Michelle Malkin Once Again Shows Why She’s the Master of Scaring Gullible Crackers

If there’s one thing Michelle Malkin excels at, it’s keeping her sub-brain dead readers in a perpetual state of fear and anger. In Michelle’s world, there’s always some cabal of malicious non-white people who are conspiring to harm God-fearing suburbanite Americans, be they traitorous World War II-era Japanese, gordita-munching Mexican immigrants, or suicide-bombing Islamofascists. However, I think Michelle’s greatest talent is her ability to generate frothing wingnut outrage at some crazy college professor that no one’s ever heard of.

It all started when Dr. Kamau Kambon, who has occasionally taught African-American Studies at North Carolina State University, attended a panel at Howard University Law School and basically advocated killing white people. It was an admittedly retarded thing to say, but given the fact that no one has ever heard of him before, and he has no real power or influence, do we really care? If you’re Michelle, then sadly, yes. Here’s what she wrote:

If there were such thing as a truly fair and balanced media, you’d have already seen as many stories about Kambon’s comments as there were about Bill Bennett’s comments, which were taken wildly out of context.

Where’s the Associated Press now?

B-b-buh-but Bill Bennett is a nationally syndicated talk show host! And he’s a former education secretary! And he was the nation’s first drug czar! Kamau Kambon, on the other hand, is… well, he’s just some random loon (not that Bennett isn’t a loon, mind you- he just happens to be an somewhat important loon)!

But wait! It just wouldn’t be a Malkin post were it not followed by several nutty trackbacks, would it? Let’s take a look at what some of her fans have to say!

Mindless Winger #1OpinionBug.com:

Mike Adams over at Townhall.com has a shocking report on Dr. Kamau Kambon who has apparently called for the extermination of all White people.

And because Dr. Kambon has so much influence over North Carolina’s legislative process, that obviously means it’s going to happen.

Mindless Winger #2Sister Toldjah:

Between radical racists like this ?doctor? and more soft racists like Representative Mel Watt (D-NC 12th District) – who believes that white people won?t vote for black people – it? s no wonder we can?t have many meaningful discussions about race relations in this state, especially considering the fact that some of the biggest racists in this state are those who like foist that criticism on the white community en masse – oftentimes without merit, without recognizing their own racist tendencies.

Uhm, I think Kambon recognizes his tendencies- people who advocate out-and-out genocide normally don’t have many qualms about racial insensitivity. But please, let’s keep this in perspective- he’s just one idiot. The policies he’s advocating have zero chance of ever being put into practice.

Mindless Winger #3Garm Howling, with a post melodramatically titled “Guilty of Being White”:

Apparently, this guy thinks I should die because of my skin color. How progressive.

Yes, that’s right, Mr. Paranoid Honky! Crazy Dr. Kambon is specifically out to get YOU! It seems that Michelle has succeeded in her plan to make your flabby white ass tremble like Bill O’Reilly in a room full of disgruntled female employees.

Mindless Winger #4Two Babes and a Brain:

Kambon’s statements are pure hate speech and I demand a public apology.

Insignificant right-wing blogger demands apology from insignificant racist nutcase. It doesn’t get any better than that.

And while demanding my apology, I ask the Rev. Al Sharpten to step up to the plate and demand an apology on my behalf.

If you’re demanding the apology yourself, do you really need the Rev. Sharpton to issue a second one for you?

Did he not demand an apology from Bill Bennet and Trent Lott….well I want the same done for me.

But Bill Bennett is a former education secretary and drug czar! Trent Lott is a former Senate majority leader! What part of “Kambon is a nobody” does not compute?

OK, that does it: I demand an apology from Michelle Malkin for turning so many Americans into mindless buffoonatic fucktards.

UPDATE: More at Auguste’s place.


Comments: 86


Bennett has a national radio program, brags of his own influence, has served in government and has the ears of people in government, Kambon owns a bookstore. One of these things is not like the other, one of these
things just doesn?t belong.


Bennett has a national radio program, brags of his own influence, has served in government and has the ears of people in government, Kambon owns a bookstore. One of these things is not like the other, one of these
things just doesn?t belong.



Well, exterminated, to be precise. My recommendation? Don’t take a class for which he’s the visiting assistant professor. And if Tom DeLay shows up at your house in coveralls, run.



I think it would be totally cool if someone wanted me dead. Talk about an ego boost!


As a lawyer,* I’m still waiting for an apology from Dick the Butcher.

*I am not a lawyer.


I think it would be totally cool if someone wanted me dead. Talk about an ego boost!

Well, I’ll work on it, but I can’t promise anything. Let’s see, I’ll start by saying your name and glowering for a full minute…


Would it change your mind if you knew Kambon’s bookstore was named “Boogie-Woogie Armageddon”? Huh, smart guy?


I think it’s “Blacknificent Books.” Yeah, really. “Boogie-Woogie Armageddon,” on the other hand, would literally rock my world.


I think it would be totally cool if someone wanted me dead. Talk about an ego boost!

I’ve had people want me dead. It’s not fun, believe me.


While calling for the extermination of entire races/classes of people is inherently wrong (yes, even wingnuts and fundies), I’m much less worried about a nut like Kambon than I am of larger movements, like Christian Dominionists–they don’t want to kill me because I’m white, they want to kill me because I’m gay. Though, admittedly, it’s a lot easier to identify me as white than as gay….


Wait a minute – Mike Adams is the source for this information? Dr. Mike Adams? Our Dr. Mike Adams? Has anybody checked out whether this Kambon or Jambon or whatever actually exists? I mean, is he, like, one of those first-name-only angst-ridden college conservatives that Dr. Mike is always writing to, or the liberals he’s always having to put in their places or the lesbians who continuously intrude on his world?


Hi Marq!

If you are white and happen to be gay, then you’ve got nothing to worry about. It’s the hetero white male conservatives that everyone is out to get, and that society oppresses so blatantly, isn’t it?


Saying this as a black person, Kamau Kambon is a colossal idiot about 35 years too late when he might actually get more people than his imaginary friends to agree with his views.

Totally asinine, unlike those who advocate killing all Muslims, turning the Middle East (except for Saudi Arabia) into “glass” or “parking lots,” exterminating all Palestinians, and destroying anyone with vaguely homo-liberal tendencies.

Especially Chazmo and his Little Green Fucknozzles — why, they are as pure as the white driven snow that’s driven over by their white Suburbans by their white WASPy girlfriends — who are white.

Nobody expects an apology from them — hell, Sharpton should get down on his knees and apologize to The Amazing Chazmo for even existing!


I’m sorry, but I feel better now.


I never started the False Moral Equivalency Blog because I would have copyright probs with Malkin, because I would have just mirrored her site.


The False Moral Equivalency Blog sounds like a good idea. Let’s throw Jesse Jackson’s “hymietown” into the mix.


Awesome- I do need to cover false moral equivalency for our Jr. High Logic Series.

Nazis existing as Nazis and doing Nazi stuff=one weird guy somewhere saying one sentence.

It’s all the same! AWESOME!


The fact is, most white people wouldn’t vote for a black person.
that is why we need to draft Condi for Repub in ’08. All of my relatives would stay home on election day. And 85% of all other Repubs would, too.


They’re pretending to be outraged. They actually love shit like this. It’s racist pr0n. They love Malkin because she’s a woman of color who makes it permissible to dismiss women and/or those of color. They love it.

I don’t guess this is news to anyone, though.


So, at that panel at Howard, when Dr. Kambon said that, how did the 35 people in attendance react?


Googling gets “tepid applause” and Kambon responding, “Now I don?t care whether you clap or not…”


Hee hee. The two babes and a brain people didn’t realize that the tedious protein wisdom faux interview was a parody until the guy who wrote it pointed it out to them.

And now they’re wondering why this post labels them mindless. I think they have Sondrak beat for dumbest wingnuts on the intrawebs.


“two babes and a brain”?? excuse me mr hip young gunslinger of whom do you speak.


And now they’re wondering why this post labels them mindless. I think they have Sondrak beat for dumbest wingnuts on the intrawebs.

Yeah, but they’re not as openly hostile or insane. There’s only one SondraK…


oh right, “Chris & Lisa”, I thought you were talkin about lynx & lamb 🙂


Hey, Lisa isn’t dumb or a wing nut–she’s just blonde…her blog partner, the evil liberal


You people are all crazy. Don’t you know this is TRUTH?!

NC just voted to have a lottery, which means that God will leave this state and let all the white pople be killed!


Yes, it’s nearly Halloween once again, but it’s not only right-wingers like M&M that are scaring us. Here’s what really scares me this Halloween:
No, it’s not the bird flu, it’s a Kerry run for the presidency in ’08, or, worse yet, a Kerry victory in ’08. But, not to worry. I’ve got the perfect vaccine, and it’s free. Please don’t hoard it, or I’ll be forced to ration the stuff out.
(as aired on conservative radio talk shows)
Scary Kerry
words and music by Dr. BLT (c)2005 http://www.drblt.com/music/scarykerry.mp3


Hey, Lisa isn’t dumb or a wing nut–she’s just blonde…

Views differ. I should correct my post above in one regard though, all plurals should be singular as it appears only one of the babes is actually a wingnut.


There’s only one SondraK…

Thank Jeebus for small favors.


Doc- Just posted your song on the main page.


What is it with white people always demanding apologies from huge swaths of minorities every time a few people from that minority act like idiots?

Gee how many times has an LGFer called for nuking Mecca? I demand Katie Couric apologizes immediately!


Oh Big Worm, you love me and you know it.


“gordita-munching Mexican immigrants”

A friend of mine of Cuban descent told me once that “gordita” actually meant “little fat girl.” (And that any adult man leaning out of a car window in a Spanish-speaking neighborhood yelling “I love gorditas!” could expect to be lynched for pedophilia.)

No wonder Malkin’s got them scared – those immigrants are eating little children!


Elemental…. you must be kidding me… name one white person who demanded an apology from a minority for something derogatory that they said pubically.

Here are a few white people from whom Big Al and Extort’em Jesse demanded apologies from for saying something allegedly derogatory pubically: Bill Bennet, Trent Lott, Rush Limbaugh…

NOTE: You will notice the difference between “derogatory” and “allegedly derogatory”.. Kambon openly stated he wanted to kill white people..there is no ambiguity in his statement.


So when Rush Limbaugh, Trent Lott or Bill Bennett says something Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson think is racist, they demand apologies from… wait for it… Rush Limbaugh, Trent Lott or Bill Bennett!

But when Kamau Kambon says something idiotically racist, Two Babes with One Brain Between Them demand apologies from… Al Sharpton! That’s logical. Or no, what’s the other thing? Oh yeah, stupid.


I do love you. For stuff like this:

Elemental…. you must be kidding me… name one white person who demanded an apology from a minority for something derogatory that they said pubically.

Jesse Jackson, “Hymietown.” Ring any bells?


yeah well lets get semantic on this – is jewish equals white?

ah, pubically? or wut?


Ah…no Danny Boy…not looking for an apology from Big Al…I want Big Al to do what he said he would do when he was on O’Reilly..he said he would equally stand up for a white person if a member of the black community made racist remarks…and I think wanting to “kill white people” constitutes a racist remark…don’t you?


Big Worm…you had to go all the way back to 1984 for an example…and only one at that?

I forget…who was it who demanded an apology from him 21 years ago?


Thanks, Brad. I’m humbled and honored. Though some may consider it a dubious honor, I am exceedingly grateful. I’m also unworthy of such exposure, even if it also means being thrown to the liberal lions. Until I crashed the liberal party at this site I didn’t know liberal lion’s got so much pleasure out biting into a BLT. Fortunately for me, some seem to have lost their teeth, or perhaps they never had teeth to begin with. Maybe I can now afford to give up the shameless self-promotion. Believe it, or not, it’s actually caused me a great deal of shame. Happy Halloween, and remember, please don’t accept any Halloween apples from neo-Nazis.


“Kill Whitey” isn’t a death threat, it is tantrik code for “give whitey as totally liberating orgasm” – ask Madonna.


yeah well lets get semantic on this – is jewish equals white?

ah, pubically? or wut?

Rowan, I don’t know if you’re an anti-semite, an anti-Zionist (and the distinction is…?) or what, but something seems to have completely unhinged you the past few days, and now you’ve lapsed into complete incomprehensibility. What gives?


Dan, stop making sense, it’s authorised.


If there was a date restriction, you should have mentioned it in your challenge. And while we’re splitting hairs, it’s not really “derogatory” to say that you want to kill someone. “I want to kill X” says something about the speaker, but doesn’t really say anything about X.

But you got me, I can’t seem to find out the names of the individuals who demanded the apology, but someone did (and one was forthcoming).


It was probably the ADL or someone like that. There were full-page ads in the NY newspapers denouncing Jackson.


Since you’re now asking for more examples, and more recent examples, here’s another one. Rafael Medoff demanded that Harry Belafonte apologize for remarks two months ago.


It’s Newsmax so I assume you’ll accept it as gospel.


“it’s not really “derogatory” to say that you want to kill someone” hmmm maybe youze missing da point dere, chief


Lisa the Blonde – try Charles J at LGF, or any of his collaborators.

All they do is troll for Muslims to condemn whatever random “islamofacist” statement they are getting exciting about.

“the American Muslim Council has yet to condemn Iran’s President for derogatory statement on Israel”

“Where are the American Mullah’s condmening the deli attack in Tel Aviv?”

“I have seen no American Imam speak out against today’s car bombing in Fallujah”

while not an actually coherent or winning policy, it does let them jack themselves up.

And answers your “challenge” quite nicely.


I have yet to condemn myself for the off the cuff comment I enunciated five minutes ago. Maybe I am subhuman or sumnpn.


excellent use of ‘fair and balanced’ michelle.

very apropriate.


And now this:

“Africans will have sex with anything that has a pulse,” says GOP candidate for Virginia House of Delegates

I demand an apology from Sean Hannity and Michael Savage Weiner now!!


But when Kamau Kambon says something idiotically racist, Two Babes with One Brain Between Them demand apologies from… Al Sharpton! That’s logical. Or no, what’s the other thing? Oh yeah, stupid.

See, this is why we can’t keep any of our trolls around, guys… it’s not as much fun when you rip them to shreads 😉


Brad, “troll” is a relative concept


OK, as one of the Babes with half a brain that didn’t ask for an apology–and by the way, neither of us are trolls, Lisa is a princess and I am wonder woman with way smaller boobs, you guys have veered off the point…does the majority of a race and or religion bear responsibility for the wacky remarks made by some of their members? The answer is sometimes…some Blacks want whites who don’t agree with the KKK or segregation or Bennett to say so…they have asked for apologies time and time again–some also want apologies from companies who bought companies who once owned slaves and some want reparations which is a whole step up from an apology–Jews want apologies from companies the worked with Nazis and money from them as well—and now a white person has asked for an apology from a black person for making hateful comments towards white people–this guy said white people want to kill black people–that is a racist comment. And I saw on O’reilly, my children hid the clicker and I was too lazy to get up and change it, some other black guy say he didn’t really support what the idiot said but he understood where he was coming from…when people of any race make comments dividing the races then yes we all bear some responsibility to stand up and say that’s wrong—so what is your problem with that?


I’m trying to remember the last time a Democrat with the same stature as Bennett made as racist (or anti-Jewish) as Bennett did. So far the best I can come up with is Jackson’s Hymetown remark 21 years ago. But then, MOST of the worst racists fled the Democratic Party for the Repubs a couple decades ago. (like Bennett). Malkin had to dig down for some obscure part-time college prof to find something. And conservatives wonder why we laugh at them for being clueless…


does the majority of a race and or religion bear responsibility for the wacky remarks made by some of their members?

Uh, no. They really, really don’t. I don’t ask my Christian friends to apologize every time Jerry Falwell says something stupid.


The problem with that is that it just turns into whataboutery, which it promptly did here.

does the majority of a race and or religion bear responsibility for the wacky remarks made by some of their members? The answer is sometimes…

I think the answer is actually “no.” All your examples are distinguishable, because the people there are demanding apologies from people who had some substantial connection to the original wrong, not anyone and everyone who happens to share the race of the wrongdoer. Companies that used slave owners and dealt with Nazis clearly are more culpable responsible for those actions than random black folks are for Kambon’s statements.


Too slow on the trigger and I can’t edit gud.


But Lisa the blonde with half a brain asked for Kambon to apologize and for Sharpton to represent her not random blacks to apologize–but I don’t think it is out of bounds to ask black leaders and the black community to denounce hate that is getting publicity–

And maybe you should ask your Christian friends to denounce what Falwell says–it would go a long way in making them not look like nuts by default


Jews want apologies from companies the worked with Nazis and money from them as well

Mostly what Jews are looking for is recompense for the value of possessions that were actually stolen from their families by the Nazis and their friends and collaborators. If a Swiss bank made its way during WWII by taking assets that belonged to Jews and laundering them (“We dunno where it came from, so if you have it Mr. Nazi, it must be yours”), then it ought to apologize. And those who profited from the theft ought to pay back, with interest.

There’s a very grey area, of course. Just because Bayer A.G. and BASF used to be part of I. G. Farben, the company that manufactured Zyklon B for the Nazi extermination camps, does that mean that those companies, today, are responsible or culpable for the crimes of their former selves? Certainly the people who are currently running those companies are not Nazis or their pets… but where is the line of separation? How long can or should we continue to hold a company responsible for its former actions, and on what basis do we decide to let them off the hook?


They don’t look nuts by default. Guilt by association is a logical fallacy, not a rule to live by.


As I touched on here, the biggest question I have about Kamau Kambon is when did Willie Nelson and George Clinton have a love child?


And maybe you should ask your Christian friends to denounce what Falwell says–it would go a long way in making them not look like nuts by default

But I already know they’re not nuts- what would be the purpose of making them denounce something I already know they disagree with?



I’m trying to remember the last time a Democrat with the same stature as Bennett made as racist (or anti-Jewish) as Bennett did.

sen. byrd and his ‘white n****r’ statement a little while ago.

then again, he got drilled all over the national media for that, even though he’s practically an institution in and of himself.


On the other hand, I don’t think that Bennett deserved to be demonized. He was essentially arguing that it is a bad thing to use “consequentialist” arguments on deep moral issues like abortion (i.e. abortion is bad because we will have fewer taxpayers to pay my Social Security) because you can use them to justify monstrous policies.

The real reason that everyone is pset is that he touched on the fact that black crime rates are higher (much higher) than the crime rates of whites, Latinos, or Asians, which is one of those things that we are supposed to pretend is not true.


Everyone is assuming that there exists some sort of culpable mental trait called “racism” and that at least where possible one should oppose it. But the one thing that all varieties of Jewish thought, from the ultra-Right to the ultra-Left, have in common is that they treat “the Jews” as a given, i.e., we are Jews, we have to look at things in terms of whether or not they are “good for the Jews”, if only because unless we keep a constant look out some new Hitler will appear and try to fry us in ovens. However, to the extent that the concept “race” has any meaning, all these varieties of Jewish thought are constructing “the Jews” as a “race” (though they may claim otherwise) and pursuing Jewish racial goals. If they didn’t do this, vis a vis IsRealHell, vis a vis Merkin culture, vis a vis neoconservative political rhetoric on the one hand and marxist rhetoric on the other, they would not find themselves being confronted with hostility (what they insist on calling “anti-Semitism”).

Incidentally, the dispute about the Jewish role in the slave trade displays, I think, more “Jewish racism” than “Black racism”, though the Jewish publicity machine which brands Black scholars as “anti-Semites” is much louder, being better financed.


Glaivester, I can’t speak for anyone else, but my problem with what Bennett said was not that he touched on current black crime rates being higher, but that he assumed that that will always be the case, that the unborn will necessarily continue that trend, that blacks are inherently and unavoidably more criminal.


Of course. Jews, by pursuing “Jewish racial goals” — whatever those are (a matzoh ball in every pot?) — are the cause of “hostility” toward them (which, though directed at “the Jews,” differs from antisemitism in some subtle way).

So did the Jews invent the concept of Jews as a race, Rowan? Or did non-Jews do it in one (or all) of the many efforts to enslave Jews or expunge Jews from their midst? If enough people identify you as “a Jew,” then being a Jew becomes a significant part of your identity, even if you are a fully assimilated or native-born American. And if you are a Jew, then you have a heritage of trying to avoid pogroms, blood libels, genocide and generally being blamed for all the ills of the larger societies of which Jews have been productive members throughout history. Have the Plague? Blame the Jews! Famine? The Jews’ fault! Communism? A Jewish conspiracy!

Do Jews have a persecution complex? Perhaps, but some degree of such a complex is not unjustified.

You may be interested to learn that most Jews don’t immediately shout “antisemitism!” when confronted with a disagreement, even one over Israeli policy. But we do tend to call ’em like we see ’em, and there is plenty of anti-semitism in the world, as Rowan’s recent posts have shown.

(I’m sorry — it’s not “antisemitism,” is it? It’s just “hostility” directed at “the Jews.”)


Psst… Hey Rowan… Is this you bragging, on a neo-Nazi message board about translating antisemitic works into English?


So, Dan, presumably you have to take over the world and institute global thought control for purely defensive reasons. And you present yopurself as moderate around here, as opposed to “ARealJew”, whoever he is, who is the radical. I should be interested to know what his criterion for defining himself as “ARealJew”, is, whether it is racial, religious, or just the intensity of his fascist belief.

Oh, and the answer to your question, “did the Jews invent the concept of Jews as a race”, is “yes”.

And yep that was indeed me “bragging, on a neo-Nazi message board about translating antisemitic works into English”. If I had had a problem with that I would have used a screen name, like you do.


You know, Dan, it’s a funny thing. I post on both far-Left and far-Right boards, and the Rightists don’t have any difficulty understanding why I want to talk to Leftists, but the converse doesn’t apply – in fact, even people who otherwise demonstrate next to no ‘Leftist’ traits’, like you, suddenly come over all “we shall fight them in the streets, we shall fight them on the beaches”, when they see me talking to Rightists. This is to me just further evidence, if any were needed, that the only fundamental belief of modern Americans is that all Jews are made of glass and must be protected by a global dictatorship from anything that might shatter their fragile egos.


Can you spell “neoconservative cabal”, Dan? If not ,here’s a link to help you.


Hang on, was “ARealJew” posting attacks on me here, or on some other blog? I’m losing track …


You’ve lost track of quite a bit.

So, Dan, presumably you have to take over the world and institute global thought control for purely defensive reasons.

That’s fucking crazy, Rowan.


My reasons for wanting to take over the world and institute global thought control are purely personal, Rowan.

And I’ve seen nobody post here under the name “ARealJew,” so you must be mixing up the message boards where you’ve posted antisemitic drivel.

Finally, I have no objection to you carrying on whatever discussions you like with Rightists, Leftists, Centrists, Uppists, Downists or Sidewaysists. But at least have the cojones to admit that you just hate Jews. Not Israeli government policy, not “Zionism,” but Jews. And then you can explain that Jews made you hate them by complaining about being targeted for extermination by the Nazis.


Craddock said he was “outraged” by the student comments and emphasized that, last year, his father-in-law donated his kidney “to a black woman in our church who’s like family to us. And my wife’s best friend married a Nigerian and is now living in South Africa with him. So to say I’m racist is ridiculous. I have black kids volunteering for me.”

You guys, Craddock is not a racist, as implied by a comment in this thread. He knows black people, and no one who knows black people could be racist.


After re-reading that, I don’t think (and I could be totally wrong) he meant that Jews were bent on creating a global dictatorship but rather that the U.S. is out of a zionism born of semitophilia.

Or maybe not, maybe he has fried his last brain cell and picked up some new arcane theories from his “right-wing friends”.


That’s a stupid piece of psychologcal projection on your part, Dan. I don’t “hate Jews”. What I do hate is the rhetorical and ideological games to which almost all Jews seem to have been taught to play. Also, I hate the global manipulation, thought control laws, and general jiggery-pokery that the USA has been conducting since WW2 under the rubric of “anti-fascism”, which are really just pseudo-“democratic” approximations to Stalin’s laws on the same subject. It seems to me that the Trotskyite current that spawned neoconservatism is just a sneakier version of Stalinism, and that (although appearances may be designed to hide this fact) they are hand in glove with what passes for the US “Left” (after all, its response to neoconservatism has got bogged down in such stupid questions as whether traditional Muslims will share platforms with in-your-face Gays, which is not a smart way to proceed), and that the fact that all these movements have Jewish leaderships is no coincidence. Now which of those statements are you going to try to put out by pissing on it?


Just to expand on your tired old rhetorical strategy, Dan : trying to force the conclusion that someone opposed to what they regard as excessive Jewish power “hates Jews” is what we call a subjectivising strategy, intended to pathologise dissent. Implying that someone’s views are based on “hate” rather than on reason is obviously a means to disqwualify not only the views but the person and to define them as psychiatrically disturbed. I gather that some Blacks have gotten so fed up with this garbage that they have started using the term “hatas” as affection slang for themnselves and each other. You owe this routine to the Frankfurt school of marxism, specifically to Theodor Adorno’s “the Authoritarian Personality” and Erich Fromm’s “Fear of Freedom”, both of which are in fact total bullshit, but doubtless were just what the emergent Jewish power structure in the post-WW2 USA wanted, and have the added advantage of providing a pseudo-progressive social philosophy based entirely on Freud and hence with no determinate bearing whatever on real politics. I doubt you have ever read these people, but their ideas have reached you via the films of Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, and so on. If you were to study politics seriously, instead of just assuming that “as a Jew” (whatever that means) you are by definition a virtuous victim of “anti-Semitic” psychopaths, then you would eventually understand what I am saying. But you won’t because there is no pressure on you to educate yourself.


…the fact that all these movements have Jewish leaderships is no coincidence.

…excessive Jewish power…

…just what the emergent Jewish power structure in the post-WW2 USA wanted.

I am continually amazed that people have this paranoid fantasy that a loosely-defined ethnic grouping that comprises, at best, a quarter of a percent of world population and maybe two percent of U.S. population is somehow scheming to control the world, or worse, has even succeeded in taking over.

So maybe you don’t “hate” Jews, Rowan. You certainly use language, coded and plaintext, that indicates a deep-seated Jewish conspiracy paranoia. Am I subjectivizing your views? Perhaps — but then again, you provide no objective evidence to back up your claims. You toss out references to Adorno and Fromm and baldly assert that they are “total bullshit”; and you follow up that something is somehow related to Freudian social philosophy. And this is supposed to somehow convince the world that you have some deep insight that (wait for it) The Jews Are Plotting To Rule The World!

Your complaint amounts to “I can’t warn people about the Jewish conspiracy to impose global thought control without being branded a paranoid antisemite.” Well, if the shoe fits….

I make no claims to be a “victim” of antisemitism, or even particularly virtuous; I have simply identified it and called it out. You might as well cop to it. You can gussy it up all you like in anti-Marxist or anti-neocon language, but your own words show you up. You might as well just republish the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; it would convey the same message.


I might as well say everything you want me to say, instead of saying what I actually DO say, “Dan Someone”. Sure I might…


Oh, right, I forgot. Suggestions of antisemitic paranoia are part of the Jewish global thought control conspiracy. Even when they’re based on the explicit and implicit meanings of the words you write.


That’s too meta for me, Dan.


Did anyone else watch Bill O’Reilly interviewing Ms. Malkin last night? She was talking about character-assasinating so-called “loving liberals” openly espousing hatred and expressing racism, vulgarity, and vituperative sentiments towards her on certain blog sites. Gee, I wonder which particular site she may have had in mind?


xmgctznu rcvpaixf xfycgqne zfmqc kybms lajx chwdoajmr


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