OMG, That’s What THAT Means?


Mark McGrew, who writes for the online wingnut edition of Pravda, is over today at Renew America with perhaps the most awesome headline in the history of the right-wing blogosphere:

CNN and MSNBC: sexual degenerates and liars

I really need to watch more CNN and MSNBC because I’ve obviously missed all the good stuff. About the only sexual degeneracy I ever see on either is the occassional Sham-Wow! commercial or that sleeping pill ad with the lady who wakes up with a cock in her bed. Hardly enough to pique the interest of an old roué like myself.

But then, as I excitedly devoured McGrew’s article, looking for the steamy details of Anderson Cooper in the shower with the falafel, it became clear that the only degeneracy involved was, sigh, a double entendre. Fuck me, as my grandmother used to say.

But the most despicable actions of the spit-polished, shiny-faced, smiling-Jack newscasters were their steady bombardment of their viewers with sexually depraved insults against the protesters. …

The term “Teabagging” will not be explained here. Adults will figure it out and children don’t need to know. Most of us had no idea what it was, until having the term constantly shouted at us by Major News degenerates. …

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper made “teabagging” references while the CNN analyst, David Gergen, made snide comments about Republicans “searching for their voice.” And “It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging.”

Of course, after complaining that Ana Marie Cox and Rachel Maddow used the term “teabagging” on air more than 50 times, Mr. McGrew feels compelled to use it ten times in his article, carefully detailing all the naughty references to the “degenerate” act, with more enthusiasm than seems appropriate for a guy purported to be shocked to his moral core by all this pornographic punning. (He’s rather like the guy who says that giving head isn’t gay if your real purpose is the nutritional payoff of the act.)

But the real cock-slap in the face, to McGrew, was this vile act:

Ana Marie Cox informed an unknowing audience, with no room for doubt that she is one sick cookie, when she told us to see for the term “teabagging.”

And the next thing McGrew knew he felt compelled to give his wife a cincinatti bowtie, which never would have happened if that “sick cookie” had never told him about

These people brought … sexual acts into your living room, shouting out a sexual term that few of us knew, until we and our children were shown where to find the defintion of “Teabagging.” What else, besides lies and pornography, will they expose our children to? Anything they want, and you won’t know it until it is too late.

Yeah, and the next time old Dirty Rick Sanchez appears on CNN, your kids will sneak off into the toolshed and come back with mustaches.


Comments: 71


Next time, use the google.

Besides, if most of America was as naive as the teapartiers, the jokes would not have worked as well as they (most awesomely) did. Welcome to the cultural wasteland. Population: Republicans.


I think Warner Todd Huston had a similar whiney ass rant. All the monkey/Hitler/”big pimpin'” references used in the Tea Party crowd signage pretty well shot down the “we are so much more tasteful and discreet than liberals” argument.

Whiny Ass Titty Babies, the lot of them.


I can’t believe that these people are actually claiming en masse not to know what this means and not realizing how ridiculous that is. You’d have to be retarded NOT to realize that maybe, just maybe, “teabagging” might have another meaning.


Aren’t they the ones that shouted it at us?

in fact, I never would have gotten the sexual reference until those idiots, because I thought teabagging only had connotations in the gaming world.

I did enjoy the backronym they came up with after they figured out that teabagging already had a definition.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

CNN and MSNBC: sexual degenerates and liars

That is a blue-ribbon headline. It does stand out even among rightie blogosphere stuff – you’d have to go back into the print archives to find much like this, I bet. Like whatever magazines were being parodied by that right-wing rag in the Watchmen comic.


In addition to the teabag poutrage, McGrew also writes: “The protests against a government out of control took place in over 2,000 locations, the largest protest in American history.”

Every day he wakes to a brand new world.


Right wing outrage, 1999: Bill Clinton, degenerate and liar

Right wing outrage, 2009: CNN and MSNBC, degenerates and liars

Although back in the late nineties, tighty righties had no problem publicly perseverating about semen-stained dresses, deviant sexual acts, etc.


…your kids will sneak off into the toolshed and come back with mustaches.

Oh dear God, I’m doubled over here, howling and gasping. I might just die of laughter after reading this post, and how on earth will my son explain to the rest of the family–not to mention the mystified coroner–that he couldn’t be absolutely sure, but my last words either had to do with demanding tea or blaming some Sanchez guy.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

he felt compelled to give his wife a cincinatti bowtie…

What is it about Ohio, with these things and Cleveland Steamers and all? Isn’t bowling entertaining enough for you people?


Sometimes I think, maybe they called it “teabagging” on purpose, knowing the reaction it would get in order to be able to point and scream, “See??? Liberals ARE perverts!” It wouldn’t be the first time they cut off their noses to spite their faces.

But, then I realize, no, they’re just idiots. And, now they’re idiots who refuse to take responsibility for their stupidity and, just like always, are blaming liberals for their mistake.


These people brought … sexual acts into your living room

Sigh. Not my living room.

What else, besides lies and pornography, will they expose our children to? Anything they want, and you won’t know it until it is too late.

Yes. These unchecked media outlets, what will they expose our children to? Hatred? Bigotry? Fear-mongering? Why, they might go so far as to call the President of the United States a foreigner and a secret terrorist muslin!

Oh, wait, that’d be okay then, wouldn’t it.


So…the poor dears are just NOW figuring this out?


CNN and MSNBC: sexual degenerates and liars

As opposed to, say, Senators Vitter and Craig.


So…the poor dears are just NOW figuring this out?

They’re a tad slow, bless their hearts.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Ana Marie Cox informed an unknowing audience, with no room for doubt that she is one sick cookie, when she told us to see for the term “teabagging.””

That’s a comma fail. Remove the clause in commas and the sentence reads ‘Ana Marie Cox informed an unknowing audience when she told us to see for the term “teabagging.'” Moving the 2nd comma to after ‘doubt’ sort of fixes the problem, but it’s still a clumsy pile of crap. This guy gets paid to write?

Oh, and here’s a gem from the article:

The hideous demon witch from another dimension, CNN reporter Susan Roesgen’s insidious verbal aggression against Illinois demonstrators infuriated the crowd.

Now I don’t know whether to hope this guy doesn’t get paid, or to laugh that some wingnut foundation might be paying for this swill.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I think the next step in our plot to degeneratize everything should be to instill in conservatives a fear of using a phrase that has no sexual connotations at all but might in the future.

Even their rudimentary brains will be able to figure out that anything they say can be turned into the name for some kind of depravity, especially once they’ve been shown the post-facto definitions of “Santorum” and “Saddlebacking”.

Then we’ll get to sit back and watch them come up with the possible naughty interpretations!


And don’t forget Permanently Furloughed Pedophile Congressman Foley. Degeneracy and lying? It’s all in a day’s work when you’re representing my state.

Florida: where the weather is the foreplay and the foreplay leaves sandy footprints everywhere.


Most of us had no idea what it was

And there it is.

I think Warner Todd Huston had a similar whiney ass rant.


Malkin sent out the call on Thursday.

Johnny Coelacanth

More grassrootiness from Mark McGrew:

Mr. Carl Swensson of the State of Georgia successfully organized a Common Law Grand Jury, and that Grand Jury reviewed evidence against Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Obama, and is recommending an indictment.
Something World leaders had better understand and understand well: Obama and his mentally deranged friends are not going to destroy America any more than countless other socialist fascist fanatics have tried in the past.

If World leaders want to keep their jobs and keep their nations’ economies intact, they would be smart to drop Obama like a hot potato. Obama and his backers are pulling a giant scam on the rest of the World, just as they have on American voters.
Nothing Obama does will continue. Everything he does will be retracted by a very near future administration.

One thing that is certain, of all that can be observed about the current Obama administration, corporate executive friends of Obama, and the American judicial system: Whether in the boardroom, the courtroom, or the bathroom, scum sticks together. When the scum is annoying enough, it is scrubbed, cleaned, and thrown in the trash. That’s why people have cleansers and society has prisons.

World leaders are making a very dangerous mistake to think that we, the people of America, are not making preparations for cleaning house. This house belongs to us, not a gang of decrepit, senile old men, pursuing a useless fantasy of a New World Order that has a 2,000 year history of abject failure.

Knights in White Satin

Maybe the next “pro-fest” will be called “Coffee-potting” or “coffee-grounding” or “coffee-cupping” or “got-Milking” (or is that already taken?) or “Milk-jugging?” Any way they try it, they loose.


Clicked on the link. Oh, boy.

Nothing says “I are serius riter. This are serius articul” like using a lolcatted picture right up top.

This, though…

The major news networks, except FOX News, spent the day ridiculing, harassing, and insulting honest Americans who have a Constitutional Right to protest their government. They continuously lied to their viewers as to the reason for this enormous protest.

They said it was to protest taxes or any number of ridiculous claims. Other than FOX, Major Media steadfastly refused to report any truth about Who, What, Where, When, and Why.

Ohhh. Kaaaaaayyyyyy.

Would someone please explain to me just what, exactly, these protests were about? Obviously, I have been lied to by the librul media and now mistakenly think that they had something to do with taxes. Perhaps they really were just being WATBs about losing the election. Really, though, I have a tough time trying to figure out the whole teabagging symbolism if it’s not about taxes. That kind of leaves just one other meaning for “teabagging”.

Of course, Dooshy McDooshbag can’t be arsed to explain such complexities himself. The rest of the scrawl avoids those same five Ws as if they were the Jackass guy emerging from a recently inverted Port-a-San looking for hugs.

Is there actually some deeper context? Is there some non-batshit-crazy reason that point-one-percent of the populace actually bothered to make idiots out of themselves publicly, as long as they didn’t have to travel too far?

Inquiring minds want to know.


So maybe what these conservatives are really saying is “conservative men do not have any balls.” LOL!

Knights in White Satin

Johnny Coelacanth, I get soooo sleepy trying to read Wingnut prose. Couldn’t you give us a “shorter”? Please?


Reminds me of the story Lenny Bruce used to tell when he was arrested for saying “cocksucker.” He used to recount the trial something like this:

Police: He said “cocksucker.”
Prosecuter: It is illegal to say, “cocksucker!” You can’t say “cocksucker!”
Judge: I fine you for saying “cocksucker” because you can’t say “cocksucker.”


And don’t forget Permanently Furloughed Pedophile Congressman Foley.

Heh, do we really need the whole list?

‘Cause we could do this all day.


“I think the next step in our plot to degeneratize everything should be to instill in conservatives a fear of using a phrase that has no sexual connotations at all but might in the future.”

Heh, “fiscal rectitude.”


Would someone please explain to me just what, exactly, these protests were about?

Barack BLACK Obama FASCIST is BLACK destroying MUSLIN the SHANIA country SOCIALIST by BLACK lowering TYRANNY our BLACK FASCIST KENYAN taxes.

Although they might not include the part about taxes.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

The major news networks, except FOX News, spent the day ridiculing, harassing, and insulting honest Americans who have a Constitutional Right to protest their government.

…and did not stop them from exercising that right. This wingnut standard is getting pretty hairy, the whole “not kissing my ass = oppression” thing.

Heh, “fiscal rectitude.”

Hee hee – you said “rectitude.”


Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist said,

April 19, 2009 at 20:54

he felt compelled to give his wife a cincinatti bowtie…

What is it about Ohio, with these things and Cleveland Steamers and all? Isn’t bowling entertaining enough for you people?

Sadly, No.


This wingnut standard is getting pretty hairy the whole “not kissing my ass = oppression” thing.

Eh, had to.

Also, POOP.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Isn’t bowling entertaining enough for you people? – Sadly, No.

Well, I can understand that.

If there are any odd sexual practices named for any places in my home state of Utah, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know about them. I’m thinking multiple inbred partners and hantavirus.


Adults will figure it out and children don’t need to know.

Does he really assume the kiddies are reading Renew America? What, they got comic over there?


I can’t believe that no matter how innocent these lambs were, they didn’t check out The Google ANYWAY, just to be prudent about this very thing.

I have often wondered if there was a Log Cabin mole inside the organization, who’s now laughing his/her ass off.

Johnny Coelacanth

“Johnny Coelacanth, I get soooo sleepy trying to read Wingnut prose. Couldn’t you give us a “shorter”? Please?”

I gave you the chunkiest nuts out of a 2500-word long screed there, KiWS, but let me try:

Common Law grand juries will be the tool that patriots use to destroy Barry Soetoro and his cronies in big business, and restore the country to its mythical, perfect past.

But really, it’s much, much crazier than that.


“Does he really assume the kiddies are reading Renew America? What, they got comic over there?”

Harry Potter And The Purity Bonfire.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

But really, it’s much, much crazier than that.

From what you posted earlier, I’m betting your shorter is accurate, if lacking in crazy. We need some sort of shorthand or punctuation or something to denote barking-madness that doesn’t fit in the few words of a shorter.

Maybe Lovecraft’s “Ia! ia!”


“Obama put a hole in America but plug it we can!”

is the motto of the July 4th demonstrations.

They will call themselves “But-pluggers” and then be outraged when everybody points and laughs.

Johnny Coelacanth

I keep coming back to this:
“This house belongs to us, not a gang of decrepit, senile old men, pursuing a useless fantasy of a New World Order that has a 2,000 year history of abject failure.”

Does he think socialism is 2000 years old? Or is he some sort of Protocols of the Elders of Zion nutbag? I realize “both” is an option, but I don’t think so.


They will call themselves “But-pluggers” and then be outraged when everybody points and laughs.

Awesome. I may have to steal this.

“Obama and the liberals have torpedoed our Ship of State, but we will plug the hole!”


a gang of decrepit, senile old men, pursuing a useless fantasy of a New World Order that has a 2,000 year history of abject failure

The Church?


See, thing is the teabag term started on the right. Maddow reported on the “teabagobamma” twitter channel. They were well aware of the meaning of the word. Now they want to have a moral hissy fit over someone calling them on it. Of course, it’s still pretty funny. Used to represent a combination of tea from the tea party with domination… but the unintentional (?) homosexual bent was not lost to all of us.


With all of this talk about perversion and degeneracy and sickness and depravity, you’d think this unspeakable act of “teabagging” that liberals all know about was something akin to a Dirty Sanchez. But it’s just ball-sucking, right? Are these wingnuts so uptight that a not uncommon elaboration of oral sex is unspeakably filthy to them? Or is there another definition of teabagging I’m unaware of?


Nah, Djur, they’re upset because they can’t stop thinking about it. Obsessing, even.


so uptight that a not uncommon elaboration of oral sex is unspeakably filthy to them?

“Sex is for making babies & it makes your body ugly afterwards & let’s not talk about it,” is the wingnut default position, especially at a goofy (pseudo-) Catholic site like Renew AmeriKKKa.


Fingers crossed they decide to call their protests “Tea rooms,” just so people will stop making filthy disgusting jokes that morally pure Mr. McGrew [snicker] will be forced to explain in detail to his equally morally pure audience.


He should give us more credit. I think we showed commendable restraint in the days of “Drill Baby Drill”. Not to mention our pernicious influence still hasn’t gotten “Bay-nur” Boehner driven from office. Also.


Anderson Cooper in the shower with the falafel,
If you ask me, this idea of updating Cluedo for contemporary conditions has been taken too far.


A ‘Tea room’ trade, Arky?


Oh my God they really are losing it in front of our very eyes.

Until I read this article, I didn’t think it was really possible for a grownup to have a tantrum like this, and *then* post it online.

Words fail.


I think Warner Todd Huston had a similar whiney ass rant.
Malkin sent out the call on Thursday.

Over at W-o’-C, Scott was having fun with a Joseph Farah rant on WND. I lost my appetite after reading

First administer the punishment, and then, if you’re not too spent, you can satisfy your demands for Cooper’s discharge.


Best attempt to “turn the tables” on those abusing their movement’s name was a sign — held by a kid, no less — that read: “Teabag the liberals before they teabag you!”

Kind of like with “Queer power” — the Teabaggers will OWN the urbandictionary meaning as a point of pride.

Teabag Pride.


Funny, I always thought Cooper’s discharge was what came out of a Cooper’s hawk.


John Waters must be grinning from ear to ear at all this. I’m surprised Rachel Maddow didn’t have him on her show. That would have been hilarious.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

John Waters must be grinning from ear to ear at all this.

That’s what I’ve been thinking. I remember seeing him on a talk show – I think it was Graham Norton’s – talking about how at that point teabagging was passé and helicoptering, of Godlsteinian meaning, was all the rage.

“Helicoptering” sounds sufficiently military that I bet the wingnuts could be tricked into using it for something all unsuspecting.


Has anyone found Neil Pollack to be involved with the Tea Parties?


As I said yesterday on another thread, it’s not as if we weren’t openly ridiculing them for the use of “teabagging”, “teabag” and “teabagger” for over a month prior to their little whine-fests. It’s not as if we kept it a secret from them that they were referring to themselves as practitioners of a particular sexual act.

But that’s always the problem with these twits, innit? You tell them something, put it right in their face, and if it doesn’t agree with what they want to believe, they ignore it. So yeah, quelle surprise and how unfair it all is now that everyone is laughing at them for being self-proclaimed teabaggers. SUCK ON IT, TEABAGGER!!!

Bwahahahahaha & c.



I thought you were referring to the outburst of outrage LG&M covered yesterday. (Shorter: Cooper, Maddow and Sullivan are disgusting hypocritical homophobic f^ggots for making fun of teabagging because only disgusting homo f^gs teabag each other.)

But now I see that was someone named “Scott” posting on PowerLine.

And they wonder why we assume they’re all funded and directed by WingTard HQ.


They chose the name, it wasn’t a decision I got to make- although I wouldn’t change a thing!


Dear (heh heh heh) Teabaggers,

If your party has as many convicted pedos & self-proclaimed livestock-shaggers as the GOP, maybe it’s best not to play up the “degenerate” nature of your opponents. Does the phrase “wet-suits & a dildo” ring a bell?

Ahhh, what the hell – go for it! It’s your right to march around waving teabags & whining about your impending tax-cut as much as you want … oh, & next time bring more spelling-challenged signs, please – the last bunch were delicious!

Cheap laughs are better than none.

If they didn’t intend for their use of teabagging to be seen as sexual, then how do they explain saying that they wanted to teabag us liberals before we teabagged them? What else would that mean? It’s not like there’s another everyday meaning of teabagging someone.


In colloquial speech there is only one context where the noun teabag is used as a verb, and a transitive verb at that. Whether the teabaggers were ignorant of this or just plain idiots is not the fault of people who call them on it. It’s as if they started out with “let us make the symbol of our strength the fist” and proceeded as clumsily from there. In the age of the intertubes, blinkered ignorance is no excuse.


Future Teabaggers name:The leadership committee deliberates.
“Obama is a goat and we’re going to blow him out of the water”


Now I’m wondering how long it will take for them to claim an ACORN infiltrator came up with the name teabagger to make them look foolish.



Did David Gergen really say you can’t talk while you’re teabagging? That’s pretty good, especially from him.


Did David Gergen really say you can’t talk while you’re teabagging?

No, Cooper made that comment. Gergen just laughed at it.

Gabriel Ratchet

I gotta say this ongoing whine-fest over “teabagging” is the comedy Gift That Keeps On Giving, particularly since they still just don’t get it: it’s as though they’d called their totally-not-astroturfed organization something like Stop Historically Inefficient Theories or somesuch and went around calling themselves SHITheads, and then went around complaining “hey, we’re just trying to say ‘socialism is bad,’ so why are you all making poop jokes?”

Lusty Shacklefold


Log Cabin Republicans



Personally, I think they should plan their Fourth of July festivities around the idea of busting a hole in Obama’s socialest (sic) plans, for the glory of the nation.


What else, besides lies and pornography, will they expose our children to? Anything they want, and you won’t know it until it is too late.

Dude! Have you SEEN MTV and VH1 programming after school?
Some skank took a dump on Flava Flav’s stairs in front of 2 dozen people!
It’s on after school!

Mouthful of Kelp

I gotta say this ongoing whine-fest over “teabagging” is the comedy Gift That Keeps On Giving, particularly since they still just don’t get it

Did you hear? Kanye West is a gay fish!


Oh, the irony of using a lolcats type picture to illustrate that article, given the nature of the image-board where lolcats were born.


(comments are closed)