This Report Seems Unpopular

Shorter Atlas Shrugs:


  • The Department of Homeland Security’s report on right-wing extremism is the fascist blueprint to create a police state and legalize gulags,1 and also I hate Muslims.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


1 This is actually verbatim.

Comments: 193


Wait until she finds out what the reeducation camps will be like.


I have a sneaking suspicion she’s just mad the DHS failed to list her because she’s too chickenshit to do anything but scream.


The fact that there are Nazis in Ohio will surprise exactly no one.


Of course, when it was Bush’s DHS targeting left-leaning organizations for no reason other than dissent…that was perfectly fine. Had to be scary brown moooooslims involved or summat.


Substitute “muslim” for “right wing”, and she’s got no problem with the report.


Please caption that photo. Here’s my lame attempt:

“The stupidity goes in here and comes out there.”

Mouthful of Kelp

“Crazy Pammy is all set for the teabagging tomorrow.”

The Goddamn Batman Dressed Up A Monkey As Robin Once, And Dick Was Soooooooooooooooooo Pissed

Looking at that pic of Pammy, all of a sudden I want an organ to grind. No, I already have one of those, I mean “organ” in the other sense. And that really, really grosses me out that you would even think I meant that.


Of course, when it was Bush’s DHS targeting left-leaning organizations for no reason other than dissent…that was perfectly fine. Had to be scary brown moooooslims involved or summat.

The Bush white house didn’t just obsess over harassing dissidents for no clear reason, it also actively cultivated (and almost certainly funneled money into) the far-right blogowank. It gave exclusives and leaked military information to the “warblogger” dipshits constantly, in at least one case (the Jamil Hussein affair) going as far as to inflict a virtual death sentence on someone spreading information they disliked by helping them force him into the open.

It’s the equivalent of Obama putting out where AIG executives’ children go to school and giving exclusive interviews to Lenin’s Tomb. Wingnut Equivalency is famously ignorant about severity, though, so trying to stop Klan auxiliaries from planning hate crimes online is a political atrocity identical to having one of NPR’s reporters arrested for being too close to the RNC. Only worse, because she was obviously a traitorous dyke.


Oh good lord, we’re repeating topics using different casts of characters?

Isn’t this what the entire Star Trek franchise is based on?


Oh good lord, we’re repeating topics using different casts of characters?

Isn’t this what the entire Star Trek franchise is based on?

Technically, the previous topic is now about gay Polish elephants’ secret Sharia.


It’s hard to see why she gets picked on when she has such a thoughtful update:

UPDATE: The war against teh American People has Begun Liberty Boys


gay Polish elephants’ secret Sharia.

“We secretly took these gay Polish elephants’ Sharia and substituted Folgers. Let;s see if they notice the difference.”


Oh good lord, we’re repeating topics using different casts of characters?

I say we need another teabagging thread.

A String of Pearls

Ow! OWW!!

Stop clutching so hard!


Technically, the previous topic is now about gay Polish elephants’ secret Sharia.

Nope, it’s now dolphin PENISes.


Crazy PAmmy:

There he goes again. Playing the race card again. Racism was dead in this country. It is Obama’s objective to create a divisive schism in this country. The country ain’t buying it. We, as a nation, elected him. Racism charge dead.(emboldened in original)

Brain cells dead, after reading that. What an incredibly stupid moron.


Just wait until Geller, Malkin, and friends realize the “prominent civil rights organization” that “reported in 2006 that ‘large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads, and other white supremacists are now learning the art of warfare in the [U.S.] armed forces'” mentioned in the DHS report (PDF) is the SPLC (press release, report). Then they’ll really be mad.

The Tragically Flip

As I said in the other thread, it is amusing to see them afraid of the unlimited national security juggernaut apparatus they fought to create.


I should’ve checked before writing. Malkin is onto them! The DHS-SPLC tag-team jig is up!


Oh good lord, we’re repeating topics using different casts of characters?

Isn’t this what the entire Star Trek franchise is based on?

That and holodeck accidents.

However, given the number of Wingnuts that live in holodecks manufacturing their own icky realities out of Cheeto bags, Army Field Manuals, VCR tapes of Red Dawn and solid blocks of pure RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE, this isn’t surprising.

Sadly, Pammycakes lost the override code to her holodeck a long, long time ago.


Another hit job, this one done by the FBI last summer (PDF, via).


Wait until she finds out what the reeducation camps will be like.



I’m totally confused as to why DHS would find the right-wing crazypants dangerous. It’s not like they want to release lab animals or prevent a clear-cutting, like those ecoterrorists. They just want to collect as much firepower as possible and make noise about overthrowing the government. They’re not even brown colored.

Principal Blackman

Pammy and Malkin (and the others, I’m guessing) all seem to be screeching the same thing: “These accurate descriptions of right-wing crazies like us are patently unfair. Also, commie nazi fascism!”


I’ve always liked the wingnut genre of ‘getting incredibly angry at wholly benevolent organizations for transparently political reasons’. It’s a time-honored practice, but recent hits above and beyond ‘sneering at a group whose only purpose is to prevent random racial murders because they pointed out to a general audience a member of your blogroll is a neo-Nazi’ are:

a) The long-term feud between hyper-Zionists and any NGO which doesn’t consider Palestinian terrorism a collective disclaimer from the right to food, water, or shelter. (Amnesty International especially.)
b) For that matter, Amnesty International – a group which turned the moral high ground we enjoyed from avoiding Soviet-style torture into political advantage during the Cold War – for opposing our highest potentates’ inborn right to crush the testicles of children.
c) Deliberately snubbing Nelson Mandela in order to send a strong message to those, unlike our opposition-boiling allies in the Stans, who put morality-pimping above the glory of the Republican Party.

It gets too depressing to think about after a while. I guess part of it is because they’re so deeply wrapped up in partisan identity that they have no concept of humanity independent of which group they belong to. Becase by God, they’re burning crosses for us!


Instead of harassing people with Ron Paul bumpersticker, how about securing our southern border?


Just went over there to look for myself. Oh, man, does she have poor reading comprehension. Of course, that’s giving her the benefit of the doubt. She takes hypothetical statements and dry analysis and “translates” them into evidence of the vilest perfidy! And the crazies in the comment area are just too sad for words. I wonder how many of them sit nervously at a window all night waiting for the black helicopters to land.

A Modest Proposal

Instead of harassing people with Ron Paul bumperstickers and gun owners, how about securing the southern border, Obama?


A Modest Proposal said,
April 14, 2009 at 22:59 (kill)

Instead of harassing people with Ron Paul bumperstickers and gun owners, how about securing the southern border, Obama?

Severe irony fail on the user name.


Did Pammy get crazier, or am I just seeing better?


Instead of flooping the flippidydoops, how about hoosawhatsing the whirlygig, Obama?

Rusty Shackleford

Pamela derides DHS’ reference to the Oklahoma City bombing as “pulling [a] 15 year old canard out of their ass” immediately after she drops a gratuitous mention of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Brilliant.

"Change"...Yeah, Right

Our porous southern borders are the biggest security threat. An Arab terrorist could easily disguise himself as a Mexican, cross the border illegally, they carry out a 9/11-style attack.


What I have learned from 9/11 is that I have no clue about how any of 9/11 was carried out.


Psst! No aggressin’ the troll without a St. nym.

It is a holy practice fitting only for holy men.

Did Pammy get crazier, or am I just seeing better?

If crazy-acceleration hindered visibility, Pam would have had an event horizon years ago.

(Mind you, if the DHS list were actually going after people with the ideological background for terrorism instead of people actually planning it, any of those goddamn Kahanist bloggers would form a good initial watchlist. But unlike Bush’s ‘ecoterrorism is a frame of mind’ policy, it seems like Obama’s being pretty conservative about what mens rea wallpapers over.)


the fascist blueprint to create a police state and legalize gulags

Like this, for example. Oh sorry, that was under the police state/gulag creating president she supported.


And again, when some right-wing lunatic goes off the deep end and starts shooting at cops, or authority figures, or whoever disagrees with them, Pammycakes will act all befuddled and confused and say it was just the act of some lone looney, no-one could have seen it coming, where do they get these ideas, etc., etc..


It’s that massive, unprotected border with Ireland and their many mewling minors we need to worry about.


Our porous southern borders are the biggest security threat. An Arab terrorist could easily disguise himself as a Mexican, cross the border illegally, they carry out a 9/11-style attack.

You think they’d go through all that trouble when America is imploding with right wingers arming themselves and shooting anything on sight?

Cuz I sure don’t. When you’re enemy is failing, don’t lend him a hand.


legalize gulags
What, wait, you people are not currently allowed to operate private gulags? I think you will find that gulag-control laws are the problem rather than the solution.

"Change"...Yeah, Right

Let me know when these “right wingers” fly planes filled to the brim with passengers and gasoline insto skyscrapers, k Alec?


Our porous southern borders are the biggest security threat. An Arab terrorist could easily disguise himself as a Mexican, cross the border illegally, they carry out a 9/11-style attack.

You’d think that, but no: Mexico’s Arab population is almost exclusively Lebanese, which implies a specific language, religious idiom, deportment, and economic background.

That and the southern border could hardly be less ‘porous’. Southern border security is a huge priority – and the northern border is still staffed primarily by customs officers. The Canadian border is closer to major cities, much more heavily-travelled, and separates two fairly large native Arabic-speaking populations. Of course, all brown people look alike to you, so you wouldn’t know that.

That’s why your people aren’t running the country. I mean, there are other reasons, but…


Let me know when these “right wingers” fly planes filled to the brim with passengers and gasoline insto skyscrapers, k Alec?

Timothy McVeigh was a liberal now, I take it.

There is a major presence of neo-Nazis, Klan-linked extremist groups, and various racial and religious militants in this country, and the DHS policy during the last eight years was essentially neglect in all but the most extreme cases. As mentioned earlier, one neo-Nazi came close to building a fucking dirty bomb.


“pulling [a] 15 year old canard out of their ass”
I had heard that duck meat is better after it’s been hung for a while and turned green, but this is over-doing it.


Let me know when these “right wingers” fly planes filled to the brim with passengers and gasoline insto skyscrapers, k Alec?

Lemme see…Muslims don’t believe in abortion, support the death penalty, hate gays….errrrrrrrrr, sounds like they already did!

The Tragically Flip

There has already been several right wing grenades that blew up and starting shooting random enemies of conservativism. This was the most glaring example:

Adkisson told Still that “he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them in to office.”

Adkisson told officers he left the house unlocked for them because “he expected to be killed during the assault.”

Inside the house, officers found “Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder” by radio talk show host Michael Savage, “Let Freedom Ring” by talk show host Sean Hannity, and “The O’Reilly Factor,” by television talk show host Bill O’Reilly.

The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday’s mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of “the liberal movement,” and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning.

Adkisson, 58, of Powell wrote a four-page letter in which he stated his “hatred of the liberal movement,” Owen said. “Liberals in general, as well as gays.”

And yes, the usual suspects were very offended that anyone would suggest their discussion of a legitimatly elected president governing according to his stated platform as being the demise of America and the end of freedom was at all to blame for this man shooting up a church full of people.

On the other hand, Jodie Foster’s godless lesbianism was totally to blame for Hinkley shooting Reagan.


What, wait, you people are not currently allowed to operate private gulags?

Shhhhhhhhhh, I have flogging every Thursday round my place….WOLVERINES!


Inside the house, officers found “Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder” by radio talk show host Michael Savage, “Let Freedom Ring” by talk show host Sean Hannity, and “The O’Reilly Factor,” by television talk show host Bill O’Reilly.

Boy, when Bill O’Reilly is the voice of reason inside your head, you’re fucked!

"Change"...Yeah, right

How many people has “right wing terorism” kileld vs. Islamofascist terror in this country? I’d say the Islamofascists “win” that count.


Foreign terrorists have wreaked havoc, so we should not pay attention to any other kind of security threat whatsoever.

"Change"...Yeah, right

“Timothy McVeigh was a liberal now, I take it.”

No, but the Unabomber sure as hell was. His favorite book was “Earth in the Balance” by Al Gore.


The plain and simple truth is that the Department of Homeland Security is targeting extremists with active plans to murder American citizens essentially at random for political reasons. If that’s what putting your country first involves fighting against, that’s obviously your call, but I’d kind of advise against it, you know?


How many people has “right wing terorism” kileld vs. Islamofascist terror in this country? I’d say the Islamofascists “win” that count.



Spotted on Pammy’s web site: support for Geert I’m very afraid of being linked with the wrong rightist fascist groups Wilders.

I’m surprised somebody hasn’t made a sitcom out of these people.


By acknowledging that the “Unabomber” (sic) also was a terrorist threat, I am actually helping prove the point that it’s important to pay attention to internal threats, too.

Which is central to my point that Obama should be securing the Mexican border. Against Arabs.


How many people has “right wing terorism” kileld vs. Islamofascist terror in this country? I’d say the Islamofascists “win” that count.

False dichotomy. Unlike Bush, Obama’s given no indication his typical response to active, credible threats against American citizens will be sitting on his ass and hoping it goes away on its own.

St Jesus the Flip

How many people has “right wing terorism” kileld vs. Islamofascist terror in this country?

Gee, are we including lynchings?

Between 1882 and 1968 the Tuskegee Institute recorded 3,437 lynchings of African Americans and 1,293 lynchings of whites.

If we include 1787-1882, we’d probably need another 1 or 2 9/11s for the Islamic terrorists to catch up to their white Christian bretherin.

"Change"...Yeah, right

Here, take the quiz:

Try to tell if each passage is from the Unabomber’s manifesto or Al Gore’s book, lol.


The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the DHS circulated a working paper for internal use. Clearly, the entire DHS is doing absolutely nothing else because it and its many offices can only do one thing at a time.


Gee, are we including lynchings?

Of course not. Those were all self-defense.

If we include 1787-1882, we’d probably need another 1 or 2 9/11s for the Islamic terrorists to catch up to their white Christian bretherin.

Try 50. I mean, unless you’re counting the Confederacy as ‘liberal’ these days.


I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore.


How many people has “right wing terorism” kileld vs. Islamofascist terror in this country? I’d say the Islamofascists “win” that count.

I’d say you can’t tell your players without a scorecard because in my book, the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and in 1993 ARE RIGHT WINGERS!

"Change"...Yeah, Right

I love how you have to reach back to the early 20th Century, lol.

And even played the race card in the process.

How typical.

"Change"...Yeah, Right

How many blacks did the Muslims enslave? Hmmm?


“I’d say you can’t tell your players without a scorecard because in my book, the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and in 1993 ARE RIGHT WINGERS!”

Bullshit, they believe in Big Government just like you do. The last bin Laden tap sounded like it was right out of a Michael Moore book, talking about how horrible western civilization is.


legalize gulags

Considering there is currently no anti-gulag law on the books with the feds presently, let’s think about what has prevented us from having such atrocities:

1) Freedom of speech: we don’t punish people for political dissent
2) Freedom of assembly: we don’t punish people for mere association
3) Habeus corpus: we don’t imprison people without trial or evidence (supposedly)

Now let’s consider Pammycake’s and Michelle “Put the Japs in Camps” Malkin’s record on those issues. Not good, huh?

How many people has “right wing terorism” kileld vs. Islamofascist terror in this country?

How is Islamist terrorism not right-wing terrorism?


“Change” sounds very much like one of my favorite blog pieces.

St. Rudyard of Giuliani

And on the eleventh day of the ninth month, I was sainted. Therefore all other days of months doth necessarily be free from terror. So sayest I and forever shall it be.


I can’t hear the conversation over the sound of all these shifting goal posts.





The last bin Laden tap sounded like it was right out of a Michael Moore book, talking about how horrible western civilization is.

Western civilization like the Socialist Europeans?

Sounds more like Rush Limbaugh…


I love how you have to reach back to the early 20th Century, lol.

And even played the race card in the process.

‘The race card’ involves pointing out that the main manifestation of political violence by people who thought of themselves as ‘white Christian conservatives’ was stringing up uppity niggers. Quite a land mine, this race card – I think I inadvertently played it the other day by noticing an older black woman rubbing her stomach. Curse you, race card!

How many blacks did the Muslims enslave? Hmmm?

Because the DHS’s jurisdiction extends to 16th-century Zanj now.

You’re just repeating things you’ve heard from notable fat-asses, and you’re doing it to provide suppressive cover for Klansmen and Nazis. No one else. You don’t even know what you fucking want any more, do you?


Nazis were leftists.


Bullshit, they believe in Big Government just like you do.

No, “they” believe in an all-powerful God who involves himself in our day-to-day decisions and demands the death of infidels.

Just like the Republican religious rightwingers!


You know who else betrayed Western civilization by apologizing for America? Abraham Lincoln. Thus always to tyrants, fags.


The New Testament never advocates violence towards non-believers, and instructs Christians not to make violence against their own governments.


Fair is Fair said,

April 14, 2009 at 23:27

Nazis were leftists.

And yet this one wonders why the DHS thinks he’s a risk…*snort*


No, “they” believe in an all-powerful God who involves himself in our day-to-day decisions and demands the death of infidels.

And small bags of tea.

In fact, they are holding tea and no tea at the same time, for they lack a common sense particle.

St Jesus the Flip

Bullshit, they believe in Big Government just like you do. The last bin Laden tap sounded like it was right out of a Michael Moore book, talking about how horrible western civilization is.

They both want society to be governed according to the precepts of pre-medieval religions.

Or did conservatives stop trying to undo the Enlightenment when I wasn’t looking?

Rusty Shackleford

Communists were rightists.


Nazis were leftists.

Which is why you’re screaming about the DHS watching them.

You can’t suck off Doughy “Hitler Was A Liberal” Pantload and Atlas “Leave Adolf Alone” Juggs at the same time. You’ve got to empty your mouth eventually. I’m sorry, that’s just how it works.


Left wingers are enablers for the Islamofascists, allowing them to conquer western Europe through massive immigration and using PC to limit criticism of Islam.


The New Testament never advocates violence towards non-believers, and instructs Christians not to make violence against their own governments.

Revelation 19:11-21


Yeah, wow, way off the point here.

DHS is keeping an eye out on dangerous interior groups — because, you know, there’s been kind of a pattern of violence from that quarter lately.

I am dying to hear why this is unreasonable.


Here, take the quiz:

Try to tell if each passage is from the Unabomber’s manifesto or Al Gore’s book, lol.

Link FAIL.

Here’s what the Unabomber had to say about liberals:

16. Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative”,
“enterprise,” “optimism,” etc. play little role in the liberal and
leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic,
pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve everyone’s needs for them,
take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense
of confidence in his own ability to solve his own problems and satisfy
his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of
competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.

174. On the other hand it is possible that human control over the
machines may be retained. In that case the average man may have
control over certain private machines of his own, such as his car of
his personal computer, but control over large systems of machines will
be in the hands of a tiny elite — just as it is today, but with two
difference. Due to improved techniques the elite will have greater
control over the masses; and because human work will no longer be
necessary the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the
system. If the elite is ruthless the may simply decide to exterminate
the mass of humanity. If they are humane they may use propaganda or
other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the birth rate
until the mass of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world to the
elite. Or, if the elite consist of soft-hearted liberals, they may
decide to play the role of good shepherds to the rest of the human
race. They will see to it that everyone’s physical needs are
satisfied, that all children are raised under psychologically hygienic
conditions, that everyone has a wholesome hobby to keep him busy, and
that anyone who may become dissatisfied undergoes “treatment” to cure
his “problem.” Of course, life will be so purposeless that people will
have to be biologically or psychologically engineered either to remove
their need for the power process or to make them “sublimate” their
drive for power into some harmless hobby. These engineered human
beings may be happy in such a society, but they most certainly will
not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic

12. (Paragraph 64) The problem of purposelessness seems to have become less serious during the last 15 years or so, because people now feel
less secure physically and economically than they did earlier, and the
need for security provides them with a goal. But purposelessness has
been replaced by frustration over the difficulty of attaining
security. We emphasize the problem of purposelessness because the
liberals and leftists would wish to solve our social problems by
having society guarantee everyone’s security; but if that could be
done it would only bring back the problem of purposelessness. The real
issue is not whether society provides well or poorly for people’s
security; the trouble is that people are dependent on the system for
their security rather than having it in their own hands. This, by the
way, is part of the reason why some people get worked up about the
right to bear arms; possession of a gun puts that aspect of their
security in their own hands.

Yeah. Sounds a lot like Al Gore.


Rusty Shackleford

…using PC to limit criticism of Islam.

[Windows Vista stability joke]


Our porous southern borders are the biggest security threat.

Yeah, that or the vast stretches of northern border where there is, you know, no security whatsoever, or of course our oh-so-secure ports. Oh, or the non-secure, non-redundant grid they already know is polluted with foreign malware. Or maybe the multitudinous recommendations from the 9/11 Commission that the Bush administration ignored. But apart from all those things, yeah, the Mexican border is the biggest threat.


That passage, Actor212, is a description of God himself killing out of justice, not commanding Christians to kill.


Here’s the link, JM. Take the quiz! let me know how you do.


Revelation 19:11-21

He meant the New Testament where Jesus has a position on queerin’ or abortin’. It exists exclusively inside his head.

I’d recommend avoiding the twoll; he’s degenerated into copy-pasted pabulum remarkably fast, largely because he has no real aim except to defend his friends the Communazis from the Islamic hordes. No investment, no purpose.

Bookmark this, libs.


The New Testament never advocates violence towards non-believers, and instructs Christians not to make violence against their own governments.

Luke 19:27 : But as for these enemies of mine who didn’t want me to be their king-bring them here and slaughter them in my presence!


Well the last part is pretty much a verbal tic, isn’t it?
Pammy: Yeah, I’d like to order a large pie with onions, hamburger, and extra cheese and Islam is the enemy.


Yeah, that or the vast stretches of northern border where there is, you know, no security whatsoever

Beavers will chew through everything you hold dear.


LOL JM, Jesus is reciting a parable in that passage. Try it in context, moron.

He’s not advocating violence anymore than a Professor lecturing on the history of World War II would be.


That passage, Actor212, is a description of God himself killing out of justice, not commanding Christians to kill.

That was JESUS you idiot, and he’s leading an army.

Do you think there, you know, might have been some urging onward to the Christian soldiers?



Here’s the link, JM. Take the quiz! let me know how you do.

Seeing as how I can read and cite the original, why do I need some idiot’s cut ‘n paste?

The unabomber showed no interest in the environment until development encroached on his hidey-hole. That doesn’t make him an environmentalist, that makes him a moron. And I’ve been hearing morons make the mistake of confusing the two for over a decade.


By the way, FiF…you won’t win an argument on the NT with an ordained minister, so give it a rest, and move along.


Well yes, Actor, but since Jesus isn’t here right no Christians aren’t going to take that passage as instructions to kill. Moron. It’s a prediction of *what will happen* when he appears. It doesn’t say go kill nonbelievers now.


The unabomber hated technology and industrial civilization, JM, just like many leftists.


LOL JM, Jesus is reciting a parable in that passage. Try it in context, moron.

Wow, so the killing was supposed to be metaphorical?

All those centuries of Christianity, it was all a big misunderstanding.


Well yes, Actor, but since Jesus isn’t here right no Christians aren’t going to take that passage as instructions to kill.

Are yo suggesting that the Bible is not the One True Word and to be taken literally?


actor: I don’t really see the point in having a discussion about why the Crusades never happened and were also a desperate last-ditch defense against the heathen Saudis and Cleopatra was totally white with a guy who thinks Michelle Malkin is an inscrutably glorious scholar.

He’s just squirting ink. Not worth paying attention to.


Compare to the violent passages of the Koran, where the believers are commanded to go on a world-wide Jihad and slaughter uneblievers.


Splatzelschorts were biggleblams!
Rompostonks were wibbledips!!
Adolf Hitler loved to reticulate his splines!!!


As we all know, Christianity has no history of violence, murder, genocide and intentional, fatal neglect toward non-believers.

Trying to wrap my head around the idea that “leftists” hate technology and civilization and ALSO love big government. I’m imagining Kashyykk, I guess?


So let me get this straight, Fluffy…you say Jesus never urged anyone to kill but when confronted with evidence directly from a TWO Gospels of the unerring Bible itself, suddenly, you’re searching for loopholes????


The unabomber hated technology and industrial civilization, JM, just like many leftists.

Or so they say in your trailer park.


Trying to wrap my head around the idea that “leftists” hate technology and civilization and ALSO love big government. I’m imagining Kashyykk, I guess?



“So let me get this straight, Fluffy…you say Jesus never urged anyone to kill ”

In the first passage, he was telling a story.

In the secon passage, it says Jesus WILL urge people to kill the armies of Satan in the end of days.

Until then, we don’t kill except out of pure self-defense. That’s how it works.


He’s just squirting ink. Not worth paying attention to.

Yea. He’s the four year old who just took a dump under the stairs and can’t wait to show mommy.


Shorter “Change”: I like to pretend my hand is the mouth of Sadly, No posters wrapped around my greasy, Cheeto-colored dick, sucking away.

St Jesus the Flip

I love how you have to reach back to the early 20th Century, lol.

I love how 1968 is now the “early 20th century.”

This is what conservatives sounded like in the “early 20th century” by the way:

The central question that emerges–and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by meerely consulting a catalog of the rights of American citizens, born Equal–is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes–the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race. […]

National Review believes that the South’s premises are correct. If the majority wills what is socially atavistic, then to thwart the majority may be, though undemocratic, enlightened.

– Attributed to William Buckley, published in the National Review, 1957

If it were up to the right, they would still be lynching negroes for getting too uppity. I have to “reach back” to 1968 because liberals finally managed to put a stop by using evil big government to tell those nice southern boys to stop stringing up darkies.

That’s the only reason right wing domestic terrorism had declined, because liberals legally stomped it into submission for awhile. It didn’t go away on its own because conservatives are so civilized and realized it was wrong to oppress them.


Liberals sit around in dank, unheated caves, endlessly filling out DMV parchments with their quill pens and passing them back and forth to each other.


Yea. He’s the four year old who just took a dump under the stairs and can’t wait to show mommy.

He’s worth humiliating when he’s trying to argue that we’re fools not to pay him $50 for the delicious chocolate in his boxers, because he’s invariably going to start eating it. This time around, just the stairs.


Until then, we don’t kill except out of pure self-defense. That’s how it works.

Good thing you cleared that up, all those slaughters later.


In fact, they are holding tea and no tea at the same time,
I for one believe that political theatre improved enormously when Zen Buddhists became involved.


Until then, we don’t kill except out of pure self-defense. That’s how it works

Oh? So all those abortion docs y’all keep assassinating?


Ooh, quiz time! Try the “Who Said It, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, or Usama bin Laden Quiz” here:


My benign God who no one has ever been killed in the name of told me that it’s okay to kill cops and Unitarian Universalists as long as any Arabs are still alive. Also, LOL (my lover Gary taught me to have one idiotic phrase in every comment I post).


Shorter Fair is Fair:

My ancient Middle Eastern fairy tale book is like sooo much better than those guys’ ancient Middle Eastern fairy tale book. So we should kill them.


Trying to wrap my head around the idea that “leftists” hate technology and civilization and ALSO love big government

If leftists hate civilization, then “The Southern Strategy” was going the wrong way! Just look at all those right-wing urban centers, dying for political representation.

Damned leftists, holding back biotech research for most of this decade.

Just LOOK at the way leftists haven’t used IT to transform American politics in a mere five years.

Man, if leftists didn’t hate technology and civilization so much, they might win the White House or something.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Until then, we don’t kill except out of pure self-defense. That’s how it works.

Very impressive self-defense in the Crusades, travelling hundreds or thousands of miles on foot to go where the defense was needed.

St Jesus the Flip


The unabomber hated technology and industrial civilization, JM, just like many leftists.

Here’s a test for you:

All fish live in the sea.
Sharks live in the sea.
Therefore, sharks are fish.

Is this reasoning logically valid?



O snap are we Jedi?!?!?!?


In fact, they are holding tea and no tea at the same time,
I for one believe that political theatre improved enormously when Zen Buddhists became involved.

If a tree falls on talk radio and 20 million people are listening, does it make a sound?

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Is this reasoning logically valid?

Heh, remember most Rightards get no further than “A is A”, symbolic-logic-wise.

Sorry I forgot my sainthood back there.


Liberals hate technology, which is how I won the 2008 presidential election by using it to my advantage. You cunt.


Beavers will chew through everything you hold dear.


Adolf Hitler loved to reticulate his splines!!!

Who doesn’t?


Heh, remember most Rightards get no further than “A is A”, symbolic-logic-wise.

I’m Neil Peart
And I’m here to say
Arabs are terrible
In every way
Bow now now
Bow now now
A is A


Falwell told me God sends hurricanes to punish tits and beads in Nawlins.

Must be true.

St. Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

I’m Neil Peart And I’m here to say…


I bet at least Neil Peart might know a syllogism from a spill of jism.

Or at least how to modus a ponens.


Lesson learned: one cannot serve two masters. You cannot worship the Club for Growth and the Christian Worldview Network.

Would anyone bothering with the troll at any point in the future do me a tremendous favor? If he ever starts going off on his Goldberg-via-Beck genius “hnurr hnurr Hitler was a lieberal’ schtick, whether or not he’s currently arguing that keeping Hitler’s present admirers from shooting random blacks is a violation of the 100th Amendment, just say “deep ecology” over and over and over.

“Deep ecology, you idiot” would also work.


Hey, things seem to be loading faster ’round here. Nice.

As for Pammy Juggs – I did not know that she was also bulemic.


Hey, remember when Tom DeLay used the opening prayer in Congress to make fun of non-Christian tsunami victims?

That’s what? 225,000 rotting punchlines for his Christian humor?



Those who stockpile guns, belong to racist organizations, shoot up churches and kill cops are the real patriots, losers!



Hey, remember when Tom DeLay used the opening prayer in Congress to make fun of non-Christian tsunami victims?

That’s what? 225,000 rotting punchlines for his Christian humor?

See, that’s your problem. They were gonna die eventually ‘cuz only the Rapture will keep you from dying. Because if you really truly love Jesus a whole bunch, he won’t let you go through the terrifying unknown. That’s more important than any of that lieberal ‘compassion’ or ‘humility’ bullshit.


The only reason liberals hate Christianity is because it serves as another center of power, away fromthe state.

Libs want to replace all facets of life with the Total State.


Man. That is just weak.


See, I love that you’ve got the hamsters back at full speed.

I hate that it encourages Those Who Shall Not Be Named into posting bait.


Libs want to replace all facets of life with the Total State. marshmallow fluff and vodka.


St. Jesus, Espouser of Socialist Ideals

“The only reason conservatives pay lip service to Christianity is because it allows them to project their own prejudices onto a higher power, which can eventually dominate the state.
Conservatives want to replace all facets of life with an invisible superhero who hates fags as much as they do.”


See, I love that you’ve got the hamsters back at full speed.

The hamsters do what they like, when they like. That’s Obammunism for you.


“The only reason liberals hate Christianity is because it serves as another center of power, away fromthe state.

Libs want to replace all facets of life with the Total State.”

Is that like Total Recall?

St Jesus the Flip

No answer to my puzzle. Instead we get this:

The only reason liberals hate Christianity is because it serves as another center of power, away fromthe state.

C’mon FiF – you really have a lot of trouble with syllogism as this and your above conclusions show.

This is typical of right wing authoritarians, though not limited to them.

When you can see why the logic doesn’t follow and even though it turns out Sharks are fish, the conclusion isn’t warranted because the statement could have been:

All fish live in the sea
Whales live in the sea
Therefore, whales are fish

Are you getting why your points suck and people are mocking you? You’ve entered a spelling bee without having memorized the alphabet.


I think Fair is Fair needs some funky zeit mit Bruno.


So Pammy is cool with anti-semitism? That it doesnt exist anymore in the US? Good to know.


Libs want to replace all facets of life with marshmallow fluff and vodka.

And once again we’re back to getting Polish elephants to gay-for-pay.


Leftists are the real anti-semites. They hate liberals and “neocons” (code word for “Jew”) with a passion.


George Bush is Jewish?


I would crap my pants if someone asked me to present citations for anything I said.


Leftists get very angry when I play with my poop! Watch me smear it all over my face. Oooh, you’re angry now!

St Jesus the Flip

We’ll try again here Fair. You claim Nazis are leftists.

What about Franco? Was Franco a leftist? Hmm:

Franco’s small participation in the war was very limited and exclusively against the Soviet Union, not the other allied forces. His most significant support was allowing volunteers, known as the Blue Division, to aid the Axis powers in fighting the Soviet Union.

and yet:

After winning the civil war with some assistance from Benito Mussolini’s Italy and Adolf Hitler’s Germany, he dissolved the Spanish Parliament.

Why would noted leftists Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini help out a rightie like Franco? Or was Franco a leftist too?

“General Franco is an authentic national hero,” wrote Buckley (National Review, 10/ 26/57)

President Richard Nixon toasted Franco, [2] and, after Franco’s death, stated: “General Franco was a loyal friend and ally of the United States[3].”

Hmm…is it getting harder to hold together the notion of Hitler as a leftist? To keep it up, you now need to believe Franco, Nixon and Buckley were all leftists too.


Our porous southern borders are the biggest security threat. An Arab terrorist could easily disguise himself as a Mexican, cross the border illegally, they carry out a 9/11-style attack.

Yes, isn’t it amazing how much border security has eroded in three months since Obama came into office? Oh, wait….


This Report Seems Unpopular

The Malkin post currently has 138 trackbacks.


“Why would noted leftists Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini help out a rightie like Franco? Or was Franco a leftist too?”

Franco was a leftist. He believed in big government. Just because he was against the Soviet Union or an ally in the Cold War, doesn’t mean he wasn’t a leftist. Just an anti-Communist leftist.

Rusty Shackleford

An Arab terrorist could easily disguise himself as a Mexican…

Sure, if Charlton Heston can do it I guess anybody can.


I’ma splode! Man was not meant to bullshit this fast!


LOL JM, Jesus is reciting a parable in that passage. Try it in context, moron.

Nice. The most effective way for believers to spread the Gospel is to call the people they’re preaching to “morons.” It really exhibits the love and mercy of Jesus, and the pure heart of the believer.


Franco was a leftist. He believed in big government. Just because he was against the Soviet Union or an ally in the Cold War, doesn’t mean he wasn’t a leftist. Just an anti-Communist leftist.

Again, you can keep on defending the upward-failing momma’s boy or you can read someone for whom history isn’t a parlor game. Even Hayek runs circle around this idiot.

Not that you’d know, because you’re just in it to give Glenn Beck head.


On the left is total government. On the right is small government. That’s the political spectrum.


Every fascist, racist and murderer I’m not allowed to admire in public anymore is Teh Lefft.


I’m very sorry, I forgot that you only read people who tell you how to feel and why every other sentence. “This should make you angry because of affirmative Hussein” will appear nowhere in The Road to Serfdom, so it’s liberal garbage.

The Root OF All Evil


“And then the bullet went through here and exited out here. Later, what can brown definitely NOT do for you.”

St Th Athntc Trth Bfr Hs Dshnr

I’d just like to say… this obsessive freakchild reminds me of an almost identical one who used to try and take over threads at Eschaton that dealt with Michelle Malkin/Pamelacakes too; something about deluding himself he’s their “White Knight” sends him into a posting frenzy… of course, they are using him just as much as all those liberal cockteasing bitches The Truth/Fair Is Fair/Jeffersonian Republican hates so very, very much… indeed who could forget how he emailed all sorts of “quotes” from Eschaton, most of whom were him imitating his insane version of liberalism, to Michelle Malkin, and she did such a sterling job of fact checking them for her book that she let a satire of racism by a poster called “King Leopold of Beligium” into the final editions as if it were genuine. I found it was always fun to remind them that, for all their claims of moral conservatude, they never seem to care all that much that the targets of their insane obsessions are married. And in the case of Malkin herself, her husband apparently writes most of the things the dolts seem to love about her… but who cares about that; all a woman is, is a pretty face to project their patriarchal perversions onto. Don’t disturb them with The Truth!

Conservatives Who Give a Shit About Smaller Government

Anyone seen us in the past fifty years or so? Didn’t think so.


Holy shit. I just checked in to see if this thread is still alive, and I read this:

Franco was a leftist. He believed in big government. Just because he was against the Soviet Union or an ally in the Cold War, doesn’t mean he wasn’t a leftist. Just an anti-Communist leftist.

I’m…speechless. All of the members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade are spinning in their graves like tops right now.

Best parody troll ever, or someone who has his diaper changed hourly? You decide.

St Jesus the Flip

Yeah, I figured he would have to jump to “Franco is a leftist”

So are Buckley and Nixon leftists too?

Also, by your definition of the spectrum, Somalia is now the ultimate right wing state. I’ve been snarking that it was for some time, but this is the literal result of your claim. No government at all = conservative paradise.


Where were the patriots hiding when the Supreme Court stole the right to have all legal votes counted or when the Bush administration suspended habeus corpus? Nothing but crickets over religious domination of secular government, the right to choose, warrantless wiretaps, and giving up the name of a C.I.A. officer? Where or where could they have been? Polishing rifles, digging trenches in the woods, playing Paint Ball, worrying about immigrants taking over America, indoctrinating racists, publishing hate material for distribution? Oh where, oh where did the sadists go. Oh where, oh where can they be?


“Leftists Hate Technology.” No doubt the title of a paper given over & over at right-wing’s annual “The Libs R winning the Internet, Oh Noes, wait, Twitter!!!” conference, w/ techno-maven Sam the un-plumber & Glenn “Robo” Reynolds.

You know, the one that Pajamas Media used to run before they ran out of their investor’s money.

Also, confusing industrial “civilization” w/ it’s poisonous effluvia is par for the wingnut course.


Sure, if Charlton Heston can do it I guess anybody can.

Yeah, not just Touch of Evil but he disguised himself as Moses over the wknd. in The Ten Commandments.

What a towering talent.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

something about deluding himself he’s their “White Knight” sends him into a posting frenzy…

The act of going full wingnut and making a huge fool of oneself over right wing harpies: Castaganating.


In Germany representatives from government, labor, and business meet to discuss strategies, areas of concern, and special interests. They negotiate toward a single goal – the welfare of Germany and its people.
Label it socialism, capitalism, communism whatever one chooses. The fact is that the process generates positive outcomes. No group gets everything it wants, and no group is dominant, and no group is singled out for exploitation. I do not have a label for the process, but from this distance it, at least, appears to have some intelligence behind it.

Meanwhile, back on the farm, the patriots are still trying to figure out who is superior to whom. Remember, if one has not cheated, he did not do everything he could to win. If one person has not exploited many others, he isn’t in the game. Honesty is naive, but it is currently believed to be an act of rebellion. A sense of community is now defined as communism. Damn, patriots know a few of the tricks, but they apply them incompetently, especially when they are certain of the result.

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

Nicely put, purpleOnion – it’s not at all surprising to see how fucked up governing is here in the U.S. when a large segment of the population can’t grasp the concept of “common good” at all, let alone run a government based on it.

St King Dumbfuck's Smarter Brother

How many people has “right wing terorism” kileld vs. Islamofascist terror in this country? I’d say the Islamofascists “win” that count.

Oh wait bitch let’s not forget the 4200+ men and women killed in Iraq by the most extreme right-wing terrorists this country’s ever known, the bushistas–oh yeah I know this heinous act didn’t take place on the soil of the US of A and shit but hey I’m sure the victims’ families find a lotta comfort in that technicality!


I am listening to the Lloyd Marcus interview and he is stammering and crying. Eek.


“The New Testament never advocates violence towards non-believers, and instructs Christians not to make violence against their own governments.”

And also directly quotes the Savior as saying that you should pay your taxes and not to take up arms in self defense.

St. Jesus Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

“The New Testament never advocates violence towards non-believers, and instructs Christians not to make violence against their own governments.”

This is why the Fundies lean so hard on the Old Testament.


“Our porous southern borders are the biggest security threat. An Arab terrorist could easily disguise himself as a Mexican, cross the border illegally, they carry out a 9/11-style attack.”

Or he could just use his Saudi passport and get a visa like the last 19 guys did.


You kind of forget that the commentators over there reflect the height of lunacy. I sometimes wonder if some fo you guys have sneaked under false pretenses, i.e.

A retired Marine Corps LtCol I know (whose honor is tremendous and I would trust him with my life) became a journalist after he retired from the Corps. He investigated the OKC bombing and found proof that McVeigh and Nichols had contacts with a neo-Nazi group that had contacts in al-Qaeda. The OKC bomb was not an ordinary bomb, it was a focussed explosive and there’s only five people in the USA who know how to make them. They were all accounted for. There are also at least two people in al-Qaeda who know how to make focussed explosives. This retired USMC found proof that there was contacts between McVeigh and Nichols and one of the al-Qaeda individuals who know how to make these. It was supposed to be on ABC’s 20/20 sometime in 1998. However, ABC spiked it under pressure from the Clinton Administration.

It even has the Gary Rupert type spelling mistakes, classic.and then there is this….

It seems likely that President Obama will create Americas domestic crisis by taking a page from the Nazis. When will Americas Reichstag fire like incident happen? Time will tell but when it does I think it will be obvious and beyond belief. Something as dramatic as 9-11 when everyone assumes first that it was Islamic terrorists, but soon the “truth” reveals that it was Conservatives?

I’ll have whatever your smoking, bud….


“On the left is total government. On the right is small government. That’s the political spectrum.”

Cuba vs Somalia?


it was a focussed explosive and there’s only five people in the USA who know how to make them.

Yes, in the mightiest military power the Earth has ever known, with many weapons that depend on focusing explosions, there are only five guys who know how to focus an explosion.


As we all know, Christianity has no history of violence, murder, genocide and intentional, fatal neglect toward non-believers.

Exactly, the Inquisition was sparkle ponies and free chocolate…..


FYWP, the first sentence was blockquoted….

There is something intriguing, and a bit scary about the Al-Quida-OKC bombing type of lunacy. These guys are kind of funny normally, you know the; ‘… Nokia is controlled by the Jews and are listening to our conversations for the Illuminati and the descendants of the Crusades to enslave us all to the Knight of St. Columbus…’ kind of folk. Our old neighbour back in Europe was like this, and he was kind of amusing in a harmless type of way. However, when people that have delusions like this are armed, I would be a little more nervous….

St. Jesus Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

When will Americas Reichstag fire like incident happen? Time will tell but when it does I think it will be obvious and beyond belief. Something as dramatic as 9-11 when everyone assumes first that it was Islamic terrorists, but soon the “truth” reveals that it was Conservatives?

This stuff has already happened, buckaroo!

9/11 was our little Reichstag Fire. Although I don’t personally believe it was an inside job, the Bush admin tried hard to exploit it in very similar ways (e.g. ramming through the odious Patriot Act) but a) the American 2001 society wasn’t as weakened and receptive to fascistizing as Reichstag-Fire-Age Germany was and b) the people attempting it weren’t very bright or especially committed to much besides lining their and their friends’ pockets.

The OKC bombing was first believed to be Islamic Terrorists – or at least a lot of people jumped to that conclusion, including some “reputable” journalists, IIRC. Then they found out it was a conservative in truth, not in “truth”.



Au contraire.

This report is very popular – & the Atlases & Malkins of the Interwebs were probably yelling “BOOYAH!” every time they found another juicy passage to decontextualize. Makes me wonder if someone at the DHS (a hotbed of hardcore BushCo cronies if ever there was one) isn’t up to a little pro-teabagger monkeyshines, what with this coming out at exactly the perfect time to fire up the wingnuts to pick up their stupid signs & yell their prefab slogans tomorrow.

These slime know damn well that a LOT of extremists peruse their blogospheric circle-jerk on a daily basis (just as they know damn well – but don’t give a flying fuck, as long as their adoring fanboyz cheer them on & the pay keeps coming in – that a certain fringe faction of them will take their most deranged hyperbole as direct instructions & go forth to kill) … & they just telegraphed a big “lay low” signal to the entire sickening pack of them by giving this report so much gas.

Such is their love for their country.


9/11 was our little Reichstag Fire. Although I don’t personally believe it was an inside job, the Bush admin tried hard to exploit it in very similar ways (e.g. ramming through the odious Patriot Act) but a) the American 2001 society wasn’t as weakened and receptive to fascistizing as Reichstag-Fire-Age Germany was and b) the people attempting it weren’t very bright or especially committed to much besides lining their and their friends’ pockets.

It’s worth bearing in mind that it’s entirely credible van der Lubbe, an unstable man with delusions of grandeur, acted either alone or in concert with others to set the fire. While the Reichstag fire rates about a 50% on the probability-of-conspiracy meter and the WTC attacks less than 1% of 1% (although more if you count the idea of the White House deliberately ignoring a-Q intelligence, either cynically or as a way of pissing on dog-wagging Willy), the response was the same either way.

Bush wanted a catastrophe as an excuse to force through social institutions and political reforms that would make a permanent majority party out of the Republicans. Unfortunately for him, his people gave Armey too much credit (pissing goodwill on social security privatization at a critical time) and severely overestimated the public’s willingness to take the Party line on Katrina and the ability of Party lifers to suppress base racism on immigration.

But even if he hadn’t had 9/11 fall into his lap, Bush had two or three plans basically as backup: the Iraq gin-up woulda worked with or without a terrorist attack and earlier in 2001 the White House was reportedly floating the idea of unilateral declarations of independence to Taiwan’s new pan-green government on a regular basis.

History has a way of fucking with elaborate plans, though. This is why it’s best not to pretend God has appointed you king of the world.


This retired USMC found proof that there was contacts between McVeigh and Nichols and one of the al-Qaeda individuals who know how to make these. It was supposed to be on ABC’s 20/20 sometime in 1998. However, ABC spiked it under pressure from the Clinton Administration.


Oh man, I thought the lefty conspiracy crackpots were something, but even here, the right wing manages to outdo us in Teh Crazee!

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

History has a way of fucking with elaborate plans, though. This is why it’s best not to pretend God has appointed you king of the world.

I happily defer to your superior knowledge of history, and could not agree more with your conclusion.


PHOTO CAPTION – My God! It’s full of stars!


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