Fun Fun Fun!

Aaaaaand let’s see how our friends at Little Green Footballs are handling the news of Scooter’s indictment:

#8 Powderfinger 10/28/2005 11:41AM PDT
Just to be consistent, Libby should get the same punishment as Bill Clinton and Sandy Burglar, combined.

We should force Scooter to go on TV and talk about his penis?

#10 foreign devil 10/28/2005 11:42AM PDT
That incredible moron FitzGerald is on FOX now just babbling on about himself. He is SO FULL OF HIMSELF he even presumes to think and then speak for us by telling we’re sitting there thinking “oh why didn’t you grab him (Libby or Rove) by the scruff of the neck and force them to tell you the truth but we don’t do that.” [paraphrased]

That’s not what I was thinking at all. I’m now thinking I’d like to grab HIM by the scruff of the neck and shake him till his teeth fall out. He’s a grandstanding hotshot. Wants to be a ‘singing dick’. So he’s gonna dump three years of investigation on Libby and you wait….it’ll turn out to be shit. But by then Libby has quit, and things change which might not have without this vindictive witchhunt. Vendetta carried out by some guy who fancies himself a ‘top gun’.



#16 thomassowellfan 10/28/2005 11:45AM PDT
Libby should plead guilty citing that a trial would reveal too many sensitive issues in regards to national security. Bush should then pardon him and allow Libby to get back to work.

Then Joe Wilson should be charged with something, possibly treason.

Sound crazy? It is, but hey, it would drive the LLL over the edge.

Because really, using the law to anger your political opponents is what justice is all about.

#26 SaneInMN 10/28/2005 11:47AM PDT
Message to President Bush…
Nominate the most REVILED, HATED, and DESPISED white male candidate for SCOTUS on Monday. I’m angry and am itching to kick some leftist (and RINO) ass!

David Duke, anyone?

#35 foreign devil 10/28/2005 11:52AM PDT
He’s STILL talking. LUVS himself!

My GOD! Why should this asshole be TALKING at his own PRESS CONFERENCE!!! THE FUCKING NERVE!!!!!

#36 Buckaroo 10/28/2005 11:52AM PDT

“Bush ordered U.S. troops to war in March 2003, saying Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction program posed a grave and **immediate** threat to the United States”

Hey AP — GO FUCK YOURSELF! Show me where Bush actually said those words!

It’s true. I don’t think Bush ever said Iraq was an “immediate threat.” But Donald Rumsfeld did. Advantage: blogosphere.

#37 TMF 10/28/2005 11:52AM PDT
Which would give the left a bigger hard-on, a Rove indictment, or Osama’s head on a stick?

Uhm, probably neither. I’m really not into the whole skull-fucking thing…

I think the answer to that is obvious and demonstrates lucidly which side they are on.

Fuck thats scary

In more ways than you think.

#39 foreign devil 10/28/2005 11:53AM PDT
Is FitzGerald cross-eyed? There’s something weird about his eyes.

He’s still talking…

Amazing how much people talk at press conferences, isn’t it?

#50 JammieWearingFool 10/28/2005 11:58AM PDT
Libby has to bring this to trial, and not cop a plea.

Wilson cannot survive on the stand,
and this entire scam will unravel.

Then we can commence with the treason charges against him.

Well… I don’t think I can add anything to that. Have a good weekend, kids!


Comments: 24


#10 foreign devil 10/28/2005 11:42AM PDT

#35 foreign devil 10/28/2005 11:52AM PDT
He’s STILL talking. LUVS himself!

#39 foreign devil 10/28/2005 11:53AM PDT
Is FitzGerald cross-eyed? There’s something weird about his eyes.
He’s still talking…

and you’re still posting.

yep, talked for all of 11 minutes there at his own press conference. moron.


Hey, “SaneInMN,” you dropped your prefix: “AbsoFreakinglutelyGoatBuggeringIn…”


#16 thomassowellfan 10/28/2005 11:45AM PDT Libby should plead guilty citing that a trial would reveal too many sensitive issues in regards to national security. Bush should then pardon him and allow Libby to get back to work.
Then Joe Wilson should be charged with something, possibly treason.

In other words:
(1) Libby should plead guilty (presumedly to a crime the poster feels he didn’t commit) to protect everyone else – especially those who are actually guilty
(2) Bush should then flaunt his disregard for national security by pardonning and reinstating Libby – a convicted felon and traitor – which is also the direct opposite of his promise to fire anyone involved
(3) Then, after reinstating a known ally to terrorism, they should bring legal action against the person most hurt by the treasonous act

I don’t need to make the 1984 reference – that’s just classic gangland reasoning. Take the fall to protect the big bosses, get out thanks to corrupt cops, and then kill the guy who ratted you out. Of course, as long as they keep the registration closed on their Treehouse of Solitude, they never have to look critically at what they’re saying…


I just like how Joe Wilson should be charged for something, “PROBABLY” treason. “Yeah, you know, let’s just charge him with anything. How about, uh, treason.”


I’m just so pleased that the discourse has remained intelligent and relevant. After all, “Is FitzGerald cross-eyed? There’s something weird about his eyes.” is totally material to the discussion.


I can’t really fault them for the reaction they have to watching the press conference and getting angry that he’s still talking.

It’s the exact one I’ve had every single time I’ve ever brought myself to watch Bush speak on TV. Of course, rather than rant about it, I drink. Drinking is nice.


#26 SaneInMN 10/28/2005 11:47AM PDT Message to President Bush… Nominate the most REVILED, HATED, and DESPISED white male candidate for SCOTUS on Monday.

How about Hitler? Then when anybody tries to argue his nomination, they can invoke Godwin.


He wants to be a “singing dick”?

That would be a hell of a show in a national press conference.


Which would give the left a bigger hard-on, a Rove indictment, or Osama’s head on a stick?
I think the answer to that is obvious and demonstrates lucidly which side they are on.

Oh, I remember teaching this argument technique in my rhetoric and comp classes:

1) Pose a ridiculously-premised, leading question.

2) State that the answer is “obvious”. Important! Be sure you don’t give your opponent a chance to respond!

3) Treat your opponent ad if he actually responded the way you assumed.

Works every time.


Gang of One 10/28/2005 12:48PM PDT
Bread and circuses. They take our bread and give us circus.
When this explodes in the L3 faces, they’ll find yet another straw to reach for.

#45 Ledger1 10/28/2005 01:04PM PDT
The tax payer eats the bill.

Yeah you know, because it would be totally irresponsible to spend all this taxpayer money going after a simple lie. Except for that whole Clenis thing, which cost about 1000 times more taxpayer money.
68 Dave the….. 10/28/2005 01:13PM PDT

“The GOP shouldn’t have gone after Bubba for fibbing about a blow job. Given their hystrionics at the time, it would be hypocritical to complain obout this.”

Actually he lied under oath during a sexual harrassment lawsuit.

If you knew anyone who’s been harrassed at the workplace and didn’t get justice, you’d feel differently.
Yeah because a bad touch is much worse than falsified intelligence leading up to an unlawful war and the outing of a covert governent agent.
#78 Model4 10/28/2005 01:19PM PDT Odd, when I listen to the press cover this, they constantly talk as if a spy was outed. Was this way before the facts were known, and is this way even after the facts say that this didn’t happen. Not that there’s any media bias or anything.
This is simply delusion at it’s best.
These nutcases can be counted on for a laughable response to anything. Just look at their 2000 dead in Iraq thread. They’re practically blaming the media for noticing it’s been that many.


Rhetorically speaking, I would have preferred if he’d said it “demonstrates limpidly which side they are on” while discussing hard-ons for Karl Rove vs. head-onna-stick. As a highly visual person, I have to say the thought of either has pretty much killed my sex drive for the near term.


pretty much killed my sex drive for the near term.
At least for the course of the grand jury’s term!


man, these guys are going faster than jiffypop on molten lava!


look out! exploding heads everywhere!!!!


#26 SaneInMN 10/28/2005 11:47AM PDT Message to President Bush… Nominate the most REVILED, HATED, and DESPISED white male candidate for SCOTUS on Monday.

How about Hitler?

Actually, an incredibly devious choice would be Pope Ratzi. He’s perfect! Anti abortion, anti-gay. Oh, wait…
Too bad he’s anti-war and all for helping the poor. Who can ya trust if ya can’t trust an ex-Hitker Youth?

Jones the dolphin

I like the posts calling for Bush to pardon Libby before a trial can occur, referring to Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich, as “the only time in history.”
a:See GHWBush pardon of all Iran/Contra folks, thereby insuring that he himself wouldn’t be investigated, and
b: Marc Rich’s attorney, Scoooooter Libby!


This one completely mystifies me:

The temperment of conservatives is changing, but not fast enough. We, me being a neocon, tend to roll over and turn the cheek. The left gangpiles and stages a trainwreck for the press, while the neocons, dispense way too much civility when dealing with the offences of the left.

Yeah, that’s what neocons are well-known for: civility and suffering in silence.


I’m not surprised to hear Bush supporters complain about the length of press conferences. The’re used to meaningless blather and sound bites delivered faster than a drive-thru meal as opposed to people atually, you know, answering questions and dispensing substantial information.


Best reality show ever: take 50 LGF commenters and put them on a deserted island with limited resources. Lord of the Flies in 5 minutes flat. They would be murdering each other at the drop of a hat, and then of course talking to themselves “rationalizing” every horrible act as soap opera actors, schizophrenics and Gollums usually do.


“Message to President Bush… Nominate the most REVILED, HATED, and DESPISED white male candidate for SCOTUS on Monday”

Yeah, because, you know, deliberately nominating someone inappropriate to a lifetime position on the court in snit over Libby’s indictment is an appropriate Preznitial response.

“Marc Rich’s attorney, Scoooooter Libby!”

Really? Delicious irony.

“The left gangpiles and stages a trainwreck for the press”

Is he saying Fitz is “the left”?


roll over and turn the cheek.

Um, dude, I don’t think think that was the kind of cheek Jesus was talking about.



#154 acwgusa 10/28/2005 02:01PM PDT
Besides, the Senate Impeaches, the House does the Conviction.

Article. I.

Section. 2.
Clause 5: The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Section. 3.
Clause 6: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.



Tha Powderfinger guy runs LGF Watch Watch. He’s easily the funniest LGFer.


“He wants to be a “singing dick”?

That would be a hell of a show in a national press conference.”

John Greyson’s film “Zero Patience” featured a lineup of singing anuses (ani?). I presume this would be similar.

Where does Marie Jon’ stand on this issue?


“The temperment of conservatives is changing, but not fast enough. We, me being a neocon, tend to roll over and turn the cheek. The left gangpiles and stages a trainwreck for the press, while the neocons, dispense way too much civility when dealing with the offences of the left.”

This, on Little Green Footballs, where anybody who is even left-handed is usually the subject of elaborate death threats?

I truly can’t believe that there are people that unselfconcious. The LGF commentors are all an improv group.


(comments are closed)