Welcome To Boson, Notice There Is No “T” In It
Posted on April 16th, 2009 by Gavin M.
Well, this being Tax Day, and this being me, there was misadventure on this Tax Day.
[…] The following is a list of CONFIRMED Tea Party Tax Revolts planned within the state of Massachusetts. Please note that we ONLY list events happening on April 15th.
City: Boston
When: April 15, 10:00am – 8:00pm (main events 11am -1pm and 5pm – 7pm)
Where: Statehouse
Other Info: http://teapartyboston2009.wordpress.com
Facebook Group: CLICK HERE
Above: Proceed to Pert Skater
[cont’d shortly]
If this is the “real” Gavin M, please return home.
Your wife misses you terribly, and really all the going Galt stuff is just going to get you a lot of boring company.
~Your friend, ITTDGY
I’ve been to crap games that had more attendees than the Chicago teabagger rally,
There were more COPS at the Union Park antiwar rally two years ago than there were total participants in today’s teabagging in Federal Plaza.
I’ve seen Chevy Impalas in Pilsen that had more people in the back seat than there were teabaggers downtown today.
Do I make my point?
Well, this being Tax Day…
Ax day, if you please. Stay with the theme!
Ismail Ax, even.
Yes, sweetie, come back to Carnal Request!
I’ve said too much…
I is home now, so I’ll post, and link, my pics after din-din.
Newt Gingrich gave me a history lesson tonight. I feel empowered.
That is perhaps the coolest map ever. Where the hell did you get that? I cannot stop laughing at “Queasy Ruddle”. Want that as a poster now, plz thkxs and such.
Impermissible Broderick
Drawing close, as MJ’ might say.
Where the hell did you get that?
Try the original – imported from London!
Unscrambly London map here.
Search for “anagram map” on Google, I believe it’ll turn some up. These were all the rage a few years ago, and for some reason the transit authorities took a dim view.
I used to live in a squat near Aleph & Tentacles.
Alas, the weather was so foul here (D.C.) I didn’t even bother thinking of an excuse to skip work. Plus, it appears that some of those dimwitted fucktards threw a box of tea over the White House fence, which greatly annoyed the S.S. That’s one group photo I’m glad I avoided.
No, no. The police were part of the glorious revolutionary anti-Obama SQUAT teams. No wait, cops are the bad guys, aren’t they? Is that only when they try to take our guns. Or we think they’re going to take our guns? Maybe it’s just the brown cops…
I went looking for the NYC anagram map and found the following, a portion of the 1 train:
hilarious pic of a spelling -challenged teabagger (though it’s probably the norm for these boobs)
“is a list of CONFIRMED Tea Party Tax Revolts planned within the state of Massachusetts. ”
Remind me again what it is the DHS has a problem with?
Yet another example of haplessness:
hilarious pic of a spelling -challenged teabagger
LOL – tho when you’ve spent eight years trying to get rid of every trace of dissent, the spelling of it is one of the first things to go.
Could be a liberal infiltrator, though, sent there by Soros to make the teabaggers look st00pid.
Photographic proof that I was in the personal presence of the divine Pam Atlas, for DMM if no one else.
dammit, prolly will eff me over again, or tell me I’m posting too fast.
You have been deceived! ACORN used Romulan cloaking devices to conceal the enormous turnout of resolute patriots, as seen in this rare unaltered picture.
One object of teabagging was at South Station and one was at North Station. Fanuil Hall is, deservedly, in the middle. Its the destination of amateurs.
Since I was just in Boson, I thought I’d share…
I was walking the French Trail, I mean Freedom Trail and found myself in Copp a Feel burying ground or Copp’s Hill Burying Ground, it was definitely one or the other. Anywho, I saw the graves of Mr. Balls and family. Near to the Balls’ was a monument for a Semen or possibly Seaman. Then I crossed a bridge to see a giant phallic symbol, a boat of rock hard iron, such constitution. I returned downtown on a ferry (look it was either that or walk you dirty minded so and so’s.) I was real close to a Tea Party so I walked down to take a gander but didn’t see much.
It was fun, I highly recommend it. Except for that son of a French Huguenot’s house that wanted me to pay $3.50 to see it. I mean really, that Rivoire kid couldn’t even keep his horse from the British, I mean Redcoats.
Probably not as much fun as ‘teabagging’ though.
Just read about a small business owner who decided he had to layoff 6 employees because Obama being president will, at some point, result in higher taxes and government fees for his business (obviously, not because of anything related to the business’ success). So, to decide who to layoff, he picked 6 employees who had Obama bumper stickers.
I’d normally call this guy a douchebag, but I think from now on these sorts of people will be referred to as “teabaggers.”
Will Shepard Smith applaud Glenn Beck’s promotion of teabag parties? Will Chris Wallace, that malevolent shrimp, threaten newsreaders for insufficient dunkitude? Tomorrow promises many hilarious alibis.
OK, I was out of my hometown, but here in downtown SF, all we saw was a Code Pink rally against Pelosi’s support of the war.
It is San Fran, I guess…
Near Bernt Arse?
Anywho, I saw the graves of Mr. Balls and family. Near to the Balls’ was a monument for a Semen or possibly Seaman.
Those graveyards can be naughty.
ACORN used Romulan cloaking devices to conceal the enormous turnout of resolute patriots, as seen in this rare unaltered picture.
Even more unaltered photograph here.
Near Bernt Arse?
I can’t remember ever drinking there. I mainly went to Youngs or Fullers pubs.
Looking further down the Rent Horn line, I see that the penultimate stop is Snowmobile Thud.
Photographic proof that I was in the personal presence of the divine Pam Atlas, for DMM if no one else.
Looks like she’s had cheek implants.
I wanted to get my pic taken with her, but I just couldn’t bring myself to pretend to be polite to her.
They can indeed be naughty. Another highlight of my trip was having sushi next some guy named “Big Papi” and his wife. Nice people, I heard that his Ball game had been rained out earlier that afternoon.
Even more unaltered photograph here.
Still more authentic and unaltered photographic proof: Dick Armey addresses a large throng of teabaggers.
Praise be to Obama. I made out like a damn bandit on this year’s taxes. Net refund after the OPPRESSIVE FEDRUL GUBBERMINT refund minus the payment to THE AWESOME STATE OF GEORGIA LIBERATION FREE TERRITORY IN THE AMERICAS taxed me more.
But wait, that’s impossible, how could I end up owing more taxes to the Republican Sonny Perdue than I could to the Great Satan Luo Jihad Chief Count Blackula Hussein al Majlis Obama X?
Another Kiwi said,
Near Bernt Arse?
Just past Done It Over and Forkt Stoan. Near Widders Dump.
I’m watching the Hannity rerun, and a number of the signs in the Atlanta crowd are identical to signs I saw in NYC today.
Guuuuuh, what a coincidence.
This is how to hold a protest, check out the proper signs:
An oldie but a goodie.
Just past Done It Over and Forkt Stoan. Near Widders Dump.
I know better than to argue with people with an encyclopediac knowledge of Riddley Walker.
I think my wife is preparing to kick me in the junk for laughing so much at these goofy anagram maps. The “Barons Court” -> “Burst Racoon” and “Tottenham Court Road” -> “A Retard Cottonmouth” really set me off.
I was told there was a protest in Santa Monica, but I couldn’t find it. Maybe it’ll be in the local tabloid.
¿SARS? ¡Que vida! is absent from your map. Please rectify this oversight.
Darby, mascot of Davis Square
The biggest news in the Santa Monica local tabloid is that some bastard cut the head off a statue of the Virgin at St. Monica’s church on Easter Sunday.
I’m not sure how you cut the head off a marble statue, but they did.
Oh, shit.
Turn on Hannity, if you can stomach it.
Eric, son of Eric from RedState is due up after the commercial break.
Just a reminder that attempting to play Wino Bod will put you in knip at Sad Aquam Res., forcing you through a Dollis Hill loop at Terse Punt Redark. You have to segue out of the Depression-era system map by way of Chicago before you can go for King’s Cross on the way to Mornignton Crescent.
That’s the place!
The map names in the OP put me in mind of Mr. Walker’s map.
Turn on Hannity, if you can stomach it.
That’d be a big no.
Lemme guess – the same triumphalism we’ve been steeped in since late 2000, with an extra helping of stupid and insane.
Brian X wins Mornington Crescent .
I’m not sure how you cut the head off a marble statue, but they did.
Fling your hat at it – just ask Oddjob.
Another Kiwi:
Only under revised international 2004 tournament rules. I’m actually three moves short if we’re using the 2007 addenda.
Brian X: You’d be alright with Trumpington’s Variations’ surely?
Forget turning on Hannity. Hannity can turn on this.
How sickening is this?
My daughter used to commute between Queer Parrots and Dank Millet. I can’t say that I’m sorry that she no longer does.
Another Kiwi:
I’ve never been fond. I think they’re talking about adding it in as a test case for the Glastonbury (CT and UK) regionals later this year, but otherwise I wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole before the rules conference next year. I’ve always liked being able to use the Ccmndh-Waterhouse Heathrow Three gambit while in spoon, and Trumpington section 3 has a knack for shunting me through the Moscow Metro-2 when I try that. And where the hell are you going to find a Metro-2 map when you need one?
Obama’s Plan: White Slavery
The morans need their own country. Preferably some remote atoll in the Bering Sea, with no boats nor the means to build any.
This story about Norm Coleman’s potential appeal of the court ruling against him seems somehow teabagging-related to me:
The group of lobbyists, which calls itself “Team Coleman,” is made up of some of the biggest players in D.C.’s permanent lobbying establishment, and includes executives from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business, the National Restaurant Association and others.
“We will raise as much as is necessary,” Dirk Van Dongen, a leading member of Team Coleman and the president of the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, told me in an interview.
Remember the wacked Republican lady with the bandaid on her face?
This idiot dangling teabags from her hat looks to be a close relative.
I am a mystery of unknown dimensions.
Lesley, my favorite is still the escapee from the Ayn Rand Institute for the Criminally Stupid.
I like him too. He reminds me of an assortment of Gary Larson “school for the ungifted” cartoons.
I am so glad to be a former resident of No Logic or Creed. It’s right by the ancestral Kennedy Manor, you know.
Apparently there were about three or four hundred teabagging out by City Hall in lovely San Francisco today.
Fuck. 400? This town can drum up that many to protest Heinz changing the recipe for their beans.
We can even get that many together to put on identifying shirts, do odd things that might look foolish, and hold stuff in the air without having any idea of what they’re showing up to do.
Oh, right. But that was actually fun.
Hm, I suppose I live near Bizarre Length Hoof.
And where the hell are you going to find a Metro-2 map when you need one?
For what it’s worth, on account of a mis-spent
youthmiddle age I still know my way around the St. Petersburg metro.There are regulations against taking photographs in the stations so rather than admit that I broke them, I’ll link to someone else’s images.
If you happen to be towing a large suitcase along, you’ll have to spend an extra token to get it up and down the escalator.
Hm, I suppose I live near Bizarre Length Hoof.
Wikipedia further informs us that
This is why Berlin is my favourite city EVAH.
But Smut Clyde, Berlin can’t beat this.
A 68-year-old woman at the Sunbury, Penn., protest had to be rescued by police from the Susquehanna River when she fell in while trying to dump tea bags in it.
I hope she brought her own privately funded policemen along to do the rescuing. Any true teabagger would rather drown as a result of their own stupidity than suck off the gubbermint teat.
Any true teabagger would rather drown as a result of their own stupidity than suck off the gubbermint tea.
Actually, if I were a policeman at one of these things, I’d keep in mind that every one of these morons is there to take a stand against paying me my wages. Just sayin’.
Teabaggers here in Atlanta were encouraged to use public transportation. Ironic considering that MARTA’s recent budget crisis (this time primarily caused by the Georgia legislature not bothering to let MARTA access millions in its own money) brought cries of Why Should My Taxes Pay for MARTA When I Don’t Use it from around the state (Fulton and DeKalb counties pay for MARTA; I believe it’s one of the few metro area subway systems that is not paid for by the state). Anyway. Perhaps some teabaggers got to feel brave and daring by taking MARTA one time yesterday.
Sinfonian at Pensacola teabagging.
Ay, Gavin, where’s da Southies, man????
I didn’t see one giant paper mache puppet at any of the teabaggings, and not a single shout of ‘Free Mumia!!11!’
Lesley, my favorite is still the escapee from the Ayn Rand Institute for the Criminally Stupid.
I like him too. He reminds me of an assortment of Gary Larson “school for the ungifted” cartoons.
via Steve Benen,
Remember how Global Warming denier George Will was shat upon by his own newspaper for fudging facts and figures for three weeks straight? Then he pretended that nothing happened, and wrote a column on baseball?
That wasn’t George F. Will yelling at clouds, THIS is George F. Will yeling at clouds.
Effing kids these days and their dungarees. Back in Will’s day, you couldn’t even get a malted at the fountain unless you were wearing spats.
I can’t even wrap my head around the stupidity of that George Will column (are you sure this isn’t a late April Fool’s prank?), but this quote rang particularly hollow…
If there’s one thing George Will has consistently condemned all these years, it’s been people buying gas-guzzling SUV’s that they really don’t need.
..You know, in hindsight, it’s a pity they didn’t schedule this ‘protest’ for April First.
Okay, one more:
Excuse me. FRED fucking ASTAIRE?!?
For men, sartorial good taste can be reduced to one rule: If Leonard Cohen would not have worn it, don’t wear it.
Fixed that for you.
I invoke the Onion corollary to Poe’s Law on that Will column:
Why Can’t Anyone Tell I’m Wearing This Business Suit Ironically?
Gavin M. @ Top:
Uh huh. Sure, leave us hanging.
(And let’s be honest — jeans tend to be worn for comfort. Anyone who wears them to be “rustic” is about 70 years out of date.)
Is Fwill living 20-30 years in the past? $100+ designer jeans are the thing now. They’re not just for the cool kids…they’re comfy and they look good, and you can usually at least a few good brands for more like $30-40.
Of course, if your fashion sense is “white collar 1950s nostalgia stick-up-the-butt”, feel free to wear a shirt, tie, and slacks while gardening. But then again, you probably hire people to do that.
Mouthful of Kelp:
Right. Because Fred Astaire looks real classy in that fucking Battlestar Galactic circa 1978 costume.
Right, because rural Georgia outside Atlanta create sooooooo much tax revenue and they don’t at all suck off the teat of the Atlanta economy.
Fucking jackholes. They think their shitburg town in bumfuck Georgia is paying for Atlanta, but god don’t fucking ask them who’s paying for their newest interchange where they’re hoping a new Stuckey’s might bright 3 waitress and fry cook jobs.
It’s just like all these shitbags from net tax sucker Southern and Western states protesting taxation and government intervention, when federal spending is the only thing keeping their lousy shithole pseudo-economies going. Asswipes, the lot of them.
Grace Kelly
I know I’ve seen Astaire in jeans, too, cuffed up well over his ankles. Swelegance indeed!
Shucks, and there I was all day wasting my time in Fermiton, just down the road from Hobbiton.
El Cid:
And now you know how people in NYC feel about upstaters, and why they feel that way.
And now you know how people in NYC feel about upstaters, and why they feel that way.
Upstaters have our water supply and we’ve been a little less than kind to them, forcing their farming methods, street pavings and sewer systems to be held to Federal standards– as well as more expenses– while other counties can safely ignore them. Not all NYCers resent upstaters. I, for one, do not.
I can’t get over the Will column: he’s actually recommending class-based differentiation in dress. Why not go all the way, I’m sure passing sumptuary laws would be a winning strategy for the anti-elitist Republican elite.
Best comment I’ve seen so far on that is about prying him from Emily Post’s corpse.
“For women, substitute Grace Kelly.” – George Will
I’ve tried, George, oh how I’ve tried. But her corpse just came apart just when I got going good.
I can’t get over the Will column
Out-of-touch tied-an-onion-to-my-belt doddering aside, here’s George Will’s essential argument:
Wearing jeans is a sign of conformity, you should be wearing suits instead. Actually, he’s not even arguing that himself, he’s just all “Ditto what Akst wrote”.
In fact, when Will finally gets around to addressing how one should define one’s personal style – he says “copy Fred Astaire”.
I’m an NYCer from upstate. Most of the people who trash upstate in the city are from Oklahoma or Kansas or someshit, or they’re terrified of trees and nature and quiet at night. It’s a somewhat comparable situation to the rich white kids who preen about being localvores in a place they’ve lived 6 months.
JGabriel, actor212 is absolutely right. There would be no NYC without upstate, especially the water. Read about the history and current facts of how NYC gets its drinking water, and don’t be an ass.
More amusingly, I’m in the video by Pam Atlas at the bottom of this page. Not gonna identify myself, but heehee.
Also from the Will column:
Umm, Georgie… you don’t mind me calling you Georgie right?… that the only “style icons” you can name have both been dead for decades tips you off as “out-of-touch” in the old geezebag sense, but that bit about gamers brands you as “out-of-touch” in the shut-in who’s disconnected his phone and teevee sense.
I own a house in the reservoir district, so I’ve spent large parts of the past twenty years hearing both sides of the “hill people/flatlanders” arguments, and defending both sides.
I love my hill folks, and am comfortable with the fact that, twenty years later, I’m still not accepted as local. But I’m better than most of my part-time neighbors. I’ve actually attended school board meetings.
Ask yourself: What Would Fred Astaire Do?
Actually more credit should go to Ginger, who did everything Fred did, but backwards.
…who did everything Fred did, but backwards.
And in high heels, yes – we’ve been beaten with that stick before. In Fred’s defense, Ginger only had to replicate about half the lifts that Fred did. Anyways, the real reason I refuse to give Ginger Rogers credit for anything at all is Cyd Chairsse.
And now you know how people in NYC feel about upstaters, and why they feel that way.
I’m always a bit surprised to find that people in NYC realize anything at all exists outside their city’s limits.
Clem, do you mean A Squid Saver? Because I used to live there, and I noticed the map didn’t quite reach it.
Sorry if it sounded like a stick, it really wasn’t intended as anything more than a joke.
Denim on the bourgeoisie is, Akst says, the wardrobe equivalent of driving a Hummer to a Whole Foods store — discordant.
Alison Lurie’s The Language of Clothes came out in 1981. Mr Will sounds to be a few years behind the curve.
You were saying?
Yes.Yes. Dan, I can’t believe I didn’t spot that anagram. I mean, I know three of the five people who examined the colossal squid in Wellington last year, for fuck’s sake. Well played, Sir.
… it really wasn’t intended as anything more than a joke/
Oh, I was just trying to be an ass. I didn’t mean to slag Ginger Rogers or the people who point out how under-recognized she is. That lady could move with the grace of an angel.
But Cyd Charisse could move with the grace of an angel full of sex.
Heh heh “Angel full of sex” is wildly appropriate. How could one body have so much leg attached to it?
Heh heh “Angel full of sex” is wildly appropriate.
Lordy lordy lord, I remember the first time I saw that scene.
No way could you fit all that sex into just one angel.
Lileks, of all people, fisks Will within an inch of his life.
Lileks, of all people, fisks Will within an inch of his life.
Damn, that’s weird. But he does do it in a recognizably Lileky way…
I think his tongue is lodged partway cheek-wise because calling the choice of a comfortable fabric “an obnoxious misuse of freedom” is akin to demanding people rip out their iPod earbuds and partake in the glorious impromptu symphony of modern life.
Lileks hasn’t been listening very hard to what people – including, most likely, him – have been labeling offenses against freedom during the Lost Years of 2001-2008.
…hoo. Reading Lileks fisk Will is like watching Abe Simpson and Montgomery Burns in a slappy-fight. My money would be on Abe/Lileks, but the main thing is that it’s simultaneously amusing and shameful.