Here Comes The Warm Whitewater1
Shorter Some Previously Unnoticed Cob-Nobbler:2
CFO of Freddie Mac commits suicide… Can Anyone Say Vince Foster?
- The CFO of Freddie Mac blew his brains out with a rope in his basement or whatever. Oh boy! Oh boy! Obamurder coverup of Democrat financial sabotage [reaches for Jergens bottle] Whitewater, Whitewater, death rape cocaine Clinton terror Gestap-oooh! [reaches for wankerjack3]
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
1 Cf. Brian Eno, and if there’s a list someplace of overlooked Clinton double-entendres of the ’90s, it must be a short one, and that ‘Whitewater’ thing can now be crossed off it, thank God. A better title would have been FAP Ref. 41°N 93°W, but ‘better’ is one of those subjective things.
2 Cf. “Harsh Realm, Mr. Sulzberger”.
3 A small flag kept handy for personal hygiene. The term is a portmanteau of ‘wankerchief’ and ‘Union Jack’ that also suggests Cracker Jack and its guarantee to contain ‘a secret toy surprise.’ The song Take Me Out to the Ball Game gains great potential from it, with its well-known richness in terms such as ‘ball’ and ‘root,’ and the unresolved problem created by the homonymy between ‘peanuts’ and the formal term for the male apparatus. “Buy me some penis and crack, oh Jack” has never been more than a temporary patch, and its age has been apparent ever since tweakers replaced crackheads as the crazed drug fiends of first metaphorical resort.
Our phone keeps ringing, but we are simply overextended, wink-nudge, and can’t guarantee a consultation right away.
Please keep trying, and be prepared with your question.
Bungalow Bill asks:
Great minds think alike, and we are finding out more and more each day we can’t trust our government. Why shouldn’t we make these connections? They have a lot to hide, and it scares me sometimes thinking that I might be probing into something I shouldn’t be getting involved in as I write.
The Liberal Police State advises:
Sweetie, trim your nails and you’ll be fine.
Chicago Ray asks:
[T]his shit is already out of control as we go Back to the Future with all the Clinton players back in play again. They are following the script already written since Obama is nothing but a puppet and they’re pulling the strings.
The Liberal Police State advises:
Script or no script, strings or Wonder Woman’s magic lasso, those in the dominant role are responsible for honoring your limits — but YOU are responsible for setting those limits and expressing them clearly. Some stretching is normal and harmless, but “out of control” is your body’s way of telling you it’s time to take a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off from all the “play.”
ptg asks:
Can you picture Rahm Emanuel and Barney Frank pulling on Kellerman’s dangling legs?
The Liberal Police State advises:
Next time press 2, honey. This is advice, not spanky-in-the-hankie. But I’ll just say that Barney Frank pulling on a dangling thing is not something you’re likely to have trouble with, chez Frank — and take that as you may (as the whore said to the bishop). Emanuel? Well, pull the other one. That’s a triple-entendre, by the way, and I don’t recommend those for beginners or the unwary.
Let’s take our next…heh. Well, that’s all we have time for, loll, kuh-thixbay.
[Hanx! The Velvet Blog]
You’ll think it’s just some sort of coincidence that the poor CFO’s so-called “suicide” took place in Vienna, Virginia, which is mere minutes from downtown DC, where Hillary Clinton was testifying today???
I mean, two days ago Hillary was in the Caribbean for the Summit of the Americas so Obama could surrender to Hugo Chavez while picking up his cocaine shipment directly, and the CFO was alive; and now she’s in DC, and he’s dead.
Sure, there’s no connection whatsoever, libtards.
Oh dear sweet chocolate Islamofascistcommunistical Jeebus. The rightards are spiraling out of delusional control.
What, exactly, would the motive be? What would the Supreme IslamofacistAtheocommunist Obama gain from this death?
Mysteriously, the files vanished from the home of Paul Blart.
Oh God. I’ve already had to tell my nearest and dearest to StFu with the conspiracy bullshit. (not Obama, just evil forces who wanted him silenced. How about letting the guy get cold before you start that shit, huh?) Ahem. However, so far as these jacktards are concerned, I’d like to note that I predicted their attempts to make him into a martyr five seconds after this story broke.
You’d think that offing a minion of teh ebbil FreddieMac would make the off-er a hero, but why let logical consistency stop you from SCREAMING REAL LOUD.
No, no, no. Vienna is in Austria, which is where Hitler is from OMG OBAMA IS HITLER NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES!!
Oh, I see, they’ve come up with a “logical” rationalization – the vile murderous sleeper cells of Clintomania, having lain dormant since the mid-90’s has revived and is out to kill again!
Gee, wouldn’t you think they’d have been less eager to allow unitary powers to the president during the Bush years, if they’d known the undead would awake?
Oh, OK. It wasn’t Obama, it was Hillary. Now it makes sense–obviously, she was having an affair with the guy and was trying to cover it up. Or something.
I only read S,N! for the Wire references.
Teh Clenis did it! The Clenis is the root of all evil and responsible for all bad things everywhere at all times. The Clenis made the Obamacommunisticalfasciticmuslim bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia, make goo-goo eyes with Hugo Chavez, give Castro the terrorist fist bump, release the not really torture memos, and the collapse of the economy!
that’s it, the gig is up! Obama is a muppet in the hands of the “Clinton players”! well done, Holmes!
The last time I wasted 10 minutes joining all the dots, all I had was a lousy picture of an elephant, so you won’t catch me falling for that trick again.
Heh, he said “homonymy.”
You turn me round and round and round
Got me doing like I never did before
You take me upside down, bring me outside in
Got me going like I never came before
Just like Vince Foster
You said I was your private monkey
and you smiled when I tried to be funky
and I never knew the score
Just like Vince Foster
I just love how the classics never seem to go out of style.
Like a black cocktail dress. With spooge on it.
Ms California, Carrie Prejean, prefers in her own family and in her own teachings to believe in opposite naming, but it is good that we have the freedom to choose.
According to Huffpo. Fox News has filed an FOIA to get the full DHS report about rightwing extremists. They want to know who wrote what and how they did it.
I think Napolitano should by all means comply. Then what will Fox do when everything they’ve got their panties in a twist about pre-date January 20 and were written by Bushies?
This doesn’t even qualify for Whitewater status. This is more like a “Log Flume” level conspiracy.
This doesn’t even qualify for Whitewater status.
Ah, but you reckon without the deviousness of the Clintonistas. Hillary craftily deliberately lost the nomination so that she could secretly install her puppet, Obama. She then got herself appointed Secretary of State so that she could control everything he does and catapult the propaganda and advance the Protocols of Dogpatch.
Diamond Tiger speaks:
The banner alone is worth the visit.
I thought righties were more about emissions of Yellowater.
Well Obama and Co., courtesy of Mr. Chappaquiddick himself (Teddy Kennedy) just expanded another useless government program/boondoggle–“Americorps”. So now we can expand the army of useless liberal arts grads who will do “volunteer” work for a taxpayer funded check.
Serious question–is it REALLY “volunteering” if you get paid?
Maybe they should have called the bill they passed the Cooperative Community Corps Act (CCCP)*.
*I doubt anyone here will get the joke in that acronym.
Er, Cooperative Community Corps Program. Make fun of my typo if you want, but y’all are probably still too dense to get the “CCCP” joke.
Wouldn’t it be Goldwater, El Cid?
Jokes that small shouldn’t be up this late.
Gavin, you had me at portmanteau . . . Chicago Ray’s piece, on the other hand? All mimsy.
I’m not up on the latest right wing sexual perversions.
Golly gosh geewillickers there, Davy. I just cannot imagine what the fuck you are doing linking the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (CCCP in Cyrillic script) with a program designed to encourage young people to help out struggling communities. I guess if you are a self centered, totally amoral ratfucking Republican doing good seems like communism. Still don’t get the joke (sic), however.
Seriously, though.
Is anyone on here going to honestly argue that something is “volunteer” work when you get paid for it, especially on the taxpayer’s dime?
Don’t forget the backdoor mudslide. That is Jonah the Whale’s specialty.
I bet you had to google it!
Seriously, though.
Certainly, as soon as you say something not seriously deranged and stupid.
Dave’s not here, man!
I don’t trust that Bungalow Bill guy.
Hey, Bungalow Bill
What did you kill
Bungalow Bill?
Sorry Davy, but I grew up in the 50s and 60s and actually passed the third grade, unlike some of our trolls.
So you think it’s volunteer work, DrDick? Even when you’re getting paid to do it?
I was under the crazy, CRAZY delusion that the whole point of being a volunteer was doing something for free. I guess I need to brush up on the meaning of words in President ?????’s new HOPE ‘N CHANGE dictionary.
Dave is boring. Somebody crank up the Air Loom.
Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye.
You know, there was another charismatic leader who had a “national service” program full of young people being paid by the government to do “volunteer work” in their community.
It was in Germany I believe. Sometime in the last Century…someone help me out here…
Damn! Our trolls are going downhill rapidly. This one makes old Troofie look like Einstein. Time to hit the killfile when they get this boring.
What’s your position on cockfighting?
Look Dave, I can see you’re really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.
Me, me! It was me! I’m sure I mentioned it in my Berlin speech!
Sorry about the Divine Comedy misquote.
wh ssihin e t////
What does cockfighting have to do with this?
Notice DrDick still couldn’t tell me whether it’s really volunteering if you get paid.
This is America! We do not fucking torture!
Is anyone on here going to honestly argue?
No, this is abuse, you fucking cretin. You want an argument, it’s down the hall. See the door marked CCCP? Go right through there. And watch that first step.
Notice that DrDick said you are a pointless idiot and that your question is absolutely meaningless and stupid. The proper word is not “couldn’t”, it is “wouldn’t.” I am now hitting the killfile since you are such a boring little troll.
To everyone on this blog:
I understand your embarrassment because you voted for “change” and find yourself faced with the extremes of an administration who either keeps the same policies that Bush had or chooses to socialize a portion of American business. It must be difficult to not bitch about the things you used to bitch about when Bush was doing them (Unless you are a typical liberal loser who cares little about their own hypocrisy).
Many wise men tried to tell you kids this stuff would happen (but you would not listen).
Don’t be too ashamed of yourself, assuming you have any integrity, you will get an opportunity to redeem yourself in four years after you have grown up a bit.
He certainly is an open-minded Cob-Nobbler:
No lib propagandists, Obama supporters or abusive trolls tolerated, so don’t waste you’re time or especially mine. All others welcome to have your say..
Wingnuts tend to have the ugliest web sites and Ray Fellito’s is no exception. What’s funny is his business is graphic and web design.
Chicagoray’s Graphic Solutions Ltd.
How is this guy getting any business?
The banner alone is worth the visit.
Fuckin’ “Logistics Monster” with some kind of weird-ass angel-Elric-Nazgul thing going on in the background?
SHEEEE-YIT. I read real honest-to-gog D&D blogs, and even THEY aren’t as over the top as that.
chooses to socialize a portion of American business
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Cue harp music as everything on screen suddenly becomes wavy, and we fade into a dream sequence…
BTW – why does the guy in the picture up there look like Tim Curry?
Chicagoray’s Graphic Solutions Ltd.
Maybe he liquefies art?
Chicagoray’s Graphic Solutions Ltd.
Maybe he liquefies art?
Remember – if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.
Fellito? Is there a joke in there somewhere? Or a teabag?
Plus, Ray’s blogging from the moderately moneyed and thoroughly white Buffalo Grove, which makes him as “Chicago”Ray as Gov.Palin is RussiaSarah.I mean, right? C’mon!
Are Palin jokes worm food these days?
Be careful not to spill the Chagall.
The important thing for everyone to remember is that volunteers are COMMIES.
And a CCCP acronym is guaranteed Comedy Gold. If that commie Tina Fey would drop more CCCP jokes, she’d finally get to be famous.
What’s the difference between Obama and Blago?
About six months!
Ray’s blogging from the moderately moneyed and thoroughly white Buffalo Grove, which makes him as “Chicago”Ray
All those lily white, scared of brown people suburbanites want to claim the street cred of “living in Chicago,” but almost never actually enter the city. FWIW I spent 12 years living 5 blocks from Wrigley Field.
You know who was witty? Sarah Palin. The libtards laughed at her, too, and look how that turned out.
You know who was witty? Sarah Palin.
Not to be technical, but really more halfwitty. Which is why we laughed at her. Dave on the other hand is just boring.
@ DrDick:
As ridiculous as our latest troll’s accusation that you had to Google “CCCP” is…would Google really conflate three “esses” and an “er” with three “sees” and a “pee?”
Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick! No wonder it’s so easy to keep the American public in ignorance!
Dave is boring. Somebody crank up the Air Loom.
The Air Loom isn’t working – we ran out of gaz from the anus of the horse.
O, S N-D!
So how come we’re not pulling out of Iraq soon like Obama promised?
Try not to let your outrage and obvious embarassment and/or shame and being lied to by a Chicago thug distort the honesty of your answer, children.
In four years, you can up for your youthful idiocy.
So how come we’re not pulling out of Iraq soon like Obama promised?
Try not to let your outrage and obvious embarassment and/or shame and being lied to by a Chicago thug distort the honesty of your answer, children.
In four years, you can up for your youthful idiocy.
By then, you might not even be living in your parents basement and be off of food stamps!
If Palin hadn’t had the concentrating effect of being a few percentage points and a heartbeat away from the presidency, we would have found her boring, too.
As ridiculous as our latest troll’s accusation that you had to Google “CCCP” is…would Google really conflate three “esses” and an “er” with three “sees” and a “pee?”
Have no idea, since that isn’t even remotely obscure knowledge for anyone of my generation, except perhaps to the brain damaged rightards.
O, S N-D!
Wow – I had that book when I was a kid. Thanks for the reminder!
So how come we’re not pulling out of Iraq soon like Obama promised?
Try not to let your outrage and obvious embarassment and/or shame and being lied to by a Chicago thug distort the honesty of your answer, children.
In four years, you can up for your youthful idiocy.
By then, you might not even be living in your parents basement and be off of food stamps!
The third result for CCCP on google is the wikipedia entry for “Soviet Union”, dumbass.
There’s a good chance you won’t be laughing at Palin in November, 2012! You’ll probably be crying instead.
As ridiculous as our latest troll’s accusation that you had to Google “CCCP” is…would Google really conflate three “esses” and an “er” with three “sees” and a “pee?”
Have no idea, since that isn’t even remotely obscure knowledge to anyone of my generation, except maybe a few brain damaged rightards.
(If this double posts, it is because the farking comments eated my first post).
I squatted at Pine Grove and Addison for 5 years, my brother.
What’s the difference between Obama and Blago?
One is a president of the United States and the other used to be the governor of Illinois! It’s hilarious, libs!
You may not be laughing at Palin come November 2012!
Be careful not to spill the Chagall.
I can drink Chagall under the table! I have expensive tastes, and no chairs.
I spent 5 years at lovely Pine Grove/Addison area, my brother.
Dave? Dave’s in killfile, man.
We’ll see who’s laughing the morning of November 7th, 2012!
I initially read the Chicago Ray post title as “can anyone say Vince Offer” and I was wondering when he moved from prostitutes to CFOs.
I was under the crazy, CRAZY delusion that the whole point of being a volunteer was doing something for free.
You mean like the volunteer Army?
No you twit, the whole point of being a volunteer is that you willingly take on a commitment that benefits a cause, for compensation lower than the market value of the skills you possess, because you believe in supporting the cause.
I am shocked to hear that our boring parody troll is still boring.
Shocked I tell you!
I still love the fact that the top Google search hit on “CCCP” is the Combined Community Codec Pack
I am shocked to hear that our boring parody troll is still boring.
I think it is a parody of a parody troll. That is the only way to achieve that level of stupid and boring.
huh. And here I thought I was the only one to ever have read “C D B” when I was younger.
And here I thought I was the only one to ever have read “C D B” when I was younger.
I had a copy, though I’d forgotten all about the book for years until this thread wandered along – thanks, J-!
I always found the illustrations sort of threatening when I was about 5 years old. Dunno why.
…are other people’s comments getting eaten too? More than usual, I mean?
Hey ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®©–
I clicked on the link in your name, and 2002 called. It wants it’s web design back.
Pere Ubu said,
April 23, 2009 at 3:23
BTW – why does the guy in the picture up there look like Tim Curry?
He’s not much of a man.
Giant Gay Repellent Umbrella parodies that stupid video
love the line above his comments box:
“No lib propagandists, Obama supporters or abusive trolls tolerated, so don’t waste you’re time or especially mine. All others welcome to have your say..”
a real open forum……
He’s not much of a man.
By the light of day…
He’s not much of a man.
By the light of day…
…but by night he’s one hell of a nutter!
Wingnuts tend to have the ugliest web sites and Ray Fellito’s is no exception. What’s funny is his business is graphic and web design.
What is that all about? The majority of wingnut websites are a blinking, oddly coloured mess. Its not just the layout, there is usually strange looking adverts, lots of Coulter pics staring straight out at you, and very long lists of ‘sites they link too’. The worst one is Pammycakes, would send even a mild epileptic into a fit.
And the sad thing is, its not too difficult to build a nice website, if you have common sense & a little style…. oh, there’s where they are slipping up….
For what it’s worth, here in Soviet Australiastan, my Dad actually did National Service when he were a lad. He served in the navy, and while he didn’t ‘see any action’ (for which I’m duly grateful) he did learn the skills, participate in the defence of his country (by floating around in seas which often rendered the deck of the ship almost vertical, from the pics he’s got), and learnt something about public service.
He also, whether as a result of National Service, the ethos of the time, or simply being a better-than-average human, maintained throughout his life that passion for contribution to the community. So far, in addition to the National Service thing, he’s been an active member of the church (back before he was allowed to say that he thought religion was bollocks) by organising various functions and coaching the boys basketball team; been involved in 2 swimming clubs for about 15 years, including being President of one and single-handedly creating the other; been a member of Sea Rescue for at least 8 years, which included going out on weeny boats and fishing drunken idiots out of the ocean as well as doing the training and completely re-writing the training course; and now he’s a member of one of those service organisations like Rotary (but not as stuffed-shirty).
So yeah, life here in National Socialest Serviceland has ruined his life and led to great oppression nationwide.
Oh, FWIW to anyone who cares, while I’m still suffering from a grab bag of withdrawal symptoms, I haven’t had a brain shiver for at least 5 days, so I consider myself a lucky little sausage.
I haven’t had a brain shiver for at least 5 days, so I consider myself a lucky little sausage.
Awesome. Hope they stay away.
And your dad sounds like a mensch.
Congrats, Just Alison.
P.S. Here’s a billboard sign my family used to drive past back when I was little.
That was a long time ago. I bet it’s still there. “South of the Border” = boundary between North and South Carolina on I-95. Sheer slapstick!
“South of the Border”
It has always astonished me that people were so proud of having visited a semi-racist tourist trap that they bought and used bumper stickers shilling for it. What ever happened to (purely manly, car-oriented) pride?
Just Alison, this might be of interest to you.
shoot, the link didn’t work
Alison –
As a former Prozac user, I sympathize (never got the kind of symptoms you’re describing, but had a general lower quality of life for the ten+ years I was taking. Much better off without that shit, for sure).
Thanks, folks. And Xecky, my dad’s a legend.
Lesley, I’m already doing the fish oil thayng – if I weren’t scarfing that and some other vitaminny supplements, I’d never have been able to come off the wretched things in the first place (two damn years ago, I started cutting down).
And thunder, that sign’s tres impressive. I don’t recall seeing anything quite so loud in my life, even with Australia’s fondness for Big Things. Although, to be fair, we did have a series of stamps released with a few Big Things on.
…for compensation lower than the market value of the skills you possess…
Oh, please. Dave knows perfectly well that’s impossible. For him.
J— said,
April 23, 2009 at 3:06
What’s your position on cockfighting?
Back straight and leaning slightly to the right. Why do you ask J.
“Bungalow Bill asks:
Great minds think alike…”
Mediocre minds (or worse) also think alike.
Just sayin, Bill.
Hey just a heads up, I wanted to let everyone know that Xio Dibin speaks English. I hope I posted in the right location?
Don’t be too ashamed of yourself, assuming you have any integrity, you will get an opportunity to redeem yourself in four years after you have grown up a bit.
Troofus returns! Bookmark it!
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
That was a long time ago. I bet it’s still there
Oh it is. At least it was as of last summer when I drove from Florida to Baltimore and back.
I really grew to hate those billboards.
Am now waiting for PUMAs to claim that Chicago Ray is actually a secret Obama agent intent on shifting blame for Kellerman’s murder on Saint Hillary.
Duelling crazies!
nice title gavin. my company AND my blog are after an eno album from teh same period. of total fucking genius.
Good news, Just Alison.
Just Alison: Good for you. I briefly tried to discontinue Paxil a few years ago but finally had to go back on the damn stuff just to make the symptoms stop. I still feel like I’m experiencing some of them to this day. I think I’ll have to be a paroxetine user for life.
Are you substituting another antidepressant while you’re discontinuing this one? That’s what worries me: Switching one for another, what’s the point? Or getting off altogether, then the depression is back. I’d ask my doctor but she’s a quack. I know more about these meds than she does, it seems.
Oh Godz… I used to work for the graphics company who made that place’s wretched bumper stickers. It was our biggest client, and the runs took days at a time. But I still remember the satisfaction with which I labeled every boxfull “S.O.B.”.
They are following the script already written since Obama is nothing but a puppet and they’re pulling the strings.
So Clinton ran against her puppet…and LOST?!?!?
I used to work for the graphics company who made that place’s wretched bumper stickers
At last. Someone to blame…
Johhny Pez, as you’re probably aware the PUMAs are all at each other’s throats over accusations of anti-semitism and who knows what else now so they might be too busy to dig into this story. Right now we’re free to hack online contests and publicly grope cardboard Hillary Clinton’s to our black Obot hearts’ contents without any repercussions.
J— said,
April 23, 2009 at 3:06
What’s your position on cockfighting?
Back straight and leaning slightly to the right. Why do you ask J.
I’m glad you didn’t mention the upstroke.
so, from 2001-2009 we had a Republican President and DOJ, AND from 1995-2001 and 2003-2007* a republican Congress, and yet no republican in power thought to investigate all those “Clinton murders” once and for all? None of those countless Special Prosecutors ever managed to find proof that the Clintons were Murder Incorporated 2.0? ooooh-kay, sure, whatever (backs away slowly…)
*The Senate was tied briefly and then under nominal Democratic control from 2001-2003
Why are these Clintonistas always killing the wrong people. I can give them a nice long list of people to get rid of.
Gavin, I definitely agree: keep up the Eno and Wire references.
What, was there another topic here?
You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Just wait until one of the big-time wingnuts gets the “TERMINATE NOW” bulletin from the little voice in their head / runs out of Thorazine / gets cut off by their dealer / learns about their impending outing as a pedo or a thief – & decides to chug down some Shotgun Mouthwash (Beck is the obvious top contender, but can anyone say with a straight face they’d be shocked if Limbaugh, Coulter, Malkin, etc. suddenly punched their ticket? Srsly? With a Colored Black Negro as POTUS?) … talk about Peak Wingnut – it’ll make the online Vince Foster necro-orgy look like a philatelists’ price-catalog.
The sound of self-pity as expressed by the author of a partially written space western. Reminds me of listening to Sean Hannity channelling Braveheart by way of Mel Gibson.
I wonder what Braveheart would have done to those Ron Paul enthusiasts who chased Hannity through the streets, Hannity allowing a young woman to put her body between himself and the enthused Ron Paulies.
At least Braveheart probably could have run faster. But I tend to think he might have done something with a club or a sword.
ZOMG! A Wire (the band) reference!
I can die happy.
Shorter AllTrolz:
You voted for change but Obama is exactly the same a Bush. Bush was the best president ever (not counting the great and wonderful Reagan) so Obama by being exactly the same as Bush is the worst president ever (not counting the Clenis).
<a href