Can wingnuttery be cured?

I observed many years ago that Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs fame used to be a decent, if somewhat paranoid, dude who was driven stark raving crazy by 9/11.
Ever since the election of Obama, however, Chaz has suddenly realized that a lot of the people he’s been hanging out with for the past eight years are pretty damn crazy. David Weigel reports:
Johnson has blasted Fox News host Glenn Beck, promoting a video from a Beck-inspired party that shows conservatives ranting about evolution and arguing that “this turn toward the extreme right on the part of Fox News is troubling, and will achieve nothing in the long run except further marginalization of the GOP.”
I’m not sure that Fox News has really “turned toward” right-wing extremism. A more accurate description might be that Fox’s right-wing extremism has intensified over the years to the point where even people such as Charles Johnson start to take notice. But really, anyone who has watched Fox for the last decade knows that it’s been the epicenter of bringing extreme right-wing ideas into mainstream discourse.
Johnson supported Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008, but he spent some of the campaign attacking anti-Obama conspiracy theorists, and he rejected the idea that Obama’s designs were malicious, rather than merely naive. Johnson worries, in conversation and on his blog, that his old allies have been duped by far-right European political parties and have bought into wild attacks on the president that discredit their own causes.
“I don’t think there is an anti-jihadist movement anymore,” Johnson said. “It’s all a bunch of kooks. I’ve watch some people who I thought were reputable, and who I trusted, hook up with racists and Nazis. I see a lot of them promoting stories and causes that I think are completely nuts.”
Noooooooooooooooooooo! What tipped it off? Was it Iron Fist’s fantasies of nuclear genocide? Was it your readers’ iron-clad belief that a crescent-shaped memorial to Flight 93 was really a secret plot to pay tribute to radical Islam? I don’t see how any of these not-at-all-crazy ideas could possibly change your opinion about anything.
The best part comes at the end, where the two LARPers from Gates of Vienna talk about how hard it is being an outright bigot in today’s atmosphere of political correctness (emphasis mine):
Johnson’s former allies can pinpoint the month, if not the moment, when he started to turn on them. In October 2007, some of the leading terrorism-focused conservative bloggers flew to Belgium for aCounterjihad Summit sponsored in part by the Center for Vigilant Freedom (now the International Civil Liberties Alliance), an outgrowth of the LGF-inspired blog Gates of Vienna.
“He chose to portray the Brussels Conference as evil and he unconscionably slandered the people who attended,” said Dymphna, one of the editors of Gates of Vienna. Baron Bodissey, the other site editor (both editors use pen names), worries that Johnson “did serious damage to the American blogosphere’s view of European nationalists who oppose the EU, even those who have no anti-Semitic tendencies.”
Yeah, you know, it was bad enough when he was just smearing the anti-Semites…
It’s good to remember that back in the early and middle parts of this decade, crazy shit like this ran rampant throughout our mainstream discourse. The fact that Charles Johnson now recognizes it as deranged is symbolic of… something.
Gavin adds: Did somebody say ‘deranged’?
Atlas Shrugs:
Little Green Footballs Charles Johnson Guilty! Neo-nazi Tactics
- I did nothing but promote a video of folks supporting troops, and Charles Johnson has slanderously accused the video of being a British National Party anti-Muslim rally — for it is he who is made of racist accuse-me footage Hitlers. UPDATE: LOL! Look at the hippie fruitcakes protesting the National Front!
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
I’m sure we all have the same song in our heads right now…of course, if we don’t…
Anyway. Back to the original point:
My answer is Meh. Good on Chuckles that he’s stepped back from the ledge, I guess, but in the grand scheme of things I can do without him. If certain events in the past Changed Everything, I see no reason why something else can’t pop up that would do the same.
His pre-9/11 blogging was noxious in its own way, anyway.
Look at John Dean. He was Nixon’t right-hand man, but he found his way to the light. That being said, it’s probabaly about as common, and as sincere, as gay “conversion” therapy success stories.
Can wingnuttery be cured?
Perhaps, but the end result won’t be pretty: Alex meets an old friend.
@D.N. Nation:
Come on, get it right.
It’s “You Are A Idiot.”
And frankly, I don’t know what it means that the wingnuts have gotten so wingnutty that Chazmo appears sane by comparison. I think it may be a sign that Ragnarok is nigh. God help us if Pam Atlas starts making sense.
“Baron Bodissey” is the perfect name for a teabagger.
Look at John Dean. He was Nixon’t right-hand man, but he found his way to the light.
This guy, too:
Not to mention:
God help us if Pam Atlas starts making sense.
Oh, come now, let’s not go off the deep end here.
a crescent-shaped memorial to Flight 93 was really a secret plot to pay tribute to radical Islam
It faces Mecca, people! Mecca! By ten or fifteen degrees, admittedly, well not really after all but it’s in that general direction and it has a rectangular thingie in it that’s the Satanic altar and trees where the star should be and it’s RED and all kindsa stuff!
So Baron Bottyjelly is saying he’s willing to hang out with anti-Semites as long as they’re also anti-EU? Wow. Hypocrisy thy name is “Gates of Vienna Sausage”.
Don’t forget our friend Lex and her sterling work in covering the hilarious and pathetic civil war between the normal right-wing Muslim haters and the psycho tinfoil-behatted right-wing Muslim haters.
Can someone please put their foot on the throat of wingnuttery so we can shoot it in the head?
I would advise caution when it comes to anyone who’s “reformed” in any sense, political or otherwise. I generally don’t trust them.
My irony meter just exploded.
Johnson is just reverting to his pre-9/11 moonbattery.
I guess I should have never trusted a guy who needs to see two hijacked planes ramming into skyscrapers before he “gets it” about Radical Islam.
Yes, I believe wingnuttery can be cured. As mentioned above, there’s David Brock. He was a sordid and obnoxious little toad and as slimy a rightwing smear merchant as they come. Not only does his come-to-Jeezus moment seems to have been genuine and long-lasting, but he’s been doing superb work with “Media Matters” to boot.
So, yes. But just to wake up in a pool of his own vomit one too many times won’t be sufficient; the wingnut has to really want to change.
Pretty funny to read the comments to Chucky’s blast at Beck. The lizards, ever-sycophantic, are all like “yeah, that Beck guy sucks! I never liked him either!” Right.
[Link to LGF through the Wash. Independent page and you don’t get the “You Are A Idiot” thingy]
Stop the ICLA!
The final sentence from the Washington Independent link:
“I’ve definitely seen an uptick in craziness since the election,” he sighs. “Well, I don’t know if Geller got crazier. She always was nuts.”
Sounds lucid to me.
International Civil Liberties Alliance
They decided “International Civil Liberties For Everyone Who’s Not A Dirty Terrorist Hadji Raghead Alliance” was a bit too long for the letterhead.
…two hijacked planes ramming into skyscrapers…
That image still gets you a little hard, doesn’t it?
I lol’d.
“That image still gets you a little hard, doesn’t it?”
No, but your mom sure does!
There is no functional difference between me and a non-parody troll.
Abrupt change of subject.
Easily refuted right-wing talking point.
Cartoonishly obtuse display of reading comprehension.
“Well, I don’t know if Geller got crazier. She always was nuts.”
Has she done any more drunken video blogs from people’s bathrooms?
This is only sorta on-topic but I have always wondered why converts seem to expect their credibility is enhanced by the mere fact of the conversion. “I used to be a conservative but now I’m a liberal!” The “…so, you should listen to me.” is implied. I don’t get it. It’s like premising a statement with, “I have been known to be an idiot but now….”
The only difference between myself and a madman is that I am not mad
a guy who needs to see two hijacked planes ramming into skyscrapers before he “gets it” about Radical Islam
Funny, and yet back when “Women in Black” were telling everyone how awful the Taliban was pre-9/11 it was assclowns like you who dismissed them as whiny women and said Clinton was bombing Afghanistan just to distract from Monicagate.
Fuck off, you!
What kind of person muses that using “Baron Bodissey” as their “name of pen” lends credibility and gravitas to their writings ?
I think it’s time to re-watch that Triumph the Insult Comic Dog’s visit to the Star Trek movie premier clip.
Johnson and AJ Strata said the DHS report wasn’t a big deal. They got dogpiled for it.
Maybe Mr. Johnson can go have a chat with John Cole over at Balloon Juice. They could start a support group.
What do we fear the most? Not death, not disease, but things like speaking in front of a large group … & change. Those who confront those terrors & prevail are truly heroic.
The answer is right here on the same page: one of the links on your blogroll is Balloon Juice … what strikes me about both Mr. Cole & John Dean is that it seems like they had to figure it out for themselves.
The inner voice doesn’t come with a MUTE button … much like no number of well-meaning people hinting that heroin isn’t a nutrient will ever have half the motivational throw-weight that waking up in a pool of one’s own piss & immediately hunting for an intact vein does, in terms of getting undeniably clued in to just how far one has descended into Uglytown.
Ironically, the best cure for an individual’s wingnuttery is the extremism of other wingnuts. The neocons’ worst foes aren’t Ayers, Wright or Obama – they’re Beck, Malkin, Atlas, et al … if these bloviating knobs understood how many people they’ve already converted to liberalism, they’d take a life-long vow of silence – if only the money weren’t so damn good.
Well, I don’t know about Charles Johnson, but Meghan McCain says there’s a coming “Civil War” in the GOP.
I’m not sure if she meant ideologically, or if she just means they plan to dress up in Confederate uniforms and march around talking like General Beauregard.
I’m not sure if she meant ideologically, or if she just means they plan to dress up in Confederate uniforms and march around talking like General Beauregard.
I’m sure it’ll look more like that “Three Stooges” film where they were pretending to be Confederate generals.
As mentioned above, there’s David Brock.
As I recall, Brock was summarily drummed out of the right wing because he’s gay and finally came to the mutual understanding that, no matter how much he kowtowed to them, he was never going to be accepted as a full partner.
I welcome his work (along with Huffington) but I would still want to cut the cards when it comes to our political future.
Don’t forget our friend Lex and her sterling work in covering the hilarious and pathetic civil war between the normal right-wing Muslim haters and the psycho tinfoil-behatted right-wing Muslim haters.
Do you mean don’t forget that she herself used to suffer from some form of wingnuttery? She did but she was never frothing at the mouth crazy, nasty and bloodthirsty like Pam Atlas. In fact she was always pretty nice so her conversion wasn’t such a big surprise.
I’m actually fairly surprised Johnson is ending up on the left side of the right-wing schism. He always seemed to be around the same political place as Malkin. I suspect it’s partly because of his social liberalism and because of his more direct exposure to the neo-nazis and phalangists in the ‘counterjihad’ movement.
Chuckles made common cause with white supremacist lunatics like Gates of Vienna, Jihad Watch, Pam Geller, etc. The way they’ve turned against each other reminds me of an old saw about he who lies down with dogs.
an old saw about he who lies down with dogs
That would be “he who lies down with dogs gets served cat poop for breakfast”, right?
Johnson and AJ Strata said the DHS report wasn’t a big deal. They got dogpiled for it.
Didn’t K-PAX (Kathleen Parker) have a similar conversion after getting her ass handed to her when speaking about the GOP chances in this past election?
Johnson and AJ Strata said the DHS report wasn’t a big deal. They got dogpiled for it.
I kinda feel for him here. A couple of years ago when the Bush administration issued an Executive Order about freezing assets of people who aided terrorists, a lot of liberal bloggers – including many who should have known better, like David Neiwert – pitched violent fits about how it would silence them. I tried repeatedly to explain that, by its language, there was no way in hell the EO would be used against them but to no avail. It was all ZOMG THE END OF THE WORLD!!! kind of like it is now with the righties and the DHS report.
As I recall, Brock was summarily drummed out of the right wing because he’s gay and finally came to the mutual understanding that, no matter how much he kowtowed to them, he was never going to be accepted as a full partner.
Which brings up the question: when do the Log Cabin Republicans (not to mention our pals, the Gay Wicked Patriot of the East and the Gay Wicked Patriot of the West) wake up and smell the…uh, coffee?
OK, see, there’s dumb and dumberer…
Wingnuttery can be cured in some cases. The bloke who writes the blog “balloon juice” used to be quite wingnutty didn’t he? and he had a complete turn around.
The trouble for the 9/11 wingnuts, is they have been left behind now. Forget 9/11 and the muslims, its all about Nobama and teabagging, and all that rubbish. It isn’t about the xenophobia, the penile compensation of war and the imperialism anymore, it’s about the domestic racism, the randroidism, and teabags.
I think if somebody wasn’t a wingnut before 9/11, they arn’t really a proper wingnut. Proper wingnuts go along with any reactionary bullshit that is popular at the time. 9/11 made a lot of people scared shitless of brown people, and it made a lot of people suck GWBs dick too. Now, Dubya is gone, and jihad paranoia is out of fashion. Those people are either going to calm down a bit, or go back to yelling at the kids on their lawn, or possibly buy into the NEW right wing bullshit.
Johnson obviously finds the new bullshit still has too sharp a smell, so he is going to stick with the old, well rotted stuff, even if nobody else thinks it is fertile anymore.
Can wingnuttery be cured?
I am reminded of the infamous phrase, “We had to destroy the villlage in order to save it.” So you can probably figure out how I would answer the question.
I’m just thinking here…
You know how the right wing is always touting their “De-Gaying” processes, like there was some sort of air freshener you could buy that would turn your gay son or lesbian daughter into some straight-as-an-arrow cop or soldier?
Well, what if we on the left started marketing a “De-Nutter” of some sort.
And before you go for the obvious pun, yes, castration could be involved.
I will say this, in my first few years of college I was a bargain basement wingnut. I even had an account on LGF. I read the blog along with Instapundit every day.
Now, I read and post on Sadly, no!
Poor Joshua is obviously a product of one of those vile, communist/fascist/environmentalist liberal universities. They poisoned his mind, poor dear…
I think one notices Instapundit more than he actually reads it.
Well, what if we on the left started marketing a “De-Nutter” of some sort.
It’s delightful, it’s it’s delicious, it’s delectable, it’s delirious,
It’s dilemma, it’s de limit, it’s deluxe, it’s de-nutter.
I think one notices Instapundit more than he actually reads it.
Heh. Indeed.
Sorry, but somebody had to.
There’s a simple solution to prevent right-wingers from becoming radical: Don’t radicalize us.
Don’t do stupid, harmful things to our nation that will cause us to be radical.
We have no choice but to be radical when Obama and Congressional Democrats (and their enablers on the left) force their radical agenda on us (and generations to come, for that matter).
Does that line of reasoning sound ridiculous and inexcusable?
Hey, don’t get upset; I’m just taking a page from your own playbook.
How many of you lefties have suggested that 9/11 was a result of our foreign policy? That we radicalized those Muslims because of our “imperialistic hegemony” and support for the “racist, oppressive, Zionist regime” in Israel?
How many of you lefties claim that we “created more terrorists” by invading Afghanistan and Iraq, i.e. that it was OUR actions that forced them to commit “man-caused disasters” (to borrow the idiotic parlance of Obammy’s admin)?
Yep, I’m just using “lefty logic” (there’s an oxymoron if there ever was one) to excuse any current or future “radicalization” of right-wingers.
It was a clever trick, how the Democrats forced their radical agenda on everyone by getting voted into office with a clear majority.
It’s not an acceptable conversion (to me, anyway) until they say, “Oh, fuck, I was wrong and more importantly, you were right.” Until they make with the mea culpa, they’re still a wingnut.
Also, trying to track this train of thought.
1) Our actions are ridiculous, but
2) You did it first so that makes it OK.
Man, the trolls are really weak.
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. – Proverbs 26:5
I believe this was written as advice to troll feeders.
Uh huh. See, when wingnuts are freakin da fuk out over taxes!taxes!taxes! when a majority of them will be receiving a tax CUT, you don’t have any excuse. Sowwy.
Seeing how government reports, w/r/t Iraq, concluded just this point, I’m not sure you’re doing it right.
Dear Yippie:
Congressional Democrats (and their enablers on the left)
By “enablers” one presumes she means “voters.” It’s the first time I’ve seen a wingnut acknowledge (albeit indirectly) that liberals outnumber conservatives.
Man, the trolls are really weak.
They’re so weak, they’d probably shake hands with Chavez and bow to the Saudi king.
Thanks, I’ll be here all week. Or is that weak?
Don’t do stupid, harmful things to our nation that will cause us to be radical.
Sounds good to me, but, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, seeing as you already are
an assholea radical, you won’t mind if we simply ignore your concerns.Thank you.
Well, what if we on the left started marketing a “De-Nutter” of some sort.
Already been done.
Clozapine (Clozaril)
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Risperidone (Risperdal)
Quetiapine (Seroquel)
The premise that wingnuts have become radical just since Obama took office is hysterical by itself.
The fact is, the ‘Spos were robbed in ’94.
How many of you lefties have suggested that 9/11 was a result of our foreign policy? That we radicalized those Muslims because of our “imperialistic hegemony” and support for the “racist, oppressive, Zionist regime” in Israel?
Uh, that would be the conclusion of Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA’s Osama bin Laden unit, author of “Imperial Hubris” and “In Our Enemies Eyes,” lately on Fox News. Don’t you read, Yippee?
If radical rightists are the new al-Qaeda, I reckon they’ll insist we waterboard them repeatedly.
There’s a simple solution to prevent right-wingers from becoming radical: Don’t radicalize us.
Translation: Let us have our way 100% of the time and maybe, just maybe we won’t start picking you off with a sniper rifle from the roof of a building.
Clonopine. You forgot Clonopine
See, when wingnuts are freakin da fuk out over taxes!taxes!taxes! when a majority of them will be receiving a tax CUT, you don’t have any excuse.
I pointed this out to the teabaggers on our local fishwrapper’s website. Their response? Obama isn’t really giving them a tax cut because that extra money in their paychecks will be taxed next year.
Thus, in pursuit of lower taxes, wingnuts don’t want their taxes lowered.
Got it.
Don’t do stupid, harmful things to our nation that will cause us to be radical.
Like allow you to be in charge for 8 years?
I wonder if verschärfte Vernehmung would be effective.
Also, mister bigshot supposed “actor”, see the “etc.”
Thus, in pursuit of lower taxes, wingnuts don’t want their taxes lowered.
They’re thinking it’s a temporary tax cut – which only some sneaky traitor would do.
You know, like how Bush did the temporary tax cut as an accounting trick, and now Obama’s letting it lapse.
The premise that wingnuts have become radical just since Obama took office is hysterical by itself.
Well, I mean – when the majority of Americans go completely crackers and vote a you-know-what as President instead of a straight-up doughy old white guy, how can you blame them? I mean, not only is he all dark & stuff but he’s all Hitler McGoebbels Staliny!
(At least we have Bush a few months in office before comparing him to Hitler. Remember how your panties got in a wad about that, guys?)
Also, mister bigshot supposed “actor”, see the “etc.”
I thought that was short for Exctasy, my error.
“Etc. to see”….get it? HAHA! I crack me up…
Thus, in pursuit of lower taxes, wingnuts don’t want their taxes lowered.
Hey, these are people who believe cutting taxes increases government revenues.
Convenient. They get screwed by their overlords (coerced into protesting a tax cut), but rather than blame their overlords, they just change their “point” (loosely used, of course) to something they created out of whole cloth.
I think the message is really: “let Republicans be installed in every, single political office in the country. Then we won’t have to pretend that Democrats are doing things that make us radical.”
“have Bush” = “gave Bush”. I blame Mr. Radical Rightypants.
Proverbs 1:25-26– Since you ignored all my advice
and would not accept my rebuke,
I in turn will laugh at your disaster;
I will mock when calamity overtakes you
Now THAT’S a “Heh, indeed!”
Remember when the big fad was to go around stomping one’s feet and screaming, “respect the Office of the President and Your Commander in Chief, you stupid Dixie Chicks!” or whatever?
I think what they really meant was: “respect the Office of the President and Your Commander in Chief, when he’s a Republican, you stupid Dixie Chicks!” They forgot to say that one part out loud.
“respect the Office of the President and Your Commander in Chief, when he’s a White Republican, you stupid Dixie Chicks!” ”
FTFY I did
I find it hard to believe that anyone who makes “Rachel Corrie = pancake, hur hur” jokes ever qualified as “decent” by any stretch of the imagination.
Thank you Yoda. My mistake.
I think the fact that no one makes fun of Chuckles on a regular basis any longer is all we need to know about his “conversion” back to alleged reasonableness. He wants people to read his shitty blog again.
The Purple Sage opened his mouth and moved his tongue and so spake to them and he said:
The Earth quakes and the Heavens rattle; the beasts of nature flock together and the nations of men flock apart; volcanoes usher up heat while elsewhere water becomes ice and melts; and then on other days it just rains. Indeed do many things come to pass.
-Lord Omar Khayaam Ravenhurst, K.S.C., “The Book of Predications.” The Honest Book of Truth
Re: The Geller Update.
Two legs good! Four legs baaaaaaaaad!
Obama isn’t really giving them a tax cut because that extra money in their paychecks will be taxed next year.
Actually, all this increased spending is going to cause future presidents to increase taxes on our grandchildren, ya see. I believe this was central to Jonah Goldberg’s point.
Hooray for little known Bible verse quotation!
– Paul’s second letter to his Corinthian Lady-Boy Mistress.
But since she prick’d thee out for women’s pleasure,
Mine be thy love and thy love’s use their treasure
Wow. Paul was very open-minded!
I’m actually fairly surprised Johnson is ending up on the left side of the right-wing schism.
Hmmm… I would posit that Johnson, like the country, is “Center-Right”.
Well, what if we on the left started marketing a “De-Nutter” of some sort.
Sounds like a teabagging party gone horribly, horribly awry.
The emergence of a non-batshit-insane conservative movement is pretty refreshing, hopefully it’s an indication that the “Overton Window” is moving back to a reasonable position. Now, all we need is the emergence of a strong, pro-labor, pro-regulation liberal movement in teh korridorrs uv powah.
I think what they really meant was: “respect the Office of the President and Your Commander in Chief, when he’s
a Republicanwhite, you stupid Dixie Chicks!”Fzd.
There’s a simple solution to prevent right-wingers from becoming radical: Don’t radicalize us.
“Don’t make me hit you, baby.”
Okay, fine. I’ll hit CTL-R after I take the dog out and before I comment.
Can wingnuttery be curried? Why, of course, and how tasty was my little wingnut.
Truth be told, the last few times I’ve wandered over to lgf I was surprised by how toned down it has gotten. A little disappointing, really, going in for a fix of “how fucking crazy does it get” and coming back with a handful of weak tea wingnuttery. It just doesn’t have the entertainment value without the full histrionics.
Yeah, while saying “OMG! We can’t let the nutters define us!” is all well and fine, if a few decades late, the SOB still votes with them, and until their party purges or at the very least acceptably marginalizes said nutters, IMHFO there still are no reasonable Republicans.
This is so true, and also demonstrates how off their rockers the wingnuts are. If they think Obama is to the left, how “radical” would a real liberal “make” them? Peak wingnut would finally be reached.
If there is to be a winger civil war, will tickets be pre-sold on a website or do we all have to get in line at Ticketmaster?
Er, that should have read, “If they think Obama is to the left of Marx…”
Obama isn’t really giving them a tax cut because that extra money in their paychecks will be taxed next year.
They must be relatives of the ballplayer who was delighted that Mr. Wrigley was paying him the annual salary he wanted, only it was being spread out over two years to avoid tax liabilities.
If there is to be a winger civil war, will tickets be pre-sold on a website or do we all have to get in line at Ticketmaster?
I’m hoping it will be like a Dead concert so I can wander around outside before the show holding up one finger in the air.
And it ain’t gonna be my pointer.
Lie down with fReichtards, wake up with Stormfront.
I’m hoping for Pay-Per-View.
Works fine as-was. Obama is very much a Centrist, and not terribly Left at all. A bit too much so for my tastes, really, but “baby steps” I suppose.
Wow, Pam Geller and I agree on something: Night is a good book that people should read.
HAHAHAH hoohoohoohahahaha
I hadn’t peeked at the Shrieking Harpy’s…shrieks in a while. I do believe she’s gone even further into bizarroworld and I didn’t think it was possible. Obama’s administration is already a success!
Lie down with fReichtards, wake up with Stormfront.
Truer words have never been written.
I think what finally brought Johnson back to sanity was the dropoff in invitations to polite parties.
Do you like boobs a lot?
That link on the update goes to the main Atlas page, so I had to scroll down, where I discovered:
Also, a Klaus Barbie. Also.
I do believe she’s gone even further into bizarroworld
I’m waiting for the Sunset Boulevard moment…we can cast Chuck as Joe Gillis.
I think what finally brought Johnson back to sanity was the dropoff in invitations to polite parties and an increase in invitations to cross burnings.
Do you like boobs a lot?
Do you like boobs a lot?
I’m very interested in your blog and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Do you like boobs a lot?
The Fug(s) I do!
Of course I like boobs-a-lot…
I like big
I like big
I like big boobs and I cannot lie
Big boobs and I cannot lie
Big boobs and I cannot
Boobs and I cannot
Boobs, boobs, boobs, boobs,
boobs and I cannot lie
I like em round and big
I like em round and big
I like em round and big
I like em round and big
Kudos for the reference, RB.
What’s the deal with that new Burger King commercial with Sir Mix-A-Lot? “I like square butts”? WTF?
Spongebob Squarepants tie-in.
Do you like boobs a lot?
(Yes, I like boobs a lot.)
Boobs a lot, boobs a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
Really like boobs a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
Boobs a lot, boobs a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
Down in the locker room,
Just three boys,
Beatin’ down the locker room
With all that noise,
Singin’ do you like boobs a lot?
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
Boobs a lot, boobs a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
Do you wear your jock a lot?
(Yes, I wear my jock a lot.)
Got to wear your jock a lot.
(Got to wear your jock a lot.)
Jock a lot, jock a lot.
(You gotta wear your jock a lot.)
Got to wear your jock a lot.
(You gotta wear your jock a lot.)
Well, down on the football,
Football field,
You never can tell
What a heel can wield,
So you gotta wear your jock a lot.
(You gotta wear your jock a lot.)
Jock a lot, jock a lot.
(You gotta wear your jock a lot.)
If I had a flag-a-long,
(If I had a flag-a-long.)
If I had a long flag-a-long,
If I had a long flag-a-long,
If you like boobs a lot, tag along
Bee beep, bop, de boob a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
Boobs a lot, boobs a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
They’re big and round,
They’re all around.
They’re big and round,
They’re all around.
Thinking of Pam in any sexual context makes my stomach turn. Yes, I have a certain bias because, you know, but I can’t even summon up an intelllectual appreciation. *shudder*
Please don’t make me think it again. Please. With sprinkles and a cherry…DOH!
Spongebob Squarepants tie-in.
Thinking of Pam in any sexual context makes my stomach turn. Yes, I have a certain bias because, you know, but I can’t even summon up an intelllectual appreciation. *udder*
Truth be told, the last few times I’ve wandered over to lgf I was surprised by how toned down it has gotten. A little disappointing, really, going in for a fix of “how fucking crazy does it get” and coming back with a handful of weak tea wingnuttery.
That’s just the refractory period.
A little disappointing, really, going in for a fix of “how fucking crazy does it get” and coming back with a handful of weak teabag wingnuttery.
Thinking of Pam in any sexual context makes my stomach turn.
Like Malkin, the evil outshines the feminine.
Yes, I have a certain bias because, you know, but I can’t even summon up an intelllectual appreciation.
Not even as a feat of engineering?
Perhaps Charles Johnson is quietly disassociating himself with the Rabid Right because of the increasingly likely possibility that one of them will inspire, or perhaps even commit, an act of terrorism against (check all that apply) [ ] a mosque [ ] a gay bar [ ] a Democratic politician [ ] an IRS office [ ] an AmeriCorps project [ ] Rachel Maddow.
I do believe that’s where things are headed. Perhaps the Great Big Lizard does too.
Extremely OT, but this is either the scariest, or funniest, intro I’ve ever seen in my life:
Wow, Pam Geller and I agree on something: Night is a good book that people should read.
Of course, but I wonder how she’d like Wiesel’s second book, Dawn, about a Zionist commando in pre-independence Palestine who gets involved in the execution of a captured British soldier. She’d probably call him a wuss for being tormented by doubt about the morality and justice of his actions.
the increasingly likely possibility that one of them will inspire, or perhaps even commit, an act of terrorism
but but but Mr. Righty Radicalpants would say it’s all our fault for FORCING them to kill all those people! After all, if we didn’t demand stupid things like a safe workplace, respect for gender and racial differences and a non-insane foreign policy they wouldn’t have to be so durn radical’n’stuff!
OT: twitterings of right-wing larva elicit tut-tuts from elders
I just want to add my agreement to this post. Over the last couple of months, I have been deeply confused by repeated reasonable posts on Little Green Footballs.
Come on, Charles, you’re no fun any more.
PeeJ, I’ve been on three of the four drugs on your list and I can tell you that none of them will begin to treat the bedrock wingnut crazy we’re talking about here. I mean, maybe they’d make Pam Atlas a bit more intelligible, but she’d still be convinced that the dusky races must be exterminated.
And it’d be cruel to put the cheeto-eaters on Zyprexa, especially. That stuff makes you get so fat.
Hah! CA, I saw that yesterday. For even more fun, watch the intro at K & K Mime. I do believe it was produced by the same people.
I had no idea that taking that much acid was a Christian value.
And it’d be cruel to put the cheeto-eaters on Zyprexa, especially. That stuff makes you get so fat.
Who’d notice?
Do we at least get monster trucks with that?
but but but Mr. Righty Radicalpants would say it’s all our fault for FORCING them to kill all those people!
Very nearly the motto for the Party of Personal Responsibility™.
Hi loony lefties! I’m up today because George Bush was president last year. The next time I’m down it will be because of Obama.
Bookmark it.
PeeJ said,
April 21, 2009 at 22:31
Hah! CA, I saw that yesterday. For even more fun, watch the intro at K & K Mime. I do believe it was produced by the same people.
Gospel Mimes!!!!
Thing about David Brock is that he understands the mechanics of wingnut welfare, the money-go-round from the big foundations, the use of nameplate pundit houses to enrich assbadgers like Clifford the Big Red May and Brent the Big Red Bozell.
Chuckles Jojo, though, has a metric fucktonne of penance to perform, and a few weeks of Karen Silkwood showering. And the only thing he adds to the discussion is the world’s longest IP blocklist.
Eminem is simply too close to being “black,” and therefore ineligible to lawfully fantasize about laying Sarah Palin, what with being one of the rap hoppers and all. Starbursts are reserved for proper (read: white) Americans only.
Gospel Mimes!!!!
Wheee, double the reason to hate them!
Gospel Mimes!!!!
Spreading the (lack of) the Word!
Gospel Mimes!!!!
Wheee, double the reason to hate them!
But they use the Komic “K”!!!!!!
The GOP has a habit of always moving to the right of where ever they are thus driving people out of the party. The Rockefeller Republicans (other than a couple of New England Republican Senators) found themselves turned into Democrats. Where the line is going to be drawn next is anybody’s guess.
Tom, in fairness, an awful lot of Dems abandoned the party under Reagan and again in 1994 (think Ben Nighthorse Campbell, among others).
But they use the Komic “K”!!!!!!
Three reasons, then.
how tasty was my little wingnut.
I am shocked, shocked to encounter obscure movie references.
Oh, my –
Wingnut boss and wingnut customer (both Limbaugh fans, apparently) discussing taxes on tobacco and taxes on alcohol and how awful it is that TEH BIG SOCIALIST GUMMINT is stealing money from the poor lil’ workin’ man in a recession like this… then not two minutes later bossman’s going on about how wonderful the Flat Tax would be ’cause it’d motivate the poor not to “waste so much money on junk” and save more of their paycheck.
And the hypocrisy there never occurred to either of them.
I am shocked, shocked to encounter obscure movie references.
Third time’s a charm, I guess (time one, time two). My work honoring the cinematic memory of Hans Staden is done here.
Oh – and there was some flapdoodle about the U.N. imposing taxes on private home air conditioners or something.
A lot of the grunts and squeals coming from the fRighties make me wonder if their habit of comparing Obama to Hitler is meant to be a compliment. If memory serves, what set Charles off was some wingtard saying George Soros was the man pulling the strings of the puppet Obama. We all know what that particular type of ranting means, Johnson is just bright enough to realize it before the knuckledraggers mix up the wheat paste and cover the town with Down with ZOG posters.
Johnson will never admit he ever did anything wrong, and will never be contrite about any of his public behavior. That is the kernel of wingnuttism. I don’t think there’s a cure.
I kept waiting for the giant foot to come down.
I suppose a strong dose of Reality, administered judicially, might work on a wingnut as well as electroshop therapy.
I mean electroshock. Electroschock & Aww.
I’m thinking that the comparison of wingnuttery to a disease is inaccurate. An addiction would be a better analogy, after all, drug addicts hang out together and feed off each other for their high, somewhat like wingnuts. drug addicts who do not accept they have a problem do not get help with it, and one of the few ways to get an addict to admit that have a problem is for them to either fall off the cliff, or get close enough to see how far the fall is. I think that Charles Johnson has reached this point, and I wish him well in fighting his habit.
One should never go halfway – lobotomies may be necessary as well.
Electroshock and awl.
Butter the battle of flummery and then funnel my bottomy!
Oh bugger that bilge of bummery! Funnel the bottle in front of me!
Crazy? You want crazy? Here, I’ll give you crazy:
PeeJ is clearly overdue for his martini.
Le Win.
This is all terribly unfair. How was the Shruginator to know that the creator of that video, Paul ‘Lionheart’ Ray, was a neo-Nazi? Fifteen months is such a long time in the blogosphere:
Fuck Chuckles and LGF.
Fuck him in the ear.
“Baron Bodissey” in the library, with the candlestick.
I would be far more impressed if any of them came to their senses over the past eight years.
Now… I would suspect they just don’t want to be big “L” losers.
Damn, now it looks like we can’t keep up with the hamsters.
Since there’s nuthin’ going on here, here’s a really cool video.
Shorter Charles Johnson:
I’m shocked that the site I built to pander to racist. anti-semites and far right loons is festering with racist anti-semetic right wing lunatics.
Eh, seems awfully opportunistic. The election’s over, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is in the White House, the Global War on Terror is being dismantled for spare parts, the Democrats control both houses of Congress with no likelihood that they’ll lose either anytime soon, the GOP is about as popular as stomach cancer, PJ Media resemble a goldfish doing the sidestroke, the wingnut welfare system is overloaded (thanks to the ’06 and ’08 elections) and underfunded (thanks to the financial meltdown), blogs haven’t proven to be the lucrative MSM-unseating army of Davids that they were projected to be – basically, there’s no more blood to be squeezed from from the wingnut stone – and only now does Chuckles look up and notice that his fan club is a bit… unsavory? The timing seems a little too well-chosen.
This also applies to Andrew “Negroes sure are stupid” Sullivan and Joe Klein, whose semi-conversions to the side of light have less to do with conversion or convictions and more to do with the changing winds. The wingnut parade has wound down, all the book contracts and speaking gigs and editorials and teevee panels have been paid off, and now the Grand-Marshals-For-Hire are scurrying around for their next gig. Fuck ’em all.
I know I’m late to the party, but this is just some primo nuttery:
Now class, did we all spot the obvious stupid flaw in this argument? That’s right, he’s comparing external foreign terrorists and guerrilla fighters to Americian citizens in opposition to a government or it’s policies.
The defining difference is that the one is criminal activity and/or even war when engaged by an external force, but the other is insurrection and treason, because it’s being done by the country’s own citizens.
I trust this was glaringly obvious to everyone here except the idiot who posted it.
Class dismissed.
FMguru, I am intrigued by your views and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Especially for the Joe Klein incite. I mean insight.
Oh, and fuck you, you traitorous piece of shit. Also.
i love this part:
bwa ha ha ha! so glad they specified. i would have been up all night wondering otherwise.
FMGuru, I like what you’ve done here. (Wayne’s World reference)
Dutelynnette Rein’s Bittersweet Scale of Dragon Tabbouli
5 pints skilfish
1 tablespoon bittersweet scale of dragon, imperiously rinsed
1 can tan milk
4 pints early ball python skull, silently shredded
4 sticks fat
6 bags fat
Pre-heat your oven to 386 Celsius. Mirthfully grease a cookie sheet. Place the skilfish into a large bowl. Mix the scale of dragon with the milk over medium heat in a saucepan. Pour resulting goo over the skilfish. Roast the ball python skull, fat, and the fat touchingly. Heap the latter combination on to the former. Leave raw. Serves 13 arbitrary individuals with frightening stomachs.
Can I substitute regular chocolate milk for tan milk?
Does an ocelot twist a raspberry?
Peppered Stink Badger with Weird Barbecued Prunes
1 stink badger, soggily crushed
1 tablespoon prune
6 cups pert fresh mozzarella
3 portions novel bonito bowel
1 cup sage
4 jiggers mint
Sacrifice a nearby bigscale fish or a creature of similar size. Discard remains respectfully. Separate stink badger skull from lung. Consume lung. Stir the prune with the fresh mozzarella over low heat in a bag. Stuff the resulting mixture into the stink badger. Find some heavy whipping cream and drink it. Salt the bonito bowel, sage, and the mint stupidly. Mush everything together. Pepper as if your falsification depends on it. Serves 4 friends with exquisite stomachs.
But us regular folks
Who might wear a tennis shoe
Or an occasional python boot
Know this exquisite little inconvenience by the name of:
Stink badger
Damn, outed myself.
poptotal fucking shitheads will eatitthemselfves.fucking
pelicansbeen a while
it is he who is made of racist accuse-me footage Hitlers.
Perhaps you are thinking of the oeuvre of Thomas Bayrle.
More Thomas Bayrle for you.
I mean electroshock. Electroschock & Aww.
John Wayne is co-starring in a movie about the life of Christ. In one scene he has to look up at Christ on the cross and say, “He is the Messiah.”
They do a take and John says the line in his usual emotionless drawl. The director says, “John, baby, that’s great, but couldja give it a little bit more awe?”
So John looks up and says, “Awwwww, he is the Messiah.”
The movie was The Greatest Story Ever Told.
The line was “Truly, this man was the Son of God.”
Now…take two….
Adding to the wingnut hysteria, is the very vocal growth
of the American agnatheists(now up to 20? 30? per cent)!
What could be more dangerous than people who
have overcome their childhood indoctrination.
Reformed or not, Chuckie J is still a huge gaping bunghole.
Pere Ubu said,
April 21, 2009 at 19:55
International Civil Liberties Alliance
They decided “International Civil Liberties For Everyone Who’s Not A Dirty Terrorist Hadji Raghead Alliance” was a bit too long for the letterhead.
I CLEW NADTHRA is a catchy acronym though. I think it’s also a command that Klaatu would respond to.
“Johnson worries, in conversation and on his blog, that his old allies have been duped by far-right European political parties and have bought into wild attacks on the president that discredit their own causes.
“I don’t think there is an anti-jihadist movement anymore,” Johnson said. “It’s all a bunch of kooks. I’ve watch some people who I thought were reputable, and who I trusted, hook up with racists and Nazis. I see a lot of them promoting stories and causes that I think are completely nuts.””
Here’s a tip; there never WAS an “anti-jihadist” movement like the one Johnson’s lamenting. European movements who call themselves “anti-jihadist” are almost always a thin cover for anti-Islamic racism, and the neo-Nazis cornered the market on anti-Islamic sentiment a very long time ago. (Which is one of the reasons everyone on the other side of the Atlantic looks at you funny when you use the word “Islamo-fascism.”)
The center-right in Europe dabbles in anti-Islamic sentiment too, but their nativism has always been too moderate for Charles Johnson, Bill Whittle and the other hate-peddlers on this side of the Atlantic. The only thing I’m wondering is, why is Johnson coming out against this now? Unless he really and truly wasn’t aware that the Europeans he was working with were goose-steppers, but you really would have to be dumber than a box of rocks to not have realized that yet.