Hey Liberals, Taste My Soup

Shorter Cap’n Ed Morrissey:

The execrable DHS report on “right-wing extremism”

  • The Department of Homeland Security’s report on right-wing extremism is terrible, and why are the portions so small?

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Cf. this is what, Your Show of Shows already?
Cf. a spoon about which liberals would be right to be screaming, if they were to go ahead and taste the soup.

Comments: 80


Wow, only three short months and suddenly the nuts are discovering civil liberties! next thing they’ll be contacting the ACLU!


my wingnut dittohead FIL loved the Patriot Act when the Repubs were in charge, I kept telling him they wouldn’t be in charge forever. He didn’t believe me and now he bitches about the Patriot Act.


Shorter every rightard who’s weighed in on this: How dare people hold us responsible for the words we say and the actions of those we encourage.


Others have noted that many rightards seem to assume the term “right-wing extremist” is aimed directly at them. Why would they assume such a thing? It is a mystery forever. But perhaps a pertinent analogy would be to imagine walking into a crowded bar and yelling “Hey, needledick!” to no one in particular, and seeing who leapt out of their seat and said “What did you call me?”.

The Entire Right Wing

What did you call me?

Spokane Moderate

What’s the phrase I’m looking for? Oh, yes. I remember now: “If you haven’t done anything wrong, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”


Others have noted that many rightards seem to assume the term “right-wing extremist” is aimed directly at them. Why would they assume such a thing?

They seem to have latched onto the report’s definition of right-wing extremism (p. 2):

Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups), and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.

and found the part about rejecting federal authority particularly galling. I’ve seen claims that this is an attack on the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and a sweeping attack on any and all who would defend it in any degree.

It’s a colossal own goal, timed perfectly.


He looks like a mole, doesn’t he?


I’m getting really sick of these asshats, spewing their hate speech and then getting offended when some nutbar takes them at their word.

My openly gay Iowa state senator is getting death threats, and some other Iowa legislators have been getting alarming emails.


And we’ve got the teabaggers coming tomorrow.



a spoon
*Follows link*
So someone from the Oak Ridge Institute reckoned that it was worth spending the time to examine possible threats from left-wing extremists, “Although the current domestic terrorist threat within the U. S. is focused on right-wing extremists”. That was in April 2001. Then for some reason the right-wing extremists fell off the radar for 8 years.

I guess they were on sabbatical.

Pastor Warrenmüller

First they came for the hippies. And I said nothing except “beat the shit out of those dirty fucking unamerican traitors!!!”

Then they came for the liberals. And I said nothing because I wanted those liberal traitors to die die die!!!.

No one can predict what will happen next.


DHS: ‘Wingnuts Determined To Strike In US’

Cap’n Ed: Alright, I’ve uncovered my ass.


It’s imperative that ultra-rightwing groups be monitored, and that the full powers of the Patriot Act as it now stands be brought to bear against them. So many of the groups responsible for horrific violence in the early days of the civil rights movement are still operational in one form or another, and Oklahoma City showed what fringe right elements are capable of. I’m not comfortable with Obama as president, but everybody has to trust his administration to at least be able to keep order until he proves otherwise. I hate when cops get killed, no matter who is responsible, I hate when law and order breaks down and I hate organized efforts to violently disrupt the business of business. In this case, in whining about the recently released report, too many denizens of the Right lose track of the big picture because of petty personal politics. Everybody has an interest in quashing extremists from all sides.

The Tragically Flip

The report really dances around some stuff:

(U//FOUO) The current economic and political climate has some similarities to the 1990s when rightwing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs, and the perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other foreign powers.

Of course the little matter of history’s greatest monster, Adolf Josef Clinton the Hun becoming President had nothing to do with the right wing nutcase freak out that went from Jan 1993 to Jan 2001. It was concern over the economy, outsourcing and threats to US power – all issues that vanished completely when Bush took over!

This is their great partisan witch hunt report? It is tip toeing around how fucking crazy these people are.


If the foo shits, I wouldn’t put that hat on top of your head, wing-nertz.

The Tragically Flip

DHS: ‘Wingnuts Determined To Strike In US’

Cap’n Ed: Alright, I’ve uncovered my ass.

peak thread has been reached


I’m kinda losing my sense of humor where these people are concerned, I guess. The asshole Republicans on the hill here in Des Moines won’t confirm the governor’s appointee to Dept of Human Services – they need just two Rethug votes and can get nary a one – so now, at a time of terrible budget cuts, the Dept is going to be without a head. The thugs see Gov Culver as vulnerable and they want to embarrass him. If they don’t get the appointment through now it will have to wait, and they’ll be even less likely to approve someone even closer to the elections. Bastards. Also, who will Culver find who would even be willing to stand for the job?

Everybody has an interest in quashing extremists from all sides.

Trouble is, Mr. knight, there seem to be precious few non-extremists on the right these days. Even when they’re not personally batshit insane, they are enablers of the batshit insane.


Bottom line: DHS has no actual data.

Here is some data from the report:

A recent example of the potential violence associated with a rise in rightwing extremism may be found in the shooting deaths of three police officers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on 4 April 2009. The alleged gunman’s reaction reportedly was influenced by his racist ideology and belief in antigovernment conspiracy theories related to gun confiscations, citizen detention camps, and a Jewish-controlled “one world government.”


From RB’s oh-so-painful link: I came home and said ‘I want to quit my job’.”

“Mary said ‘OK, let’s do it’. I wish I would have had half a brain and a game plan,” he laughed. “I just walked in and quit! I didn’t have any money in the bank saved. That was kind of the arrogance of youth. You could do anything!

“We wound up being broke for fifteen years and to make a long story short, four years ago we were homeless.”

I can only imagine the conservative reaction if this guy had done an Obama song instead. I also love how she works a little plug for herself in there.


Why is the troll being reasonable all of a sudden? Is this a trick?


We wound up being broke for fifteen years and to make a long story short, four years ago we were homeless.

Thus the teabaggery.


I love that picture. He’s not just a moleman fresh out of the earth, done battling with the troglodytes, he’s a moleman with idears.


If you’re referring to me, I’ve always been “reasonable”. I don’t like seeing commerce disrupted, I don’t like violence, I don’t like seeing society break down due to pressure from either fringe. There is a reason we cede some police powers to the government, and that is to protect life and property and the right to engage in business for all citizens. When it comes to militias and terrorists, I side with Hamilton and not Jefferson and agree that, in some cases, the people can be a great BEAST.


It is a trick. He’s going to start blathering about kerning and obamaislamofacisocommunosocialism any second now, I know it.


That picture of the Cap’n always reminds me of these.


“Reasonable” troll: I hate when cops get killed, no matter who is responsible, I hate when law and order breaks down and I hate organized efforts to violently disrupt the business of business.

Note the actuality of his concerns: “Law & order,” “business of business,” cops being shot. If it were a vegetarian, it’d be a fascist!!!


Cap’n Ed: Alright, I’ve uncovered my ass.



Has Michelle “Washington is the enemy” Bachmann commented yet? Can’t wait.


I love the simplicity of “idears” and the arrow.

It’s like a photo shoot on America’s Next Top Wingnut.


This commenter deserves special mention. He’s got it all, except for the jesting.


Shorter wk: pwease wuv me.


How dare an American President use the magical powers we gave him in ways that a Republican Unitarded Executrix wouldn’t? Isn’t that illegal or something if you’re not doing it to libruls?


Heh. They’re going to have Jumbotrons set up at at least 8 of these totally grassroots teabagging events.

Also, where’s all the paranoia about leftists planning to “disrupt” or counter-protest coming from? I’ve not seen any online efforts to organize any counter-protests. I’ve seen quite a few people suggest that they’re going to go take pictures of their local loonies or just go look at them, but planned counter-protests? Like the tax increases these morons say they’re protesting, they exist only in the diseased wingnut mind.


Heh. They’re going to have Jumbotrons set up at at least 8 of these totally grassroots teabagging events.

Those are MARKETS Jennifer. Strategic markets.

You Can't Put Lipstick On A Repig

One of the funnier things happening abour the whole teabagging thing is the sheer number of wingnuts and nutcases who complain about how bad chmpo was, and that they never really agreed with him.

Everybody on the left knew this would happen, but it is always nice to see our predictions pan out en masse (Liberals seem to have a great track record at this, kind of the Yin to wingnut/nutcase Yang).

I wonder if chimp knew he would birth a whole nation of St. Peters … St. Peters all teabagging each other.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


Also, where’s all the paranoia about leftists planning to “disrupt” or counter-protest coming from?

The meme is that the events will be infiltrated by leftists trying to make them look bad. If they persuade people of this, it will help when something needs disavowing.


And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

I dunno but I’m betting it felches without knowing it felches.


Cap’n Ed: Alright, I’ve uncovered my ass.


Really ought to get those cysts checked by a medical professional.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Heh. They’re going to have Jumbotrons set up at at least 8 of these totally grassroots teabagging events.

Were the events where they ran over Dixie Chicks CDs with a bulldozer “grassroots” too? I can’t remember how populist that was supposed to be; I was too wrapped up in the redneck-Nuremberg-ralliness of it.

One of the funnier things happening abour the whole teabagging thing is the sheer number of wingnuts and nutcases who complain about how bad chmpo was, and that they never really agreed with him.

Indeed. You can hardly even get a cowardly anonymous death threat anymore for insulting Bush!


Fighting leftists, from the sky
Loser peeps who suck our dollars dry!

Welfare losers drive caddies today
Ari Fleischer needs more propaganday.


And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

One of the S,N! hamsters.
Do I win anything?




I have uncomfortable man-love for all of you S,N! hosts.

Just a really freaking funny series.

Thank you, but only as friends.


Also, many of the commenters.

I need a psychiatrist?


Indeed. You can hardly even get a cowardly anonymous death threat anymore for insulting Bush!

Well, Bush has behaved with uncommon class, at least for a Republican, since he left office and was able to drink on his own schedule again. Unlike The Dick, he has refused to criticize Obama. This must be driving teh wingers up a wall, among other things. Among many, many other things.

That teabagging thing they’re having here at the state capitol tomorrow is going to be joined by all the anti-equality marriage protesters. I would love to go mock but I’m afraid I’ll lose my temper and get arrested.

Reminds me of this exchange I heard between two friends:

Friend #1 to Friend #2: Do you want to work with me at the NARAL booth at the fair tomorrow?

#2: Um, do you want to go to jail?

#1: What?

#2: Well, the first person to call me a baby killer is going to find out what it’s like looking at the world with his or her head on backwards.

#1: I guess not, then.


From Lesley’s commenter:

Americans work 42 percent of the year for the government, a higher tax rate than was endured by medieval serfs and one approaching that of a nineteenth century slave.

“Tax rate” for slaves & serfs?


“Tax rate” for slaves & serfs?

You beat them harder and harder and STILL they can’t fill out the return.


Everybody has an interest in quashing extremists from all sides.

I have no interest in quashing anyone no matter how extreme unless they do something extreme. What is not permissible is violence against others (don’t really care what you do to yourselves). You and anyone else is free to think and say whatever the fuck you want. Of course I and the rest of the rational universe are also free to make fun of you and laugh at you as well. You also have to accept responsibility whenever someone acts on your lunatic suggestions.


I really like Slacktivist’s commentary on Tax Freedom Day.

It’s a stupid, puerile concept.

I think we can take at least one thing to heart: in spite of the multibillion-dollar lying industry, the majority of Americans, when faced with a choice between someone who promised sensible economic policies and someone who paraded a fake plumber out to prove to the Beltway media that tax cuts for millionaires mattered to real Americans, chose the former.

I think, on the balance, they would have chosen someone like Warner over McCain. And the Republicans would be calling him a liberal communofascist anyway, because that’s all they know how to do any more.


I noticed this little tidbit over at Thinkprogress,

TNR’s Jonathan Chait wondered why conservatives seem so happy to lump themselves with the “murderous lunatics” the report targets. “I kind of figured conservatives would try to define potential domestic terrorists as the fringe right,” Chait writes. “But there’s Michelle Malkin calling potential terrorists ‘conservatives.’”

They can’t “define potential terrorists as the fringe right”. They don’t believe in such a thing. These people spend their entire life screaming that it is absolutely impossible to travel too far to the right, the farther the better. Any suggestion that there is potentially something wrong with jumping off the starboard side of their flat, flat Earth is an existential threat to the core of their being. Such is the peril at the leading edge of the Overton Window. Wahh.

They can’t laugh off a fringe as a bunch of lunatics. They are the fringe. They are the lunatics.

The more they piss and moan about this, the more undeniable that will become.

Woo-Hoo! Party on.


a higher tax rate than was endured by medieval serfs and one approaching that of a nineteenth century slave.

Hmmm. Much of what serfs paid in produce and in labor to their feudal lords were not taxes, but rents. Aristocracy and church owned virtually all the land and serfs (by definition actually) were tenant farmers who paid a percentage (most) of their harvest plus so many days labor a year (usually portioned out each month). The taxes were on top of that. Oh and there were the mandatory military levies as well. As chattel, slaves paid no taxes but did generate them.


I have no interest in quashing anyone no matter how extreme unless they do something extreme.

This is part of what the aggressive efforts by the right to legitimize their own insanity by dragging Klansmen and Nazis into the “mainstream” has done to the basic idea of justice in America. Just like the efforts to cloudy the fairly simple idea behind socially effective taxation and writeoffs for the non-rich, they’ve made guilt or innocence into an intrinsic, almost genetic quality of a person before any act.

In the real world, one becomes guilty of any crime by setting out to do it, and the nature of the crime is determined by what one has set out to do. The solitary exception is manslaughter, which is a case of an act having such heinous consequences even innocently stumbling into it cannot go unpunished.

There’s not some complicated problem of who is guilty or innocent by thought. It’s all deed, and deeds turn into political extremism or hate crime instead of random violence by the same mind-numbingly simple process that manslaughter becomes murder.

But then again, if the public were to believe in guilty acts instead of guilty people, they might have a problem with locking up any uppity poor people at any pretext to be used for cheap labor and weakened with disease, mightn’t they?

(And deterrence nothing – the current prison system is inferior to either a reformative system or a punitive system, mainly because its purpose is not to reform or punish but to profit, both politically and economically. If you want to reform bad behaviors, make prison contingent on correction. If you want to honor the victims’ suffering and deter future criminals, inflict pain. But don’t just do both and pretend to be outraged by the result.)


Hmmm. Much of what serfs paid in produce and in labor to their feudal lords were not taxes, but rents.

Kind of like the privilege of living under a roof in American society is a greater drain on income than any but the highest tax brackets, and unlike taxes paying rent confers no special privilege on the payer nor imputes any special obligations on the payee.

The ideal Libertarian society is one where this is true of all obligate financial relationships – absolute freedom for the landlords and creditors. And over the last 30 years, that’s what they’ve got – and that’s why American finance is currently crumbling to levels unseen since the Johnson administration. But tarring, feathering, and attacking with boiling tea the people actually responsible for taking half of your money away would make you a bad consumer, so…


There are now 926 hate groups in the U.S. I don’t believe any of these are leftwing, but visit the SPLC to see for yourself.


I for one, am all for a premptive strike on the New Republic of Texas.

Shock and awe motherfuckers.



Since Bush already lives there, Texans can just elect him to run their new country.

I assume they plan on returning their share of the stimulus money.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

There are now 926 hate groups in the U.S. I don’t believe any of these are leftwing, but visit the SPLC to see for yourself.

That’s an impressive variety of hate! We don’t have many groups here in Utah, but we don’t have all that many people, I guess. I did like how SPLC categorizes the wacko Jeffs fundie-Mormons as “general hate”.


Back to Orcinus for an update…


Tax day everyone! Remember, if The Log Cabin Republicans invite you to a “Teabag” party tomorrow, it isn’t what you think it is. I’m not saying don’t go, just that you probably won’t be sending the political message you think you are. It could still be very educational!


The main reason the Republicans don’t like the SPLC (outside of the transitory fetish for Liberal Glue Conservative Rubber) is that they have a view of ‘right-wing’ broader than the KKK’s – reactionary, nativist paranoids motivated by inspecific grievances and occult authority get filed there whether or not they happen to be WASPs.

The Jeffs and sundry other localist or non-aligned fundamentalist hate groups are categorized as apolitical. They’re not the actual problem, though – the problem is infiltration, the behavior of groups who assert hypernormality and want into the police and military just to prove what good, upstanding patriots they are – because not only do they then turn around and use state resources to kill people, they promote to the public and their peers in the armed civil service a corrupt worldview in which civilian deaths are situationally laudable.

There are a very small and very uninfluential number of people on the left who believe this, but they’re not typically members of the local police.


The reason the wingtards are claiming that lefties will disrupt their protests:
1) if attendance is poor, then the “good people” will have been scared away.
2) if a participant goes nutso, then they were a leftie provocateur.
3) if there’s a fight, no matter who its between, then a leftie started it.
4) if a speaker starts talking about “flat taxes” and gets boo-ed, then it was ACORN.
5) if a hot chick pulls off her top and everybody cheers… wait a second, fantasies are overlapping here, this would never happen at any wingtard meeting.


Also, where’s all the paranoia about leftists planning to “disrupt” or counter-protest coming from?

From here:

ACORN is “gate busting” Tea Parties nationwide. These far-left goons are attending them and mispresenting their allegiance. They are getting petitions signed, misrepresenting them as opposition to the Obama agenda. They explain something different than that written on the petition. More fraud, and lies from Obama Acorn people. Please be careful when signing your name to anything at these Tea Parties. We are still not sure what these whackjobs are using the names for, these people are known for violent criminal acts,bullying tactics, fraud and harrassment (just to name a few). Groups like ACORN and CODEPINK are nothing but Anti-American criminal organizations. BEWARE. I just stocked up on Pepper spray at http://shop.christmascentral.com/items/item.aspx?itemid=63674 JUST IN CASE

I love the guy further down who says:

I’m not sure I agree that pepper spray is an appropriate response to being asked to sign a petition.


I’m not sure I agree that pepper spray is an appropriate response to being asked to sign a petition.

Ah, how the tone changes.


This has to be the best post on the DHS report that I’ve seen so far, if only for the sheer lack of self-awareness on the part of the author:

Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They’re Not Out to Get You [Mark Hemingway]
Jonah, Mark S., and Mark K. have all made good points about the problems with the DHS report. I wonder if the thing isn’t so boneheaded it actually emboldens the people they seek to warn us about. Now, I think these so-called “right-wing” extremist groups are pretty low on the list of threats to American society, but to the extent they are a problem, they thrive on paranoia. They usually have to gin-up conspiracies about the federal government persecuting them — so why would the DHS actually produce a legitimate document that justifies their paranoia and can be used as a recruiting tool?

This is from someone writing at the Corner, mind you, the house organ of the Glorious War for Iraq movement of 2002-2008, that most successful and emboldening of all terrorist recruiting tools. Everyone who writes there is a recruiting tool. Or just plain tool.


Obama is now embracing and defending the worst anti-Constitutional and human rights positions of Bush, and LeftBloggers are deftly avoiding notice or comment on it.

Way to go, brown loving people.


Obama is now embracing and defending the worst anti-Constitutional and human rights positions of Bush, and LeftBloggers are deftly avoiding notice or comment on it.

We’re too busy getting teabagged.


Obama is now embracing and defending the worst anti-Constitutional and human rights positions of Bush, and LeftBloggers are deftly avoiding notice or comment on it.

Unfortunate, but (unlike Bush) it’s not really an exceptional case – the general trend in American governance has been a stronger executive branch and less respect for human rights. While as a justification or excuse it’s total bullshit, the ‘otherwise occupied with the current economic implosion’ line – especially in light of the feeble but well-funded and constantly media-hyped efforts to “oppose” any measures taken towards recovery – works well enough as an explanation for why nobody’s particularly keen on forcing Obama to own up.

That is, outside of exceptional cases. Where it’s become obvious that his White House is, out of inertia, institutional carryover (esp. w.r.t. the Pentagon, many of whose worst Bushleaguers are still in office), or simple policy laziness, actively fighting the fights that got Bush his bad name – not so much.

There are people who will defend his behaviors out of a sheer cultishness, but the general impression is
a) Obama doing the same shit or worse that Bush did on human rights and the executive branch makes him a shithead, but
b) The people throwing billions of dollars at everything from destroying any industry they can freak out stockholders in to mainstreaming a flat tax represent bigger fish right this second.

(Also, this particular blog is devoted to right-wing idiocy, so with the exception of the strange week indeed where the rightbloggers are jerking off all to themselves and Obama’s being an odious shithead, I wouldn’t expect to hear much.)


Also, by ‘not really an exceptional case’ I mean that by this point in Bush’s administration he had already hired Yoo, had closed-doors meetings on “energy” (read: subsidies to oil companies) and worked out with his wingnut colleagues that the best way to shock-therapy away the last vestiges of nonmartial civil society would be to start a warm war with China.

The Beltway consensus has long been fixed on extreme, unworkable solutions as a cornerstone of national security. Clearing out any but the most egregious garbage is legitimately kicking a nest of hornets within Washington; before that can happen, the President needs to give the firm impression to people with their heads up their asses on policy that his coattails are safe.

This is going to mean a fairly slow and often maddeningly statusquotarian process of deescalation of Bush’s poor policy choices. I’m personally convinced that until either the constituency exists to safely replace Gates or he can be dragooned into resigning without incident, it’s going to be basically impossible to get most of the civil libertarian stuff Obama got into office promising done.


The thing about Obama’s stance on civil liberties is that I believe he can be persuaded to change, especially since his “base” is not happy that the Bush policies are being continued. Of course, the exact opposite was true with Bush – his base loved the fact that people were being rounded up and locked away without due process, that extralegal methods were being used to gather data, etc.


I don’t believe any of these are leftwing, but visit the SPLC to see for yourself.

There’s a few that are ostensibly left-wing (I see some Voz de Aztlan groups and a couple New Black Panther Parties), but the majority is white nationalists, Ku Klux Klan groups and neo-Nazis.


Thanks for that link, Commie A.

Nothing says Christmas like pepper spray.

“Our Pepper Sprays are safe and non toxic and will incapacitate an attacker for over thirty minutes”.

Hilarious. I’ve added this to my Stupid Web Shit file.


We don’t have many groups here in Utah, but we don’t have all that many people, I guess.

By contrast, here in Montana we are chockablock full of hate groups despite having the third lowest population density in the country (actually because of it). I guess you could call it pure distillate of rightwing whackaloon.


Obama is now embracing and defending the worst anti-Constitutional and human rights positions of Bush, and LeftBloggers are deftly avoiding notice or comment on it.

Well, except for the leftbloggers covering it, like Greenwald and Crooks and Liars, to name two biggies. Just cuz we like Obama better than Bush doesn’t mean we pretend he farts perfume.


Obama is now embracing and defending the worst anti-Constitutional and human rights positions of Bush, and LeftBloggers are deftly avoiding notice or comment on it.

You must not watch Rachel Maddow much.


No wonder the right is so worked up about the assault weapons ban — they obviously want to look stylish and practical while perforating their feet with multiple bullets per minute…

Santa Claus delivering a certain special stocking stuffer

Ho ho h — AAARRGH! It burns! Please! Not the face! Noooooo! Owowowowowowowow!! Mommy!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

By contrast, here in Montana we are chockablock full of hate groups despite having the third lowest population density in the country (actually because of it). I guess you could call it pure distillate of rightwing whackaloon.

Perhaps Utah’s shortage of SPLC-recognized hate groups has to do with the Mormon church, which is not a hate group but certainly contains a large number of somehow-pacified folks who would be right at home in hate groups. Lots of good people too, but on the whole Mormons are alarmingly authoritarian and I’d hate to see what would become of the state if any threats, real or perceived, popped up in the absence of a fed. govt. that could keep a lid on it.


They provide absolutely no evidence at all for it, and in fact repeat over and over again that they don’t have that data in a hail of May Bes.

Ed is a very gud riter.


(comments are closed)