Surprise, Suckers!

They said the Tea Parties were against higher taxes, and nobody likes higher taxes, so that’s how that goes. But did they mention the whole thing about scrapping the progressive income tax?

ABOVE: “Hi, is this the nonpartisan fiscal prudence, uh, rally?”

Ooh, we do not think they did. Here’s what FreedomWorks sent out to their members (hi!) in an irregularly scheduled mass email two days before the protests:

Dear [fake name based on a risqué pun],

Tax day is upon us once again and it is clearer than ever that we need to fundamentally reform the tax code.  It’s unfair, complex, inhibits saving, investment and job creation, imposes a heavy burden on families, and undermines the integrity of the democratic process.

To this end, we have completely revamped and created a petition to let Congress know we want to scrap the code and replace it with a simple, low, flat, fair, and honest tax code.

I’m writing to ask you to do two things:

  1. Please join the thousands of Americans signing our petition to Scrap the Code, and
  2. Please contribute to our campaign so we can get the word out and get more petition signers!

Some of our members are so frustrated with the tax-and-spend ways of Washington they’re taking to the streets on Wednesday for the nationwide Tea Party protests and helping us support them.  If you’re looking for one near you, we have every one we’ve heard about or helped with on a map here and created instructions on how to organize your own.

Fixing our broken tax code is so important to America’s future prosperity that FreedomWorks Foundation Vice-Chairman Steve Forbes and I have both written books calling for fundamental reform.

Our team in Washington has also published the Top 10 Reasons to Scrap the Code, which I have included below.

I hope you find it as informative as I did and will sign our petition and contribute to our efforts to get the word out.


Dick Armey

You have to give Steve Forbes credit. Post-Armageddon, there’ll be nothing but cockroaches, Keith Richards, and Forbes bothering Richards with some sneaky new flat tax scheme.

Bonus Shorter Ari Fleischer:

Everyone Should Pay Income Taxes
It’s bad for our democracy to exempt half the country.

  • I rewrote the infamous Lucky Duckies editorial, except this time it is totally not a trick to fool people.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 134


Dick Armey: somehow even worse than a literal army of dicks.


I can but quote Adam Smith from The Wealth of Nations:

“It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion.”

I rest my case.

Multi-Millionaire wanting to add a few million to the coffers

“…sign our petition and contribute to our efforts..”




Sorry, there’s just no other responshahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



You’re part of Freedomworks too, Gavin?

Is there nothing they don’t control?

Multi-Millionaire wanting to add a few million to the coffers

“…Roll-over and beg for us to ‘trickle-down’ on you…”


1.20.13 The End Of Socialism

Hmmm, scraipping the code would certainly benefit potential Obama administration employees, lol!


Hmmm, scraipping the code would certainly benefit potential Obama administration employees, LOL!




Knights in White Satin

Imagine the “Last Men on Earth”: Glen Beck, O’Riley, Spongy Loadpants, Cheney, Limebag, Hannity, and various Repug puppet-masters. Add to that toxic concoction the females of the species: Malkin, Coulter, K-Load (?) Debbe Scnitzel and Mrs. Perfesser. This will be all that is left of humanity, they will have to breed if they want the species to continue.

Will they draw lots, have a Dating-Game arrangement, or elect an authoritarian (but not fascist) to tell them who gets (has) to mate whom.


Does this mean I can pay exactly the same taxes as Steve Forbes? That would be awesome. That’d mean I was rich just like him, right?


It’s a deal! Millions for everyone!


The email was from “Dick Armey” to “fake name based on a risqué pun”? I’m confused.


And now, when on Thursday FreedumbWorks claims that all the teabaggers were out protesting in support of the flat tax, their rightwing online cohorts will continue to insist it was all a “grassroots” movement, no Astroturfing involved at all, nosireebob.



I’m confused.

You have to take the good with the cryptic.


If you show up at these Tea Parties you have to be really really careful not to sign petitions people hand you, because it could be stealth ACORN Dick Armey organizers.


Why the hell has this whole “flat tax” (FairTax, whatthefuckever) caught on?

Even some of my otherwise-intelligent friends are on this bandwagon, and nothing I say seems to get through to them. They also don’t seem to happy when I make comments like “simple solutions for simple minds,” but that’s another matter entirely.


Contribute! What, are Forbes’s and the Koch family’s net worths so diminished? Or is getting poor people to pay for their own lubeless ass-rape an American tradition with these guys? The “Billionaires for Bush” folks need to regroup for the tea parties.


You have to take the good with the cryptic.

That’s what I tell myself as I use a cryptic pencil to staunch the bleeding.


The words “fair” and “honest” appearing in the same text as “Dick Armey.” Now there’s some serious dissonance for you.


Or is getting poor people to pay for their own lubeless ass-rape an American tradition with these guys?

This has been another edition of ….


If we don’t have a nice fair, flat tax, Steve Forbes is going to go Galt on us, and then we won’t have him inventing and manufacturing wonderful things for us!

The Tragically Flip

This is a plot twist worthy of an Agatha Christie novel. When do they start agitating for a federal TABOR and a balanced budget amendment?

Also, “Dick Armey” isn’t real is he? He’s like Tipsy McStagger, a composite mascot drawn up by a committee of PR hacks, right?


flat tax, huh. Okay, howsa bout everybody pays 22% of their gross for all kinds of income and the federals redistribute it to the states budgets? howsa bout that? no deductions, no exemptions, just income-level-neutral tax credits.


Also, “Dick Armey” isn’t real is he?

I dreamed I saw Dick Armey again
Alive as you and me
Says I “But Dick, your cause is gone”
“It’s never gone” said he.
“It’s never gone” said he.


Meanderthal said,

April 14, 2009 at 4:27

Why the hell has this whole “flat tax” (FairTax, whatthefuckever) caught on?

i honestly don’t know so i’m just tossing this out as a question to your question….didn’t i read somewhere that the good ol’ huckster is a commentator or something to do with some tv news (maybe faux)?…could he be the reason everyone is a flat tax cheerleader now?…is he maybe doing some active promotion of that idea?…that was pretty much his whole platform…well that and because this is such a xian nation we needed a pastor in chief…

where do we keep the otc meds here at sadly?…i feel sick remembering all the bumperstickers for him here in my area….


Tea time anyone? I hope you’ve joined one of the thousands of T.E.A. (Taxed Enough Already) parties or Fair Tax rallies meeting across the country on April 15 to protest the outrageous government spending, the deepening of our national debt and the subsequent taxes that are forthcoming because of it. This is a nonpartisan time to rally around like-minded citizens and declare that we’re tired of the same old political rhetoric, and we want a better way.

Chuck Norris, World Net Daily, `posted April 13, 2009, 1:00 AM Eastern.


The Rodenator Pro pumps propane and oxygen into the tunnels of squirrels, then sends an electric spark that causes an explosion. The shock waves kill the squirrels and collapse their tunnels – but in a humane way, the agency said.

Alert Dick Cheney! This is too humane!


Ask anyone who says they’re for a “simplified” tax code whether they would be in favor of a “simplified” tax code under which they paid more in taxes.

You will find out that not many people are actually in favor of a simplified tax code.


This is starting to seem like Blue Jean Day when I was in college. Blue Jean Day was sprung upon the student populace every now and then without much advance warning, the deal being that wearing blue jeans was supposed to show support for gay and lesbian student organizations, at which point the more hung-up boys panicked and ran home to change.


Exactly. Imagine how people will feel when the aren’t able to deduct for their morgage, child education, state taxes, business expenses, healthcare, etc.

Of course, as a single renter in a state with no income tax, I welcome the idea of a Flat Tax. I probably would pay less.


I am finding the whole concept of the Fair Tax hilarious.

It is as if, instead of a Trojan Horse, the Conservatards are pushing a Trojan Pinata up to the gates.


Anytime rich people advocate for “fair” taxes, I get suspicious. F**k ’em.

Tom Paine wants flat taxes for sure

No wonder Glenn Beck picked Tom Paine to be a teabagger Founding Father spokesman. That dude was so conservative. He wanted the rich to keep all their money, or All American morality would be compromised.

Annotating Glenn Beck’s “Thomas Paine”

heh indeedy…


Why the hell has this whole “flat tax” (FairTax, whatthefuckever) caught on?

It hasn’t, among any thinking persons. And it really isn’t the idea of the teabaggers themselves. They’ve been talking up their teabagging get-togethers for over a month now, and the message never was “we demand a flat tax!”

That’s what’s been so entertaining about all of it (well, aside from the whole teabagging thing) – they themselves couldn’t articulate what their protests were about. In fact, just in the past week, everyone but Faux news and the teabaggers themselves has been asking: “yes, but…what are you protesting, other than the fact that you lost?” And they haven’t been able to answer that question. When it’s been pointed out that it obviously isn’t a “grassroots” movement, given that a) no one could articulate the reason for it, other than “we lost”, b) it’s being actively sponsored by Fox, and c) several well-known rightwing astroturfing organizations have both organized and underwritten many of these”spontaneous” “grassroots” protest groups, they’ve unanimously pushed back with this lame “don’t be ridiculous, we’re not astroturf” response (almost as if it came off the blastfax), and now, right before our very eyes, we’re seeing the ultimate goal the rightwing masters want to see advanced being grafted onto the “movement” they astroturfed into existence.

Here’s the really sick part, though: even though the members of the “movement” are finding out what it is they’ll be protesting in support of at the same time you and I are, they’ll show up and protest anyway without a second thought. It’s a Pavlovian response. Their masters beckon, and they heel like good little bitches. They enjoy being pwned that much. Yes, they do. So much that they’ll not only loudly proclaim themselves as teabaggers while asserting their right to teabag in public and willingly make themselves laughingstocks, they’ll do it in service of whatever their Randian overlords tell them.


Trojan Pinata

Wins the internets.


Jesus, from the link above, the first comment:

“It is too late to regain our freedom thru any ledgislative, or judicial process. There are too many welfare rats who will always support ” more free stuff”. It must come down to the Blood of Patriots.”

“Welfare rats” is a bit rude. I’m sure he meant to say “black people.”


So, what began as a protest against the bailouts begun by the GOP is now a tax-protest against the worse-than-the-Holocaust nightmare of falling taxes? Their genius is truly too profound for my puny mind to fathom. Maybe next they can protest against sugar being too sweet or petition Congress to repeal the law of gravity.

But the spectacle of Chuck Fucking Norris chirping “Tea time anyone?” on the Intertubes almost makes it all worth it.

Not to mention the joy of “KEYES & PALIN 2012” signs.


“KEYES & PALIN 2012?

I’ll help pass out those bumperstickers


From Scrap the Code:

“Our Income Tax system is a disgrace to the human race.”
—Jimmy Carter, 1976

When did Jimmy Carter start talking like Mr T in a chocolate bar commercial?


Even if these monkeys were told they were protesting for a flat tax they would instantly start flinging their poo at whatever new target their handlers pointed them at – they are truly that stupid (“Keyes Palin 2012”!)

Oh, and from point #7 of why we need a flat tax:
“Our most productive members of society face federal taxes of 36 percent or higher”

Please feel free to go fuck youself Mr. Armey.


Don’t tell these guys that the eeeeevil lie-bral, gay-loving Jerry ‘Moonbat’ Brown campaigned for president on a flat-tax platform in 1992. They might ask him to speak in Sacramento…


Coincidentally, Ari Fleischer has an op ed in the WSJ about this topic.
Saying the poor needs to pay their income taxes, cause we are all in this together and it’s not fair that the rich pay all the income taxes.



This is why I love going to RedState:

See, 48% say they pay the right amound in taxes, while 46% say they pay too much. But RS reckons that 60% make less than 44k and practically don’t even pay taxes, and yet STILL CAN VOTE IN POLLS!!! So actually every single person paying taxes pays too much, and then some.


I remember seeing a poll (I will try to find and post a link) asking Americans what an appropriate tax rate for their own household should be. Almost all responded around 20%.

The time for a flat tax might finally be coming. If we can galvanize public support around the current outrage over the bailout and enormous spending deficits, this could be a great platform for 2010.



From that first teabaggers link above, they are banging on about introducing a universal sales tax rather than a flat tax as the only solution. My, thats fucken progressive….

There seems to be a list of ideas that they never stop pushing, no matter how stupid.

Johnny Coelacanth

Have fun on Wednesday, you whiny, hand-wringing, stupid-sign-waving, dumb sonsabitches. I wish you all the luck that anti-war protesters had in 2003. In the meantime, buy me a flatscreen and give me some more iced tea, motherfucker.


Where were all these teabaggers during the Bush years when borrowing to waste was through the fucking roof?

Johnny Coelacanth

“Where were all these teabaggers during the Bush years”

Enthusiastically teabagging Bush, natch. Now their guy’s out of office, they don’t like the flavor so much.

Wyatt Watts III

Some of our members are so frustrated with the tax-and-spend ways of Washington they’re taking to the streets on Wednesday for the nationwide Tea Party protests hookers and helping us support them blow.



Where were all these teabaggers during the Bush years when borrowing to waste was through the fucking roof?

Their mouths were full. Mmmph mpth mmmphhm, they said.


Matt Taibbi has the latest on finance corruption thoroughly enabled by the current White House.

I remember watching Obama the presidential candidate give a speech in Mason City, Iowa back in 2007. Obama had made a big show of not having registered lobbyists working for his campaign and he promised that lobbyists “won’t work in my White House.” The line was a hit and became part of Obama’s stump speech. I must have heard it two dozen times. A little over a year later, he put a registered lobbyist of a bailed-out investment bank in a job whose primary responsibility is administering bailout money.

It gets worse. According to a Glenn Greenwald piece I just read, even Gary Gensler is a former Goldman employee. That absolutely blows my mind. Genlser is Obama’s choice to head the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, whose purview is the derivatives market. The CFTC was the battleground where ages ago Rubin, Summers, and then-Rubin-aide Gensler teamed up to whack then CFTC chief Brooksley Born, who had serious concerns about the burgeoning derivatives market, in particular the credit-default swap market. Rubin overturned Born’s recommendations and derivatives were freed from most regulation. That economic Alamo led almost directly to the AIG disaster.

Tea-Besotted Bull Limpet

Hey, Keith Richards knows roaches– and Steve Forbes knows flatlanders. I for one tentatively welcome our post-apocalyptic overlords.


Coincidentally, Ari Fleischer has an op ed in the WSJ about this topic.

Now wait, I did that Ari Fleischer shorter, and now I find that I was being controlled by puppet-masters again.


You are baiting Jamie Kirchik with this, aren’t you? Yglesias used the long-lived/hardy roach metaphor about someone and Kirchik accused him of calling up the specter of the Rwandan genocide. Truly a brilliant troll on JK’s part. Cobag central.



So exactly which Navy fleets and Army divisions do the Flat Tax peeps believe we should decommission? I won’t bother asking which parts of the Air Force and Marines they want to get rid of; they’re both gone. Not sure what we’re going to do with the million or so newly discharged military personnel who suddenly have no job, but we’ll be goddammned if we give them some free hand out!


I hate to be a blogwhore and all that rot, but…

Won’t you help us choose a name for the Teabagging thingamawhozit?

It’s like a penis… only smaller

Your vote could change America, my friends. Change America. Think about that…


Ben Dover? Rod Gozinya? Richard Hertz? Claude Bahlz? (Nah, too frenchy.) Inquiring minds blart to know.


OT: Pastor Grant Swank has devoted his last two columns to the confrontation with the “Solami Pirates.” I demand a Pirate Swank Photoshop!


Well, we all know the right wing is obsessed with, um, “salami pirates”.

This obsession is due to strange, esoteric reasons that are unfathomable to all but the most highly skilled Freudian analysts. What could the reason be???


God, I hope this dude shows up, and if somebody could put a few of these up at strategic intersections, I’d be much more amused.


The nerve of that “Obama” guy. Expecting the rich to pay most of the taxes just because they have most of the money! Now France of 1800, they knew how to set up a fair tax!


a Trojan Pinata
If only those featured at birthday parties when I was a teenager.


Bonus Shorter Ari Fleischer:

The Poors are stealing our munnies!!1


“Our most productive members of society face federal taxes of 36 percent or higher”

This would go together well with a picture of Paris Hilton flashing her snatch to paparazzi.


“Our most productive members of society face federal taxes of 36 percent or higher”

Ari, I’d like to see them make a dime without the generations worth of infrastructure to support them.

Show me one of these “Most Productive” and I’ll show you someone counting on the interstate highways, Law Enforcement, Telephone, Electricity, Sewage, Fire protection, etc. to make their money.

39% is a fucking bargain, Ari.

Trilateral Chairman

Everyone Should Pay Income Taxes
It’s bad for our democracy to exempt half the country.

I never quite get this. I’ve heard any number of wingnuts (Steyn, etc.) harping about how Obama is bringing on the socialist revolution by exempting a majority of people from income tax. All I know is that I’ve always paid income tax. Always. Even when I was making $18k a year. Did I miss some deduction that I could’ve taken?

I have the sneaky feeling that the “half of the country who doesn’t pay income tax” includes people who, well, don’t have any income. High school seniors. The unemployed. Stay-at-home moms and dads.

Ding ding ding!

I have the sneaky feeling that the “half of the country who doesn’t pay income tax” includes people who, well, don’t have any income. High school seniors. The unemployed. Stay-at-home moms and dads.

Show him what he’s won!


“Where were all these teabaggers during the Bush years when borrowing to waste was through the fucking roof?”

Cheerleading the same.


IIRC, even vaunted liberal “lion”/icon/sir spends a lot Ted Kennedy worked diligently in the 1980s to reform and simplify the tax code, because its 3.5 million words and 64,000 pages may be a bit cumbersome, dense, and fraught with laws that could burn pretty much any taxpayer on some level. Of course, all his hard work has been undone over the past 20+ years because, well, that’s what the IRS is good for.

Just because these guys are douchebags, doesn’t mean they’re wrong.

Woo, patriotism.


Also, “Dick Armey” isn’t real is he? He’s like Tipsy McStagger, a composite mascot drawn up by a committee of PR hacks, right?

We had a “Dick Reasons” in the HR department of an insurance company where I worked. It was a very appropriate name, as he was always issuing memos with dick reasons why we couldn’t do something on the internet while working. I always imagined that the HR peeps sat around chuckling evilly while composing these memos signed “Dick Reasons.”


I’m always wary at calls to “simplify” the tax code.

“Pay us 100% of everything you make – no exceptions.” would certainly be simple but I don’t think anybody would want it.


Dear [fake name based on a risqué pun],

Hung Dong, perhaps?

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


I’m all in favor of a “flat tax” by the way:

If you make more than $250 million, taxes ought to flatten you.


a Trojan Pinata
If only those featured at birthday parties when I was a teenager

The Easter Bunny left brightly colored eggs full of candy, condoms, and lube scattered around our office on Maundy Thursday. I took some with me to the Hunky Jesus Competition in Dolores Park on Sunday. Godless, I love Holy Week in San Fran.


“Solami Pirates” Man that’s only one letter from a great porno title!


“Solami Pirates” Man that’s only one letter from a great porno title!

“Solami Pilates”? Huh?


Salami Pirates?


Hey libs, look lok Obama wants to destroy science:

Applying Title IX to science and engineering. Yeah, that will help science programs. The next person who gets on here and screams about how Democrats are committed to science needs to shut the fuck up. They are no better than the worst evangelical. Demanding the science be made more girl friendly by getting rid of all that icky experimentation and math and making sure that every science program has an equal number of men and women in it regardless of how many qualified hard working men get turned down in favor of less qualified women is no better than demanding that schools teach that dinosaurs walked the earth with man. In fact it may be worse. Evangelicals only want to destroy biology. Liberals want to put a torch to all of science.


Here’s the right link:

More collectivist ideology from the Fascist Left.


So let me get this straight, Fauxbertarian…

Because the author finds one instance, and not even a particular valid one, where Title IX *might* have been applied inappropriately, somehow you think that invalidates the spirit of equality in the teaching of sciences to women, who lag far behind men?

Now let’s add the context of the fact that, in general, Americans are falling way behind in sciences and maths ANYWAY, which means that whatever the educational policy morons of the Republican party who cut school funding and eliminated unnecessary programs like sciences were doing, UR DOIN ET WRONG!


“Because the author finds one instance, and not even a particular valid one, where Title IX *might* have been applied inappropriately, somehow you think that invalidates the spirit of equality in the teaching of sciences to women, who lag far behind men?”

I don’t care about groups, I only care about the individual. I don’t care if th e person is a man or woman, but they should be qualified not given special rights based on their genitals.


That’s certainly a wonderful strawman you’re assembling there, Bert. “Demanding the science be made more girl friendly by getting rid of all that icky experimentation and math”?


Because no man in history has ever received preferential treatment ‘based on his genitals’.

(Well, maybe John Holmes.)


My genitals deserve special treatment. You must be doing something wrong.


Men are better at math because when they drop trou they can count higher.


How stupid does Ari Fleischer think we are? Actually, I can’t count the number of “flat tax” advocates I’ve seen making the same transparently evil argument.

Namely, as Ari says, “the 10% of the country that makes more than $92,400 a year — pay 72.4% of the nation’s income taxes. They’re the tip of the triangle that’s supporting virtually everyone and everything. Their burden keeps getting heavier.”

So apparently, the top 10% should only pay 10% of the total taxes??? The top 1 in 300 million (i.e. Bill Gates) should pay the same as any other 1 in 300 million? There’s flat tax (everybody pays the same percentage: 20% or whatever), and then there’s “flat tax” (everybody pays the same dollar amount). I’d be willing to treat flat tax advocates with a modicum of respect if that weren’t running around putting up bullshit arguments for a “flat tax” and assuming that rest of the country was too stupid to tell the difference. “Their burden keeps getting heavier” is the coup de grace; is income inequality in this country diminishing?


Demanding the science be made more girl friendly by getting rid of all that icky experimentation and math

Uh, source please. That article certainly didn’t provide one. Oh wait, my mistake, you’re a troll. You don’t have one.

I’m not saying applying Title IX to academics is a good idea. I’m saying you’re a cut-and-paste troll who doesn’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Again.


“So apparently, the top 10% should only pay 10% of the total taxes??? ”


No Taxation for Pork

“So apparently, the top 10% should only pay 10% of the total taxes??? ”

Why, yes.


Salami Pilots?

Surimi Pirates?

Salumi Pyrites?

Shorter Lube-rtarian

Any advancement made by a member of a group not my own is reverse discrimination. I shall teabag the ladies and Negroes momentarily.

No Taxation for Pork

“So apparently, the top 10% should only pay 10% of the total taxes??? ”

That is correct. That’s what would be fair.


The top 10% should pay 10% of the income taxes.


I don’t care about groups, I only care about the individual.

I love the fantasy world of Fauxbertarians where somehow, magically, people don’t organize and socialize and oppress, even without government assistance.

You know, like corporations who greedily plunder the resources of widows and orphans never existed in their America…stuff like that never happened!


YES, the top 10% of earners should pay 10% of all income taxes.


That Fleischer piece is horribly written — he must have even worse people writing for him now. The metaphors are just painful. Here’s a taste:

“Everyone now has a sacred cow in the tax code. For my money, the most sacred thing of all is our country and its growth, but the sacred cows have turned into a pack of wolves. On both the spending and the tax side, the wolves are devouring our children’s future.”



I don’t care if th e person is a man or woman, but they should be qualified not given special rights based on their genitals.

I wonder how Albert Einstein would refute this idiotic argument?

Show his expulsion letter from high school, perhaps?


Wall Street Journal:

Mr. Fleischer, a former press secretary for President George W. Bush, is president of Ari Fleischer Communications.

That’s actually Ari Fleischer Sports Communications. He and Selig are pals.


“Everyone now has a sacred cow in the tax code. For my money, the most sacred thing of all is our country and its growth, but the sacred cows have turned into a pack of wolves. On both the spending and the tax side, the wolves are devouring our children’s future.”

Werecows. They only come out at night. The lean and hungry type.


Hey, numbnuts, don’t you know ANYTHING? “Special rights” is the terminology you use to build towards “Keep the fags away”. When you’re saying them broads get a free pass, you refer to “feminazis” or “voting by emotions” or some similar bullshit.


Doesn’t the picture in the Ari Fleischer piece look a bit too much like a dreidel? Not very subtle, is it?

Trilateral Chairman

I always imagined that the HR peeps sat around chuckling evilly while composing these memos signed “Dick Reasons.”

This is delightful. It really lends itself to exploitation whenever Dick is out of the office and has to have a (presumably unwilling) proxy sign off on the memos. “Signed, Trilateral Chairman for Dick Reasons.”


@Marc: Funnily enough, I recall Al “The Honorable Gentleman from Minnesota” Franken referring to Faux News once as “spinning like Ari Fleischer’s dreidel”.


All these sacred cows turning into packs of wolves… I smell a rat!


It’s true that the Russians have had success with their flat rate, but that’s hardly the only revenue they collect. We found out last fall how much they depend on oil money, once it started to dry up.


When you’re saying them broads get a free pass, you refer to “feminazis” or “voting by emotions” or some similar bullshit.

Bonus points for working “periodic” into the bullshit.


That’s actually Ari Fleischer Sports Communications. He and Selig are pals.

So it’s like when George Costanza worked with Steinbrenner?

Libertarian Thinker

“Hey, numbnuts, don’t you know ANYTHING? “Special rights” is the terminology you use to build towards “Keep the fags away”. When you’re saying them broads get a free pass, you refer to “feminazis” or “voting by emotions” or some similar bullshit.”

That’s not what I’m saying at all. You liberals always play the “sexism” or “racism” card when you have nothing left.


“Hey, numbnuts, don’t you know ANYTHING? “Special rights” is the terminology you use to build towards “Keep the fags away”. When you’re saying them broads get a free pass, you refer to “feminazis” or “voting by emotions” or some similar bullshit.”

Where did I say ANYTHING like that?


If I remember right, the Packers retained him just before this past season to help with their soap opera with Brett Favre. The football fans here will have to say how that fared.


I’m failing to come up with something based on the famous Neapolitan song O salomi o . It’s the pirates that’s got me stumped.

Maybe a veiled reference to Salome would work….


It’s the pirates that’s got me stumped.

Wooden you know…

Pirates of PENIS


I now see the WSJ has its bio file dated. Last year Ari Fleischer, head of Ari Fleischer Communications, joined with IMG (International Management Group) to form Ari Fleischer Sports Communications. MLB has been one of Ari Fleischer’s long-term clients.


Are we talking about Ari from Entourage?


David Schuster wins!

David Schuster: If You’re Planning Tea Bagging Across The Country, ‘You’re Going To Need A Dick Armey’



I appreciate PeeJ’s “a veiled reference to Salome,” because I got kultcha.

“Salome Pirates Gone Wilde”?


Don’t forget those dreaded virgin buccanneers, the Pirates of Ben’s Pants.

The Goddamn Batman Gets His Kicks Where He Can, Mostly To The Head Of Dumbass Punks

KEYES + PALIN 2012? Oh, baby, you do know what to get the man who has everything!


David Schuster: If You’re Planning Tea Bagging Across The Country, ‘You’re Going To Need A Dick Armey’

“We can only speculate why widespread teabagging made Cavuto think of the Million Man March…”

One can only hope it will be “raining men” for Cavuto and his fellow teabaggers on the 15th.


One can only hope it will be “raining men” for Cavuto and his fellow teabaggers on the 15th.

Neal Cavity always did strike as a bit of a switchhitter.


All these sacred cows turning into packs of wolves… I smell a rat!

or a pelican…..


I wonder what would happen if these people ever found out that 1) for almost all of them, federal income taxes are about to be reduced, and 2) almost all of them would be paying higher taxes under any “flat tax” scheme that was remotely viable.

The Tragically Flip

Title IX should apply to libertarians. Talk about a sausage party.


Isn’t the reason we have progressive taxes and not flat taxes is so we don’t have to exempt half the country?



Aw jeez, Joe Max, you just made me have a John Cole-type moment where I remembered being a college student in 1992 and thinking Jerry Brown’s ideas made a lot of sense. I may have even voted for the guy. Then again, a lot of people in 1992 voted for H. Ross Perot. What the hell was going on?


Yes, put Alan Keyes, the man who “did not just lose his Senate race to Obama, [but] did so by an historic margin” (hat tip) against the same opponent with eight more years experience in playing the game, tied to Sarah Palin, the running mate who single-handedly demolished the GOP in less than four months.

I cannot fucking wait to see that.


Math is hard! Shopping is fun!

(tee hee!)


If you completely ignore the Kucinixtic dilemma of how to assemble a coalition for passage of a flat tax, then it would achieve most of the results of a balanced budget ammendment.

Remember, with wingnut memes, it’s magic ponies all the way down.

Evil magic ponies, I should say.


Don’t forget the crabgrass, which will also survive.


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