning since 5000 BC!


Unitarians gather around a giant burning question mark.

Rusty Shackleford

Giving “woody” a whole new meaning since 5000 BC!

What did it mean before that?


What did it mean before that?

Something about the Greek god Priapus. It wasn’t pretty.


Giving “woody” a whole new meaning since 5000 BC!
There are a lot of splinter groups in that religion


Atheists don’t do anything, but expect the same level of recognition and respect that the other initiation rites get.

Knights in White Satin

“..Having previous unheard of Third World disease spread here is just one of them…”

Hellooooooo! Ever heard of the Hong Kong Flu of 67-68? the Swine flu in the 70’s? Has he not even heard about Avian Flu- odd, people have been shouting about it for 5 years or more. In fact, Avian flu was probably the REASON the Dems put the Epidemic money in the stimulus bill in the first place. Any why did Susan C and Spectator think that money wouldn’t create jobs? Stupids.


I see K-Lo is worked about pornography in her inbox.

Talk about your Mexican Swine Flue.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Off-topic, but… who am I kidding, is the ever any topic?

While poking around the MySpace page of the Oklahoma freak who was twittering death threats on teabag day, I found, buried among the usual ZOG, NWO, Illuminati et al. conspiracy mongering, a link to, of all things, a Klaus Nomi video.

What a weird planet this is.

Knights in White Satin


Atheists don’t do anything?

We do too, we skip church and watch the sunday cartoons. Even when when we’re grown up. GO spongebob.


To repeat from another blog (RB’s)of infinite jest and wonder. Pigs down the chimney are no joke, no matter where they are from.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

WP eated my link! The typographical error, however, was totally due to moi

Klaus Nomi


Sorry, I wasn’t raised atheist, I converted. What happens if you have never been baptized in spongebob? I’m asking for a friend.

dim-witted badger

Giving “woody” a whole new meaning since 5000 BC!

What did it mean before that?

That’s a rather knotty theological question.

dim-witted badger


Big Bad Bald Bastard

Smut, old chum, you are the master of the jpg.

I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

I imagine the clip-art would be kickass.


Giving “woody” a whole new meaning since 5000 BC!

What did it mean before that?

That’s a rather knotty theological question.

Yes, theologians have been aspen that question for centuries.


Pagan boys have to have sex with an oak tree.

Phwoar, will you look at that mistletoe.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Yes, theologians have been aspen that question for centuries.

And amateur philosophers will speculate about it just for a larch.

The Sad Consequnces of Open Borders

“Hellooooooo! Ever heard of the Hong Kong Flu of 67-68? the Swine flu in the 70’s? ”

Both of them came after Lyndon B. Johnson repealed the 20s immigration laws that restricted mass Third World immigration. It isn’t a coincidence.

John in Bucharest

Whenever there is a new wingnut conspiracy theory that promises as many laughs as this one (i.e. Obama and he Swine Flu), I always run over to Free Republic for the hardcore humor. Beyond the normal overt racism (“damn Mexicans”) and political scapegoating (“damn Obama”); there are ALWAYS some gems that just make me laugh and laugh. Here are a few from this thread

#6: “It wouldn’t surprise me if this is a manufactured crisis to prevent large groups, such as the tea parties, from gathering in public.”

#8: ” This flu thing is way beyond global. Doubt the military taking over the streets soon. If you see any uniformed, blue helmeted troops be sure to sound the alarm.”

#27: “My first thought as well, that Americans may be seeing the end of these Constitutional rights: freedom of assembly (and freedom of speech) for, you know, THE PUBLIC GOOD! TEA PARTIES, banned soon on a street near you??”

#54: “‘Whatever it might be, it seems the military may be taking over the streets before too long, using this sudden ‘pandemic’ as an excuse?!’ Take over of banks, take over of auto industry, now ramming through health care take over. Whats next on the agenda, martial law?”

#61: [Under a gif of Obama as a Stalinist dictator with Democratic leaders below him] ” At the risk of sounding conspiratorial, I think this a matter of these four [talking about the photo] taking advantage of a method to declare martial law and confiscate all the guns owned by civilians…they will start with the membership lists of the NRA, IMO. That will pave the way for the “National Security Force” you know, the force that is as “well-funded and armed as the US Military” to be set up as the only militia, under direct control of Rahm Emanuel.”

#65: “I grew up on a farm and helped with the pigs for several years, I wonder if I am immune to the flu because I was subjected to lesser variant of it that my immune system could have inoculated me against? Yet another reason I am glad I grew up on a farm.”


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Both of them came after Lyndon B. Johnson repealed the 20s immigration laws that restricted mass Third World immigration. It isn’t a coincidence.

Wadda maroon. The 1976 swine flu was a recrudescence of the 1918 swine flu, which fortunately didn’t pan out.

The 1918 flu’s official name? A-New Jersey.


Woodies, firries. All the same.

I assume that RB’s image comes from the Balsam Street Fair.
America takes a larch to the left.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This flu thing is way beyond global.

There was a terrible outbreak on Rigel 7.

Seems they allowed unrestricted immigration from Rigels 5 and 8.


“I wonder if I am immune to the flu because I was subjected to lesser variant of it that my immune system could have inoculated me against?”

It is reassuring to know that I will survive the future pandemic of goat flu.

The Sad Consequnces of Open Borders

The 1918 Flu came after France and Britain used Third World troops in thr war, which spread their infections to the west. Africans, Indians, Vietnamese etc. brought it to Europe.


I grew up on a farm and helped with the pigs for several years, I wonder if I am immune to the flu because I was subjected to lesser variant of it that my immune system could have inoculated me against?

Yes! Also, the fact that he’s a fucking bird-brain will immunize him from Avian Flu. Also.


For these things we can thank Spain.

the Spanish Flu
the Spanish Fly
a certain way of walking down the hall


There was a terrible outbreak on Rigel 7.
Seems they allowed unrestricted immigration from Rigels 5 and 8.

On that topic, allow me to gloat that I attended the 1988 premiere of “The Making of the Representative for Planet 8”.
I can’t remember much about it, but no-one seriously expects to stay awake through 3 hours of Philip Glass music.

The Sad Consequnces of Open Borders

The really, really serious virus we have to worry about made its debut on Halloween night, 1938. A large number of aliens landed in America that night. Everything has gone downhill since then.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I can’t remember much about it, but no-one seriously expects to stay awake through 3 hours of Philip Glass music.

I can’t even stay awake long long enough to type out koyaanisqatzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Pre-Columbian American

The 1918 Flu came after France and Britain used Third World troops in thr war, which spread their infections to the west. Africans, Indians, Vietnamese etc. brought it to Europe.

It seems to me
that God thought best
to make plague in the East
and send it West.


Yes, theologians have been aspen that question for centuries.

And amateur philosophers will speculate about it just for a larch.

Hmm, elm-editate on that. Such answers maple ease some, but I tend to take the less poplar approach.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The 1918 Flu came after France and Britain used Third World troops in thr war, which spread their infections to the west. Africans, Indians, Vietnamese etc. brought it to Europe.

After flu originated in Europe and spread throughout the world through colonization? No poetic justice there.

So what’s your argument? The Europeans should never have left Europe? I’ll tell the American Indian Movement to send you a membership application.

John in Bucharest

“This flu thing is way beyond global.”

This was my favorite line as well. In that it is Free Republic, I just assumed it had something to do with Obama’s plan to launch the virus into space so as to infect good Christians during the Rapture or something…


Some sort of a pickle isn’t it or jam?

The Sad Consequnces of Open Borders

“Pre-Columbian American”

Well, indeed. If you want to know what happens to people that open their borders to massive foreign immigration, ask the Native Americans.

At least they tried to fight back, though. We’re just voluntarily giving our country away.


At least they tried to fight back, though. We’re just voluntarily giving our country away.

As a childless gay man who looks very Anglo and supports immigrant’s rights, I have to wonder if my Native American genes aren’t having their last laugh.


Third World troops in thr war, which spread their infections to the west.

Other way around, apparently:

One theory is that the virus strain originated at Fort Riley, Kansas, by two genetic mechanisms – genetic drift and antigenic shift – in viruses in poultry and swine which the fort bred for food; the soldiers were then sent from Fort Riley to different places around the world, where they spread the disease. However, evidence from a recent reconstruction of the virus suggests that it jumped directly from birds to humans, without traveling through swine.[37]

The Sad Consequnces of Open Borders

We need to FIGHT those pesky aliens. I will give you my plan after I come back from shopping. They have lettuce on sale this week. I always wonder how something as good as lettuce can be so cheap!

It must be our proud Free Markets humming like a little bird.


Other way around, apparently:

Oh, you did research. That’s cheating.


Who’d want to travel through swine?


The 1918 Flu came after France and Britain used Third World troops in thr war, which spread their infections to the west. Africans, Indians, Vietnamese etc. brought it to Europe.L

Bullshit. It is now believed that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Kansas, USA, and got spread world-wide by soldiers returning home from WWI. In other words, our guys infected the dusky third-worlders, and sent them home infected to kill millions in their home countries.



#61: At the risk of sounding conspiratorial, I think this a matter of these four [talking about the photo] taking advantage of a method to declare martial law and confiscate all the guns owned by civilians…they will start with the membership lists of the NRA, IMO. That will pave the way for the “National Security Force” you know, the force that is as “well-funded and armed as the US Military” to be set up as the only militia, under direct control of Rahm Emanuel.”

My favourite. Yes I’m a conspiracy nut-job but don’t call me that. The government will use the excuse of a “method” to round up all registered gun owners.

FBI agents come to house: “Hello, we’re from method management. Can we have you’re guns please?”
Householder :”Why sure, it’s about the method isn’t it’
FBI :”Sure is. Thanks for the guns.”
They turn to a group of militaristic looking black kids “Here’s the guns , guys, have fun”


The government will use the excuse of a “method” to round up all registered gun owners.

Nope, just the NRA members. Because they are super-awesome.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

One theory is that the virus strain originated at Fort Riley, Kansas, by two genetic mechanisms – genetic drift and antigenic shift

Typical liberal, with all that “Darwin this, evolution that” nonsense.

Obviously, this is a “Smiting”.

Furiously Googling “Babylonians” and “model trains” for linky lulz


I also love that this open borders fool thinks that a disease could simultaneously emerge in Africa, India, and Vietnam, before spreading to sweet virginal Europe.

By that logic, McDonalds was introduced to the US by American tourists, who discovered it while visiting France, Egypt, and Japan.


They have lettuce on sale this week. I always wonder how something as good as lettuce can be so cheap!

Would you like salad dressing with that?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

My favourite. Yes I’m a conspiracy nut-job but don’t call me that.

Mine too, but I think it may be a spoof. The avoidance of spelling it “marshall law” is a tell.


MacDonalds, now there’s a smiting, with or without railways.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Would you like salad dressing with that?

A simple splash of onegar will do.


I also love that this open borders fool thinks that a disease could simultaneously emerge in Africa, India, and Vietnam, before spreading to sweet virginal Europe.

On the wall in this museum is a letter to the editor from some tribal spokesmen who have been chided for something or other by someone who asks where the Indian is to speak up for this or that lapse from expected whitiness. The answer is that they have died of smallpox.


Another interesting outcome of the British and French having used African and Asian troops in WW1: the myth of European invincibility had been broken, and the returning veterans were among those leading strikes and starting the movement and resistance which would break colonialism in Africa and Asia. True story.


You can’t fool me with your complicated hypothecenes. It’s called the Spanish Flu for a reason.


Team Sarah to Concerned Women for America: “Where’s our hat tip?”


Lyndon B. Johnson repealed the 20s immigration laws

Much like Obama today, LBJ single-handedly proposed, enacted into, & enforced the laws all by his lonesome, except J. Edgar Hoover helped once in a while.


Team Sarah to Concerned Women for America: “Where’s our hat tip?”

The happy ending.


LBJ was 120 feet tall and made entirely of neutrons. He could breathe fire and it was widely rumored that he could pleasure any woman, and most men, with a single glance.


As part of their initiation ritual, the Elohim are expected to smite a city of unbelievers before the age of ten thousand to prove their loyalty to themselves.


pseudonym= Joe King?


I just now realize that the entire Alicia Colon thread had not one reference or link to the Mutter Museum. How did this happen?


More flu efluvia. If I recollect, this show traced the 1918 pandemic to a Royal Army depot in France (in 1915, IIRC) where, much like Ft.Riley, there were pigs penned for slaughter along w/ the soldiers there for the same purpose.

Can’t get the Google link to the vid @ GUBA to load, so I can’t promise anything.

And the talk is of corporate swine husbandry in Mexico by Yankee corps. being the source of this mutation. Those dirty Meskins!!


Could it have been due to HREF FAIL, I wonder.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

A simple splash of onegar will do.

Is that donkey-piss-and-vinegar?


Is that donkey-piss-and-vinegar?

Don’t be such an ass.


Well, Obama did make that volcano blow up in Alaska, just to embarrass Bobby Jindal, didn’t he?

There’s no end to what That One will do to achieve his ends.


David said,

April 27, 2009 at 18:21

Bad news for Tea Partiers:

The swine flu outbreak means that public gatherings are strongly discouraged.

I’m sure it’s been mentioned already, but some chick called into Glenn Blecch today and actually brought this up as some kind of DARK EEVYL KONSPIRACY against public gatherings. This was, of course, after the nomination of Al Gore as THE GOD OF SCIENCE and the requisite “Michael Moore is a fat fat fatty” comment from a caller.

It was not a good day today, and having to listen to Bleccch didn’t help.


You bastard, you didn’t just link to a Creed story, did you?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

It was not a good day today, and having to listen to Bleccch didn’t help.

There’s no end to the savage creativity of the republican torturers.


Righteous Bubba said,

April 28, 2009 at 1:37

Via Mr. t4toby, misery.

So it is the end times, after all.


Great stuff over at The Rude Pundit:

Hey, kids, swine flu’s got you down? Then do what the Rude Pundit does: when life gives you a virus, make virusade. You can use the swine flu outbreak to totally fuck with the nutzoid right and help along their delusional, conspiratorial fantasies about Barack Obama and the federal government…Here’s a few spreadable rumors to egg ’em on:

1. The CIA manufactured the virus to distract from Obama’s plans for turning this into a socialist nation. It was released in Mexico because it would look less suspicious and easily spread into the United States.

2. The public health emergency declared by the administration is an excuse to set presidential directive NSPD 51 into effect, thus creating martial law and allowing the military and FEMA to take over the country.

3. And that strange, fenced-in warehouse-like structure you see going up on the side of the highway as you drive to work? Oh, fuck, that’s gonna start as a quarantine center, but eventually, get this, it’s gonna be a FEMA concentration camp for enemies of the Obama-led state. He is the devil, you know.

4. Check out the first states where swine flu has appeared: New York, California, Texas, Ohio, and Kansas. If you draw a circle around them, that’s an “O” and it stands for “Obama.”

5. George Soros once dated a woman named Tammy Flugh. He had the virus released so that he could hear her name endlessly.

6. Barack Obama is wagging the dog to distract us from…no, wait, that’s not him. Or…nope. Well, it’s wagging the motherfucking dog because while we’re not looking, he’ll burn his birth certificate or some such shit.

You can add your own. Surely there will be more, and they will just as backward-ass stupid and unhelpful.


None dare say it, but I think we all know that the O represents the hollow earth, & Obama is under the thumb of the mole people, or the flying saucer Nazis/aliens living upside down inside the Big O.

Or the Sumerians.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

None dare say it, but I think we all know that the O represents the hollow earth, & Obama is under the thumb of the mole people, or the flying saucer Nazis/aliens living upside down inside the Big O.

I’m seeing some of the nutjobs now claiming Obama was born a girl, thus making it easy for him/her to hide his/her foreign birth.

That is so far gone – it has to be a “real” wingnut “fact”.

Doctor Missus Marita

None dare say it, but I think we all know that the O represents the hollow earth, & Obama is under the thumb of the mole people, or the flying saucer Nazis/aliens living upside down inside the Big O.

Or the Sumerians.

I thought it had something to do with Ann Althouse and onion rings.

Hi Ann! How’s that google alert treating you?


As their initiation ritual, agnostics have to skip their initiation ritual.

I could barely breathe, had a 103 fever, and kept a trash can next to the bed so I could roll over to throw up.

Describes the entire second half of my life up to the age of seven … oh, the wonders of severe tonsillitis. I had my adenoids hoicked out at the same time, prior to which I snored like a chainsaw.


Obama has a pair of daisies where his balls used to be.


Obama has a pair of daisies where his balls used to be.


Or the Sumerians.

The Larry Sumerians one presumes. Darn them to heck


Hah! I had my tonsils out at four. They grew back & had to have them out again when I was 30.

Beat that, libs!!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Hah! I had my tonsils out at four. They grew back & had to have them out again when I was 30.

The first girl I ever kissed gave me a case of mono so bad that my tonsils just sort of boiled right out of my head. She was so worth it.


my tonsils just sort of boiled right out of my head

Jeez, just took one to beat me. “Boiled out of your head?” That would’ve made my life much easier.


Tonsillectomies are relatively rare these days, compared with our childhoods. Great, now I have to go google it and find out why.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

“Boiled out of your head?” That would’ve made my life much easier.

I’m not sure about the exact mechanism, but when Christmas vacation started they were there, then there was this period of unbelievably painful sore throat – about a week – and then they were gone.


Great, now I have to go google it and find out why.

I say you ask Paul Campos.


Ok, I’m partly right and partly wrong. Tonsillectomies are not rare; they are the most common surgical procedure performed on children. Compared with the 50s they are rare – over a million per year were done back then, gradually declining through the 60s; these days they do about 600,000 of them per year. But there are a lot more kids, so who knows exactly how much less prevalent they are.

Thanks guys, for making me learn some more useless crap I have no need to know. The least I can do is share it with you.

Doctor Missus Marita

I say you ask Paul Campos.

Oh man, LGM is not safe anymore. The last thing I need is a cranky law prof yelling at me to get off their lawn.

(Hi again, Ann!)


I’m seeing some of the nutjobs now claiming Obama was born a girl, thus making it easy for him/her to hide his/her foreign birth.

How’s that supposed to work?


L. Frank Baum warned us of the anti-Ozma! Soon it will snow popcorn and rain lemonade! The end times are at hand! EXCLAMATION POINT!


L. Frank Baum warned us of the anti-Ozma! Soon it will snow popcorn and rain lemonade! The end times are at hand! EXCLAMATION POINT!

That’s not the end times, you fool, that’s the Big Rock Candy Mountain!


How come lycos didn’t become a verb?


The lycos? Weren’t they in Underworld?

Citizen Quasar Fan

How’s that supposed to work?

Plausibility is a drug! A crutch! Just let it go!!


The first rule of Eleusinian initiation rituals is Don’t talk about Eleusinian initiation rituals.


From the Team Sarah did obama bring swine flu to america? comments section:

There has been NOTHING that has not had a purpose since the Obamination took office. EXACTLY what this is for we will find out in next few days.

Praise Lord Soros! The beneficent Obama has restored purpose to all things!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The first rule of Eleusinian initiation rituals is Don’t talk about Eleusinian initiation rituals.

And the second rule is “Don’t bust the dicks off the Herms.”


How come lycos didn’t become a verb?

The werewolves objected.


I’m seeing some of the nutjobs now claiming Obama was born a girl,

If he was not born as a giant mutant radioactive beaver then I’m not interested, that’s how inured to scandal I’ve become.


There has been NOTHING that has not had a purpose since the Obamination took office. EXACTLY what this is for we will find out in next few days.

I long to live in this paradise in which people do stuff for reasons.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Just thought of the last one because I’ve been trying for 6 years to come up with a stupider action than invading Iraq undertaken by any supposedly organized government of any recognized polity, and I had to go back to the Athenian expedition to do it.


If he was not born as a giant mutant radioactive beaver then I’m not interested

We will never know, because the Hawaii does not disclose that information on its COLB.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Athenian expedition to Sicily of course.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

There has been NOTHING that has not had a purpose since the Obamination took office.

Horrors! Bush not only had no purpose, he took a third of every year off. Now that’s presidentin’.


Athenian expedition to Sicily of course.

Of course: nothing worse than Greek pizza, nothing better than Sicilian.


Soon it will snow popcorn and rain lemonade!

I like popcorn. And lemonade.

Hello, End Times!


If he was not born as a giant mutant radioactive beaver then I’m not interested, that’s how inured to scandal I’ve become.

A thirty-foot Rhodesian Blood Slug with the face of J. Edgar Hoover and an enormous iridescent tentacle-fringed phallus ain’t good enough for you?


If he was not born as a giant mutant radioactive beaver then I’m not interested

We will never know, because the Hawaii does not disclose that information on its COLB.

Certificate of Leviathan Beaver?

Citizen Quasar Fan

Obama seems to have worked out what he wants to do and how he plans to get there.




Just thought of the last one because I’ve been trying for 6 years to come up with a stupider action than invading Iraq undertaken by any supposedly organized government of any recognized polity, and I had to go back to the Athenian expedition to do it.


Giving myself a Blood nose

There has been NOTHING that has not had a purpose since the Obamination took office. EXACTLY what this is for we will find out in next few days.

The lack of evidence is very suspicious.


Andy McCarthy warned us but Kit Bond was too dumb to get it.

So… now they openly admit that the only quality that they insist upon in an Attorney General is someone who agrees not to enforce the law?

Shut up, that's who

OLBS for eighth grade, but just the one year. You?

The now defunct St. Hedwigs which is why I will never forget Poland even if I try. A couple of my good friends from SFP were from OLBS though.


Jennifer, wouldn’t “boomers” in the late ’50s have been at the prime age for tonsillectomies? If there were a million/yr. then, I’d have to guess that 600,000/yr. now is about the same per capita, unless there’s some sort of population bubble going on I’ve missed.

However, it’s not as if I’m going to research age group dist. over the decades.

Cardinal Richelieu

Way to go, Libbies! You Prezzy terrorized NYC with a low AF-1 flyby, just for a photo-op!!!






Is there anything he CAN”T do??????????

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

unless there’s some sort of population bubble going on I’ve missed.

I read someplace that there are more Millennials than there were Boomers – though I don’t know where that was.


Righteous Bubba said,

April 28, 2009 at 4:44

Totalitarians are sneaky and get elected and stuff.

Frickin’ lefties. Why can’t they be honest like right-wingers and have tanks mowing down women and children in the streets?1?!?


You Prezzy terrorized NYC

It’s a little late to start pretending you give a shit what happens to NYC.


Please add my name to the list of those who luuurve that artwork. Well-done, Gavin, sir. Well done indeed.

(I come here to have my hope for human intelligence restored, and always, always, I leave with said hope nicely, prettily, perfectly restored. And sometimes, if I can take the five hours required to laugh my way through the comments, it’s even built-upon, so I wind up with a net gain in my assessment of human intelligence. It’s like having a Valrhona chocolate soufflé for dessert, and just as the last bit is scraped from the dish, someone brings out a forty-year-old port; delicious followed unexpectedly by more delicious. Okay, stopping now before heads get swollen and jammed in doorways.)


Hay guys, algernon is smarter than me. Miss Kinnian says I can be a trole now.


From the Andy McCarthy link:

So my question is: What’s the deal? Did Holder promise, as Sen. Bond said he promised, that there would be no prosecutions of Bush officials? If he did, why are Republicans not screaming for Gonzales-style hearings on why Holder dared to mislead U.S. senators? If he didn’t, then (a) why did Sen. Bond say he did, and (b) why did Republicans vote to confirm him?

Why aren’t Republicans on the TV every day demanding that Holder explain why he might prosecute various Bush administration officials? Testify about Bush crimes NOW, MR. HOLDER!!!! But listen up, you can only address the Republicans’ narrow concerns at the these hearings we’re demanding (which we won’t have control over), you can’t bring up your reasoning for changing your mind, if in fact you have, and you definitely can’t discuss what you might have learned since you’ve been in office that might be relevant here.

This guy is dumber than Ann Althouse.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Hay guys, algernon is smarter than me. Miss Kinnian says I can be a trole now.

Oh yeah, reminds me of one of the classics.


Mike Hunt? Mike Hunt to the front desk, Ivan Bitertizov will meet you there.


more Millennials than there were Boomers

Gaaah!! Do people never learn? When does the madness stop?


If [Holder] didn’t [promise], then (a) why did Sen. Bond say he did, and (b) why did Republicans vote to confirm him?

Seems to me that a Democratic columnist might assert that Republican senators were corrupt to the point of demanding an illegal non-prosecution promise as a condition of employment, and blindly partisan, with issues of national interest apparently nowhere among their priorities.

That hypothetical columnist could then answer that list of rhetorical questions by suggesting that perhaps Holder did not mislead the senators, but merely took advantage of their stupidity to fob them off with ambiguous answers.

At any rate, it seems strange that a nominally Republican advocate is making these implied allegations of corruption and self-interest.

The Tragically Flip

Obama had a photo op and nobody died.

The Tragically Flip

No bombs had to drop for Obama’s photo op.

Giving myself a Blood nose

Oliver North … Clarence Thomas … Dick Cheney … Tom DeLay … George W. Bush … Sarah Palin. Have Americans stopped to think that these destroyed people

These people are hardly destroyed. Sandy Rios is not playing a full deck of cards.
Also, fuck a bloodless coup, what’s the fucking point?


Stronger re-wording of previous comment:
Andy McCarthy appears to take it for granted that the only priority of Republican senators in a confirmation hearing should be to shield ex-Bush policy makers and employees from any misdeeds they might have committed. It follows from his assumption that if an Attorney General allows the prosecution of ex-Bush policy makers and employees, then the shielding process must have broken down, which obviously must be Holder’s fault, for some kind of misconduct during the confirmation.
The only way a Republican could ever be prosecuted during a Democratic administration is if the AG used underhand Jedi mind-tricks to subvert the process designed to prevent such prosecution.

None of this seems a flattering portrayal of the people McCarthy is employed to apologise for.

Is that about it?


“Bloodless coup” tanks implies that the women and children mown down in the streets by tanks had already been SUCKED TO A HUSK BY VAMPIRES.


AND Vampires are all gay.
It all makes sense.


I am happy to volunteer for the gay vampire army that will be the vanguard of Obama’s revolution.


I am happy to volunteer for the Lycan auxiliaries, on the condition that Kate Beckinsale is involved.


Is there a cheerful sidekick option in the horde? Might there sammidges involved?


“We will use the term Mexican flu in order not to have to pronounce the word swine,” said Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman of the ultra-religious United Torah Judaism party.

When challenged by reporters, who pointed out, “But bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good,” Litzman responded, “A sewer rat could taste like pumpkin pie, but I’ll never know, ‘cuz I’m never gonna eat the filthy motherfucker.”


“We will use the term Mexican flu in order not to have to pronounce the word swine OH NO, now I’ve said it!” said Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman of the ultra-religious United Torah Judaism party before being pelted with fist-sized stones by a small group of suspiciously high-voiced Jews with obviously false beards.

“He said swine, he said swine,” shouted one of them, who was then subjected to a barrage of rocks.


Is there anything he CAN”T do??????????

Raise the dead.

That comes in his second term.


A great actor and president. I loved the line, “Well? WHERE’S THE REST OF ME??”

John in Bucharest

[Since this thread is almost dead now…] Hey guys, you know you’re really missing out on a LOT of fun with the whole Swine Flu thing. The Wingnuts have gone completely off the eep end with this one. For example:

Odds of Four Powerful Viruses Mutating into a Single Virus “Staggering”?

A few selected excerpts:

To my surprise, he named off in rapid succession the four viruses that that latest flu bug contained. I asked him how was it that he was so knowledgeable. He responded that he worked for a large pharmacuetical[sic] firm. I commented that it seemed odd that several viruses purportedly from different parts of the globe could combine like they did. He responded that the odds of that happening in nature were “astronomical”. … Is this biological warfare? Would it make sense to drop a virus bomb like this in a heavily populated third world country that would be ill equipped to handle it and would likely spread it to us? I’m not asking everyone to put on their tinfoil hats, but would appreciate any further information anyone might have to confirm or dispell[sic] this seemingly manufactured crisis.

And the comments are even funnier. A few of my favorites:

#5: Was the WMD bomb dropped by Obama and his minions on their recent trip to Mexico? Inquiring minds want to know . . .

#15: Go with your “gut” on this, truth cannot be known today, it cannot be found from the media nor any source except the good book. Our entire world at this point is a lie …

#18: Possibilities:

* Islamist terrorism: Possible but the flu would spread to their countries which are less prepared to do deal with it. So illogical at best.
* Chinese or Russian bio-warfare: Possible but they’d have to have a vaccine for it too, and they seem ill prepared for it.
* Obama terrorism: Let no crisis go to waste, but so far they are downplaying this. So unless they suddenly change tactics and find a way to expand government, it’s doubtful.
* Accidental terrorism: Possible, but I doubt Mexico would be engaged in such research, so why would it start in Mexico.
* Nature: I’m not sure I buy the argument that these four flu components are from different parts of the world. Since when has the flu ever been confined to part of the world? They may originate or be first identified in different parts of the world, but they could certainly reach Mexico and come together.

#36: Is a great rant but too long to reproduce here

#55: Would our future, would-be dictator want a Mexican connection if this virus was indeed a product of the Hussein laboratories? I doubt it. But then, arrogance like his knows no boundaries.

#80 Al-Qaeda cell killed by Black Death ‘was developing biological weapons’
An al-Qaeda cell killed by the Black Death may have been developing biological weapons when it was infected, it has been reported.
[long link]

Hmmm the Flu as bio-weapon???:

#88: This is a lab created virus. It used parts from strain from years ago in Ontario, Laos, Hong Kong. All of this genetic material exists in three places. The CDC, the US Air Force and US Navy labs. You can find the genetic history at the NIH web site. The chances of natural occurrence are about the same as getting shark bit while playing golf on top of a mountain being struck by lightening while at the same instant winning the lottery that you never bought a ticket for.

#93: Depending on the “who” of the lab. If this is Al-queda lab…yes, I would believe it will fizzle. And we may be seeing the fizzle in less virulence in the US.
If this is Venezuela, Iran…I still think fizzle.
China or Russia might be more stable. Think better military complex.
I think you get the idea, lab stable depends on the quality of the work.
Nature will burn it out on its own. A fast moving killer virus tends to burn out.

#120: Dr. Horowitz: Anglo-American Vaccine Industry Behind Swine Flu Outbreak


This unprecedented H1N1-H5N1 flu outbreak implicates the Ango-American Vaccine Pipeline, says world leading consumer health protector, Dr. Leonard Horowitz

Consider the skyrocketing stock values of Novavax, Inc., precipitated by dozens of alleged flu deaths in Mexico. Then investigate the leading Anglo-American network of genetic engineers manipulating, mutating, and distributing these viruses. The evidence compels you, for the benefit of public health and safety to seriously consider, even decree, a conspiracy to commit genocide, according to this Harvard trained expert in emerging diseases.

#123: This is definitely something that’s ebing considered by reasonable people. It’s not just a tinfoil-hatter question. The good news is that even it was engineered with intent to cause a catastatrophic epidemic, it failed outside the lab, since it has apparently quickly mutated into something much less harmful than what was seen at its apparent point of origin in Mexico. It may have been an experiment that proved the impracticality of this particular approach.

Oh dear…


I’m no longer certain where you are getting your information, but good topic. I must spend a while finding out more or working out more. Thanks for wonderful info I was looking for this information for my mission.


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