Shooting their wad too quickly

I’m somewhat worried about our friends on the Right:

“Rhetorically, Republicans are having a very hard time finding something that raises the consciousness of the average voter,” said Saul Anuzis, a former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party who recently lost a bid to became national party chairman.

Workaday labels like “big spender” and “liberal” have lost their punch, and last fall, Senator John McCain of Arizona and Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska gained little traction during the presidential campaign by linking Mr. Obama’s agenda to socialism.

So Mr. Anuzis has turned to provocation with a purpose. He calls the president’s domestic agenda “economic fascism.”

“We’ve so overused the word ‘socialism’ that it no longer has the negative connotation it had 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago,” Mr. Anuzis said. “Fascism — everybody still thinks that’s a bad thing.”

For the time being, at least.

Personally speaking, I have no problem with calling people you dislike mean names such as “fascist.” I’m pretty sure I myself have ranted about fascism in regards to the Republican Party at one time or another — it does, in fact, help you blow off steam.

That said, it’s usually pretty wise to save the “fascist” card for when your opponent does something really bad. In the case of Bush, it was when he started a wholly unjustified war with Iraq and when he authorized the torture of prisoners. See, that’s something you can really sink your teeth into.

Keith Olbermann, for instance, first implied that the Bush administration were fascists back in 2006. At that point, the Democrats had been out of power for six years, the Iraq war had fully devolved into the unmitigated disaster that many of us predicted it would become, and Bush was still insisting that Donald Rumsfeld was history’s greatest defense secretary. It was enough to make any normal person go completely bonkers, and calling Bush a “fascist” was a healthy way to vent (though obviously not as healthy as voting the GOP out of power).

The Republicans, on the other hand, have been shut out of power for, what, three months now? And every day I flip on Fox News I see someone calling Obama the nu Hitler who’s a-tryin’ t’ take away yer guns an’ put yer kids inna ree-ed-yoo-cay-shun camp.

Again, I have no problem with calling Obama a Nazi. Free country, free speech and so forth. But from a strategic perspective, you guys will have nowhere else to go if you place all your chips on the Nazi card just three months into the guy’s first term. Once you’ve called someone a fascist, is there anything worse you can call him? Will you start kicking it old-skewl and referring to Obama as an unreconstructed feudalist who wants to turn us in the United Fiefdoms of Amerikkka? Or perhaps a neo-Cromwellite Roundhead who intends burn the Constitution and bring America back to its more theocratic days? What else can you guys call him once the “fascism” play has worn itself out?


Comments: 269


Next stop, antichrist.


. “Fascism — everybody still thinks that’s a bad thing.”

Even though none of us actually know what it means.


What else can you guys call him once the “fascism” play has worn itself out?

Ultramontanist! Obama’s an ultramontanist!


Um, filesize on that pic is half a meg. I predict dead hamsters.


is there anything worse you can call him?

When they start calling him a white supremacist skinhead, we will know they’ve jumped the shark.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The Republicans, on the other hand, have been shut out of power for, what, three months now?

Nope – eight years. Since 1993.

Once you’ve called someone a fascist, is there anything worse you can call him?

Well, yes, but they played the Antichrist card during the primaries and election. Not that that will stop them doing it again – it’ll just get more mainstream.


Try our new Fascism – It’s Hitleriffic!


If ObamAdolf is the new face of Nazism, I’m still trying to figure out why the Right went into conniptions over the DHS report.


How come you never see Barack Obama and Emperor Palpatine in the same room?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

. “Fascism — everybody still thinks that’s a bad thing.”

Even though none of us actually know what it means.

Central to Jonah’s point.


The fact is, Obama is Byzantine.


Um, filesize on that pic is half a meg. I predict dead hamsters.

A bitmap? A Windows friggin’ bitmap? Someone is not aware of all internet traditions. Namely, JPEG.


It’s too bad this Anuzis didn’t become RNC Chairman. He sounds a lot more fun than Steele.


I get the image in my mind from the old Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon:

“Hey Rocky, watch me pull a liberal out of my hat…”

“Hey Rocky, watch me pull a socialist out of my hat…”

“Hey Rocky, watch me pull a fascist out of my hat…”

“But that trick never works!”

“This time fer sure! Nothin’ up mah sleeve…. PRESTO!”


(No doubt about it, the wingnuts gotta get a better hat…)


Obama’s an ultramontanist!

Child molester. It’s straight from the Rove playbook…


“We’ve so overused the word ‘socialism’ that it no longer has the negative connotation it had 20 years ago, so now we’re going to do the same to ‘fascism.'” Dude makes dim bulbs look like klieg lights.


Dis Pater!


Obama’s an ultra-onanist!

Fixed yer post.


The GØP’s plan to regain power seems to be inciting people to kill Obama. And FØX is doing their part as well.


This is kind of funny. President Obama hasn’t even done anything remotely approaching anything beyond the pale economically yet. And they’re already calling him Hitler. When he actually moves to nationalize the banks what are they gonna call him? Black? Oh right. They will.


Shouldn’t that read FÖX news and GÖP?

We’re talking Nazis here, after all…


As a person living outside US, I can’t stop to wonder:

Are all blogs describing right wing actions just made up stuff, fictional news much like “the onion” website?
Seriously, the people can’t be like that over there, right? I mean thanks to internet and forums, you occationally run into this type of people, but they must be trolling or something. Is it really possible that A) these people exist in US and b) they exist in large enough numbers to be relevant to policy making?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

As a person living outside US, I can’t stop to wonder:

LD, they really exist. More’s the pity. I also know that since I too am an internet ghost, that doesn’t really answer your question.

But yes, they’re here. They’ve been in charge for the last eight years.


What else can you guys call him once the “fascism” play has worn itself out?

When he actually moves to nationalize the banks what are they gonna call him? Black?

Close. They’ll be bustin’ out the N-word in four more months at the rate they are going.

“wha? The President is near?”


We’re talking Nazis here, after all…

No kidding. FØX makes me think “Swedish foxes”, which raises an altogether different mental image (among other things).

Johnny Coelacanth

“They’ve been in charge for the last eight years.”

They’ve been in charge since Reagan won in 1980. Clinton was an interregnum.


Jacobite! Obama is a secret follower of the King over the water, not a hidden muslim, but a hidden popist!

All hail Franz of Bavaria!

(Liberal Jacobite borrowed from Tom Holt, Only Human)


Shouldn’t that read FÖX news and GÖP?

Nein, umlauts are now exclusively for metal bands. The GOP is punk rock, remember?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

They’ve been in charge since Reagan won in 1980. Clinton was an interregnum.

Conceded, but I think even in the Reagan / HW Bush years there were relatively sane people relatively close to the top of the heap.


Once “fascist”, “child molester”, “anti-Popist”, the “n-word”,… etc. fail, I suppose they’ll have no choice but to get really dirty and call him a “Republican”.

[BTW: the Swedes also use the Umlaut over the o, just as the Germans do. FØX’s would be Danish, Norwegian or Icelandic.Not that that’s bad.]

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Alright, let’s try this…

Obama’s MASSIVE DEFICIT SPENDING is putting the burden on our children – thus his economic policies are literally raping our kids. Ta da – Obama is a fiscal pedophile!

Obama’s MASSIVE TAX HIKE on 5% of the population is literally killing investment although please don’t ask me how. Ta da Obama is an Economy Murderer!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

A bitmap? A Windows friggin’ bitmap? Someone is not aware of all internet traditions. Namely, JPEG.

For an image that small and low-color I’d recommend PNG, myself.

Not .gif, though! Never that!


Y’all aren’t going back far enough. In Year 7 of the Obama presidency, this is what we’ll hear:

“Why, his policies are downright Hittite. Not Phoenician, mind you, and definitely not Assyrian or Philistine, but clearly Hittite. Monster!”

No one can claim that this ancient slur is “overused.” Saul Anuzis should love it.


If we must spirit a right-wing commentator away and subject him to 183 sessions of waterboarding, and I think we do, then I prefer that it be Rush Limbaugh. But if it has to be the Doughy Pantload, I can also live with that.


Figures the GOP would use epithets (like liberal, socialist, fascist) in a non-sustainable manner.

Apparently we’ll be hitting Peak Wingnut before we’ll ever hit Peak Oil.


Let’s see now, Anuzis is the former GOP head of a state that has two Democratic senators, a Democratic governor, a Democratic majority in the house, and a state house that has 67 Democratic representatives out of 110 seats. Plus he’s a failed candidate for the national party chairman.

Are there any Republicans out there offering advice who aren’t losers?


Not .gif, though! Never that!

The Unisys patent expired quite a while ago, from what I’m given to understand.


“Conceded, but I think even in the Reagan / HW Bush years there were relatively sane people relatively close to the top of the heap.”

We are talking relative to the kinds of people who work for RenewAmerica, so…


Nein, umlauts are now exclusively for metal bands.

Damn. I can’t keep my trÖpes straight…

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Obama’s Fascist Serve America Act with it’s AmeriCorps branded Übama Youth is inflicting severe agony on our young adults. His “community service” is literally torture. It should be called the Waterboard America Act!

Obama’s Porkulus Bill is laden with so many projects it’s literally like having a second wetsuit to go with your autoerotic dildo games. Porkulus really should be called Deviant Sex Stimulus!


Y’all aren’t going back far enough. In Year 7 of the Obama presidency, this is what we’ll hear:

“Why, his policies are downright Hittite. Not Phoenician, mind you, and definitely not Assyrian or Philistine, but clearly Hittite. Monster!”

“Him not good. Him ekonomick polsees give bones away. Hem Homo Erectus!”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

We are talking relative to the kinds of people who work for RenewAmerica, so…

Exactly. It does get kind of hard to discriminate among crazy and not-crazy that far down the spectrum.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The Unisys patent expired quite a while ago, from what I’m given to understand.

Um, yes. That was my attempt at a joke – nothing on that archive site is 21st-century.



The Unisys patent expired quite a while ago, from what I’m given to understand.

Couple years ago. GIFs are all over the place now but many people still have a bad taste in their mouths from the Unisys bullshit.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Ahhh, here’s the “stimulus” for the panic. Even by Rasmussen’s accounting “socialism” polls better than W.

Well it at least makes sense that they are going for rhetorical bankruptcy. They’ve already perfected the moral and intellectual kind.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

many people still have a bad taste in their mouths from the Unisys bullshit.

Including me – I worked in graphics stuff that was directly touched by their anti-small-business shenanigans back in the mid-90s. It opened my eyes to the whole software patent evilness, really.


The GOP is punk rock, remember?

Well, they’re punks, but do they rock?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

He calls the president’s domestic agenda “economic fascism.”

Instead of that, I think they should call it “Notional Socialism” – not really socialism, but ideologically similar.

They could call it “Nozi” for short, and – the really important part – act all surprised and hurt when people said they were comparing Obama to WW2 Germans.


Clearly these bozos have never heard of the corollary to Godwin’s Law, to wit: he who mentions the Nazis first loses.


Really modern Republicanism seems to be like a man hitting himself in the face, loudly blaming someone else for it and wondering why, exactly, no-one will be his friend.


So they are admitting there’s no meaning to their words, they just like to shout things that get people riled up?

Reminds me of a very early SNL skit, with Buck Henry as a radio jock desperate for some call-ins:

I’m talking about busing… Communists… into your neighborhood… to… KILL puppies!


“We’ve so overused the word ‘socialism’ that it no longer has the negative connotation it had 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago,” Mr. Anuzis said. “Fascism — everybody still thinks that’s a bad thing.”

So, basically, this asshat is saying that the Republican critique amounts to randomly picking political scare-words and trying to pin them to the president, irrespective of what those words actually mean.

I know, I know… that’s not exactly news; its just surprising to see one of them admit it openly.

anxious Republican

at 21:16 Caliph Garrett said:

If ObamAdolf is the new face of Nazism, I’m still trying to figure out why the Right went into conniptions over the DHS report.

We’ve got good reason to be worried. Don’t forget. Obama is also just like Stalin and Lenin.

Plus he’s a racist and black power radical. And he is a Muslim who wants to implement sharia law in the U.S.

I heard that next month he’ll create a square circle.

I’ll tell you what, Obama is just like Sauron. We must fight him, with the help of the elf warriors, while firmly resolving not to think about their long, sleek bodies clad in tights, their buttocks clenched in tense alertness, their broad shoulders straining at their bows . . . . tissue please?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I know, I know… that’s not exactly news; its just surprising to see one of them admit it openly.

I suspect by now most of them realize it’s a pretty open secret. This Anuzis fellow, though – it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t realize a) that that’s so and b) he blew it.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I’ll tell you what, Obama is just like Sauron.

I knew it was a bad sign when he had that big fiery eyeball put up on the roof of the White House.


What else can you guys call him once the “fascism” play has worn itself out?

Antichrist? That’s also been used already.

Their problem is that Obama is widely liked and admired, so being a “socialist” is no longer bad, so fascist is next. Just think: they spent years making socialism pejorative; all that work down the drain. Too bad.


Even by Rasmussen’s accounting “socialism” polls better than W.
It would be really funny if the constant accusations of Dem/Obama policies = socialism has had the inadvertent effect of making socialism more attractive. The numbers in the under-30s age bracket are especially neat (just 37% for capitalism).

Rasmussen attempts spin, citing an earlier poll that offered a choice between a “free-market economy” and a “government-managed economy”:

It is interesting to compare the new results to an earlier survey in which 70% of Americans prefer a free-market economy.

Of course, mainstream European social democrats still lean heavily towards the market side of things.


It’s a little long, but Yog-Sothoth has always had a nice ring to it.

anxious Republican

at 22:25 Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist said,

“I’ll tell you what, Obama is just like Sauron.”

I knew it was a bad sign when he had that big fiery eyeball put up on the roof of the White House.

Wow. Now there’s a photoshop op that must be addressed.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Wow. Now there’s a photoshop op that must be addressed.

I’m pretty sure that during the Bush years somebody already did it. I’m thinking I saw it on one of those more paleo-looking sites, like Bartcop.


We are leaning towards “Poopyhead” if fascist doesn’t work.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

That’s a terrific demonization of the White House and its inhabitant. Should be no problem for the Republicans to adopt it as it is.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

What else can you guys call him once the “fascism” play has worn itself out?

Well “Republican” polls really badly.


“The GOP is punk rock, remember?”

No, no, no…M. Steele was going to take the GOP all urban and hip-hop. Don’t you remember? Teh GOP was going to bust a move on the Dems. &c.


What else can you guys call him once the “fascism” play has worn itself out?


Knights in White Satin

Well, if Obama can force the 2-state peace upon Israel, and make them leave their settlements, he’ll be an anti-semite. That accusation still has some sting. If he agrees to a truce with Moslem countries such as Iran, he’ll obviously be a Moslem. If he establishes good relations with Venezuela then he’ll be a Dictator with death squads everywhere. And let us not forget our own rabid right…he may catch rabies from them, somehow.


Actor, people like cats WAY better than fascism.


Actor, people like cats WAY better than fascism

Well, true, but it was the politest epithet I could come up with on short notice.

Knights in White Satin

And if drugs are legalized, Obama will be a Drug Lord.

If a state really DOES triyto secede, and Obama won’t allow it… I dunno.

In reality it appears the Right is having some success in demonizing Roosevelt. When they’ve succeeded there, Obama will become Roosevelt.


The Republicans have become the Party of Rumpelstiltskin:

Stomping on the ground so hard in their rage they rip themselves in two.


Once you’ve called someone a fascist, is there anything worse you can call him?


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…he’ll be an anti-semite. That accusation still has some sting.

I suppose – but didn’t the Christian sorts only start giving a shit about anti-semitism because of the Holocaust? I think the modern Redoublechin accusation of anti-semitism is just a veiled form of Hitler-calling.

Rusty Shackleford

Arky4 nailed it. Ann Coulter tried it with Clinton but it didn’t stick (I mean, really – Clinton?) but it could make a comeback.


Stomping on the ground so hard in their rage they rip themselves in two.


Oh if it were only true!


So Mr. Anuzis has turned to provocation with a purpose. He calls the president’s domestic agenda “economic fascism.”

No doubt Uncle Newtie approves:

“It’s politically very incorrect only because we’re not used to it,” concluded Mr. Anuzis, who recently joined American Solutions for Winning the Future, a group led by Newt Gingrich, a former House speaker. But he acknowledged, “You’ve got to be careful using the term ‘economic fascism’ in the right way, so it doesn’t come off as extreme.”


Once you’ve called someone a fascist, is there anything worse you can call him?


A Gay Atheist.

Rusty Shackleford

Somebody who joins a group called “American Solutions for Winning the Future” has no business telling anybody else they should be careful how terms are used.


Stroking their chins with their fingers
Calling Obama a fascist
Shooting their wad too quickly
Shooting their wad too quickly


Maybe the plan here is to try to make it ok to be a fascist, instead, since the right is actively whittling itself down to its authoritarian core. That way when the Palin/Cantor ’12 ticket begins mobilizing “red, white, and blue”-shirts to threaten and eventually assault the media for insulting Palin by reporting the things she says it’ll totally be ok.

Rusty Shackleford

Gay atheist Muslim.


Who says they’ll have to “call” him anything? He’s OBVIOUSLY the most evillest evil evilmaker that ever made evil stuff happen evilly.

BTW, anyone see the “This Modern World” cartoon last week with some GlennBlecchhead claiming the fasces on the dime proves the U.S. has been a dictatorship since the Thirties? Please, ohgog PLEASE tell me that was a parody. ‘Cause I think I already hate Teh Glennster as much as I possibly can and I’m saving the final big push for the next OKC-type bombing which he will tell us was merely a disgruntled American patriot resisting Obama-ZOG.


“Worse than Jimmy Carter, or History’s Greaterestest Monster”


Whatever traditions or institutions would oppose the activist far right’s next act, they first raze with a wrecking ball of repetitive inanity.

You know how hard it was to bring up impeachment when the greatest crimes were taking place? It wasn’t just patriotic loyalty; after people started to realize a good chunk of the argument for invading Iraq was a vicious lie, the very idea of “impeachment” was so radioactively partisan, no “serious” person would consider it.

Now, wait and see what happens when a real corporate state junker-endorsed “man of the people” runs on the Republican ticket in 2012. “Am I a fascist? That’s just more of the same old partisan DC game that real Americans are tired of hearing.”


some GlennBlecchhead claiming the fasces on the dime proves the U.S. has been a dictatorship since the Thirties?

Uh, that was Beck himself in noncartoon land claiming that. Off the deep end for sure.


Americans don’t play cricket! This is an outrage!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

That way when the Palin/Cantor ‘12 ticket begins mobilizing “red, white, and blue”-shirts to threaten and eventually assault the media for insulting Palin by reporting the things she says it’ll totally be ok.

You’re forgetting that their dumbshit followers still won’t know what “fascism” actually means (and they’ll all spell it “facism”, if they bother to try at all).

You’re right that they won’t have a problem with beating up reporters, though.


Uh, that was Beck himself in noncartoon land claiming that.

Okay, shoot me. Just fucking shoot me now.

Really. That’s… that’s insane, that is. And this man STILL has the ear of million on BOTH radio and teevee? And we’re supposed to be embarrased of Michael Moore, even though neither he no anyone on the Left has EVER achieved such a stunning bastshit insane disconnect with Reality?

Hokay then.


see? I’m so outraged I can’t spell!


Next stop, antichrist.

That’s already been done. He’s also been called Satan.


and they’ll all spell it “facism”, if they bother to try at all

“Dumb’ass LIEbrals tryin to tell us how to spell! We don’t need to spel gud to know O’bama is the LOOminati master thinker guy! Him take our guns ‘way and leeve us d’fensless for Teh Noo Wrold Odor!”


“I suspect by now most of them realize it’s a pretty open secret. This Anuzis fellow, though – it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t realize a) that that’s so and b) he blew it.”

Yes – like that young Republican (can’t remember his name) who made it plain that part of Republican boot camp these days involves teaching people “Never say “Democratic” – always say “Democrat”, when he spoke of the importance of establishing a “Free and Democrat Iraq”.

The people who invent the strategy have the good sense not to show you the man behind the curtain.


Obama may be a fascistnazisatanantichrist, but at least he’s not a teabagger or Bush.


Indeed. If you call him a fascist for…um…giving the Queen of England an I-pod, there really isn’t anywhere else to go for the hardcore stuff he’s going to do, like provide better health care coverage.


Well, if Obama can force the 2-state peace upon Israel, and make them leave their settlements, he’ll be an anti-semite.

“force peace?”


“We’ve so overused the word ‘socialism’ that it no longer has the negative connotation it had 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago,” Mr. Anuzis said. “Fascism — everybody still thinks that’s a bad thing.”

Let ’em play with words. They’ve made “liberal” so toxic that most people run screaming from it. But really, who cares? It’s how people vote and where they stand on the issues that matters, and I think we can see which direction people are going in.

So, as I said, let the right demonize whatever word they want. I’d gladly have “socialist” and “liberal” removed from the dictionary in exchange for having the majority of the public agree with me on the issues.


BTW it amuses me greatly to see “Snotchos” still has a home here on S,N!

…snotchos… *snicker*


For your streaming enjoyment while listening to your I-phone while driving to work, please use this as your wallpaper.


like provide better health care coverage.

The MONSTER! Oh think of the children! Won’t SOMEONE PLEASE think of the children!?!


they’ll all spell it “facism”

I’m proud to be a facist. Did you ever try to get decent conversation out of the faceless?


Somehow they’ve demonized everything that isn’t pure profit for personal gain.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

…snotchos… *snicker*

Right there with you. But there’s something about that deadpan headline font Roy Edroso uses that made this usage of the word look the funniest to me.


Brad@ Top:

Once you’ve called someone a fascist, is there anything worse you can call him?

Child molester? Puppy Dropkicker?



I’m proud to be a facist. Did you ever try to get decent conversation out of the faceless?

Jo’berg et al prove some people are quite capable of talking out of their asses.


I’m proud to be a facist. Did you ever try to get decent conversation out of the faceless?

Well, that just goes to show how out of touch you are with the faceless masses, you facy facist. And we all know the people are the true strength of a country, as long as they shut the fuck up and don’t do anything stupid like pretend love for the common masses is anything more than just cheap right-wing rhetoric.


Jo’berg et al prove some people are quite capable of talking out of their asses.

Imagine the stains when his voice changed.

Bill the Butcher

The fact is, the colored pretender is quite clearly a filthy Hibernian. PROVE there’s no apostrophe in your surname, paddy!


Well, that just goes to show how out of touch you are with the faceless masses

The court order says I’m not allowed to touch them any more.


You’re right, though, he’s already been called:

The Antichrist
A Community Organizer (gasp!)
Ivy-League Academic
Ghetto gangstah
Murderer (of his grandmother)
Son of Malcolm X
Weather Underground Terrorist
Saul Alinksy-ite
Chicago politician
Child molester

I’m a little worried, actually. They are going to have to get real creative to come up with anything else. And I don’t think that’s one of their talents.

I’ve always thought the juxtaposition of Urkel and Hitler was the perfect example of the cognitive dissonance on the right.


Next stop, antichrist.

See, that’s kind of the problem with the premature escalation. They already used antichrist during the primaries.


and Paris Hilton


John J. Miller:

DHS and OKC [John J. Miller]

Jonah’s column today on the ridiculous DHS report is excellent. Read it. I was a little surprised, however, that it didn’t mention Timothy McVeigh. If ever there was a poster child for “right-wing terrorism,” he’s it. Without McVeigh and Oklahoma City in 1995, there would be no DHS report in 2009.

Truly. Nobody derailed trains or bombed the Olympics or killed black people or anything, so WTF?


I’m sure in the bowels of Hell, Hitler is offended that the hierarchy of smears had him above Paris Hilton.
I feel like I should turn that into a joke about Paris surrendering to him, but I’m getting ahead of myself.


I forgot Paris Hilton.

Robert Jay Mathews

Without McVeigh and Oklahoma City in 1995, there would be no DHS report in 2009.

what am I, chopped liver?


It is only time before they find a white woman to say she was raped by Obama. If they could accuse the Clintons of murder and drug dealing, it is almost a certainty they will play this card.


something that raises the consciousness of the average voter

With phraseology like that, I’m betting that Mr Anuzis was a Trot in his younger days.


I really wonder, though, what flipped inside the heads of the guys at the top. Usually they’re content to let the dirty little underlings use the bad words, now they’re saying it themselves.

the other thing that gets me wondering is the idea of congressional collegiality. Congerscritters, especially Senators, maintain a ritual of collegiality,even when its pretend. I find it surprising that Republican Congresscritters are using what are normally considered fighting words. When you have an opposition party president who came in as a Governor or something, it’s easier to call them an SOB, but I would think for someone who’s served in the Senate with a president, it’s a little bit surprising they’re not using surrogates, but saying it themselves.


The Sauron’s Eye White House really should have the CBS eye in it.

Get to work, producers & wealthy people w/ your elitist Photoshop & “skills.”


The fact is, liberals are biased beyond beleef, there USA hate is full of hate.

Follow my tweets for the facts.


A good one from the Whidbey News-Times (And perhaps just a bit of warning for recent victors):

Political: Democrats re-birth Whig Party

Dec 18 2004
The letter in the Dec. 11 Whidbey News-Times, by Walter Mistler, hoping that the Republican Party will split into two parts, ?the Neo-Con or Fascist Party and the Traditional Republicans,? shows just how big the cliff is that Democrats have fallen over.

This from a member of the party that has failed in 10 years to regain the Congress and eight years to win the presidency. I love it! America needs more Democrats like Mr. Mistler.

The Democrats are becoming the Whigs of the 21st Century. I?m sure Mr. Mistler remembers the Whigs. His letter sounds just like what they said before that party collapsed in 1850.

Bob Wildman


Tee hee.


Backdoor Path to Bank Nationalization [Larry Kudlow]

A big New York Times story this morning strongly suggests that Team Obama is about to up the ante in an effort to control the banking system for as long as the eye can see.

White House and Treasury officials are now talking about turning government TARP loans into common stock for the 19 biggest banks. It’s clearly a backdoor path to nationalization, as Uncle Sam would be the largest shareholder in these institutions. What’s more, it’s not at all clear that the administration will even let certain banks pay down their TARP loans.

This is government intervention into the private sector on a grand scale. It is financial/industrial policy. Banks will be kept on a very short leash regarding compensation, loans, credit-card issuance, mergers, acquisitions, and all the rest.

Not surprisingly, stocks opened down 200 points today — with banks leading the freefall — and finished down about 300 points.

Government control of the banks is going to get worse. Team Obama won’t let go without a fight. And the hook may well be the so-called economic stress tests that will show certain big banks in need of more capital. The Treasury (a.k.a. the taxpayer) already owns 36 percent of Citigroup’s common stock, a position that comes with full voting rights. Now it looks like more of this is on the way.

As a political excuse, the White House says it’s not going to get more TARP money from Congress, so its next best step is to convert TARP into common-stock government ownership. But there’s a clear agenda here: to keep banks under the heavy boot of the government policymakers.

On the Sunday talk shows Larry Summers did not deny any of this. He was cagey about de-TARPing, and he left the door open for new federal action following the release of the stress tests early next month. Summers also turned up the burner on credit-card controls, bashing the banks for being unfair to consumers. But if consumer credit-card defaults are rising, any risk-based credit-card issuance would have to tighten rates or charges. Otherwise banks will just cut out the middle-income credit-card holders and stay with the top income earners. Is that what Congress wants? Is that what Obama wants? Is that what taxpayers want? Tougher credit-card terms are a solution — that is, if banks are still profit-maximizing institutions.

The irony here is that earnings reports from the banks have been very good. This is one of the key factors in a dramatic six-week stock market rally that foreshadows economic recovery later this year. But that rally was stopped dead in its tracks today by a new threat of bank nationalization.

Once again, the investor class got shafted.


The fact is, Larry is correct. Class warfare will destroy USA< especially when the productive classes go Galt and withdraw there services, its already started, happy libs?


control the banking system for as long as the eye can see

Oh, nice work, Mr. Kudlow.

I think you should raise a hue and cry against it, as loud as the day is long!


So appropriate that the speaker for the GØP is also the one who brings the dead to the afterlife. The one in charge of mummification. A jackal headed thing.



Oh dear.

Not just bowing to the Saudi King or shaking Chavez’s hand. Now the wingnuts are going to go wild.

but won’t this upset the Islamowhosits?


What PeeJ was trying to say is the GOP dude is one of the Enemy Ancestors.


withdraw there services

I guess we’ll consider correct comment services withdrawn.


Follow my tweets for the facts.

God, can you imagine anyone following Gary Ruppert’s tweets?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

You know teh wingnut furor over this weekend’s Chavez handshake of CommieFascistTerrrorDestruction? The image of Obama shaking hands with teh incarnation of EVIL hisself?

That wasn’t the photo that surprised me. This one was. Perhaps it’s some really impressive stagecraft and teh Advance Team managed to screen a bunch of Trinidadians – but it sure looks like the President of the United States is physically interacting with an actual crowd.

I mean, it shouldn’t be a big deal – and I didn’t really notice when it happened in France but I’m starting to treasure all these little reminders of the end of the Bush Era.


I dunno. Fascism could come to mean ..whatever it is they want it to mean. J-Kloberg has already tried to make the word mean mean something entirely different than what it actually means. And the meaning of words does change. Think about it – how, for example, did Palestinians become a non-semitic people? I assume they are not now semitic because everyone says they are so virulently antisemitic.


God, can you imagine anyone following Gary Ruppert’s tweets?

Oh the horror. The horror.


“Follow my tweets for the facts” is also Gary’s favorite pickup line. Right up there with “Once you go Galt, any unpleasant rashes from me are half your fault.”


That wasn’t the photo that surprised me. This one was. Perhaps it’s some really impressive stagecraft and teh Advance Team managed to screen a bunch of Trinidadians – but it sure looks like the President of the United States is physically interacting with an actual crowd.

But not the Tobagonians!

Is this the hope and change you voted for!!!1!!11!!


The toboggans?


I don’t think you get it. Bush actually is a fascist. Olbermann wasn’t “calling him names” to “vent”. Astonishingly, you have just created an equivalance between legitimate criticisms of a very dangerous president, responsible for many deaths and the destruction of your economy, and bleatings about Obama. Incredible.


By their trail of tweets you shall know them.


Gary lights his tweets on fire.


I follow Gary’s “twits.” Can’t be anything but a parody.

Or a patriody.

Or patriotic doody.

And may I add that one ewerickson is hee-larious.

ewerickson: You guys really all need to follow @JoeNBC (not @JoeMSNBC) to save him from the leftist horde #TCOT #RS #TEAPARTY


ewerickson: AA 1848 AUS to DFW Seat 5A. Boading now. Time to go home.


ewerickson: AA 652 – DFW to ATL. Seat 6E. Time to go home.

The evil of banality.

Gabriel Ratchet

Once again, the investor class got shafted.

Unfortunately, not the way they deserved to …


I just suffered my worst drop in two months!



Trinidadians […] But not the Tobagonians!
I know that movie.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

God, can you imagine anyone following Gary Ruppert’s tweets?

Why, yes. Yes, I can. If the page were titled “Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot”, I think I can envision it very clearly.


Hey, I thought we were all investors now.

That’s why our 401K’s got dwindled to a pile of beans.


I am so INCREDIBLY tired of Americans’ inability to use the word “fascist” to mean what it actually means. Seriously, folks. Fascist =/= mean, evil, wicked, bad, nasty, or morally reprehensible. AAAAARGH!


But not the Tobagonians!

So true. How disrespectful, blowing off half of the nation, yet so predictable.

P.S. I like this shot with Lula, Arias, and Leonel.


Ahh, there it is. The Dow speaks up after a long absence. What was it that got you so down? And what just got you up?


how about just plain godwin?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Seriously, folks. Fascist =/= mean, evil, wicked, bad, nasty, or morally reprehensible. AAAAARGH!

No, wait. Really?


I am so INCREDIBLY tired of Americans’ inability to use the word “fascist” to mean what it actually means.



octopod, did you see the CNN clip where the reporter asks a teabagger “Why do you think [Obama] is a fascist?”?* His reply: “Because he is.”

*The first ‘?’ correctly belongs inside the ‘”‘ and since I’m asking a question which contains the question I decided that a ‘?’ outside the ‘”‘ also works. I believe I shall call this construction the PeeJ Principle.


Hmmm, “PeeJer principle”?


What is the investor class whining about now? It says right on the effing prospectus that they can lose their fucking shirts, there are no guarantees, yada.

They risk, they lose. That specious claim is how X (where X is “not many”) % has managed to corner Y (where Y is the vast majority) % of This Great Nation of Ours’ $$.

So shut up. You lost your money (but not much compared to people who do actual work whose 401(k)s are now ghosts of their former selves) & you lost the election because you all ruined the financial/economic system.

The system worked, already. Ssssh.


I am so INCREDIBLY tired of Americans’ inability to use the word “fascist” to mean what it actually means.

Ah, but we make up for it with our nuanced, mature use of the word “freedom.” And nobody understands the market like we do!

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

But not the Tobagonians!

What about the TeaBorggians? You know, the idiots who were out running around on April 15th with a grand, unified message of:



What about the TeaBorggians?

I found them to be less amusing than the Houyhnhnms.

Knights in White Satin

g: you forgot FRENCH. That is one of the wingnuts worst insults.

As for “forcing peace” on Israel…how else will it happen?






What’sthe difference between Obama and Blago?



About sAbout eight months!

St. You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

How come we only hear from The Dow on days it goes down?

The guy who is writing them must be too busy teabagging Wall Streeters on the days it goes up to post anything


Under george Bush, I hit record highs 🙁

Under the Democrat Party, I feel sooooo low :((

Knights in White Satin

One of these days the Repugs will find a woman in a run-down trailer park who will claim that once Obama shook her hand and smiled. Hurry! Quick! ! Get a Special Prosecutor!


My only instinct is to eat grass and I still make more sense than similarly-named troll here.

Johnny Coelacanth


george Bush

Someone’s been drinking the cooking sherry again.


That said, it’s usually pretty wise to save the “fascist” card for when your opponent does something really bad.

Like win an election?


The Cow said,

April 21, 2009 at 2:04

My only instinct is to eat grass and I still make more sense than similarly-named troll here.

The Dow said,

I feel sooooo low

But he does more lowing than you.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Like win an election?”

Winning an election while black. History’s greatest monster, etc.


One of these days the Repugs will find a woman in a run-down trailer park who will claim that once Obama shook her hand and smiled. Hurry! Quick! ! Get a Special Prosecutor!

Yes, but did he offer to bust up that chiffarobe for her?


A nigger. Duh.

Johnny Coelacanth

They don’t need to call him that. That’s plain for any fool to see; if you’re not already scared of niggers, calling him that isn’t going to help. Scary eeeevil communist socialist fuching feret isn’t doing it anymore, either. Jonah Goldberg to the rescue!


I once had real high approval numbers, too.

That didn’t end well for me.


Please be my friend, Ahmadenijad? Please? You’re the only one I have left!!


God, I hate my life!

Jimmy Carter Comparisons

FEAR ME! Please? I’m all they have left!


You know, Jimmy Carter is actually still actively doing good things for people. A lot more good than Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, and G.H.W.Bush ever did out of office. don’t imagine he wastes his time wondering what a bunch of loser wingnuts think of him.


Money and war are the only important things in life, so Carter is TEH LOOZER FOREVER.


Carter has received honorary degrees from many American and foreign colleges and universities. They include:

LL.D. (honoris causa) Morehouse College, 1972; Morris Brown College, 1972; University of Notre Dame, 1977; Emory University, 1979; Kwansei Gakuin University, 1981; Georgia Southwestern College, 1981; New York Law School, 1985; Bates College, 1985; Centre College, 1987; Creighton University, 1987; University of Pennsylvania, 1998
D.E. (honoris causa) Georgia Institute of Technology, 1979
Ph.D. (honoris causa) Weizmann Institute of Science, 1980; Tel Aviv University, 1983; Haifa University, 1987
D.H.L. (honoris causa) Central Connecticut State University, 1985; Trinity College, 1998; Hoseo University, 1998
Doctor (honoris causa) G.O.C. University, 1995; University of Juba, 2002
Honorary Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2007
Honorary Fellow of Mansfield College, Oxford, 2007
Among the honors Carter has received are the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1999 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002. Others include:

Freedom of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, 1977
Silver Buffalo Award, Boy Scouts of America, 1978
Gold medal, International Institute for Human Rights, 1979
International Mediation medal, American Arbitration Association, 1979
Martin Luther King, Jr., Nonviolent Peace Prize, 1979
International Human Rights Award, Synagogue Council of America, 1979
Conservationist of the Year Award, 1979
Harry S. Truman Public Service Award, 1981
Ansel Adams Conservation Award, Wilderness Society, 1982
Human Rights Award, International League of Human Rights, 1983
World Methodist Peace Award, 1985
Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, 1987
Edwin C. Whitehead Award, National Center for Health Education, 1989
Jefferson Award, American Institute of Public Service, 1990
Liberty Medal, National Constitution Center, 1990
Spirit of America Award, National Council for the Social Studies, 1990
Physicians for Social Responsibility Award, 1991
Aristotle Prize, Alexander S. Onassis Foundation, 1991
W. Averell Harriman Democracy Award, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, 1992
Spark M. Matsunaga Medal of Peace, US Institute of Peace, 1993
Humanitarian Award, CARE International, 1993
Conservationist of the Year Medal, National Wildlife Federation, 1993
Rotary Award for World Understanding, 1994
J. William Fulbright Prize for International Understanding, 1994
National Civil Rights Museum Freedom Award, 1994
UNESCO Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize, 1994
Great Cross of the Order of Vasco Nunéz de Balboa, Panama, 1995
Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Award, Africare, 1996
Humanitarian of the Year, GQ Awards, 1996
Kiwanis International Humanitarian Award, 1996
Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development, 1997
Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Awards for Humanitarian Contributions to the Health of Humankind, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, 1997
United Nations Human Rights Award, 1998
The Hoover Medal, 1998
The Delta Prize for Global Understanding, University of Georgia, 1999
International Child Survival Award, UNICEF Atlanta, 1999
William Penn Mott, Jr., Park Leadership Award, National Parks Conservation Association, 2000
Zayed International Prize for the Environment, 2001
Jonathan M. Daniels Humanitarian Award, VMI, 2001
Herbert Hoover Humanitarian Award, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, 2001
Christopher Award, 2002
Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album, National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, 2007[106]
Berkeley Medal, University of California campus, May 2, 2007


The fact is, the colored pretender is quite clearly a filthy Hibernian. PROVE there’s no apostrophe in your surname, paddy!

A friend once edited Pat Buchanan’s column, years ago, for a syndicate. My friend is Japanese-American, and her last name starts with O. She would fax her edits to Buchanan (this was pre-e-mail), and Buchanan would fax back his comments–putting an apostrophe after the O in her name, which effectively turned it Irish. She just shrugged and said, “If it makes him easier to work with, who cares?”


That’s not Sauron’s eye; in fact it looks more like Sauron’s asshole which, IIRC, we booted out of not the White House but the Naval Observatory on January 20.

The Root Of All Evil

Yeah, because Jimmy Cater being voted out of office is some sort of referendum on his entire life. Unlike Chimpy McFuckstain, who was not given the boot he so rightly deserved broken off in his ass.


g: you forgot FRENCH.

And Hawaiian, which is suspiciously exotic, unlike Alaskan, which is all rugged and godfearin’.

I also read some wingnut/neocon this morning saying Obama needs more ‘seasoning.’ He’s not ready to talk to the Russians or the Chinese.

Johnny Coelacanth

All they have is Jimmy Carter. The guy who lost an election 30 years ago. Obama is much more like Reagan, in that his election marks a change in American politics and the country will be a different place after his eight years in office. Unlike Reagan, the country will be a better place when Obama is done.

In the meantime, keep calling him a fascist socialist Kenyan muslim racist. It only stretches your asshole wider and at some point you’re going to tumble into it and disappear.


He’s not ready to talk to the Russians or the Chinese.

Even were that true, neither was Bush, but you never heard them bitching about that. They were all quite impressed when he looked deep into Putin’s eyes and saw the pure, pure soul of the former KGB man.


Someone is not aware of all internet traditions. Namely, JPEG.

Or, in this case, PNG or GIF. JPEG is for photos, GIF for flat colors.


“In the meantime, keep wearing Underoos and letting Rush Limbaugh call you ‘Li’l Paco’. It It only stretches your asshole wider and at some point you’re going to tumble into it and disappear.”


WereBear said,

April 20, 2009 at 22:27

It’s a little long, but Yog-Sothoth has always had a nice ring to it.

Always one of my favorites among the Elder Gods.


If Obama is too naive and soft-hearted to stand up to the Russians and Chinese, that’s not really a problem. He can always call upon his evil twin. You know, the Obama from the election campaign, who came from Chicago politics and was therefore corrupt and a dirty fighter of breathtaking amorality.


Aw hell, just go straight for calling him Cthulhu and be done with it.


Name-calling is all sorts of fun … but as an ideology? Face facts – spraying spit on everyone around you & making a fool of yourself in public is no way to go through life, Mr. Anuzis.

Shades of “I know YOU are but what am I?”

They already called him naively clueless & fiendishly cunning (AT THE SAME TIME), a dope-fiend, anti-American, a secret Muslim, terrorist-lover, Satan, Hitler, Antichrist, Stalin Jr., & a queer (remember the now-you-see-me-now-you-don’t crackhead & his 15 minutes of national fame?) … & these days when folks hear “socialism” they tend to think Denmark or Sweden – not exactly the stuff dystopian nightmares are made of.

So yeah, the GOP is basically fucked.

Innuendo praecox … it’s funny because it’s true.


“Aw hell, just go straight for calling him Cthulhu and be done with it.”
Sample headline: “That is not dead which can about their birth certificate lie.”


Sorry, I can’t let the world’s greatest headline EVAH go without note.
Brooklyn Man Bites Off Own Penis.


There once was a man from Nantucket…


All they have is Jimmy Carter. The guy who lost an election 30 years ago. Obama is much more like Reagan, in that his election marks a change in American politics and the country will be a different place after his eight years in office. “\

Can I bookmark this?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

PeeJ, you are truly a magical source of PENIS.

Bonus points, since a convicted pedophile who has mutiliated himself is pretty relevant to a thread about how fucked up the right wing is.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Can I bookmark this?

Probably not, given your utter fail with blockquoting.


Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of the sciences of electricity and psychology and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude.



I just want to make sure.

You l ibs are saying Obama is the next Reagan right??

You think he will change politics forever? Really? Ok, seriously. Can I bookmark this and throw it in your face come November 2012?

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Can I bookmark this and throw it in your face come November 2012?

Why would you need to?

Something bookmarkable, please.


Before you do anything rash, Conservative, go here first.


You l ibs are saying Obama is the next Reagan right??

It looks like one “lib” is saying that, you blithering idiot. Frankly, if someone compared me to that dirtbag Reagan in anyway shape, form or fashion, I’d be pissed off. He was one of those guys that not only made you ashamed to share a species with, but he was proof positive that the emptiness and corruptness of the American conservative ideology is much older than George W.Bush.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

What’s with the fucking bookmarks? With Troofy it was funny and relevant because he opened with “Here’s how it will go down next week…” But holy fuck, November 2012?

Tell you what – yes, please do bookmark it. And then go away for three and a half years.


What’s with the fucking bookmarks?

Rejoinder FAIL.


“Bookmark this, liberals” is the “My name is Inigo Montoya” of the troll set.


it sure looks like the President of the United States is physically interacting with an actual crowd.

DKW: Yes! I believe that is the case. Could it be that we have entered a wonderful new era wherein the whole wide world’s understandable hatred of Bush no longer translates automatically into hatred for the US as well?

Bonus: Pat Buchanan’s head ALMOST exploded on “Hardball” tonight over the Chavez handshake. It won’t be long now.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Rejoinder FAIL.

Yeah, I blame Obama – plus all these papercuts on my PENIS.


More damn “facism” (from TNR, about Ahmadinejad’s little speech today):

Ahmediniejad continues, condemning “the most racist regime,” a litany of generic Israel canards. A group of Israeli students start yelling “Racist! Racist!” from the viewing gallery. No one seems to be stopping them. Two Iranian women in hijabs start waving their fists at them. After a few minutes, security finally arrives and escorts out one of the Israel students. Now another one has started yelling “Facist! Facist!”

You’d think they could at least spell there.

Teabag me, WP!


Reagan had his uses. If the country could withstand eight years of that senile, useless old bastard, it can withstand anything.


Yeah, and the thing with Jimmy Carter, I don’t get that either. I know they got nothin’, but — why pick on Carter? Wore out the Clenis meme too quickly, did they?, or just too shamefaced (I know, impossible) to bring up yet another popular Dem president, the one who brought us peace and prosperity for eight years, as opposed to, well.


“Under george Bush, I hit record highs 🙁

Under the Democrat Party, I feel sooooo low :((”

Good idea! Republicans should rebound on the idea that they would bring W back!

Also, as far resorting to calling Obama a republican as a dirty name, isn’t that essentially what the troll is doing when he says we must be alarmed and distraught that Obama has betrayed us by continuing Bush’s policies?


“We’ve so overused the word ‘socialism’ that it no longer has the negative connotation it had 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago,” Mr. Anuzis said. “Fascism — everybody still thinks that’s a bad thing.”

This Party is no more! It has ceased to be! It has expired and gone to meet its marker! It’s a stiff! Bereft of contracts, it rests in pieces! If it hadn’t been nailed to the tundra it’d be pushing up the dixiecrats! Its moneybags is now history! It’s off the dole! It’s kicked the bucket, it has shuffled off in a binge of moral hazard, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ whigs!! This is an Ex-Party!!


Plus they already played their impeachment card for the next 50 years. Over a blow job. How quaint it all seems now. They must suck at board games.


They must suck at board games.

Has anyone told them it’s much easier to teabag a knight than the queen?


Come back and post when you’ve won a Nobel Prize, namestealing troll.



“When you come to a rift in the essense of reality, take it!”


What this troll needs is more cryptozoology. Yepper, that’s the ticket.

Or cryptoPENIS. To which this comment is not a veiled reference.



Kind of a sneak but his sidekick Boo Boo is really cute!


Results 1 – 10 of about 45 for cryptopenis. (0.28 seconds)

CONCLUSION: Suprapubic lipectomy and anchoring of dermis and retracted cutting dartos fascia margin to the underlying fascia in all directions at the penile base through a single suprapubic incision provide this patient with complacency.


Well it at least makes sense that they are going for rhetorical bankruptcy. They’ve already perfected the moral and intellectual kind.

Not to mention the fiscal kind.

The intellectual bankruptcy shows in Anuzis’ and Goldberg’s approach to words. They see words as verbal cudgels, clubs to be used up and thrown away, after inflicting pain and suffering upon their chosen human targets. Since neither of them has ever himself thought of an idea, we fancy-pants leftie types are taunting them when we claim words stand for ideas. (Heck, given how projection doth make the wingnut, they might believe we’re actually lying about these so-called ideas in the first place. They lie all of the time about absolutely everything; why shouldn’t we?) The dough-fisted pantload of a “book” exists, after all, because the “author” got tired of liberals using “fascism” as an effective tool against his side. As he cannot imagine a tool more refined or elegant than a club, he produced a tottering pile of printed material, with a cover and everything (!!!1!1!!), to beat liberals with that club of a word.

Of course, when their world is finally revealed as being more complex than just a collection of objects and persons to beat with clubs, all of their endless flailing rebounds upon them. Just a few months into their hard-earned beating, and they’ve already tired of the same treatment they so gleefully visited upon their fellow Americans. Now, getting mocked and ridiculed is “censorship” and “intolerance” beyond the ability of rugged, tough, manly men men to take; why they’d go Galt, if they could just get someone to e-mail them the instructions…


Again with the veiled penises.


Again with the veiled penises.

Would you prefer they be shrouded?
Results 1 – 10 of about 94 for “shrouded penis”. (0.20 seconds)

It is a little known fact that Rome fell because of their mutual fear and hatred for the shrouded penis of Islam


“CryptoPENIS, the new board game for the entire family. Break the code, rearrange the letters, and win cash prizes!”

cryptopenis = pips’ cry tone = the sound of Gladys’s backups being teabagged.


Jimmy Carter was a PEANUT FARMER!


Now, getting mocked and ridiculed is “censorship” and “intolerance” beyond the ability of rugged, tough, manly men men to take; why they’d go Galt, if they could just get someone to e-mail them the instructions…

As *former* neo-con hawk (and traitor to the Cause) Phillip Gold once described those people:

“Ask them to show you their battle scars, and they wave a copy of the New York Times editorial page at you.”

They think that “Freedom of Speech, and of the Press” = “Inalienable Right To Be Taken Seriously.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

They think that “Freedom of Speech, and of the Press” = “Inalienable Right To Be Taken Seriously.”


I keep forgetting that one thing my home state of Utah is ahead of the curve on is wingnuttery, in all its obnoxious butthurt and such. All throughout the 90s there was a lot of puling by Mormons that criticism of the church – e.g., for the firing of a BYU professor for for ideological reasons – was “religious persecution”.


“Why, his policies are downright Hittite. Not Phoenician, mind you, and definitely not Assyrian or Philistine, but clearly Hittite. Monster!”

OMFSM, Obama = Humbaba.

Johnny Coelacanth

You l ibs are saying Obama is the next Reagan right??

You think he will change politics forever? Really? Ok, seriously. Can I bookmark this and throw it in your face come November 2012?

No, sweetheart, I’m saying President Black Hussein X is going to be far, far better than Ronnie ever was. Fun fact: When it’s all over, Obama will remember having been president, so he’s already ahead of Reagan. And, dolt, President Obama has already changed American politics forever. I’ll leave it as an exercise for you to figure out how that is true, and in how many ways.


Righteous Bubba said,

April 21, 2009 at 4:35


Kind of a sneak but his sidekick Boo Boo is really cute!

Boo-Boo-Shub-Niggurath WILL steal your picnic baskets.

Don’t even think of telling the ranger.

Sadly, Nyarlathotep

The Lair of Great Cthulhu
(” To the tune of “Chattanooga Choo-Choo”)

Pardon me boy,
Is this the Lair of Great Cthulhu?
In the city of slime,
Where it is night all the time.

Bob Hope never went
Along the road to Great Cthulhu,
And Triple-A has no maps,
And all the Tcho Tcho’s lay traps.

You’ll see an ancient sunken city
Where the angles are wrong.
You’ll see the fourth dimension
If you’re there very long.
Come to the conventicle,
Bring along your pentacle,
Otherwise you’ll be dragged off by a tentacle.

A mountain’s in the middle,
With a house on the peak.
A gnashin’ and a thrashin’
And a clackin’ of a beak.
Your soul you will be a lackin’
When you see that mighty Kraken.
Ooo-ooo, Great Cthulhu’s startin’ to speak.

So come on aboard,
Along the Road to Great Cthulhu,
Wen-di-gos and Dholes
Will make Big Macs of our souls.

Under the sea,
Down in the ancient city of R’lyeh,
In the Lair of Great Cthulhu
They’ll suck your soul away…
(Great Cthulhu, Great Cthulhu
— Suck your soul —
Great Cthulhu, Great Cthulhu)
…In the Lair of Great Cthulhu,
They’ll suck your soul away!


Sadly, Nyarlathotep said,

Aww. That’s sweet.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The Lair of Great Cthulhu



The nostalgists among us may wish to see The Fool practise his love at LGM.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The nostalgists among us may wish to see The Fool practise his love at LGM.

Wow. Looks like the genuine article, all right.

I don’t recall – was the “up on the backstroke” troll the real Fool, or not? My trollology is weak.


I don’t recall – was the “up on the backstroke” troll the real Fool, or not? My trollology is weak.

Hmm, I take no position on that one, but he was a creepy misogynist on that Cosmic Charly alicublog thread you found, so it’d be in character…


Righteous Bubba, you think you could get into LSU?

All right…how about you think you could get into LSU and play left tackle, ehh?


Pardon me Roy, but is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?


Righteous Bubba, you think you could get into LSU?

Dude, I did too much of that at the Phish concert.

Tyrone Shoelaces

What if they start calling him a Bush Republican? How would you dirty Libs like that? Huh?


Righteous Bubba said,

The nostalgists among us may wish to see The Fool practise his love at LGM.

And there we find…

Johnny Coelacanth says:
Today, 20:59:54
“Hey you boys from Sadly, Blow. Join in the argument. If you can understand it, that is.”

Ha ha and LOL. “Hey, I dare you to come take a bite out of this shit sandwich. If you can appreciate the flavor, that is.”

Johnny for the win!

Tyrone Shoelaces

Read the whole thread before you comment, Tyrone, if that is your real name.


Well, that would be the ultimate insult, wouldn’t it?

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Tyrone Shoelaces said,
Read the whole thread before you comment, Tyrone, if that is your real name.

This is all too meta or circular or something for my taste. Good night, everybody.


Newt Gingrich is a fat shit.



This is all too meta or circular or something for my taste. Good night, everybody.

That needs a hmmmphh! at the end.

Along with a “I shan’t be back”.


Awwwwwww, Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Can someone please shut the lid on the dustbin of history?


smut clyde: “Why, his policies are downright Hittite. Not Phoenician, mind you, and definitely not Assyrian or Philistine, but clearly Hittite. Monster!”

when this happens, it will be the single greatest day of victor davis hansen’s life. (ugh, i hate that guy.)


Okay, courtesy of astute commenter paperbagmarlys at Orcinus, comes this amazing new fount of lunacy known as Plumb Bob. (I shit you not, as we DFHs used to say in the glorious 70s.)

It’s really fairly simple, and it’s been clear for at least 40 years. The one government that stands in the path of World Socialism is the United States government, and really, it only does so when it’s in the hands of Republicans. For this reason, socialists worldwide have been systematically, consistently attempting to demonize American government, and especially Republican American government, in any way possible for most of our lifetimes. The agitation over “torture” (which is, truly, anything but torture) is part and parcel of that effort, and to the extent that any citizen in the United States has participated in the agitation, they are either dupes of World Socialists, or partners with them. The Democratic party of the United States as a whole has absorbed more of the assumptions of World Socialism than most Democrats realize, and for that reason most American Democrats cooperate unconsciously with World Socialism, but that’s what this is about. Otherwise, we’d be banging the drum for sanctioning of Morocco, Pakistan, and Afghanistan at the UN, not banging the drum for lynching George W. Bush and John Yoo. Who the hell is John Yoo, anyhow?

My conscience is shocked by penis-slicing prison keepers. That’s repulsive.

Just wanted to drop by before sleep claims me and share this rare jewel of nuttiness. I’ve not even plumbed the depths. Sweet dreams, Sadlies.

Johnny Coelacanth

“The agitation over “torture” (which is, truly, anything but torture)”

Oh, sure; it’s only torture when they rip your guts out or stick you in the iron maiden with the bloody spikes or tear you in half with horses or brand you with hot irons or some shit. Like in the movies!


Plumb Dumb Blob writes:

In Morocco’s prisons, prisoners allegedly get their genitals sliced to ribbons. Political prisoners simply disappear in Niger, and in Chechnya. The Sudanese recently executed nine defendants who allegedly confessed under torture — real torture, not fake walls designed to give way. Where is your conscientious activism aimed at ending this sort of barbarism?

America clearly documents what happens in its prisons, has clear accountability for actions, makes every necessary effort to see that prisoners are not harmed in any way. The recent memos, clearly not constructed for public view, confirm all of this. So, what’s the obsession with “bringing to justice” the most humane prison regime in the history of mankind — but not a word is uttered about the people who are genuinely engaged in real torture? In what way does this represent justice, in your mind?

If Bush had approved genital slicing, wingnuts would be defending it.

Wingnuts have forgotten Abu Ghraib and perhaps don’t realize the CIA deported some prisoners to Syrian jails for interrogation, including several Canadian citizens, all of whom returned with physical and psychological scars.


Cheney said. “I’ve now formally asked the CIA to take steps to declassify those memos so we can lay them out there…”

So some memos were classified under the Cheney administration to PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM EVIL, but he wants them declassified again if he thinks they support his attacks on the current administration. Isn’t that a tad, um, frivolous? It’s almost as Cheney is used to wielding the system of security classification is a tool for controlling opinion, rather than anything to do with national security.

It is only a matter of time before Cheney is claiming that the CIA made videotapes of their sessions which would PROVE the INTELLIGENCE VALUE of torture enhanced interrogation methods, but Obama arranged for them to be destroyed. And all those e-mails from the Fourth Branch of Government, which would totally vindicate Cheney’s policiies, but Obama is responsible for their disappearance as well.
Plumb Bob asks, “Where is your conscientious activism aimed at ending this sort of barbarism?”
In my case, my money & time are channeled through Amnesty International, but I don’t know if that’s the kind of answer Mr Bob is seeking.
Do you think he was named after plumbism, or vice versa?


Hey thanks! First noted here, of course.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

I’m surprised that the interviewer didn’t just laugh Cheney out of the studio… oh it was Hannity.

Look Dick, NOBODY fucking believes that there are any “memos that showed the success of the effort”. If such memos existed, the only reason that they wouldn’t have been leaked by now is because your stupid fucking Administration would have already published a Little Red Book of them and distributed them to THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET.

Geez, you’d think that Cheney would have been too worried about all the still classified material that conclusively demonstrates that Saddam and bin Laden ARE THE SAME PERSON!!! And that Valerie Plame is really part of the Broodax Imperiate.


In Morocco’s prisons, prisoners allegedly get their genitals sliced to ribbons. Political prisoners simply disappear in Niger, and in Chechnya. The Sudanese recently executed nine defendants who allegedly confessed under torture — real torture, not fake walls designed to give way. Where is your conscientious activism aimed at ending this sort of barbarism?

Wow, an unsubtle accusation of hypocrisy based on complete ignorance (“Anmesty whoterwhational? LOLWUT that’s not even a real word!”) following blatant moral relativism. How unsurprisingly typical.


You l ibs are saying Obama is the next Reagan right??

No, we’re saying Reagan wasn’t even like Reagan, but Obama is like the Reagan that could have changed politics if he had wanted to instead of fattening up the already-fattened calves.


comes this amazing new fount of lunacy known as Plumb Bob.

You mean the guy who actually posted here a couple of weeks back when Gavin (I think) linked to one of his pieces?


Shouldn’t that read FÖX news and GÖP?

Considering they would then be pronounced (approximately) “Fakes” and “Gape”, I think that’s appropriate.


“We’ve so overused the word ‘socialism’ that it no longer has the negative connotation it had 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago. Fascism— everybody still thinks that’s a bad thing.So, we’re prepared to call him a big poopy doodyhead.”

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

That needs a hmmmphh! at the end. Along with a “I shan’t be back”.

I thought that only applied when the parting was either in a huff or after declaring victory by assertion. I intended neither – and good morning!


Tell me Obama and Hitler don’t have the same exact ears! Huh? Ex-fucking-ackly the same. There’s destiny on the half-shell for ya!
What’s that old saying? “The Ears are Father to the Man”, right?


No, maybe they’re not exactly the same.


Yeah, I’d bet that Hitler’s ears are pretty rotten by now, so I’m guessing “not the same ears.”


You mean the guy who actually posted here a couple of weeks back when Gavin (I think) linked to one of his pieces?

No shit? See what happens to an old person like me when she has to spend all her time studying and memorizing crap and can’t be hanging around Sadly,No all the time. I must have missed it somehow. Or forgotten. I should have known there was nothing new under Sadly’s sun.


“Fascist”: no, that word is totally not one of the most shopworn terms you can use to describe your enemies


See, I don’t know. I always called the Bush/Delay crowd fascists because of their dictatorial tendencies, their obsessive secrecy, their promotion of blind nationalism, and their constant stroking of corporate interests. But hey, what would I know about it?


Tell me Obama and Hitler don’t have the same exact ears! Huh? Ex-fucking-ackly the same. There’s destiny on the half-shell for ya!
What’s that old saying? “The Ears are Father to the Man”, right?

As my pappy always said, the ears are the window to the brain.

Isosceles Kramer

An Amatuer’s Shorter:
“It seems people have stopped listening when we Republicans cry wolf! OMG! What ever will we do?!
Wait, I know! Let’s start crying lion!”




Cannibal! He’s a fascist, nazi cannibal!


Umm, I was right, wasn’t I.


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