Harriet, We Hardly Knew Ye
Posted on October 27th, 2005 by Brad
Harriet Miers withdraws her nomination. I’m sure FreedomPundit is thrilled.
I hope that this, coupled with the public flogging of Michael “Heckuva Job” Brown, sends a message to GOP hacks everywhere: if Bush offers you a job for which you are dangerously unqualified, stay away.
Early reports indicate Bush favors as a replacement “that Matlock fella.”
ah yes. now that she has withdrawn, bush can ring up the members of his social conservative base, apologize for stepping out of line, and ask if they have any ideas about a more acceptable nominee. anyone think it’ll be janis rodgers “marburry vs. madison was wrong” brown?
anyone think it’ll be janis rodgers “marburry vs. madison was wrong” brown?
According to The Editors, it’s gonna be “Robert Bork’s crazy uncle.” His first proclamation will apparently be, “SLAVERY IS LEGAL!!!”
Ya notice Miers withdrew — I didn’t do it. Heh. That way, I preserve my resolve. Otherwise, the people will think I can’t make sound decisions. Heh, heh, heh.
That’s my boy, George, that’s my boy…
Not just sound decisions, but good,crisp ones, too!
His first proclamation will apparently be, “SLAVERY IS LEGAL!!!”
C’mon Brad, we all know it will be a more eloquant proclamation than that, if for no other reason than they need to be sure white people aren’t classified as the kind of people that can be slaves. Also, alternatively no brown person can own other brown people either, that is the white man’s exclusive mandate.
…sends a message to GOP hacks everywhere: if Bush offers you a job for which you are dangerously unqualified, stay away.
Wouldn’t that effectively result in the abolition of the Federal government until 2008?
I hold her in contempt for whining that Congressional efforts to find out who she is and what she stands for, were “unfair”?! Gimme a break, lady!
Wouldn’t that effectively result in the abolition of the Federal government until 2008?
More or less. And given who’s in charge, that might be a good thing. I’ve so cynical that I’m slowly turning into V from V for Vendetta…
One problem here–“Brownie” is still collecting on that $148,000/year salary that out taxes… um, China, pays for. Not an entirely bad deal for someone who’s so toxically unemployable. And he’s “investigating” what went wrong after Katrina, just like O.J. is searching every golf course in the USA for the “real killers.” You’d think both of ’em would know these things….
I think the odds are pretty good for her nomination. Any opposition can be cast as “sexism” and “racism.” Of course, the real reason to oppose her is the batshit insanity–sorry, mentally challenged people. And I’m afraid that she’ll be confirmed. Hey, senate Democrats, remember what voting for Clarence Thomas got you–victory for the Rs in Bush v. Gore.
In my first post, “out taxes” was supposed to read “our taxes.” I regret any confusion this might have caused.