Late, Breaking News



Knock-knock, ding-dong. Hi, may I help you? Oh, it’s Pam of Atlas Shrugs, relatively fresh from our making fun of her about the Nazi thing.

Key Witness in Presidential Passport Tampering Case Murdered in 2008, No Arrests

OMG, they are killing people.

Oh no! Not people! That’s what many of our friends are!

Do you remember this curious story during the Presidential election? A couple of months before rumblings began about Obama’s birth circumstances and the discovery that BHO’s COLB (certification of live birth) was a forgery, a story broke in late March 2008 that State Department employees had tampered with the passport files of Barack Obama

This is true for a definition of “[to] tamper” that means “to look at a picture of,” and for a definition of “discovery” like if the Discovery Channel were full of people yelling hysterically about the Skeleton People chasing them on pogo sticks.

And note the phrase, “Obama’s birth circumstances.” It’s like the new, respectable way to mention his birth certificate — for a definition of ‘mention’ that means to step on a glue trap and run flapping around the house arguing with it.

As to us, we are becoming interested in Obama’s birth circumference.

We would like information on his birth circus dances, on the cirque and scision. We would like to see his stiffy kit.

At the time “State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the violations of McCain and Clinton’s passport files were not discovered until Friday, after officials were made aware of the unauthorized access of…

Let’s skip the next twenty-five or so lines where she blows the lid off what now appears to be an integrated Pakistan Ayers Sex Tour Passport Birth Certificate Conspiracy — if that’s the lid that was flipping when we scanned ahead — to see what she’s talking about with the killing and the people and the thing.

UPDATE: This article is from April 2008 (thanks Slimguy) but I was unaware of the murder. I am just seeing the story. Needless to say – there have been no arrests a year later in this case.

Key witness in passport fraud case fatally shot Washington Times

So he fatally shot the Washington Times. No, okay, so the story was published a year ago, and Pam didn’t notice the date when she launched into…a post whose title says ‘2008’? Because in 2008, Condoleezza Rice was Secretary of State? As in, the one who heads up the State Department? With the passports and the visas and the you-know?

Apparently, it’s still Schmuckuary in Ronkonkamonkama. That’s the thirteenth month of varying length in which people ease into the new year by dating their checks in the safe and tested manner of the previous one. For instance, today is April 22nd, 2008, or the 112th day of Schmuckuary. Ronkonkamonkama is a Long Island town in which people go to the maul.

The bat-mitzvahed Ronka-konkans weah shawt-shawts and carry a pockabook,1 and of a weekend or a Thursday will gowau ta nikelubs with their swains, young Italian gentlemen in the aspirational Billy Joel sense, having embraced the local version of the funk by trading their gold Star of David bling for those lucky-horn necklaces that the genuine local Italians, with the smaller houses and cooler cars, now regard as some kind of ancient Jewish symbol. A shoal of cutthroat Yuppies roils around them, supporting Thai and recently Vietnamese restaurants (Cambodian/Laotian was gunna be nex if the economy hadden ganunda2), but allowing all the good pizza places to close. Rootfully underneath lies a slightly too warm or cold layer of current and future retirees with aching feet who can’t stand that guy on the TV, what’s his name. Ronkonkamonkama is real, yet never all in one place at once.3 Some say it is inside us, ‘us’ in this case meaning not ourselves specifically, but more like Pam and a lot of other Pams, with their terrier dwogs and their joolery.

Also, it should pique suspicion that it’s a Washington Times story. Also, it has already rattled around the block several times on an old skateboard with rusty metal wheels. Also, it is a recent addition to the notoriously laffy-daffy Obama Body Count. Also, the passport files of John McCain and Hillary Clinton were improperly accessed. Also:

  1. The dead guy, whose name was actually Leiutenant Quarles Harris, Jr. (spelled as shown), was supposed to be testifying against some people allegedly involved in a different incident.
  2. Welp, I guess that’s that.

Yes, mistakes happen to us all. O hai, Debbie Schlussel:

So much for Obama’s faux “openness.” Why was Lt. Quarles Harris gunned down? What did he know about possible Obama friends in the State Department illegally accessing passport information of opponents?

Wow, that post didn’t stay up long. O hai, Free Republic. To the Freepers, the fact that the story is a year old is highly suspicious, and they hypothesize as to whether it was intentionally misdated or suppressed for a year then retroactively planted back in the record. They notice that there is a a wine called Quarles Harris, and find this highly suspicious:

Either the vintner is non-existent and the listing is a means to pass coded data, or the Lt. is an alias. Perhaps Harris is now relocated to a convenient address and new name so Obamaicde cannot be done on him in exchange for further data forthcoming. One thing is sure, we the people will never know the full truth.

Since it is agreed to fit the profile of an Obamurder, reason suggests that while Obama’s spooks were altering or concealing the incriminating passport data, they would have engineered the credit card scam to help finance Obama’s campaign. The Freepers dig up a photo, discover that Harris was black, and quite reasonably wonder if he was an ACORN agent. A memorial with teddy bears is found suspicious. Court documents are produced and found suspicious. And so on:

Barry’s supposed gay lover in Chicago was also shot near a church, wasn’t he?

Um, maybe.

But that’s odd, through the trees over there, with that wig rising vertically and then descending after a full rotation on the X axis, accompanied by the sound of a slide whistle and then a kettle drum. Yes, that, over there. Look, it just did it again.

OMG, Pam hasn’t even slowed down:

Oil of Immigration goes one step further:

Comment: See my article about General Dynamics – the company used by the Obama campaign to tamper the passport. Tom Ayers (Bill Ayer’s Father) was on the board of General Dynamics. Also, right after Obama Usurped Office, GD was contracted to improve the security of the Passport system.


Gets better ……….Tom Ayers served on board of General Dynamics. General Dynamics now wants “hackers” to work for the Government hat tip Denice

Wanted: Computer hackers … to help government (snippet below):

Federal authorities aren’t looking to prosecute them, but to pay them to secure the nation’s networks. General Dynamics Information Technology put out an ad last month on behalf of the Homeland Security Department seeking someone who could “think like the bad guy.” Applicants, it said, must understand hackers’ tools and tactics and be able to analyze Internet traffic and identify vulnerabilities in the federal systems.

Tom Ayers, father of Obama friend, communist and unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, served on the General Dynamics Board. As head of the corporation’s finance committee, Northern Trust was the trustee of the corporation’s Salaried Savings Plan and the Hourly Savings Plan that was overseen by the committee along with fellow members Lester Crown whose son, Jim, and daughter-in-law, Paula, are $200,000 bundlers for Obama’s presidential campaign.

Northern Trust Bank is also the same bank that gave Obama his below prime rate home loan for his current mansion.

Many believe General Dynamics was also involved in the “security breach” or tampering with the Obama Passport before the election.

Just after the election, the State Dept. awarded the same company that breached…

Well, we can be sure of one thing. By the time we figure out what Pam is talking about, there’ll be some new Obamacide scandal busting out all over the WingNet. And no, yes, in fact, there was one earlier today, and see that post below, and by the time we figure that one out, it’ll be time for a right-wing lunatic to gun down some cops or parishioners again. The pace, it wears one out.


1 From a prewar fashion in which young women carried books as a display of urban sophistication, generally slim volumes of poetry, generally of a cleverly mordant tone. After a time the books entered purses, then departed them again leaving the purses as the main accessory, and so they remain. Poems were often read aloud by these prewar ‘friends of Dorothy,’ as so:


Raise a spay nyu;
Rivazar dayump;
Ass-uhd stayn-zhu;
In drugs caw scramp.
Gunsart loffel;
New sizz give;
Gaah smelzoffel;
Yummaida swell iv.

2 An inflected form of the verb, tugga wunda (to fail). In 1918, the cruiser USS San Diego was sunk off the south shore of the mainland of Log Guylin, or the Blessed Continent, by a German U-boat. A survivor from the Guylian village of Mineoleolea was recorded by the Smithsonian in the 1930s, and provides examples of this word’s many forms.

The sailor said that there was a fricken kaboom, an explosion, and boom, without delay, the cruiser stattada gawunda, was beginning to be failing. The sailors called to each other, “Wegunnaga wunda, wegunnaga wunda,” “As to ourselves, be alert to an unavoidable failure,” and as soon as the lifeboats had been released, boom, he looked back and the ship had lost all success at floating, ittid ganunda. “Wenunda,” he finished. “Failed.”

Popular on Guylian websites are photos of mishaps, especially involving ironic surprises or cats, marked with the verb’s imperative form: “GAWUNDA!1”

3 They are friendly with Brigadoon, and avid for Cockaigne, but relations have been fraught with the invisible Islamic republic of Phlogistan.

Other such cities include Walla-Walla-Washington, Cucamonga, and Ho-Ho-Kus (NJ).


Comments: 472


And since, you know, General Dynamics is the same company responsible for the design of F-16 fighter jets, that means that terrorists have already infitrated the US military!!! Or something.


After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.


“One thing is sure, we the people will never know the full truth.”

Well, given that the “we” in that context is the Freepers, that’s true enough.


the company used by the Obama campaign to tamper the passport. Tom Ayers (Bill Ayer’s Father) was on the board of General Dynamics.

I am sure she meant ‘Yoyodyne’.


Dear sirs,

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) is bragging about how he doesn’t know Plate Tectonics and you aren’t covering it?

For shame.


Raise a spay nyu;
Rivazar dayump;

Worst alternative lyrics for ‘Mull of Kintyre’ EVAH.


Holy shit, don’t ever, ever stop.


As to us, we are becoming interested in Obama’s birth circumference.
And on that subject, We the People are STILL WAITING for ultrascans of Studebaker, and for further hints as to his probable name.


Just after the election, the State Dept. awarded the same company that breached…

The…Bush state department…payed off GD for fixing Obama’s Passport?

Oh my God, oh my God, OMFG! Suddenly all has been revealed! Everything is crystal clear! Bush and Obama have been in cahoots this whole time--they’ve been running a two-man con on us all. They knew a happy, peaceful, proseperous United States would never accept communism. The only way to make Americans into socialists was for a series of disasters to make our capitalist system seem to be failing. To this end, they engaged in a decades-long conspiracy culminating in the “conservative” Bush becoming president and instigating one massive faiulure after another, ruining the reputation of the Republican party so that Obama could be swept into power to “fix” our country, while at the same time generating a sufficientlypliable citizenry and the requisite political capital, required to start America down the road to COMUNISM!!

this is Big people this is really Big!!! I need to let the Public know the truth, preferrably through poorly xeroxed pamplets handed out on street corners. If you don’t hear from me again it means the TRILATERaL COMMISHION or Kraft foods has eliminated me, in which case you should all go off the grid in a tarpaper shack in the ozarks with a stack of guns and wait for the stormtroopers to come and try to implant a computer chip in your forhead that cdhxkvKHK HKbvhk; bn bna l’bgl ml sjk llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll





and here is me thinking that things were going to get boring once Obama became president, I thought we would have nothing to laugh at any more. The levels of derangement are frankly, stunning……


Shorter* Sophist FCD:

* We are aware of all traditional Internets, blah blah blah.


No shit. I’m still dating my checks 5768.


For those poor Sadly Naughts unblessed by trips to Lawn Guyland, let me say that it’s alwaysSchmuckuary in Ronkonkamonkama.


I swear that space was there in preview.


Wow, Gavin M., this is such a brilliantly well-done satire of crazy Pam, crazy Birthers, general crazy-ass right-wing conspiracy stories which are impossible for the uninitiated to understand, and the odd dialects of Long Island.


We’re finally seeing some comeuppance after 8 years of Republican/neocon impunity. But just remember, kiddies: Rome was neither built nor dismantled in a day.


Yes, that’s right. Obama was running the entire country before he was elected, the actual election was just a formality. He put faithful minion H. Clinton in charge of the SD so she could continue to tamper with his birth circumstances.

This one made me laugh way too hard for 7 am:

Perhaps Harris is now relocated to a convenient address and new name so Obamaicde cannot be done on him in exchange for further data forthcoming.

Yep, because if you want to hide from the guy who actually has an answer to “Yeah? You and whose army?” you keep your unusual name and stick it on the sign of a winery. At least that’s what they would do.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Barry’s supposed gay lover in Chicago was also shot near a church, wasn’t he?

“supposed gay”? Are they implying that Barack’s really a woman?

Oh wait – it was just a coupla blow jobs. Everybody knows that sucking another mans PENIS doesn’t make you gay.


When you want to get out to Lawn Guyland, you take the LIE.


Oy vey, iffeye hadda kawtuh awwa cuppa kawfee faw evviah toim i hoid dat ayxent, i’d be frickin folguz, yuh no?


A Freeper comments on the looming custody battle between Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin:

“Levi’s custody battle will be funded by George Soros.”


A little sympathy for Geller. You’d be a bit paranoid if your home island were subjected to Nazi invasion.


Eat THIS, libtards!

WASHINGTON – For the first time in years, more Americans than not say the country is headed in the right direction, a sign that Barack Obama has used the first 100 days of his presidency to lift the public’s mood and inspire hopes for a brighter future… the percentage of Americans saying the country is headed in the right direction rose to 48 percent, up from 40 percent in February. Forty-four percent say the nation is on the wrong track. Not since January 2004, shortly after the capture of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, has an AP survey found more “right direction” than “wrong direction” respondents. The burst of optimism didn’t last long in 2004. And it doesn’t happen much.

See! Americans have rejected your Obamessiah… Wait…


you take the LIE.

Or the Looneyville Trolley.


I know this is kind of obvious and has been said before, but those people are crazy and stupid.


This is my favorite part:

“Many believe General Dynamics was also involved in the “security breach” or tampering with the Obama Passport before the election.”

“many believe” as in her and her little doggie foofoo.

This is getting good. Can someone pass me some butter? This microwave popcorn is dry as hell.


Link broken. Here, WE DON’T FUCKING TORTURE, maybe this will work.


I believe some people said that nothing would be funny after the inauguration? Ha ha, they were wrong. Except…this isn’t really funny. It’s just STOOPID. And pitiful. And many other mean words, like “totally wrong”.


“supposed gay”? Are they implying that Barack’s really a woman?

Well come on. You can accuse a man of murder, mayhem and all sorts of malfeasance, but saying he’s definitely gay would be slander.


Footnote Two in text needs a name change.


“many believe” as in her and her little doggie foofoo.

Her dog may be included, but if I’m remembering correctly from one of her brilliant vlogs, her dog is named after an Ayn Rand character. I’m not kidding.


I’m sad to see that the pelican gif did not make it into the Sadly, Sirens!


I love how the Death Lists always focus on such nobodies. The dude will kill the cousin of the sister of one of the regulars at the diner where Obama ordered orange juice during the campaign to get his vengeance on the diner. But for some reason, he lets Bohner and Limbaugh and Cheney keep breathing.


Maul? Is that islamofacistcommunobamaist speak for a tribal gathering place to purchase new documents of birth circumstances, a nice pair of Farragamo’s and perhaps a slice of Szabo’s finest?


“Maul” and “pockabook” are just…perfect.


Hey, at least we had the decency to name our towns in honor of the natives whose land we stole. It’s better than the hopelessly optimistic Rome, Venice, Rotterdam, etc. upstate.


Would it be fair to say that the CFO of Freddie Mac who was found dead mere minutes from where Hillary Clinton was testifying would be analogous to a Chicago comptroller?


and for further hints as to his probable name.


It’s gotta be F.

Doctor Missus Marita

Ah kenga, not quite it.

I’ll take the pictures in today and try to get them scanned. As for another hint… I don’t think anyone got it in comment to the post with the first hint (unless they got there very late), and our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.


Oh, I should have seen this earlier: clearly, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were involved in the secret murder / apparent suicide of the Freddie Mac CFO.

And, get this: Michelle Malkin was acting as the Voice of Slightly More Reason in trying to refrain the nutburst. Via the McClatchy News blog:

Just hours after the acting chief financial officer of mortgage giant Freddie Mac was found dead of an apparent suicide, websites are being flooded with accusations that he was killed.

“Obama and his Obama-bots had him killed,” said one comment posted to the Yahoo news site.

“What’s next?” said another, also popsted to the Yahoo site. “A plane crash, car accident, house fire, someone with a terminal disease dying at a convenient time? Oh wait, Obama already sacrificed Granny so she wouldn’t talk about the phone call from Kenya announcing his birth.”

Many suggest that key Democrats in Congress played a role in his death, naming Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., and Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass.

Others suggest a link to the Clinton administration, drawing a connection to the suicide of former Clinton White House lawyer Vince Foster, which conspiracy theorists maintain was actually a murder despite several investigations confirming the suicide.

“The suspicious death of the CFO from Freddie Mac remind some of the Clinton years. Wouldn’t the new CFO be the guy unraveling the corruption of his predecessors? Is this another ‘apparent suicide’ by multiple shotgun blasts to the back of the head,” said a comment posted to the Fox News website.

“Just like the Clintons, there is political murder written all over this,” said another post to the Fox News site.

Blogger Michelle Malkin urged her readers Wednesday to stay away from the conspiracy theories about the death of David Kellerman, whose body was found in his suburban Washington home by his wife.

“Until the police or Kellerman family say more, I’d rather not listen to babbling about ‘econocide’ and Vince Foster paranoia,” Malkin wrote.

Most of her readers agreed. But the message didn’t get through to all.

“I have only one thing to say about this: Vince Foster,” said one comment.

“Do not rush to speculate about a conspiracy,” said another. “At the same time, do not dismiss the possibility that the socialists/statists/collectivists that are trying to destroy our country just might have taken care of a liability.”

Admittedly this appears to so far be a teabagger / blogreich set of choo choo points. But will it bubble its way up like “Whitewater”?


See! Americans have rejected your Obamessiah… Wait…

OK. I’ll wait to see if the trend continues over the coming months.
Ima guess next month’s results will be 53%, and June will be 58%.


Or the Looneyville Trolley

changing at Huntington for the train to Port Jeff.

And I wish “the Discovery Channel were full of people yelling hysterically about the Skeleton People chasing them on pogo sticks”. I’d start paying for cable again if that was the case.


Debunking Pammy is like discussing policy with an old bag lady down on the corner whom you’ve just generously provided with a Colt 45 forty ouncer.

Doctor Missus Marita

Debunking Pammy is like discussing policy with an old bag lady down on the corner whom you’ve just generously provided with a Colt 45 forty ouncer.

Your point being…?


our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.



Or the Looneyville Trolley

changing at Huntington for the train to Port Jeff.

I’ve got a project in Patchogue right now with a client in Ronkonkoma. The only upside – and one I had to search to find – is that I live a short walk from the Flatbush Ave terminal.


Two things:

First, I hate the phrase “hat tip” and wish that nobody except Hatlo would ever use it again.

Second, I was under the impression that to get onto the official Obama Body Count a victim had to be a former Chicago comptroller. Have I missed something?

Cletus von Clausewitz

our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.

We would welcome little Prioritize with yellow onesie.


The dead guy, whose name was actually Leiutenant Quarles Harris, Jr. (spelled as shown)


Smiling Mortician

Except…this isn’t really funny. It’s just STOOPID.

Well, Pam, sure. But Gavin’s pretty fucking funny. Which makes life worth living.


changing at Huntington for the train to Port Jeff.

My sister was born in Port Jeff. We used to live in Coram.


You know who else was shot by a church in Chicago? 1920’s gangster Hymie Weiss! Oh my God, Obama’s in league with the ghost of Al Capone!


changing at Huntington for the train to Port Jeff.

OK, now I’m starting to get scared that S,N! is just a figment of my imagination. We’re not all Long Islanders who grew up on the Port Jeff line and speak German, right?


“Gavin’s pretty fucking funny. Which makes life worth living.”

I’m going to needlepoint that onto a throw pillow and send it to the Dr. Mrs. as a baby gift.

St. Comptroller

Help! I’m posting from inside a man-sized safe under the White House!


and our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.

Who wrote Red Harvest?


What is both good and bad about this story is that it distracts us from the painful truths surrounding us, like economic meltdowns, an environment headed towards the toilet and two wars no one can afford anymore.

But hey, Pammie, you just keep playing along, mmmmmmmmmmmmK? If you didn’t have those tits, you’d be Ann Coulter. You just keep believing that, OK?

Hm. I wonder…do you think Obama has set all this up, fed these folks these ridiculous talking points in order to cover up his hidden Muslimofascist agenda????


I have nothing funny to add here but somebody tell me who I have to impregnate around here to get a throw pillow embroidered with “Fuck all you smug wingnut assholes in Manhasset in your Polo shirts and your pants with the little anchors or lobsters on them. Fuck you with your lacrosse sticks. Same thing goes for Garden City but at least we don’t have to hear you talking about socialism or your new putters on the train nearly the whole fucking way in and out of the city.”


We’re not all Long Islanders who grew up on the Port Jeff line and speak German, right?

It’s Yiddish, bubbeleh, not Joimun.


It’s better than the hopelessly optimistic Rome, Venice, Rotterdam, etc. upstate.

As someone who has a residence between the Andes and Delhi….:-P

Doctor Missus Marita

Oh, henry lewis, you might be on to something…


We’re not all Long Islanders who grew up on the Port Jeff line and speak German, right?

Well, I started learning German in grade school (and have since forgotten 95% of it) and I lived in the Stonybrook/Setauket area for some 13 years or so… so that’s how I know this stuff.

At the moment I seem to be developing some sort of unholy cross between a Southern accent and a Lawn Guyland accent. Scary stuff, kids.

Screamin' Demon

Other such cities include Walla-Walla-Washington

There’s no hyphen in Walla Walla.

I oughta know. I was born there.


Ho-Ho-Kus, however, is indeed blessed with double hyphens.


Though as far as terrible New Jersey town names go, I greatly prefer “Cheesequake”.


And yet…and yet…these master projectionists, who accuse us of projecting our various foibles and follies onto them, were oddly silent when the dude who wrote Fortunate Son and who claimed to have the goods on stuff like W’s national guard records and DUIs, mysteriously died in a hotel room not long after W was appointed president. And likewise the Enron guy who had the goods on everyone who ended up dead in his car. Both of which didn’t provoke the left-wing blogosphere to start muttering darkly over “Bush death lists” and the like.

Which, when you think about it, is a good thing, since those lists unarguably already contain hundreds of thousands of names, courtesy of W’s war and torture regime. And also a good thing since it means we aren’t certifiable like they are.

So for future reference: mysterious death of person known to be a thorn in the side of a Republican administration and its associates, shortly after said administration takes office and has the full complement of federal power at its disposal = “move along, nothing to see here”, while easily explained death of persons tenuously connected through 6 degrees of separation and who offer no obvious threat to a Democratic administration and its associates, before said administration takes office = “OMG!1!!!11 Another Democratic crime lord president with a huge body count!!11!!”


Gavin, you awh the best nationawl treashawh, EVAH!


And in other news, Glenn Beck performs some Earth Day douchebaggery (complete with creepy Freudian overtones in the second and third sections).


Though as far as terrible New Jersey town names go, I greatly prefer “Cheesequake”.

Piscataway holds the distinction of being both a formal noun and a sentence, however.


At the moment I seem to be developing some sort of unholy cross between a Southern accent and a Lawn Guyland accent. Scary stuff, kids.

I can hear it now:

“Ay, pass me a byag, y’all!”


Though as far as terrible New Jersey town names go, I greatly prefer “Cheesequake”.

How has this not been licensed by Wendy’s yet?

Smiling Mortician

There’s no hyphen in Walla Walla.

Yeah, but under the Daffy Duck rule . . .

Oh, henry lewis, you might be on to something…

Wait. Studebaker’s a precog?


I noticed there was a sentence missing without which the whole post made no sense. To make up for it, I split it up and added it as two sentences, which equals double.

So the story was published a year ago, but she didn’t notice the date when she launched into…a post whose title says ‘2008?? Because in 2008, Condoleezza Rice was Secretary of State — as in, the one who heads up the State Department. With the passports and the visas and the you-know.


You know, during the presidential campaign we talked about how Obama’s election was going to make these people crazier. It has exceeded my wildest expectations. To paraphrase the great Dr. Thompson, it can’t get weird enough for me.


Piscataway holds the distinction of being both a formal noun and a sentence, however.

As well as a method of removing felines from the vicinity.


Skeletons of pogo sticks?!
Now that’s profound. Made me laugh out loud and added a new weapon to my nightmares’ arsenal.
You’re putting WAY too much talent in on this site for free.


and for further hints as to his probable name.


It’s gotta be F.

Mr. F!

Rusty Shackleford

Fucking Joe Barton of fucking TEXAS doesn’t know how oil gets in the ground?


our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.

Intransitive, I imagine. So, what’s a Fitz?


“We thought we could get the bastard with a simple lawsuit, but the lead lawyer sabotaged his own argument. The suit Fitzed.”

The Federalism Amendment

Section 1: Congress shall have power to regulate or prohibit any activity between one state and another, or with foreign nations, provided that no regulation or prohibition shall infringe any enumerated or unenumerated right, privilege or immunity recognized by this Constitution.

Section 2: Nothing in this article, or the eighth section of article I, shall be construed to authorize Congress to regulate or prohibit any activity that takes place wholly within a single state, regardless of its effects outside the state or whether it employs instrumentalities therefrom; but Congress may define and punish offenses constituting acts of war or violent insurrection against the United States.

Section 3: The power of Congress to appropriate any funds shall be limited to carrying into execution the powers enumerated by this Constitution and vested in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof; or to satisfy any current obligation of the United States to any person living at the time of the ratification of this article.

Section 4: The 16th article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed, effective five years from the date of the ratification of this article.

Section 5: The judicial power of the United States to enforce this article includes but is not limited to the power to nullify any prohibition or unreasonable regulation of a rightful exercise of liberty. The words of this article, and any other provision of this Constitution, shall be interpreted according to their public meaning at the time of their enactment.


Found via Instapundit. Petition Congress for it NOW!


Though as far as terrible New Jersey town names go, I greatly prefer “Cheesequake”.

How has this not been licensed by Wendy’s yet?

There is a Wendy’s at the Cheesequake West… I mean, Rest Stop.


“We thought we could get the bastard with a simple lawsuit, but the lead lawyer sabotaged his own argument. The suit Fitzed.”

And if the suit Fitzed, wear it!

Rusty Shackleford

Repeal the federal income tax? Yeah, that’ll happen real soon.


The judicial power of the United States to enforce this article includes but is not limited to the power to nullify any prohibition or unreasonable regulation of a rightful exercise of liberty.

I’m sure we could trust the guys who decided Bush V. Gore to be completely even-handed with a power like that. Yup.


Pammy is deliciously whacko. Much better than a bag lady, she’s seriously fucking deranged. Also.

The Federalism Amendment

The plan is to threaten Congress with a Convention if this doesn’t happen. The fear of a runaway convention will force them to pass it.

This is how we finally got the direct election of Senators, and it will be how the Federalism Amendment is finally enacted.


The Federalism Amendment said

Can I add something?

“No President shall ever be selected by a Supreme Court of the United States that his daddy had any influence over, including picking members, unless said decision is guaranteed to set a future precedent and said judges are held personally & financially liable for running the country into the ground.”

Now you have my vote.

The Federalism Amendment

You lost the 2000 election. Get the fuck over it, already. It’s been NINE YEARS almost.

Discuss the amendment on its own merits.


Pere Ubu said,

April 23, 2009 at 17:59

*muttering about being late with a joke*

I hate you.


Discuss the amendment on its own merits.

OK, I will:


So much for “strict constructionalism”, jackass.

I win! What do I get?

The Federalism Amendment

Look, moron, offering an amendment to change the Constitution IS being strict constructionalist. It is the proper legal way to change the Constitution.


Discuss the amendment on its own merits.

On the proposed amendment:



Damn you actor!!!1!11!! Damn you to hell!11


Why is this remind me of something that used to be said about the Clinton administration… Hmmm, Victor Forester? Vinny Foster? It will come back to me. But I’m pretty sure that Hillary killed him so Obama is probably using her to kill off anyone he needs offed. Go Hillary!!!


Watch these sick fucks run any inquest or autopsy information that shoots their “Obamacide” horseshit full of holes through their Ollie-North-approved shredders the moment it becomes public – can’t let those silly facts get in the way of a good story, after all.

A suicide note in his handwriting, a documented history of mental illness, a recent diagnosis of agonizing incurable disease – none of that would matter, because Obama is black Teh Antichrist, so of course killing people for him is like trimming toenails for you & me!

Wonder what Pammycakes had to say when it came out that Darth Cheney literally had fucking secret death-squads roaming the world on his behalf, offing anybody he didn’t like?



Look, moron, offering an amendment to change the Constitution IS being strict constructionalist.

Sorry. No.

Strict construction requires a judge to apply the text only as it is written. Once the court has a clear meaning of the text, no further investigation is required. Judges should avoid drawing inferences from a statute or constitution and focus only on the text itself.

Since your *koffkoff* “amendment” deals with overruling Article IV of the original document, I suspect that “strict constuctionalism” is the LAST thing this is.

The Federalism Amendment

Your just scared because repealing the income tax would send a stake through the heart of the Federal Leviathin.


ZOMG!!! GD!!! THAT’s how they got the time machine! GD reconstructed it from the wreckage at Area 51. When Obama became CinC he used the military’s time machine to set everything up to make him Pres! The evil bastard is clever, I’ll give him that.



That’s the new diet Kirstie Alley is on.


Tom Ayers, father of Obama friend, communist and unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, served on the General Dynamics Board.

Is Pammypancakes quite sure the corporation isn’t Massive Dynamic? This plot sounds like it would be right up their alley.


Let me guess – the ones floating this new Amendment are the very same ones who, back in the 90s, were peeing themselves blue at the mere idea of a Congressional Convention because they were convinced TEH EEEVIL KKKLINTON was going to use it to repeal the 2nd Amendment and let the Vatican run our food industry and the UN would tattoo bar codes on everyone’s heads.


I had a time machine but I could only throw little stuffed piggies in it which caused all sorts of trouble until I got a piggie lodged in my brain.



That’d make a fucking GREAT name for a diet drug.

*looks up phone numbers for Merck and Pfizer*


Fucking Joe Barton of fucking TEXAS doesn’t know how oil gets in the ground?

Man, half the people in the fucking petroleum industry have no clue how oil actually gets to where it is.

Funny thing, without evolution we wouldn’t have stratigraphy as we know it today, and without stratigraphy oil exploration would be little more than randomly drilling holes in the ground.

Suck it creationists!

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Strict construction requires a judge to apply the text only as it is written.

Well, remember that “Biblical Literalism” means that you have to add 32 pages of caveats and exceptions to “thou shalt not kill”. You see the sort of mind we’re dealing with here.

That’s the new diet Kirstie Alley is on.



Funny thing, without evolution we wouldn’t have stratigraphy as we know it today, and without stratigraphy oil exploration would be little more than randomly drilling holes in the ground.

Creationists think it as God’s “Dinosaur Wine”.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Fucking Joe Barton of fucking TEXAS doesn’t know how oil gets in the ground?

Barton doesn’t have to know how it gets in there or out of there or what happens to it afterwards, and doesn’t care, so long as money is involved and some of it ends up in his pockets.

The Federalism Amendment

All you liberal children can do is make unfunny jokes about typos while refusing to address the core of the case for the Federalism Amendment.

Why don’t you make fun of Obama for saying he visited “57 states” or Biden for forgetting the “number” [sic] of the website he was in charge of? Hmm?

Try not to let your obvious mbarassment of voting for a Chicago thug interfere with your response (i.e., why aren’t we getting out of Iraq? Some “change”.)

In four years, you losers can redeem yourselves. By then, you may even find a real job and no longer be living in your parents basement waiting for government checks paid for by productive, adult citizens with real lives.

The Federalism Amendment

Why don’t you children be honest with yourselves and admit it was a mistake to vote for a lying Chicago thug (Obama) and a doofus blowhard (Biden)?

Try to do this without bitching and moaning about a former President.


By then, you may even find a real job and no longer be living in your parents basement waiting for government checks paid for by productive, adult citizens with real lives.

oh, hey, there’s a great way to get us on board with your program.

I have a real job, thank you, but if going on welfare would put your panties in a wad I’m perfectly willing to consider it, sunshine.

The Federalism Amendment

“I have a real job, thank you, ”

Is it funded by taxpayers or run by Unionized thugs per chance? Hmm?


All you liberal children can do is make unfunny jokes about typos while refusing to address the core of the case for the Federalism Amendment.

Your hemorrhoids?


No. Wait. The core issue of the case for the Federalism Amendment is the gaping chasm of boredom now forming between my jaw and skull…

It’s called a “yawn”.

Doctor Missus Marita

I would think if our new Amendment friend wants to avoid being the most tedious troll ever, he should present his case in verse form, like his more respectable predecessors did.


All you liberal children can do is make unfunny jokes about typos …*
See, you shot yerself in the foot right off there, son. Leviathin was teh funnay!! Also, calling it a typo is being, at best, disengenuous; it’s a misspelling by a typically st00pit™ troll.

*non-ominous ellipsis


“Is it funded by taxpayers or run by Unionized thugs per chance? Hmm?”



I have a real job, thank you, but if going on welfare would put your panties in a wad I’m perfectly willing to consider it, sunshine.

Me too. I’m tired of working. I’ve been working since I was a teenager, putting myself through college, raising a family…let someone else’s taxes pay my freight for a while…that’s why I’m going to be a REPUBLICAN BLOGGER!


Try to do this without bitching and moaning about a former President.

You mean unlike you assclowns have done for the last eight years?

And I’m guessing it’s a privately held job, since, being in a Red right-to-work state, “Union thugs” are unknown here. But thank you for playing; Carol Merril will show you your lovely consolation prizes.


Hey, State’s Rights Troll: If you don’t like it here anymore, can we have your flag pin?

The Federalism Amendment

oDon’t assume I’m irrational as you liberals and hated
Clinton as much as you hated Bush. If Hillary had been the nominee (and she would have been, in a SANE world) I may have even voted for her.

But Obama? How STUPID can you be to chose someone so underqualified?


It’s worse better than I imagined. Not only did Joe Barton ask a st00pit™ question, he posted the video to youtube and twittered tweeted twatted to brag about it!

Salon sez it best:

Here’s a hint for you members of Congress out there hungry for camera time: If you ask what you think is a “gotcha” question of a Nobel Prize winner, and he starts laughing, it’s probably best just not to bother with that killer follow-up.

Unfortunately, Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, has yet to learn that lesson. In fact, he’s quite proud of himself for his questioning of Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997. After their exchange, he posted it to YouTube and Twittered, “I seemed to have baffled the Energy Sec with basic question – Where does oil come from?”

Instant classic.

The Federalism Amendment

I’m gonna hold my breath until you children PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!eleventy!!!1!!


Iris? Izzat you? Did you enjoy your stay with the nice men in the white coats?


The Federalism Amendment said,

April 23, 2009 at 18:36

That totally didn’t rhyme. Try harder.

Or would anyone like to help him? We need something we can hum along to.


Or would anyone like to help him?

If I were a rich man,
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
All day long I’d biddy biddy bum.
If I were a wealthy man.
I wouldn’t have to work hard.
Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.
If I were a biddy biddy rich,
Yidle-diddle-didle-didle man.


My, my, the memories. The last time I saw the phrase “living in your parents [sic] basement” it was being uttered by a fat, greasy furry who was feeling butthurt because a forum was astonished at the pictures of his house (note water-stained particleboard in lieu of actual floor– the older photos, with waxy Q-Tips all over the floor, have disappeared into the bowels of history) and his self that he thought were worthy of broadcasting over the Internet.


St. Dr. Mrs.

Shouldn’t that be “St. Lady Dr. Mrs.” for the full measure of gravitas?

Estelle Clubbing

Discuss the amendment on its own merits.



So is Obama a tough Chicago thug or a weak appeaser incapable of standing up to the likes of Kim Jong Il?

These trolls jink around like an F-16 with a SAM locked onto it.


Can’t we frikken kaboom the troll? Disemvowelate? Give ‘im the Ho-Ho-Kus bum’s rush?

Rusty Shackleford

Your just scared because repealing the income tax would send a stake through the heart of the Federal Leviathin.

No, I’m scared of the Bilderbergs and the Trilateral Commission and fiat currency, like all right-thinking people.

Marion in Savannah

“These trolls jink around like an F-16 with a SAM locked onto it.”

That’s one of the best analogies I’ve seen in just about forever.


You know, those of use with brains larger than a paramecium’s penis knew that about the time a Democrat was elected to the Presidency again the wingnuts would be doing a complete 180, from “URRR LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT WHERE YR FLAG PIN” to “ARR MERICA SUX MUST SECEDE NOBLE TRADITIYUM OF REBELLEION”. We just never guessed it’d be so damn quick.


So is Obama a tough Chicago thug or a weak appeaser incapable of standing up to the likes of Kim Jong Il?

Exactly in the same way Bill Clinton was simultaneously a playboy, an effeminate pussywhipped girly-man, and the reincarnation of Joe Stalin.

The Federalism Amendment

The American people had a real moment of clarity from 2000-2006, bud since then have become soft, weak, and easily manipulated by the liberal MSM. The Oprahfication of America is complete. The stupid people in this country who voted for Obama will deserve everything they get when he sends this country down the toilet.


Where’s my car?


What consequences would this Federaliste Amendment on cockfighting?

Saint jim, Patron Saint of Bitchslapping

Your just scared because repealing the income tax would send a stake through the heart of the Federal Leviathin.

America’s in debt up to its fucking eyebrows, so yeah, what better time to eliminate a major government revenue-stream? C’mon, you dumb librulz – bankrupt states are FUN! Just ask Zimbabwe!

Sadly, Mr. Strict Constitutionalist’s handy-dandy Tripe DispenserTM lacks a “Real World” setting or they’d know what an open-ended nightmare of legal limbo & social discord lurks behind those amendments they’re wishing for … try saying “Meech Lake” or “Charlottetown Accord” around a Canadian sometime – but be ready to duck fast.

HINT: People who both start & end their sentences with typos ought to think twice before lecturing others on constitutional law. Actually, even thinking ONCE would be a good start.

The Federalism Amendment

Anti_american activists all over the world love Obama, even calling him a “Gorbachev” and predicting he will lead to the dismantling of the USA.


I was promised a car at the Oprahfication seminar. So where is it?

Estelle Clubbing

Brandi, is that the famous Cigarskunk? I think I’m in love!


Anti_american activists all over the world love Obama, even calling him a “Gorbachev” and predicting he will lead to the dismantling of the USA.

Last time I checked it was the right-wingers who were calling for the “dismantling of the USA” via secession.

This has been another episode of – Conservatives Wanting to Have it Both Ways


Ridiculous unsourced assertion.

Onimous claim of future calamity.


Don’t forget the attention whoredom….


I will now scold liberals for failing address my serious inquiries.


“Who wrote Red Harvest?”

Mr. Samuel D. Hammet, from St. Marys County Maryland (Point Lookout to you Chesapeake Bay types)
And I have a 1957 Studebaker Hawk


And I make a nickel a post! 253 more and it’s Miller time!


How cum you liberals at this snark blog won’t do anything except snark?


The stupid people in this country who voted for Obama will deserve everything they get when he sends this country down the toilet.

So it’s okay with you if I go on not wearing the American Flag(tm) pin I wasn’t wearing to begin with?


Four “Drudge Lights”, 149 comments, and one one single “AROO!!1!“??? For Shame!

The Federalism Amendment

I’m wearing my flag in upside down until Inauguration Day, 2013.


er, uh, not one single AROO!!1!


But Obama? How STUPID can you be to chose someone so underqualified?

I’m happy I voted for Obama, a highly intelligent and effective leader who is successfully addressing a number of very serious problems facing my country at this time. That is why he also very popular with the both the electorate and the world.
As an attorney, I find the Federalist amendment to be amorphous and vague, very serious flaws for a constitutional document. These flaws are glaringly obvious when the amendment is compared with the existing constitution. This structural analysis is completely apart form the fact that the substantive effect of the amendment, if enacted, would be seriously deleterious to the fiscal and social welfare of the country. In fact, the essential substance of the amendment was tried before, as the Articles of Confederation, and ultimately rejected by the Founders.
Anything else, Truthy?

Parody Troll in the next aisle

253 more and it’s Miller time!

My cubicle farm overseer won’t let us eat at our desks cuz we tend to drip submarine sauce all over the talking points.


And I have a 1957 Studebaker Hawk

Very cool.

I have a 1957 Desoto Fireflite


Pere Ubu: blospot?


Mr. Samuel D. Hammet, from St. Marys County Maryland

Corrected. St. Marys (no apostrophe) PA – my home town – is, I believe, the only apostropheless St. Marys in the US.


Pere Ubu: blospot?


I blame Obama.


The last time I saw the phrase “living in your parents [sic] basement” it was being uttered by a fat, greasy furry who was feeling butthurt


Internet blast from the past!

Saint jim, Patron Saint of Bitchslapping

Yep, comparing Obama to the guy who killed the Evil Empire (CCCP, LOL), ended the Cold War & thus quite possibly saved all of humanity from the impending menace of a civilization-killing nuclear war is a real headshot, alrighty … fuckazoids, you folks just live to fail, don’t you?


The “source” claims to be a “humorous” blog about world events – go there, if you’re nostalgic for “THE HALF HOUR NEWS HOUR” & wish there was more Primo Boffo like that on TeeVee these days.

One fool referencing another fool doth not a citation make. As an academic, you make an excellent enema-bag.


Boy. Being compared with Mihkhael Gorbachev (anyone remember his patronymic, perchance? Actor212?) . The guy who brought democracy (of a sort) to the former Soviet Union, who released the European Soviet sattelites, who allowed the reunification of Germany, and who arguably did much more to pull the planet back from the brink of all-out thermonuclear war than Reagan ever did.

Wouldn’t want to be compared to someone like that, nosirree.


“I have a 1957 Desoto Fireflite”

what color? My Hawk is two tone, white and gold. 40,000 original miles.

Used to go down to St. Mary’s county, Hollywood and Waldorf, with the boys I worked with in Potomac. Man those guys liked to fight.

The Federalism Amendment

Gorbachev destroyed his own country, rendering the Soviet Union extinct and a the following decade involved the near total collapse of the Rusian economy, followed by dictatorship.

Is that what you want for the USA?


offering an amendment to change the Constitution IS being strict constructionalist.

Shorter actor:
Sorry. No.

That’s being strict remodelist.

The Federalism Amendment

When they compare him to Gorbachev, they mean this is the end of America as a Superpower.


“Is that what you want for the USA?”

That sounds like what got Obama elected to clean up


“When they compare him to Gorbachev, they mean this is the end of America as a Superpower.”

Then they clearly don;t understand anything about how the real world works


I never thought I’d see the day when a conservative mourned the death of the Soviet Union.

Wingnut Central

“So is Obama a tough Chicago thug or a weak appeaser incapable of standing up to the likes of Kim Jong Il?”

The answer is simple. Obama is a tough Chicago thug and a weak appeaser who trembles before the leaders of third world nations. His goal is to change America into a sharia-based, socialist, fascist, communist nation without borders that permits the aggressive interrogation of white people but prohibits the manufacture and consumption of nutritionally worthless fast foods that are high in salt, fat and sugar. After he nationalizes all the banks and corporations he will divide Texas into three states and Alaska into six, because he is furious that people make fun of him for saying “57 states” and he is determined to make reality conform to his misspeaking.

st. laym of blart

Is that what you want for the USA?

What would the neighbors think??!?!1?


PeeJ is from Sankt Marienburg PA? Home of Joe Beimel, now unfortunately on the DL? Small world.


I saw Gorbechev speak once (in Modesto, CA, if you can believe it), and it was a life changing experience. The man is a genius. Seriously. He makes GWB and Cheney look like they have the intellectual acuity of Britney Spears.

I’m going to duck now, in case the troll’s head actually explodes.


After he nationalizes all the banks and corporations he will divide Texas into three states and Alaska into six, because he is furious that people make fun of him for saying “57 states” and he is determined to make reality conform to his misspeaking.

It be easier to divide Delaware into eight states, each containing 3/8 of a county.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

re: Leviathin

Your passionate defense of por tipnigs has convinced me that you must be cribbing someone else’s argument. I mean, why Leviathan? And then you’re given the perfect opportunity to crow about how well read you are, and all you gots is “57 states”.

P.S. Threatening Congress with a Convention? And then following up with “The Oprahfication of America is complete”? Make up your mind – are Teh Powahs-Dat-Be oppressing us all, or are we sheeple blindly following the Obamessiah into teh Socialist Circle of Hell (Canto XXI – the one with the farting demon).


Make up your mind

This is the problem with people without brains. They form opinions and then try to rearrange the facts to support those opinions. Inconsistencies abound.

People with brains take reality into account, assess and analyze the facts and then reach an opinion on that basis.

I don’t think anyone is going to have trouble figuring out in which camp boring, off-topic, attention seeking troll lives.


The Federalism Amendment said,

April 23, 2009 at 19:41

When they compare him to Gorbachev, they mean this is the end of America as a Superpower.


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! We fucked up our chance to take over the world, Pinky! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Dragon-King Wangchuck

…they mean this is the end of America as a Superpower.

What appeal does Superpower status have for a Federalist? By the unsee-able obviousness of the Invisble Pink Unicorn, are you one of those idiot “libertarians” who think that the centralized government needs even bigger military budgets?


I never thought I’d see the day when a conservative mourned the death of the Soviet Union.

It’s Opposites Month. Or maybe year.


The American people had a real moment of clarity from 2000-2006

Which is why the started voting Democratic by the bushel. But thanks for playing.


Gavin, thanks again for more Wire references.

Now you ain’t got a number,
you just want to rhumba,
and there ain’t no way that yagunna gawunda
Ga wunda ga wunda
Ga wunda ga wunda
You tear me asunder
Ga wunda ga wunda


Let me see if I got this straight. Obama is the next Hitler who murders his political opponents and is currently building FEMA concentration camps. Obambi is a pacifist appeaser who will surrender to our enemies and doesn’t have the balls to torture the scary detainees. He is both a floor wax and a desert topping. Is that about right?


I’m wearing my flag in upside down until Inauguration Day, 2013.

When you’ll pay President Hillary the respect she will have earned.


That’s being strict remodelist.

Oh dear…am I up for Extreme Makeover: Comments Edition?


What a wuss and/or tyrant!


This is the problem with people without brains.

One positive thing that you can say about people without brains: they don’t have to worry about zombies.


am I up for Extreme Makeover: Comments Edition?

First, you put on the PENIS veil.


First, you put on the PENIS veil.

Better make it a burqa

Dragon-King Wangchuck

First, you put on the PENIS veil.

No glove…


When they compare him to Gorbachev, they mean this is the end of America as a Superpower.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.


By the unsee-able obviousness of the Invisble Pink Unicorn, are you one of those idiot “libertarians” who think that the centralized government needs even bigger military budgets?

The bigger, the better. After all, as everyone knows, it wasn’t FDR’s massive federal spending on the New Deal that ended the Great Depression. It was FDR’s even more massive federal spending on WWII that ended the Great Depression.



Alice in financeland
So Citigroup is profitable because investors think it’s failing, while Morgan Stanley is losing money because investors think it will survive. I am not making this up.

Dr. K.
April 22nd, 2009

But only just a little off topic…

Adlai Stevenson

I’m wearing my flag in upside down until Inauguration Day, 2013.

That’s nice, dear. People will think you’re retarded. Oh wait you ARE retarded! Go on with your bad self, Mr. Federal Amendment Retarded Person!


Aren’t the vast majority of detainees conservative Muslims who are against abortion, gay rights and feminism? OH NOES! They been torturing social conservatives all along. ObamaHitler already has the religious right in prison camps. IMPEACH NOW! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!


ummm, maybe? I knew some Beimels but Joe was born shortly after I fled Sanct Marienstadt*. I’m pretty sure I knew his father. I haven’t been there except a few times in the last 30 years.

*It was originally named simply “Marienstatd”, later briefly known as Marystown or Marienburg, then became Sanct Marienstadt. I can’t say for sure but I think it in the 1910’s that it became, for some unfathomable reason, St. Marys.


Hey, WTF is up with the Limey on the Limbaugh’s show? Is someone filling in for him ’cause he has another boil on his ass? Is he “losing his hearing” again?

Brit-guy was whining about GUMMINT HEALTH CARE and how they want that so they can control EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE. Yeah, everything, sure, why I just had a official of the Agriculture Dept. over at the house today threatening me with prison time for not eating a balanced diet.

I mean – how the hell much control DOES the Fed have over your life as opposed to private unaccountable forces such as, say, your employer?


Hmm. If Obama is Gorbachev, I guess that makes Bush, Brezhnev.

Among Brezhnev’s legacy to his successors was the December 1979 decision to intervene in Afghanistan, where a communist regime was struggling with the US-sponsored Muslim radicals and other forces to hold power. This decision was not taken by the Politburo, but by Brezhnev’s inner circle at an informal meeting. It led to the sudden end of the détente era, with the imposition of a grain embargo by the U.S., exacerbating the Soviet economic problems.

Leonid Brezhnev

Trolly might be onto something here.


Fucking Joe Barton of fucking TEXAS doesn’t know how oil gets in the ground?

God put the oil in the ground when he made the universe six thousand years ago. And if we pray really hard he’ll put more in when the oil that’s down there now runs out. That’s why all this “peak oil” talk just displays the ignorance of atheistical liberals.

And yeah, that would be a lot funnier if Barton didn’t actually believe it.


ObamaHitler already has the religious right in prison camps.

Not from where I’m standing.


It’s time for a modern day version of “I’m Just A Bill”. Let’s all add a few verses. It’s fun!

Well, I’m the Federalism Amendment,
and I don’t miss a trick!
Instead of brains,
I’ve got a piece of dogshit on a stick!
I think Pammycakes is be-yoo-tee-ful,
and that Georgie Bush is slick!
I’m that Federalism Amendment,
all-round corn-fed dope and diii-iii-ick!


I will now put the argments of liberals to shame by comparing Obama to one of the following public figures of ridicule:

1. Jimmy Carter
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Ted Kennedy
4. Jane Fonda
5. Michael Moore
6. Al Gore
7. Jesse Jackson
8. Cindy Sheehan


The misspelling of “arguments” was intended, um, satirically.


One positive thing that you can say about people without brains: they don’t have to worry about zombies.

It takes talent to find positives things to say about our trolls. Way to look on the bright side!


OT – Yep, It’s Charlie Crist. And in another huge surprise, David Dreier gets outed. Again.


Flag upside-down = treasonous sedition! Or maybe seditious treason! At any rate JUST PLAIN BAD! Or so we were recently told when liberals did it, but I guess IOKIYAR.

Also, hey, knock yourself out with the amendment, but if you think you’ll get enough states to ratify, or hell, even to go along with the “do it or we’ll have a CONVENTION on your ass” threat, well, just say no to bull elephant-strength hallucinogenics, man.

st. laym of blart

Perhaps a zombie chef would know of a way of preparing a meal with just a small amount of brains.


OT – Yep, It’s Charlie Crist. And in another huge surprise, David Dreier gets outed. Again.

Ed Koch?

This is a revelation????

My god, the man’s closet door was gaping!

Wyatt Watts III

Perhaps a zombie chef would know of a way of preparing a meal with just a small amount of brains.

Trolls are for vegan zombies who are trying to quit brains; essentially, they’re the zombie version of tofurkey.


the man’s closet door was gaping!

Veiled bukkake reference?


Uh, I may be wrong here, but wasn’t Ayers’ dad being a GD bigwig (aka The Man) a motivator for him to become an Evil LeftistTerrist to begin with? Talk about through the looking-glass … Gravol, please!

Nothing says “reputable news story” quite like the imprimatur of coming straight from the vortex of Srs Jrnlzm (link NSFW, to put it mildly) that is the Atlas Hugbox.

Eat your heart out, New York Times!

After that “Malcolm X Love-Child” opus, it’s been pretty mellow by comparison – although Pam saying the LGF dude had gone “off the deep end” was a 9/10 on the Irony Scale.


Who’m I doing?


It’s better than the hopelessly optimistic Rome, Venice, Rotterdam, etc. upstate.

I always loved the pronunciations upstate.

Cairo = carruh

Delhi = dell-high

A lot of folks just think the city when they think NY. Upstate there are serious boonies.

St. Jesus P. Trudeau

I remember Meech Lake. Oh boy. Maybe what The Federalism Amendment needs is a specially-dispatched crew of Canadian constitutional experts, ready, willing, and able to bore him to death in excruciatingly footnoted detail. He can have Brian Baloney as a freebie, too; we’re still trying to clean up the mess from that neocon waste of oxygen.

I mean, it’s entirely possible that the wingnuts think that turning Obama into the US’ Brian Mulroney would be a good idea, in that Mulroney pissed so many people off so badly, he caused his own political party’s extinction at the federal level. On the other hand, given that Mulroney is a corrupt, sleazoid neocon pustule who had avaricious dreams of vast rewards from his American corporate masters, and Obama’s a fairly clean centre-rightist who’s getting everything he wants from his American corporate masters, I’m kind of not seeing how Obama would get to Mulroneyism from here.

(Having been through this kind of thing twice now, I will say that it may take a damn long time for you folks to deBushify, being as we haven’t completely managed to deMulronify yet and it’s been 16 years. Be strong, guys.)


Delhi = dell-high

Hey now! They also pronounce gum “goom,” so Del-Hi is a step up!

Mouthful of Kelp

Q: What do vegan zombies crave?

Mouthful of Kelp



I always loved the pronunciations upstate.

Cairo = carruh

Delhi = dell-high

Don’t forget “Chili” in Monroe County, which is pronouced “Chi-LIE”.

st. laym of blart

Also, all of upstate is just an hour or two from Canada. It’s true!


I hear vegan zombies are servants of Seitan.


It was FDR’s even more massive federal spending on WWII that ended the Great Depression.

The recession actually continued after the war.

But 15 years of delayed consumerism, 10M horndog young men coming back home, immense oil finds in the mideast, and the rest of the (formerly) industrialized world lying in tatters if not ashes inaugurated a generational boom that only petered out in the 1970s.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Ya know, Pammycakes can see Canada from her hawse. As the ugly head of Tommy Douglas rises over the bah-dah, guess who’s airspace it looms in-tah…


Who’m I doing?

The interducks is awarded to RB.


There’s a Cairo in Georgia, too, though it’s pronounced KAY-row.


Larry Summers falls asleep during meeting w/ credit card execs.

sry no link
go to Think Progress

considering that the meeting was about protecting consumers, can’t say I’m surprised.


considering that the meeting was about protecting consumers

Ah, well, who’d want to be doing something totally crazy-ass like that?


Whenever you post something about Pammy, you must also post a picture with maximum cleavage.

From now on, I will only pay attention to posts about Pam that also feature tits – hers, or somebody else’s.

I invite all other Sadlynaughts to join me in this endeavor.


I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture.

My official proclamation, June 26, 2003.


WTF is it with Ohio? Dayton Daily News:

I’ll let Warren County go broke before taking any of Obama’s filthy money,” Commissioner Mike Kilburn said.

ODOT spokesman Scott Varner said the money was specifically for transit improvements in rural areas to improve transportation for disabled people, seniors and others needing access to health care and educational opportunities.

“I’m tired of paying for people who don’t have,” Kilburn said.


From now on, I will only pay attention to posts about Pam that also feature tits – hers, or somebody else’s.

Aren’t all right wingers by definitions, “tits” (in the British sense and happy St George’s day all!)


Discuss the amendment on its own merits.

Who let this asshole jump the line? There was already another much more fun discussion up. Make him at least wait his fucking turn before derailing the thread.


Y’know, I really hate the “fixed your typo” bit but:

From now on, I will only pay attention to posts about Pam that also feature tits – hers, or somebody else’s.

I invite all other Sadlynaughts to join me in this endeavor undervear.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

From now on, I will only pay attention to posts about Pam that also feature tits – hers, or somebody else’s.

Checkout this colorful pair of boobies.


One positive thing that you can say about people without brains: they don’t have to worry about zombies.

Sometimes we eat spleens.

st. laym of blart

Sometimes we eat spleens.

Do you prefer them before or after venting?


I believe that is a cue for Righteous Bubba, Recipe master.

Rusty Shackleford

The Cairo (KAY-row, as tigirismus pointed out), Georgia high school team is the Syrupmakers. As in Karo syrup, which, while pronounced KAY-row, is not spelled “Cairo.”

Now that’s good rural.


I’ll let Warren County go broke before taking any of Obama’s filthy money,” Commissioner Mike Kilburn said.

It’s not just Ohio – South Carolina’s being held hostage by the asshole in the State House a.k.a. Governor Sanford. He thinks he’s making his conservative chops by refusing money from Washington, no matter how badly it’ll affect the state.


I believe that is a cue for Righteous Bubba, Recipe master.

JanusNode’s at home, so, uh, let me improvise:

Prepare food.




♪Karo mio ben ♫


As zombies, we mostly dispense with the first step, RB.


Prepare food.



And by Obama’s filthy money, they mean his filthy, blackity black money.


As zombies, we mostly dispense with the first step, RB.

Running your prey around a bit doesn’t get the skin nice and salty?


No one can be prepared for the Zombie Inquisition! Their chief weapon is surprise… surprise and fear… eat cetera


eat cetera

Fine, but won’t the band Chicago be short a vocalist?


Being without him
Would take a lot of
Getting used, Tim


Section 1: Congress shall have power to regulate or prohibit any activity between one state and another, or with foreign nations, provided that no regulation or prohibition shall infringe any enumerated or unenumerated right, privilege or immunity recognized by this Constitution.

First, if I understand this provision, Congress shall not have any authority to regulate (as any regulation is an infringement) any enumerated or unenumerated right, privilege or immunity recognized by Constitution. Therefore, as the First Amendment says, in relevant part, that “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, . . . ,“ this means Congress (and the states and their respective political subdivisions due to the incorporation doctrine) can make no law abridging the freedom of speech, the press or the right to peaceably assemble. All laws regulating speech, e.g., governing advertising, providing for the tort of defamation, child pornography or the classic “yelling fire in a crowded theatre” are now void. All laws regulating assembly, e.g., the right of people to assemble in front of the Republican convention to peacefully protest, are now void. All laws regarding publications by the press, e.g., the publication of the launch codes to our nuclear weapons, are now void.
Second, how about the remainder of the bill of rights? The 4th Amendment says that no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause. I guess this means no more warrantless searches or wiretaps.
Third, all of this also applies to any unenumerated right, privilege or immunity recognized by the Constitution. So who decides what are these “unenumerated rights?” After all, as they are not enumerated in the Constitution, it seems we need someone to tell us what they may be. However, it can’t be the courts, as the courts, under your approach, are not supposed to create or interpret, but only strictly construe and apply the law.

Section 2: Nothing in this article, or the eighth section of article I, shall be construed to authorize Congress to regulate or prohibit any activity that takes place wholly within a single state, regardless of its effects outside the state or whether it employs instrumentalities therefrom; but Congress may define and punish offenses constituting acts of war or violent insurrection against the United States.

So, if Company A produces a defective product, say baby formula, and that baby formula is sold solely within a single state, Congress has no authority to regulate the production to ensure that the milk is not contaminated with, for example, asbestos or rat poison. Similarly, if a person elects to grow marijuana or to produce narcotics or child pornography and such person’s activities take place only in a single state, then Congress can not regulate. Let’s give a big shout out to all of the decriminalization proponents, as well as NAMBL (North American Man Boy Love Association). Additionally, if a chemical company decides to save money by not treating its waste products, it could dump them all in the river without liability, even if persons and political subdivisions downstream might be adversely effected. So Dow Chemical could dump left-over Agent Orange in the river with no worries. Or a terrorist could release sarin gas into the air and not be liable under any Federal scheme for any deaths/injuries, even if the gas travels across state borders, so long as the terrorist does it all in one state and targets someone other that the United States, say a health care clinic that also does abortions.

Section 3: The power of Congress to appropriate any funds shall be limited to carrying into execution the powers enumerated by this Constitution and vested in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof; or to satisfy any current obligation of the United States to any person living at the time of the ratification of this article.

I assume this is to both shrink the size of the Federal government as well as to eliminate all those programs you don’t like, e.g., foreign aid (including aid to Israel), the NEA, social security, Medicare, home mortgage assistance, the Securities and Exchange Commission, student loans, etc. I could go on for quite a while, but I think you will agree that this is your intent. I point out social security in particular in that Congress could not fund social security in the future for anyone who is not currently receiving benefits, as there is arguably no current obligation.

Also, as the Constitution does not explicitly authorize the regulation of the securities and financial markets or the production of food, drugs, etc. (and as Section 2 of the proposed amendment prohibits intra-state regulation), Congress could not fund the FDA, the SEC, the FDIC or just about any other regulatory agency.

Section 4: The 16th article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed, effective five years from the date of the ratification of this article.

Repeal the income tax — kill the federal government. Also, as you have just eliminated the ability of the federal government to raise funds, we won’t be able to service the payment of the interest (or principal) on our debt and we will have to severely cut our military budget (both of which are two of the largest expenditures of the federal government). Although the amendment would give five years before it takes effect, I think it is safe to say that the results would be immediate and catastrophic. No one is going to purchase US Government debt, as the likelihood of default has just approached a certainty. No new purchases and the immediate decline in value of the existing debt means that the government has no cash to pay bills, even bills such as military salaries or gas for tanks and ships and planes. Congratulations, you have just caused our military to shut down.

Section 5: The judicial power of the United States to enforce this article includes but is not limited to the power to nullify any prohibition or unreasonable regulation of a rightful exercise of liberty. The words of this article, and any other provision of this Constitution, shall be interpreted according to their public meaning at the time of their enactment.

I am getting tired of this, so I will make these last points quickly. “Unreasonable regulation.” Who decides what is “unreasonable?”

Next, “the words of this article, and any other provision of this Constitution, shall be interpreted according to their public meaning at the time of their enactment.” Okay, this means that the Second Amendment shall be interpreted in light of the weapons that were around in the late 1700’s. Similarly, public floggings might be okay, as they were around at the time the 8th Amendment was adopted (although waterboarding was considered torture even then). The US can not have an air force, as that is not an enumerated power and it clearly wasn’t contemplated when the Constitution was adopted. We also can not have trials where the defendant terrorist does not have the right to face his accuser and witnesses, in open court (6th Amendment). So don’t count on having an undercover person testifying in closed court against a terrorist suspect. Also, executive immunity for conversations between the president and his advisors — likely gone.
In closing, the proposed amendment is a simplistic attempt by right-wing conservatives and “libertarians” to do an end-run against a society that they don’t like. However, as is true with much of what these persons suggest (true, a generalization, but I believe a valid one), they really haven’t considered all of the consequences of what they propose. Rather, they will come up with lots of exceptions and excuses to address the consequences they don’t like. In other words, they will apply the amendment to get the policy results they desire, regardless of what the actual philosophical underpinning of the amendment is supposed to be.


It’s better than the hopelessly optimistic Rome, Venice, Rotterdam, etc. upstate.

I’ve always wondered why there is a Utica, Ithica and many other Greek named towns, but no Lesbos.


Gorbachev makes a cameo appearance in a Wim Wenders movie… Wenders also made a movie about Dashiell Hammett… the conspiracy is becoming clearer by the minute.


Grains joke? a+
Tigrismus’s response? a+
Cut and paste? DQ’d for failing to comprehend, well, anything.

Rusty Shackleford

Howard, when he said he wanted to discuss the Federalism Amendment he didn’t really MEAN it.


PeeJ, I’ll bet the Kraut name of St. Marys was changed during WWI, when hamburger became Salisbury Steak, etc., in the 20th century version of “Freedom Fries.”


Rather, they will come up with lots of exceptions and excuses to address the consequences they don’t like. In other words, they will apply the amendment to get the policy results they desire, regardless of what the actual philosophical underpinning of the amendment is supposed to be.

The problem is in their “philosophical underpinnings,” in general. Since their reasoning is so wholly inconsistent (e.g., stay out of my private life, unless the interference is based on Evangelical ideals; the government should be shrunk down to nothing, and we should have a gigantic, bloated, overfunded military to protect all cowardly wingnuts with daddy issues; government is bad unless its wiretapping without warrants), they would never be able to apply this absurd amendment anyway.


I’d like to discuss the internment of all conservatives.

DHS proved that they are all terrorists, so when can we start the Great Righttard Roundup of Ought Nine?


Howard, interesting read but you address an undeserving recipient.


Slightly O/T, but awesome nonethless:

st. laym of blart

but no Lesbos

Oh, they’re over in Vermont. Thanks, you’ve been great, try the spleen.


“Leviathin” is a protein hormone that balances the action of leptin.

Johnny Coelacanth

Howard wasn’t copying and pasting; he was responding to the federalism troll. I almost gave it a TLDR before I actually looked at it. Next time, H., put the quotes in blocks and respond to them; it’s more reader-friendly. Good post, especially the last point about interpreting “according to public meaning at the time of their enactment.”


the proposed amendment is a simplistic attempt by right-wing conservatives and “libertarians” to do an end-run against a society that they don’t like. However, as is true with much of what these persons suggest (true, a generalization, but I believe a valid one), they really haven’t considered all of the consequences of what they propose.

In other late-breaking news the Sun rose this morning in the East, water rolls downhill, farts smell really bad and Glenn Blecch is a total moron.


That Girl – all correct observations…however it’s really just nibbling around the edges of their most unsustainable premise, the one underlying all the rest, which can be explained shorthand as social Darwinism. If you want to expand upon it, their underlying argument is that unfettered accumulation of wealth by the few is the ultimate goal or central value behind our “free” and “democratic” republic, as it is the one value they consistently advance through action while merely playing lip-service to all others. I wish there was a consistent push on that point so that people would ask themselves: “is that really the most important thing for all of us as a nation?” Because I’m pretty sure for most people, if they think about it, it’s not.


Howard, interesting read but you address an undeserving recipient.

However, we award ten points for the effort. But you should have posted it on your own blog and then invited us to read it.


DHS proved that they are all terrorists, so when can we start the Great Righttard Roundup of Ought Nine?

There are practical difficulties. How can we rope them without them getting, you know, excited?


“Leviathin” is a protein hormone that balances the action of leptin.

Really? I thought leptin was the hormone that made conservatives jump to conclusions.

st. laym of blart

It’s better than the hopelessly optimistic Rome, Venice, Rotterdam, etc. upstate.

Also, don’t forget about our fondness for past patrician overlords, like Rensselaer and Schuylerville.


Noun: His new suit showed off his finely shaped Studebaker.

Verb: You’re late! You better Studebaker the fuck over there before you lose your job!


and I’ll hedge with fStudebaker, just to be safe.


How can we rope them without them getting, you know, excited?

I know! Leather stra–

No, that won’t work either…


Oh. sorry, Howard. That’s what I get for trying to only read the last 50 comments on a 300 comment thread. Please accept my humblest apologies.

Rusty Shackleford

How can we rope them without them getting, you know, excited?

Cut their dicks off first.


Rope ’em? We don’t get to use harpoons?

Screw that.

The Federalism Amendment

The income tax would be replaced by a 25% national sales tax (food, clothing, and medication exempted of course).


our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.
[ Cue for grammaring and pedanting about this barbaric American habit of verbing nouns and nouning verbs ].


Calling all trolls –

Here’s why people will not be taking you or your positions seriously any time soon:

Over a dozen members of the conservative wing of the RNC have submitted a new resolution, to be eventually voted on by the entire RNC, that would call on the Democratic party to rename itself the “Democrat Socialist Party.” If the RNC adopts this resolution, the RNC’s official view would become that Democrats are socialists. From the resolution:

RESOLVED, that we the members of the Republican National Committee call on the Democratic Party to be truthful and honest with the American people by acknowledging that they have evolved from a party of tax and spend to a party of tax and nationalize and, therefore, should agree to rename themselves the Democrat Socialist Party.

A political party that has time to waste on stupid little games like this is one that has consigned itself to irrelevance. Stick that in your teabag and slurp it.

The Federalism Amendment

“Democrat Socialist Party”. How accurate, and it pisses off liberals at the same time.

It must make y’all real mad when they start using that on TV and in press releases.


The income tax would be replaced by a 25% national sales tax (food, clothing, and medication exempted of course).

So taxes on the poor and working classes would actually get raised.


Ought to be fun watching your side try to compete to stay on the ballot in all fifty states.


The income tax would be replaced by a 25% national sales tax (food, clothing, and medication exempted of course).

And, obviously, stock sales, corporate buyouts/mergers, and lots of similar transactions which are at base sales will also be exempted, as we note you failed to mention.


That Girl, one of us owes each other a coke, or something.


PeeJ, I’ll bet the Kraut name of St. Marys was changed during WWI, when hamburger became Salisbury Steak, etc., in the 20th century version of “Freedom Fries.”

Naw, DO YOU REALLY THINK SO?!!??!!? I never would have thought of that!!!

Sheesh, M., you been drinking heavily already?


The income tax would be replaced by a 25% national sales tax (food, clothing, and medication exempted of course).

And watch the economy slide right into the toilet as no one goes out and spends anything.

Mouthful of Kelp

I breathelssly await the Democratic counter-resolution to henceforth refer to the Republican Party as “The Nanny Nanny Poo-Poo Heads”.


RESOLVED, that we the members of the Republican National Committee call on the Democratic Party to be truthful and honest

oh please oh pleaseoh please let this pass.

Let them marginalize themselves even more than they already are.


our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb


My case grows ever stronger.


The income tax would be replaced by a 25% national sales tax (food, clothing, and medication exempted of course).

Oh, yeah, THAT’s gonna work when the American public has been taught to pee blood if their sales taxes get raised fractions of a penny.


I will call him the Galtese Falcon.


Also, don’t forget about our fondness for past patrician overlords, like Rensselaer and Schuylerville.

What a bunch of patroons.


Naw. I think we should just start referring to them as a symbol. You know, kind of like Prince changed his handle to “symbol/artist formerly known as Prince” when he kind of lost it.

In the case of the Republicans, however, only one symbol seems to adequately capture their current status: the shape of an “L” on your forehead made with thumb & index finger. “L/the party formerly known as Republican”.


Hey, at least we had the decency to name our towns in honor of the natives whose land we stole. It’s better than the hopelessly optimistic Rome, Venice, Rotterdam, etc. upstate.

I would just like to state for the record that the county I live in is called Onondaga, and that people are still around who claim to be of this tribe.

You won’t find me defending rednecks here or anywhere else for that matter, but I can tell you for certain that given the choice between living semi-rurally among inbred rednecks or living among suburbanite dicks on Long Island, I would much rather have the outdoors (as I grew up with it) easily accessible to me.

One of the many things I loved about moving here is that there are comparatively few Beemers, Lexuses, etc. and the assholes that drive them. Columbus had enough Glenn Reynoldsy scum for about fifteen cities, and was getting more by the day.

Maybe it’s just me but I like this place, idiocy notwithstanding. For all of the (admittedly, occasional) upstate trash talking that I see, I wonder what could be said about people who live in their own sealed world within cities and suburbs and have never actually, you know, lived up here.


That “amendment” has to be the most asinine thing I’ve seen from libertarians since…last week.


I would just like to state for the record that the county I live in is called Onondaga, and that people are still around who claim to be of this tribe.

Onondaga? Isn’t that right next to InnaGaddaDaVita County?

Rusty Shackleford

our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.



I dunno, Simba, I’ve heard a fair amount of trash talking up there, too. Like when the whole reservoir issue was being hammered out under Giuliani and Pataki, I recall hearing at least one town hall meeting where someone got up and talked about shutting the reservoirs down.


Hey, at least we had the decency to name our towns in honor of the natives whose land we stole. It’s better than the hopelessly optimistic Rome, Venice, Rotterdam, etc. upstate.

You guys are pikers. In Illinois, we named our whole state after the natives we stole it from.




The Cigarette Tax

I, for one, have been outstandingly popular among the teabagging crowd.


our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.


(Runs away)


the shape of an “L” on your forehead made with thumb & index finger. “L/the party formerly known as Republican”

It would make their getting on ballots a lot harder, so that’s a plus.


Rusty Shackleford wins my heartfelt obloquy.


our boy’s nickname will likely be one that can be used as either a noun or a verb.


Damn. I was about to type “Lance”, too…


Again, idiot troll thinks that idiot conservatives saying and doing stupid things “pisses off liberals” and “makes liberals mad.” No, actually, that just makes us laugh, and makes you look stupid. But, carry on. You’ve obviously found a strategy that works for you. The rest of us will continue pointing and laughing, as is our wont.


I dunno, Simba, I’ve heard a fair amount of trash talking up there, too. Like when the whole reservoir issue was being hammered out under Giuliani and Pataki, I recall hearing at least one town hall meeting where someone got up and talked about shutting the reservoirs down.

I guess if wherever this was is close enough to be a water supply to New York City, then how “upstate” are they?

Like I said, I don’t really like the shmucks here any more than anyone else does. But I do know what environment I prefer, and to hear some of you guys talk you’d think it was hell up here. I guess I’m just used to living among people like that, and I pretty much tune them out and enjoy the countryside.


OMG! 25% flat sales tax! Its so stupid it. just.. might… Work!!!1!


And as far as the Socialist Democrat Moniker… Is there something wrong with that?

They can be the Developmentally Stunted Cobnobbers.


Onondaga? Isn’t that right next to InnaGaddaDaVita County?

That certainly looks like it could be someone’s last name around here…


I live in is called Onondaga, and that people are still around who claim to be of this tribe

It’s amazing that they reproduce, what with spilling their seed…what?

Rusty Shackleford

Rusty Shackleford wins my heartfelt obloquy.

Well thank you! Now let me just look that up…

Matron Dynamite of Appreciative Joy

“Democrat Socialist Party”. How accurate, and it pisses off liberals at the same time. It must make y’all real mad when they start using that on TV and in press releases.

First of all, where does the Repukelican party get off telling anyone else what their party name should be?!! See, this is the heart of it, the main reason why your party is so roundly loathed: You think, for some reason, that even when you get your asses handed to you in the most humiliating of ways, you still get to boss people around! What a rapidly-dwindling bunch of douche-tards you guys are!

Secondly, that the Rethuglicans’ only real reason for being anymore is to “piss off liberals” is why they are so rapidly dwindling. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving gang of ogreish fuckwads.

Thirdly, please, Repiglicans! Please, do start using “Democrat Socialist Party” all the time, as frequently as possible! You’re only further alienating the final 25 percent of Americans who don’t yet consider your party a smoldering pile of useless filthy rags floating in an oily puddle of bile and snot. So knock yourselves out! Please! Again and again and again!


Also, I don’t know what if any support and/or credibility this has, but I submit this for your consideration inre: Lawn Guyland.

Rusty Shackleford


Carl Jung, yes THAT Carl Jung

Just yesterday, I was thinking it has been far too long since I have seen the BREAKING thingies that make me chuckle so at Sadly No!

And now, here they are.


I guess if wherever this was is close enough to be a water supply to New York City, then how “upstate” are they?

Delaware County, so basically your backyard.


“Democrat Socialist Party”. How accurate, and it pisses off liberals at the same time.

Being a Democratic Socialist myself, meh, not so much.


Whoa, sorry, PeeJ. My sarcasmometer must be disabled. (Fair enough, as my brain is.) Only been awake a couple hrs.

But no need to drink, I’m high on life!

Johnny Coelacanth

I read that big stupid-wood post linked above and found this:

“Government has no right to regulate content in America. ”

Ten to one this guy was fucking screaming about Janet Jackson’s nipple.

Rusty Shackleford

Simba and actor, this note’s for you


The ultimate take-down of Long Island:

Any travelogue that included both the phrase “The Great Chain of Wanna-Being” and the “unprintable Satanist Ritual Killing Ground Photo” deserved a Pulitzer that, Sadly! it did not receive.


Conservatives Organized on Behalf of Aristocratic Government, or COBAG for short.


But no need to drink, I’m high on life!

That’s cool. I used to get high on life but I think I built up a tolerance.


I’m sorry if this is late, but when Federerlism Amendment said:

“The plan is to threaten Congress with a Convention if this doesn’t happen. The fear of a runaway convention will force them to pass it.”

Was I the only one who thought of this?:

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Northern Trust Bank is also the same bank that gave Obama his below prime rate home loan for his current mansion.

Helllloooooo! His current mansion is paid for by teh peeplez, which is the cause for all the hoo-hah among the thugs.

Exactly in the same way Bill Clinton was simultaneously a playboy, an effeminate pussywhipped girly-man, and the reincarnation of Joe Stalin.

Remember when Ann Coulter insinuated that Bill Clinton’s womanizing was due to his homosexuality?

Unfortunately, it’s all fun and games now, but I am really worried that some freaks are going to do some serious harm to innocent people.


“Democrat Socialist Party”. How accurate, and it pisses off liberals at the same time.

It must make y’all real mad when they start using that on TV and in press releases.

What is it that makes the wingnuts think these silly name games “piss liberals off”?

How often have so many of us (especially around S,N!) suggested, nay, encouraged them to crank up the crazy to 11 and break off the knob?

So I encourage Mr. Steele to go even further, and start using “Islamo-Commu-Fascist Demon-crat Party” in all new press releases from the GOP. I think adding little pictures of Obama with a Hitler mustache AND a turban in the margins would be a nice touch. Also.

Let us know if you guys need some help with the graphics work.

Typical Conservative Republican

Yes, I know that Obama’s really popular, and Americans are concerned about losing their jobs, their 401Ks, and their homes, but instead of addressing those issues, let’s pass a resolution calling on Democrats to change the name of their party to the “Democrat Socialist Party.” It’s win-win, I tells ya!


I wish there was a consistent push on that point so that people would ask themselves: “is that really the most important thing for all of us as a nation?”

There’s that 25% who think they are part of the top 1% (because they make $20/hour or something). They’ve been conned into voting against their own interests for eternity. But, I think everyone else has just about had it with the party who cares for nothing but lining its own pockets.

Oh, and pissing off liberals. That’s the second prong of their two-pronged party platform.


At 22:31 Howard Appel said:

Section 2: Nothing in this article, or the eighth section of article I, shall be construed to authorize Congress to regulate or prohibit any activity that takes place wholly within a single state, regardless of its effects outside the state or whether it employs instrumentalities therefrom; but Congress may define and punish offenses constituting acts of war or violent insurrection against the United States.

So, if Company A produces a defective product, say baby formula, and that baby formula is sold solely within a single state, Congress has no authority to regulate the production to ensure that the milk is not contaminated with, for example, asbestos or rat poison. Similarly, if a person elects to grow marijuana or to produce narcotics or child pornography and such person’s activities take place only in a single state, then Congress can not regulate. Let’s give a big shout out to all of the decriminalization proponents, as well as NAMBL (North American Man Boy Love Association). Additionally, if a chemical company decides to save money by not treating its waste products, it could dump them all in the river without liability, even if persons and political subdivisions downstream might be adversely effected.

I don’t know if it’s all bad, Howard. Think how many jobs it will create for each state to have its own EPA, FDA and ATF. I’m thinking that in some states I could probably own a tank and use child labor to process imported rhinoceros horns into libido enhancing powders.


So I encourage Mr. Steele to go even further, and start using “Islamo-Commu-Fascist Demon-crat Party” in all new press releases from the GOP. I think adding little pictures of Obama with a Hitler mustache AND a turban in the margins would be a nice touch. Also.

Maybe sending out Christmas cards with a picture of watermelons on the White House lawn…oh, wait.


CA, I prefer diet coke. 🙂

You know, it’s kind of funny when the Republitards of the Republitard blogosphere think that Obama and the Democrats are communists. I mean, they’re nuts. But, when the actual GOP leadership starts up with this crap… that is so many layers of pathetic, I don’t think they can ever dig their way out.

Holy moses, I wish that the Democrats were even liberal, much less socialist. Sadly, no.


PeeJ: “It was originally named simply ‘Marienstatd’, later briefly known as Marystown or Marienburg, then became Sanct Marienstadt. I can’t say for sure but I think it in the 1910’s that it became, for some unfathomable reason, St. Marys.”

Around World War I, many places with German names were rebranded with Anglicized or American names, due to the sudden unpopularity of Germany.

Concerned Democrat

I think the Democrats should respond immediately to this challenge and the DNC should call Obama out of those useless economic and foreign policy meetings to think up an insulting name for the Republican party, and pass a resolution that demands they change the name of their party. How about Corporatist Party of Unbridled Greed?

That would be enough accomplishment and innovation for a month!


I don’t know if it’s all bad, Howard. Think how many jobs it will create for each state to have its own EPA, FDA and ATF.

Your hilarious tank/rhino horn/child labor comment notwithstanding, this is so true. The outcome of this absurd Constitutional amendment would just result in hugely bloated state bureaucracy 100 times less efficient than a centralized federal bureaucracy.

In other words, yet another GOP EPIC FAIL.


Liberals, the compelling need to pass the Federalizational Amendamentalist Plan is demonstrated in the awful suffering of the rich.


Around World War I, many places with German names were rebranded with Anglicized or American names, due to the sudden unpopularity of Germany.

See: “Fries, freedom” for a modern analogue.


Holy moses, I wish that the Democrats were even liberal, much less socialist. Sadly, no.

Yeah, I really wish I lived in that alternate universe that the wingnuts seem to believe exists. Just think of all the things our socialist overlords would have forced on America by now: universal health care, freedom to unionize, cars getting 60-100 mpg, same-sex marriage, an FDA that does it job, meaningful corporate regulations…

Rusty Shackleford

Think how many jobs it will create for each state to have its own EPA, FDA and ATF.

Most states do have their own EPAs, but a lot of them are pretty toothless.


Concerned Democrat – ok, how about “Corporatists Organized on Behalf of Autocracy and Greed”?

See, I’m really hung up on wanting it to work out to COBAG for the acronym…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Back to the topic of batshit loony Freeper-types, has anyone else gotten a peak at this?

Mofos tried to hide it from our dirty prying eyes, but it seems they get their understanding of teh t00bz from Ted Stephens.


I think the Democrats should respond immediately to this challenge and the DNC should call Obama out of those useless economic and foreign policy meetings to think up an insulting name for the Republican party, and pass a resolution that demands they change the name of their party. How about Corporatist Party of Unbridled Greed?

That would be enough accomplishment and innovation for a month!

You’re absolutely right, Concerned Democrat. Plus, it would piss off conservatives, which is the only important thing.

William Howard Taft

If it’s not catered, it is NOT a Constitutional Convention!!


William Howard Aft.


BBBB, I like the way the guy on the video altered his voice. It adds just the right touch of paranoia to the whole thing.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

This is also when American Jews whose names ended in -stein (pr. shtine) started pronouncing it “-steen” so it would sound less German. Has anyone told them WWI is over and they can stop now?

Rusty Shackleford

Elsewhere, Hootie McBoob provides kojent unalisiz of the proposed Barney Fag Totally Anti-Free Speech Bill.

Click is ticking!


What could possibly go wrong with a million armed right wing extremists marching on DC?


Just think of all the things our socialist overlords would have forced on America by now: universal health care, freedom to unionize, cars getting 60-100 mpg, same-sex marriage, an FDA that does it job, meaningful corporate regulations…

…no warrantless wiretapping, a normal prison population, college education available to everyone, normal working hours and vacation time, a living wage…

This is indeed a nightmare scenario that should be avoided at all costs.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I swear this blockquote showed on the preview:

Around World War I, many places with German names were rebranded with Anglicized or American names, due to the sudden unpopularity of Germany.


Taft, Taft, big as a raft
told him not catered, my how he laughed.


The Onion NEWSWIRE: 138 Dead After Loud Sneeze At NRA Meeting


that was in response to your comment, PeeJ.


This is indeed a nightmare scenario that should be avoided at all costs.

Indeed, we could become like the horror known as Sweden, as The Daily Show demonstrated. I don’t want to have to become a blonde, it just doesn’t suit me!

Rusty Shackleford

Taft was the last president to have a moustache until Morgan Freeman.


Hootie McBoob

I like, but should we really be associating her evil and stupidity with something as positive as breastages?

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

At the moment I seem to be developing some sort of unholy cross between a Southern accent and a Lawn Guyland accent.

I’ve got one of those already (it comes when you’re born in Long Island, to Long Island parents, but educated in Southern schools). It’s not too terrible, although of course they never *hear* the Southern part down here, or the Long Island part up there.

Also, I agree with Till, how many former Long Islanders are here? It’s becoming concerning.

(Incidentally, I thought the proper phonetics was Lonk Guylin with a hard k.


Besides which, it summons up thoughts of “Hootie and the Blowfish”, and I’m perfectly happy pretending they never existed.


Over 7 million, according to hte t00bz.


How can hip-hop have originated on Long Island?

I’m so confused.


As with the DHS report, the whinger reaction says so much more about their perspective than they realize.

Clearly the clergy hates it, because they will prosecute priests for preaching against homosexuality, but they will not prosecute imams for inciting jihad and Islamic Jew hatred.

Violence against anyone for any reason should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Why introduce the ‘hate’ aspect?

Maybe I’m missing something because I have never heard of “Islamic Jews” and so have no idea what the fuck that could mean. But really, the way they instantly conflate “speech” with “violence” when it’s their own speech at issue is quite revealing.


I thought the proper phonetics was Lonk Guylin with a hard k.

It’s been a while, but I think it’s more equivalent to “LAWN GUY LEND”. Nasal “N” at the end of “LAWN”, hard “D” at the end of “LEND”, and say it like you just contracted a horrible case of lockjaw and are terrified to close your mouth lest it never open again.


This post made the InterTrons shrug.


But I do know what environment I prefer, and to hear some of you guys talk you’d think it was hell up here.

For the record, I spent the better part of five years in Buffalo, which is sort of the worst of both worlds. They fancy themselves “Western New York”, but fuck them, it’s upstate. I’m still amazed I got out of there alive.

I’ve got nothing in particular against the more rural areas of upstate. Wouldn’t want to live there myself, but at least it’s not a decaying urban corpse. I have spent some time in Alfred, which was nice.


Where’s Lawnguylander when you need him?


Indeed, we could become like the horror known as Sweden, as The Daily Show demonstrated. I don’t want to have to become a blonde, it just doesn’t suit me!

I’m blonde, blue-eyed, and in possession of a Swedish surname. In other words, some kind of commie-socialist-wealth-distributing monster.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

BBBB, I like the way the guy on the video altered his voice. It adds just the right touch of paranoia to the whole thing.

And the misspelling of “You’re” adds just the right touch of authenticity, should it happen to be a parody.

I don’t want to have to become a blonde, it just doesn’t suit me!

Didn’t suit me either.

I like, but should we really be associating her evil and stupidity with something as positive as breastages?

Well, her creameries don’t seem to be real, so there is no problem here. Maybe this is why she posted about that Breastless Barbie. Should the Islamofascists declare a fatwa on all plastic breasts, she’d edge out that Geert Wilders guy as jihad-targert numero uno.


Violence against anyone for any reason should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

They forgot to add: …except when committed by CIA agents at the direction of the President, Vice President and Secretary of State.



“So is Obama a tough Chicago thug or a weak appeaser incapable of standing up to the likes of Kim Jong Il?”

The answer is simple. Obama is a tough Chicago thug and a weak appeaser who trembles before the leaders of third world nations. His goal is to change America into a sharia-based, socialist, fascist, communist nation without borders that permits the aggressive interrogation of white people but prohibits the manufacture and consumption of nutritionally worthless fast foods that are high in salt, fat and sugar. After he nationalizes all the banks and corporations he will divide Texas into three states and Alaska into six, because he is furious that people make fun of him for saying “57 states” and he is determined to make reality conform to his misspeaking.

Oh, and sapping our precious bodily fluids.


Rusty Shackleford

But really, the way they instantly conflate “speech” with “violence” when it’s their own speech at issue is quite revealing.

It reveals that they are indeed idiots. One of Hootie’s commenters tried half-heartedly to inject some sanity and received about the response you would expect.


Maybe I’m missing something because I have never heard of “Islamic Jews” and so have no idea what the fuck that could mean. But really, the way they instantly conflate “speech” with “violence” when it’s their own speech at issue is quite revealing.

Islamic Jew-hatred is 25% more virulent and full of badness than regular fringe-right Jew-hatred, and they don’t like the competition.


The Onion NEWSWIRE: 138 Dead After Loud Sneeze At NRA Meeting

Dammit toby. My fit of uncontrollable laughter is drawing stares.

Leon Trotsky, Exile-in-Mexico

How can hip-hop have originated on Long Island?

I’m so confused.

Well, Brooklyn and Queens are both on the island. They’re just not the Island.


Ahem. If I may.

Paul McCartney’s Dead Adder’s fork Water

3 bags nasty doe, decreasingly tossed
5 tablespoons intriguing adder’s fork
2 portions noxious mushroom, chastenedly dressed
5 ounces God-damned mynah bird thorax
1 jar
1 can cilantro

1 ounce cilantro

Away grease a cookie sheet. Separate doe bowel from thorax. Mock thorax. Use a food processor to stir the mushroom with the adder’s fork. Drip resulting goo over the doe. Curry – very ignorantly – the mynah bird thorax, rosemary, and the cilantro.

Sorry, fresh out of spleen.


I made the mistake of looking at the Atlas Shrugged thread. I regretted it instantly.

I did think this was funny, though:

All the smug, arrogant “Bush is Hitler” signs are HATE SPEECH

When they call Obama Hitler, it’s LOVE SPEECH.


Buffalo! I did some field work in Buffalo many years ago (outside, in the winter. Yeh.) The local I was working with couldn’t understand why I was so insistent on getting a pic of the sign at the “Amigone Funeral Home.” Still have that pic around here somewhere.


Please please please let the million militia man mountain moron march take place!

I’ll take the day off and pop the Orville Redenbacher’s.


Buffalo! I did some field work in Buffalo many years ago (outside, in the winter. Yeh.)

Buffalo gets the rep for snow but Syracuse has the numbers.


Oh no! Not people! That’s what many of our friends are!

I just want to state that this is the first sentence I read when I got up this morning, before the benefit of coffee or anything like that. It set the tone for the whole day, it really did. Also.


Ok, the “Also” above makes a little more sense if WordPress hadn’t eated my previous comment….uhh, also. Anyway—

Buffalo! I did some field work in Buffalo many years ago (outside, in the winter. Yeh.)

Buffalo has the rep for snow but Syracuse has the numbers. The cold, frozen, blowing numbers.


LittlePig – if they carry through with the promise of more teabagging on July 4, we need to get a group together to march with an upside-down “Imbeciles of America UNTIE!” banner.


Are “Islamic Jews” anything like “Commie Nazis”?


It set the tone for the whole day, it really did
It set the tone for the whole future, in which most of us will spend the rest of our lives.


For you, PeeJ.

Rusty Shackleford

“The Soviet Union’s plans have succeeded beyond the Soviets’ wildest dreams.”

Atlas Shrugs commenter Thomas Carney


…but they will not prosecute imams for inciting jihad and Islamic Jew hatred.

Wow — that’s some really bad news for all those Islamic Jews.




The last I heard the next big teabagging will be 9/12 – there were “logistical” problems with July 4 (which I read as “too drunk to teabag”).

But I’d be glad to join in if they do have some July 4 action. The humor potential is immense.


[Violence] when committed by CIA agents at the direction of the President, Vice President and Secretary of State.

Is it alright if I change ‘direction’ to ‘behest’? I haven’t had a good behest for a while. Or an eschew.


I have spent some time in Alfred, which was nice.

And Alfred always speaks very fondly of you, too.


“too drunk to teabag”
Proposed title of Dead Kennedys reunion tour.


“The Soviet Union’s plans have succeeded beyond the Soviets’ wildest dreams.”

Wow. That’s approaching fractal levels of stupid.

The only “means of production” I’ve seen Ladysmith Barack Mumbazo X take over is when those auto CEOs came beggin’ for it.

Somehow I don’t think that’s what ol’ Vladmir had in mind.


Is it alright if I change ‘direction’ to ‘behest’? I haven’t had a good behest for a while. Or an eschew.

Oh, I love a good eschew. Carry on, carry on.

Ladysmith Barack Mumbazo X

Did you coin this LittlePig? I’ve seen it once before, and am still recovering from that laughing fit. Good stuff.


I expect before too long they’ll just hold up signs.


“Dam rite! Hale yeah! ‘Murka! Wolverines!”


“Yep, blackern’a coal shaft.” “Hope het dont rub off onna me”


“Jest what ol’ Stalin wanted, that damn Nazi”


Rusty Shackleford said,
April 24, 2009 at 0:34

“The Soviet Union’s plans have succeeded beyond the Soviets’ wildest dreams.”

– Atlas Shrugs commenter Thomas Carney

Go easy on Tommy; he hasn’t had his morning coffee yet and he’s still a little foggy. In fact, he just woke up a minute ago. From a 20-year coma.


Did you coin this LittlePig?

I stole it from here – not sure it was Gavin or a commenter. Too good to pass up.


It set the tone for the whole future, in which most of us will spend the rest of our lives.

I liked Smut Clyde better in Orgy of the Dead .


It set the tone for the whole future, in which most of us will spend the rest of our lives.

Oh! Timecube reference! Impressive.


Not to dredge up old subthreads, but I just looked this up. I don’t consider my backyard to be 100 miles wide, but maybe that’s just me.


I hope I don’t have to wait until 9/12. July 4 will be a great day to roll out my sign

“Get Rid Of Medicare and Social Security!

Ice Floe now means $$ flow tomorrow!”


Onandaga, from the Sessiquimick word for “Dog with sticky, crusty fur”


Oh! Timecube reference! Impressive.

I dunno ’bout no Timecube. I do know about The Great Criswell in Plan 9.


Dog with sticky, crusty fur

noun….AND verb!!


t4toby, I have been away because I found a blog for upstate Yankee fans. I will never stop trolling it.

And hip hop was definitely born in the Bronx but it was perfected on Long Island by suburban dicks like Chuck D, Eric B and Rakim, KMD and De La Soul.


I think this pic should be filed away for proper GIMPing* by someone or other if you know what I mean and I think you do.

*GNU GPL image manipulation software. Adobe is evil.


Either the vintner is non-existent and the listing is a means to pass coded data, or the Lt. is an alias.

At this point the weirdness turns fractal and spirals back into itself in infinite Julia-set involutions, seldom encountered unless you have taken twice the recommended dose of cactus juice and you are staring at Paisley-pattern wallpaper, or so people tell me.

If I am correctly unpacking the facts from this single sentence, some doofus (Schluessel??) suggests that a Portugal-based port winery is a non-existent paper company (and the conspiracy went to the trouble of retconning 60-year-old vintage bottles of their non-existent product)…

Meanwhile, several decades ago, other people thought that a mis-spelled title (‘Leiutenant’) plus the name of that port winery would make a good name for their son…

…Who in turn liked the title so much he passed it on to his son, Leiutenant Quarles Harris Jnr (though I cannot exclude the possibility that “Jnr” was the guy’s surname).
Understandably, the doofus takes the first name for a title, and abbreviates it to Lt.; and to win the trifecta, he or she writes ‘vintner’ as if it meant ‘winery’.
Surely this is the work of a parody troll, or infiltrator.

Also, you Americans are weird.


FROM PAMMY-COMMENTS All wingnuts should follow this guy’s lead. What could possibly go wrong?


if legislation impacting speech is passed by this congress and administration then i disavow any fealty owing to this sovereign, i will renounce my obligation to pay taxes at all levels of government, and i will act to preserve my acient liberties and rights and will assert my heritage.

i will not accept tyranny, nor live under it.

to this i pledge my honor, my property (such as is its sorry state), and my honor.

john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa”


I picture it more as a Sierpinski gasket of loonycy where small bits of reality are recursively excluded until you get something with infinite circumference and zero volume. Their manias are fueled by snorting vast quantities of Cantor dust.


“my property (such as is its sorry state)”

Not sure why he is badmouthing Oregon, and also “milton freewater”! He lives in Milton Freewater? I have to check the google on this.


It’s across the mighty Columbia from Walla Walla Washington. So it’s actually on topic! Or was Walla Walla a previous subthread?


Also, it’s a hole. Also.


By golly its Muddy Frogwater country and also the pea capital of the world,_Oregon


honor, my property (such as is its sorry state), and my honor.
I wish that I had so much honour that I could afford to pledge it twice.

Presumably a fractal funeral would involve a Sierpinski casket. “Ashes to ashes, dust to Cantor.”


I don’t think my memory is what it used to be. Alas, I can’t remember. Anyway, Walla Walla WA is NOT across the Columbia from Miltie FreeH2O. I had vague memories of crossing water between the two but as I said, my memory is verkakte.


i will not accept tyranny, nor live under it.

G’bye! G’bye! There’s the shining door, don’t let it hit you in the ass on your way out. Don’t forget not to write!

How's that "change" working for ya?

I suppose the country must be in competent hands when the President’s economic adviser falls asleep at meetings, huh libs?

Pathetic. Try not to whine too much when you defend Larry Summers.


PeeJ dude, why should I go through the trouble of posting the linky things if you cant be bothered to click on them!

From the Milton-Freewater City homepage:

“Now situated within the acclaimed Walla Walla Valley Wine Appellation, the area is still well known for its agricultural bounty. Lots of sun in the summer and mild winters contribute to an almost perfect climate.”


…huh libs?


Lord have mercy, what it the little man on about now?


Larry Summers is a first-rate asshole.

Troll fail.


In the Bush administration, people stayed awake in meetings. Because they knew if they didn’t, Cheney would give them the ol’ electrodes to the genitals treatment after the meeting.

How's that "change" working for ya?

“Larry Summers is a first-rate asshole.”

Glad we agree. So I see one liberal has seen the light and realizes Obamam needs new economic advisers who actually have a clue.

Maybe the rest of you should follow Simba’s example and grow the fuck up.


It’s a hole, I tellz ya, a reglar hole.

Cheney would give them the ol’ electrodes to the genitals treatment after the meeting.

Are you sure about the timing?


the next big teabagging will be 9/12

I read about that on a rabid weasel blog. It called 12 September the “Labor Day weekend.”

Can they get nothing right?


And you would do well to follow Joan of Arc’s example and die in a fire.


Sometimes when one liberal says something, that means all liberals think it.

Other times when one liberal says something, that means he’s the only one who’s seen the light, unlike the rest of the pathetic sheeple.

Trolls are confusing!


I don’t consider my backyard to be 100 miles wide, but maybe that’s just me.

Post a picture of yourself, let the people decide.

Imagine if you will...

i will renounce my obligation to pay taxes at all levels of government, and i will act to preserve my acient liberties and rights and will assert my heritage.

…this little man, in his best, cheap suit and tie, knees together, hands folded, weak smile, seated in front of the IRS Inspector, PISSING HIS FUCKING PANTS.


Hey troll
Here’s Dick
Here’s McCain
and here’s something just for you


Also, it’s happened before. You will remember that Larry Summers is also the same Larry Summers who expressed his feelings that women were dumb, and could not do math and science, and got his fat ass booted out of Harvard.

I don’t really see…oh, wait. You think because you reflexively defend Rush Limbaugh when he’s caught diddling Dominican boys, that we also reflexively defend fat old white douchebags who are nominally on our side! This all makes sense, you see, because liberals are simply reverse Republicans.

What I really, really don’t understand is how your head manages to keep from imploding.


s/caught/suspected of/

You know what I mean. I am getting sick again (last cold of the season, yay!) and I’m winding down (in a medicinal sense) for bedtime.

Where’s that “you’re posting too fast” page when you need it?


Best thread eva! With the Zombie grain and the Ladysmith barack Mumbazoo. Even a dose of libertarian wingnutt to season!


Larry Summers is a schmuck. But, he didn’t actually say that women were dumb and can’t do math and science. That was a pretty simpleminded misreading of what he said. Though he did get his ass booted from Hahvahd.


Hey Troll
Here’s Cheney
Here’s McCain
and here’s one for you


Buffalo has the rep for snow but Syracuse has the numbers. The cold, frozen, blowing numbers.

But, who’s got the guns?

Oh, right, the Million-Man Militia Man March (say that 5 times fast).


What I really, really don’t understand is how your head manages to keep from imploding

Vacuum energy?

How's that "change" working for ya?

Well then, Simba, what does it say about Obama’s much touted “judgment” if he hired this “fat olf white douchebag” as you call him? Hmmm?


what does it say about Obama’s much touted “judgment” if he hired this “fat olf white douchebag”

uhhhh…probably that in Obama’s opinion, Summers made the most sense, had the most experience or the right type or mixture of types of experience, had a compatible outlook, or something of the sort, in spite of the fact that he’s a bit of a douchebag.

This type of thing happens a lot in the real world – people overlook the less pleasant aspects of other people’s personalities because they have other qualities that outweigh them, or something of the like.


As someone who has spent time in both Walla Walla & Rockville Centre*, I can assure you that Milton-Freewater is south of W-Two-Time, but there’s no river between the two, just the imaginary line of the “border.”

People in W&#0178 thought themselves superior to M-Fers 30+ yrs. ago.

*Just for extra geographic authenticity.


People who forget their semi-colons, on the other hand, deserve to be thought inferior. Especially when we whine, “But it worked in preview,” which it did, damnit!!


M., do try to keep up. Dial-up giving you headaches again?

I believe you meant “W²” And such as. Also.


People who forget their semi-colons

Are less than half-assed.



Huh? Hmmm? Hnuk Hnuk Hnuk!!!

Is this guy in the 7th grade?

I think I get it now: The fury of Wingnutistan is exploding with the violence of a thousand suns inside their heads. So, obviously, in their eye-for-an-eye world, they must make the hated libs feel the same anger! But how? All the hated libs do is keep pointing and laughing at them as they wreck one epic FAIL on themselves after another. So, we will taunt them right back! Hey, a democRAT fell asleep at a meeting! Blar blar BLAR!


I used to be a liberal extremist, but after Larry Summers fell asleep at a meeting I became enraged by Barack Obama’s socialist fascism.


No sad dial-up excuses this time. (Should be reconnected next Mon., & cable too! W/ web grocery ordering I can set the Guiness record for staying inside!)

W². See.

I could blame the laptop which won’t do ALT. Hah!!


People who forget their semi-colons

Are less than half-assed.

Reminds me of those Florida Indians.

You know, the Semiholes.


Scene: A Port wine shop in 1930.
Customer: I’d like to buy some port.
Shopkeeper: Well you’ve come to the right place, this is a Port shop.
etc, etc,…
much later…
Customer: So you don’t have any Port?
Shopkeeper: No I was deliberately wasting your time. We’re an imaginary Port shop selling imaginary Port from a winery that has never existed but has been set up by people from the future to drive wingnuts crazy in 2009.
Customer: Yes but I’m still going to have to shoot you.


What’s all this about half-assed?

Is this 3Bulls! or is the world all becoming unified in one gelatinous mess?


People who forget their semi-colons
Fortunately you can achieve the same effect by combining two semidemicolons, or four hemisemidemicolons.

Shopkeeper: How on earth do you intend to drink so many bottles?
Customer: It’s not for me; I use it to get my girlfriends intoxicated.
Shopkeeper: Ah — you have a port in every girl.


is the world all becoming unified in one gelatinous mess?

Not just gelatinous but cubic as well.


The fall of the Gelatinous cube.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Shopkeeper: How on earth do you intend to drink so many bottles?
Customer: It’s not for me; I use it to get my girlfriends intoxicated.
Shopkeeper: Ah — you have a port in every girl.

If somebody could help me find a youtube video or something with Tony Randall doing Have Some Madeira, M’dear! I’d really appreciate it.

The “a href” thingie isn’t working so here:×7582235 are the words.


Smut is opening the Fladgates of punnery.


It will lead to Cockburns.


“Don’t Call Me Chuck” Johnson reports on Pamela O. G. & her connections to neo-Nazi Krauts.

Paste at your discretion.


Clicked through w/o “Idiot” for me from that link. But one never knows.


Who’s gonna have this convention to amend the Constitution again? The 800,000 (actually closer to 200,000) teabaggers? And by what authority can a small minority of the population force Congress to at, or enact amendments to our primary government docments?
I like the sales tax idea, though. people who make say 50k a year will pay 10-12k right at the register. Of course this won’t replace state sales tax, so they will pay more like 25-28% of their income. When most of them are taxed at an effective rate of about 10% now. So you’re advocating a huge tax increase for most working Americans (and of course, a tax cut for the wealthiest, who don’t spend anywhere near the same portion of their wealth subject to any sales tax. But what (as Jennifer says at 22:47 is new about that?


LGF link OK if you open in new tab. Johnson’s still a fucking moran.



I have a big chunk of beef bottom round which has been marinating for a week. Combine a couple cups of rotwein and a large onion, sliced, with several tablespoons of pickling spice in a saucepan. Toss in a quarter cup oif red wine vinegar. Bring just to the boil and remove from heat, let cool. When cooled to room temp, put the beef in a container with the marinade. I use a ziploc bag and suck out excess air before sealing. Let it marinate for at least three days.

Remove the meat from the marinade and pat dry with paper towels. Heat some lard or oil in your pressure cooker over medium high heat until it shimmers then brown the roast on all sides. BROWN it I say, not “gray it.” It MUST develop that fabulous Maillard reaction crust. Add the marinate and cook for a while – time depends on how thick the meat is but p[robably 20-25 minutes. If you don’t have a pressure cooker, use a dutch oven and cook it, covered, in the oven for two to three hours.

Remove the meat and strain the marinade, reserving trhe liquid. Bring the liquid to a gentle boil and add crushed ginger snaps (a few, whatever it takes to make a medium thick sauce) to thicken. Remove from heat and stir in a big huge ginormous dollop of sour cream. NB: Add the cream off-heat and do not let it boil after sour cream addition!

Slice the meat and drape with the sauce. Serve with Spätzle and red cabbage.

Oh, okay.

Red Cabbage: just slice some red fucking cabbage and toss it in a pot with salt, pepper, caraway seed, a sprinkling of sugar and several generous spalshes of red wine vinegar. A bit of lemon juice is a nice touch. Cover and cook on low heat for however long you like – you can’t overcook it. Add a bit of water if it’s getting dry.

How's that "change" working for ya?

HAH!@ Charles Johnson re-directs to “YOU ARE A IDIOT!” must make you libs real fucking mad!


Milton Freewater, Oregon

Can someone explain to me how somewhere the size of M-F can be a city. Over in Europe we would call that a village (and a small one at that)


Well of course I’m mad. It’s not as if Chuckie redirects half the intertubes to the IDF website or anything like that. He’s usually so open to criticism and stuff.


After dismantling the USA and flushing it down the toilet, rolling North Korea into a little ball and flicking it to the far side of the galaxy should be a cinch.

Smiling Mortician

Oh, thank god. The little assmen are back, jumping out of the trash-can-lid guy’s head. They were gone for a while. I was worried.


RESOLVED, that we the members of the Democratic National Committee call on the Republican Party to disband forever and never darken the towels of the American body politic again

I thought I fixed it, but then I remembered how truly feckless the Democratic leadership can be when confronted with unwarranted arrogance from the GOP.


HAH!@ Charles Johnson re-directs to “YOU ARE A IDIOT!” must make you libs real fucking mad!

That passive agressive stuff is making you sooooo hot. Admit it HTCWFA. There’s not so much to grease up to since Jack Bauer is on the nose.


I suppose the country must be in competent hands when the President’s economic adviser falls asleep at meetings, huh libs?

I take it you called for Cheney’s impeachment over the past eight years as well.

Of course, his boredom was understandable: his plan was working perfectly, the Cabinet meetings merely window dressing.


Brandi, is that the famous Cigarskunk? I think I’m in love!

Nope. I’m leaving off his name– well, not to spare him any indignity really, but because I suspect nobody’s reading this thread at this point.


Can someone explain to me how somewhere the size of M-F can be a city. Over in Europe we would call that a village (and a small one at that)

I think in the US city vs. town refers to the type of government the area has, i.e. mayor vs. town council or board, but that may vary from state to state.


CapnFatback said,

April 23, 2009 at 17:45

and for further hints as to his probable name.

F. It’s gotta be F. Mr. F!

Are you sure it’s not Dr. F?

The Goddamn Batman Is Drooling

Dearest PeeJ:

You cook dinner, I’ll cook* breakfast.


*By which I mean “fresh bagels”.


Dayum! You all ought to put up warnings or something for comment threads like this. About half-way down I lost the sight in one eye and I think I just blew out a hernia before I made it to the end. I give it a standing ovation, with a nomination for Best Supporting Actor to Mr. The Federalism Amendment for his truly inspired efforts. I’m dog-goned if I’m going to be able to work for the rest of the day, so I’m just going to put on some Bill Monroe and start my beering a bit early.

Again, it’s clear that the CIA controls Google both backwards and forwards in time. Just like the stock market, which would otherwise be a perfect mechanism by which to allocate resources.


“Andrew A. Gill, SLS said,
April 23, 2009 at 9:39
Dear sirs,
Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) is bragging about how he doesn’t know Plate Tectonics and you aren’t covering it?”
He’s a Plate Tectonics Skeptic.
“The oil just drifted there, huh?”
I fail to see why this is reason for comment. It’s more no controversial a position than those champions of the oppressed who question the hegemony of heliocentrism.


(comments are closed)