Help is on the way!

Fear not conservatives, the 101st Keyboard Brigade is about to get help. Adam Yoshida’s help:

If the time has come to declare war against the enemy at home, so be it. It?s time that we tell the American people the truth about seventy years of treason on the part of certain elements of the Democrat Party ? and of the thirty-five years since the forces of treason took national control of the Democrat Party.

Now is the time to suit up and prepare for battle. I don?t know what is coming. But I know what I shall do.

Sadly, no explanation of how eating twinkies and masturbating to pictures of Ann Coulter will help.

Bradrocket adds: I think I’ve discovered Adam’s plan:

“Mr. President! Adun Yo-shi, Level 5 Ogre Lord from the realm of Wing’nuht, stands ready to serve thee!!”


Comments: 35


It’ll be especially interesting to see how he’ll do it from his mom’s basement in Canada.


If all with in the white house are indicted, APIAC raided and shutdown, ADL and SPLC raided and shutdown, PNAC raided and shutdown, the country shall be saved for at least another 30 years. Problem is, Christ won’t return, the “America” that these neotwerps call for is a utopian/hellish (mostly hellish, precieved through their eyes as “grace”) vision straight out of the Revelation.
We spoiled their game. JC will never return. HaHa!


The way he writes he’s trying to give off and image, like that scene in Govenor Arnie’s old movie “Commando” Where he’s strapping knives and grenades and sawblades to his radically oversized thighs, when really he’s just sobbing uncontrollably into the nearest plushie.


Funny part of this?

I’m pretty sure no-one on ‘our side’ made veiled threats about revolution when clinton was on the ropes.

the next three years will be massively entertaining folks,

as the Adam Yoshida’s of the world POP! one by one, and start committing acts of domestic, well, you know, the “T” word.

THAT’s shadenfreude!


HAHAHAHA! You have *GOT* to go read Adam’s page, and the comments posted there. *WOW* is he getting the shite kicked out of him over that post. Very highly entertaining!


Here’s the best one:

“Now is the time to suit up and prepare for battle. I don?t know what is coming. But I know what I shall do.”

Adam, the next word after this absurd statement was not ENLIST. So you a) don’t really know what you shall do, and b) reinforced everyone’s notion of you being the fattest, greasiest, saddest hypocrite to blight Canada by entitling this entry “Reporting for Duty”.

Your Spiderman PJs don’t really count as a battle suit, Adam, unless the foe you’re fighting is a family sized bag of Cheetohs.


Democrats? Traitors! Watergate? Democrats’ fault, Nixon was a prince among men! Whoever outed Plame? Real American hero, pin a medal on that mofo already!


Saw Adam’s post today. Laughed my silly Alabama ass off. I can just see Adam trying to whip out his +3 Broadsword of Flame on us mean nasty traitorous libruls.


he’s just sobbing uncontrollably into the nearest plushie

*nearly chokes laughing*


“…it seems likely that they will be indicted for some ?crime? allegedly committed during the investigation of a non-crime. Perjury, obstruction of justice, lying to Federal officials, etc. It?s exactly the same thing that happened to Martha Stewart.”

yes, and these “crimes” might land them in the same place that martha stewart was, which is called “jail” and the people who go to jail we call “criminals”.


Saw Adam’s post today. Laughed my silly Alabama ass off. I can just see Adam trying to whip out his +3 Broadsword of Flame on us mean nasty traitorous libruls.

Does that inflict magic damage, or just normal damage? Cuz my armor isn’t strong enough to handle fire spells yet…


Adam’s had it really rough today. Sulu came out of the closet.


It reads like something General JC Christian might have written.


Whoever outed Plame? Real American hero, pin a medal on that mofo already!

Hear, hear! Only, they have to have it pinned on while shirtless! Um, not that I’m jonezing to check out Rove and Libby’s enormous beer-guts and flabby man-tits, mind you. Eeew.

Jones the dolphin

Great blog, that one. “ultra-conservative political commentator.” You’d think he was at least a fry cook, or double-naught spy.


I’m glad that Adam has been paying such close attention to political events over the past twenty years. Adam says: “There?s an important thing we have to keep in mind here: our forces are incapable of enduring the kind of siege that was laid upon the Clinton Administration during the 1998-1999. Unlike the Democrats, we don?t have a sympathetic media to minimize wrongdoing, assault the inquisitors, and create an image of victimhood. Additionally, unlike the Democrats, Republicans are not nearly so cohesive or willing to get their hands dirty in the service of the cause.”

Those poor Republicans, condemned to victimhood by their scrupulous observance of honor and honesty.

Adam continues: “But I, for one, will not abandon this President.”

Eh? I thought Adam was Canadian? Is he just going to send money, since he can’t vote? He will provide a voice for all the Canadians who feel as much for Bush as Harriet Miers? Ah, but who knows how Harriet Miers now feels about Bush, who used her like a piece of meat thrown over the fence to distract the dogs while he burgled the household?

“But there is more at stake here than merely the political fate of George Walker Bush.

“At stake is the future of the United States and of America?s glorious cause overseas. Endangered is the future of Western Civilization, already fading in its European motherland, of which the United States remains the last, best, hope.”

So the Chimperor represents the last breath of hope for Western Civilization? If that is true, I say pull the plug on the respirator and let the cooling begin.

Adam threatens: “The only viable solution here is to take the fight to the enemy ? to launch an offensive designed to make use of rapid and overwhelming force to grind the bastards into the dirt. Only a battle with no quarter asked for or received can offer us the salvation that we must now seek.”

So Democrats/Liberals should expect to be murdered suddenly along with their families. I would have sworn we were supposed to be fighting in Iraq to PREVENT that kind of thing. It must have been a mistacommunicatory problem in interpreting Bush’s speeches.


Masturbating over pictures of mAnn Coulter may not *help*, but it probably won’t do any harm either.


but it probably won’t do any harm either.

Bad for the emulsion.


Wait – his emulsion or the one on the photograph?

He’s gay, anyway.


Brad, you don’t need to worry so much about the +3 broadsword of flame as you do about his breath weapon – huge clouds of post-digestion cheeto gas.


Why, exactly, does a Canadian nutbag worry about “treason” against the US?


bob, don’t try to foist this load on my team. We don’t want him any more than you do.


Why, exactly, does a Canadian nutbag worry about “treason” against the US?

He’s a self-loathing Canadian. He longs to feel powerful by being a Pentagon analyst and wielding the mighty USA Freedom Schlong. But alas, he’s stuck in socialistic, French-speaking Canada.


Hey I worry about my naeighbors to the south, I didn’t so much when clinton was in office, but you wacky yanks have a unfortunate tendancy to vote for crazies if they tell enogh lies.


And holy shit is he getting worked over in the comments. Not even one comment defending him. Christ I would’ave expected Adam himself at least to lash back. Maybe he’s just to embarassed after everyone called him on being a fatass wannabe chickenhawk.


Again, on behalf of all Canadians, I apologize for Adam Yoshida. And David Frum. And Celine Dion. But not Rush.

However, Adam is teh n00bzors, and fails at life. He’d better hope I don’t kick his ass with my rogue.


so this -IS- the work of the dark lord Sauron.

I knew from my head to my hairy toeses.


I second Bill S’s comment. You breeders can keep Adam. It’s like when people speculate that Hitler was gay. I’m like, and he was exterminating all the other gays why then? Makes no farking sense, all I’m sayin’.


It’s like when people speculate that Hitler was gay. I’m like, and he was exterminating all the other gays why then? Makes no farking sense, all I’m sayin’.

Well, duh. He was looking for that special someone, and he didn’t want there to be any competition around when he found him.


In all fairness to Adam and the rest of the Fightin’ Keyboarders, they’re just waiting for this to come to Iraq.
When that happens- look out insurgents. You’ll be shot down where you stand by guy wielding a lube and cheeto stained joystick… and a mouse and keyboard with his other hand!


Adam is really special!

In the US, he would just be another fucking dumb-ass conservative. Annoying but nothing to remark on.

But because he is not American, he truly is the Dumbest Canadian! He has not competition.

We salute you, O Dumbest Canadian! Wear thy title proudly, eh? And don’t let the hosers get you down!


In all fairness to Adam and the rest of the Fightin’ Keyboarders, they’re just waiting for this to come to Iraq.

Wowsers! A porn site, designed especially for Dougie Giles. It’s ‘effing brilliant! As long as you’re not one of the critters, that is. Is that even legal? How does the company know whether or not there’s a small child on the other end? ‘Course, it’s OK for kiddies to use guns to kill things long-distance, or so I hear. Just so long as there’s no sex involved. And then, one day, they accidently leave the guns activated while the crew of illegal aliens is out, picking up the scattered corpses of the livestock (formerly)….


That is by far the least scary level 5 ogre that I’ve seen. And trust me, I’ve seen plenty.


Hey, I like hunting just as much as any red-blooded, Middle-American male, but it kind of defeats the purpose of “hunting” to do it while sitting on your ass in an air-conditioned house, waiting for a deer to pass in front of your camera, then have a bunch of day-laborers remove the kill to be cleaned, smoked and mailed to you (I shit you not).


Why does Adam look like Beaver Cleaver dressed as Shrek?


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