Emails, we get emails
Not too long ago, we had emailed World O’Crap’s best friend (Bill O’Reilly,) to ask why Bill was lying about his book having sold more copies than Hillary Rodham Clinton’s. Imagine our surprise when we saw an email from “ Customer Service” in our inbox this morning:
We are following up with you to ensure that your customer service inquires
that you had contacted us with in the past have been resolved. There was an
error with our system and some of our Customer Service emails have gone
unanswered. If you still have an outstanding issue with us, please reply to
this e mail so we may help resolve your problem.We apologize for any inconvenience that this might have caused you and thank
you for being a apart of our community.
What can we say, besides “you’re welcome?”
Reminds me of that touching form e-mail thanking me for my support that I got after I sent Lieberman’s site an e-mail saying that Lieberman didn’t have a chance in hell of winning the nomination and ought to stop trashing Dean, the likely Democratic nominee.