Some headline like, ‘Wild About Harry…’
Huh. Holy crap. Harry Reid (D, Customarily Tepid) just shut down the Senate, invoking a rule on secret sessions, and released a jaw-dropping statement on the… Well, just go have a look. [Link re-linked to Reid’s barnstorming Senate floor speech.]
You know the funny sensation you get when there’s an earthquake? Tectonic vertigo. Something big is happening.
Since we’re extremely important bloggers*, we were invited to do a Democratic Party conference call last night, but we were all too drunk, or forgot, or the time zones didn’t work out, or some excuse of equal merit. Next time — and I say this with great gravity** — we’ll be on that damn phone if Joe Trippi drops a line. Stuff is up, these days. It’s getting very interesting.
* One imagined that if it were important, they wouldn’t be inviting us.
** Steel Reserve advertises itself as having ‘high specific gravity.’
The Big Bradrocket adds: Oh, hell yes:
Democrats claimed ?victory for the American people? Tuesday after the Senate Intelligence Committee agreed to continue an investigation into prewar intelligence claims made by the Republican party, the Senate Minority Leader said.
Now follow through on this, bitches. We deserve to know the truth.
G Love adds:
…Aaand Fristy tries the inside-out, over-under-sideways-down, total whooping Bizarro-world defense:
Taken by surprise, furious Republicans derided the move as a political stunt.
?The United States Senate has been hijacked by the Democratic leadership,? said* Majority Leader Bill Frist during the tense hours on Capitol Hill. ?They have no convictions, they have no principles, they have no ideas,? the Republican leader said**.
In other news, the Democrat Party is under investigation for insider trading, and kills kitties, said Majority Leader Bill Frist.
**parroted unthinkingly from past RNC talking points
PS: Tasty video at Crooks & Liars.
I feel the Earth move, under my feet . . .
Seriously, we can only hope this is the first of many examples of our elected Dems growing a collective spine in the coming months. Between the Scalito nom, the Libby indictment and the 2000+ casualty count in Iraq, this is prime striking time for Democrats. Go for the soft underbelly, Harry!
He’s a wily one. I feel Reid has been waiting for the right moment to pull back his veil and show his real shrill colors. He’s in. He’s shrill, and sources indicate that Michael Moore is morbidly obese.
I hate to be the wet blanket, guys, but I am fearful that the Republican media machine will quickly turn this into a referendum on the shrillness and incivility of the Democrats. They are masters of “Look, a monkey!” debating tactics. Wait for the media onslaught from Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Coulter and all their less-mainstream analogues, not to mention the Angry Pajamas crowd.
It’s nice to hope that The Masses will wake up and demand accountability from the Administration, but until someone turns Reid’s tirade into a 30-second bullet-point ad, I have my doubts.
I hate to be the wet blanket, guys, but I am fearful that the Republican media machine will quickly turn this into a referendum on the shrillness and incivility of the Democrats.
The solution to this is to not give a shit. Show some fucking moral courage and a determination to know the truth. Fuck Hannity and FOX News. Reid convinced the Senate Intel Committee to continue the investigation into the manipulation of intelligence. That’s a victory.
Everybody write to Reid and encourage him.
dan, normally i’d agree totally but with american opinion on the war where it is right now, i think a lot of people want to see some accountability and reid’s questions come off as quite reasonable. like a good prosecutor, he isn’t asking anything he doesn’t already know the answer to. and the public knows as well but has been in deep denial. as for the wingnut backlash, let’s face it. harry could cure cancer tomorrow and hannity would say that it’s part of a left wing media plot to make democrats look good. i remain cautiously optimistic. let’s see if they follow this up with some action or if they chicken out.
i just watched the video on C&L of Reid calling for the closed session and, for the first time ever, i nearly felt proud of an elected official.
Wait for the media onslaught from Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Coulter and all their less-mainstream analogues, not to mention the Angry Pajamas crowd.
Has there ever been a time, no matter how reasonable the Dems were, that Limbaugh et alia didn’t respond with an onslaught? According to them, we’re shrill when we speak up, and wimps when we don’t. Fuck ’em.
Has there ever been a time, no matter how reasonable the Dems were, that Limbaugh et alia didn’t respond with an onslaught? According to them, we’re shrill when we speak up, and wimps when we don’t. Fuck ’em.
I concur. If we can trash wingnuts every day here at S,N! I don’t see why Democrats can’t do it on a national level.
I would like to suggest Frist the cat killer should write nuk u lur option on the black bouar 100 times. It will calm his nerves now that he has discovered that even worms like the dems will turn from time to time.
Normally I’d totally agree with you but I feel like the tectonic vertigo that Seb referred to is due precisely to that:
A Democrat did something outspoken and decisive, the right wing spin machine cranked up to denigrate it…
…and sputtered to a halt. No one’s going to buy it this time. This is the tipping point, that’s what that feeling is. This is the moment. Right here. I’m glad to be with you guys when it happened. 🙂
(I hope I hope I hope)
It was me, not Seb — although confusion is understandable because the post was grammatical and not about obscure punk bands or Boz Scaggs…
According to them, we’re shrill when we speak up, and wimps when we don’t. Fuck ’em.
Oh yeah. Sorry. I was dazzled by the Powerline homage and figured the overall post was a triple-team in the finest Powerbottomthatistosayline tradition.
Don’t get me wrong, guys, I hope you are all completely correct — that the Dems show some testicular fortitude (to quote my state’s idiot Democrat governor); that the Murkan Public shows some interest; etc.
I am just finding it hard to be optimistic these days.
Its an outrage, a cheap political stunt, a blot on the decorum of this esteemed institution, the liberals are unhinged again…blah, snort, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
NNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!! [stamps foot]
I heard that Fritz accused the Dems of dragging things down into the gutter. In order to get into a fight with the Rethugs don’t you have to go where they are? GIVE ‘EM HELL, HARRY!!!!!!!
Your Democrat Party Is Gone
By Marie Jon’
If you are a person in your late forties or older, you know (or should know) that the Democrat Party you once knew no longer exists. The Democrat Party of years ago is gone and does not appear likely to return.
Who are the troubling mischief makers these days?
The bulk of today’s Democrat leaders, who subscribe to a political ideology and act and obstruct in ways that undermine America and undo much of what is good about America. The radical far left secular extremists have used America’s judiciary, both federal and state, to implement a “social” agenda that could not win the approval of either the voters in referenda or the voters’ elected representatives in the legislative and executive branches of government. And the Senate Democrats have tried mightily (albeit unconstitutionally) to block President Bush’s voter-authorized effort to appoint strict constructionists to the federal courts by denying up-or-down votes contemplated by the Constitution. Under the Constitution, a simple majority suffices for approval of a President’s nominee. But a willful Democrat minority blocked a number of President Bush’s federal appellate court nominees during his first term and tried to continue to do so during his second term. Only a well founded fear that Republicans, whose Senate majority had been increased as a result of the 2004 elections, would exercise the constitutional option (which Democrats refer to as the nuclear option, in an effort to strike terror in people’s hearts) ended the obstruction.
Who is running this country? It seems that the President has much more on his plate than he should have. He continually has been put upon and made to fight battles that should not have been necessary in the first place. Our own President is being willfully sabotaged and distracted by those who lost at the polls in 2000 and 2004, and want to keep him from keeping his promises to the American people. We all should take notice of this and be outraged.
In the recent past months, it has become very clear to millions of Americans that there is no virtually topic, subject or person left sacrosanct by the verbal bomb throwing radical leftists in our country. It is apparent that they are out to seek and destroy at any cost.
At the drop of a hat, the attacks come. The average American is given propaganda, not the whole truth or the real facts. They are bombarded with fast talking sound bites from far left talking heads on daily and weekly shows. The far left media loves their own They (Democrats) attack and their cronies in the media take up the lies and accusations and turn the fallacies into huge headlines. Before we know it, there are investigations being held about who, what, when or why. Not because the investigations necessarily are warranted and will be helpful. Because they will serve to delay and distract, and to provide ammunition for the Democrat attack machine and its minions and media allies.
Innocent people’s names have been besmirched and sullied before their full day in court. This particular type of destructive politicking has never taken place in America before. We are under the strong vocal sway of those progressive Democrats in legislative positions, as well as those in the media that are taking America to rack and to ruin. Over 80% of our media identify themselves as “progressives.”
We must not let Democrat propaganda confuse us about what is taking place with Mr. Libby with what brought about the downfalls of either the late President Nixon or former President Clinton. In President’s Clinton’s case, America came to know there really was a stained blue dress. And Lewinsky became synonymous with oral sex. Mr. Clinton deliberately lied to a grand jury. He was impeached for good reason, based on provable facts, and only remained in office because his fellow Democrats put all that aside, because he’s a fellow Democrat and they thought his conviction and removal from office (and replacement by his then Vice President, Al Gore) would be worse than keeping him in office. So they created, for him, a sexlies exception to the crimes of perjury and obstruction of justice.
The party of the Jackass symbol has become the party of lies and rumor mongering as well as demagogues who have mastered the sick skill called projection: they project their own evil deeds onto others.
Between the far left Democrats in office and the far left media joining hands and pushing a destructive agenda, our country and our political system is becoming undone. The continuous attacks by these “progressive” ideologues on Capitol Hill as well as in the biased media often seem insurmountable, and surely do grave damage.
To the detriment of all Americans, the Democrats are seen rubbing their hands with almost seditious delight over a man named Mr. Scooter Libby. If you do not understand the full self-sacrificing and patriotic story of Mr. Libby, understand at least that, for most Democrats and their leftist media allies, it’s all about trying to overthrow the Bush Administration by using very dangerous tactics that America no longer can afford to tolerate.
Americans need to understand that this country has its own detractors. America need no longer call the DNC Democrats the loyal opposition. Many are unruly, unhinged far leftists who will not do one noble thing.
The true and faithful public servant named President G. W. Bush will rebound in the polls, despite the malicious politicking coming from the Democrat Party that is now controlled by the far left. Why? Because more and more Americans will finally see for whom and what they are the crafty far leftists who defame America’s troops and denigrate the War on Terror as well as all the great progress made in Iraq: America’s internal enemies.
The president of Iraq wants Iraqi troops to take more control of taking care of the Iraqi people and themselves, thereby freeing Coalition troops to take a lesser role in the protection of the Iraqi people. Like President Bush, the president of Iraq wants our Coalition troops to remain in Iraq as long as there is a need and not one minute more.
As the president of Iraq reaches out his hands and grasps the new democracy afforded by America’s selfless sacrifice, all patriotic Americans more than ever need to support our President. Because the alternative to success is failure. And it is not in the interest of America, freedom or democracy for America to fail. No matter what the far left Dems declaim.
“Innocent people’s names have been besmirched and sullied before their full day in court. This particular type of destructive politicking has never taken place in America before.” You must be joking, Marie. Didn’t you ever hear of Whittaker Chambers?
Hey Marie, the Republican Party that I remember that my Dad belonged to, is gone. It has been hijacked by thieves, chickenhawks and God smacked ignorant people such as yourself. I remember the manly, heroic Vietnam War deserter president running like a scared little girl on 9/11, don’t you?
Marie is cute and stupid. I’d fuck her.
Well, I see miss Trollypants is still with us. Still selling thongs?
Y’know, whenever I see a post by Marie Jon’, they’re so goddamned long that even if the writing were good and comprehensible, I’d have a hard time making it through. But, since I know that they’re always a steaming pile of folderol, it’s an easy decision to “page down” past them. Marie, you’re boring!
Marie just cuts and pastes the shitty columns she writes for PePo (some of which are just plagarized from other writers). Pay her no mind.
Just ignore MJ. I’ve know house plants with more knowledge and understanding of history.
I didn’t read MJ'(Ms. Trollythong’?), but merlallen has a good point. Where are the Republicans of yesteryear, the pro-labor, pro-diplomacy, pro-regulation pro-environment Republicans who were the leaders of the the party before that nut Reagan took over?
“Marie is an active Christian, a nurse, a student, and a patriotic American.”
So either she puts her studies before America or the nurse and student are simply the meat in a Christian American sandwich.
Hmm. That’s hot.
I hate to say it, but I hear where Dan’s coming from. The part of me that still believes in Christmas and unicorns is all excited right now, but the rest of me remembers the longstanding American liberal tradition of scheduling their asskicking by the local neighborhood Butchy Tuffington a week in advance. We haven’t had an American liberal who would stand up to anything since LBJ – and he left office before I was born.
It’s too soon to say. We’ll see what happens. I’m hopeful, but if this were a stock tip, only a fool or a rich man would buy right now.
Who is running this country? It seems that the President has much more on his plate than he should have. He continually has been put upon and made to fight battles that should not have been necessary in the first place. Our own President is being willfully sabotaged and distracted by those who lost at the polls in 2000 and 2004, and want to keep him from keeping his promises to the American people. We all should take notice of this and be outraged.
Hmmm… replace “2000 and 2004” with “1992 and 1996,” and you can imagine MJ’ as a Clintonista in 1998. Now THAT’S hot.
Oh, man… Looking back on MJ”s screed, there is just so much fodder to work with. Brad or Gavin, you could really make it the subject of a main page post.
The average American is given propaganda, not the whole truth or the real facts.
I guess even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. Though I don’t think she means what I want her to mean.
In President’s Clinton’s case, America came to know there really was a stained blue dress.
“America came to know…” ::rimshot:: Thank you, she’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.
And Lewinsky became synonymous with oral sex.
What are the girls getting for a Lewinsky these days?
Mr. Clinton deliberately lied to a grand jury.
So I guess Scooter just inadvertently lied? How does that work exactly?
He was impeached for good reason, based on provable facts, and only remained in office because his fellow Democrats put all that aside, because he’s a fellow Democrat….
His fellow Democrats and ten Republicans (five in the case of the obstruction of justice count). Which I guess means they were not provable facts. Arlen Specter even voted “not proven” (presumably because he didn’t want to vote “not guilty”).
So they created, for him, a sexlies exception to the crimes of perjury and obstruction of justice.
Well, Scooter wouldn’t be able to take advantage of that exception anyway, since he’s only accused of lying in connection with a leak of classified information and the outing of a covert CIA operative. Nothing as serious as getting a Lewinsky, right?
“Because more and more Americans will finally see for whom and what they are the crafty far leftists who defame America’s troops and denigrate the War on Terror as well as all the great progress made in Iraq: America’s internal enemies.”
This must be “No Punctuation Wednesday” over at Pepo.
(BTW, I’m still in the market for one of those thongs.)
longstanding American liberal tradition of scheduling their asskicking by the local neighborhood Butchy Tuffington a week in advance.
That’s what was so great about this though. It was unscheduled. Totally out of the blue. No one had time to get ready for it. And the timing couldn’t be better. Approval ratings in the crapper, Delay indicted, Frist under investigation, Libby indicted, Reid does this, Rove indicted (which gives credence to what Reid said in the minds of the American public.) That last part is the most important, I think. Imagine, Reid does this, some people fight it, but more people than would before stop and sit back and think to themselves, “I’ll give this a little time to see where it goes.” Next thing you know, Rove is indicted for precisely one of the things Reid mentioned, you get the people on your side. Reid is brilliant.
So they created, for him, a sexlies exception to the crimes of perjury and obstruction of justice.
Blah blah blah(Dan reads it, so I don’t have to!) Nobody thought perjury and obstruction weren’t crimes, just that weaseling about consentual sex in an investigation about a shady real estate deal is not a high crime worthy of impeachment. To pick a nit, it’s also arguable that perjury was committed linky-poo
I dunno about the whole “Rove indicted” piece, Yosef. Sure, we’d all like to believe it’s coming, but if Fitzgerald didn’t have enough to indict on the other day, I’m not sure where he’s going to get more. Does he think Scooter is going to give him something on Rove in exchange for easier treatment? I don’t know how much more he can possibly show the grand jury.
Oh well, in the words of the Jimmy Fund*: “I can dream, can’t I?”
*You Bostonians and other New Englanders know what I’m talking about.
Word has it that Rove already rolled over on Libby, anyway.
God, that’s a disgusting visual. My bad.
I’m just saying that this would be great timing. I think Reid has a big plan for this. If there is a Rove indictment, it might not be in the next few days, but maybe within a couple of weeks, and as Reid continues to press the issue, it will come up (if it happens) and that will be all she wrote.
And, true, maybe I am just dreaming. It just seems like there has got to be some specific motivation for Reid to do this out of the blue (I mean motivation besides just needing to hear the truth, which should be enough.)
I agree with you on the timing point, Yosef. It would be magnificent if Fitz came up with paper on Rove in the near future. (Too many news cycles go by, and the momentum is lost.)
As for motivation, I hope it’s more than just “The Repubs are wek from last week’s shitstorm, let’s throw this at them and see what happens.” Because that’s the kind of unplanning that gets Dems in trouble all the fucking time.
No convictions? Heck, our side hasn’t even been indicted yet!
I’d like to note that Marie had never heard about projection before I mentioned it to her email I wrote her, accusing her and her party of being latently sexist and racist.
Oh and Marie, It’s a psychological phenomena, a defense machanism. Not a fucking “slick skill”.
When all else fails, kick ’em when their down. Political opportunism at its best. Wait, perhaps I’m being too cynical. I take take that back. But can I really take it back once I’ve hit “Post”? Perhaps not.
Oh yeah, like the GOP is nothing but help and hands up when the dems are down.
When the republicans start working with the dems then they deserve respect. Not until.
I would quite gladly kick this Republican party from here to the far curb of Hell.
When they bring back men like Eisenhower to the Republican party, I’ll start considering them people with whom I respectfully yet passionately disagree with, rather than what I consider them now, which is lower than the stuff I scrape off the bottom of my shoes.
If only I had the kind of access to Bono that apparently Bush has, I’d ask him to consider running with Mary Bono as his running mate in ’08. I’ve offered that ticket suggestion before at this very site, but the reason I’m mentioning it again is that I believe he is the new “Eisenhower” you’ve been looking for. In the meantime, Jillian, just make sure that you’re not wearing steel-toed boots.
Miss Trollypants????
I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You’re on the couch tonight, cobag. And stop leaving Take5 wrappers everywhere.
Good Lord, those Republicans are freaking out about this. Reading their comments in the paper today, I thought, I’ve heard this before. Its like in 3rd grade, when the schoolyard bully ran to the teacher to tattle because one of his victims finally pushed back. Pitiful.
Taube, I’m a Republican and I’m not freaking out. When political opportunism is recognized for what it is, cooler heads prevail. By the way, are you calling Democrats victims? Somehow the term “victim” and “competent” don’t really seem to go together. Third grade was a hellish nightmare for me, thanks to this bully whose father just happened to be a liberal activist in the community (not that I’m trying to imply any like-father-like-son impression). I was constantly being picked on and used as a punching bag. He could have called me any name in the book, but the last thing I was willing to be called was “victim.”
I wonder what exactly the “freaking out” point is for a Republican. Does Bush’s approval rating (currently at 35%) actually have to dip below Nixon’s, or is that not a prerequisite for panic? Just curious.
It must be logic day here at SN. First, MJ clarifies that the alternative to success is failure, and then Bruce sez that Bono is the new Eisenhower and that he [Bono] should run for President [despite being an Irish citizen — Bono that is, not Bruce or Eisenhower]. Just wanted to have that straight.
I think MJ hired a ghostwriter. While the prose style remains terrible, there are far fewer grammatical mistakes in the posted piece than in her earlier efforts.
stand_up_philosopher: I think you meant Pretzel Logic Day….
I also marveled at the lack of grammatical errors in the small sampling I read of ‘Marie ‘J ”””’s treatise. Maybe she ran it through the Edit-O-Matic 2000?
Stand up Philosopher: Of course Bono’s Irish, but the luck of the Irish may be on his side. By the time ’08 rolls around, the foreign born requirement for becoming president may be a thing of the past. There is presently pending legislation that Arnold’s boys are working on that will bring that chapter to a close.
As for a.j.: I can’t speak for all Republicans but the reason I’m not freaking out about Bush’s approval ratings is this:
The harder he falls, the bigger the bounce.
Excuse me, what I meant to say was “…the current interdiction against foreigners becoming president of the United States…”
The harder he falls, the bigger the bounce.
Kinda depends on if he’s made of rubber or mud, don’t it?
Or glue, Kaye, can we get a ruling on that?
….uhhhh, I think Bush’s bounce will be the equivalent of plummeting off a 20-storey building. More of a splat, really.
Sounds a great deal like wishful thinking to me, celticgirl.
“The harder he falls, the bigger the bounce”
“Sounds a great deal like wishful thinking to me”
tee hee hee!
I’m glad someone around here has a sense of humor. Oh, wait a minute, the joke’s on me!
“Wait for the media onslaught from Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Coulter and all their less-mainstream analogues, not to mention the Angry Pajamas crowd.”
Since the Angry Pajamas crowd now includes David Corn(holio)…can I use a flamthrower?
Regarding David “Little Green” Cornballs, if he makes a bit of money off that contract with the devils, good on him. But, if his positions on things begin to shift to the right, and he starts writing nonsense like, “Preznit Bush is the best thing since Weetabix in maple syrup!”*, may he burn in hell.
* Or even something comprehensible.
Doc: No, wishful thinking on my part would involve slow roasting on a spit…
Of course, celticgirl, don’t think for a moment that I understand the depths of your sadistic wishes for the president.
Seriously, I’ve never actually wished pysical harm on another human being, but with bush it’s sorta like that, “You are a sniper and you have the shot, do you kill hitler” kind of conundrum.
Help me to see the Hilter/Bush connection, Timmah420. Hitler slaughtered millions of Jews. On the other hand, Israel will never find a greater friend than the United States, especially while the U.S. is under the leadership of a Republican president like Bush. Why do you think most enemies of the Jewish people are so united in their hatred of Bush?
Bush has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens with his ever evolving war, he has run the defecit so high so as to virtually guarantee poverty and future strife, he’s radicalized the muslim world against the USA, creating an entire generation of well trained muslim jihadists in Iraq, who are beginning to make themselves known in europe and in the process, jumpstarting a Iraqi civil war, and a possibly disasterous alliance with Iran. 2000 dead soldiers, tens of thousands of the same mangled horribly. Depleted uranium that will remain in Iraq and afghanistan causing birth defects and infant mortality for years to come. Secret fucking prisons in foreign countries for torture, denial of basic geneva convention rights for thousands, hundreds of billions of dollars funneled into the war machine. Am I fucking forgetting anything???
Yes, you are forgetting to be rational. You are exaggerating and distorting the truth. I feel bad too that so many soldiers have died. You might not agree with the war, but I doubt Bush sent in troops as a way to eradicate Americans or Iraqis he intended to liberate.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Not that I believe bush had anything in mind but an oil grab.
Guess what BLT? If you truly believe that more good than harm has come out of the whole affair, you’re deluding yourself. It was a fucking mistake and anyone who knows anything about the middle east could have told you that before it started. A mistake that has seen hundreds of thousands dead, and if you agree with it, the blood is on your hands too.
Oh and please let me know what you think I’ve exaggerated, because to me it sounds like your dodging the real issue, all of those things are fact, most are openly discussed at the DOD.
Timmah, you obviously haven’t heard my cover of American Woman:
If you had, and you were psychologically minded, you’d know that even I, someone who, for the most part, believes in the war effort in Iraq, has obvious moments of unconscious doubts about the war, and maybe even anger over the scores of soldiers and innocent Iraqis who have been killed or wounded in the battle. If history proves that the war was unjust, Bush would certainly go down as one of the worst presidents ever. However, to put him in the same league as Hitler is simply ridiculous. Go back and read the history on Hitler. Then compare him once again to Bush. If you do this with an objective mind, you’ll figure out how ridiculous and extreme your proclamations sound. You’ll figure out that you have just slighted the Jews by trivializing the horrorable atrocities committed against them.
Actually it’s my contention that you’re trivializing the deaths of countless iraqi’s. Do you even know what happened at fallujah? They fucking flattened that area, completely. The holocaust isn’t the be all and end all of tradgedies, and if you think it’s rediculous that I can draw parellels between fallujah and the blitzkreig, or between their treatment of prisioners and our mass imprisonment of so called “enemy combatants” that aren’t receiving any due process or access to lawyers or fucking GENEVA CONVENTION RIGHTS you’re fooling yourself. America and the british used incindiary weapons they promised not to in war treaties, weapons that devastate civilian populations. What do you think about america using nuclear warfare via depleted uranium? Once again BLT chooses to dodge the issue and plug some shitty music he made inside what sounds like a tin box. Get fucked BLT.
I’d also like to point out, now that i’ve counted to ten, and reflected that my response was an attempt at drak humor, which is acceptable in this case, because it doesen’t hurt anybody, as opposed to michael brown’s katrina related responses. Death is Death, suffering is suffering, weather brought by gas chambers or a bomb landing on your house. That’s the point i’m trying to make.
Timmah, did you ever consider that it may be your system that sounds like a tin box? You don’t have to answer that, and you’ll know why I’d rather you wouldn’t in a moment. When a person begins to drop the “F” word on someone the way you did, I take it as a signal that this person has run out of intelligent things to say, (if they in fact had anything intelligent to say to begin with). When a person has that much lack of respect for someone simply because that person has a different point of view, then as far as I’m concerned, the conversation is over. Find someone else who is willing to stoop to your level of communication. It ain’t me.
Nice cop-out.
Let this be a lesson to all of you out there with any intentions of dissing the doc. All who go too far displaying disrespect will be systematically shunned in the great tradition of the Amish. And no tricks such as the one above, only a heartfelt, sincere apology, will get you back on speaking terms with me, or get you back in my good graces.