Of Huddled Masses Yearning to Bag Tea…

Hi All,

Doctor Missus here. Gav was planning to put up a post about this, but while we were finishing up our taxes, he let out an ear shattering howl and stormed out of the house carrying a placard. I’m not sure where he’s gone or when he’ll be back, but I do know that when he does return he would love to read your anecdotes about any interactions you may have had with the TeaBaggers today.

Luckily, I haven’t been out and about too much today, and only had two such encounters. In the first, a middle-aged woman was crossing the Charlestown bridge with a brown paper sign reading: “Who is John Galt?” I was hoping to tell her that he’s a character in a long-winded and pointless novel that isn’t really worth reading, but unfortunately one of us had not yet given up gainful employment, and was speeding past in our employer-provided transport. A shame, really. I could have saved her a lot of time.

My second TeaBagger sighting was a very rotund family decked out in the skins of dozens of ruthlessly slaughtered American flags, as they were about to enter the Charles T station. I wanted to ask them how they felt about taking taxpayer-subsidized public transportation to an anti-government rally, but they were so stupefied by the fare machines that it hardly seemed right to confuse them further. Besides, we were an entire T stop away from the protest site, and the Matterhorn-like Beacon Hill lay between us and their destination. It would have been cruel to expect them to stand by their principles and hoof it.

So anyway, that was my day, but I’m sure many of you have much more interesting TeaBagger shenanigans to share with us all. Please either share them in comments or e-mail them to Gav. He’s bound to come back from going Galt eventually, right?


Comments: 107


Confuse them further? Good luck with that.


Pam Atlas just walked by me, and someone is singing the national anthem on the stage and professional soundsystem.
This is AWESOME.

Our Dead Selves

Sadly, I have no tea-bagging stories to share. Well, no stories about stupid fucking lower-middle class idiots protesting taxes on the rich. Stories about testicles on my forehead, though… woo boy. I could elaborate for days.

Surprisingly the Albany, NY protest drew a couple of thousand people. That seems like way more than some of the larger cities.


He’s bound to come back from going Galt eventually, right?

Oh, Marita, once you go galt, you never go balt.

Email sent to the husband of the Doctor Missus.

Doctor Missus Marita

Pam Atlas just walked by me

We demand photographic proof, diffbrad.


I got her in a crowd crossing the street, but then she went into the VIP backstage area before I could get a second, clear shot. She looks very old today.


I felt fortunate not to have to deal with any of them. I had a multitude of chores to take care of today, but the only people I ran into were people working at their jobs, not taking a day off to bleat about rich people’s taxes…


If the testicles are on your forehead, UR DOIN IT RONG! Please do not feel the need to ask me how I know so much about it.

Also, the Oregonian is reporting thousands in Salem. Must be they trucked in some of them survivalist types from downstate.

The Oregonian also says there’s a partay planned in PDX at 6:00, in Pioneer Square. I might check it out, see how many “protesters” are actually there to laugh at the loons.

Also, teabag me, WP.


VIP, of course, stands for Very Intenselygrassroots People.

Our Dead Selves

If the testicles are on your forehead, UR DOIN IT RONG!

What, in my mouth, then?


I do have a good shot of the poster titled “the debt star” over a pic of the death star with an ace of spades logo.


Seen in Chicago.


Note tea bag in left hand.


She looks very old today.

Unbridled wackaloonery and rage have a way of doing that to people. Fortunately, her entropy-defying sweater-muppets will stand the test of time.


I was going to go tour all three of Little Rock’s sites for EPIC FAIL, but there was traffic. Just not worth it to go look at a bunch of imbeciles. The monkeys at the zoo are at least fun to watch.

But let’s suppose these estimates of thousands at these different sites are correct – I’m sure they got nothing like that here, but say it averages out to 2,000 per state or 100K total…that would be what, like 1/20th or less of the “focus group” who turned out nationwide against the Iraq War back in 2003? And look at all the media coverage that got.

Of course, there wasn’t a network sponsor for the Iraq War protests, so there’s that.


They were creating summer-level traffic jams on Cape Cod near the Barnstable Airport. I yelled out “You’re a disgrace to the flag!” while flipping each and every one of them the bird. They booed me. I giggled.

The crowd skewed quite old. I’m pretty certain that at least half the under-60s in the crowd were grandchildren.


once you go galt, you never go balt.
Hmmph. It’s not true what they say about Finns, you know.


Pam just walked by me again, on the other side of the whole thing. I have photos and a video.


I drove home today past downtown and city hall. About 40 people lined the
street carrying signs that said they objected to higher taxes and gutted
defense budgets. WTF, but whatever.

There in the middle of them all I caught the eye of a young bearded
man wearing …. a tight red summer dress .. and carrying a sign that

I gave him a thumbs up and he smiled back. I couldn’t stop laughing
for another block.


Good antidote to teabaggery: Brass Eye.


a young bearded man

Our intrepid hero!


That seems like way more than some of the larger cities.

Well, yeah. The KulturKampf is coastal elites vs. farmers/rubes/exurbanites/smalltowners & the like. The eternal human struggle, y’know.


The monkeys at the zoo are at least fun to watch.



Oh jeepers comedy Gold at Fox blogs.
Highlight for me:

Hopefully, there will be a higher percentage of conceal and carriers…all the more American. No broken windows, nobody takes their clothes off. Nobody makes out in front of my kids.


The only downside of all this is every time I laugh someone gives me a bad look, which only makes me laugh harder. There’s live bluegrass right now. I can’t keep commenting too much longer, tho. forgot to charge the iPhone.


i am still stuck at work, but there’re always protests right at the corner of montgomery and market where my jobby-job is. i can’t wait to listen to the crickets down there!

*chirp-chirp* *chirp-chirp*
*chirp-chirp* *chirp-chirp*
ah… the sound of true patriots in san francisco.

but really… don’t these people have fucking jobs to go to?


The crowd skewed quite old.

That’s what we need, demographics, not mere head counts.


The fuck PETA said that!! Lying bastids! It wuz me.


I am really frightened because I kept asking colleagues and friends what they thought of all the protesters, and they said they had no idea what I was talking about and they hadn’t seen anything, and that’s when I realized the tea-baggers had learned how to go invisible.


Wonder when Bill O’Reilly is going to call the protester un-American and suggest that their home towns be left unprotected by DHS.


Locally, we had a couple thousand congregate in the city park. You know, that common area funded by taxes.


There’s live bluegrass right now.

Well, you’re in one of those hip urban areas.


I drove home today past downtown and city hall. About 40 people lined the street carrying signs that said they objected to higher taxes and gutted defense budgets.

Money for defense spending grows on MIC Trees. The rest of government revenue is stolen from the taxpayer.


…the tea-baggers had learned how to go invisible.

They learned it from the Fred Thompson supporters.


I’ve been to two tea parties so far- about 400 or so showed up in Glendale and a pathetic 100 in Burbank. As noted above, the crowds skewed very old and, as I need hardly mention, were virtually 100% white.

I wish I could tell you funny stories, but in truth, the crowds were very lethargic and uninspired. I can’t see that they believe very much of what they are saying. I’ve been to many demonstrations in my life, and this was pretty sad.

Unless, that is, you care about our future.
If anyone cares, I will have more up on my blog later tonight, including some pictures, after attending one more tea party.


Hiya Doctor Missus!

I have to recommend Wonkette’s photojournalism.

They were all over the protests today like…


Any reports of “incidents, infiltrators, ACORN goons” or the like?


Somebody wasn’t doing their job. The Taxman will not be pleased.

Smiling Mortician

In my town there was a sign posted in a parking lot between a church and a dentist’s office that said “TEAPARTYPROTEST HERE TAXDAY ALLDAY.” I drove past it four times between 8 and 4. Nary teabagger in sight.

Of course, it might have been the dark-red lettering on slightly-less-dark-red background. I don’t think most of the baggers’ eyesight is all that sharp anymore.


Meanderthal said,
She looks very old today.

Unbridled wackaloonery and rage have a way of doing that to people. Fortunately, her entropy-defying sweater-muppets will stand the test of time.

Yeah, plastic tends not to decay at the same rate as flesh, even in close proximity to raging crazy.


they objected to higher taxes and gutted defense budgets.

When, of course, their taxes are actually lower and the defense budget hasn’t been gutted.

Hey, well, I guess that means they won!


“It would have been HILARIOUS to expect them to stand by their principles and hoof it.”


Doctor Missus Marita

Some Guy, the “hoof” part would have been a tad too literal. They might not have made it.


Newt Gingrich just arrived.

Doctor Missus Marita

Oh, and OT, for anyone who cares, we found out yesterday that little Studebaker is a boy. A healthy boy, by all measures they can do right now. Hooray!


Now it’s naming time!


Oh, and OT, for anyone who cares, we found out yesterday that little Studebaker is a boy. A healthy boy, by all measures they can do right now. Hooray!

There is still time to install a mutation that will allow him to eat all matter.


Newt Gingrich is here.



Congrats! I assume you’ll be naming him Pantload Hindrocket?

Doctor Missus Marita

Now it’s naming time!

Oh, we have something in mind. Something uncommon and early 20th-century-authorish.


We’re waiting for Hannity to come back from commercial break to intro Newt.


re: the Albany teabaggery … I didn’t go down to look at the nutters, as I had a much better offer for my lunch break. Let me just say that it was a really nice day today, and that the one guy on the street that I overheard mention the event said something about “the crazy people down there.” Heh.


Locally, we had one of the teabagging idiots fall in the river while she was trying to dump teabags into it. She had to be rescued. That was extra stupid with a double serving of hilarious. It’s a perfect cirlce of irony anyway. Fancy that, people who’s salaries are paid for by the taxpayers rescuing someone who got into the whole predicament in the first place because she was throwing a whiney temper tantrum about paying taxes…




Locally, we had one of the teabagging idiots fall in the river

It’s a great day. Also: http://tbogg.firedoglake.com/2009/04/15/how-very-grassrooty/


Something uncommon and early 20th-century-authorish
The world needs more Branches and Cabells.

Our Dead Selves

re: the Albany teabaggery … I didn’t go down to look at the nutters, as I had a much better offer for my lunch break. Let me just say that it was a really nice day today, and that the one guy on the street that I overheard mention the event said something about “the crazy people down there.” Heh.

Oh man, I wish that I could have seen them all hanging out and acting like jackasses, but I was nowhere near downtown today. Alas, I was stuck in Kerhonkson, where people were actually working.


The teabagging failboat sails onward. Atlanta teabaggers cut short


Doc and Gav.

Seriously. Listen to me. You cannot go wrong with this:


Get it? Fred with a Pee Ache!


Damn, that’s cool…



Photos at TPM … Billionaires for Bush types towards the end of the pics.

#21 is my fave.


Oh, we have something in mind. Something uncommon and early 20th-century-authorish.
Sinclair Lewis?


Something uncommon and early 20th-century-authorish

Euclides da Cunha!


Newt Gingrich is giving me a history lesson.


Phred, goddammit!


Doctor Missus Marita

Hmmm… ITTDGY is a tad bit closer than J–.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

#21 is my fave.

#11 is kind of a less repulsive version of Purple-heart-bandaid Lady.


Gary Rupert Brooke?

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

Surprisingly the Albany, NY protest drew a couple of thousand people. That seems like way more than some of the larger cities.

Albany is the state capital of NY, so I would guess a lot of those anti-tax people either depend directly on taxes to put food on their families.

More unintentional irony from the teabaggers.

Our Dead Selves

Oh man, those pics are priceless.

I feel really REALLY sorry for all of those little kids though…


Siegfried Jordache?


Okay, so if Sinclair Lewis is close, could it be Upton Sinclair? Welcome to the jungle, baby!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

More unintentional irony from the teabaggers.

I’m grateful to them giving us such a wealth of make-fun-of-’em fodder that will last for a really long time.

Our Dead Selves

Albany is the state capital of NY, so I would guess a lot of those anti-tax people either depend directly on taxes to put food on their families.

Oh some of them, sure. We’re also surrounded by rural areas that (until pretty recently) were solidly red. And many of them are pretty fucking poor, but no one has ever accused them of being smart.


Photos at TPM

Number 6 is a handy little how-to manual.




actually my day was very un-teabagged. i was at the oakland coliseum watching the red sox slaughter, nay, obliterate the a’s. a very fun day all around. my oldest son saw his first professional baseball game today and i think i have him hooked on the sox for life. bwahahahaahahahahaha….


Aldous, maybe?

Darn you, WP!


Number 6 has to be a subversive.


Doctor Missus Marita

No Upton either, J–.

No one has it yet, but I suspect someone will get around to it.


Dos Passos?


Lewis Carroll?


Clooinforming Nada
Shandra Debrief
Micky Effects-Exponential
Noantisubmarine Vayp
Julius-Michel Threaded
Chadwick-Leonarda Davis
Rip Instrument
Talkie Wanthoj
Koala Sa
May Annoy
NiwLarsen Retrieving-Canaveral
Preclleeclradoh Viklud
Nayktu Tadxayre
Eben Stub-Annunciated
Raj Opts
Mr. Lolita
Warts Jeweled
Impermissible Broderick
Frolics Quahsith
Gayjeepful Lecturing
Denver Klucl
Rooprakcukle Create
Go Shielded
Romanesquedajo Murdering-Hemorrhoid
Searched Rafe
Initiators Jordan
Guru Locksmith-Sovereigns
Quoypleru Tires
Tugklara Merry
Surgedpa Invoiced-Attributable
Duke Anthologies
Brigadier General Pragmatic
Runawayvi Pewbekowklal
Sinus Nofe
Fee Cuyaplfayyet
Kidowoofed Perused
Doug Voopiw
Professor Likewise
Heritages Friesland


Locally, we had a couple thousand congregate in the city park. You know, that common area funded by taxes.



Dick Armey is competing with John Boehner for the tan of the year. What a Dick!


Number 6 has to be a subversive.

Yes, I think so.


Hurray for RB!

Shirley, Teh DMM and Gavin M. (should he ever return) will have to take this into accountancy!


oh my goodness! congratulations on the little studebaker!


No. 2 wins, hands down.
And is it just me or is No. 10 kinda cute?


Henry Louis Mencken Gavita?


I’m gonna say Vachel Lindsay.


Mezlo Gravinsky

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

And is it just me or is No. 10 kinda cute?

Not just you – she resembles a woman who works in the next office over from mine and who makes me look forward to department meetings.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Oh – if we’re playing Name the Studebaker and he’s a boy, I recommend

Wilbur Daffodil-11 (last name here)


#21 is my fave.

#10 is real cute, am pretty sure she would turn from the dark side after a bottle of tequilla, soft drugs and a roaring fire…..


Dear sweet buddha, those TPM pictures are a whole load of crazy. One general point I noted was the shit poor dress sense of most of them, but I suppose that is lookist…. There does seem to be either quite a bit of lefty infiltration, or these fuckers have no sense of self irony….

Particular questions came to mind as I flicked through:

#2, is he advertising the Ayn Rand institute, or warning us about it, either way, he is one weird & scary looking fucker
#8, oh dear, epic, epic fail
#13, shit sign, but what is in the picture, looks like a vampire bat?
#16, ‘higher taxes stole my trip to Disney’, infiltrator, no doubt
#18, wtf is in the jug? wine, pop, mescaline
#20, the snake is meant to represent what? the people, the government, venom ER?
#25; mr fashion victim, comedy is lost on these fuckers..
#26; hint when making a sign, if you are going to spell something out to make a point, don’t make the first word the same as the word your trying to spell out, for fucks sake.

I think our teabagging friends should reach out to us lefties, so we can advise them on protesting, sign making, etc. it would eb the human thing to do.


Here in Manchester New Hampshire, the unofficial wingnut state, there was a small rally I noticed downtown (small downtown mind you). Prolly about a hundred people there. Old white men seemed to predominate, as well as large, new 4×4 trucks, SUV’s (particularly Hummers) and some nice imports as well, along the side streets. There was even a Hummer with a large (prolly 5′ x 10′) scrolling digital sign blathering some nonsense.

Makes me wonder, how do they afford all that when they are being impoverished by taxes? And how’d they all get the day off from work?

Also, when is Obama gonna send me my check — you know the bonus he secretly promised me for being a liberal, critically thinking poor person? I wanna know cause the World Socialist Party is looking for my monthly dues.

Worth noting that the location of their permitted protest was a small street that ends directly in front of the public library and runs between a public parking lot and large public park. Most of the cops in this town are pretty democratic, I can’t help to think that someone in the department picked the location for its special symbolism.


I live in Prescott, Arizona.

On the courthouse square there were 3-400 ‘patriots’ protesting their new, loser status. It was sad, but not surprising. These courthouse steps are where John McCain started and ended his campaign of recent fail. Indeed, I live in the reddest of red districts. Every elected rep is Republican. In 1964, Barry Goldwater launched his campaign on these very courthouse steps, and this year, his corpse wept.

If Brad has room on his couch, I am so getting the fuck out of here. (Maybe Vermont, I don’t know.)

In looking over the roiling scene, I was reminded that someone said, referring to the astro-turfness of it all, “If you plan to tea bag the whole country, you need a Dick Armey.”

Well, here it is. I have seen it up close, and I just gotta say:

Welcome to my century. Bring it, bitches!


I saw one teabagger today, in Berkeley on Telegraph Ave, a couple blocks from UC Berkeley. Just a youngish, corn-fed looking guy in a baseball cap carrying a big yellow “Don’t Tread On Me” flag, held out in front of him like a sail, on the bottom of which he had written the word TAX in green magic marker. He walked down the sidewalk, a one-man protest march, muttering “TEA PARTY” at people as they walked by. I wanted to ask him “how much did you pay in taxes last year?” and tell him “you know, you’re paying less this year,” but unfortunately, like the Doctor Missus, I was running for my worthless, public university, taxpayer funded not-a-real-job.


There is nothing funnier than when the FOX inspired grassroots rose up out of the primordial ooze, and did not understand that it was used by corporatists who felt only contempt for it. After all, how much can they feel for a people who believe them?


“Say no to stoplights”, “I hate roads”



An ACORNite actually addressed one of the parties!


Anybody see any deliciously ironic right-wing shirts like “FREEDOM ISN’T FREE?” I don’t think there were any mentionable tea baggers around my area.


At the St. Paul rally, one geriatric moron had a “Rush Runs The Country” t-shirt. I haven’t seen so many senior citizens in one place since the Forever Plaid concert.


I work in a state government building across from the statehouse. We had (my guess) maybe 100-300 people tops, mostly blue-hairs, all of whom took up the parking spaces at the free, state funded parking ramp across the street, meaning state employees looking for places to park to do actual work. The Local paper says 1,000 turned out and the loons went crazy claiming at least 3,000 and refusing to read the paper again due to its bias–on the paper’s website.


Driving to work this afternoon I was behind a huge SUV. Bumper sticker on the left said ‘Stop Bitching Start a Revolution’, the right ‘Secede Texas’. I pulled up beside him and held up a Lipton tea bag. He pumped his fist and said ‘Right on, brother’. Then I flipped him off and continued my drive.


I pulled up beside him and held up a Lipton tea bag.

I’d be careful with that. It may be a new hanky code.


@actor212: An ACORNite actually addressed one of the parties!

Oh, I’m surely a dirty fucking hippie, but an ACORNite? Perish the thought!


(comments are closed)